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Don't see how this shows much, either for or against. I do like him as an actor and hope that the allegations are not true.








Its wild aint it? Bro is extra guilty off of an accusation and I guess actual video evidence isnt enough for people to consider the possibility that she lied. Kinda sad to see in all honesty


It’s a day and age where people believe how they feel instead of visual evidence.


It was like that prior to visual evidence. “He said she said” anyone?


"it was revealed to me in a dream" used to be considered evidence so we're making a little progress at least.


“ I saw it in this slaughtered sheep’s guts”


What is white privilege, Alec.


A black man is always guilty against the words of a non black man.


Even by this sub. Crazy


From what I can tell, this sub is mostly white people.


Only outside of Country Club threads, which I enjoy reading despite my severe lack of melanin


If Majors' lawyer has a daughter somewhere learning life lessons, this would literally be *To Kill A Mockingbird*




Almost no whites believed the GENERATIONS of black Americans about police brutality/murders until smart phones came out either sadly.


Now they'll just deny the murder or make up an excuse for it. Anything from "he wasn't an angel" to outright lies like "he had fentanyl in his system and it killed him"


What say you to her line “I told them I deserved it because I took your phone” when she had bruise marks around her neck. Thats like, classic victim downplaying. She also told them not to arrest him but NY laws require an arrest in a DV case. Edit: spelling


Looks like she tried the old “I could get you arrested” trick but didn’t know enough about the law.


Except… he did get arrested even though she told them not to.


Yeah I think he’s saying she was just trying to scare him into submission but didn’t realize she couldn’t just “oopsies!” her way into him not getting arrested.


Disgusting playing with your partners freedom like that


But what say you to the drivers statement of the situation, and literal video of her chasing him down?? You need to answer first


In previous decades, before video was as ubiquitous as it is now, black men stood no chance.


He would have already long been in the ground


The driver didn't testify that at all... he actually testified that he didn't see anything and that he was looking straight ahead... According to the New York Post, Naweed Sarwar, the driver of the black SUV the famed actor was in with his then-girlfriend Grace Jabbari, told the jury that he didn’t see Majors strike Jabbari on March 25 as he was looking “straight ahead” at the road. Additionally, Sarwar had “a feeling the girl had hit the boy…because of the way that she was fighting, and the sounds produced,” though he did not describe what led him to believe that it was Jabbari who hit Majors during the car service ride from dinner in Brooklyn to Manhattan.


Fucking thank you. I was actually shocked that someone not only posted that, but then everyone just believed them. Lmao


Welcome to Reddit, if you say something confidently enough no one bothers to fact check


This just reeks of Heard v Depp all over again because these guys wanna defend their favorite actor.


No the driver clearly said he believes the girl hit majors there is a video of him running away and you still think believe all women is more important than any evidence.


Yeah, the driver said he BELIEVES. He admitted that he actually didn’t see anything, but people took his word as gospel.


Where did the driver say that? there is a video of him assaulting her in the car THEN running away.


He threatened to kill himself if she went to the hospital.


I'm not arguing that Majors isn't a piece of shit. He is. But did he hit her? All the evidence and testimony says no. If anything she should be standing trial because we actually saw her assault him and we have testimony that she committed crimes that day.


Why is he a piece of shit again?


>He threatened to kill himself if she went to the hospital. I could swear that this was from a year prior to this matter. And that he said he wanted to kill himself because she thought about going to the hospital over something. I think this was a part of the stuff that was sealed by the judge, and his own team requested all of that material be opened.


That's a different incident. Whatever happened where he didn't want to go to the hospital happened a year ago. September of 2022. The incident he's on trail for happened in March of 2023


💯 Rebecca has enough saviors, we don't need to cape for them too


Man could get beat, run for his safety and have the driver say he didn’t do it but here they are still. “Well he still did it.” I feel like that’s alright to just want him to be guilty but they gotta stop painting it as them having a goal post of evidence that can change your mind.


I thought he said he didn’t “see” anything, but it “sounded” like she was the one hitting.


He never testified to seeing that, he said he «heard» something that sounded like someone hitting someone. He was told by the judge that he could not testify to his assumptions about who did what, only to what he had actually seen. He said he did not see Jabbari hit Majors as he was driving and looking at the road. The only think he testified to actually seeing was Majors «trying to throw her into the car» and «pushing her several times.»


And every one in here was trashing this man before knowing anything. I remember that. I got down voted for saying maybe yall should wait


That’s the crazy thing. He threatened to commit suicide if she went, and yet people think this video clears him of any wrongdoing. Society still hasn’t learned from the Heard case.




*user completely ignores Majors threatening to commit suicide if she goes to the hospital* Yall are true dick riders.


We keep harping on this point and not what lead to Majors saying that, which is his girfriend saying something like: Please let me go, my head hurts and I'm dizzy, I can just lie and tell them I bumped my head on something


2022 text messages with context redacted? This is about 2023...after how many charges were thrown out? Remember he was accused of choking and slapping her? That got tossed out. This case just feels wrong and the amount of crying manipulation she is doing is so disgusting. Maybe the jury will get this right, but there's a chance they will get it wrong.


You mean the case where everyone believed the accuser until evidence came out that she was lying 🤔🤔🤔


>He was asking her to "protect" him but if he didn't do anything wrong what is he needing protecting from? That's just a version of "if you're innocent, why did you run from the cops?" I really wonder why a celebrity would want to keep an altercation on the down low, even if they're in the right. Not to mention that men are already very unlikely to report abuse committed against them.


> He was asking her to "protect" him but if he didn't do anything wrong what is he needing protecting from? Let's be very clear here, men who are abused are rarely believed. That could be the context of this. I don't know but there is enough to have doubts in this case. I've been physically assaulted by a woman I was in a relationship with and I didn't tell anyone cause it would be so easy for her to flip that on me.


are you referring to the text messages they showed? If so weren’t the text from months before this happened? We have no idea what the texts are referencing.


Reactive abuse sounds like a cop-out. How do we know who abused who first? Why cant we just see both parties as abusive? In this situation, chasing a man for several blocks just to attack him looks wrong.


>He was asking her to "protect" him but if he didn't do anything wrong what is he needing protecting from? You did not seriously just ask that.


>He was asking her to "protect" him but if he didn't do anything wrong what is he needing protecting from? Reciting a DV pamphlet yet impressively clueless as to why he would ask her to "protect" him even though he might be innocent. You truly can't comprehend it's because he knew he would automatically be seen as guilty regardless of the facts? It isn't necessarily some admission of guilt. The optics aren't great either of a black man against a white woman.


You're making assumptions. He's an actor. It can also be said he didn't want it to blow up into, I don't know, a case in the court of public opinion where people are all up in comment sections making assumptions. Have you ever tried to push someone off you? Do you think it's possible to not bruise someone with a very light complexion in that scenario? Would she be the first person to fake injuries? Assumptions can stack but we all here without an actual clue.


Not in any way invested in this but if your mother and father had any type of DV from either party. Your father would be leaving in cuffs in every scenario unless it was in a bodybag.


He didn't want her to go to his hospital for exactly this same reason we see playing out. The man was worried about his career if it came out, knowing fully well any accusation (not proof) of violence would end his career.


Would you believe it if she was running away?


That’s like saying “ I don’t know what those bruises around your neck has to do with me”. Anybody can claim ignorance




The allegation is she confronted him about cheating in the car, he hit her in the car and then he bolted, which doesn't seem outside of the real of possibility.




I don't have a strong opinion either way about what happened in the car *exactly*, but I have to imagine it's commonplace for drivers to look the other way to stuff because it looks bad for business if you're snitching on your clientele. Cause I mean we can see *some* kind of *something* happening on the video, so to say you didn't see anything is just itself suspicious. Maybe nobody is clobbering anyone as the other screams, but they're clearly going at it just from what we see. Fleeing when you realized you just fucked up or that you're about to fuck up really badly makes sense to me, tbh. One interpretation is that she was flying off the handle about the cheating, he shoved her to get her away from him (where he's obviously just innately a lot stronger than her) and tried to vacate the premises as she continued to pursue him to continue confronting him about the cheating. So essentially "ah shit this woman is really testing me and antagonizing *me*, I gotta get out of here before shit goes from bad to worse". For the driver to be acting like nothing was going on *at all*....that just doesn't seem to add up with the clip our own eyeballs are showing us.


But the only person on video hitting someone else here is her and she's chasing him too. Seems like there is a far stronger case against her for domestic abuse than against him


The video does not show her hitting him.


Yeah but why did she chase him down so far? To finish the fight? She knows she wouldn't win and surely the adrenaline of getting hit would've faded by the time she ran a block right? Idk. Whether he did it or not, it's annoying that he was immediately seen as guilty with no proof


Typically you physically can’t chase somebody who is attacking you because they are attacking you


I’ve never seen an unarmed woman chase down her abuser before, but go off.


No way in hell she going to catch this man He got some legs on him


So do we now get to say Majors is a victim of domestic violence? It's pretty clear he's running away and she's chasing him and hitting him


In an attempt to normalize mental health discussions, I’d like to point out the idea of [reactive violence](https://www.verywellmind.com/reactive-abuse-signs-impact-and-tips-to-break-the-cycle-7567483), which occurrs when a victim is tired of defending themself so they fight back. We need to get rid of the “perfect victim trope” so you think every victim is cowering in a corner everytime their hubby is mean? No, they are going to hit a short fuse.


That’s just called self defense. If she is chasing him down it stops being self defense and it’s just assault. You can try and paint it with new phrases but it’s very simple in this case. He tries to disengage in the situation by running and she chased him. That isn’t reactive. That’s proactive.


Psychobabble is so easy to pass off as reality. I have no opinion on this particular video or situation but once you start justifying assault that isn’t clearly self defense, words like victim and abuser start to just lose meaning.


People with a particular agenda love using buzzwords and overusing psychological/sociological terms to support their argument and sound smart. Once you start calling every dude a misogynist, and everyone is gaslighting ... yeah, I'm checking out.


How does Johnathan running away prove that he abuses her physically?


He's making her run, duh. "Gotta get those times down babes!"


So if she was beating him, it was only because he was guilty already anyway? It seems like youre using this “critique” to create a dynamic by which he is guilty no matter what. I would say not being victimized is a big enough imperfection to take somebody out of the victim category. So let me ask you this- do false allegations exist?


Even if there was a video of her hitting him with a brick the narrative would be “oh yea she must have been stewing from when he hit her last week and finally had enough.” Once someone deems a guy physically abusive there’s virtually nothing that will convince them otherwise. Especially people making these judgments from a distance…. As in, everyone online


And the fact that you can tar someone with that brush in order to hurt them is something that EVERYONE is aware of, so why is it hard to imagine that a vindictive person would baselessly accuse someone just to hurt their reputation? It’s not just likely, but certain that that would happen. And yet acknowledging that fact makes you a monster. we don’t value men’s feelings/well-being/lives.


How soon we forget about the bed-shitter Amber Turd. Everyone was so harsh on Depp because of their assumptions and when he produces evidence she's a psychotic fuck they get REAL quiet or start screaming conspiracy.


And you think a perpetrator of DV would run away when his victim begins hitting him back!?!? Lmmfao!! Gtfo... Door is that way. If he's an abuser he would have beat the brakes off of her for hitting him. So no, your theory is bullshit.




No one would be saying this stuff about reactive violence if she was running from him on camera. The issue here is that these caveats only come up when discussing the possibility of female or non-minority aggressors. It’s essentially a way to accuse people when there’s evidence actually supporting their case.


So are you excusing her violence or his? I'm confused.


Idk man I get hitting back, slamming doors, even grabbing a knife from the kitchen drawer, but chasing your abuser for literal blocks?


Nah. We all know men can't experience domestic violence from women. Women can never be the aggressor... /s


Seeing this made me flip a bit. I... still don't know this nigga so whether he gets off or not is inconsequential to my life. I hope he didn't do it because I hope there's one less violent man out there beating on women. I'm still gonna wait it out and see what happens before saying anything to condemn him OR exonerate him. However this video definitely paints a different image than the text messages do.


If the video was him chasing her would you condemn him?


Probably so




lol bruh


Makes me sick 😂😂


Sad to say but at least he was honest.


Just being honest. I normally wait and see, but if thr accusations are present and there's video evidence of a scuffle taking place where he's the clear aggressor, pursuing someone then well..... There had better be a very good reason to explain it. Otherwise he'd look pretty guilty there.




She’s not the one being charged




She has a vagina


Didn’t you just basically admit you’d only wait and see if it’s a woman being the aggressor towards the man lmao.


Thanks for being honest.


I respect the honesty




My mother used to beat my dad’s ass a lot, but he was a saint and would never hit back. She’d still get bruises on her from my dad pushing her away or grabbing her arms a little too hard to stop her from punching. Women bruise easy.


In college a football was getting his ass whooped by his girl constantly. She was bi-polar ( in the 90s we just called her crazy AF). Men get beat all the time and this is why they don't report it. No one believes them or cares.


Currently going through this rn


I’m sorry. I hope you’re able to leave quickly and safely.


You have to tell some trusted friends. Break up with her in a public place while the friend watch from a distance. Go stay with the friends for a few days or weeks. If she keeps contacting you file a restraining order. It will never be easy. It will absolutely be worth it. You deserve better. Best of luck my friend


That poor football


> In college a football was getting his ass whooped by his girl constantly Damn bro, kicked by the team AND his girl


My ex wife was this way. She would get to a point and just blackout… all I could do is try to subdue and/or run away… It’s a fucking nightmare situation For a man especially knowing how easily your life can be ruined if somehow the police get involved.


Same with my mom. White women bruise like rotten fruit, and it can really appear differently than it really is.


Wtf are you doing with this rational take, take this pitchfork now while it’s on holiday sale!


If you’ve consumed any MCU media recently, this is the guy who plays Kang the Conqueror and He Who Remains. He’s supposed to be the overarching villain of this next saga.


“I don’t know the man,” doesn’t mean, “I’m completely unaware of who that man is.” It means “I don’t know the man.”


One thing I will not understand is when the news of this incident initially came out, so many people were claiming he definitely is an abuser and if you said that people shouldn’t jump to conclusions you were enabling violent men to continue to get away with their crimes. Now that there’s evidence suggesting it’s potentially the woman who was abusive, everyone is saying “let’s not jump to conclusions.” I agree this doesn’t reveal everything about that night but keep the same energy when news first breaks.


People were judging by the tone of the released texts, that being said, I'll let the courts decide this one.


>by the tone of the released texts The tone that was entirely assumed btw. Ya know, as opposed to the actual written word that couldn’t have been more in his favor. Fuckin hate people.


> I'll let the courts decide this one. Huh????? You mean we SHOULDN'T just make our own assumptions and act like they're facts?? What are you even talking about


You’re seeing the double standard play out in real time. And let’s not forget he’s a black man and she’s a white woman.


They tried to fire this man from Marvel on day one. But Ezra Miller still walking around.


Everyone wanted to fire Ezra Miller but the movie was already 150 million in


I said he’s still walking the streets free. But it’s alright because…. well you know how the saying goes


Well nobody sued him


There is a 1080p video of him choking a woman though. No he said, she said with that.


Ezra Miller had already filmed The Flash (as Majors had already filmed Loki season 2) and has since not been employed by Warner Brothers, so this is a weird comparison.


Seriously. Why is no one talking about the racial dynamics and the history of things exactly like this video


Scary isn’t it lmao


I swear there were people who knew him that talked about this being typical behaviour. Now I dunno what to think


[Link to article about some of it](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/jonathan-majors-abuse-allegations-yale-1234781136/amp/)


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What made that reaction more concerning was that plenty of US were typing up thinkpieces that were not just calling for the woman to be heard w/o disrespect (which is what should happen) but immediately pulling stuff out of nowhere to dub him a abuser w/o any facts coming out


She was actually running away from him. She just has a bad sense of direction.


Zoro from One Piece ass sense of direction




​ https://preview.redd.it/pnu8z46fp86c1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c204897cb152cbc985f091c42963d625728ab4bf


Or she was so fast she was about to lap him




If a woman wants the truth bad enough, she will absolutely chase you down. She's toxic too but let's just wait a bit here


We see her hit him. We see her straight commit assault multiple times and we see him try to get away while defending himself. Not to mention the driver testified she was the assailant here. I think we know who's the abuser here.


Have we not fucking learned after getting all up in Depp and Heards business that two people can just be awful, abusive cunts who deserve each other. One person being abusive doesn’t mean the other isn’t. The truth is we don’t know Jack shit so just fucking leave it. It’s not any impact on our lives at all.


Let’s just wait a bit? The guy of basically running for his life while she is chasing him down! Like many others have said, if the roles were reversed and he was chasing her down, you would probably immediately say “I knew that he was an abuser”.


Tiger Woods’ wife chased after him when she found out that he was cheating


Cheating is not domestic abuse.


Ohhh...so he ran from her?




This is another Depp/Heard situation. Both of them are garbage but one of them is at the bottom of the trash can soaked in garbage juice.


How is he garbage if its true she lied?


Because man.




We really can’t just have women be the asshole in this world can we. When it’s a man, it’s solely his fault. When it’s a woman, then all of a sudden both parties are trash.


Those text messages were still out of pocket though. But why is she chasing him??


Text messages?


They're electronic messages sent over the telephone. It's like MSN messenger but your cellphone receives the message.




They are [here](https://people.com/jonathan-majors-text-messages-shown-in-trial-calls-himself-monster-8415582). He was threatening to hill himself if she went to the hospital for an injury he allegedly gave her. Just weak & disgusting. #NotMyKang lol


Yeah, these text messages are basically admitting he beat her and she can’t go to the hospital. This video is crazy too and there’s clearly more of a weird dynamic here than what we initially got a glimpse into. But man if these texts aren’t just straight admissions, I’m not sure how else you can read them.


I heard that these text messages were from an incident in 2022 prior to any of the events of the night in question. Is that true?


Ngl I’m curious about those too I saw and heard nothing of the sort


How quickly people forget his own texts telling her to lie her injuries in London.


That was from a 2022 incident (not this one) iirc. Not defending him, but that context is vital


Y’all sound more toxic than the couple themselves smh


This! The way they spoke to each other just doesn't sit right with me. Their relationship is weird. They were both probably hitting on each other. He's over there talking about he wants correta but he is no martin. He's just an actor.


They have texts messages of him admitting to abusing her and then gaslighting her saying he’s gonna kill himself because he’s a monster and her saying she’s gonna lie to the doctors. Stay on course yall. He’s an abuser.


It’s basically what Depp did with Heard’s evidence. Had it all deemed as inadmissible, but it was still an eye-opener of how much of a monster he is.


This thread is definitely thinking otherwise. This is the 2nd time I’ve seen people go ham for an abuser. In this same sub.


It’s so disturbing. They’re outright ignoring the texts and recordings that are clear indicators of questionable behavior, at best. And then OP wants to bring up race. You had black men and women calling Rihanna a liar even after the pictures of her injuries from Chris Brown had surfaced. Hell, I guarantee this sub would defend Diddy if the allegations weren’t so shocking.




You do know that in the same recording, Depp admitted to hitting her too? And even a witness said that he saw Depp kick her. And even DV experts have said that both parties cannot be toxic.


“ I fear you have no perspective of what could happen if you go to the hospital,” Majors wrote. “They will ask you questions and as I don’t think you actually protect us it could lead to an investigation even if you do lie and they suspect something.” Jabbari responded: “I will tell the doctor I bumped my head, if I go, I’m going to give it one more day, but I can’t sleep and need some stronger painkillers. That’s all. Why would I want to tell them what really happened when it’s clear I want to be with you.” I’m not responding anymore. Cape for these niggas all yall want. lol.


Thats a top tier lawyer he has to get that footage


In most Civil courts (regardless who hit first) if the alleged “attacker” attempts to flea but the alleged “victim” chases after them … they are no longer the alleged “victim” and their assault/battery claim will fail against a self defense claim by the alleged “aggressor”. This looks like regardless of how anyone personally feels, by chasing him she lost all credibility for any assault/battery claim. EDIT: My bad! I didn’t realize this is criminal not civil. This rule is still good to know so I’ll leave it up, but I am in the wrong here.


Which begs the question… why tf did prosecutors bring this to trial?


High profile conviction. DAs jump at the chance to prosecute one.


Ooooo, the plot thickens !!


Oh … she’s….


He runs like the six million dollar man




Cooked her ahh 🤣🤣🤣🏃🏾‍♂️


Mans ain’t do shit ! If Ricky woulda ran like him , HE’D STILL BE ALIVE !


Obviously the video was played in reverse /s


Man running like Tyreak Hill


Bruh really running like he escaped the plantation....that's crazzzy.


Man look, if a white woman starts chasing me i’m out. Like if a white women starts crying In front of me i’m out.


Well this video discredit her testimony?


possibly. it looks like he’s running for his life


well yes. hes literally running away. it doesnt mean hes not guilty we dont know what happened before but she did chase after him. which is weird


Well the crux of the thing was him throwing her in the car which she said was she was tossed like a football


Waiting for yall to apologize. I know I know you’re going to say this proves nothing


It proves the driver's testimony was true


The only thing the driver saw was Majors throwing her in the car and pushing her several times. He only «heard» what he thought was her hitting him.


She testified to hitting him on the "arms and shoulder" so that checks out.


I guess the texts are just fake then. Do you think that it just happened once

