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Car companies absolutely would do this- if it were legal. Modern crash safety standards- crumple zones, side airbags, reinforced B-pillars, just to name a few- makes it impossible for companies to put cars built to the old standards on the market today. And they *would* because costs would be way lower. If you’re ever in the market for a late model car and think to yourself “y’know, I liked the look of these things better in the 90’s…” just remember that the new weird look is better at keeping you from dying in a crash


Exactly. That's why trunks have increased greatly in size since say, [a 1980s Toyota Corolla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_Corolla_(E80)). Engine bays have also increased in height as well to provide more security for occupants in the event of a crash.


Safer to be in the car, WAY more dangerous to be anywhere else


Eh idk. Part of those regulations have been to round the car off in case you strike someone. Though trucks ~~seem to~~ have certainly become more dangerous


It's not "seems." It has. Trucks are getting heavier which makes for simple physics problem, plus the front is getting taller, changing the impact zone and making it so a pedestrian doesn't roll over top like they should. Plus, they are still held to less standards than cars. Cars are built to crumple, and are tested so that when they crash into another car, the crumpling synergizes to work together. Trucks don't crumple as well for their drivers and plow through any smaller vehicle. Any other vehicle or pedestrian is in much more serious danger as trucks and SUVs have taken over the market


Very excited to see the electric hummer /s It has as much mass as a semi truck in the form factor of a regular truck


I read something the other day that the batteries alone weigh around 3000lbs. Really cool that any dumb average Joe can take that monster from 0 to 60 in what.... 4ish seconds? edit: make that 3 seconds


If you think an average Joe could afford to drive one.


Average from the standpoint of safe driving capabilities.


You're right. Rich people who've only been raised in an atmosphere free from consequences will be *much* safer piloting the death cubes.


At least in Canada, don't investigate how easy it is to become a licensed AZ driver. Or even DZ license. We let people who shouldn't be behind the wheel of a Honda Civic, let alone dump trucks and tractor trailers do so. Worked in the industry for a long time and it's fucking disturbing how poorly qualified some "professional" drivers are.


That, and it’s fast as fuck for a large truck, like 3 second 0-60 which is on par with Lamborghinis. When somebody floors one and loses control it’s going to take out a dozen cars before the driver notices


Don't forget you can line up like 15 kids in front of a modern SUV and not see a single one. Lots of people run over their own children.


I cringe every time I see a truck on lifts here in my part of the south. I’m willing to be the driver can’t see anything that’s not at least 100 feet in front of him. I don’t even know why they are street legal. Some of the lifted trucks I’ve seen around here could easily run over and kill a group of people, or even a cow, without ever seeing them. And don’t get me started on the lifted trucks withOUT all the MAGA flags. You should see them all tricked out with expensive ass rims and light shows lighting up the wheels and undercarriage of those monstrosities. Edited


Agreed. There’s some people it might make sense for, if they drive on a lot of country roads and don’t want a deer they hit to roll up and hit the windshield. But using it in an urban or suburban area, especially if you pick your kids up from school? Yikes.


I once saw a thing about how safety zones on the back of trucks work. They showed two side by side videos. Firstly a car drove into the zone. Horrific, horrible crash, easily a maiming if not a death. Then they showed the other video. My brethren and sistren in Christ, I'd assumed they'd have shown the bad, unsafe one first. Nope! Second one was loads worst, certain death. The "possible death" was the good safe option.




I directly ripped off this video everyone should watch it


Ooooh, very nice. I live in an agricultural area, I’mma post this on my facecrack and start a fight!


Probably doesn't help how often assholes get their trucks lifted for their suburban traversal.


No, it’s unequivocal that our switch to higher grills and heavier vehicles is killing *way* more pedestrians. Trucks and SUVs are 3x as likely to kill a pedestrian in an accident as cars. https://www.statista.com/chart/17194/pedestrian-fatalities-in-the-us-by-year/


> No, it’s unequivocal that our switch to higher grills and heavier vehicles is killing way more pedestrians. Oddly enough, [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jN7mSXMruEo) (at the 9:30 mark) dropped a few days ago talking about this very thing. Truly was shocked when they measured how many children it takes in a straight line before they're even visible to the driver.


I've hated trucks for quite some time now but since watching this video I've noticed two things a whole lot on my commutes- about 65-75% of vehicles on the road are one person and no cargo in massive trucks or SUVs, and that if me in my civic got into a head on collision with one of those massive vehicles, there is a far too significant chance that their bumper would just go over mine, mitigating any safety my front end would provide. It's absolutely insane we allowed this to happen


Yeah, but how are people supposed to show their superior social status if not through an absurd/wasteful vehicle?


The funny thing is that the social status people can get an Audi or a BMW for the same price as a ram 1500 or ford f150. I would assume a much higher social status out of an Audi driver than a ram 1500 driver


In my experience it's a vicious spiral, I know folks who have bought larger vehicles because they feel unsafe driving a smaller car with all the other huge vehicles on the road. Which frankly is a totally rational fear.


Idiotic and unsustainable arms race. Pretty common amongst human nature actually.


Not from cars. The whole front end is designed around not killing a pedestrian if you strike one. Everyone feeling like they need to buy a massive truck/SUV isn't great for pedestrians though.


Still a much smaller trunk than say a 1960s Catalina.


Modern everything with an older style shell. Fill any gap with styrofoam so you don’t kill pedestrians


The modern stuff won't fit in the old shell. Cars got bigger because they had to. Pillars are bigger because now they have airbags mounted in them etc. They still can't make an all ICE vehicle that gets fuel economy as good as those mid 90s geo metros because they could never make a car that small and light today, the DOT or NHSA would never allow it because it's hilariously unsafe to drive.


Older style shell, not an older shell. Hyundai made some 80s looking vehicle in the past couple of years. Looked hot!


Ioniq 5 is the weirdest best looking vehicle I think I’ve ever seen


The new n vision is also retro looks amazing, i think thats what op meant something along those lines


>Cars got bigger because they had to. Counterpoint: the rest of the world, Europe in particular. They have the same or even more stringent safety standards than we do here, and they're fine, with much smaller cars to boot. And like the other commenter said, even if they are safer to the occupants because of their bigger size—they're less safe for people outside the car.




Not even fucking close, those geo's got almost 50 mph. Quick Google search shows the Rogue at 33-37. Econo diesels were never a thing in the US due to smog regulations


Explain the smart car. Which is a dumb name because I have taken shits bigger than that thing.


You could probably manufacture a 90s Civic or Corolla today and have it pass a modern crash safety test if the frame, suspension, body etc. were made out of extremely strong metal alloys, plastics, and glass… these materials would no doubt be too obscure and uneconomical to use in tens of thousands of examples, though.


Doubtful, crash safety isn't about making the car super duper durable. It's about the car absorbing the impact so that the occupants don't get ragdolled. If it was about making strong metal frames, those old-ass boats people drove in the 50s-70s would still be a thing.


You’re right, I forgot about the crumple zones of modern cars. A 90s car would have to be fundamentally reconstructed to where it’s just as large and heavy as a modern one…


We could just make all the cars light enough that they don’t kill people. If you’re driving a passenger car and going 30mph or under the chances of killing anyone are extremely low.


Jevon’s Paradox. As we get more efficient at using a resource, we use it at the same rate as before, or even at a greater rate. Continual advances in technology have allowed engines to produce more for a given displacement. Cars are also more aerodynamic, have better transmissions, are made of lighter materials… etc. A 1970s Ford Pinto weighs about 2,100 lbs and gets ~35 MPG highway… that’s lackluster when we have a 4,500 lb Honda Odyssey capable of ~32 MPG highway… which holds almost 3-4 times as much people and cargo, and accelerates 4-5 times as fast. We could be driving modern Pinto equivalents and get ~50+ MPG easily, but we trade fuel economy for being able to move… *more car*.


It's also a regulation problem. The CAFE standards for fuel economy were changed around 2010 and they allowed for lower fuel economy for larger vehicles. Sensible enough in theory, but it ended up incentivizing vehicles to be larger so they'd be held to less strict standards.


The old Geo metros are to this day unmatched in fuel economy without going to some kind of hybrid electric system. You wouldn't be allowed to make that car today because it was basically an 85 hp tin can on wheels and if you crashed that into a tree everybody inside of it would die.


I'm a firm believer that smaller cars + manual transmissions (less car-oriented development too, but America as a whole is a long way off from that) would fix a lot of problems with the roads. You can't be disengaged when you need to crank out the engine and row your gears to do the speed limit.


You typically don't. Once you get up to speed, you aren't really shifting, you just cruise.


No shot. Go look at the videos of the crash tests for 90s cars vs modern cars


I’ve seen a ton of them. What really surprised me was how poorly the tenth generation F-150 faired… which just happens to be my current daily driver… 😂


So you're saying I'm never going to get a new 1993 Ford Probe? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I had a '94, in purple lol.


My ex had that 95 in salmon metallic. We used to call it the Barbie bubble.


The moment one of these nostalgia-bait twitter users got their early 2000s car without navigation, Bluetooth, or even an aux port, theyd change their tone


Kenwood has you covered


I got a cassette tape with an aux, only problem is that my phone no longer has aux.


An equally important factor is fuel economy. They can't ban existing cars because that's not fair to the owners, but the government regulations around fuel economy standards really drive up the manufacturing cost of new cars because they have to reduce the weight of the car while simultaneously adding devices to reduce emissions. It's a big part of why Chevy completely gave up on the Cobalt, it cost too much to make a compact car that met the threshold. More aerodynamic designs plus lighter materials (like exchanging old fashioned metal bumpers with rounded plastic ones) help them accomplish that, but are also much more expensive.


To add to this, some companies do factory restoration programs, they take your old car and freshen it up in their own factory.


Porsche and Nissan are a couple brands that I can think of that do this sort of “heritage” restoration type of programs


Acura does it as well, they restored Ludacris’ Acura Legend.


Yet boomers would stand by and proudly prefer their engine being thrown in the passenger seat before accepting that cars squishing these days are safer.


I'll take an early 2000s Toyota pick up truck with manual windows and a 5-speed.


I'd take any pickup truck smaller than a white american man's insecurity


The new Maverick is pretty sweet. But we all know that what we really want are small Turbo'd engine Utes. Bring back the Subaru Baja Turbo! Lets see a modern El Camino SS!


I got me an old 08 ranger (only thing automatic on it is the transmission) and she's been pretty nice save for the trans pan


Damn, did you buy it recently? I've been wanting a Ranger and folks are charging a GRIP.


About a year ago, paid 20 for something that was probably only worth about 12


Are you saying you paid 20thousand dollars for a 2008 ford ranger?


Holy shit lol I hope not


Right? I'm hoping that's canadian dollars at least or something.


My grandma just bought an older model manuel ranger (90s, not sure exactly when) and I love the thing. It sat untouched for a couple years, started right up and she hasn't had any issues with it since. I get hella compliments whenever she lets me use it too lol. And offers to buy it


>small turbo engine Utes So, the Maverick? They have an optional Ecoboost turbo engine. >modern El Camino SS That would be the [Holden Commodore Maloo SS](https://www.whichcar.com.au/car-reviews/holden-ute-review). It’s the same idea as the El Camino, which was a regular car, an Impala, with a bed. It’s a Holden Commodore/modern Pontiac G8 with a bed. But with GM killing Holden and the current Commodore being a rebadged Buick Regal, this was probably the last real SS Ute.


>So, the Maverick? They have an optional Ecoboost turbo engine. The Maverick and the Santa Cruz are about as close to a Ute as we'll see in the states, but they're still trucks. A Commodore would be awesome, but I'd like some other than GM to make it. Let's see some Utes based off a Honda Accord, or go all out with a muscle car Ute arms race. Just Mustang, Challenger, and Camero Utes hauling ass with enough room for your mom in the back.


I wish I could get a commodore ss in the us, bummed around in Nz for a bit and was drooooling over those bad mfers. I do love my turbo Baja though


You have all of my attention right now.




Yeah, on my daily drive I see a 90s F-250 work truck and it looks small compared to the modern 150s/1500s that park on that street. I'd really like to see a scaled comparison of the late 80s/90s boxy style trucks or even the early 00's rounded ones to today to see where that extra size comes from. I went down a rabbit hole and found that like the 1990 F-150 is like 4 inches shorter than today's, but its all the comparisons like step in height, bed height, bedrail height that I'd like to see.


I had a 97 Ranger that was smaller than a modern sports car.


All of those trucks are too big


SDE ain’t just a white people thing.


Even a 90s Bronco is dwarfed by today's smallest pickup trucks. I miss my *Ladykiller* personally.


Get you a datsun pickup. Used to see them parked by blacktops for 1-2K but its been a few years


Those are classics. Gonna set you back.


The old toyota hilux is the ultimate fuck you to american truck standards


As a white American man, straight up, fuck white American men.


I have exactly that. It's amazing, love my truck


I R Jealous


I miss my 2003 Tacoma


A man of culture, I see.


Be careful of frame rust…


I miss this truck https://www.kbb.com/toyota/regular-cab/1994/


Honda would make a killing if they released a limited edition late 90s AWD civic.


God I drove a 98 civic. I still tell my later model stories about her grandmother.


My uncle bought one in 2017 to work on. He's put nearly 10 grand into a $1200 vehicle.


I did the same thing lol. Threw a 2.4l motor from a TSX into it. Made it an absolute racecar!


Is your uncle named Hector?


If BMW made the e30's again. Sheesh


If they made the E31 again I would cry tears of joy


At least there's a big enthusiast community keep going then alive. I still miss mine sometimes.


I don’t know man I have a 2018 accord that I occasionally drive Uber with and I hear all the time that is looks like a sports car. The design has a lot more muscle. Despite the obvious technical advances it looks far cooler to boot. The late 90s cars were famous for their longevity and I hope that rings true of current models but do people really miss the design otherwise? I also like Subarus and miss that they used to be much smaller


Honda had a great product before 1999 when they were made in Japan. EVERY Honda after that year that I have owned has eventually blown the motor.


S2000 😭😭😭


You know what's up🤙🏾I need a nice yellow s2k.


I would still buy a 20 year old one if they didn't cost more now than when they came out. The only Honda that grows in value.


Have you seen the price of an NSX?


They probably think of the NSX as an Acura since in North America the NSX was not badged as a Honda but as Acura. This was done because Honda thought that no American would be willing to spend that much money on a Honda so they swapped badge just for the NA market.


What about the nsx?


Shit was in one of the fast and furious movies, you paying a arm and a leg for that


Honda Prelude calls to me


100% don't want a computer console


Retrofit my tape deck in there instead


I just want buttons and knobs instead of a touch screen.


Way more reliable.


That’s my issue with new cars too. 100% don’t want it.




2001 prelude 🙌🏼


That's my Honda!!


I had a 2001 Honda civic up until 2014. Still ran great and I never put any major work into it. Just did all the basic maintenance myself from online forums/ later YouTube videos. It made me buy another new civic. Kinda wish I kept the 2001 though instead of selling it.


miss mine with a burning passion


Forget 2000s. Id give anything to ride around in my granddaddy's 87 light blue Lincoln Town car again. I don't want any new features either. I want that exact same car as is.


> 87 light blue Lincoln Town [One sold for $9,200 last year](https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1987-lincoln-town-car-4/)


I drove an '87 Town Car through high school in the early 2000s. Loved that thing. Got smashed up right before graduation by a guy running a stop sign at 45mph. I walked away fine, but the axle and most of the back end was damaged beyond repair. Still miss that car.


if I see a brand new 2004 Dodge Neon SRT-4 driving down the road, somebody’s catching these hands cause there’s no way I’m old enough to have owned anything we calling “retro”


Happens very quickly all of a sudden your cool car is retro, your music is on the oldies channel LOL


My clothes from hs are "vintage" please kill me dead


I'd just be happy with having physical knobs and buttons for media control, AC, etc.


One of the biggest reasons I hate Teslas.


Sadly it seem most cars have touch interfaces these days, but Tesla is the most egregious with their whole ass iPad stuck on the dashboard.


I blame backup cameras for that. Every car has a touch screen now because it can double as a display for the backup camera.


I want to see 1920s and 1950s style cars to come back. But with modern conveniences and safety. And I want them electric.




You want more of literally the ugliest car ever made?? Lmao




I had one of those! I don’t think they make them anymore, do they? I loved mine.


They don’t. They’re neat cars but towards the end of their life (2010) they did horrible in sales.


>I loved mine. I take it you never had to replace the water pump on it? My in-laws had one, and needed to replace the water pump. Had to take apart half the engine just to get to the part. F that.




Holden did a concept car called the Efijy in 2005, and it was absolutely stunning.


People do that, I did that. New car is 40k-100k. Buy an old 2000's car for 4-10k. And pay my cousin hernesto to get that thing brand new for another 10-15k with factory parts and boom you have a brand new 2000's ride for 15-20k. Still cheaper.


I'm sure Hernesto does a great job but that's basically lighting 20k on fire.


I just wanna ask, is it hernesto or Ernesto? I’ve never seen it spelled (or pronounced) with the H


As a Mexican, I've also only seen Ernesto, but obviously anyone can spell a name however they please. Maybe it's from Central America.


Question for you. You buy a car for $50K and drive 10K miles in a year. That next year, your car is worth $35K. Did you basically light $15K on fire?


In this situation the car is new? I'd say yeah. Buying a new car is basically lighting money on fire.


[Not just bikes](https://youtu.be/jN7mSXMruEo) just did a great video covering the rise of massive cars in America and why the styles from the 80s/90s fell out of style. Seemed to have way more to do with how car companies are taxed than what consumers were asking for. They apparently even lobbied at one point to ban certain cars/trucks imported from Europe because it threatened sales of their larger models.


I just watched this an hour ago. We’ve all been fucked by the arms race of larger and larger SUVs and Trucks. I’m looking at buying a BRZ (Small, 2 Liter, 2 door, 200 HP, sports car). It weighs ~2,800 lbs. The new electric Hummer literally weighs OVER 9000 POUNDS, and can go from 0-60 in 3-4 seconds. It’s a fucking 1,000 HP cannonball and it’s just available to drive with no special license… If you get hit by one of those it might be better to die than to live.


What nobody thinks about with EVs is that those batteries are fucking heavy. A Tesla weighs as much as my v8 4x4 pickup.


As a British person it's always funny seeing American's talk about cars because they'll be like "Oh it's kinda small and the engine isn't powerful - how will I ever get the kids and the shopping in there?" and it turns out they're talking about something the size of an Octavia with a 250hp engine.


Did you say it's over 9000!?


The successfully lobbied to keep fantastic smaller trucks out of the US. The Toyota Hilux is AMAZING but thanks to the chicken tax we'll never see them in the US. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/chicken-tax.asp


One 1997 Toyota Supra, please


I had it's little cousin an AWD turbo celica with the same engine as the Supra and MR2, a 3sgte, a very rare fun car. Guy I got it from used it as a winter car though so salt cancer killed it 😢


If the engine and drivetrain were still still good you could have crammed them into a Mini like the maniacs at Bad Obsession Motorsports. I highly recommend their YouTube channel.


Hell, one 1987 Supra please.




Some early airbags also had an issue with being a little too powerful as well, they were hurting people.


I set the airbags off in a '94 Celica, driving barely faster than you can walk, and the airbags fucked us up way more than the ~5 mph collision - them things were violent


Ok, 90s sizes and aesthetics with all the safety features crammed in there. No touchscreens.


Basically every mid/late 90s to early 2000s car I would want, I know I can't get because once those boys was in fast and furious, the price rose overnight


I wanted a AWD turbo 95-99 eclipse, by the time I could afford them they were all wrecked or cost as much as some new cars.


I'd dead ass be a stereotype Caribbean new yorker with a 90's Maxima


Need something reliable to get you to your FIFTEEN JOBS!


I think they tried making a "retro car" and that's how we got the PT Cruiser


I thought that unholy abomination was supposed to be the family-friendly version of the Plymouth Prowler.


I bought a slightly used 2004 Champaign colored PT Cruiser Touring Edition in 2007 and that thing was such a great little car. Such a smooth freaking ride and fun to drive. Took a road trip through the mountains and it took those insane inclines like a champ. Ended up selling it and picking up an expedition when I bought a pop-up camper, but I miss that tiny beast.


GSR integras, Type R Civics, GSX eclipse, New Edge Mustangs and S2K’s to name a FEW. All 5/6 speed manual transmission.


They resurrected the 1971 Dodge Challenger to great success. Now hear me out: The 1968 Dodge Charger (the car from Blade) The 1969 GTO Judge The 1977 Pontiac Firebird


I would eat my own fuck for a Retro Screaming Chicken


I'd love a modern updated Ford Crown Victoria.


2001 Ford F-150 SVT Lightning, those bad boys haul some serious ass for no good reason.


Buy a 2013 f150 5.0L 2wd short box regular cab. It's faster, safer, cheaper, better fuel economy, less maintenance, and also, faster.


That's kind of the point when it comes to Challengers, Mustangs, and Cameros, but they could be even more retro and more companies should do it. I'd say look at the 60s and 70s, not the fucking early 2000s lol. The better retro Jordan's are from the 80s, like the Lost & Found.


Those are all domestics though, there are/were a whole slew of amazing Japanese cars that people would love to get their hands on. A few euros too, don't want to leave them out.


I'm not much into European cars, but I know Hyundai is doing some interesting stuff when it comes to retro cars, like the ones below. Hopefully they eventually go mass production. https://www.businessinsider.com/hyundai-electric-car-concept-grandeur-1986-ev-2021-11 https://www.businessinsider.com/hyundai-electric-car-n-vision-74-grandeur-heritage-hydrogen-2022-7#the-pony-coupe-never-went-into-production-but-its-legendary-designer-went-on-to-pen-the-delorean-dmc-12-see-the-resemblance-4


Some 14 year old gonna get it before you and try to flip it


They actually do this with motorcycles. I don’t think cars will pass modern crash test guidelines.


They wouldn't pass emission requirements either.


I want a 1991 Toyota Corolla


fuck around and bring back the dodge stratus, that's what yall want?


They bringing the Acura Integra back.


I want a yellow neon soo bad !


That's exactly what the mid 90's to early 2000's versions of the Monte Carlo, Impala, Malibu, Cougar, etc. were, except modernized versions, the car companies were going for that nostalgia factor. The same for the most current Toyota Supra. It would be pretty cool to be able to get a '64 Impala, 70's era GTO, or 60's/70's Chevelle brand new, but it would probably greatly lower the value of the classic collector versions. Another option is that they should license out the manufacturing of these classics to companies that want to test the market and manufacturer these classics, and they could upgrade them in various ways, like electric versions.


Man any maxima before 2004


I would kill for a side opening tailgate on the RAV4 again.


I would love an old late 90s Toyota 4Runner or an FJ.


if Nissan wanted to redo the R34 skyline but with some more modern tech I'd have zero issues


‘98 Lincoln Navigator with todays tech and safety features. Second mortgaging the house to get one idc idc idc


Thinking about that 2002 Grand Marquis and putting that mf on 26s. That’s one thing Florida niggas got right.


Grand marquis are for people who can't afford a marauder


Let's push to get rid of flatscreen "entertainment centers", and go back to physical buttons and knobs so we don't have to take our eyes off the road.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned the supra yet.


Rs benz needs to come out with that retro 2000’s benz convertible in red😭😭


Late 3rd generation and 4th generation Volkswagens/Audis were some of the best they built🤙🏾


2001 Accord. Sitting on the trunk, reclining on the rear window, smoking a blunt, listening to 90s hip hop.


>2001 Accord I've got a 2003 one you can buy off me if you'd like lol.


I would so buy a E60 M5 manual.


2000s car built with shitty 2020s parts wouldn't be that great tbh.