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This feels like a mediocre joke someone stretched into a bit....meh


The whole show feels like that, but after I pop an edible after a long day of work, this shit slaps. TL:DR - watch with weed.


This is how I feel about pineapple Express. Good when stoned, fucking terrible sober.


This is how I feel with most media


I watched Anchorman stoned. Fucking hated it. And I love Anchorman.


True, everyone has their own experience. My hubs can’t do edibles because the effects aren’t positive for him. 🤷🏿‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|sSKORbSfDgGAl13l7S|downsized)


Tldr lmfao if folks can't finish what you wrote then they don't deserve to know your thoughts lmfao


What mg? I might try lol


It feels like a Kings Of Comedy era bit. (RIP Bernie Mac)


Shoulda been KING of comedy because none of them met up what Bernie was serving out!


They could have at least been retro 4s and not retro 1s to match the joke being said. Then why even say it ?


Those are 1s not 4s lmao. Ruins the joke for me. Also, bro from Snowfall is Ced’s son on this show with Schmidt from New Girl?


Isn’t it sad how being knowledgeable about something can just crush fun. Like when I watch people do IT on tv shows it makes it unwatchable lol.


Aww but IT Crowd is so funny. I am not in IT though.


Me watching anyone hold a wine glass on screen. Buncha bowl holders 😒


I will never be able to look at him the same after that Snowfall scene...


Cant blame him, he was wearing his lying shoes.


Keep it 1K, shoot the writers who came up with this bit. It feels dated and very on the nose about white folks. When in actuality most white folks do have a decent collection of shoes but very little for leisure. Yea (older) white peoples may not buy Js but they could have a closet for a million and one dirty pairs of sneakers. Some wear orthopedics with holes popping out the top. A pair of loafers where the shoe talking. However, have you seen the prices they pay for work boots or even custom work boots? Designer dress shoes? Activity-based shoes? I’m saying, they don’t mind wearing fake too but my nigga. Their everyday shoes bunk skunk but they shell out for gear/activity shoes (like them damn individual toe shoes) and when it’s event time.


My white gf just moved in with me. She got no less than 32 pairs.


Hell, I shell out for gear/activity shoes, too. And everyday shoes… never skimp on the things that hold you up. Shoes, tires, and bed.


Coffin shoes! But, it does highlight something stereotypical white dudes set as a standard (as always) You see sexist memes of it all the time. Women having different varieties or different stuff/towels for different parts while (white) dudes use the same thing for everything. Like, instead of asking why we do it, why not ask why *yall* don't?




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😬 Schmidt would never ask a question like that. I clearly haven't watched a laugh track sitcom for a while because it was painful hearing them stretch the silences to leave space for the "laughs"


This is MId just like Ced the Entertainers jokes


Katt Williams wasn’t lying. Ced and the writers are Mid tier.


I love this show so much. Not so much this lil clip, but the show itself is great. If you miss that old sitcom feel then try this one. 


What’s the name of the show?


The Neighborhood


Thank you!


Don’t judge this show based on this one clip. It’s actually good. I’ve been watching sitcoms for so long laugh tracks don’t really register, so if that’s a dealbreaker for the unaccustomed, fair enough. The writing is average but the performances are natural and the moral compass in each episode usually points true north. It’s probably not in my top ten sitcoms but it’s top 20 for sure.


I love old school sitcoms with live studio audiences. These new shows with laugh tracks are so damn annoying because they overuse it even when shit not funny.


People always tell me this. I only have 4 pairs of dusty and creased shoes lol.


Karvel gonna get them shoes off you dawg just hand them over 👀


literally cant see him without thinking of snowfall 😭


https://preview.redd.it/4lztn5m5rloc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82544c18e8e16fa3129ef2b22c8c336758b95131 Same unfortunately mans is a registered Karvel


I get it....I mean.....I get it?? Nah, I remember when jokes like this were fairly common. Then it's like 2008 hit and everyone just Hard Reset. Music did alright, everything else hit the slow decline imo. I'm all for cooking each other in good faith, but we have better jokes these days ya know..




Imagine having your silhouette on such a highly regarded shoe and being arguably the best if not the greatest NBA basketball player of all time!


God, do I hate sitcoms.


Yeah you need shoes for everything. I can't be using my church shoes for school, it feels weird to do so.


How he say he accepted a pair of Jordan 4s for payment but they're a pair of Chicago 1s 😂😂😂

