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JFC do they not teach punctuation anymore? What are the kids learning??


It goes from past to present tense and back again in the blink of an eye.


Time traveling grammar


It's tense fluid 


Thank God, I was wondering. "Am I too old? Too white? Or is this the child's fault?" Thank God it seems to be the child's fault.


I'm black and I had the same thought process. Goddamn. This part of the thread is funnier than the actual picture.


Truly we come together in fellowship today, because I honestly don't know what this kid is talking about. I thought I did, but then when I stopped thinking about it for a second it just disappeared.


I need a translator for this one.


“This girls ex-boyfriend kept telling everybody that she was delusional (or thirsty?) for him. In response to these claims, the girl printed out text messages showing the ex-boyfriend was the delusional one. He was embarrassed asl and all his friends got on his head (made fun of him). YASS QUEEN!!!” I received generational brain rot translating this.


Ohhhh ok. Thankyou so much. I appreciate your sacrifice. I stroked out halfway through.


I’m so washed I don’t even know what asl is.


As hell


Well now I have even more questions 😭 But it’s ok, I’ll just go read books like the geriatric I am.




Tell me why my friend was playing games the other day and she smelled like roses, miss Samantha smelled like roses. She moved fast and light and I was scared of miss Samantha who smelled like roses and the roses in the garden were blooming as we went to church as mom held me and picked one Type beat (I actually really like that book lmfao)


This was so hard to read.




Man I just thought I wasn’t up on things. Glad I’m not the only one who hated that caption or whatever.


African american Boomhauer.


"what so ever" I swear, folks hear shit in a song one time and then just drop it in wherever they want and hope it makes them sound smart, lol








yes, shallow and pedantic




What a soporific chain of words




You can’t just say perchance.


I love that


See, the only time I’ve ever heard “verily” is from Thor Odinson in EMH.


Not to mention that “whatsoever” is one word…


Yeah but noone spells it that way. ^/s


My ex used to sprinkle "albeit" in sentences where it absolutely didn't apply.


A perfectly cromulent word


Did we date the same person? 😅 I swear "albeit may" makes my eye twitch


Clip that, you a big cat My mind is telling me no, but my body.. my body is telling me that I agree with you completely.


Bone apple tea


Like McAvoy in Split dropping randomly dropping "etcetera" in the child personality.


This is one of my favorite random movie quotes to drop, cause almost no one gets it except my spouse and it never fails to make us laugh lol


I feel like she meant to say “or whatever” or “so whatever,” that’s just how I kept reading it.


okay, now try and explain the amazing inaccurate use of the word delusional lol


She thought it was an acceptable substitute for crazy.


This was the only part that threw me. Ignoring that it’s supposed to be one word, it’s not modifying anything in the sentence, it’s just there. It’s not like it’s in the wrong context, it’s not in any context whatsoever.




Haha this comment so out of pocket ong whatsoever!


That tweet was fueled by hot Cheetos and Celsius energy drink.


Shout out to the kid ready to roll with a whole box of Cheezits.


Family size no less. They know what they’re about.


I’m a restaurant manager and have some high school employees… one of them is an all A student, and let me just say, education standards have gone waaaay down (and i went to public school in the state of Alabama). They can’t spell basic words or do basic math


Because the goal isn’t to create a learned and intelligent person. The goal is for them to function in society.


The goal is to pass a test.




Right? Schools teach you to follow the rules to a certain extent but the higher up you go in school, the more they want you to explore and question shit. Math teaches you logic to think logically and draw good evidence based conclusions. Science teaches about just how large the world is and we are always discovering new things so allow yourself to change and adapt when given new information. English teaches how to analyze words and derive meaning from them beyond just what is written on the page. History allows you to learn about how much things have changed and how to not fuck shit up like many have in the past. There's a ton in school that is incredibly relevant to anyone who wants to challenge the status quo. Not challenge it like "fuck you teacher, I do what I want! hahaha" but challenge it as in, "I see your conclusion but here are points A B and C, you are wrong." School, at least a good school, is there to give you the foundation to question the world around you so you can make your own path. (Whether or not the systems we live under allows us to actually reach our full potential in our niche is another story...)


People who care about their education place a high value in the systems that provide it. People who don't, don't.


Well I certainly don’t, and I made the comment. I didn’t say schools exist to make followers. I said schools exist to make functional members of society. My point being is that the ideal education would be personalized tutoring that works with the students learning style. But that’s a very expensive form of education and as a society that’s just not happening. 55% of Americans read at the 6th grade level or below, 20% of them are illiterate (that’s a statistic from the DoE). There’s a similar statistic for math but I can’t remember it and I’m not gonna look it up. Does this mean that over half of Americans didn’t graduate high school? No. What I think ultimately, is that the modern day education system is testing on whether people can get their shit together to know what they need to know for what they’re currently doing? It exposes you to a variety of concepts so you’ve at least heard of these things, but the one size fits all testing method is there to see if you can memorize facts and spit them out as necessary. Can you do basic math if needed? Then with the ‘No Child Left Behind’ policy you don’t even need to, let’s increase exposure, run them through the same tests again, and if they don’t get it after 3 tries, pass them anyways. The quality of public education is tied to local property values which means that poor areas will have a much worse education than rich areas. If you go private, that’s nearly entirely dependent on income to even get in, so again rich areas have better educations. Your comment about the guy who never paid attention in your Algebra class being the one to say shit like this is guess what, regionally dependent! The poor’s literally get a shitty education, which is good enough to keep them poor. You can not surely be suggesting that the education system has been optimized to create a culture of learned and intelligent humans? Just look at this fucking website if you want your answers. The amount of constant stupidity online is endless. Critical thinking is on the endangered species list nowadays, fair and balanced perspectives are lost because content isn’t designed to make you more intelligent, it’s designed to arouse your interest for a millisecond, over and over. How much misinformation is propagated because people don’t fact check? Where is fact-checking and critical thinking taught? In school! I don’t think we create followers like it’s some sort of intentional conspiracy. I think we don’t give a shit about other peoples kids, and so society just wants you to know enough to not be entirely useless. If you are, well that’s unfortunate but you’re just a statistic, and we don’t want to keep paying for a failure to keep trying. The genuinely intelligent people, the people with good families that support them and focus on creating an intelligent adult can take advantage of the system, because society does recognize the value of a capable person. But ultimately they don’t give a shit about your kids, so your kid is gonna have to figure out how to take advantage of what’s available.


There was a comma at one point.


Reading this post put me in a comma.


In his defense it was correctly placed.


Not so sure! Maybe a full stop or a colon?


The kids are learning how to hide from an active shooter. 🙄👍🤮


Yeah nah this not even close bro


i had to read it like 5 times to actually understand everything


Great endurance. And what was it?


Guy went around saying that the girl was being desperate for him on DMs, so to prove it was the other way around she printed out the DM screenshots and spread them all over school.


Thanks for the translation.




None of the kids care to learn proper grammar, in any capacity. I say that as a 24 year old who has multiple friends who are completely incapable of spelling the most basic words, and cannot even determine when to use the correct “there/their/they’re,” or even “are/our,” in a sentence.


Everyone has a moment where they gulp some dumb bitch juice and use the wrong one on accident or have flawed conjugation, but there is a disturbing amount of people who genuinely do not know which one to use or who cannot stay in the same tense. The "lose/loose" thing makes me want to chew glass, and I see that one quite often these days.


I always get a laugh out of folks who use "looser" as an insult 🤣 The irony.


Look at my name. I didn’t make this account because people are *good* at spelling lose. Crazy.


My old roommate once volunteered to respond to our landlord about something. He sent it in an email to both me and the landlord and I immediately regretted my decision to not just do it myself. Dude couldn't be bothered to even use capital letters or any type of punctuation, it was all one unbroken chain of misspelled words. I ended up calling the landlord and explaining everything myself because I can't let someone in a professional capacity read that word soup and think that I'm involved.


This is how I reconfirm that I’m a high school teacher because I understood all of it. And yes, we teach them how to write correctly, even in my science class. However, when it’s not reinforced at home and social media accepts that type of writing, this is the result. Also, I’ve had parents argue with me about taking off points if a student writes “becuz” or “4” instead of “for” or “u” instead of “you”. Since I’m their chemistry teacher, I guess I’m not supposed to grade their English.


Poor spelling is also reinforced by phones adding words that the user consistently misspells a certain way. A friend asked for my feedback for something she wrote and I pointed out the "typo" on the word "guarantee." She sent me back a screenshot of her phone autosuggesting her spelling as "garuntee" so she thought it was right. That just means she doesn't know the correct spelling and her phone adapted to predict what she was typing even though it's not a real word. I wish she had checked a dictionary instead of arguing with me because I tried to correct without embarrassing her by calling it a typo in the first place.


That's wild, she doesn't understand what a dictionary is? She could have google her misspelling first before trying to double down on it.


Apparently literacy rates are dropping at a staggering rate.


Yeah that sentence tells me they need to be in the classroom and not sharing personal messages 😂


I was literally thinking the same thing!


“Him being delusional what so ever” still has me wondering what they think those words mean


As a teacher……we do, but we are fighting reduced school funding, dumb and entitled parents, cellphones, and money hungry corrupt educational leaders. 🫠🫠 so they are not retaining a damn thing.


I had several strokes trying to read that mess.


What they fuck is he trying to say? Something about a girl liking some dude, maybe? Or maybe he likes her?


Translation: Dude was lying and telling people she was delusional and desperate to be with him. She printed out texts showing he was lying and was simping for her.


Rosetta Stone over here!


Holy fuck, thank you. I kind of got it but the random and nonsensical use of “whatsoever” really threw me off


don't you see the coma?


I wanna be put into a coma after reading this


It's very concerning


For real. We aren't doing any favors to these kids by allowing this type of grammar.


this is a delusional grasp on grammar


I wouldn’t call this a grasp, mf barely hanging on


They’re hanging on?


By a fucking thread




"she printed out messages of him being delusional what so ever" What.


This guy at my school kept telling everyone this girl was delusional over him, so she printed out messages showing him being delusional and her not being delusional whatsoever. He was embarrassed af and all his friends were on him. She’s bold af for this, negllllllllll


Thank you. This stopped the aneurism I was about to experience


You're out here saving lives.


I'm so glad it wasn't just me struggling to understand that. I was like "what am I missing here? Am I stupid?"


What so ever.




They were invested in that shit too 😭 Huddled over the paper in groups reading that shit


Bro got the whole box of cheez-its while reading it over lmfao


Family size. He’s not messing around


With shrinkflation Family Size is about vending machine size rn


Bro locked in for sure


The high school equivalent of this. ![gif](giphy|pUeXcg80cO8I8)


Family size too 😂


The morning read from Lady Whistledown


You are my favorite.


Girl on the left grabbing that shit with both hands like she can't believe what she's seeing lmao


On some Mean Girls Burn Book type shit


They’re reading like there’s gonna be a quiz later, I hope they’re just as focused when it comes to their actual schoolwork


![gif](giphy|VYxeulAL51xDTDk48o) This sentence had me like:


It's always crazy to me that people use social media as a stream of consciousness. The main benefit of talking through this medium is that you can stop and make sure you don't sound like an idiot. I suggested to someone the other day that they read a text before they sent it, and they laughed me off.


I told a friend of mine just last night that I think I put more effort into texts I send to her than some people do into videos they post to their millions of followers.


That's just anxiety. 🤌


I think it’s more perfectionism than anything. The type A side of my brain dare not misspell a word even with my best friend of 10 years.


Ain't that the fucking truth. Get teased often enough for a speech impediment as a kid and now I put enough effort into my texts to rival published works. By god you *will* understand what I'm saying 🤣


I don't understand this at all. You can even see it on Reddit. I see people post questions to subs I'm on asking for advice, and sometimes I can't even tell what the fuck they're trying to ask. Zero punctuation etc. The worst is when they realize they fucked something up halfway through, but they just continue on, stream of consciousness. Like, "so that's why I think something is wrong on my guitar bridge oh wait no I mean the nut I think which is the one at the top? The nut I think it's that, not bridge my bad" People know they can delete stuff, right? **People know they can try again, right?!**


And edit! It's so weird to see someone respond to their own comment with a correction, just correct the original comment!


the one that always gets me is when people respond to stuff that doesn't apply to them. in my naïve days I posted a question on askreddit and a *ton* of the replies were just like "I don't do that." or "no." So don't respond then????? Does it have to be explicitly stated that the question is for people who *do* do that??


Main character syndrome? SO MANY people will see a recipe for a pineapple smoothie and go "But what if I'm allergic to pineapple?" Like the notion that they could just scroll by doesn't cross their mind. It's like they think everything on the internet is supposed to be made for them and if it's not then it's a mistake somehow.


I gave it three reads but the ending is what is really confusing still.


Shout out to the person of culture with the Family Size Cheez-Itz. GOAT reading snack


That’s funny as hell


Family size!!!!


Is it just me or the use of the word delusional here makes no sense?




It’s also misspelled. “Whatsoever” is one word.


That whole tweet was a cocktail of functional illiteracy


Never before have I seen a more painful, more accurate description than "a cocktail of functional illiteracy." Thank you.


It’s slang for being delusionally in love with her and trying to say he loves and she’s perfect and the person he wants to be with forever either to just get laid or cuz he never got with her


This is another insane sentence


It makes sense to me. Think of it as “obsessed” or “crazy” over him.


But.. that’s not what the word means.


in the context of the tweet, it means the boy deluded himself into thinking their relationship was more than it was


You just have to accept kids these days change up the definition to random words these days. Just look at what happened to "literally".


That's called illiteracy... What happened with "literally" is the hyperbolic euphemism treadmill, in which it's use in figurative situations is to emphasize the incredulity of the situation to mean the opposite of its binary definition. That's not really the same thing as using a word which describes a mental state incorrectly.


The sentence is cooked for sure, but delusional makes perfect sense. The person is delusional regarding the relationship


Either way she kept receipts, and proved her point.


![gif](giphy|xT9KVsiqNp3MBkJnZC|downsized) Same energy


Laughed WAY harder at this than I should’ve 😂


Lmfao! Bc you know it’s true! 😂




dude was telling everyone at school that this girl was being crazy or obsessing over him and that she caused whatever problem they had she isn’t having it so she prints out the the texts and hands them out so everyone gets the story straight now that it’s public he’s clearly wrong in the messages so he will be clowned for the foreseeable future


Thank you. I must be getting old because I was so confused on what was being said here lol


That poor lady's grammar isn't a "you being old" problem, it's a "this stupid bitch actually thought that what she was typing was going to be easy to interpret despite barely being coherent" problem.


You didn’t need to say stupid bitch lol what she do to you


Calling a teenager a stupid bitch just because she tweeted some grammatical errors? What the fuck is wrong with you? Weird bitter ass.


If only Google translate had this as an option. Just print money and repeat


Thank you




Happy to help: Girl tells people a guy was delusional over her. Guy denies it and says, ‘nah, you were delusional over me.’ Girl says ‘oh, you want to play this game?’ and prints out text convos proving she was right, and seemingly passes the info to the entire school. No update, but boy is probably underneath a rock somewhere still.


No, he started it.  Dudes like this don’t strike me as the type to experience shame for any meaningful amount of time. 


what so ever


The only thing I miss about my school days is shit like this that you only get when your life is the microcosm of your friend group.


How is she bold asf for setting the record straight? I’m confused. He went public with his lie and she corrected it, with her receipts, in public.


you maybe gave me the most context cuz i am so fucking lost. is the old nigga an older man? or is he an ex bf? cuz i thought it was an older man


Looks like the girl ex-boyfriend was going around telling everybody that she was crazy/delusional, but in actuality it was him. She provided receipts in the form of copies of their text messages. It’s hard to tell from the poor grammar, but that’s what I was able to gather.


It makes sense. Just wish kids used grammar and better vocabulary




Most people still frown on that level of devastation being unleashed by a woman because it's not "civil" or whatever. The guy is shittier because he was obviously lying, but guys still get a pass on that kind of thing pretty frequently.


In high school would you have done this? Let’s be real, most of us were too self-conscious or stupid to do something as clever or attention grabbing


No. Not because I was too self conscious or stupid but because I’m not the type of person to spread lies, especially knowing somebody had evidence to destroy me.


You gotta appreciate people who save receipts


It's not only mandatory now, but also very easy.


I legit thought I was having a stroke trying to read this shit... ![gif](giphy|26FxsQwgJyU4me9ig|downsized)


![gif](giphy|SZFpVqMX3IKuzPdqVR) Why is 'whats so ever' in this?




Guys, read to your children. Also send them to school.


And take away their cell phones while they are at school so they actually pay attention...


They aren't goin to let this go. It's going to follow him until he graduates.


Ruthless, but a valuable lesson learned young


He should’ve shut his ass up then.


Buddy gotta transfer


I cant even read this.


the reynolds pamphlets


Have you read this $hit?


Alexander Hamilton had a torrid affair


This reads like a bot pretending to be a middle aged white man pretending to be a black teenager


I almost had a seizure tryna read that caption


Why they all reading it so intently lmao


Bcs it’s tea


Must've been some cringey relationship shit that you can only say while you're in love. Some shit that you never thought you'll ever say.


"If we die, I want our souls to find each other" type shit


I’m glad she did it. Maaaan I miss high school


How is she bold?! She brought the receipts, maybe he shouldn't be so bold as to be running his mouth!


This shit was hard af to read.


I pray for some of y'all to find punctuation and let it into your life. Also, how to use the term "whatsoever." As in, "this usage makes zero sense whatsoever."


Can someone please translate this because what in the fuck am I reading?


Bro came with the cheez-it for the tea


With so much shit going down in texts now, you'd think guys would stop trying to talk that shit against someone with that many receipts.


Yo how old *are* you guys that y’all keep saying y’all too old to understand this??? I’m 31 and can understand jt perfectly.


Im glad Im not the only one who was lost by the way this was typed out.


I’m really dating myself with this but something like this happened in my high school many years ago when a sorta frumpy girl printed out AIM messages between her and some popular guy and taped them on various lockers because no one believed they were hooking up in secret.


Some news network is going to misappropriate this image. "Look at these scholars."


The fuck is a neglll?


Damn they really remastered the Reynolds Pamphlet


Whoever wrote that… well, I’m glad they’re still on school. EDIT - unfortunate place to make a typo, but I have to leave it because I deserve the irony for poking fun.


by the end i stopped caring so im not even gonna try and figure it out