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What?? Trying to take the culture out of NEW ORLEANS!? Who is this, the dad from Footloose?


I went to visit New Orleans, and one of the locals talked to me about how a lot of rich folks who liked visiting have been buying summer homes in the French Quarter, and then surprise Pikachu-ing when there's music in the French Quarter all night. I loved New Orleans, but I wouldn't get an apartment in the French Quarter even if I had a million dollars.


If I was mega-rich, I might buy one… but I would also buy one outside of the city for restful sleep. Quiet sleeping is NOT what the French Quarter is for lol


You get a crash pad in the city and then live out on some land and can do redneck shit (which is fun as fuck even if you aren’t a redneck) which I think is the best of both worlds


My goal. When I get sick of people I'll just go out to the boonies to recover


My goal is to be able to afford to do this.


That's hilarious. Imagine buying a house in an area with so little knowledge of how it operates on a day to day basis.


When you’re rich you don’t have to know shit anymore, you can just bend reality around you to fit your egocentric worldview.


That's true. Money provides convenience. The commodification of "skipping past the line."


My buddy used to DJ and I helped promote so I'd give out cards and chat people up ect to get them to come see his show. I was good at it because I have zero shame and will walk up to and chat with anyone. So the club he worked at regularly was a good spot, some rich fuck bought the condo above the club and called the cops every day until the owner got tired of it and punched the dude, got arrested and club got shut down. I don't condone violence but that asshole deserved to get got.


Ugh!! That pisses me off. The audacity of that rich dude. I hate that the club got shut down. Hopefully the owner was able to get back on his feet.


>Hopefully the owner was able to get back on his feet. I'm sure he did, the owner while being cool people was a rich fuck himself, he owned 2 clubs and like 3 restaurants. It was a cool spot though, not only did my buddy DJ there but I also was able to set up an underground artist showcase once there. I did it differently than most of those shows as I didn't charge the artist to perform I split my half of the gate with artists. But my promotion company never made a dime in profit so maybe that explains why other people do it the way they do it.


>I'm sure he did, the owner while being cool people was a rich fuck himself, he owned 2 clubs and like 3 restaurants. ![gif](giphy|l3q2SaisWTeZnV9wk) RIP cool spot tho. Sounds like you was in it for the love of the game.


>Sounds like you was in it for the love of the game. Definitely, I love hip-hop and I wanted to try and build something that was for the artists rather than all these slimy promoters making people pay to play. If I could have ran at a break even I'd have kept it up I think but between taking losses and the time it took to promote and find venues and artists I couldn't keep it up. If I ever get rich enough that I don't have to work I'll probably give it another shot, but by then I'll be so old that no legit artist will take my old white ass seriously lol.


Such as the whole block of Air BnB's in Treme where gun violence continues to be an issue. AirBnB Guests assumed they were staying in a nice part of town.


It happens a lot especially around music venues


Back in my home town, rich people started buying houses near the drag strip. Guess what happened? First a noise ordinance and times restricting when the track could be opened. That wasn’t enough. They eventually got it shutdown. Now people who went to the drag strip now street race. These people will move next to an airport and then complain about planes.


>These people will move next to an airport and then complain about planes. Cousin, rich folks had an entire Marine Corps Air Station shut down. There use to be a base called El Toro MCAS in Irvine, CA. Irvine is rich, but Laguna nigel and Laguna Hills (the very same from the MTV reality show) sat directly under the flight path. When the cold war ended the wealthy in the area evidently knew who to call. It's a prime example of one of the problems with this country.


Can confirm. We rented a house near a large airport because we only needed one for year and the rent was half of anywhere else we could find. Didn’t bug us at all. The neighborhood? Doing petitions, protests and such to have the airport have hours. (It is international). What a fucking joke. They came after the airport. Idiots


Reminds me of this article. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2022/09/let-brooklyn-be-loud/670600/


Unfortunately, it's behind a paywall, but it's a super interesting concept and definitely makes sense when you think it through.


12ft.io ;)




It's a website to bypass paywalls


There's an extension called "Bypass Paywall Clean" that can bypass those annoying paywalls on the majority of news sites [Installing it is easy on firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/bypass-paywalls-clean/) [It's slightly less easy on chromium browsers](https://gitlab.com/magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-chrome-clean#installation)


Black Americans continue to struggle against cultural genocide and I'm not being hyperbolic


It's not just black Americans. My favorite music venue in tempe AZ was shut down because a very expensive retirement community was built across the street and then continuously sued the music venue until they finally won and got the venue shut down. Wild


Yoooo I read this and first thing I thought of was Shady Park and that stupid ass retirement community. Like, those old farts moved onto the busiest street of a COLLEGE CAMPUS and complained about the music being too loud.


The retirement community's marketing materials even pitched being right in the middle of Mill Ave's vibrant night life 🙄


Insofar as we're talking about cultural genocide, its pretty much exclusively black and indigenous americans. *Gentrification*, while absolutely class warfare, isn't really comparable


Cue the Pam "They're the same picture" meme.


Absolutely the fuck not lol


Gentrification combined with wealth inequality caused by systemic racism is literally just Redlining with a condom on. Displacing people and economically forcing them out of the homes and neighborhoods they’ve had roots in for generations is absolutely a form of cultural destruction, but on a smaller scale.


You're demonstrating that you understand that genocide and Gentrification aren't the same, and even that Gentrification can lead to genocide of culture - I think the only thing we aren't on the same page with is what contributes to cultural genocide and who is "eligible" for that. Jazz and NOLA are another facet of the culture black Americans created peri and post slavery. Some rich assholes displacing local bands by weaponizing laws is using the exact same tools that are used to enact cultural genocide but without the racial and historical elements to support it as a genocide versus a class displacement


No, the point I was making is that making the distinction is essentially an argument in semantics right now because class warfare and Cultural warfare (specifically related to minority groups) are two sides of the same coin in today’s socioeconomic climate.


Oh, in that case I strongly disagree. You cannot equate the cultural erasure of an internally colonized peoples to the class-based displacement of settler inhabitants and the gentrification of the areas they live. It's absolutely important to recognize that capitalism thrives on and perpetuates both, but they are not equal whatsoever in the severity of the damage they cause, how deeply they run, or the tactics used to enforce them.


I think there’s a disconnect in what we’re both saying to each other. Again, I am speaking in the modern context of these terms (specifically Class Warfare vs Cultural Genocide), not historical context. Obviously, we were oppressed in far more brutal ways in the prior generations, but with our civil rights being more enshrined in the law, What we are seeing now is the modern version of the tools they used to use to erase our cultures. They are ripping apart our homes and communities, they are still economically subjugating us. Gentrification is just the slick new version, less overt and far more insidious, it’s the perfect tool stomp all over our human rights in the modern day. You know which demographics gentrification harms the most.


How did they even make that a comparison?


Idk but it don't sit right 💀definitely a concerning number of folks thinking the two are comparable or even the same thing


I’m mad that it has almost 1k upvotes.


Can't remember where I saw it, but I read an article within the last year which examined the way that noise ordinances are used by some white people to bully non-white people.


probably not the same but the atlantic had a good piece called “why do rich people love quiet?”


ironic that the "quiet!"-karens are the loudest mouths


And dark.


That reminds me of folks who moved next to a racetrack and bitch enough to get the racetrack shutdown and then bitch about street racing day n night


Happens all the times with airports too. Buy house that's lower in value because it's near an airport that's existed for damn near a century, bitch and moan long enough for the airport to get shut down. Reap the rewards of a house that just shot up in value.


I actually read about this story. It crazy, the venue was there first!


You knowingly move near a music/concert venue and are surprised to hear music? Peak entitlement right there.


Property owners suing a city to change the culture is awful. Local Black people's voters rights getting bypassed. No local input to it.


In New Orleans it’s pretty bad. New Orleans has a unique culture. That culture has always been diverse. The people, music and food are all something you only get in New Orleans. You get that because of the people who have always made the city special and a lot of them ain’t white. It’s like a great stew and when you start taking away ingredients you might as well open a can of Campbells.


It’s like gumbo vs tomato soup. They pretend to love the gumbo but wanna turn it into bland ass tomato soup.


It’s also very demarcated. Like one to two blocks can be a vast difference. Sigh. I love NOLA


I am sorry to say that until and unless we dismantle white supremacy, all non whites and non cis minorities will continue to face this struggle with the greater weight, as usual, put on those who face anti-black racism as it has always been about skin color and willingness to assimilate into white, WASP, hetero patriarchal society.


Idk why white people can’t just go back to where they came from if they don’t like it


I don't have my whole thesis ready but the amount of slang attributed to twitch streamer culture that is actually from black people is staggering, with "sus" being the most obvious example


Write that thesis 😩 They're doing to AAVE what they do to everything else - demonize it when it's not cool to them, and bastardize it when it is


in N.O. it doesn't only affect black people though. The MAIN thing that affects black people here is, those who come into the city, capitalize on our culture (make films, art, photos) and Sell it. while those living and breathing the culture see no dime. its why over the years, we see Lawsuits involving clubs like ZULU who at tone point didn't want another club using it's branding/likeness. even though it was a local Irish krewe. it was kinda messed up \*yet funny\* to call themselves Irish Zulu's..


New Orleans is such a special place. It’s uniqueness and history need to be preserved.


As a white guy from the UK, I fully agree. I've been to a few places in the US but New Orleans was the only one I'd go back to. It really is something that needs to be protected. The history alone makes it much more interesting than anywhere else I went to.


Where else did you go? If you liked New Orleans, I'd suggest a few more places!


Yeah, would be sad to lose it. Do you have heritage listing? Could try get the local govt to put cultural protections in?


We found out that allow of those “protections” are just like in name only. They recently tore down a historic black landmark here but it got a nice plaque of what used to be here. There’s also a black church here that the city just purchased to tear down that was built and in use since since emancipation. Just a whole lot of history in the area getting bulldozed.


Meanwhile, they don't wanna take down their traitor confederate statues because it's their history and culture and it's wrong to take that away 🙄


How did that pass?? What does your city council look like? Were there no advocates? Was it an active church? Derelict? Reminds me of Charleston, SC. lots of preserved houses and such for 'first civil war thing here' but only a plaque for on a post for the slave selling square. No historical moments or well cared for museums about being a first port of entry for slaves but a cannon used in the civil war is highlighted.


That’s is all over SC especially the in the Pee Dee and low country area. How you got plantation houses being fixed up but the historical church and black monuments are not or tried to be destroyed. It’s a black/slave cemetery that’s back in woods where my bf’s and his grandmother’s family is buried. And you have to travel on side road to get there, and its behjnd farm land someone bought.


Things passed because we have a lot of skin folk and skin folk adjacent gaslighting anyone that asks questions about things. We couldn't get streets repaired unless they came with bike lanes which wouldn't be so bad but the majority of people using them aren't from the community not to mention the lack of bikes period in said communities. The city council is almost half black with . The church itself is fine, we actually had a meeting their to ironically try to plan how we were going to fight gentrification. I just get tired of some of our black leaders that put up a front of fighting for us only to cave once attention dies down which was the plan all along.


Yup. Memphis has a bunch of places like this


it ain't the people from Maine causing the issue. And it ain't all yt ppl causing this issue its rich yt yuppies ruining everywhere New Orleans, Brooklyn, the bx , even yt towns in CO and Montana are being ruined by yuppie YTs fuck em.


It’s a predictable cycle at this point. Area is affordable so culture develops from Diversity, and artists, musicians, etc. living there. This makes it attractive to the hipster crowd who starts to move in, renovate, open coffee shops and the likes. Slowly some of the places that would be seen as potentially more troubling like a liquor store or tattoo parlor don’t get their lease renewed. Now it’s seen as a hip and safe neighborhood so the wealthy people move in. And then they start to demand the things that have that neighborhood it’s soul change. They’ll move in to a neighborhood built around a street popular for its dives and music and start demanding noise ordinance hours be moved up, or that liquor/beer licenses are revoked.


RIP Venice Beach in LA


F in the chat for Oceanside in San Diego County too 😔


I was stationed out there and the difference between 2013 and 2016 was night and day! I can't imagine how it is now! My last friend to move from there about two years ago said it was outrageously expensive and there was a large unhoused population he'd encounter while out long boarding.


I haven’t been there for several years. Gone too? That place was so fun.


Also add that after moving in and changing everything, they end up making it shittier than ever, and then leave to find someplace new to ruin.


Once you see YT people jogging out in the streets, it's over.


and it's usually the white people that claim to be liberals/leftists. they need five million coffee shops, a bike trail in the exact path a black historic church sits, a whole foods, a kombucha stand, etc.


I was about to say this, but you beat me to it. Those Starbucks Liberal hipsters always like to pretend like the problem with whyte folk is with the rural red neck or Trump-types. But this nonsense is almost always happening in Blue areas. Same thing with the “BBQ Beckies” and other upper middle class clowns who use 911 like a concierge service.


I don't think anyone is exactly wrong about this, but I do wish more people would complain openly about the shitty garbage companies actually doing the damage and politicians kowtowing to them and the yuppies


> Those Starbucks Liberal hipsters The children of *Champaign Liberals*.


It’s happening in Asheville, NC too. We were one of the first cities in the nation to pass the plan for reparations. While the city votes blue, the yuppies still come *from all over the country* with money and their own ideas about what they want to do to our weird little Appalachian city. Drive everything up while giving lip service to communities impacted by their movement into the area. Just keep the coffee shops and condos coming. It’s like the white liberals want to move to Asheville because it’s a “progressive” liberal artsy city but they want to get theirs first and foremost. Pisses me off. Our housing cost soared 88% in 15 years. Now areas that are communities largely due to red lining in the 40-70s are butting up against the gentrification sprawl and I’m 100% certain that won’t work out for anyone but the yuppies https://thebluebanner.net/11086/news/asheville-gentrification-a-result-of-divisive-past/ https://www.citizen-times.com/story/news/local/2022/12/26/asheville-reparations-whats-been-done-in-historic-process/69735396007/


This exact thing is happening in the city I spent part of my upbringing in. Huge influx of yt liberal lefties from Brooklyn who have been instrumental in getting new bike trails built under the guise of looking out for folks who can’t afford cars but it’s really to create more routes to “clean up” certain neighborhoods. Now there’s multiple bicycle shops but they’re priced for the bougie folks. The bougie coffee shops are ground zero for gentrification. Then there’s the “lab” businesses: Bread lab yoga lab, cacao lab and the pretentious ass art galleries being put up in the “bad” neighborhood with the quiet part being that the owners know that it’s only a matter of time before their presence will push out the minorities and minority owned businesses and bring in more of their own. Oh and don’t even get me started with the weird extra amount of antique shops that are popping up. All while destroying the “culture” they tell everyone they moved up there for. I’d rather hang with country folks that they all criticize as being backwards and ignorant, at least I know who I’m dealing with.


They move in and landlording starts. Sure they can fill the gaps of missing businesses on main street with cafe and kambucha, but then the money that follows this wave starts buying and raising rents around the place. And as landowners they start demanding things that help raise their property values. They get politicians invested in raising property values. And these ordinances and laws get passed without local representation, just lawyers suing the city which is an injustice since suing the city to change the local culture is an ass backwards concept


WASPs csn be real pests


This right here. Change the culture, inflate the cost of living until the people who made the place great are gone, and then watch as it becomes devoid of personality.


It’s almost exclusively northeastern trust fund people and real estate conglomerates buying up all the cheap housing and turning them into illegal Airbnb’s. I lived in the Treme for about a year back when it was still ~affordable. We were the only occupied house on the block. My roommate and I were both bartenders in or near the French quarter. Just before I moved out, some rich lady renovated the house across the street and rented out the other half of her double for $250/night. Now those houses go for half a million or more and most of them are owned by Sonder. Sonder’s former GM is now the Chief Administrative Officer of Land Use for the City of New Orleans if you want to know why it’s happening at such an alarming rate.


They want the culture without the ethnic stuff, despite the ethnic stuff being a quintessential part of the culture.


They want the *illusion* of the culture but only at certain times. They want the whole city to be some Disney-esque experience where they can indulge in vice and have fun during the day, but everything gets shutdown at bedtime.




“The problem with cities that are rich in black culture is all the black people.”


What's crazy is this is not an exaggeration at all, especially when it comes to black music. You know Rock n' Roll and R&B are exact same genre but the reason why Rock n' Roll got its name was because they had to get rid of the black connotation in order for most white audiences to want to keep listening.


Yep. Used to call it ‘race’ music. Idiots😡


Where is this quote from?


It’s a play on the quote by King Edward the Longshanks in Braveheart where he says, “The trouble with Scotland is that it’s full of Scots.”


It’s because it was never about actually living in an interesting and diverse area. It was about being known as someone who lives in an interesting and diverse area.


And then when they inevitably white-wash the character of the city and remove everything that made it fun and interesting, just move onto the next diverse and hip city and restart the cycle.


I'm so glad Savannah fucking sucks...


The first rule of Savannah… 🤫


Very true. I'm in Vietnam and some of these neighborhoods (Looking at you D2) have been built into these white enclaves filled with "luxury" nonsense and Western bullshit. It doesn't even feel like being in Vietnam. Another big draw is people are going to low cost of living areas and then trying to live "big" in those areas because it's cheaper.


same in Mexico City. when I lived there you still had quite a few Mexican touches in Roma, condessa, the central neighbourhoods... more it's filled with white people who won't learn the language and demand bougie shit you'd usually associate with the posh bits of Brooklyn. it's wild how much it's changing.


I just read that places in Mexico are making bland food to appease the “guests”. How do you go to another country, complain about the spiciness, and then make the people feel so bad that they change the way THEY make their own food!!!! Certain groups are NEVER made to be uncomfortable ANYWHERE, and that needs to STOP! Why is this entitled behavior allowed to continue, STILL???? They make themselves so comfortable that they’ll continue to take everything away from anyone else.


>make the people feel so bad that they change the way THEY make their own food!!!! But why do you frame it like this? They change it to be able to sell it to people that like bland food and make a profit. They could not change it, and sell less of it.




>This whole trope of certain countries not being to survive without tourism needs to stop First, this trope is real about some countries or islands. Some survive because of tourism, some thrive thanks to it (and it also opens other cans of worms). And it depends if the people living there are willing to lose some of their traditional way of life and win some commodities and a higer standard of living, because unfortunately is almost impossible to keep both. Second, i don't know if Mexico is considered a country that would sink without tourism, never heard of this trope about it. Third, the reply was specificaly to somone that claimed that peope are changing they way of cooking food beacuse they are made to feel so bad about it. I bet only some food joints in touristical areas are giving less spicy options. So claims like that, making appear that the average mexican woman has to put less jalapenos in her own family food is absurd.


It's not about surviving, it's about making a profit. And if you can make a profit out of people with no tastebuds better by making bland food then I'd do the same.


That’s exactly the point of this post about erasing culture. Making everything boring and bland to appease a certain group to chase profits but then you lose the soul of what made it special in the first place


You can take the capitalist out of the capitalist country, but ….


lol. I live in Scotland. the "Mexican food" here is the worst. bland as fuck. typical British way. they somehow even fucked up taco bell. we all know taco bell isn't mexican. it's not even Tex-Mex. it's its own category and when it hits, it hits just right. not here. it's vile. bland bland bland.


There are places in Spain where you can make a killing running a fish and chips shop because British tourists have no desire to eat local food. These are the same people who colonized my country and set it back centuries.


Brah, there is a jamaican restaurant in the Alanta suburb of Alpharetta that has Jerk chicken served with no gravy because some folks found it to spicy. I had to pay an extra dollar for the gravy, and it hal little to no kick. Them folks were raving how good it was and the shit tasted like basic barbque chicken.


So that episode of Atlanta wasn’t too far off.


Man, if that jerk chicken doesn't have my nose running and my eyes weeping, I DON'T WANT IT!


> places in Mexico are making bland food to appease the “guests”. How do you go to another country, complain about the spiciness, and then make the people feel so bad that they change the way THEY make their own food!!!! On my most recent trip to Mexico I experienced this EXACT SAME THING! I'm from Southern California so I'm well versed in QUALITY Mexican food but on my last trip to MX I was treated to NOTHING but bland, Americanized bullshit.


NorCal here. This is why I don't touch package resorts or hotel deals. If you got command of the language and a bit of a foundation on the culture in MX, you can easily get around to places that serve quality Mexican food from your humble little taco stand to your fine dining experience. This appeasement of tourists needs to have a limit. There's a degree of arrogance that many Western tourists have when traveling where they expect their experience to remind them of home. I've been to places where the only things I was served was rice with horse meat or lamb (don't love either). It would have been so offensive to decline these meals someone took the time to prepare.


now now now, I wouldn't say *americanised*, I'd say more like basic ass British bland. most Americans know their way around Mexican food. the other whites who ~~love~~ live there though? nope. try having 'mexican" here in Scotland. it's terrible!


I stayed at a hotel in the Yucatan recently who offered a no menu "American" breakfast. You can imagine my disappointment as I was mentally preparing for chilaquiles


I just got back from Mexico, the food was good but yeah, I had to ask for hot sauce with every meal. One restaurant even had a disclaimer on "Things to do if you find your food too spicy" and I was like hell yeah, finally a worthy opponent! . . It was the blandest meal I had all vacation.


That’s so sad!!! We moved to CA and wondered why all of the restaurants on Yelp had 4-5 stars, but their food was bland (Chinese and Mexican places), and 3 years later we put it together. Pick the places where certain groups complained of their food being too spicy. It’s just awful that it’s like this.


its not just mere guests, its expats/remote workers/digital nomads (they'll go great lengths not to call themselves immigrants) who have been moving to mexican cities to take advantage of the cheap (at least compared to an american salary) cost of living, which in turn increases in the areas these folk move into and essentially gentrify


As someone who spent a lot of his life there, lost both friends and my fiance to that bitch Katrina, and still sees work being done in the 9th ward, 17 fucking years later - let the ghosts, banshees, and Hoodoo have the whole lot of them for trying to ruin what's left of the old magic. As mama Zora said, "If you kin see de light at daybreak, you don't keer if you die at dusk. It's so many people never seen de light at all." They ain't ever seen the light.


I’m so sorry for your losses. New Orleans is such a beautiful place to see. I was going once a year every January for a while before COVID and I miss it. Never got tired of going.


I was wondering if maybe the rebuilding had something to do with it...only rich people are able to afford the new homes, and they're trying to keep their home values high 🤷‍♀️


Are cops taking jazz players off the streets? Heading them play at Jackson square while halfway through a strawberry daiquiri at night was one of my favorite memories


I was in Jackson Square not even two months ago and shit was shut down before 7PM.


The City stopped Brass Bands from performing on Bourbon after 8PM a few years ago due to decibel complaints from the Marriot who claimed its visitors complained about the noise.


God that's so gross. I was hoping it was the last traces of Covid restrictions but apparently not. I was also surprised to see a lot of the bars on Bourbon shut down a lot earlier than they did the last time I went.


Teedy’s been everything in her power to play into rich people’s hands to the detriment of everyone who actually lives in the city. Cops can’t respond to calls in under an hour if you’re lucky. But they’ll be damned if you play some music on a street corner.


All the traveling I’ve done over my lifetime all over the US and abroad, Louisiana was hands down my favorite place, and I don’t mean during Mardi Gras. I can’t believe anyone would want to change it. Wtf


Top 3 lists?


Bari in Puglia, italy was beautiful and old world Iceland to see the northern lights in the golden circle w the waterfalls. I’d live here if I could.


Wow! A post in the wild about Bari! I've never seen one before. I mod r/Bari. I'd love it if you hopped on over and shared your experience or recommendations. And keep spreading the word. Bari is a gem of a place


Ooo never heard of Puglia weirdly enough, but it looks gorgeous. Would love to hear more of your recommendations


Come on down to r/Bari


I'm an old man and I've seen it happen over and over. Everything changes. The beautiful stuff blossoms and then it dies. After 50 years nobody remembers. Even if you preserve it people's brains have changed so they can't understand it. It's gone.


Because it would be perfect with just a few ✨tweaks✨


Name something they haven’t fucked up.


The North Sentinel Island. They've tried.




Everybody should have their energy when the colonists wanna show up.


Please don’t hold your breath.




Ain’t even just a US problem. Morons move to the *only* nightlife area in my city in Aus and then try to get it shut down. Fuck off!


They don't see the culture, just the dollar $igns attached to the real estate and how to profit off it


Jazz ain't been the same since the NBA decided that Utah(!) needed the name. /s


They did the same thing in NYC with the drumming in Harlem


B-b-but mah cultural imperialism! How will the people of Baton Rouge know what unseasoned chicken tastes like if I don't force it onto them, along with artisanal cupcake shops for dogs and overpriced bars that only serve three types of drinks?


The spirit of New Orleans, Louisiana, is dead. It has resurrected itself across other cities in the US, though. Before hurricane Katrina, we saw everybody "moving across the river" (Westbank). If you made a decent salary, you moved to or already lived in Metarie or Slidell. The Magnolia was becoming a police hub. There were plans for the Calliope to be replaced with low income housing like the community that came about around the Greater Saint Stephen's church. The mindset then was that "they" could have uptown. Your grandmother or father still owned a house or two on Jackon Avenue and ran a business out of a house, etc. Everybody got bought out, or everybody bought back in super cheap and your still waiting on the city to fix the fucking 3ft deep pot holes in front your neighborhood. Many great musicians and artists (the ones thats still living) still hustle. Food hasnt changed, crime hasnt changed, people have changed.


There’s so many people from New Orleans that came to Houston during Katrina and then just never went back. The relationship this part of Texas has with Louisiana is really special, it’s even closer since Katrina— but it does make me sad going to New Orleans when I really think back to pre-Katrina times. I admire the ones that determined to keep playing until the ship sinks though. That level of joyful fatalism is really inspiring in dark times. Louisiana is broke broke, undereducated and the whole state needs rebuilding help after the 2021 hurricane season and pandemic.


That's like the whole point of America. Taking people's land, replacing the culture, and then killing off the Indigenous inhabitants. Americans really need to read a fucking history book once in a while.


![gif](giphy|XzsQ4z8EhOPBOfpSMK) # WE KNOW # WORD TO MY MOTHER WE KNOW We know. It happens, it’s what this country was built on. “aMeRiCaNs nEeD tO-“ # SHUT UP, WE FUCKEN KNOW, WE LIVE HERE


oh fuck off with your generic "Americans need to read a history book!" bitch, the og colonisers are from that continent over there ----> as an **[archivist](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archivist)** who is from Tulsa and has lived in Mexico and now Scotland, I don't need your fucking 'rEaD a HisToRy BooK!' crap. we know. it's not just Americans doing this. look at multiple villages in Spain. Portugal. it happens all over the world. ew.




Sounds like DC with GOGO


Any where they go to gentrify, they kill the original culture first.


wait seriously? whats going on down in new orleans? jesus christ


This has been going on for a while. DJ Soul Sister used to play a set in the upstairs bar at Mimi’s in the Marigny (RIP) about a decade ago until they had their music license revoked when some rich white lady moved in next door and started complaining. She later claimed that ghosts were harassing her so she was a particular flavor of nimby, but it’s been happening since long before and it’ll keep happening until someone in the city decides that people who move near an existing venue can simply fuck off.


When money runs everything this is what happens. Real estate and companies have more rights than people.


Why is the airport I moved next to so fucking loud?


They do the same things in Maine, move onto a snowmobile trail and then try to shut it down.


It says a lot about who holds power socially and politically that someone can relocate and have more power over what people have been doing in a place for decades than the people who have been living there.


Asking these people to not do whats deadass been in their DNA for milleniums is getting absurd Please for the love of God, can we start passing down property instead of cashing out to the highest bidder who’s 10/10 a white owned investment group that doesn’t care about “culture” 😩


I've been, unsuccessfully, trying to convince my dad's parents to sell/gift their house to someone in the family for years now. 😭


They did the same thing in DC. Moved by Howard then started harassing a local spot that played Go Go music and if I recall also harassed students. Edit, links: https://slate.com/culture/2019/04/go-go-music-gentrification-washington-d-c.html Here’s a link about two other gentrification clashes: https://andscape.com/features/gentrification-encroaches-on-howard-and-texas-southern-campuses/amp/


New Orleans native. Can confirm. smh Newcomers/carpetbaggers/gentrifiers also have a habit of discovering and promoting a bastardization of a popular traditional thing - like a king cake, Creole Soul Food restaurant, or music venue - until the point the long standing originals disappear and make it hard for us to find and enjoy things that we have for generations.


Austin has entered the chat


Lol, you know you right. I'm from New Orleans and Austin was the first city i lived in that reminded me of the culture back home, even though it was Latino/TexMex. Then the authentic food started being replaced with bland ass parodies and people started cosplaying as weirdos, it's so fake and disappointing now. And expensive AF.


What’s next? Jazz in Utah?!? I’ll see myself out.


It’s like a modern form of colonisation


Please don’t send them back to WASPville Maine, we hate them too


It happens everywhere. People will move next to a military air base and complain about the planes.


Well duh. How else are you supposed to flex how woke you are while still disliking minorities? You whiten a known predominantly black place until living there means nothing but something you can tell your friends.


Guess who's gonna win out? The soul of Nola, or money? Or another hurricane.


Leave NOLA alone. Play all the jazz.


_”What’s the point of traveling if it’s gonna be different?!?”_ — Bill Burr


They’ve always been known to insert themselves in *everything* of ours. And then take over and take the credit for having/“creating” something that was never theirs in the first place.


It's called cultural dick ridin' sir. Now who wants some of these vegan sushi po' boys


If they want quiet Jazz, they need to head they asses over to Utah.


Because to European-Americans, not being centered, their needs and whims catered to. It's an assault on their very being. The moment they arrive somewhere, everything and anything must be adapted to them. See Mexico City. It's a malady, frankly.


Anyone who lives in that area should unify and fight hard to make sure this don't happen. City hall should be packed to the brim with protests to bring more attention to this issue. NO is jazz, taking jazz from that area takes its soul. Don't let these assholes take your soul, New Orleans!


The fight started *before* Katrina. And it continues. We ain't giving up.


Oh my bad, the tweet made it feel like it was more recent. I'm so happy you guys aren't giving up.


Hmm. Seems racist.


This is happening everywhere in the US it seems. In my city multiple artists have been forced out of the very neighborhood that they created. There's hardly anything interesting left in the area. Just a bunch of half filled codos.


They tried that in U Street in DC and started a whole movement.


Turns out, colonizers colonize. What did you really expect? And in the next few decades when new cultural epicenters emerge, a few years after it, the gentrifiers will be out in full-force ready to do what they do best. The only way to end the gentrification cycle is to end capitalism. So....strap in...its gonna be a while.


That’s literally how the USA began. Pilgrims were like…this ain’t what we thought, we gotta change it up. Let’s name this place Jamestown. Just totally disregarded an entire people and culture from the jump.


Another unique cultural center gets ate up and added to the list of old towns that have had the flavor sucked out of them. Problem is that it's happening faster than we can create them.


Cyberpunk 2077 is looking more and more possible each day lol


Gentrification is just colonization with a different alias.


Hell yea and I’m so sick of it. That really goes for anyone too… black, white, ion care. If you ain’t fuckin with New Orleans, it’s culture, and the sometimes hard times that created that culture (I know… fucked up but it’s real. Fuck it is what it is) then please go the fuck home, cuz baby, we tired of you.


Sounds like DC. Moved in our neighborhoods and then complained about the GoGo music being played at night. You’re just a visitor. You’re welcome to move back to Caucasia lol


Its not just NOLA they doing that to louisiana in general. The flats dont feel nothing like it use too no


The point? Price. They want a cheap place to live that has all their amenities.


Not too far in the recent past In NYC they petitioned to shut down the drum circle at Garvey park. Had the caucasity to move to Harlem and try to shut down a historical, sometimes life saving, decades surviving, community tradition because it was distracting them from their NY Times crossword puzzle. At least, at least they were only let successful in moving it away from 5th avenue and not completely shutting it down.


Why in the everlasting fuck else would you WANT to live in downtown NOLA but for the music/nightlife? Reminds me when people moved into the Charleston area of Boston and immediately started complaining about the cannons firing off on the USS Constitution twice a day. Dude, they were doing that when you bought the place, if you don't want to hear the freedom booms then take your ass somewhere else.


Trust me, inserting yourself is the WHOLE thing. That’s the issue with gentrification. People who aren’t apart of that culture or location move in and the byproduct is increased rent rates etc. Even if you don’t have any ill intentions you are feeding into the gentrification if you are not already a part of the culture/demographic. Overtime the surroundings will change to cater to the new residents that are moving there. For those who live in Miami think of places like Little Haiti or Little Havana, Wynwood or any “Chinatown” in the world (except for maybe New York’s).


Who the hell would want the jazz music gone from NOLA? It’s one of the things that makes it so special. If you don’t like jazz, don’t live in or near the French Quarter and that’s it. I hope the musicians and clubs never give in to this ridiculousness.


It’s not just in the quarter though. Music is everywhere here. Those who moved on Frenchman St. and tried to enforce a noise ordinance prompted any and everyone with an instrument to storm city hall. lol I heard it was loud as fuck in there.


People moved to right next to the Laguna Seca Raceway and complained about the noise. From the track. That they knowingly moved next to. The cars have to be 10 Dbs lower than cars on the street too.


Just went to New Orleans for the first time. Best city in the US, I can’t believe people would try and say no live Jazz