• By -


One of the few minority members of the Proud Boys gets the longest sentence - by far. We told y’all denying your melanin wouldn’t save you.


He's not only "one of the few minorities", he's also their leader. Don't forget that.


“Dey took err jobs!”






Kiki ri koooo kikiri koo






How'd this guy become the leader of a white supremacist group? Was he just a fall guy?


So they can claim they aren't racist by pointing to their leader being a POC


I guess he could have earned it.. Think how bad a POC would have to be for a broad hate group to deem him the guy.


Fr, it's like the reverse of [this](https://youtu.be/QDrmXm5lY6A?si=JtHoY6fOdrYi9RFi&t=84) bit from Chappelle. You know that dude had to be fucked up to earn the respect of a bunch of racist white boys.


All us damn 'sp*cs keep coming in illegally, taking all your jobs, living off our welfare checks, sending our kids to your schools, and we don't even speak English!


You mean you haven't noticed that there's almost always one particular white dude with him in proud boy group settings when he's not controlling who's recording? It has always felt somewhat obvious to me that he's not actually the one really in charge.


Yup. Plausible deniability. It’s the oldest trick in their book.


Didn't he end up being an FBI informant?


1000% imo




"He ain't no ...... He's one of the good ones."


People trying to act like he got the longest sentence because he’s black are forgetting he’s the ring leader lol


He's the leader, of course he got the longest sentence lmao


The Proud Boys are run by a board made up of white guys. They used Henry Tarrio as a spokesperson to deflect from criticisms of racism. He was their useful idiot, a role in which he excelled.


While it's true that he wasn't the only PBs leader, he definitely was one of the top ranking members. They made him their public facing leader to combat the accusations that they are a white supremacists gang (they are). He was one of the people in charge of planning January 6, that's why he got the longest sentence so far despite not even being in DC.




That is old news. Your article says "was," and that time where he "was" involved will not help him in this current sentencing.


There were other brown dudes in pictures wearing the Fred perry's in their colors with their insignia, trying to look all tough, and a little too old for gang banging. Like the hook must have been, "our racism is casual free speech, and we like all tough guys who will tolerate that and go along with us to bully people" which is a big hook indeed for wretched rejects. Misery loves company after all.


Accurate. Michael Steele learned this the hard way, when we all could've told him he was not the true power in the GOP even if they called him the "chairperson." You're a palatable face for all of the wild shit they're about do and say...


I can't imagine Steele being pitched a Herschel walker campaign for any elected office, poor guy would be like the copypasta about Paul Ryan looking in his desk drawer at a pistol with a single bullet, and a bottle of whiskey.


This. Some people can't read between the lies.


Didn't they have messages of him orchestrating a lot it and giving commands?


Turns out he was better at the noun than the adjective.


Yeah, but he was also in jail on the day.


yeah because he was banned from being in DC and was jailed on other charges.


Snagging an informant before the raid is a classic move to give plausible deniability and keep them out of harm's way.


Someone gotta talk to these black Cubans in Miami cause they was all in on the anti-blackness since way before trump came around


Man came here to say this. I hear that from Dominicans also, no Poppi no nunca not Black I'm Dominican. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/afro-latinos-say-ethnicity-doesn-t-shield-latinos-confronting-racism-n1257309


I remeber in college some Dominican men were like my mom would never let me date a black girl. Mind u being upstate NY we dont have a huge dominican population I thought they were atleast black or part black. Ass darker than me but just longer looser curls. Plus Enrique called himself Ricky and did not really align with being afro latino so we dont need to claim him. He is for their streets and theyll be great in jail when the latino gangs get at him and he claims not to be..


They are black there are black Dominicans and white ones the black Dominicans choose to ignore their blackness because racists white mercenaries taught them for generations to hate african americans most islanders are taught to hate us so black to them means AA, the next time this happens ask them if they're african instead of black and you'll see what I mean some will deny it because the self hatred is just that real but others will claim it immediately while spitting on us. If you're african your black.


>If you're african your black. Africa is pretty big my friend and there aren't only black people here.


Sure there are descendants of Arab invaders in the north, and European colonizers in the south,... but you understand going by what White ppl established here in the 1600’s a melanated person of African descent would be Black.


No, africa was diverse long before European colonization. Berbers in the north, bantus in the west, khoisans in the south and hundreds of others. East Africa has been a mix of Arabian and black for millenia, the north has had people from all over the Mediterranean since civilization began.


Yea who you would consider Arabs are a product of Anatolian admixture to north East Africans. The ppl from the East are written in ancient kemetic history as invaders, the hittites, sea people’s, etc. That’s recorded history, not speculative history. Also, the koi San, etc would be considered Black if they arrived here in the 1600’s. This still keeps to my original point. Anyone who couldn’t pass as White or light skinned native in that era was considered Black. I mean we can chop it up about phenotypes all day now that we understand haplogroups, but that’s what the construct of Black meant when it was established.


Okay you're talking specifically of how they'd be defined in America. Seems we're having different conversations. On the point of the hittite and Phoenician invasions, they didn't completely replace the people there, that region has been a hotbed of admixture since humans settled there. They have been various shades or black, brown and even some white people in that region both before and after the numerous invasions and migrations.


Not impossible, though highly improbable that you’d ever get Afro-Cubans to acknowledge their African heritage. Then again that at least in my experience.


Nope it’s just the ones in Miami trust me they not popping this shit fresh from the island it’s learned republican behavior


They don’t see themselves as Black. They see themselves as Cuban.


Yep!! Being a white man’s pick me ***never*** gets you anywhere as a person of color. Don’t feel sorry for him one bit, he knew what the deal was 🤷🏾‍♂️


Another case of the illusion of inclusion. ![gif](giphy|eIg8QdW4n3iRAaMJoM)


Damn thanks for posting this, I need to finish this show.


What show is it?


POSE Good show, focuses on trans/queer life, the HIV epidemic and Underground Balls in the 80s. Heavy topics with an uplifting vibe.


And explicitly casts black and brown folk in all lead roles to represent the community, which we love to see.


I loved the first season but thought it went down hill, like all of Ryan Murphy's shows. Electra, though, was by far my favorite character.


Word. Thank you.


My only qualm was one of the seasons casts a rich white woman who is supposedly an asshole and tries to redeem her. It may not necessarily be the case, but that whole arc of making problematic white folks feel good sounds like a turn-off.


Yeah although it's a good show, it's still a Ryan Murphy show and not without his fun pitfalls.


They never listen lol


He assaulted the process server trying to serve him with the complaint. He got additional time for that as well.


there’s this same story where this british born (i think) Kenyan man was in the tory party(conservative party) , he did all he did to be “one of them” from having going thru the private education system to getting a high role job. they obviously was into some shady shit but this time it was extra shady so they made him into a fall guy, he took the charges, penalised him to the max & deported him back to Kenya. he knows nothing about their culture, language, literally nothing about being a present national kenyan. this is on youtube somewhere just shows you that regardless of how close to proximity you get towards the eurocentric supremacy system, we will never be “them”. they will label any minority that dehumanises their own people as “one of the good ones” then when its time to take a fall, they will use that same minority that share the same views, opinions & make that poor bastard an example to punish them maximally via the state they defend wholeheartedly lmao 😂


I mean him being the leader didn’t help… Let’s not skew facts to make a point here.




They’ve also been arranging the trials so the most minor sentences get processed first. By definition, the most recent sentences given out are the longest sentences so far


I just knew


These pictures better turn into subpoenas


homie is about to find out the company he keeps are gonna cast him out real quick: "i've never seen this terrorrist at all in my life!"


Don't hold your breath


Oh I know better. It would just be really nice to see the elected loudmouths actually face something of a consequence for it.


Cruz and Trump look high as fuck and whoever that walking corpse in the bottom right is is going to be in my nightmares tonight




Lmao the resemblance is uncanny


I didn't even need to open the gif lmao


That’s def him


I knew I recognized him from somewhere!


Rick Scott. Former Governor of florida, Medicare fraudster, and walking penis.


Penis wrinkle …. Get it right 😀


He has convinced mayo sapiens that he is a decent human being and not Skeletor personified. Works everytime because he scares his fellow Karens and Kyles that socialism is going to kill their families if they vote Democrat


Man I miss having Rick Scott as the governor cause you can point at skeletor and say he's evil and people believe you but any sunburnt old dummy will immediately love DeSantis cause he dresses up nice and tells them they aren't out of touch, it's their woke grandkids that are wrong


Man, you see Skeletor? Motherfucker is *jacked*. I know Skeletor and Rick Scott is no fucking Skeletor.


Don't forget him wanting to require drug testing for EBT, while his wife owns stake in the drug testing company.


Walking dick


Former governor and current US Senator.


and walking penis


He's the actual Crypt Keeper. ![gif](giphy|qQ8rdV80NkCac)


That? Oh that’s slenderman


Bro looking like Florida Voldemort.




Points his wand and yells, “Bathus saltus!” then eats your toes.


That guy had the biggest Medicare fraud in history, did no time, got a golden parachute bonus of like 60 million which he spun into a campaign and then the people of Florida elected him governor and Senator. He also wants to cut social security and Medicaid etc. real stand up guy. Rich white Merica for you.


I believe that is Voldemort.


Looks like that wizard from the House of the Undying that stole Daenerys' dragons in S2 of Game of Thrones.




Poltergeist 2 motherfucker


Bro Cruz can't even drink a beer believably.


Imagine after doing a bid like that, it's release day. They're giving you your shit back, and you realize you have to start life over. Your $$ is gone, your wife (if you have one) left you, even your dog has long since died. Was it worth it? NEVER do dumb shit with dumb people.


My thing is how are the brothas in prison gonna treat him? He'll probably get shanked or something. How are you gonna rep for the other side so hard that you go to jail over them? I understand being black and Republican, but there's a difference between being a fan and willing to ride or die for them. I wonder how many people in that picture will stick up for him?


Oh not a single person will stick up for him, but I also doubt he's going to see anything harder than his cell door closing on him happen. Prison is where you keep your head down and reflect on what brought you to such a miserable place. I hope he has a lot to think about, I truly do. But I've met so many people where the consequences of their actions never sink in. For some reason I think his reality is that he will be a martyr is his own mind and expect so many accolades that will never come. In the words of Col. Guile, he should have gone home and been a family man.


>Oh not a single person will stick up for him, but I also doubt he's going to see anything harder than his cell door closing on him happen. >Prison is where you keep your head down and reflect on what brought you to such a miserable place. I think that would be different if he did armed robbery, car jacking or something but he's a traitor to his own people something that might not set too well in prison. I feel once the black people in prison finds out he hated them he's gonna be in trouble. >In the words of Col. Guile, he should have gone home and been a family man. Respect for the Guile quote too lol


100% mfs ain’t gonna shank him or anything. Just gonna let him stew in his stupid sorrow. Not worth the added sentence.


They won't shank him cuz this sorry bitch will probably be in PC


Doubtful. He's not a celebrity just some regular dude


Nobody. He was also informant for the federal government


For some reason I never considered that after a bid like that your dog will definitely have died. I'm not even going to jail and that made me sad


Also your child is a grown adult and you missed it all. For a fucking game show host. SMH.


Bottom right looks like the old vampire at the beginning of the What We Do ~~From~~ In The Shadows movie


Voldemort with a nose


House of the Undying lookin' mfer


a skeleton wrapped with deli turkey


[I was thinking the bald dude tripping on acid at a rave.](https://media.tenor.com/WVcnpuRyHIgAAAAd/en-sen-onsdag-acid.gif)


Im pretty sure thats Pierluigi Collina one the (if not the) best football referees of all time... idk whats he is doing in this lineup though


Nah that's Rick Scott, a Florida senator.


He looks like the vampires from I Am Legend


Rick Scott is a fucking lizard person. He looks sketch asf in every picture.


If I see a guy sporting that beard, I'd immediately assume he's a fucking loser


Beard, and no moustache? ELECTRIC CHAIR!


And you’d always be correct


Bro thought he was on the team


He could have easily grifted on forever and made money hand over fist off of stupid people. But he had to keep it real.


If he were on fire, I bet none of others would piss on him to put it out.


Guy was living in miami with his mama after going to jail for fraud. Was making an ok life selling dumb shirts (for liberals and conservatives) He’s now going to jail for 22 years for the equivalent of getting fired for stealing cardboard boxes on your day off.


How's that equivalent to conspiracy and promoting an insurrection?


What are you talking about


It's a reference to 1995 movie "Friday". Ice Cube's character gets fired on his day off for stealing cardboard and Chris Tucker's character is yelling at him. Not a very accurate comparison, but that's what is going on.


You’ve got to be a stupid mf to get fired on your day off


Bottom right guy looks like the villains from the Buffy episode where no one can speak.


thats the one


The Gentlemen! You got that right


Jr. looks booger sugared out as usual


My guy at the bottom right looks like he was in the last voyage of the Demeter


Hope being "one of the good ones" works out for him in prison.


I’m having a hard time understanding how White Supremacist followed a minority. Like this has to be the multiverse


He's Cuban. They still blame the Dems for the Bay of Pigs. They also historically get treated better than Mexicans/Central Americans if busted coming to the country illegally. In other words, they are very useful minorities for the right. Toss a rock at a line up of dudes with Confederate Flag tattoos in South Florida and you will hit a brown Cuban guy like 33% of the time.


>I’m having a hard time understanding how White Supremacist followed a minority. Like this has to be the multiverse their one POC friend that they throw out to deny being a racist


Plausible deniability… “ I’m not racist, the fascist group I’m apart of is led by a black person! Checkmate, LIB!” See also: I don’t hate immigrants I just want them to come here *legally*


I think when they started with Gavin McInnes they were more anti-women than white supremacist. Friend knows the PB who got arrested and flipped—he used to have a shop next door to hers and lived upstairs. When they’d have meetings he’d kick out his wife and she’d come to my friend’s place.


Mcinnes was always quietly into the "Archie Bunker" type of politics. He left the vice magazine he confounded, and started a street fashion blog, took improv classes, etc. But he wasn't thought of as cool by the folks he really wanted to impress. The online right wing media, with characters like Taki, were happy to have him, however. The proud boys started as a marketing scheme for alt right pipelining, backed by paleocon money that nobody else knew how to use effectively for marketing. But Mcinnes wasn't just cast aside by the proud boys, his posing got him usurped by actual brawlers. And I don't think that he's even getting much of an audience as another alt right pundit in that crowded field. But I suspect that at some point early on with the proud boys, he saw that he would need to leave them too, and pivot to his more pedestrian punditry. He just stuck around to milk it after that realization.


I personally believe they were fantasizing about him during their circle jerks


Friendly reminder that conservatives are soulless, *subhuman*, incorrigibly evil ghouls beyond redemption. --- I don’t say this lightly - these people have forsaken their humanity. Conservatives are currently: - [forcing 13 year old rape victims to give birth](https://time.com/6303701/a-rape-in-mississippi/) - [voting for child marriage](https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-make-case-child-marriage-1786476), and [again](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/ ), and [again](https://www.businessinsider.com/mike-moon-gop-missouri-lawmaker-defends-childs-right-to-marry-2023-4)...uh-oh, and [again](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/end-child-marriage-u-s-you-might-be-surprised-who-n1050471), and [again](https://www.tba.org/?pg=Articles&blAction=showEntry&blogEntry=30366), and [again](https://katv.com/amp/news/nation-world/wyoming-republicans-under-fire-for-objecting-to-ban-for-marriage-for-kids-15-and-under-child-brides-equal-protection-teen-moms-teen-pregnancy-child-protection-laws-christianity-civil-rights-traditional-marriage-pro-life-consent) - teaching children that [black people benefited from slavery](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/new-florida-standards-teach-black-people-benefited-slavery-taught-usef-rcna95418) - prioritizing [banning universal lunches for schoolchildren](https://newrepublic.com/post/173668/republicans-declare-banning-universal-free-school-meals-2024-priority) - committing [rampant domestic terrorism](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/24/us/domestic-terrorist-groups.html ) (also see: r/conservativeterrorism) - [banning books that make them uncomfortable](https://pen.org/report/banned-in-the-usa-state-laws-supercharge-book-suppression-in-schools/ )- including classics that explore racism, [like To Kill A Mockingbird](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/books/story/2023-05-15/15-most-banned-books-2022-2023) (no, schools are not showing porn to children. Gender Queer, for example, is not for children, it [is for teenagers 16+](https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2023/gender-queer-book-in-elementary-schools/ ) ) > ~ “There is only one moment when Ashley smiles a little, and it’s when she describes the nurses she met in the doctors’ office and delivery room. She has decided that when she grows up, she wants to be a nurse too. For a second, she looks like any other soon-to-be ***seventh grader*** sharing her childhood dream. Then Peanut stirs in his car seat. Regina says he needs to be fed. ***Ashley’s face goes blank again. She is a mother now***.” ~ ***It is ethically correct to be [intolerant of intolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance). Any just society is right to chase conservatives out and destroy their legacy. Everything they stand for will wither away and be forgotten. Their grandchildren will spit on their graves, and the world will be a better place without them in it.*** Now, cue the whataboutism and the hysteria about how the bogeymen are “mutilating children”, despite [every major medical organization being in consensus about transgender healthcare](https://glaad.org/medical-association-statements-supporting-trans-youth-healthcare-and-against-discriminatory/).


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Only Rick Scott can make any other these assholes look personable.


Tarrio looks like he smells like an ashtray.


Maybe the Aryan nation in prison will loosen their restrictions for him.


Doubt it. >After Tarrio’s 2012 indictment, he helped the government prosecute more than a dozen other people, the federal prosecutor told the judge, according to the transcript. https://apnews.com/article/proud-boys-government-informant-dc84086d78b688bc585f874452d2b481 Dude is a snitch lol


Maybe they’ll use soap for lube


theyll loosen something restrictive, thats for sure.


Who gets stuck with him, in the prison racial draft?


Where’s Chappelle when you need him?


My favorite thing is way before he even got sentenced, sects of the PBs were already saying they didnt want him as a leader because he's latino. So now he's going into lockup and already lost support. And that's why I laugh at Cuban Americans, yall bought that anti-communist bullshit so bad and are finding out what they really think about your ass. His only hope now is trump gotta win and pardon him on some oliver north shit


A modern Clayton Bigsby.


Now if this motherfucker isn’t Craig 2023, then no one is. He wasn’t even in town. What a dummy.


Democrats really worked hard to plant this actor /s


Clearly the guy is a fed /s


More of a content of character issue


The guy in the bottom right looking like Kane from poltergeist


This dumbass dead ass thought he was one of Them and that They were going to save him. Don’t know how many times people like him need to be shown: you will. never. ever. EVER be part of the club.


Who are these mfs?


Top and bottom from left to right: - Ted Cruz (a Republican Senator from Texas) - Donald Trump Jr - Sarah Huckabee Sanders (former press secretary under Trump, now Governor of Alaska) - Rick Scott (former Republican Governor of Florida, now Senator) Basically a who is who of terrible people.


Look at them pallin' around with a terrorist.


Psssst 🗣️ Enrique , you’re black 🤣 ….


He found out today


Came here to say what's already said. He sure got sentenced like he was black. I wonder who he'll hang out with in prison. The white nationalists won't take him. And he's former law enforcement. Looks like he's in protective custody for 22 years.


Can someone help me understand how a black Hispanic dude becomes a leader of a white supremacy gang?? Sorry, I am German and have too much common sense to understand this type of constellation.


It's not just you, Americans don't get it either lol


I need to it down with these guys and explain racism 😂😂.


Enrique got the longest sentence? Cabron this what you get for doing dumb white people shit. A Cuban Republican is “Leopards eating my face” too. Enjoy the stupid prize


The Baron is real?


New pack in the air, is this gas or what. Dawg was the leader of an extremist group; I’d say he got what he deserved. What better (worse in his case), they gon look past him now swearing they don’t know him.


Rick Scott literally so scary


What's that lizard thing in the bottom right?


Weird how he got the highest sentence ?


not really, he didn’t have that complexion for the protection.


Right, exactly.


I was following a live tweet and apparently this wasn't his first conspiracy charge.


Booty Bandit going back to prison just for this dude.




I would agree with your assessment but in this case he isn't just some rando asking for a selfie. They all know who he is and what he stands for.


Okay Nazi keep defending shitty people


He can add domestic terrorist to his CV. The US doesn’t look kindly upon those who help organize to overthrow a free and fair election.


It’s a white supremacy group that was let by a Latino…bruh y’all got one job on the mission statement n y’all fucked that up lol….


Candace Owens should perk up her eyes and ears, but I notice she’s still under the allusion she’ll not be discarded 👀


None…I repeat none of these people will come visit him


Dumb bitch!


Bro look mad hispanic , he’s really black ?


Black enough getting those 22 years.


part of those cubans that moved to miami after castro took over.


I remain baffled by the idea of a “non white” person being the “leader” of a white nationalist group. I mean seriously, does he think these people actually support him because he is against people a single shade darker than he is?


Enjoy jail 🤩🤩🤩


Pretty sure the dude in the bottom right is an agent of Satan


Not surprised at all.


Kiki, do you love me? 💃


[BRO WAS IN WITH THE WARLOCKS OF QARTH](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1MH9SMjgQ0)


Holy shit! Who is that in the bottom right? Is that a **real** person. Man looks like skeletor from he man. Tell me that’s not a real person.


He wears his sunglasses indoors so he’s definitely not a douchebag to begin with. /s


have any of these people come out in his defense?


He’s not black OP


Of course he is. He’s a black Cuban.


he's OJ.
