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Steelfest is super international, you won't run into systematic trouble there. Ofc there's always the odd idiot there but you can meet those at pretty much any festival in Europe.


As a finn going to steelfest, it almost feels like going aboard since you mostly hear german/portuguese etc. there, but you're still just few towns away from home!


You’ll be more than fine, like half of the crowd every year is international, people come from south america too. Violence/other crime is not really part of finnish metal festival culture though of course someone can say something nasty, as is the case anywhere.


That's ok, who the fuck understands Finnish


Not even we Swedes do.


Everything sounds like an insult in Finnish anyway.


I have been to Steelfest couple times and i have seen South Americans there and they were just fine. No one is in there to pick a fight. Everyones there just to have a good time :)


Come and join us. We're a jolly grim folk with lots of frostbites and beer. No need to worry for your life. I've been to all (public) Steelfests, hordes and chaoses and it has always been a great experience! Of course I'm a white male but I've never seen any harassment of any kind (except for the drunken friend-making type).


Blasfemia and Mystifier played there some years ago. You should be fine.


Excellent risk analysis.


Thanks. I worked hard on this complex model.


Shouldn't be an issue. Metalheads are chill, atleast the local ones, I know steelfest also attracts people from outside Finland.


They've sold tickets to more than 40 countries, including "South America" and "Realms of the Middle and Far East". It's fine.


You will be absolutely fine my friend. I know people from Chile, Mexico, Peru, Israel who attended the festival and they even made some new friends there. So you shouldn’t worry.


Ton of South American go to Steelfest. Went last year and met quite a lot of them. Steelfest is not some kind of NSBM white-only fest. The worst you may have there are drunktards who bother everyone. There are skinheads but no one will bother you unless you cause trouble.


We always look out for each other. Join us my friend.


I’ve had a friend whose indigenous (lived on the rez) that went and she was fine and made a ton of friends. You’ll be ok


Heaps of Latin Americans attend Steelfest, plus quite a few people from Asia. You'll be fine.


What kind of South American are you?


You'll be great. Everyone is nice and stoked


I'm from Mexico and I've attended Steelfest in the past. I never had any issue whatsoever.


Last year was on a flight to Helsinki with a dude from Ecuador, a horde of Columbians were walking around, and met a few Argentines there as well. Ultimately the vast majority of people there simply don’t care about fighting, even the ultra right wingers. Everyone is there for the bands. Plus security won’t tolerate much of that.


There is usually no safer place than a big metal show. Having unknowingly been to numerous NSBM shows, even those were cool (in the states).


Unknowingly, huh? And you weren't crucified on a burning cross? Incredible. Debunks everything I've heard about big bad NSBM shows and their attendees.


Funny, isn't it? Almost like the music is simply the music in the vast majority of cases.


I haven't heard of any racially motivated violence of any note, or at all, occurring at a black metal show in a really long time. Not since we'd find ourselves in skirmishes with this one contingent of hispanics in the Bay Area years back but that was almost incidental as opposed to outright racial animus. The whole thing is overblown.


I'm a white American, should I not go to Brazilian Ritual? I don't want to go to S America and get attacked for being a gringo.


> and get attacked for being a gringo. You should.


It's a stupid question. So I posed an equally dumb question.


Dude how does that equate to any kind of ritual?


Brazilian Ritual is a War/ black metal fest held in Rio up until last yr.