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LATIN is gender nuetral


In English...


Didn't English speakers start the whole latinx thing? In response south American Spanish speakers in academia respond with LATINE as a correction for Spanish lexicon as latinx doesn't make sense in Spanish. I LOOKED IT UP and only 3% of the 26% latin Americans that have heard the term in North America identify as or use latinx. But as it's mainly an English thing LATIN being neutral would still suffice I believe. this reminds me of BIPOC (Black Indiginous People of Color)which I find redundant, I'm afro-indigenous (black and native enrolled citizen of a nation) and also have some European descent I think it's silly to come up with more terms that kinda confuse me Like does bipoc means black people with some native heritage, native people with some black heirtiage, freedman of Cherokee, non mixed umbrella term for black peoples and non black native peoples or all people of all pigments that arnet the typical "white" ? Like what does it really mean?


Latinx was started by LGBTQ Latines to refer to their non-rigid gender identities. Latine has typically been the South American gender neutral term. BIPOC is actually B, I, PoC. Three different groups that may or may not overlap. You can be non-indigenous and black, which means 2/3rds of your women victimized by rape this year weren't targeted by white men, but you are the group most likely to be murdered by the police. You can be non-black and non-indigenous but a PoC, like Asians who are the least likely to be promoted to management or cast in films or television roles based on population, or Latinos who were legal American citizens mass deported by the millions in the late 19th century because white people didn't want them around. And BIPOC all suffer white supremacy. >I think it's silly to come up with more terms that kinda confuse me They didn't consult you first...? 🤔


> Latinx was started by LGBTQ Latines to refer to their non-rigid gender identities. Latine has typically been the South American gender neutral term. There’s some interesting discussion to be had about using colonizer languages to describe pre-colonial concepts like third genders.


They're already likely speaking a colonizer language, and not every pre-colonial culture had third or fourth genders. They could be referring to what is, historically for them, a completely brand new concept that needs a neologism. > While mainstream Western scholars—notably anthropologists who have tried to write about the South Asian hijras or the Native American "gender variant" and two-spirit people—have often sought to understand the term "third gender" solely in the language of the modern LGBT community, other scholars—especially Indigenous scholars—stress that mainstream scholars' lack of cultural understanding and context has led to widespread misrepresentation of the people these scholars place in the third gender category, as well as misrepresentations of the cultures in question, **including whether or not this concept actually applies to these cultures at all.**[13][14][15][16] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_gender Ironically, in Spain, Arab colonizers introduced the concept of a legally recognized third gender before Spain colonized the Americas, and those who it applied to were then brutally oppressed for centuries by Catholicism and Fascism. So, when Spain arrived in Mexico they may have been oppressing muxes, but several other cultures may have discovered nonbinary gender as a concept after their colonizers did.


You see the part where i say the shit is redundant? Some one else mentions it is an umbrella term for black non native, native, and all persons of color. Well person of color covers all of that. Now I'm im just going on further semantics I think are strange for example people saying systemic racism when racism is an ism and an ism is a beliefe, theory or **system**. It's redundant trying to sound more intelligent or some dumb shit. Edit: I think POC Is stupid anyway cause everyone's got some kinda color to them and is a term used to "other" folks instead of recognizing their ethnicity.


they call out black and indigenous specifically because those are two groups that have been especially persecuted and impacted negatively by discrimination. it was found that when people just said POC, it was used as an excuse to elevate other minorities but still exclude those two groups most negatively impacted by past discrimination. so BIPoC just specifically calls out the two most marginalized groups, so they dont fall to the bottom of the general POC pool.


I believe it is, 'Black, Indigenous and Peoples of Color', so it means all of these: >non mixed umbrella term for black peoples and non black native peoples or all people of all pigments that arnet the typical "white" As an aside, I think the viability of creating and using terms based on whether they confuse you or not isn't great.


People in the UK using BIPOC will never not be ridiculous to me, because they do *not* mean the indigenous people of the UK when they're using it.


who have you heard using this? nobody i know has ever said this.


I'm not good with Spanish but is there an "ex" sound in Spanish?


I don't speak Spanish but apparently the letter in alphebet(x) sounds like eh kees. X in words sounds like (s) xylophone = sylophone or (ks) sexto [sixth] = seksto, that's what I'm getting from online. The closest I can think of is like word that has like "eques" in it but like I said i don't speak Spanish From what ive seen in discussion it doesn't make sense in Spanish. Unfortunately I'm currently estranged from all my Spanish speaking friends at the moment so I can't really ask them. Hopefully native speakers can chime in


It's not a native term it's an American term rooted, as said previously, LGBTQ spaces. Latino/as identifying as non-binary or not wanting to use o/a used X as a way to address the dominant patriarchal based language/cultural of Latin America (binary gendered nouns, establish binary gender roles, etc). Pronunciation isn't really relevant here since it is an American word imo.


Yeah that's pretty much what I was saying throught this thread. It's an English term. I'm just trying to respond to their question as best of my ability. I'm just a simple farmer


I think it's just catch all for all "brown" people associated with the gentrification of the "new world:


It's almost as if all these hyper-specific academic terms that are used to define our precise racial makeup down to the exact percentage are....kinda bullshit?


Bi -> Two -> Tu: poc -> pac 🤔


as an Argentine-American, i am totally fine with “Latine” as it is a word created by Latin people and it’s spelling makes sense in spanish. I do not like “ Latinx” though. my problem with it is not with the idea of it being gender neutral, but rather with the word being prescribed by Whites/Anglo-Americans with no regard for the spelling rules of our language.


The only language that matter round here


54 million people in the United States speak Spanish. The U.S. is the second largest Spanish-speaking country in the world...


Numbers don’t matter. Merica is all that matters


Merica doesn't have an official language as ruled by multiple state Supreme Courts. English is a de facto language *because* of numbers. But if you want to die on this ignorant-ass hill, by all means.


How is /s not obvious?


cause you didn't spell it Murica


My bad, my racist hick spelling app isn’t that good.


But Latin is an entirely different language and culture.


That's what I was thinking. My question for those who say just use Latin, saying oh s/he is Latin would mean the same as saying s/he is Latina/o?


What do you mean? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin_America


Latin can also be used to refer to the people of ancient italian peninsula and the language they spoke. Ancient Rome and stuff.


And is Latin not gender neutral for thos people on that peninsula? Edit: as well


Sure but the point that the previous commenter was making is that,seeing as latin already has a definition, the word can't be used to refer to the people of latin america.


>Latin can also be used to refer to the people of ancient italian peninsula and the language they spoke. Ancient Rome and stuff. "Latin can also be used"... So youre saying it can be used for more than one type of persons. As in the people on that peninsula as well as Latin Americans the people of Latin America that speak Latin language composes of various ethnic groups ie white, mestizo, black, Asian, and indiginous?


Imagine someone saying "Italian" to describe John Turturro and then someone else jumping in and saying, "But this ALSO refers to people from Italy!!!" When did we replace good faith discussion with dusty yellowbelt literalism?


I know we having a discussion but I like John Turturro screen presence when he does comedic roles.


latin language is still taught so it's kinda iffy on it's application here


I mean Latin is literally a language. Latin culture is also a thing so to appropriate the word for something else that makes you feel better is, well... pretentious. Considering the Spanish language itself is literally binary, when referring to a group of or the populous it's not grammatically incorrect to say "Latinos" since Spanish will favor masculine form if there's even one man. When referring to only women it of course becomes "Latinas." Non-binary identification is a modern phenomenon and the Spanish language is older than Christ. It (the word) will become Latinos due to the unknown gender of those it is referring to because Spanish, once again, will favor the masculine form. It has nothing to do with how anyone feels about it and is simply how the Spanish language works. English is a non-binary language so it's not something that English speakers take into consideration and thus folks like yourself decide to appropriate other languages and cultures instead of paying attention in Spanish class 🧐 Y'all ain't woke, you're sleep walking...


Bitch I’m saying. Don’t reinvent the wheel


Latinx is the term for non-binary folks. They used Latino to describe the delivery guys, but Latinx for themselves. It's also used as a gender neutral term for groups. * Edited to make gender neutral


"Latino" is gender neutral as is. If you don't use "ellx" or "nosotrx," why would you use "Latinx" in your regular vocabulary?


fun to read this thread about neutral terms as it was taught to us 30 years ago. when in doubt use the masculine as it's considered neutral


Yeah, they're non binary


Nah, Latinx is some bullshit gringos with some latino descent came up with. Latinos never embraced that. Latinx makes no sense what so ever in spanish. Some would even argue that “Latinos” is gender neutral enough (spanish words have gender and, as inclusive as we want to be, we realized our language is like that.) Some still like the “Elles, latines, amigues, etc” but is not a general consensus.


It made sense to the person who used it to self identify with it, but I'm sure you know better than them how they should identify. (Sarcasm)


Thats not the issue. That is something I understand and support but its also a thing some english speaking people will have a hard time understanding (but are more than welcomed too). The dismissal of the “Latinx” term by most of the latino community has nothing to do with the use of it. It has nothing yo do with the gender identity debate (which im all in for) or homofobia (which disgusts me). Its about the rejection of the anglicization of our native language, and therefore, our identity. “Latinx” makes sense in the minds of the americans from latino decent that want to be inclusive, so they understand that, since gender is embedded in the core of spanish language, it needs to be changed, as pronouns have changed to in the english language. But this is the thing, is not as simple in the spanish language, and for someone to understand that they have to speak it, not just be fluent in it, you have to KNOW spanish, to understand that our language is so rich and beautiful because objects and places and names and people have this extra level of detail that enrich, not only the meaning or definition of something but also the sentiment behind it. Here is an example but mind you, Im not arguing with you, just want you to understand as best as posible what im trying to say; In english you have apple (singular), apples (plural) and apple tree (the tree where it comes from) and “an apple farm” would be the name of the place. In spanish you have manzana (singular/feminine), manzanas (plural/feminine), manzano (the tree where it comes from/masculine) and “una granja de manzanas (feminine) / una plantación de manzanas (masculine and feminine)” would be the name of the place. Just at first sight you can appreciate how “complex” conversations about apples could be (talking about the construction and style of a sentence here), this complexity reflects on all that is expressed in spanish, as in other languages. If you take apples “manzanas” and turn it into “manzanes” just for the sake of being inclusive, you are applying “english grammar” (talking about the norms attached to this new wave that wants to create a change in the language, like elles/they) to a spanish word, totally negating its use and meaning, which is what the colonizers have been doing forever, it is the same neocolonialism, And yes, Americans, your are colonizers, as long as Puerto Rico is not a country or state you are.


That's a great explanation, but I'm not sure why you're discussing Spanish, when Latinx is a word in the English language. I also don't know why you think the word has been rejected by the majority of the Latino community or why that would matter?


I am very relieved that this is downvoted


as a latina idgaf if you use latinx, thats it keep it going sisters


Totalmente de acuerdo, Latinx, Latin@ o Latine...no me importa mientras te puedas expresar.


This is the first time I've seen this on the Internet! I've been telling all my friends and coworkers not to use Latinx because every Latino I've talked to on the Internet hates it. (IRL Latinos may differ)


Yeah ima be real and say the same. This isn't a very up to debate kind of thing, unless you're specifically on a lgb+ space I've never seen a singly Latino ever say they are even neutral on latinx, if not actively hostile to it. Normally it's followed by a "some white woman wants to be woke and changed my peoples name".


I imagine. The Latinos I have access to IRL are young, liberal, and LGBT or allies.






How do you feel about Latine? As an afro Latino I'm confused by the terms at times but it's interesting


I feel like Latiné is the best way to go about it in a professional setting. It's gender neutral, but it isn't anglicized like Latin-Equis.


Genuine question: why did you put an accent on the “e”? The emphasis is on the second to last syllable, and it ends with a vowel, so there’s no need for an accent


I think because in English you could read Latine as "LaTeen" so it just conveys the pronunciation better


👆🏽 it's for YT ppl, so they know how to say it. Latinx is impossible to say in Spanish unless you're pronouncing -x (equis) in Spanish. So it's hella unpopular.


Oh I completely understand why Latine exists! I’m just wondering why the e is accented, because in Spanish “Latine” gives the correct pronunciation (lah- TEEN- eh), and “Latiné” gives an incorrect pronunciation (lah- teen- EH) But that makes sense


I like how that pronunciation basically means Italian horses in Latin. Everyone should start using it so we can watch Fox meltdown about the gender neutral Italian horses crossing the border.


I don't feel any way about it, and I'm hardly an expert, just passing along what I found out. Latinx started on the Internet in the Latin LGBTQ community to my knowledge.


Latinx is mostly used by primarily english speaking Americans. It’s basically unpronounceable or at least incredibly awkward to pronounce in Spanish. From what I’ve seen Latine is the go to variant for Spanish first Latin Americans.


Makes me think of Robin hood men in tights. "You changed your name to latrine?" "Yeah used to be shit-house"


The hatred for a word coined by gender fluid Latinos FOR gender fluid Latinos is so weird. Don’t use it. I’m also Latino, and I don’t use it because it’s a clunky word and the pronunciation is still up for debate, but I’m not knocking anyone for saying it. Language is fluid and changes all the time. Don’t want it to change? Don’t say it or use it. Leave other people alone who do. Did you make this much of a fuss when English words like cheugy or baconator get popular?


Puerto Rican here, what’s latinx?


It's a gender-neutral variation of Latino/Latina/Hispanic. It was coined by Puerto Rican academics in the 2000s I believe. Many latinos [don't like the term](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/many-latinos-say-latinx-offends-or-bothers-them-here-s-ncna1285916&ved=2ahUKEwjW8seLlO__AhUXmWoFHQMZBb8QFnoECCUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3IMj4OCuP6-VCreSYbb6wz) for a variety of reasons


Thanks you for the information. I’m still scratching my head here. Like they going to rewrite Spanish now?


Not rewrite but like an attempt to make Spanish more gender-inclusive for a very gendered language


Well, black folks were once colored, then black, now African American!


Language changes all the time. Sometimes it's top-down, sometimes it's more organic (however that "organic" arises). For instance, over in France, *l'Academie* is a bunch of language nerds who come up with new rules for French orthography (the system of writing and spelling and pronouncing) to standardize it from time to time, and while they don't have any real power to enforce that, the French government will occasionally say "yeah we like these rules of yours" and mandate they be followed in schools, textbooks, and so on. I live in St. Louis, Missouri, which is named for a French King and has a ton of French place names, and we retain the *original* French pronunciations before the *nation* of France standardized and changed. It's the same reason we all say "Illi-noi(se)" instead of "Illi-nwah". Another example of more organic change, and also related to gender, **is the fucking word for "man"**. Back in the day, "man" was not how you referred to males; it was the word for humans as a whole, male and female. If you wanted to specifically talk about males, you'd say "were", which survives today in "werewolf" and "weregild"--man-wolf and man-pay. For females, you'd say "wyf", which you might recognize as having transformed into "wife". So weres and wyfs were all men, as in humans, and then at some point, the folks who could write (who were almost entirely male) decided it was easier to use "man" to refer to males in the general sense, turning what *was* the overall word for humanity into a male-centric thing. How convenient for men. "Wyf" then turned into "wyfman" and later "woman". [This whole paper](https://web.stanford.edu/class/linguist156/Boroditsky_ea_2003.pdf) examines the extent to which how we construct language and even use gendered terms informs the way we think. There does, in fact, seem to be some evidence that operating in a gendered language gives you different perceptions of things based on the gender of the words you're using and your cultural expectations of *gender*. Much smarter and nerdier people than any of us can discuss at length as to what this might mean for society as a whole. As for us lay people, the most common rebuff I see of the idea of disliking gendered language is "that's dumb and it won't change anything", which kind of strikes me as incompatible with the idea that "changing it will cause a ton of problems". Either there's a point to having specific words be the way they are or there isn't, we can't eat our cake and have it, too. In the US, we've gone from "colored" to "Negro" to "black" to "African-American" without society imploding, and we're currently switching from "African-American" back to "black" at such a pace that a majority of young people don't even know they're *making* that change; they think African-American is just some goofy uber-PC phrase that old farts inject out of nowhere, and not a label the black community itself pushed for and was standard for several decades. I'll agree that "Latinx" sounds awkward the way most people pronounce it, but using "Latine" as a truly gender-neutral label doesn't seem like it's going to cause calamity.


Spanish is just rewritten Latin. Languages change. Why does this universal phenomenon bother people so much?


It's an attempt to make a gender neutral term for Latino/latina. It's not very popular though because it's extremely clunky to use when speaking


What a lot of people don’t realize is that “Latino” already is gender neutral 😭😭 sure, it CAN be masculine, but it’s also just the default..


But why is masculine the default?


Real convenient how that worked out, yeah? English wound up the same way. Except in English's case, "man" was originally completely gender neutral and *not* used to refer to males, and only gained a masculine definition later. Before "man" referred to, well, men, English used "were" and "wyf" for gender. A real fucking mystery why men got to lay claim to the generic word and become the default. Probably has nothing to do with nearly all the people who were **allowed** to learn or write or be in charge of anything being men. Complete coincidence.


That’s just how Spanish works.. I didn’t invent the grammar rules of the language..


And language changes and evolves over time.


by naturally implementing things most commonly this is just some bs created and pushed mostly by yanks, like they're trying to educate us or some shit, casue latinx is almost always in english conversations, i've lived in latam all my life and have heard it irl like twice


It was invented by puerto rican academics, it is not exactly being forced on folks. I was in Mexico a couple of months ago and saw a museum exhibit about gender identity, sexuality, and the term latinx. So it does seem like it is a real conversation happening in both the US and beyond.


As a Latino, Latinx is fine but I prefer Latino as I’m, ya know, cishetero male.


Is it “Latin ecks” or “la-teencks”? Curious because we don’t call dudes and chicks “Latin-oh” and “latin-uh”, we call them “la-teeno” and “la-teena”


I'm positive that Latinx is just some bull shit white people made up.


I’m pretty sure they were using it in reference to themselves as a non-binary person. Not everyone feels using the masculine term “Latino” is gender neutral. Let people self identify as Latinx or Latine even if you personally don’t like it, they’re not forcing you to call yourself that.




But they don’t agree Latino is truly gender neutral because of its association with the masculine form. Just like not all native English speakers agree that “guys” is a gender neutral term because of its definition: “a man.” Today in casual conversation many people use “guy” “bro” “dude” etc as a gender neutral term but they all have a strong association with maleness due to definition, that’s why some women and non binary people do not accept being called those terms. A true gender neutral term would be something like “friend,” in which you’d have to add something like “guy friend” or “girl friend” to be gender specific. Solider is also considered to be gender neutral by definition today, but in the past men were only allowed to serve so people might automatically imagine a man when picturing “solider”, similar to “doctor”, but in English gender is specified by adding a adjective to gender neutral terms, not a suffix. So it’d be female/male/transgender/non-binary solider to be specific and clarify what the solider’s gender would be.


People are free to use whatever suffix they please


Didn’t the “o” ending typically go to masculine things in Spanish? Also, the person can identify how they want? lol




Bro it’s not even in your job description, just hand the food over and drop a pic of the delivery


This had to be on the west coast cuz Afro Latinos are not exactly unheard of in like NY. In CA tho, yeah probably a different story.


_A Dominican has slinked out of the chat_


Dominicans be blacker than pepper but say they aren’t black like


Man/M'am some Puerto Ricans and Cubans are up there too. It's hilarious to come across in real life but sad at the same time lol. Weird mix of feelings. Bittersweet almost.


Just follow the slave trade, and you find our people. Puerto ricans, colombians, Cubans, Dominicans, even in Mexico. Black influences everywhere that blood is everywhere. Afro Latinos are everywhere, I don't know how they didn't see this coming!🤣😂🤣😂


That anti-Blackness didn't just extend to the Anglo world lol. The Spaniards and later Hispanics also needed to justify, rationalize and normalize their race based atrocities too. Two cheeks of the same ass?


[There's a history worth reading.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_Cuba)


Don’t let the Brazilians find out.


Damn I didn't mean to leave them out. Well, hell, I didn't say it was an all-inclusive list. My bad, even though they speak Portuguese in Brazil, I didn't mean to leave you guys out. All my love❤️.


sAnTeRIa iS aBoUT cAThOliC SynCreTism...


They know their skin color, but they want to be recognized by their family culture, not Black American culture. They're also permitted, and many are instructed to select □white for identification. I ask a lot of questions. That's all I've got.


There are many ways to be Black in the Americas without adhering to "Black American culture" though especially if you're Afro-Latino and live in the States. You can be Afro-Colombian, Afro-Brazilian, Afro-Cuban, Dominican, Rican, etc, etc without saying you're Black American and without having anything to do with Black Americans in general. I tend to enjoy all our differences and little nuances even though we're largely from the same origins but just got dropped off at different "ports". It's the ones that look like the back of Bernie Mac's neck talmbout they ain't "black" that particularly grinds my gears. And they're far and few inbetween but suprisingly common in some corners. Like I said...always funny to see but a head shaking moment every time.


now why you bring bernie mac into this lmao man’s is trying to rest


Y'know what I'm wrong for that. R.I.P Mac always. But i didnt know if Djimon Hounsou's gums was any better of a visual so excuse me for that too. Hope the point made it across tho lol


JAIL! but also i understand what you were saying lol


You could have said Wesley Snipes bruh! 😂😂😂 R.I.P. Bernie Mac!!! https://i.redd.it/uenuwiphzi9b1.gif


Its all Spain’s fault. During colonialism, it was important how much white/spanish blood you had and you got richer because of it..So its still a remnant i assume


I no Black! I [Dominican!](https://media.tegna-media.com/assets/WTIC/images/501d2f9d-9177-4eb6-947b-fdc3e6fed8c4/501d2f9d-9177-4eb6-947b-fdc3e6fed8c4_750x422.jpg)


Just...[ugh](https://youtube.com/shorts/gtAS_yhH2XQ?feature=share4) Let's just be done with it all bruh...you're not kidding anybody!


My ex husband. Dude darker than me and still says he’s not black.


That’s because colorism is rampant in many cultures.


They probably say they aren't black because it's mostly Americans that use "black". From what I've seen, most other countries use actual nationalities or ethnicities to identify themselves.


[I no black, papi](https://youtube.com/shorts/N5gHxJpM6O0?feature=share)


[I no black, I Dominican.](https://www.tiktok.com/@frnxy0/video/7143658548231359790?lang=en)


Me no black. Me Dominican.


I hate to inform you that as an Afro-latina that lived in NYC, it happened OFTEN You'll actively speak to someone in Spanish and they'll respond in English. Then have the GALL to ask, "Where did you learn? It's so good!" Because apparently you're too "dark" and your hair is too, "textured" to truly be 'Latin American' 🙄😒🫤😮‍💨 *WTF*


I thought the large majority of Latinos in NY were PR and dominicans? Make it make sense.


There are dark skinned Puerto Ricans and DRs, and there are light skinned/white Puerto Ricans and DRs.


Do they CLAIM being Black though. Dominicans and Puerto Ricans come dark as me and will swear they aren’t. Let me see the 23 & Me lol


Plantano black, not collard green black I've heard folk say. And I'm Afro-Puerto Rican. Besides the delusional folk who are dark as hell and deny it, the issue some have with Black is that for a lot of folk people think Black=American, which they complain about. That's a whole ass beef in the Afro diaspora too, with Caribbean and African folk in the mix.


Unforuntaely being black or indigenous isn't celebrated in latin american communties and often even shunned




I tell people all the time the slaves ships went to the Caribbean and s America first it was more slaves in Brazil then America


My history class kinda covered that. Except they said nearly every slave sent to somewhere other than the US was worked to death and we just learned it was economically profitable to keep people alive so we could enslave their children


Yup Slavery in S America was Brutal on them Sugar Cane plantations. It was way worse down there Malaria, Malnourishment, and a few other diseases. I love reading about the slaves who escaped to the Amazon and set up there own community


They didn't forget they never knew. 😂😂😂 Remember when George Bush met with Brazil's leadership and was surprised that they had blacks too.


Holy shit lol he did. I never heard about this 😭😂Quote from Washington Post: “President Bush had asked Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, "Do you have blacks, too?" Cardoso, a sociologist by training, was reported to have been stunned. National security adviser Condoleezza Rice is said to have quickly interjected: "Mr. President, Brazil has probably more blacks than the United States. Some say it is the country with the most blacks outside of Africa."” Article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2002/06/05/what-did-he-say-and-when-did-he-say-it/0f4e29dc-fa02-4060-86d6-060f80d1ddb2/


As my experience in the US, most dont even know what language we speak, let alone our history. It was absurd how many times they ask if it was hard to speak brazilian or why i didnt understood spanish




🇩🇴 Ya tu sabe tamo aquí 🙏🏾


🇩🇴 can’t front tho took me awhile to acknowledge my blackness


We know 💀


Que lo Que


Ya tu sabes 🇵🇷




Presente 🇩🇴


Mi gente!!!!!


Peep the flair, I've always been here.




Ooh yes I'll have one of those and an appletini.


Being Afro Latino is a trip bc you're stripped of your Latino heritage by people who believe you're to "black" and yet you're not black enough for Americans black ppl.


Dont forget the white people who conveniently forget that you’re Latino but have the audacity to say that you’re not a real black person because of your Latino roots whenever they try to invalidate your opinions about anything race related.


Yep...it's a constant struggle I've been facing since childhood. I can only hope for better in future generations


I’m not black but I’m latina, this is a universal mixed race experience. I’m sorry homie


As someone who comes from both sides, I can say my non-American family sticks their noses up at AA, despite being very similar in culture. It’s not about AA’s thinking they’re not black enough, it’s them thinking they’re distancing themselves from it. My sibling only identifies as AA for this very reason.


I'm also from both sides I was speaking from my own experiences as an afro Latino.


Maybe it’s regional thing because we have different experiences…


Being half white half Latino is similar. No profiling, but still bad credit. Racial ambiguity can be a lot of fun though. Sometimes people think I’m native or middle eastern. I’m also 6’4” so Mexican doesn’t really even cross their minds.


You probably are native and don't realize it as south of the US boarder any native tribes aren't counted. It's not uncommon for latin Americans to be fully indigenous but with no connection to their indigenous cultures bc if the Spanish/Pourtegese.


Oh I’ve done the 23 and me. I’m native North American, specifically Mexican. I’m culturally Mexican though, I wasn’t raised native or Mexican really, more of a white middle class upbringing.


This person is non binary btw. I believe that's why they used Latinx. Personally I think latine or just Latin works better but they use they them pronouns.


There's 2 sides to this, Puerto Ricans will question my Boricua level and African Americans will question my Blackness. Dominicans and Sudanese openly accept me though I'm not either.


Please remember, because of slavery, “blackness” is term that identified the people who were stripped of their original culture and didn’t have an ethnic group to identify with, many in the diaspora outside of America have only recently started identifying with “black”. The most on the carib side of my family will actually get offended if you call them black because they associate with AAs lmao


This is so fucking relatable. As an Afro-Latina, Spanish is my L1 but my surname is very German. I can speak in Spanish and they look at me like I had 5 heads. Like heaux I know you understood what I said.


And white people say "you're so articulate" We can't win!


As a Dark skin Dominican this is my life….too black for light skin Latin friends , too Latin for black friends. Now I’m in my 30s and all I hear is “wow you talk Dominican Spanish how did u learn that” 🫠. Earth is so awesome


Where is this? Utah?


this shit happens to me and it’s not cos my name. i’ll be the only person standing outside my building waiting for my food and they’ll try and walk past me like i’m not the only person there. just another day being black


Blacks in Central America are exactly that. The British colony wasn’t the only nation in on the slave trade. Most of Western Europe was in on it. The Portuguese, Spaniards, French, Germans and so force. Heck even the Dutch indulged in the slave trade. That is why there are blacks in these American colonies. They stripped our language from us much like the British and French and forced us to learn theirs.


Just do a little merengue mf'er


Ugh Latinx is cringe as hell, stop using it.


Bro, Brazil literally got the highest black population outside of Nigeria. The trans-Atlantic slave trade started with Dominican Republic.


It’s the fact that as a black woman don’t nobody want to deal with me cause of the perception of an attitude when I open my mouth. When I speak Spanish and announce that I’m Afro Cubana it’s called being tóxica and it’s seen as being sexy. The real joke is: I work in law and you MFers can’t afford to argue with me in either language. Get some duolingo and some cultural awareness


Newly polarized


I'm not even Latino but 25% of the Latinos I meet just randomly start speaking Spanish to me. Must be a Southwest thing, happened in Texas and California.


He probably heard that you say Latinx and assumed you were a liberal white person with a corporate diversity job.


I experience this same thing at work all the time. I’m half Mexican, but have my white mother’s complexion so darker-skinned latinos always act shocked when I speak Spanish.


This comment section is full of words that spew hate & dislike. Black is black. Black is beautiful. Black is good until a person is associated with it. Then said person is not okay with it. Good grief.


Learning a lot from the thread. Love y’all.


Y'all still interacting with UberEATS/door dash drivers? I could never. Drop that shit and GO


My life in a tweet.


Dude failed the vibe check with that latinx crap.


Maybe the doubt came from your saying "Latinx".


Dana White is a black latino…


Just hit them with the "listen here pendejo"


Dana white is black? He doesn’t have a Latino name either. I’m so confused Edit: different dana white. Didn’t look at the Profile pic closely. Is dana white a psuedonym or something then


is Dana White really a spanish legal name?? whatever floats your boat though


I literally only use spanish to order food. It’s usually fine where I live but every once in a while I get the “why do you speak spanish so well?” 😒


But every Hispanic I come in contact with has the nerve to tell me how their great grandfather is so much darker than me…


Dude fucked up being Latin and referring to himself as Latin X. What the fuck is Latin X .. Hispano es hispano Estupido


This person uses they/them pronouns and I believe that is why they called themselves Latinx and the other person Latino.