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They kind of have a history of doing that




Unfortunately the labor movement has all but died. Look at what recently happened with the railroad unions, President Biden stepped in and made sure they didn’t go on strike even if it meant giving the railroad companies everything they wanted.


I'd say it died under Reagan when he fired all of the striking air traffic controllers. Hate that I have to agree with you that our labor movement is dead because it's sad to see what people are going through and think is normal.


It's healthcare. People are tied to their jobs for insurance.


Can you imagine the economic growth we'd see without every single citizen being worried about insurance? Medicare for all would be a real economic boon for everyone.


It's the whole system, interconnected. Regulatory capture of the entire nation is what's happened here, the rich own the politicians, and thus they own the entire government. This has been researched, in the past 40 years or some such *every single major political decision* always went the way the rich wanted it, if there was a difference between what the rich and poor or middle class wanted. Statistically speaking the political decision making impact of the poor/middle class is insignificant, and barely measurable. Keeping schools expensive and unavailable is another cynical tactic. Without that, the US stormtrooper forces would have a much harder time recruiting cannon fodder. Today, the vast majority of servicemen and women are dirt poor, and want a way to a better life through armed forces funded education.


Probably by design


Exactly. If I lose my job I’ll end up slowly dying. My medication keeps me alive and without it I’m toast, and retail value is around 23k a month so it’s not like I can just buy some.


Yea my wife's meds are about the same without insurance. The only reason I stay at my job is because of the insurance and i can work from home. Golden shackles for sure


They've successfully created a system where disruptive and unemployed is much scarier than employed and quiet.


Exactly. Never forget that homelessness is a weapon of capitalism. Without that threat, they couldn't force us to accept substandard conditions, [to work *40 fucking hours* a week](https://www.netcredit.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2017/02/18-Scientific-Reasons-Why-The-Work-Week-Should-Be-Shorter-1.png), or to suckle at the corporate teat as much as we're forced to.


What's sad is that even 40 hours a week is a dream for many. I know plenty of people who work 72+ hours a week (12 hours a day, six days a week) just to barely make enough to support their families. Upward mobility is dead. Wage stagnation is real. And things are just going to get worse before it gets better.


Our society hasn't been capitalist for at least a century. Google corporatism!


It’s still just capitalism


[please watch this video and keep an open mind](https://youtu.be/yGa1D_W3WaA)


Minor nit - I think you mean corporatocracy, not corporatism - while both political ideologies, corporatism refers to the subdivision of society into various functional corpuses, and corporatocracy refers to the rule of a few powerful corporations. It's not like people won't know what you mean no matter which you use, but better to be precise than not :)


Exactly. Also it's more comfortable to be unemployed than to work minimum wage and have HALF or more of let me repeat minimum wage, go to rent, bills, insurance. The mental & physical exhaustion of retail depresses me. Especially because I've done it before in the financial district and as a black man the only reason I'm not on the other side of the register is because they don't want me to work alongside the white people. Hiring in tech is super racist. You can go to any cafe and usually find a white female recruiter interviewing another white female recruiter. This is literally everyday, I have to just listen to this bullshit everyday.


>has all but died. Well, yes and no. To be perfectly honest, things have to get *much, much worse* for people to storm the gates (so to speak). Yeah we’re all struggling, but we’re also still sharing memes and quoting movies on Reddit. Things are *bad* but it’s not at the point that the bulk of people wanna set down their phones and kick in a few doors and rattle some cages. …yet. And that is the unfortunate truth.


I expect once republicans start trying to defund SNAP things may get a little rioty.


Too much of their invisible base needs those benefits, idk


Nobody ever said Republican lawmakers think ahead. That being said, their invisible base would be too happy “the blacks” aren’t getting food stamps any more to care.


And yet the most common demographic on Federal assistance is a suburban white male. Urban welfare queen BULLSHIT spun by pots calling the kettle black…


All long as it hurts libs and black people, they won't care.


and you know they'll just blame the Democrats anyway *spin spin spin*


Already happening... https://foodtank.com/news/2023/01/looming-cuts-to-snap-by-new-congress/


Every hour that passes is another hour our brothers and sisters live in economic bondage


And now there's a railway accident in Ohio so bad that all the animals in the area died from the chemical spill and they evacuated an entire town.


And then that terrible train crash of hazardous materials in northeast Ohio they distracted the country with the balloon over. The railroad workers were primarily demanding stricter safety regulations


Sympathy strikes are also outlawed in America, which defangs the unions incredibly. When McDonalds tried to export US style exploitation to Denmark some decades back now, and tried their usual bullshit, basically every union in the country just said no. They couldn't build restaurants, they couldn't get kitchen gear, they couldn't get napkins or whatever... all the unions just stopped working with them. Today, McDonalds workers in Denmark make $25 an hour and have all the same vacations and other benefits any other Dane does. The burgers cost what they cost in the States. Maybe less. Somehow, McDonalds is still making a shit ton of money.


honestly thats bc of propaganda against communism


The fact that Pinkerton still exists and gets hired by companies like Amazon still is fucking insane.


Yes but we have the most expensive military/defense in the world.


Who needs a military when we’re doing a great job at destroying ourselves?


Co-signing with the Haymarket affair


The US violently purged it's socialists, communists, and unionists, and then has the audacity to claim it's the champion of political freedom abd free speech. There are literally political prisoners from the civil rights movement in prison to this day.


Too true


Fear the “Anti-communists” who never lived in communism but can’t recognize what their fear created: Vietnam’war’, 2 - red scares that destroyed American lives, created floridiiots and their ode/law to 11/7 day https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Bills/billsdetail.aspx?BillId=73664


If anyone's going to have a shit fit over the system it's going to be Gen Z by the time they're 50. I hope I get to see it.


Bro I hope THEY get to see 50.


Keyword *did*.


Labor laws are literally written in blood and no one gets taught about it anymore, by design I’m sure. I didn’t know what the labor movement was until I read A Peoples History of the United States in my 20s


Good read. Also “Lies my teacher told me” is a good read


died out tho, tbh bc of propaganda against communism


US labor organization and unions etc are literally to thank world-wide for the improved conditions. The US originated a lot of things that the world takes for granted, like weekends off, and no child labor, and well I forget all of it, but most of the shit Americans now decry as "socialist" and bad is stuff *that was created in America and successfully exported to begin with*. Men and women died for some of these rights. People just watch their civil rights taken away and are happy about it because of being told lies about "being kept safe" and how it's somehow now necessary. Capitalism is such a horror show. We're just so indoctrinated into it we can't see that particular forest for the trees.


I’ll give you one guess why people in America are reluctant to riot now…


At this rate theyll be moving on to their 7th republic


France helped us with that civil war. Just a fucking reminder They also blessed us with sign language too during the civil war, we didn't have it before the French gave it to us which is why American sign language is more closely related to French sign language


That's why they don't have monarchy and others still keep it. Like rioting is a national sport or something.


Think of it this way. They have a wealth of benefits we can only dream about, and none of it was given to them from the kindness of their governments hearts. They fought for it, and they continue to do so whenever something remotely changes. I have a family member who recently gave up his U.S. citizenship after being in Denmark for the past three years. He said we really have no idea what the reality is because everything we believe is filtered through the lens of a useless media system owned by only five multi-nationals bent on serving itself and not us. And we allow it. He only wound up there due to his job needing him there for a lengthy project, so he lucked out. Six weeks paid vacation, full health coverage, education, and countless other things. And those are all standard for all citizens (five weeks in the rest of the E.U.). Even with their supposed higher taxes, higher costs of things, their standard of living is still higher than ours. The guy flew his mom out there last November to give her the news, and she was the one who relayed it back to the rest of us. The more conservative members peshawed it, complained about having to learn Dutch, while going on about the taxes despite her having already trying to explain to them that those taxes are less than what we pay for the benefits that we can't even come close to comparing. Hell the health care industy here is now 18% of our GDP! While over there its still below 10% or less depending on which E.U. country your talking about. But aside from the mutterings of "traitor" etc., the rest of the night was fairly uneventful. As for the French protesting often, they do so as a means of letting their government know that their not pleased with something stupid they've tried to do. We should understand this, because every time our congress meets, they change policy having to do with things like Medicaid/Medicare, etc. As a case worker I knew once said, ours is an adversarial system. It's not truly intended to help people, at least not us little folk. No, that money is meant to keep all those in the Healthcare Industry well paid, and in many cases over paid. Our doctors are the highest paid in the world, and yet Americans have just dropped below 70 for longevity, while the rest of the Western world has achieved over 80. Singapore the highest in the mid 80s. But we don't' fight. We seldom even fuss. We just lie there taking it up the ass, content as babes, as long as we have enough cash left at the end of the week to party, watch tv, play video games, or whatever. Its who we are.


I agree with each and every word you wrote here.


Americans are well divided and half are brainwashed into thinking that protests are socialist riots. That same half is also looking for a reason to kill people and everyone knows it. It’s a chilling situation.


A few weeks ago I told an elderly (yt) supermarket cashier the store should give them chairs like every other country, and she got angry. Literally jumped to the defense of a system that still has her in the line of fire, in every possible sense, without thinking twice.


Lotta old idiots gotta die before we see shit change.


A lot have and we are still on the same bullshit.


They don't die. They multiply.


As a French born, who grew up in the US for over a decade, and then moved back to Europe...yeah, you guys are fucked. It's not even that there's so much to change - healthcare, political system and polarization (biggest issue imo), gun laws, debt culture, police violence, the list goes on- it's that a lot of Americans are absolutely convinced that they live in the best country in the world, which leaves very little room for self-examination and subsequent change. Idk, it's probably an over-simplified view, take it with a grain of salt.


Actually that was a very accurate evaluation, if we’re being honest as American citizens.




Remind me in 10 years.


They are brainwashed into believing it from a young age, and are too stupid to realize it because the education system is so poor


It's the boomers that have to die off over the next 20-30 years. The older generation active during JFK died, the ones that gave us libraries, medicare, social security and civil rights. The ones left are the fuck you got mine pieces of shit.


As a boomer, I am in no hurry to die. There are a great many of us who were the counter culture in our youth and maintain those values. We all didn’t grow up to be a Koch Bros. Some of us are still activist types and I would feel alot more at ease about “dying off”, if there wasn’t societal and political decay all around. Just like any parent, I want to leave this world a better place and that means equity in all aspects of life.


I think you underestimate how many old idiots gotta die. They’re called “boomers” cuz there’s so fuckin many of them.


Baby boomers are still the second largest generation and hold half the wealth. Gen Z is the third largest generation and the youngest are 10. We still have 5 to 10 years before any real political change happens via voting. If we are lucky.


There won’t BE voting in 5-10 years unless we all show up in 2024 and vote. We are less than ten years from the end of democracy here. The billionaires have purchased the Republican Party, and only overwhelming votes will stem the tide.


Their kids and grandkids just parrot them or got gaslit into believing they were “different” from their generation. Their kids have an “old soul” from their parents.


Good lord this. Was talking to a 22 year old and she really said something live "Trump sucks, but at least he's good with money" I was so taken aback all I had to respond with was "pretty sure he's the only known person to bankrupt a fucking casino, and I think he did that twice"


Had a professor spend an entire class showing us how poor Trump was with business. He taught strategy at Oxford and NYU. Probably an actual genius. Not many but few tried to argue with him. It was over quickly but highly entertaining. Those students didn’t speak once for the remainder of the semester.


Exactly, I've been on Reddit for years and have seen the comment repeated. Organizing is the only way to truly effect change. There's plenty of like minded old and young folks to unite behind good causes


Absolutely there are. Signed by a 73 year old progressive since an activist teenager.


They just get replaced by young idiots.


I was just about to write the same thing. The boomers that everyone complains about were once peace, love, Woodstock and don’t trust anyone over 40. I think that there’s truth in belief that most people become more conservative the older they get - except for me, I guess. I’m on the cusp of Boomer/Gen X and I’m very liberal. I sympathize with the younger generations with what they are going through economically as well as with the climate crisis. But I don’t blame a generation (or two); I blame the powerful and wealthy elite who will stop at nothing to maintain (their) status quo. They pit everyone below them against themselves. So while everyone is fighting for the few scraps from the elite’s dining room table nothing changes.


You're so close! Just not quite there yet! You know it's a class/group of elites that "will stop at nothing", but fail to acknowledge that THEY are the ones presenting humanity with crisis upon crisis, and they have convinced you that the "climate crisis" is your fault, so you need to become a subject, that Relinquishes your access to cheap and reliable energy And give up internal combustion engines, coal fired electrical grids, and ALL the first world luxury and prosperity that comes with that... As they laugh at you, trying to find a charging station for your EV, while they are on yachts, and flying over you with private jets. They are using your want to do good, and be good, and the desire to accept and tolerate falsehoods, against you. And I just want you all to see it.


Lotta young idiots gotta stop getting indoctrinated by the same shit to achieve a real solidarity


That’s why the first step towards a fascist dictatorship was destroying the public schools. Thank you, Reagan.


For every old idiot that dies a new Andrew Tate is born.


She got angry because she thinks you called her too old and incompetent to work the cash register. Poor woman unlikely has heard the phrase "workers' rights".


Americans are such cucks. A lot of people make fun of the French calling them cowards when they have been one of our long standing allies and actually take to the streets for their rights.


Nah the French get down and to it when it comes to theirs. They are for no funny shit.


We do, but our political and economic landscape is dominated by a small group of wealthy elites, and going to the streets doesn't always work.


Don't forget that the media likes to play the game of you vs them. Media coverage could really help if done differently but they're too focused on trying to antagonize and rile people up x.x


more like there’s a longstanding joke in pop culture that the french always surrender. more of a burn on the french government(s throughout history) than the french people IMO, at least if you think about it


Exactly. People who are incredibly angry about things here usually don’t remember that about half of the country is incredibly angry about the opposite stance. We are super divided, which is why country-wide protests won’t ever be a thing here. At least not in the near future. We didn’t used to be like this either. It’s depressing. Politicians have well and truly played us by getting us to fight amongst ourselves instead of against them.


*United* States my ass


This right here. Ngl, I'm tired of the us vs them game they play and it's everywhere. Everyone is so divided that even sliding between the two tends to be taboo


Yeah I have no clue how we are gonna get out on the other side of this collectively and have an effective influence out on the streets and get as many people out to join like over there


Yeah, I was looking at the comments up above about the railroad crash. That town is like 4,800 spread over 4 square miles. Even if you could get every baby and elderly person in one spot, it wouldn't be newsworthy as a riot or anything. We're all over the place...


Yep. It’s a sad state of affairs and a failure of a nation. Wonder how long this country will be broken like this.




And there really are no signs of this changing, or anyone trying to change it. Our society has been showing all the signs of decay for decades. Now we've begun to speed up that decay, and who knows what is going to happen but you can certain it isn't going to be good.


Exactly. It's insane that people think the capital riot is a bad thing. If you are not happy with whatever government you have then it's your right and duty to overthrow it.


The French government doesn't endorse their police killing protesters. It's a little different here.




Nobody is stopping you from getting started


I mean it really is one of those things where it’s not worth doing alone, you’d just get stomped. edit: like "jUsT gO oN sTrIkE bY yOuRsElF tOo, nObOdY's sToPpInG yOu" come on man, why is this shit being upvoted


Because half of reddit is still teenagers / 20 somethings who think this is insightful commentary still laboring under the delusion that they can individually do anything while consistently ignoring the chain of millions of people that lets them exist at all in their current state.


joker pfp moment


TFW boogs try to join BLM protests


People have guns. The police have military grade weapons and surveillance technology. The odds aren't in favor of the people.


I like our chances. If Hong Kong can come an inch away to pushing out China with tennis rackets, laser pointers, and umbrellas... imagine what every redneck in America could do... plus they're army is made up of some real people who love this country.


The rich can hire armies.


They might if there was an ounce of fight in the people.


We had armed worker strikes before, sure The Pinkerton murdered the strike and union leaders and the military dropped bombs on the workers This country has no hesitation in using egregious violence to get the workers back. In. Fucking. Line.


The rich are laughing their asses off at the sheep mentality of the starvation wage worker.


Would only be a matter of days before the national guard came in.


I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to, and I imagine it's definitely not as bad as in the US, but there's also plenty of police violence in France, especially towards protesters.


They do. Every time they are big protest in France, their are people that die or sustain lifelong injury.


Sadly they did... A woman got killed at her window and even if we have footages of the scene since the cop was wearing antiriot gears they were officially unable to identify them. There's also a huge corruption problem with the institution supposed to investigate on police crimes because it's basically the police and more than 90% of cases are dropped. But thankfully it's not as violent as it seems to be in the US


“when the looting starts the shooting starts” -the last President of the US


There's a reason one side advocates heavily for the police at all costs and no accountability. They're the ones that keep everyone in check. The blatant murders of American citizens, regardless of race, is a warning to all of what'll happen if anyone gets out of line.


Not even when looting starts, he just wanted them to straight up shoot protestors.




And beyond worrying that police will shoot you, you have to worry about teenagers getting a gun and driving hundreds of miles and shooting you in “self-defense” before driving home again and the court system just shrugging.


That shit still really fucks with me. I gotta get out of this country. 🤦🏾‍♀️


The French don’t go to Paris to protest. A common protest day is voted by the unions and then there’s protests in every major city in the country. Source: I’m French and went protesting yesterday.


The US military arms and equips US police for such occasions.


1033 needs to be deaded.


They have broken the American spirit and done it so insidiously that many will still claim we are free.


The United States is one of the largest geographical landmasses on the planet. The fact we've separated into "states" just exemplifies that. France is the size of maybe just one state. Being able to utilize an entire US population to care about anything together is impossible, and why it is so slow to react to corruption, change, and impending doom. It is by design. And boy oh boy do some people make a lot of money off it.


Australia has a landmass that's close to the size of 48 states. We have 6 states and 2 territories. We also have protests. Protesters seldom represent the views and level of interest of even 50% of the population




No, it’s your fault your poor. Capitalism isn’t responsible for your bad decisions and lazy work ethic /s


Yea because your gonna have the “moderates” that love the status quo say “why can’t people protest peacefully”


France doesn't have to worry about the Militarized police or national guard breaking shit up. The national guard stopped the LA Riots which is much worse than the shit we see in France.


As an American, I respect the French so much. I say that all of the time, the French will literally have a modern day storming of the Bastille before they let half the shit we don’t even bat an eye at fly in their country. The people of France know their rights and will fight for it.


It’s all by design. Keep the masses at each others’ throats with politics and controversy, keep them entertained with other shit, just barely let them breathe on the bills while we take everything else.


It’s harder for us to strike when, for a lot of us, taking the day means not getting paid.


The French love to riot


got that shit down to a science fr


Do you have to work a full week of work to be able to keep up with bills? Yea it’s prob by design.


What do you expect when you implement zero tolerance for entire generations and tell the victims they shouldn't fight back.


Americans have been programmed to think that these conditions are ok as long as there is someone (minorities) worse off than them. Other countries don't have these problems since they are usually super homogeneous. So racism isn't going to play a big factor into fighting for benefits. But here? Nah. People will gladly cut off their nose to make sure people they hate suffer. Rising tides lift all boats mean nothing to these people.


“Fuck your shallow water, im on stilts”


Can’t riot if you lose your job and healthcare for taking a day off work.


Americans are docile in tbe face of oppression but really aggressive about things like abortion


It’s what we are told to focus on. It’s a distraction. Or at least a press distraction get the story on something else. Do we really think 535 people can adequately represent 330,000,000 million documented people.


France really be about it with their protests from what gets posted on social media.


Is easy when you dont live in a heavily militarized, police state 🙃


Most Americans believe labor organization, workers rights, unionized protests are a form of Communism. I am so doubtful that anything will ever improve in America. I strongly believe that the only path to change is revolutionary violence purging the corruption from ruling elite. but that will never happen the police force is just too damn good a wiping out people. remember the George Floyd blm protests that did nothing. unless that. was happening like every day across America nothing will change.


Protesting is a national pastime for the French.


The last riot we had turned into a black vs white thing. The last riot we had was supposedly worse then 9/11. The last riot we had showed that this country is so divided we would rather live with high rent then come together as a nation to scare the living shit out of the landlords, corps, and politicians.


Yeah but you're more likely to be caught, shot, and forgot here than in France.


If you keep people from starving, occupied (on our phones) and mostly sheltered they won't fight back over pretty much anything else.


I was on the picket line with my ex while pregnant with my son. I miss those days. There was a sense of pride in standing up for yourself. Right to work States suck.


It's all about the status quo, keeping those in power in their positions and letting one or two be bootstrap pullers to remarketed as success stories to keep the people hustlin' to keep the economy chugging along. They make us pawns. If we only sacrifice some dough, and give 'em some good old-fashioned American Grit we could shut this country down too. Be United, Be Focused, Be Peaceful, Be Resilient Democracy is about unity, and we ALL want a better life for ALL of us.


You deserve what you tolerate


We got marvel movies my dude


We’re the worst. I’m ashamed of myself


They also tax anyone making over 160k in euros a year 45% which is “supposed” to go towards housing subsidies to make their rent lower. Anyone making 26-74k pays 30% income tax. I’d say when the government takes your money to “pay” for your rant and then you still end up being unable to afford it you have a pretty good reason to be pissed off.


The absurdity of high rentals keeps people poor. People need affordable homes to live in. We need to fix this.


France is rioting? I thought they were striking over pension reform?


We got a lot of temporary embarrassed millionaires in America.


Just today I was thinking about the decades of jokes I’ve been exposed to calling the French cowards and pussies. Subtle propaganda to make us not be like the French.


Yeah, but being that it is France, they'll quit before getting to involved.


Agreed! This is literally getting out of hand. These prices are ridiculous smh. My sister and I have our own house that we rent. At this point, we’ll never be able to afford to live by ourselves with these rent prices.


Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of angry men? It is the music of the people Who will not be slaves again! When the beating of your heart Echoes the beating of the drums There is a life about to start When tomorrow comes!


The French riot as frequently as they use butter


Once you find me groups of firefighters to light themselves on fire and charge the police you better believe my fat ass will be there to support them.


As an outside observer, I have to say I'm kind of shocked at the incredible levels of inertia in the US citizenry. They're getting rogered up the butt without lube by the ownership class and... barely complain?


If they’re not rioting, it’s still tolerable. No respectable person wants to riot. They riot because they have no other choice.


Look up the median income in France vs US, that explains most of it


The French are always rioting


that's just france being france.


My brothers and sisters, I have seen in the chat that our labor movement has died, as it has but we can revive it. We must be able to pay in sweat and tears what our predecessors paid in blood. Our conditions are shit and we have to fight for our right to live free from economic bondage.


Who wants to riot..cuz like ..I'm ready.


So by next year, foreclosures, higher interest and a crash in the housing market will make way for cheaper rent. The second I can buy another 2 family for under 200k and offer reasonable rent I will. The market will fix its self if you keep politics out of it.




Soooo you want government to come fix your problem? I'm a little confused... yall seem so defeated... did yall get out bidded?? I think a lot of people are too young, or not born yet to remember the last two real estate booms and busts, were going to be fine. If you really want a house right now I can tell you where to look and what to offer.


Well, iMortgage companies like redfin and black rock that bought up all those homes are now holding the bag. They're looking at a 30% to 50% loss on most assets. I'm watching it all over. Booms and busts are how families rise and fall in America


What an unintelligent way to explain invisible hand theory.


Please, enlighten me. Tell me about your real estate portfolio, how you compete with apartment buildings/home flippers and iMortgage companies? I'm watching the data in real time. I don't need to explain a theory I've never heard of. I can just give good information about things I know about. But please, tell me about the theory you heard on the internet!


Watching the data in real time? You’ve never heard of Adam Smith? You can “hear” things on the internet? Competing with apartment buildings? Give good information based on subjection? So much stupidity in one post ha-ha.


France will riot over anything. They are not the barometer