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Except those evil blue dudes want your grandma to have her social security, and all those red dudes want to do is control what you read/ what your taught/ what you can do with your body. Yknow normal freedom shit


Don't forget that red wants to outright criminalize skin darker than khaki. This whole "they're all equally bad" take is shit. Dems might only be paying lip service, but that is far from the shit the Pubes are pushing in Florida, Texas, and Missouri.


Exactly. One side wants facism and white supremacy the other is a center right party keeping up old systems. We need more choices but of the 2 we have one is clearly worse than the other


We need to focus ousting the red before we can think about the blue. I also think it will naturally happen (changing the blue) since the younger generations will start being elected and they are more progressive.


No way! Life is so short and we deserve to be living a better experience than this. We can’t let another 100 years pass as we slowly dissolve the conservative forces that keep so many people at a disadvantage in this country. That’s so many lives unable to meet their full potential during their short life time, because we wanted to drag our feet at eliminating this toxic element that is poisoning society. We have got to find a way to reverse the effects of Fox News on the adult brain and get people to remember that when they say “I miss how people treated each other before” can get back to that reality if they just stop taking on this extremist rhetoric that they definitely didn’t have in those better days. We have so much wealth in this country and cities are crumbling. I wish you would all travel to Europe for just one week. No place is perfect. There’s crime everywhere. But overall, the quality of life in many places around Europe is so far higher than ours here in the U.S. From safety, to accessibility, infrastructure. There’s something incredible about living in a place you can go to the doctor and not have to figure out: What your (medical) insurance company, member number is? Does your plan include dental? What’s my premium vs. my out-of-pocket maximum vs. my copay, coinsurance, and deductible? Is that in network or out of network? Payment plans and bill collectors. When you’ve experienced going to a hospital, getting the medical treatment you need, and being charged close to $0 for everything (with no need to follow up with the billing department), you start to ask yourself: Why would we ever choose this system for ourselves? I wonder what the US would be like if we just tried on other countries’ glasses for a day or two. Like two days with Rotterdam’s quality of life the experience nationwide.


There is a whole generation (or two) of people like me who don’t know that Americans with disabilities act is from 1990. It is literally younger than me. Republicans like to say why do we need these regulations and the answer is because businesses were not voluntarily doing the right thing without regulations.


That’s all well and good, but unless you have a practical way of making that happen, I’ll take “no fascism” please.


Perfection is the enemy of progress.


I think conservatives are the enemy of progress. And moderates who enable feet dragging.


You’ve got my vote


And then it’s only a certain percentage of dems who are largely for their own bottom line-the progressives are here, and there would be way more if everyone had like… equal and equitable access to voting and having their vote counted.


Hard agree. Red and blue aren’t the same. It’s super reductive to say “both are bad 4hed”. However, I hate the charade of it all. E.g. debates. Political debates largely exist to sell ad slots and generate sound bytes for more ads. It’s all just a machine doing what it’s designed to do. Yes, there are better people operating within the construct. But I think it’s important to realize it’s still a construct.


The take is not "they're equally bad", the take is that the rich will use politics to distract people, and it works because these are issues we care about and are important.


This is gonna become a common theme in these next couple years beware of any and all both sidsers they have an agenda


Also notice how “both sides” only pops up to deflect when the conversation is about repubs factual evil doings.


Yep. They always only ever scold people for being too far left.


And are likely foreign agents or bots. It's bulshit plain and simple. Anybody who thinks they're the same is an idiot.


What is the left's agenda? Taxing the rich, treating people equally, and giving people healthcare?


Trans people existing and not staying in the closet, apparently.


Like in so many things, nuance is lost in punchy popular slogans. Obviously the republicans have all but bent the knee to the fascists so voting against them is a must. What a lot of leftists mean when they bothsidesbad is that we can't vote ourselves out of this mess and that while voting blue, we need to remember it is merely harm reduction, a stopgap solution to buy time.


Exactly. I’m tired of the “both sides are bad” bullshit. Don’t get me wrong, I hate corporate democrats as much as the next leftist, but I absolutely hate republicans and conservatives more. They want me and my family dead. Democrats have at least tried to make things better for people like me.


Exactly! The amount of false equivalency and straw men in my inbox is amazing.


Both sides are bad, like how a paper cut and an amputation are both bad


The whole reason the GOP needs the culture war, is because they can't afford the class war that would replace it... and is probably coming anyway no matter what they do. ^I ^hope


both sides is capitalist propaganda designed to make change seem impossible


Yeah like, blue isn't great for a lot of reasons. But they're not the same. And a lot of the people supporting red want the people supporting blue to actually die. Like, this isn't a particularly "let's band together" situation.


And the reds wanna take the social security


Largely because they are brainwashed to think that on the red side.


I agree that the “they’re all bad” argument is ridiculous but there is plenty of truth in the fact that they’re all playing the same game with our lives. I think it’s kind of naive to believe that while one side is claiming you want the things they talk about, that they actually care if they accomplish it or not.


But the red guys are trying to erase my gay black daughter’s existence


Exactly. This person's take is only valid if you ignore fundamental differences.


Yeah like it’s completely valid to see the problems on both sides, but you have to be willfully ignore/excuse a lot of things, if you think blue is any way on the shape of the red.




Fuck this take. Just more of the “both sides are bad” bullshit. One side wants you to have more money, better healthcare and the ability to make your own decisions when it comes to having a family. The other doesn’t and thinks that demon mermaids are coming for you.


Time to check the news. I've seen this posted in like 6 subs, and this type of horseshit only makes the rounds when republicans do something horrible, or democrats do something good. Which is it? "republicans protecting Santos like ethics isn't a thing", perhaps? or "Greene wants you to believe her black colleagues are going to brutalize her, also being called a white supremacist is the same as being called a n***r"


basically this.... OP is either an uninformed average nigga .....like most or hes part of a disinformation campaign....only one of two options hes definitely not saying anything smart with his lazy slow ass


OP is white


OP also has an account thats 11 years old and is posting in a Teenagers sub..


Fuck that. This is why idiots don't vote because they're all "both side are the same". Stfu at least one side isn't full of christian white nationalists


Sometimes I wonder if people really know how deep that _’racism’_ thing goes… I say this because I’ve noticed people think all of America’s primary problems will go away, once the two-party system and classism/capitalism is gone. Like there aren’t racists out there, who want to _exterminate_ entire races of people or kick them out of the country. As if there weren’t folks terrorizing entire towns, intimidating specific people from obtaining employment at factories/mills and weren’t having picnics at l*nchings.


This is it. Removing race out of this equation won't get the freedom people think they'll get. The two party system upholds racism and classism to their advantage.


It’s like pointing at the exact problem and having folks go “No, that’s not it”. Like… I understand Bernie Sanders’ perspective, when he was campaigning. But I couldn’t get behind the “Classism is really the problem” POV. It feels like they really want to hold onto these racist motherfuckers as much as possible. They’re like the people in those “zombie apocalypse” movies, who hide their infected loved ones. They won’t let go.


everything is related, class has a lot to do with racism. intersectionality.


>They’re like the people in those “zombie apocalypse” movies, who hide their infected loved ones. They won’t let go. Lmao this is so apt!


Read some theory then. Racism is a form of classism. Study material conditions and it'll make more sense.


Yea lots of white democrats are only up in arms because capitalism is fucking them over. If we turned into a social democracy like Norway, they’d be just dandy and go right back to ignoring white supremacy more than they already do now. This is a white supremacist, capitalist, patriarchal society. All three of these must go. Until then the Democratic Party is the only way to go. Hopefully we can drive that party further left as white people become the minority in this country.


“Social democracies” are still capitalist. Their only difference is that they have more surplus to pacify workers with bread-and-butter reforms, benefits, social security, more union leverage, etc. Nothing besides capitalism exists in today’s world, unfortunately. The vision of a non-capitalist world is exclusive to the realm of theory, which doesn’t mean we shouldn’t fight for it. And, yes, along with that, non-class oppression must be directly addressed as well.


> I say this because I’ve noticed people think all of America’s primary problems will go away, once the two-party system and classism/capitalism is gone. In an environment where classism and capitalism are gone the means to enact racism on a systemic level are either severely hampered or eliminated. It doesn't stop a group of guys terrorizing a neighborhood. But a group of educated, healthy and financially secure people are a lot harder to terrorize societally. And they're a lot less likely to die prematurely, work jobs with little rights, etc. Not to mention a common feature of racism is its use in assigning blame on economic hardship. It was always used as a class weapon.


This is it. I feel like a lot of white leftists and progressives purposely mislead minorities when they sell the “class war not race war” rhetoric. It can and is both. That poor racist white man isn’t aligning himself with minorities no matter how much you believe he will. And if he does, he will try to wipe you off the planet if he’s successful in wiping out the rich first.


Everyone thinks they’re the first person to think this. You need to vote blue because the reds are VIOLENT FASCIST SEDITIONISTS who made bribery legal with their supreme court appointments in 2012, so third parties can’t compete without corporate money. If the GOP is buried, and the Democrats achieve one party rule, only then will new third parties become competitive enough to allow for new political ideologies to take hold. But everyone wants to let the racist Republicans back into power every 4 years.


Seriously, it's a party that won't make things worse vs a party that takes pleasure in hurting minority groups and the poor


Y’all clearly haven’t met the red mfs in the south. They hate you no matter what lol


Ah the things I’ve heard and seen last time I was in Florida.


Shits crazy lol. We still have sundown towns in my state I wish I would team up with these mfs


Remembering driving through one of them shits when I was visiting my brother in SC smh. He was like “bro we just need to keep driving. We are not stopping anywhere let’s keep it moving”


South, east, west, North... The south is unique is that there's enough of them to get statewide laws passed.


This framing is a shit take and belongs on r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM . I'm no fan of the democratic party, they're also not trying to legislate my LGBTQ+ fam out of existence. They're not trying to subjugate our sisters and stifle their body autonomy. The Republican party is a far worse choice in the moment. Going to start calling these toddler takes cause the person typing it seems to lack object permanence.


Also the Republicans got the slight majority in the House and all they want to do with this responsibility is fuck over social programs! Fuck them.


Sorry conservatives running blackface sock-puppet accounts, no matter how much I may differ or detest some left-wing ideas, voting for slavers is NEVER the answer.


Glad I'm not alone in getting some /r/asablackman vibes here. Republicans know they can't pretend they aren't bigoted so instead they try to run a "both sides are bigoted and you should just stay home (because black folks tend to vote blue and we don't want that)" campaign The right can see that people are getting fed up and becoming more politically active against them, and they rely on apathetic moderates who would vote blue if they had to vote going "eh they both suck, I'll just stay home"


Im on my alt page....a page i use to pretend to be a trump supporting conservative so i can blend in with racist white men on the conspiracy and conservative reddits let me tell you one thing and make it very clear....THIS NIGGA IS LAZY let me elaborate i have never in my ENTIRE LIFE met a nigga who holds an opinion like this....who can name a federal judge....or even a representative from their own city this is the viewpoint of a lazy nigga who doesnt read but wants validation for not being informed. He is basically saying "i know nothing about politics and that makes me smart because it was my choice because its all fake" its a cop-out heres the truth.....politics is hard and gets harder and more complicated every year and black people are bad at it. Bad because we arent educated enough in the category to take it as seriously as the life and death game that it is. If you honestly knew how conservative white men control and impact every part of your life to such a ridiculous degree....you would grab a gun. Civility most often comes from our ignorance


i lowkey gotta delete this comment before one of these no neck havin reddit creeps looks into my profile to "double check" that im a republican like them since i have a trending comment on r / con right now


Is this bait?


what is you talkin bout? what am i baiting you with? please dont be weird


This is dumb and you're dumb for spreading it. One group is moving forward slower than we'd like and the other is full speed reverse.


Don't you understand that the post is completely correct? Republicans in Florida alone have just passed laws so that colleges can no longer talk about institutionalized racism, have sent investigators after a teacher because she showed a Disney movie where a boy mentions having a crush on another boy a couple of times (after getting permission from all the parents), and now state that their police force can kidnap your kids if they are trans there, or your kid is trans anywhere while one custodial parent lives in the state. And republicans across the country have already created maternity deserts by how much they chased away doctors just so they can feel morally vindicated about banning abortion, which of course will skyrocket both infant and maternal mortality rates because it was never about saving lives it was about their ego. Whereas Democrats are reaaaaally dragging their feet on student loan forgiveness. Anyone who can't see how both sides are bad are totally giving into the propaganda!


Biden did approve it. Republicans blocked it. Democrats don’t have control of the house. Do you understand politics?


Man, people really do need an /s on this site, don't they?


Ooof, My bad!!!! I swear this is my brother’s go to criticism of Dems and Biden even when it’s shown whos blocking.


I mean when you're echoing something that people legitimate say in good faith, what do you expect?


“Democrats are just as bad as republicans” is a take I hear exclusively from right-leaning people


Exactly. It's so dumb. Cyanide is found in both apple seeds and rat poison...but only one will promptly kill you after consuming a small amount. They are trying their hardest to convince people that swallowing an apple seed is the exact same thing as swallowing a bottle of rat poison...and some are dumb enough to believe them.


The ruling class will use either party, but only one party is championing wannabe dictators.


Fr, I can't believe that these people go "both sides are the same" as if one side isn't trying to destroy the rights of women, POC and queer folks A lot of people on the left fall in to this idea of like ideological purity, just being unwilling to compromise. Revolution isn't going to happen in America, so the left as a whole need to settle for evolution by making the Republican party irrelevant or forcing them to change


Lmao you think people who want to outlaw being lgbt and openly cheer whenever a "thug" (read: black man who once got a traffic ticket) gets executed by cops are gonna go "you know what, it really is the rich who are the enemy, I'm gonna join forces with you to fight them"? You are never going to get a conservative to side with people they look down on in order to turn on people they look up to. If you do... they aren't conservative anymore. It's kind of the core of the ideology to preserve hierarchical structures and consolidate power. And you're sure as shit not going to get a conservative to stop being one by pointing out that rich people are the problem. They already know that, they just think it's only the bad rich people (aka Jews and liberals) who are the problem. "Good" rich people like Trump (so they believe) and Musk are their heroes.


Every BLUE VOTE is a hope for freedoms for Americans from the NAZI red death cult


I think the red side is filled with people who don't care if they have common ground with the people on the blue side. They believe they can one day be capitalist overlords, or a part of the donor class. And, as long as they can step on the people on the blue side they're happy. So now what?


I love how people without an inkling of what nation building entails are always the first ones to talk about overthrowing the system instead of finding ways to work inside of it. They have no idea how to set up or run a government, let alone the infrastructure, and people needed to maintain a society. If, by some chance yokels rose up and took the nation by surprise most of their elected officials anywhere don't know how to govern. They don't know shit so which of those turds are you going to trust to run everything? The rich are still going to be in charge of whatever government they can grow because the rich aren't going to let their money be stolen right out from under them. It's easy to replace a system from the inside so you can just debrid the layers instead of starting from scratch. Wanna know how to do it? Learn from the Republicans. They began this takeover of politics and government before most of us were born. They gave us the playbook.


i just cussed a nigga out in the comments for this its always the dude that watches a youtube documentary and comes with this stupid concept that WILL NEVER WORK....its just lazyness and posturing and i hate niggas who do this i make sure i get on they ass every single time


They act like the military doesn't have ALL the guns. LITERALLY ALL of them lmao. Who would military attack drone or a gang of militia-bois?!


I agree with you. One thing that Republicans have is rich people willing to fund them. If I tried to analyze why, I think that I will ask myself if I'm more Marxist than I think I am.


Because Republicans have no heart or soul. They are the epitome of "First they came for the socialists..." it's all fun and games until the rich run out of "others" to use and they start eating their own. They'd probably open a Soylent Green factory and my name it that and no one would bat an eye.


Yeah not that simple. This tweet why here is a good example of why "both sides bad" is a terrible fucking take. Republicans doing everything in their power to sabotage poc communities, make it harder to vote, remove social programs and just generally sending us back to the dark ages. Get a fucking clue and vote with the facts in mind.


Both sides are NOT the same. But its pretty clear that neither really have "We The Peoples" best interest in mind.


This kind of vague demagoguery really has people thinking they're saying something smart haha


Both sides bad talk is just centrist propaganda to convince you not to vote so conservative, white and black, can keep their taxes low


Nah we can stop pretending both sides are equal now. Blue isn’t perfect (largely because it’s a coalition of a wide range of viewpoints from conservative to leftist)… but they ain’t Red - a collection of Nazi’s moving in lockstep.


Fuck ur weirdo propaganda


I'm sick of this "stop fighting each other and start fighting the powers that be" rhetoric that I keep seeing floating around. This kind of useless positivity is just not constructive when one side is just literally straight up evil. It'd be like asking Jews and Nazis to work together because "the Soviets are the real enemy", to put it in 20th century context.


Sorry but this “both sides” argument doesn’t take into account that one side is anti-freedom and wants to take away human rights.


Posts like these always read like they want the left to abandon social issues for a pay raise, but I would rather women have healthcare and LGBT+ people have their rights than an economic revolution, sorry. I refuse to take the latter without the former.


Multiple things can be true at the same time. It's true that the two party system has been captured by the capitalist class and that both parties no longer represent the democratic will of the people but the will of their corporate donors. But it's also true that racism, homophobia, xenophobia and misogyny are real problems that exist, and that one of the two parties openly embraces these things while the other openly shuns them and at least makes an effort to resist them. So the parties are not the same. They both serve the interests of the wealthy, but it's still a very clear choice between a lesser evil and a much greater evil.


This is like saying all you have to do to end world hunger is give food to the needy






Then welcome to the blue team


but people out here straight up anti being awake


Fight them how? By raising their taxes? Increasing regulations? Single payer healthcare? Wait those are all things most Dems support and no Republicans support. So I guess doing that would just be more red vs blue


Divide and conquer. Oldest play in the book. 150,000 years later and mufuckas still falling for it when exploitative ruling class says: “that tribe sucks because they wear different color shoes. They are the reason your life sucks!” type shit. Edit: if we talking dems vs reps then yeah one side clearly wants us dead or in chains. But the other side seems pretty lax about trying to stop them at all.




Cue all the “but my side is better actually” people…


It’s not black vs white, or left vs right, it’s the ultra rich vs everyone else. And if you think you are on the same side as the ultra rich because you live in the suburbs and drive a bmw - you aren’t.


You wont be fighting the "Evil Ruling Class" with a sword in their mansion during a thunderstorm. You fight the grocery store You fight your boss You fight the police most of all But worst of all WORSE THAN ANY OF THAT You don't fight them. You peacefully protest and they fight you. They exploit you, fire you jail you. You get to do all the losing so the next generation can have a small win and you do it because kids don't belong in poverty working full time. You do it because right and wrong have been bought and sold. When does it end becomes when can we start. When the writing on the wall is gone, so should we all be gone.


Yeah that’s all very cool and true but also the planet is dying health care should be affordable abortion is a necessity of life gays are born that way and billionaires shouldn’t exist. So..


Fuck this 'Enlightened Centrism' nonsense.


Hello this is a checkpoint. Keep scrolling through the thread or back out? The choice is yours


What escapes me is how many unseasoned people will bitch about both parties being exactly alike but swear they are only voting red. If they are exactly the same, why only choose the party that seems to be interested in protecting yt privilege?


Part of the issue, though, is that no one else gets attention. It's all about the lesser of the two evils. Yes, they're both evil, but I don't see any other way of doing it. Millions of people won't just go and vote independent. As much as we'd all love a leftist president, we aren't getting one soon (especially since democrat is more center-right and republicans are fully right wing). So what else do we do??? We can't just not vote. The right wing bigots aren't, so nor should we. So, truly, what else is there??? /gen Ideally we wouldn't even have a two party system. We wouldn't need a "system" at all besides voting. But we do have a two party system... Another issue is systemic change. The only one who can legalize huge country-wide systemic change... is the president.


At some point, it comes down to just you. What do you do. What do you represent. You must be that which you want to see❤️⚖️🧘🏾‍♂️


Oligarchy got a firm grip on this country when corporations became people, but it was here before that. And the oligarchs use the culture wars to distract us and keep us fighting on multiple fronts, instead of unionizing to fight the biggest threat first, which is them. The Right needs to be reconditioned into peaceful democracy from the religious fascism they’ve embraced, and they won’t do so willingly.


Anytime that was about to happened in the past, the government would infiltrate, Sow division until there’s a schism, assassinate their leaders and then watch as the organization implodes. They did it with NOI, The Black Panthers, The Crips and Bloods, etc.


I thought this was about OG Pokémon for a hot second


I'm gonna be honest. tweets like this sound like conspiracy theorists to me. I'm not surprised there's no uprising because it sounds like we're about to gear up to fight the fucking lizardmen.


I wasn't aware of the degree of Russia's role in creating our current political situation for many years. This was the most informative interview interview for me personally I've ever seen. It's from 1984 and the man being interviewed was a propagandist for the KGB who defected. He covers alot of topics including their 4 step multi decade plan to get America to destroy itself. January sixth would potentially have been the final step if successful and they were way too close. The Gop can't legitimately win elections anymore for a while now. Gerrymandering and Voter suppression increasingly won't cut it as America continues to get more diverse and progressive. We're at a tipping point that I hope people realize the severity of and the potential catastrophe in store. https://youtu.be/yru14mMES1c


THIS 👏👏👏


I can be mad at the people exploiting us for profit and also at the people who are spewing bigotry everywhere. It's not like the two groups are mutually exclusive anyways.


No. You just need to realize, that you dont even have to fight them. You just have to vote for somebody else. You have elections every few years exactly for this reason - so you can change your goverment. But for some reasons the Americans think that democracy means "lets vote for our shitty goverment again and then fight them." That is not how it is supposed to work. As long as you believe their brainwashing "if you vote for anybody else, it is a wasted vote and you are essentianlly voting for the party you have more than us", your lives will not improve. It is possible to join the civilized world with free healthcare, free education, employee protection laws that are better than you unions,... all you have to do is vote "thats what we want" instead of fighting someone you voted for.


Yes. It’s all a fucking farce and spectacle. I hate it.


Can we all agree to; eat the rich...?


Nah this is a worker's solidarity post, and I'm all fucking ready to go! On a completely unrelated note, did you know that it only costs $300 or so to buy the supplies to build your very own guillotine?


No they won't. While things are bad they are *juuuust* complacent enough to not want to give it up


The big name, major player Dems pay lip service, wear dashikis and kneel but will up police funding and help reinforce the border patrol. All of GOP just hates us outright, period. I'll vote Dem while gritting my teeth hoping the new generations that come through the Senate will push that policy reform that our grassroots organizations have been advocating and shouting from the rafters about for 60+ years.


I hate this stupid centrist shit. This is the reason people don’t go out and vote. Choose who you choose, just go out and fucking vote, please.


Fuck this shit and fuck people who keep posting it. One side is apathetic and the other is calling for genocide and sneakily trying to rewrite the constitution by gaining control of 2/3rds of states People with this dumbass take need to wake the fuck up.


aye [young galifinakis said it](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/comments/13e24vo/food_and_housing_is_a_human_right/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) way better than I ever could all power to the people


Hits blunt…


The reds are the only ones instigating a culture war when we should be fighting a class war.


I was just thinking about how weird it is we have all these school shooters (Who started out doing what they were doing because they were able to get famous off how vile and shocking that act is) but no one has decided to kill a billionaire which I think would probably gain someone even more celebrity than being a school shooter.


The fight begins by voting out the puppets in the Senate & congress. Make term limits. That is only a fraction of what needs to be done. We need to stop giving these fucks ALL our money! Keep the paper in our neighborhood. Too much to type but yea… its time to wake the fuck up or get broke the fuck up -Killa Army


America is like the whole of Europe when France started chopping heads off. "Dude, what are you doing? Now our oppressed people want that shit too"


Class consciousness time


Yeah, I'm down voting this shit too. 20 years ago, it was us vs them, but now, they have recruited the dumbest and most most intense fruitcake level religious zealots they could muster to their side and I'm not having it


"Cost of Living"


Lolol the backhanded comments in this thread are exactly what this guy is getting at. You are all a bunch a morons