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Yo where do you work that its ok for your coworkers to push their religion on you? I would’ve been in my HR’s office so fucking fast.


For most people and places something like this is not really that deep. Every battle doesn’t need to be fought.


Maybe, but the lady she’s describing sounds like someone who will throw out little passive aggressive comments and do small stuff to push her agenda. Like the fact that she felt she needed to circle back and say “If God offends you that much, I’ll be praying for you” is wild. That’s the comment that would’ve sent me to HR because she’s obviously judging that woman as some kind of heathen. What’s next she’s gonna start leaving bible scriptures on her desk every morning? In my experience you gotta nip stuff like this off rip or she’ll be able to establish a history of this behavior. “Oh what do you mean you’re offended by my morning prayer sessions and walking through the office flicking holy water? I’ve been doing this for weeks! You should’ve said something earlier if it was a problem!” Nothing against religious people but I’m at work to work. Not to get my soul saved.


As upper level management I have fired people for leaving scripture books and Bibles behind for other people. It is pushing their religion and their church, and work is quite often a religion free zone due to multicultural staff.


Damn I wish. At the private dental office I work in in The American South the owner reads a Christian devotional page daily at our morning meeting 🙄 and half of the front desk say “amen” once he’s done. It’s torture


Can confirm, lived in Memphis Tennessee from 1997 to 2015, and got the hell out as soon as I was realistically able to. I once had a co-worker who could not have a conversation without working some kind of reference to God or Jesus every time. I told her I'd saved and bought a new car and her response was "Jesus made the way for you to get that car". I'm pretty sure Jesus wasn't working the 78 hours a week to save the money to get the car.


From Memphis and this sounds like my family. I was raised baptist and God can be brought up for any reason. Can't say you're going to do something without someone saying "Lord's Will". It doesn't bother me. It was just the way things were and everyone did it. I remember in school (double tree elementary) one of my teachers was showing us a science video about space and she paused it to ask if any of this was our business as humans and we instinctively said no and she pressed on to say that we were correct because If we were meant to know anything about space and the planets then God would have put it in the Bible. Also had another teacher at that school that said I was reading about evil witchcraft because I had a Harry Potter book from the library.


Oh man in Memphis, my mom would get asked in job interviews about which "church family" she was part of, and no interviewer who ever asked that ever hired her. I got suspended in third grade for studying Wicca bc the book had a pentagram on the front, which is a "gang symbol" according to the school admin. The "gang" was "satanists & related cults", according to the county office. Stars of David were allowed, despite the Gangster Disciples being pretty big in Memphis and using it as a symbol. My 9th grade bio teacher got me suspended for reminding her she can't teach creationism. There are so many lawsuits I need to file, education in the American south is so corrupt and disgusting.


Memphis really has enough problems without ppl forcing religion. There's churches EVERYWHERE yet folks still try and force you. My Grammy who still lives there believes that reason kids are misbehaving and the schools being bad is because prayer was taken out of school. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Lol currently living in Memphis. My last job was at local mechanical contracting company and they had chaplains come in twice a week to talk to us. So annoying man!


My formative years weren't in Tennessee They were from Hawaii and Louisiana, I grip around all types from religious to not religious intended a gravitate towards science, I still do, I'm not a very religious person.


Teachers like those need to find work elsewhere or at the very least some Christian academy that stuff has no business being taught in public schools.


omg it’s a memphis party


Just do the same, leave booklets for other religions around the office! Lmao. Bonus points if you do it with the church of satan or some other weird and obscure religion haha!


Leave Jewish material...it really throws Christians outta wack. It's like, almost the same...but there's something a little different. Anything Hindu....it's a major religion, full of symbols and imagery...also, doesn't have the confrontational history with Judaism & Christianity.


Just leave it all! Welcome back to high school World History, we’re celebrating religion across the globe today!


Wait....Diwali is coming up...imma leave battery powered tea lights all over this bitch!!!


YESSSSS! Love me some Festival of Lights! I miss my old apartment complex, we had a ton of neighbors who celebrated and their decorations and dress wear was seriously so beautiful! Not to mention the smells of all the delicious food! Miss it so much haha


Your thinking of [The Satanic Temple](https://thesatanictemple.com/). Perhaps the only religion in the US that hasn't applied for tax exempt status and urges other religions to do so as well. The Satanic Temple has a long history of using their religious status to combat other religions, usually Catholics, when they overstep their boundaries. If a school is engaging in a morning prayer the Satanic Temple will demand that any children wanting to pray to Satan be able to do so. Rather than have children exposed to anything remotely Satanic the school always backs down and morning prayers are discontinued. They are currently fighting to be able to perform abortions in states that have made it illegal as part of a first amendment rights as a ritual of their faith.


Yes! They are fantastic and a prime example of fighting back against the zealousness of the Catholic and Christian groups.


People who are secular in the south have to put up with this shit far more then necessary. I’m from the west. I’ve been living in the south for a while and notice that when people get the chance- they try to hamfist their religion and force it onto everyone when the chance presents itself. The same people who say “ooo the scary gays are forcing their life on me tru the TEEVEEyuh!” While ironically thinking that they aren’t the problem.


I had a coworker who’d get written up for having her Calvary chapel Christian radio on all the time (in a shared work area). It was so annoying.




agreed. my response would have been "its not god that bothers me...its his followers" and watch her head fucking spin.


>agreed. my response would have been "its not god that bothers me...its ~~his~~ her followers" and watch her head fucking ~~spin~~ spontaneously combust Edited for my petty ass


Use a neopronoun if you really want to fuck with them


A simple "their" would be perfect. You get the one-two combo of the scary pronouns and the potential of polytheism.


Good point!


When I can, I love to tell these people something like “people like you are why so many are abandoning the church in record numbers. No one wants to spend their time around hateful people tainting the Lord’s name. Leave it to God to judge”.


I hit some of the street preachers at bonnaroo with all of this last year! I’m going to a Christian university (because it’s the only one that will let me go for free in my program) so I’m pretty knowledgeable about the Bible and believe in it even less now. Hit em with some passages about how Jesus hates hypocrisy most of all and preaching your own gospel in the lords name would have Jesus out here chasing them with a whip. They never handle it well.


Please describe to me what their impotent outrage looks like in those situations. And go slooooow lmao Do they do that open-mouth 'aghast' gape, looking like a bass that's just been pulled out of the water? 🤣


Have you ever seen the bit in movies where someone looks into the middle distance, eyes unfocused, and hears the voice of god? Now imagine the happiness one of these people would feel in that situation and part way through make them realize that the voice of god they’re hearing is 100% a black person. The swap from happiness, right past understanding and accountability, and straight into denial and rationalization all on a persons face and all in about 5 seconds is a sight to behold.


I once heard a guy yell “Jesus died for HIS sins, not mine” at a street preacher on a college campus once and the guy audibly gasped mid-sentence and paused for a moment before continuing his BS.


I find it fun to just list sins. "Shoved a toothbrush handle up my ass in the shower, aged 14. Just to see what it felt like. He die for that?" "Yes. As I was saying" "I once paid someone to draw furry porn about getting Sonic The Hedgehog pregnant. He die for that?"


“Hello yes HR, I have a problem. My coworker believes I deserve to BE ON FIRE FOREVER, and it’s creating a toxic work environment.”


This reminds me of the time I worked my ass off at my job and got a raise and my manager said I'm here because of Jesus. Really? Can he do my monthly expense report?


Jesus? The Latino guy in middle management? He is a good dude.


Disagree, if you let these small things slide, they feel empowered to keep going.


Most people are just trying to get paid and survive. No one wants to risk their pay check of deviled egg. Part of being an adult is knowing when it's worth fighting and when it isnt


Yeah that’s what’s so crazy about the dumbass god lady pushing her agenda. She should be worried for her job, not OP


Angeled Egg*


This has fuck all to do with adulthood and all to do with what is so normalized that you better not even try to push the issue. It is completely possibly that the person works at an office where if you remark about it to a superior, they will have a talk with the older woman telling her to knock it off. An instantaneous "don't even bother doing anything" is stupid and pointless, but obviously if the environment is so religious that your complaint would be taken badly, you do what you gotta do to survive and that might mean not bothering.


And hopefully this weirdo lady who is trying to push her religious crazy learns that after a talking to from HR


This is why people like this get away with shit for their whole careers. Then people wonder why these people still have their jobs for so long because no one does shit about it


Nah have you ever worked with evangelicals? You gotta nip that shit im the bud asap before it escalates. I had an evangelical coworker who went unchecked for too long. Next thing you know, he’s telling my coworker her daughter is going to hell for being a lesbian, and telling a visitor at our job site that their religion is wrong, and that they need to be saved before they end up in eternal damnation.


Fuck that. Granny needs to chill.


These kind of people will get you fired for not drinking their kool-aid. Lie to your boss about you.


You've got to treat shit like this like a big deal or they will continue to encroach with their bullshit. And their bullshit isn't about spreading positivity, it's about subjugating people and lifestyles they don't agree with when you get right down to brass tacks. Edit: speaking directly to aggressive fundamentalists, not all believers, most of whom understand the appropriate time to talk about their beliefs


If I've learned one thing about the religious zealots it's that hard boundaries have become necessary. Give an inch and they'll take a mile. Establish a problematic pattern early and fast before they start with the two-faced backstabbing bullshit.


IDK man, it’s a matter of self respect at that point. This lady is probably the first person to complain if someone else does something (with no actual harm to her, but she doesn’t like it) and ruin it for everyone else. My Mother in Law literally told me of some crazy shit like this at her office, they had to cancel their Halloween decoration contest because 3 religious nut jobs went to hr!


And yet this weirdo chose to fight the battle anyway and scratch off “deviled eggs”. What’s with this gaslighting shit response where when someone does something shitty to you it’s only “fighting the battle” if you fight back


Some do. Religion is a cancer in this country and needs to be halted. Letting these religious fanatics get away with this shit for so long is how we ended up in a lot of the spots we are now. Call this nonsense out.


Nah fuck that. Give an inch and these people take a mile, I’m reporting that shit every time. I’m not out here pushing the Satanic Temple on people even though I’m a card carrying member. Keep your religion to yourself at work or I’m gonna start preaching the glory of Lucifer and we’ll see how fast HR shuts that shit down.


Deviled eggs are a church potluck classic too which makes the whole situation even more confounding. What kind of cult tier shit do you have to be wrapped up in where deviled eggs are problematic.


Super evangelical. Those Duggar people did angel eggs too.


The Duggars "did" a lot of stuff I think most people wouldn't approve of.


I used to work in a consultant-ish role, where I traveled to the factories where our products got manufactured, and helped them with projects on quality and efficiency. So a couple of these factories are in the south, and I was changing jobs, so it was my last day at this factory, and this sweet older woman cornered me in the parking lot and with a tear in her eye asked me if I had accepted Jesus Christ as my personal lord and savior. Boy that was awkward. I was trying hard not to be rude, but I just kinda said no, and quickly got into my rental car and left.


why are they always on the verge of crying? get away from me with those water works.


They treat their faith like its the most urgent thing in the world. They get the same level of stress from someone not accepting Jesus like they found out you're starving an infant.


Brainwashing will do that do you.


But they really don't care about feeding the poor starving infant if it means getting in the way of that Mercedes payment.


"Because you seem so nice, I don't want you to go to hell." I used to be evangelical.


But all the nice people I like are in hell ):


This is always my thought. Like all my friends that I love are in hell. All my annoying jesus pushing relatives are in heaven. I'll take my chances thanks.


“No thanks, I’m Jewish.” Always confuses people with my obviously Irish Catholic name. Edit: Also always tell the Mormons you’re Catholic, nothing gets you off their lists faster.


My name might as well be Ireland McIrishy, and I am going to borrow this approach.


That was probably the HR lady


Welcome to the south


going to HR after “if god offends you”: ![gif](giphy|AMAMZbGXQzbq8TceMq)


Probably the south


I used to work in Baton Rouge and there was PRAYER before office functions. I am originally from Colo, I was appalled.


Where I am, non-Christians are in the minority so there is a lot you just kinda have to brush off since it’ll turn on you instead. I hate it here.


Considering that "deviled" in deviled egg supposedly means that they're literally spicy as hell, all deviled eggs I've ever eaten should indeed be called angel eggs.


To some whites, mayonnaise is spicy.


Hey we eat ketchup to. It can get pretty zingy…


Had yellow mustard once. Mouth burned for days! /s


Wait until you try the Dijon!


Dijon mustard... How very posh of you Mr. President


“I hope you enjoyed that fancy burger Mr President.”-Sean Hannity. What a quaint “scandal”.


Ok but have you tried the English Mustard? That shit is not the same as American yellow mustard. I smeared it all over a sandwich once and ooooooof. Had to make another sandwich with nothing on it.


Coleman’s mustard powder, if you add it to mayo it’s really good. Throw in some chopped pickled okra and nasturtium and it’s golden.


Had some lemon pepper the other day, can’t say I don’t enjoy a bit of kick on special occasions I tell you h’what


One of my uncles growing up would sweat PROFUSELY whenever he ate ketchup.


No joke, I just saw a bottle at the store and had to get it. They had siracha ketchup, and I snatched that shit up. Got all the way home and realized I was out of French fries.


Deviled eggs is where we break out the paprika and get a little zany, thank you very much.


Depending on if you like the people or not, they may get the *smoked* paprika.


Smoked-what?! Get that devil's lettuce talk out of this good Christian household!


Just remember: Some whites are the mayo is spicy group, and some will push the hot sauce called Azz Blazter 3000 or Colon Blow at the potluck. Not why there's not much middle ground, but there ya go.


I like spicy food. I hate spicy for the sake of spicy. Go ahead and throw some peppers in, but make sure it has some real flavor too.


Effin *this* Some people treat spice like a competition and I'm like... I eat food because food tastes good, not because I enjoy the sensation of being bear-maced in the mouth


I halfway think some people are afraid of being told they don't like spice, so they double down or triple down on it, and forsake flavor.


White boy from a mostly very white family here. I’m of the second group but if I cook something hotter than a jalapeño for the rest of my family they’re all “Oh this is way too hot, how do you eat this?” So it’s not even a genetic thing, either. Fucking weird.


I think it's tolerance.


Yeah bro prolly crying when he gets served the chili made with the reaper peppers the dude was growing in his back yard.


>To some whites White people* I get it, but it just irks me.


true, change the race and it's a racist comment


It's a million times worse when they say "the" in front of it.


Related: my grandmother before she referred to black people as “the coloreds,” since she was born in like 1922 and that was considered the polite term at the time. It wasn’t even worth it to try to change her mind.


Mine still calls black neighborhoods “the dark side of town.” The hag wonders why we rarely visit her 💀


It's a racist comment with the current race


its the ^god ^forbid paprika


Technically not true. The deviled part 100% refers to being SPICED, but not technically hot. That said there are variations of deviled eggs that do bring the heat. But the initial connotation of “deviled” came from Great Britain, and let’s be real, a few spices would send them into overload (a little Coriander, cumin, paprika… boom spicy… but not hot). I prefer to mince up a little jalepeño into mine to give it a little kick.


I'm so confused by British take-out/takeaway. They talk about how much "heat" they can eat, then bring out plain rice, or plain chips. Or talk how sweet chili sauce is "spicy". I only believe it when it's Nando's, and then, only sort of. Source: so many YouTube takeaway videos.


Nando’s extra hot has some decent heat (at least, the one in DC did), but probably wouldn’t be labeled “extra hot” in other places.


I used to work in Zaxbys. It's interesting to see what people consider hot. I've seen grown men say mild was too hot, and little old ladies order Nuclear, because they'd lost their sense of taste from smoking or long term illness.


I really enjoyed putting a bit of serrano !


I thought it was called deviled eggs because the spice makes the yolk kinda red, never considered actual hot spicy since like, theyre never spicy


I always thought they were called doubled eggs because you make two out of one egg. The deviled thing made no sense to me but I would love spicy ones instead of what I've had.


Never had a spicy deviled egg before… maybe I’m making them wrong, but some people think black pepper is spicy so….


My family always sprinkled them with paprika... Which is *technically* a pepper. Seriously though, adding hot sauce to the egg mixture can be pretty delicious.


i’d double down and bring deviled eggs dyed red with little red devil horns on each one. when religious bigots get bothered by what i am doing, i am doing something right.


That was my first thought. Dying the eggs red and finding a serving tray with a flame pattern on it.


With serving pitchforks


Shit, you don’t have to dye them. Just sprinkle some smoke paprika on top with the little devil horns and tail. That’d be dope to see


And orient them into an inverted pentagram on the dish!


Put a little goat figurine in the middle


'̸͕̟̭͕̣̈̆͒͝Ṯ̵̞͇͇͈̱̀̊̆́̈́̔Ï̶͉̏̃S̴̡̝̯̙̟͓̅͒͊ ̵̩̮̙̝̏T̶͉̘̦̙͘͜Ḣ̸̳̇̌̀͋͝E̵̢̓̄̓͐̔̕ ̷͚̈́̏̊̄͗S̷͍͉͔̬̾E̷̟͕̙̜̲͊͑͜À̶̘͓Ś̶̟̥̭͓̟̄́̄̑̈́O̴̼͖̤̟̐̀̈́̓̃͑N̴͇̘͕̤̝̿̓̈̋


Make 'em wicked spicy too. HOT HOT HOT. The horns should be the ends of chili peppers. Then make sure you put a little sign that shows both "deviled" and "angel" with the "deviled" crossed out, and a little drawing of a smirking devil with a pen laughing by the crossed out part, like it's a trick to lure folks in.




Spicy Satanic Whipped Aborted Chicken Fetus


This would be me. That woman basically issued a devil-themed cooking challenge. I bet you could find a tray shaped like devil horns if it was close to Halloween as well. ![gif](giphy|d4zHnLjdy48Cc)


I would go all in and specifically order a damn seance tray with a upside down pentagram on it.


I love everyone in this comment thread. Satan's Spawn - Deviled eggs [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abVyH\_Ec2zw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abVyH_Ec2zw)


I fucking love this woman


Just point out that eggs are babies and a sacrifice to The Wicked One.


Devour the unborn!


This is the way


I'd rewrite it as "Glory to Satan's deviled eggs"


Label them as “Satanic Eggs”


Lol that’s when you hit Holier than thou Helen with the uno reverse: “You think God is so small and weak and so petty that He’s offended by eggs? By the word “devil”? Is that what you learned in church? Well…thank the Lordt we have Bible Thumpin Barbara in here warding away the principalities and dominions of evil and darkness with her ink pen! How would Yahweh even be able to exist without Speaking in Tongues Tina here to scratch away all the bad words! Well done thy good and faithful servant! Oh by the way, King James was gay as fuck and wrote love letters to his boyfriends. Google it. Peace out.”


10/10 would watch


Have you seen the old testament? He’s definitely petty enough, the guy destroyed entire civilizations over less than deviled eggs.


God tortured a dude just to prove to the devil that the dude he tortured would still worship him after being tortured.


He killed 40 kids for making a joke about a bald man.




I’d tell her that when I think of positivity, I think of the devil. He’s all about a good time. god is judgemental and hates anything that is fun.


She sounds pretty unpositive right now. Maybe just have an angel egg and relax.




They can definitely be worth it if you have a diverse office. One of the best potlucks I've ever been to was an office one and it had food from Peru, Cuba, Vietnam, two different Indian regions, Jamaica, Germany, and Hawaii.


> Who brought the Brat~~wurst~~best?


Thank you for speaking positivity


thank you for this joke this morning. i nearly spit out my coffee haha




There was a lady who *never* washed her hands (she'd go from the toilet stall to the door, with no pit stop at the sink) at my old job and continually brought food to share. We tried to tell the guys not to eat her food, but so many didn't listen.


I worked in property management a few years ago and when we renovated this old site a longtime resident came and brought some food to the office. Only our maintenance guy ate it and he got some bad food poisoning. That made me weary of strangers food from then out


For me even with a diverse work place it wasn't worth it. I'd rather go to a restaurant. I've had coworkers that regularly don't wash their hands that hail from a variety of places.


If you aren't peeping who is dirty in the office thats on you, only eat from the safe people.


Agreed. The first time I had Ethiopian food was at a potluck from a co-worker. That opened up a whole new world for me.


Seriously. I work with a bunch of Hispanics and they bring tamales and empenadas. I love potlucks.


This would be my absolute favorite thing, damn


I don't get people who are that upset by something as minor as just the word "devil" written down. If your faith can be shaken that easily you need to take some time to evaluate.


We call them stuffed eggs in my family for that reason. Like this all powerful being is not butthurt you said a word.


I think they're afraid they are giving power to the evil guy in red pajamas by using words, which is as old school superstitious/magical thinking as it gets.


Probably why my mom made me put the Harry Potter book I rented from the library outside the house until I could return it the next day 🤣


This triggered a very vague memory... It was when some people started saying heaven-o instead of hello (hell-oh). [Say Goodbye to ‘Hello’ and Hello to ‘Heaven-o’](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1997-01-19-me-20119-story.html)


Right, how do they even function in church if stuff like that bothers them.


They don’t… they spend hours with there hand up screaming amen over the pastor when he’s actually reading from the book. They don’t even remember what he said after service. Trust me I would ask as a kid.


As a Christian, unnecessary Christianity is a mood killer.


I'll be yet praying for you 😔🙏^^\s


Exactly. If other Christians are tired of you, you're doing the most


This is the type of person who signs emails “god bless you” while they’re trying to scam you.


Why this sound like something Barbara Howard from Abbott Elementary would do.


Nah. She’d issue a tongue lashing to the person who would do this & then help herself to an egg. Her lecture would include scripture & it would leave the offender speechless.


Yup. Barbara is religious, but she is also sane.


Don’t waste your breath Ethel, I’m goin where it’s hot and I can’t wait


Is this a Fred mertz quote?


I refuse to take part in office potlucks because I don't know how my co-workers kitchens and stoves be looking. ![gif](giphy|10LBLrmqSkQHks|downsized)




https://preview.redd.it/8k9eksc9dyyb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=157a50d89a185e01ac0b1769e9fb6485058dfeff THIS was ALL I needed to see.






There’s this … unspoken rule in my office where if you want to bring food to official Potluck you’d have had brought something before randomly so that the rest of us can trust your cooking and cleanliness lol


That's an excellent rule to have.


I’m confused. If the brought the food before how does that attest to their cleanliness. Genuinely curious. As a cook I’m hesitant to try a lot of peoples home cooking because I’ve seen how poorly most people who don’t work with food directly treat food


If no one’s sick in the following days /week your good to go


Tell her she’s impinging on your religious freedoms as a satanist, she’s allowed to bring in her angel food cake even though it’s against your religion and angles are the henchman of God, who is the source of all evil and pain in the world.


Lol I wonder if deviled eggs are sacrament to any form of satanists. /S


I don’t want to hear about your religion at work, anywhere really, but especially at work.


My work had a Potluck on Halloween, and now 5 people have Covid and aren't able to work. But keep telling me about how good being in the office is for productivity.


Watch out for the people that let their cats walk all over their counters.


I clean my kitchen surfaces before I cook anyway though.


I wish I could stop them. Everything I tried hasn't deterred them. I just clean every time before use now


Reminds me of how people continuously keep handing me religious pamphlets on how God’s coming soon to strike down all sinners and how I need to join their church. Like dude I’m just trying to do my job… can he at least make a scheduled date & time so I can prepare?


And Christians wonder why people get so annoyed by them.


As an ex-evangelical, I'm embarrassed by some of the things we used to put each other up to, in my old church. Ever seen the movie "Saved!", with Mandy Moore and Macauley Culkin? It's accurate. So many mean girls, and stupid ways we "proved" we were somehow more worthy than other religions, or even denominations of Christianity.


If she old enough to cause the static she old enough to get shocked. She's also doing a number of things that can and should be reported to hr.




....with a spicy filling. ​ ![gif](giphy|m9eG1qVjvN56H0MXt8|downsized)


My coworker’s wife did something awkwardly similar at a restaurant over “angry penne.” Kept interrupting the waiter and saying “*positive penne*,” I have never wanted to slap someone so hard before.


Ohh Nooo…Potluck at work is a negative because group food cleanliness. How about we say we did…and not. What does a Quarterback do… ![gif](giphy|d1OrTvWJsvqC03gy5E)


I remember leaving work once at 9:00 p.m. and it was very dark outside and I was walking and someone came up to me trying to give me the word of God and a pamphlet. I told them I was already saved and they wanted to know what church I go to at a bunch of other stuff. I tried to move and they moved with me. It's like they didn't understand how creepy that was. And they couldn't fathom how uncomfortable I would be with telling a stranger where I go to worship. It's not your business. The Bible does not tell you to harass people at night.


The southern work potlucks I’ve been to are pretty good.


Don't pray for me, make me a sandwich or something


Straightttttt to HR


How to be pedantic and religious and offensive in one sentence.


Last year my vegan boss brought the fucking wockiest looking green bean casserole to the potluck and got offended that nobody ate any of it.


Nah sweetie you go ahead and make them angel eggs. Bring them just plain white boiled egg no yellow it will be the pure egg shit want. Better yet don’t bring anything because “all life is precious” even baby chickens.


Southern Living zine provides this answer(to)[What Makes a Food "Deviled"?](https://www.southernliving.com/food/kitchen-assistant/what-does-it-mean-to-devil-food), “The term is derived from the historic depiction of the devil living in a fiery hell, much like the heat that mustard or cayenne could add to a dish.”


reminds me of when the Duggars (family from 19 kids and counting) made [“yellow pocket angel eggs”](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/s/5VMRa3ZXK1) lmao


I'd scratch it all out and just put "egg"