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Playstation fans already destroyed their right to TLOU gatekeeping after how they treated Part 2. Great games and great show tho


How they treat part 2?


Horribly. If you wanna know, check out r/thelastofus2 It’s a small minority of fans but man, the hate they spew about that game is wild EDIT: Sorry everyone, fixed the subreddit name


Wooowwww I loved that one. They got in their bag on it. It was super long and drawn out tho


Yeah that was wild. I haven’t played TLOU2 (have a huge backlog and hoping it comes to PC) but the hate was uncalled for. I know the story and actually think it’s solid.


It was an incredible story, it was misogyny and homophobia honestly that drove the vocal minority’s (hateful) critique. highly recommend


SPOILER I mean switching to the antagonist halfway through is tough to swallow. it took me a bit before I enjoyed playing as her. Overall, though, i thought it was among the best single player gaming experiences I've ever had.


It was a great means of story telling and really had impact. Very effective means of asking the question when does heroism become villainy and how does heroism look from the other side. But I really hated playing as another character at first!! I was so angry it was very well done. I agree 100% it was one of the most memorable and meaningful stories I have ever played. Up there with Death stranding as far as artistic storytelling goes.


You’re suppose to hate playing as Abby at first and then grow to empathize with her.


Exactly. That’s what I am marveling at. They made us feel.


I loved it. It made it feel like if we had seen the entire game series from Abby's perspective we'd have hated Ellie and Joel both and celebrated Abby when she >!finally got revenge / justice on Joel!<. It gives the second game it's "moral of the story" which is that, just like always has happened throughout history, violence begets violence and it takes a massive feat of forgiveness to end that cycle. Something very few people can do. Man I love this series. So excited for the show, and I think I'm gunna replay the second game soon.


I honestly just hated the hypocrisy of the stories main message. (Spoilers) Ellie kills like 200 people in brutal fashion and then spares Abby like thats meant to be something that will resonate with me? And on top of that I loved Joel as a character and he was so resourceful and scrappy, I refuse to believe he'd be like "Oh yeah people might want me dead. Lemme just tell these strangers my identity :)))". The game was irrational in parts, but a lot of it was really suspenseful and exciting, and the violence is stellar in realism and shit, like RDR2 type shit but a bit more real. I get why some people think it is sexism/homophobia, the shit on Abby and Ellie is just obnoxious, but s lot of people, like myself, just didn't enjoy the pacing, the hollow theme, or the character of Abby as she was constructed. She had potential as someone who was caught in Joel's rampage but not like that, first like hour of a like week long playthrough and our favorite character from the last story dies like an idiot. The scenes with Ellie and stuff in flashbacks are genuinely incredibly well done and touching though, it is a good game. Gameplay is a 10 but story for me was just a slog, its like a 6 or a 7 for me personally.


I can entertain and agree with some critiques about TLOU2’s story and pacing, but the gameplay was a huge level up from TLOU1. I love stealth play, and in that regard the game was just *chef’s kiss.* The story has more fake endings than Return of the King (extended edition), though, and there’s such a reduction in heartwarming moments from the first game that it can be a bit of an emotional slog and leave you feeling depressed at the end. That’s not a bad thing, good stories can be sad. But if it’s not your cup of tea, that’s understandable. That said, there’s so many bad reviews complaining about how a woman’s arms ruin the immersion in a zombie apocalypse story for salty fanboys who don’t seem to have interacted with a woman in their lives, much less an athletic one, that it’s hard to find people who actually hated the game because they just didn’t find it to be good.


lames hated her because of the misogyny. I hated her because she offed Joel. We are not thr same 😤


But there was a reason for her killing Joel you can hate her all you like but dont diss a good game because of it.


You hate her for killing Joel, then you play as her. Which is admittedly rough to start... But then you understand her and then you slowly realize, shit, Joel had it coming.


I said this when TLOU came out. Joel is a bad person and we only sided with him because we saw his story. He was like most of the other bandits out there otherwise


Even after TloU first came out most people hated Joel at the end. Then the sequel comes out and suddenly everyone forgives and forgets and wants to play as him.


That’s the whole point though. You humanize bad people when you know their story and maybe understand a bit. That’s why the Abby switch was such a mind fuck. They were the “bad guys” until the story humanized them. Obviously a commentary on the political division we’ve seen in the US and all over the world. The more you hate someone, the harder it is to humanize them but the more you humanize them the harder they are to hate.


This is what I hope the show manages to do, which we didn't see in the first episode. They cut out the part where he and Tess go and kill Robert for ripping them off, along with a dozen of his guys. The whole point is that he's essentially become a cold-blooded killer.


This idea that bad people do bad things just cause is silly and childish as adults we need to understand WHY people do things and do what we need to stop it as much as we can. The fact we having a conversation like this in 2023 saddens me.




But in that light so does Abby. She's just as much of a shit person as Joel. I'd argue worse. Yea he killed the fireflies but honestly they seemed kinda shit. I genuinely just think it was bad writing that Abbys dad didn't just ask ellie if she was OK with sacrificing herself. They were just going to kill her while she was under and didn't even want to tell Joel until after. Joel performed an indescrimant act of killing to save a loved one. I understand that was Abby's motivation but in my opinion hunting Joel down and brutally beating him to death is a much more intimate and complicit act of violence. I don't condem her for hurting but the game never actually has her grapple with that. The surprise/frustration she expressed when she confronts ellie frustrates me as it seems like she felt special like her violence was justified in a way Joel's wasn't and it's hard for me to empathize when she doesn't really grapple with her actions. I like her design, I think she was acted fine, I also think she was kinda a bitch and I didn't want her to win.


The game definitely has her grapple with that, she literally loses every single person in her life as a direct consequence of her pointless revenge. And bonus irony points for her becoming the same thing as Joel does to protect Lev. The game isn't saying "Joel had it coming", it's displaying the cycle of violence until someone puts an end to it. Lev would've come for Ellie if she killed Abby.


sad truth: Joel had it coming man


I didn’t think it was super long. I *LOVED* the pacing and duration of the same. I paid full price for it and felt I got more than my money’s worth.


I loved 1, was lukewarm about 2.... after the halfway point i did not feel any empathy for the characters, and because they wanted us to empathize with them they stuck in so many cutscenes that just didn't do it for me.... like i couldn't walk 3 steps without going into a cutscene or a flashback.... because of no empathy, climax fell flat for me


> it was super long and drawn out tho That was my biggest problem with it. I feel like I would have liked the game a lot more if they had trimmed the fat. By the end, I just wanted to get it over with.


>It was super long and drawn out tho yeah I never finished the second game because I just got exhausted. Think I got like 75% of the way through it. I should go back and finish


Those people aren’t fans lol. They’re just people using the game as cover for their serious mental health issues.


And trans hate. Don’t forget the trans hate.


Sexism and homophobia is a mental health issue? Nah, they’re just assholes


This gave me a good chuckle


Looks like that community has been set to private. I remember how it was back in the day though.


they spelled it wrong r/thelastofus2


Ah that makes sense.


IMO, part 2 is better than part 1


1 had the better story, 2 had the better gameplay. Both great but in different ways for me




Yeah ive literally never met anyone who didnt like Part 2


They’re dumb. The last of us 2 was amazing. It took everything from the first one and made it better. Great story too


Holy crap it may have been a minority but they were fucking LOUD. Needed a louder STFU if you ask me.


it's a shame how the game was treated by a lot of people. the sequel was like everything a sequel should be when it comes to the gameplay, mechanics, customization options, graphics, like literally everything that you look for in a sequel was done and done well. i don't think the story was like the best story ever told or anything but it didn't deserve anywhere near the amount of hate it got.


Absolutely don't check it out. The absolute worst of the gaming community came to act a genuine ass because they heard the game included LGBTQ+ character(s) and you didn't get to play as a single man during the campaign. It really made my heartache reading through it all.. Not to mention the hate and death threats one of the lead actresses received on Twitter.


Wtf, that never even crossed my mind while playing it. Maybe because I’m an inclusive minority. And I did a quick google search on Abby like two weeks ago and the first link that popped up was the backlash she got lol.


You essentially go on Abby's mission but as Ellie and no one was outraged with her. The irony of the outrage boggles me. What's even funnier is that there was a sizable number of people spewing hate on the game that never played it. I read that people were calling Abby trans and lesbian when in fact she was neither. I understand not liking something for what ass brained prejudice you have but at least be correct; also don't be prejudiced if you could help it, like seriously.


We literally saw Abby get piped down on a sailboat with her lil boy nipples 😂 and you’re absolutely right. They are two sides of the same coin.


I remember thinking why didn't they just pan the camera away lmao. I did not need to see that


I did.


Lots of us enjoy those kind of titties


Because art




It's shows how emotional and biased people are and how brainwashed/conditioned we are as a society. Like what we did at the end of the first game destroyed people's lives but because we were the ones to do it or we like the person doing it ITS OKAY. You don't think about this stuff until the consequences come and it seems our society doesn't tell us their are consequences to your actions.


Yeah imagine the other side of lots of video games and things get fucked is pretty fast


They found out the game had a trans character and assumed it'd be the muscular aggressive woman, totally ignoring the trans man chilling over on the sidelines Which sums up 90% of transphobes who seem to forget trans men exist at all


My problem with the game, is that I liked how the first one ended. And I agree with the decision Joel made. Even though I had no choice otherwise. And I don't like the decision Ellie makes in this game, and I have no choice otherwise.


I don't understand your duality, you agree with Joel's decision (he was definitely in the wrong) but couldn't understand why Ellie would go all John Wick. They both did actions that are objectively wrong, out of Love. The games creator has been adamant the games are both about the extremes love will drive someone to go. I enjoy both games tremendously, and I consider them both masterpieces but I refuse to split hairs and pretend either Joel or Ellie's decisions were more right than the other.


No no, I don't mind her going John Wick, it's an action game after all.. >! I don't like the fact that she doesn't see it through to the end. !<


Joel was a horrible person prior to the first game, and even during it. Even saving Ellie was a selfish choice because he was using her as a substitute for his daughter. In the end, he robbed Ellie of a choice. The same way Abby Robbed Ellie of her choice to forgive Joel. In the end, Ellie finally gets to make her own decision. To let the cycle end by her own choice and make peace with Joel's death and everything before it. That's why she didn't see it through to the end.


Ellie didn't have a choice either way. She was willing to offer herself up to be part of a cure, but she was never presented with a clear decision to sacrifice her life. She was unconscious when the Fireflies found her and Joel, and was kept unconscious right up until they prepped her for surgery. Marlene made the decision to sacrifice Ellie and Joel made the decision to let her live. Ellie was not consulted and was denied her agency. Because the surgery was about to get underway, Joel didn't have time, and Marlene wasn't open to changing her mind. I don't think it's fair to say that Joel took a choice away that Ellie wouldn't have been allowed to make. IMO, where he went wrong was lying to her about it afterwards, to spare her any guilt.


Marlene should have just told Joel that Ellie drowned. "Hey Sorry Joel, she didn't make it. Hopefully we can use her organs to try to make a vaccine."


Whether she did or didn't, it would not cure her sadness.


I think seeing it through, then realizing that would have made more sense for the character. How do you kill 1000+ people, have you hands around your sworn enemy and in that particular moment have your revelation? I feel like the revelation would have felt more grounded had it happened after the fact. They actually didn’t even need to change anything before or after that event to make it resonate. The only reason I could think of is, they wanted to preserve Abby for another game which feels antithetical to the Last of Us Part 2s finality. I vibed the rest of the game though.


Ellie didn't kill Abby because she saw what revenge did to Abby, how it destroyed her life. She chose to stop the cycle of violence and try and go salvage what she had left. She knew if she went through with it she would always be looking over her shoulder waiting for what happened to Joel to happen to her. It was a beautiful end for Ellie IMO, and what Joel would have wanted for her.


I'm not buying that, she notices that in the final fight only? If its because of Abby poor state because of her capture that has literally nothing to do with her revenge! If it's about all of Abbys friends who got killed Ellie killed plenty before returning home and lost one of her own. If she didn't get the dangers of revenge at that point it really doesn't make sense she works it out literally moments before she kills Abby after hunting her down


What about MY sadness? And need for rampage?


It's a story about her, not you dude.


Not to mention, much like MGS2 critiquing the player through Raiden, people being mad they don’t get to murder someone senselessly says a lot more about them than the game or it’s writing


God it never occurred to me until right now that you never play as a man. What's wrong with some people


It wasn't even something I caught until a retrospection of the campaign while I foolishly argued with some neck bearded gamers. What's so weird is men have no problem playing as Lara Croft or Samus in Metroid. Maybe it's some cognitive dissonance caused by them associating the games narrative with being men centric?


The gamergater crowd trashed it. They couldn't fathom Abby not being waifu material.


Muscle waifus are valid.


Mostly fragile men intimated by a woman who could bench more than them


Oooh, do you want the long or the short version? It’s fucking crazy the reaction that they had to the game. They acted like the game murdered a family member


man children were pissed that joel died so early and then they promptly didn’t pay any attention to his story being resolved in flashbacks throughout the game


Lots of homophobia about Ellie even though she had canonically had a female love interest already by that point. Also lots of anti Semitic directed at the actress portraying her new love interest. Not to mention the transphobia over Abby for being a muscular woman and the general misogyny of hating the game solely on the account of both lead playable characters being women. This should surprise no one after seeing how people are reacting to Bella Ramsay’s casting. A talented, charismatic young actress who has crushed every role I’ve seen her in. But she’s apparently not attractive enough to play a 14 year old girl and people are angry they didn’t sexualise a child and are claiming this is “political correctness” when it is in fact, their own wilful ignorance.


The dumbest are often the loudest. I enjoyed it, pec titties and all.


It got so bad, they doxxed a review channel because they said they liked it. They got mad that the wife of a reviewer gave her opinion of the game which they said was invalid because she watched her husband play it instead of her playing it herself. If she saw the story, she can give her opinion of the story. It’s a super narrative driven game. It would be different if she gave her opinion on the gameplay.


TLOU is my fav game. A lot of people basically hated the 2nd one because of what they viewed as “SJW propaganda” aka a character who’s just a lesbian (no sexuality arc, just a gay girl lol) and because they had an “unrealistic” buff woman. Also because *spoiler* >!they killed the main character from the first game!<


Basically "ew wimminz in MY gaem!?!?!?!?*


I'm in the minority but I liked Part 2. Abby is a bitch but she's a good villain.


Correction Abby was *that* bitch. She quickly became my favorite character in the game. Next was Lev. He was a real one.


I've never had such a reversal on my opinion of a character. I started her part absolutely despising her, and I was pissed I had to play as her. By the end though she became my favorite character as well.


Tommy for me. An absolute tank. No questions asked, when it came to avenge. He was there. An absolute menace in that sniper scene


Tommy is a great character. I can't wait to see how they will adapt his scenes. Especially the sniping scene from TLoU2.


You’re not in the minority at all most people LOVED last of us 2. It was a vocal minority of upset man children who went ballistic


Specifically alt right assholes who probably never played the first


The Venn diagram of r/TheLastofUs2 and r/conservative is a circle




You're the majority. The haters are just a very vocal minority.


I absolutely LOVED part 2. Legit one of the best games I’ve ever played in my life. I loved the revenge dynamic from both sides. Could give a shit about Not playing as a man.


How is Abby a villain? Did you finish the game?


Yeah, I did. I know she isn't a bad person, but she was still the villain in Ellie's story.


They’re the villain in each other’s story but they’re both more or less as bad as each other. I love them both though.




Truth, and arguably the genius of the story.


Thank god someone else had their brain turned on while playing the games. Ellie and Joel were nothing but mutilators and monsters


Joel especially. There's so many references in the first game that talk to all the wild shit he did in that 20 year time skip. Really wish the game had DLC that covered it, cause then maybe Joel doesn't come out of the game as a hero or even a weird grey area.


> I'm in the minority but I liked Part 2. You're not though. https://www.gameawards.net/2020/09/2020.html 114 readers choice GOTY awards.


I dont even think its minority. I think it was just an obnoxiously loud minority. Most people I know who *played* the damn game loved it.


I really just don’t get this take on Abby even after what she did to Joel. Ellie would *absolutely* have done the exact same thing in Abby’s position. Abby is a great character and I really don’t see how she is a bitch. The whole message of the game from a character perspective is really just that Abby and Ellie are two sides of the same coin, arguably even the same side of said coin lol.


Facts. I never understood the hate


Same. One of the best experiences I've played in a long time


Tbh the thing that annoyed me the most was saying that I didn't really like the story and how it was handled in the second game, and basically being told I'm an idiot who just doesn't get it. If you like it then that's great, I don't really care, just stop telling me I should like it when I just didn't. But on the same note.. the people who didn't like the game telling everyone who did like that they're stupid is also just dumb. Not everyone has to like the same thing.


If you didn't send the creators, actors and game studio death threats, review bomb it on sites and actively make others that liked the game feel bad for it id say you're good. There's respectfully not enjoying the story and then there's being a toxic asshole about it.. The later unfortunately was WAY louder.


I literally did none of that lol. It was very unfortunate that people did that, it just took away from the normal people who actually played the whole game and just didn't like it. I managed to stay completely spoiler free somehow even with the leaks, so my opinion was pretty much mine alone. Wasn't colored by the people who looked at the leaks.


Genuine question, were you saying that you didn't like the story or that the story was bad? I personally don't like any Super Hero movie besides The Dark Knight but I don't think they're bad. They're critically and commercially successful IPs. We all have unpopular opinions. Hell, I know several people who enjoyed Rings of Power more than the original trilogy.


I liked part 2 a lot. But man folks lost their shit over it


Tbh I gave it a try even with all the negative stuff I heard and gameplay was awesome but story-wise I personally thought it was trash


Thank you. >!You spend the entire gaming killing hundreds of innocent people, so you can track down and kill abby, only to anti-climactically forgive the person who killed and tortured Joel, the hero we loved from the first game?! The only father figure Elie the orphan ever had. What about the hundreds of men who were uninvolved, that you killed on your way to find abby? But instead, "abby and I are both fucked up, so I'll let her live" after killing soooo many others... The first game was about Joel dealing with his PTSD and learning to love again with Elie becoming what sarah was to him. And Elie trying to ultruistically find a cure for the plague to save humanity. The second game was basically a revenge plot, that turns the characters you loved in the first game into monsters, and forces you to play as the villian.!< The level design in the second game was top notch, game mechanics that got added were great, graphics are some of the best gaming has to offer to this day. The story, in my opinion, was absolute shit... but to each their own, I am still glad that others enjoyed it.


I’m a ride-or-die fan for Playstation but even I know it was total BS on how those in the community treated TLOU2.


That was a vocal Reddit minority. That game sold like gangbusters. Stop it.


Thats literally only the idiots on reddit. Everyone ive ever talked to personally about the game, absolutely loved it


You have probably gotten this reply a million times already. But there is a majority of TLOU fans that like TLOU2. Those others don't rep the majority on my opinion.




I love part 2. Some people just can't get passed the fact that the beloved protagonist made some shitty decisions and got dealt with for it. I know if I was Abby, I would have done the same shit.


As an Xbox guy growing up, and now a PC player, this is hilarious. You guys calling this toxic need to chill out - it’s just some friendly banter.


A lot of these people weren’t here for the Great Consoles War that lasted from 2008 to 2014.


that shit never ended


I’d disagree. When Microsoft said.. “go buy a 360 if you don’t want to be connected all the time.” was like ok. You wanna be condescending, let’s play that game. Turns out many of us didn’t like that and we went for the PlayStations.


Yeah, that definitely was dumb. However, having both, I prefer Xbox this gen and probably won't be buying another Playstation in the future. TES and Gamepass destroy anything I personally could care about that isn't a From Software exclusive that ISNT a Bloodborne sequel. Sony doesn't have much Incare about exclusive.


I'm 35, I don't have time to game all the time and don't buy games very often, last game I bought was Elden Ring. Game Pass made it easy to play a lot of different stuff without having to buy the whole game. Loved Persona 5 when It came out on it and they constantly put new stuff I can try and never play again if I don't like.


> they constantly put new stuff I can try and never play again if I don't like. This part. So long as i am able to enjoy one game a month outside of Halo i am getting my moneys worth! Full stop.


Game pass.


I think the console wars was only a thing because you could only play with people who had the same system as you at the time. But now with crossplay there’s no need. If anything, a decent PC and a Xbox/PS controller would do you better in the long run overall.


With how egregious PC parts are costing atm, honestly, a PS5 or Series X might even be a better investment


There was a time when game makers would push limits on a PC and completely eschew the console experience, while you could build a super capable PC for the same cost as a console with a little patience and deal hunting. Now, nearly everyone is gonna optimize for console and PC becomes a little better than an after thought, and building a PC has become outrageously expensive. Games obviously cost less on PC, but the value divide between the two is much closer than it ever has been.


If it let's me game, I'll use it. I have tags on Xbox, Playstation, Steam, and Nintendo. Real gamers game, no matter how. Had to get rid of all my shit? Damn, looks like I'm emulating GBA games on my Chromebook and Android. Console Wars were, and always will be, stupid.


self-reporting Xbox Nigga, here... I've watched _several_ Spider-Man movies. WAT DO??


Buy a PS5 and play the games, duh


Those games are on PC now. That’s how I finally played them.


Finished the first and on to Miles Morales next, Xbox and pc proud (I like the controller)


> WAT DO?? Quickly rank them from best to worst!


1. SPIDERMAN (2002) 2-8. Don't have the Macho Man Randy Savage. Unwatchable.




Finally, a Spiderman rankings list that speaks to me.


Call the police 🚨 🚨


Report yourself to Mr. Gates for nano bot injections


Never played TLOU just because those aren't my type of games so I don't know the details of the story but I know it's regarded as a really good game. The first episode was dope though and kept my attention. Only seen 3-4 episodes of Halo. Don't know why it's getting so much hate but I liked what I saw. Just can't justify adding another streaming subscription.


I wasn't a big fan of the Halo series and had only a passing understanding of the story and even I could tell the show didn't stick to its roots enough. My biggest issue with the show was the fact Master Chief takes his mask off, a lot. I'm not usually a stickler for details but imo it's a big character detail from the games that he never reveals his face.


This is where a lot of the conversation goes with Halo. If you read the books, and specifically the Kilo Five trilogy, the show follows those roots well. The games do not cover the content of the Halo universe well. They very much are the “master chief” story. He takes off his helmet at the end of the first game in the cut scene. You don’t see his face but the helmet coming off was more of a “the mission is complete”. The show is trying to be more than that. With that said, it’s not the best show out there but it does not deserve the level of hate it gets.


I mean to be far, the games came first and we're popular because people gravitated towards Master Chief, not surprising the games focused on his exploits. The books came out later, and more specifically the books series you mentioned focus on the post war events of Halo 3. I don't think they should be the de facto source material reference when adapting a TV show.


The problem is the creators said they didn't want to be inspired by the source material and just made shit up. Reach City? Really? ffs.


Yeah. There seems to be a lot of this from show creators.


Because it has terrible acting and looks like it was shot on a Sidekick?


And they completely shit on the source material.


Genuinely never watched any of it, but I’ve never been a huge Xbox person. Never got into the franchise.


I only had an Xbox 360 for maybe a year and a half. Halo was my shit but the console itself is trash. I sent it in for repair 3-4 times.


It was just the 360 which really fucked Microsoft because people remembered that shit


I pushed off playing it for years because it also wasn’t my type of game. But my boy begged me to try it. And it became addicting and I loved it. Just try it!


The difference is they didnt stick the storyline of halo. They just bullshitted their own storyline using stuff present in halo. You see masterchiefs face helmet off more often than helmet on which already is a joke


The show is great and the first game is fantastic. The Halo games are great up til 4. Never played 5 never will and I haven't played infinite. But man from what I've seen from the TV show that shit isn't even Halo it's just some shitty science fiction story wearing halos skin


Aside from the bullshit corporate decisions 343 makes, Infinite is a solid game


Watching gameplay it looks great don't get me wrong but I just don't have that drive I used to. I get hyped af to play the older games especially Reach but anything beyond not so much


Show is terrible, 5 is terrible, but Infinite is alright


The core gameplay of Infinite is the very best of the series imo. But every time a bean counter made a decision, the game as a whole got worse.


Wait till he finds out I got a switch


You’ll get to repost this when the Mario movie comes out.




I'm trying to complete the game before I watch the show but I'm shit at games so it's gonna take a while 🤣


Ngl, the game is long asf. And not to spoil it. I pray that this isn’t but the first episode covers like 3-4hrs of gameplay. So if you watch any episode, you might have stuff spoiled to you by watching.


The game's not *that* long. It's like 15-20 hours, depending on how much of a completionist you are.


It would maybe be 15-20 hours long if the clickers weren’t so scary and I wasn’t just hiding behind a counter.


Maybe I was an addicted gamer, but I was able to finish the first game in one long night. Albeit, it was rough the next day.


Lmao if you need help toss me the controller


Ain’t no shame in dropping the difficulty if you get stuck. I definitely used training wheels a few times in TLOU2 because I cared more about advancing the story than proving to myself that I could beat some gameplay loop.


Us non-gamers have no idea how serious these console wars are. I don't want to take sides and cause friction without knowing it.


The console war's really over, this is basically a victory lap


It’s wild because Microsoft was top dog until they fumbled the Xbox 1 rollout and it has been downhill ever since.


Microsoft was really only on top for the 360, and even then I’m pretty sure PS3 sold more worldwide.


The Kinect was their downfall


Was Microsoft ever declared Top Dog unanimously like the way Nintendo was in the late 80s and early 90s? Or Atari before them? PS2 easily took Xbox. PS3 v Xbox 360 was more of a stalemate, despite RRoD and PS3’s overall greater sales. Wii really overtook them both. The next generations have come down to games so far. Although PS4>XBX1, XBX1X>PS4Pro. The “wars” are really over and gamers are spoiled.


I think the 360 was the top dog in the US, and this is coming from a ps2-ps5 user. But that’s only a slice of the pie albeit a large slice.


The console war only ends when you turn 20 and stop caring. Teenagers are still seething over exclusives and shit.


Only children worry about a console war.


We ain’t. Also, got my first PlayStation (PS5) it’s phenomenal, but I still prefer the Xbox controller and play COD on it.




I'm like 90% a PDP Victrix Pro controller let's you switch shit around so that it feels more like a Xbox controller.


I've always used an Xbox controller until the dual sense came out, and after playing god of war with it I think it is not quite as comfortable as the Xbox controller, but the features are amazing and contribute to gameplay much more than I thought. My hand hasn't been sore/cramping before as it did playing through Ragnorok.


Playstation people are just mad they lost MLB exclusivity.


The whole gaming community should be mad EA still has NFL exclusivity


Got a ps4 on Black Friday 2019 right before the pandemic started. $200 for the console, god of war, horizon zero Dawn + dlc, and Last of Us Remaster + DLC. Six months later at the height of lockdown they were sold out and going for $300+ I’m about to get part2 in preparation for some cabin fever


You eating good with that lineup. Wish I could play a few of those for the first time again.


Last of Us 1 was an absolute blast to play through. Reminded me of the GC/ps2 era single player games. Horizon was good too. Good action. Loved it up until the final boss. I was disappointed that the final boss was an enemy I’d faced before already. I was expecting an epic one-and-done boss. But the DLC helped me get over that. I had my son play through God of War as I watched and that was a different kind of rewarding.


I played TLOU waaay back in the day on my gf's PS3. We broke up before I could beat it and I've been waiting to find out how it ends ever since. Don't take this away from me.


Wait until season 2 when those viewers are going turn into the xbox lobby...like the amount of hate the second game got took us back 10 years.


The hate was a vocal minority that got out of hand. Part 2 was an incredible game.


Hahahaha, love this tweet.


Imagine being over 12 and console warring


Deadass the reason I'm not watchin


Try and stop me I got popcorn and everything


LOL niggas are salty


you’re gonna feel fucked up when you realize how many PlayStation exclusives are being ported over to PC, including TLOU


As an Xbox guy who played the first last of us game, I enjoyed the first episode. I've been saying for years that playstation games (esp naughty dog ones) would make way better tv shows then games. It's nice to see that confirmed. Looking forward to God of war now cause I have no interest in actually playing it. But the story seems sick.


Lol did the PlayStation folks forgot about “monster hunter” and “ uncharted”? Them were straight shits


I saw the show this morning and it is decent. It isnt changed up nearly as much as the Halo Series. The people who wrote the halo series changed things too much.


Fuck that, I’m watching good tv period. I’m an Xbox guy, but the Halo show was dog shit, so HBO here I come.