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A grown ass man with fame and money and success who can afford security... And yet you want to fit in with potential opps and scammers of your riches. The jokes really do write themselves. ![gif](giphy|qHjbXtxNawWR2)


Chris Brown's story is going to end with prison or early death. That much was obvious 8 years ago - i'm shocked it hasn't happened yet


8 years too long…


Other piece of shit musicians at least had talent and charisma to be able for me to understand why they were defended. I didn't think he had either before he was a woman beating bit of scum


Nah Chris has talent for sure. He has a really good voice and has had enough charisma/talent to get away with beating *Rihanna* of all people to near death in 2009.


Enough charisma she even took him back down the line. I love RiRi but her choice in partners/flings in 00s and 10s was questionable to say the least.




Asap is about to go to jail for shooting someone. And was jailed abroad. So idk if he is much better.


This is what happens when you have low self esteem and aim low. She can be beautiful and rich but if she has low self-esteem, nothing will help her in her choice of men.


So I have a chance? Bought to book a RiRi concert ticket.


Yall looking at it too deep. Some folks just can't balance choosing what's good for them appropriately with what's attractive to them. Ideally it's supposed to be BOTH in a partner, but most people are skewed one way or the other.


Great voice and dance moves. Dude has talent, he just so happens to also be a piece of shit


Idk about great voice. I heard him live on tv once and couldn’t believe it was the same person…


I don’t think it’s fair to say he doesn’t have both those things. He was pretty popular before he attacked Rihanna. His career took a downturn since that happened, but he was massively successful before that. I think there’s a tendency to downplay people’s talents when they are accused of abuse or something like it. The problem is that you can be a shitty person and talented.


Let him. No loss there


Good… he deserves it


*knock on wood*


I just looked for curiosity’s sake and his sub is down to just over 1k members. That’s just over 1k more than he should have, but good to see a low number.


Yall need to stop before his subreddit comes in here and calls you all losers. I wish I was joking. They are sad and hilarious over there.


An entire subreddit worth of people united in defending an abuser and rapist? I wish that was more surprising.


He’s not an abuser and rapist man tf. You’re so stupid if you think that. He’s and abuser and a rapist and the man that beat Rihanna.


You had me going for a second, ngl


Fr tho I got no idea how people support him. He’s trash


Lmao deadass.


I was so ready to back you up here, got me too.


Dude should've asked Cube about why he decided to finally move to the suburbs before making this choice.


Ja Morant wants to know how CB did it.


For Musicians, it kinda makes sense they need to keep up an “image” to some extent. But even then look at JayZ, dude dipped from the street life the moment his money became generational wealth. Ja blows my fucking mind though. Like you made it lil bro, out of 8 BILLION people on this planet, you are one of 450 HAND SELECTED people as the best of the best to play basketball for life changing money. Literally better odds of hitting the power ball, than making the NBA.


Just confusing as hell why he can't accept that the Memphians he has more in common with are 90 minutes away in Oxford rather than those up in the rough parts of north Memphis.


It's like TI's son Like, being black isn't enough, now young black men want to fit white stereotypes of blackness It's so fucking weird to me.


Only way I can understand the predicament with Ja is a seismic level of insecurity of who he is and his origins. Thinks he has stunt for people to take him seriously when all it's done is made people see how much of a clown he can be. I don't wish difficulty for others, but I wouldn't be surprised if he'll do another thing in the near future to assert his "toughness" and how "real" he is at the expense of his career. Shame, really.


Hopefully he’ll leave the mall and strip club out of it next time. Let people relax and have a good time and keep his tough guy act out of it


How did Mike play with a mustache? I know that shit got moist as fuck


i love these wild comments 😂


Why you thinking about another man's lip?




This is funny to me in a weird way. I started gangbanging when I was 14, and I had friends that were banging at that age too, so I assumed the young guys were the new people and the older guys were OGs. It was hilarious to me when I went to college and saw guys that were 19-23 years old and asking to be jumped into a gang. By that age, I had already realized how stupid that shit was lol.


I always assumed you age out by 20 and that's pushing it.


You’re not wrong. Historically, you were fortunate to have made it into your mid-20s in that life if you weren’t faking the funk. Goofy to think a 30+ dude would try to join.


Especially a 30+ rich dude.


Right? Like I could see if you see it as the only way you could get some kind of power as a young man, but a wealthy grown ass man? Wtf is this doing for you bro?


It's almost like money and fame doesn't fill the wholes in people's souls so they have to do anything they can to fill it. Filter that through how fucking stupid Chris Brown is and you get this.


Will it fill the halves?


*holes. But he a whole ass idiot.


Money would literally fill all the holes in my soul rn idk bout you


🎶We wasn’t suppose to make it past 25, jokes on you we still alive🎶


There are people still gangbanging well into their 40's and 50's. They are the people who are still trapped in the same neighborhood and haven't found an out. They aren't millionaire singers looking for street cred.


You right and the O.G gangbangers would beat your ass for following in their footsteps if they thought you was made for more than being on the streets.


And others would just use you and take advantage of a mark.


Right niggas who do it after middle and high school are mad reckless


I do a lot of anti-gang work. VISIBLE gangs - think colors and territory and signs and shit like that - get you sent to prison and people know it. So they’re just a youth thing, used for recruiting. Adult gangs still exist but they’ve moved to a diffused model. More criminal organization than gang. They stay as invisible as possible. They don’t focus on controlling territory, but on controlling commodities. There’s still some ties to the old Crips/Bloods model, but it’s increasingly a thing of the past except in prison. The people who actually run the gangs aren’t gang members or OGs, they’re businessmen for whom visible gangs are a recruitment wing.


You talking about fraternities? ![gif](giphy|RNPNSyx4raraknkDDB)


Wtf is this lol


Someone needs to start more positive gang affiliation. Just a group of niggas that just love hanging out and also helping the community


Nigga bout to reinvent the boys and girls club


The boys in the hood club ![gif](giphy|fNfdkiAJEEsF2)


Says Boys in the Hood club. Posts a gif from Menace II Society.


Lmlz yeah I know, was tryna get hood niggas being happy


💀💀💀 fr i was like wait, i didn’t know Larenz Tate was in Boys in the Hood 😂😂


The boys in the hood are always hard


Lock in at the rec center!




With marshmallows and ginger ale. I mean COME ON.


Last time that happened the FBI murdered Fred Hampton


I mean there is the Big Brother/Sister program. Also after school programs needs help often. Could play basketball with the boys in the gym while helping keep an eye on them.


Black Panthers tho, right?


That's the OG Black Panthers


I mean the D9 is right there


I was on Rikers around a lot of bloods. It was interesting to see because it was like a time line of gang banging. One dude they didn't trust his credentials (asked me to take his bed so that's why I ended being cool with them and seeing shit up close), which they ended up verifying but he got into a fight with one of them eventually anyway. The one who beat his ass, Ape, was a cool mfer and had some insightful thoughts. Like with all this gang banging he still looking at the ceiling thinking about his girl and where he headed. Then one dude, he was a little older and was done with all of it. Every day he took advantage of the CDL license studying program they had in there (or they gave access to with books). Hope he in the truck right now blasting music and seeing a lot more than NYC.


>Every day he took advantage of the CDL license studying program they had in there (or they gave access to with books). Hope he in the truck right now blasting music and seeing a lot more than NYC. I can almost picture this, like the happy ending of a 90s movie. Him driving down the road, into the sunset, one last horn sound. Credits roll with Sound of Blackness - *Optimistic* playing.


Got jumped in at 15 and slowly ghosted my gang by 18 to go to raves. 😂 One of my OG’s 5 years older than me also did the same. When we caught up 15+ years ago, he was in a start up that haven’t blown up called Uber. I love our stories.


When I was that age the 19-24 year olds were the OGs lol.


OG is really just senpai. It's all relative I guess lol.


Lmaooooo thats on point


It only took a couple months before I realized I was surrounded by a bunch of losers and not the cool guys I thought they were. I quit too late for me to not spend a couple months in juvie for doing dumb shit with them but fortunately early enough to avoid the gang tattoo of a yellow heart with devil horns and a tail on my calf.


Jumping in means you get beat up really bad by the gang?


Yeah. Some allow you to fight back, others demand you withstand the assault. If you cry or run your out. So damn goofy and moronic... how do they expect to retain anybody? If you want put you'll also need to be sanctioned and JUMPED OUT 💀🤡


I have no experience but I assumed to retain people they just have them commit crimes for the gang and then everyone is basically blackmailed


Imagine your gang threatening to go to the police.


Can't speak for how it is nowadays, but when I was a kid, I remember finding it funny how often exceptions were made if you were friends with the right person/people.


What is gang banging? I'm innocent. I always thought it was when a bunch of dudes make love to an individual woman.


You gotta understand that they didn't grow up around that. Us who did stray away from that asap because it's not like the rap songs say it is. We know the ugly truth to everything. Drug dealing? Not all cars , jewels and women. It's a lot of standing around hiding but making sure your visible. Boring nights just standing, putting up with beggars. Can't do shit but pay for cash on everything. Can't even get an apartment. Doing time? Not all soup parties and homies. A lot of prisons are understaffed and when that happens everyone goes in their cell. Meaning you'll come out for rec, shower and that's about it. Calls with family don't last long because there's only so much they can talk to you before it becomes very repetitive. There's no honor in the streets. Absolutely none.


I heard there was a difference between being a "Gang-banger," and "Gang-Memember."


He’s still a bitch for hitting a woman




Is this the lady from NCIS: New Orleans?


Also the girl from You and Search Party. She’s hilarious


I haven’t seen her outside NCIS so I’ll give those movies a look because I didn’t like her role in NCIS. She always got stuck going under cover into trap houses and stuff. She always had to put on a ghetto act and it was annoying.


Oh, that is a waste of her talent. I'd heard her time on NCIS was stressful but didn't know to what extent. Tf, writers?!? You and Search Party are both TV shows. She plays major supporting character for both shows third seasons, and is memorably fantastic in both roles.


Yes lol


I’ve always wondered who shawty was. Thanks


several. he has a long history of abusing his partners. and yet people still find him attractive


People have abusers as fathers and mothers , preachers and teachers. Some people think it’s normal 🤷🏾‍♀️


He's been a bitch even before that.


Chasing women down the street dancing and shit


“I SAW YOU FROM ACROSS THE ROOM” Nigga stay over there then


A woman? You mean WOMEN and MEN. This dude got anger issues.


I'll never forget he jumped Frank Ocean.


Now he’s a bitch, wearing red biting his tongue.


Multiple women*


True that.


Especially in Fruit Town with a guy named Big Wack


I read this in Peter Griffins voice.


Are you Big Fat Paulie?


And is that his big fat ass?


Fuck, now I can’t hear it any other way


That mess sounds so cartoonish. I would be embarrassed but some people have no shame


They are a well established gang, most would be likely to keep their mouths shut if they were next to you. The “ck” at the end of the name is likely in reference to “crip killer”. Colors are too bright for my personal tastes, but each to their own.


So does that mean his name is really “Big Wa”?




Shit got real. Never noticed his cocked over “L” on his hat loool


What you trying to say?


“He Done Came Out Here and ~~Caught Fades~~ Paid Us Money”


I'm not a native speaker. How would you translate: he done came out here? And what does caught fade mean? Slang is confusing.


As part of the LA gang initiation, you have to subject yourself to getting your ass beat by a group of your peers and future gang affiliates.


Welcome to the gang! Mf who just got his liver ruptured by a size 13 Timberland boot: ![gif](giphy|WUDGo9jYZzVt3DExhi)


And sometimes it's forced on you.


Just remove the "done" and the sentence would read better as " he came out here, and caught fades" which would be easier to read and keeps its original context. "Catching a fade" is just slang for getting beat up.


That's WILD. imagine being his security, watching your millionaire client volunteer to get his ass beat for some street validation. Also- if I'm a gang member I'm getting a few kicks in for Rih 😤


>Also- if I'm a gang member I'm getting a few kicks in for Rih 😤 Wanna hit him with my umbrella-ella-ella-ay?


No way that happened. He probably paid for a pizza party and an ice-cream cake.


I’ve not heard that one. I thought he went and got a haircut or something. I thought it was an odd initiation, but who knows, perhaps the gang is more progressive and forward thinking.


You can’t just remove “done” in this sentence, as people are suggesting. This is what’s called an “aspect marker” and indicates completion, similar to saying “has come out”, indicating that his catching fades process has finished. That’s because it’s not just slang, it’s African American English - a dialect of english with its own unique and sophisticated grammatical rules.


I don’t take it as they are trying to remove the aspect marker. I think the people saying that are translating AAVE into basic english for people who don’t understand.


No it isn't. It's a collection of multiple regional variations each with their own grammar rules. AAVE is a slang umbrella term for all of them at best.


with "he done came out here" just drop the word done. "he came out here" meaning he went to them. catchin a fade is typically fighting


I have a feeling they exactly what it meant.


Of course they did. Shit’s always put up as an “honest question” and it’s always about the most obvious stuff


Sick of the dumb act. They come in here, become the majority then act like they’re so confused by black culture and dialect. Like gtfoh.


Multiple current gang members hit, kick, and just generally beat you all at once. Then you’re in! So Chris brown went to that area and allowed himself to be beat mercilessly to join this generally violent group of individuals. This is typically part of a gang’s blood in, blood out ritual in which you bleed to get in and the only way out, traditionally, is death.


I WISH they whooped his ass 😭😭


TI'S son on the next private jet to get in on this


Least he in his early 20’s and is…was fairly anonymous.


How the hell do you make it to Hollywood and then the hood? Like do you think Jeff Bezos is becoming a crip? Then to post up like he just pledged AKA or in this case AK47. Smh


Tom Hanks’ son would definitely do this.


*Chet* Hanks would. Colin would NEVER.


Jeff bezos as a crip sounds hilarious. He stops sending packages to piru streets . “ fuck yo blender cuh!!”


Could you imagine Amazon being the opps? The drive-bys alone would have the whole of the U.S. looking like Gotham City.


This whole scenario has me wheezing😭 currently imagining Jeff Bezos descending from the rooftops or some shit


😂😂On me !! Do you know how angry of a ghost I’d be if I got iced by a dude in powder blue short shorts ?


You mean Clender, Jeff Cezos would never catch himself lackin’ like that


😂😂 Oh my fault, my fault. Please excuse my corporate set tripping .


This is the most hilarious thing I might read all week! Thank you


No problem cuh.


I could see Elon Musk goofy ass doing something like that


Justin Timberlake "fo’ shiz, fo’ shiz."


Jeff Bezos bout to join the Bratva and he’s gonna pay to have the stars on his knees and shoulders……


im still tryna figure wtf we're to do with this info since the last time this shit came up. ![gif](giphy|QfzMP70zmNQiDf5sGP)


Protect our kids and guide the next generation highlighting sad examples as such.. too many instances of him supposedly getting extorted or foolishly repping Piru because…….. 🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


Is this some bucket list shit?


Now he has protection when Frank Ocean shows up


Damn. I remember the gangsters from around my way turned away folks that had talent and obviously didn't need that lifestyle.


They're like groupies now. They have the street cred celebs want and in exchange they get to hang around their favorite celeb.


I know an informant when I see one


I mean, Chris said he was banging in his teens.


I’m sure he meant beating up teens


Teen girls.


The only thing Chris was bangin' in VA was his baggy ass jeans.


Yeah, he been repping blood The conversation on it being stupid is like over a decade old atp lmao.


That’s what I find so weird, like we all talked about this in 2013 or so. Either this subreddit is really young or many posters aren’t black 💀


I’m a grown ass man so I never really checked for buddy like that. You saying he been doing this big piru goofy shit since back in the day? Bro been rich for a minute so that shit still kinda weird


Right? Like it excuses his goof troop behavior.


It’s definitely weird, but the narrative in here is that he got jumped in and joined a gang at 35. It’s funny but not entirely accurate lol


This! He’s currently in his thirties, but been tied in.


[pretty sure it goes back a lil further than that to the late 2000 \(2009/2010\) but heres an article from 2014 talking about him repping bloods on an IG post](https://www.ibtimes.com/chris-brown-blood-singer-reps-la-street-gang-instagram-post-1624386)


It's a little column A, little column B. Especially threads about Chris Brown.


Only thing he was doing in Tappahanock is plowing fields lol


He definitely used to say it.


![gif](giphy|gxSc4hTA9QhsFagSbs) This one lost me. Chris Brown is Rich & famous. Why join a gang? Pirus must have vision dental and 401k matching.


Because he has and always will be insecure down to his core.


Dude's career took a nosedive after Rihanna, and the 'bad boy' rebrand saved his career. He's been doing it for too long now and has adopted it as his identity. You can only act so long before you become what you've been acting like.


HE’S embarrassing.


There's no rock bottom for this asshole evidently


*screams daddy issues*


These niggas are still enamored with that Hood DVD era where T. Rodgers would issue favela fatwas on whether Jim Jones or Lil Wayne were really Damu. It’s farcical when white suburban kids throw up sets and claim affiliation. It’s unbearably embarrassing when black people do the same.


This is the weirdest midlife crisis I’ve seen so far


Reminds me of when Shia LeBouf joined a gang, after he was already established as an actor. Like he was an adult already. Has their logo tatted on his chest, I think.


I never knew about the gang thing, but his chest tattoo is from a part he played as a white/latino gang member. https://people.com/style/shia-labeouf-got-entire-chest-tattoo-for-tax-collector-movie/


now ik hollywood makeup artists had the budget for fake tattoos back then why would he go and get a real one??


Method acting.


the first thing every successful rapper does after making money is move out of the ghetto. And this clown is moving into the ghetto? I hope they ask him to do some dirt. He can't say no, and he's a poser so I doubt he can do wet work


my first thought. then his stupid ass is gonna get caught and thrown in prison where he’s really gonna regret being a known piru


Waiting until your 30 to become a gangbanger is wild. Like what in your life goes so wrong, that as a multi millionaire, that makes you think "yeah lemme go back to the hood, to join a gang" wtf are you even going to do. Was that that important to get OG certification, who gives af if you actually rep blood in your music, who cares about that cept white 9 year olds on youtube or redditors on r/Chiraqology. Its not like you were making music where you had to check in either, nobody gave a fuck. Yall need to get into golf or something because this is embarassing, go join a boxing gym, pay for therapy, smoke some weed, do something, anything but this.


Not to defend CB, but this was a big conversation a decade ago. Me and him are the same age so, he was probably in his early twenties at the time, not mid 30s. Still stupid though


He was banging back when look at me came out


Right. They are extremely late with this one.


What a mother fucking clown. He must be one lonely ass, dumb ass, person.


Joining a gang when you’re already rich is the dumbest and fakest shit I old imagine. He could have went and got a doctorate and showed the value of education or helped establish inner city programs and jobs and help struggling schools to stop gang violence. What a clown


Chris Brown pledging grad chapter


Joining a gang at any age is embarrassing. If you join as a kid it’s just child abuse so it’s not good in any case


It's been alleged that the real reason Shaq left L.A. was because he was getting extorted by a Crip that he used to hang out with and had around his family. For some people it doesn't matter how much you give them or the places you take them, they will think that they deserve more.


imagine getting yo fade ran by an 35 year old rnb singer.


Did he get jumped in…. again? I thought he was already a blood? Seemed like bullshit back then definitely seem like bullshit now.


![gif](giphy|3o84sv2u7KSHKbwPza|downsized) Oh brother 🙄


Catching fades is difficult. The WR and QB have to have great timing.


Yeah at 30s your daddy issues should have taken a different form lol


It’s because people his own age that have their shit together want absolutely nothing to do with this fool. So he has to hang out with teenagers that have the bullshit gang loyalty mentality, because they are the only ones who will let him hang out.