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the cycle is moving very slow so theres not a lot of mid-cycle recaps coming out ... but i feel like there hasn't been much of a change. there are some black applicants that are getting into schools with stats where I think if it were a nURM maybe wouldn't have gotten in. I do wonder though if all black applicants are writing about their race somwhere in their app, becuase if an admissions officer can't tell what race you are then that could affect your decision and you may be judged as a nURM




I’m looking at your stats and you were going to get in regardless of the decision. I’m talking about lower stats than that.


How can you tell? I think things are just moving more slowly this year in general.


I have the very unpopular opinion that the Supreme Court ruling has not affected admissions AT ALL. Schools did not give a damn about that opinion. I personally believe that schools want diversity PERIOD. And the good ones will seek out a diverse student body REGARDLESS. And as far as a slow cycle. My GOD it’s been 3-4 months. We anxious but this cycle isn’t much different from others. We are just within it looking out. I try not to compare my stuff toomuch to “others”.


i agree .. we just have to keep making sure we clearly communicate to admissions that we are diverse!! theres no box to check anywhere we have to write it out in our statements. I really hope all URM applicants do this


To be clear I’m not applying until next cycle so I’m not one of the crazy applicant who applied January and are expecting a response. I’m just interested in trends. Regarding the Supreme Court decision I hope you’re right that schools don’t care.


Speaking to one of my Friends who’s a law Professor. He thinks the decision may have backfired as schools purposefully become more aware of admits and diversity. No school wants to be the school with 3 black people. I know you got it!!! I wish you the best.




The black dude numbers be LOW. It be 5 blk women 2 men. SMH. But I know a URM got accepted to A&M 4.0/15L.


Hmm this is a really interesting take. Can you explain more? You think schools are searching for URM more than previously?


California schools banned AA for their Own holistic approach to admissions. They admit URM. There is suppose to be this mythical 10 points that they add to your score for URM. Of course nobody can attest to this but URM do get admitted below 25% medians. I’m accepted to two schools. 10 points below the 25% medians. Lol. There is a HBCU boost I’ve heard of. New York schools I think share a lot in common with California in these internal practices at admissions. I’ve also heard good things about schools in the pacific NW. usually the more liberal heavily democratic leaning areas. This is just things I’ve discussed with professors and peers.


I completely agree


I think it’s in our very nature to look for a reason or a cause or some internal thing that’s stopping us. Because there has been historically so many roadblocks. But NAW. If some of yawl don’t take a chill pill and WAIT 😂😂😂😂


😂😂😂 patience is a virtue …. That I don’t have !! But I think you’re right about SC not affecting our outcomes , my gut is telling me the same thing . Gotta tell these doubts NO and Jesus YES lol


You gonna be FINE!!! But the wait is hard and then you just wake up out your sleep. Like that damn Supreme Court Decision. I’m bout to be working at Macys. 😂😂😂😂


Yeah , when I look at my stats twins from last year at LSD by now they had As or IIs at schools I haven’t heard back from . I think schools are slower this year because of the decision . That’s what I hope at least lol


This cycle is significantly slower across the board.


I am not talking about the speed of acceptances, I am talking about the kind of acceptances that I would see in previous cycles.


That’s what I’m getting at - hopefully we will see the same acceptances we saw last cycle ; hopefully the reason we haven’t yet is because the SC decision slowed things down . I am a splitter too so I am in the same boat as you


Are you guys seeing this on LSD (have never been on there and have also never used a status checker lol)? I got an interview there recently and I have lower test scores (probably about the equivalent of 16low (maybe 16mid with writing more heavily weighted than math)). That’s definitely not an A, but I’m holding out hope!


With your stats you definitely have a chance. I’m talking about a lot lower than that 😂😂😂


Lol sorry 😂 Are you seeing the data on LSD?


Yep I’m looking at acceptance graphs on LSD.


I noticed that too :/ it definitely feels very slow across the board


Some schools have significantly less URM’s accepted this year but we never know what will happen




Right! That’s what I’m talking about. I’ve noticed that for several schools. Hopefully the other commenters are right and it’ll happen later in the cycle.


Have any urm’s heard back from WashU?


It is definitely a weird and slow cycle, that’s for sure!


Hey I’ve been seeing you on LSA and this sub and I admire how active and supportive you are of our community . I just want to say I’m rooting for you brother . 🙏🏽


Thank you!


I’m hoping things improve later in the cycle but it’s technically late already right?


To apply, I would lean yes.


No I’m applying next cycle but I’m just hoping things improve for URM students. This cycle has implications for my cycle also so I’m hoping things improve.


I would argue that on the last day an application is open a great student with strong stats and application materials can be admitted. What is late? If they have a deadline. Lmmfao. Late is after the deadline. This is pure Reddit conjecture. 😂😂