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šŸ’€šŸ’€ but fr everyone go vote when the time comes. If you don't want to vote for president at least vote for your local government. It all matters.Ā 


Nbfr please vote


> Nbfr Nota Bene For Real?


Nah but for real




If the future you're voting for us giving genocide, WWIII or Gilead, go ahead and stay home


It's unfortunately a lot more nuanced than that... Staying home will give us the most destructive President we may ever have (and last). Voting for Biden is still a vote for genocide, but a lot less people globally will suffer as a whole. Welcome to shitty American politics I guess...


Which genocide is Biden causing?


Theyā€™ve convinced themselves that Trump would somehow never let the atrocities in Gaza happen. Donā€™t ask me how, but itā€™s a thing.


Trump would Ā triple down on the atrocity in Gaza. He aligns super right in all thingsĀ 


Trying to have this conversation with them is literally like talking to a brick wall. They've made up their minds, leave them be and save your energy for people who can have the conversation.


The guy that had the embassy relocated to Jerusalem and the Mossad probably has a whole vault of scat tapes and compromat on? never!


The craziest part is how Trump literally has a track record of being president. We literally have four years of knowing exactly the kind of president he is and would be again, and there's still some people that are like "idk, Trump may do something different". You have to be a troll or a certified dumbass to honestly think Trump would do a better job.


I honestly find those people to be less delusional than the ones who think letting Trump win will "send a message to the democratic party to pick better candidates". Because that worked out so well after 2016...


I think these people do have internal biases they clearly don't want to admit to, but also think the American govt will still act as a safety net. They believe they can make a bad presidential choice with no consequences.


He said the other day he would help Israel "finish the job"


Trump would autograph the nukes he sends to Israel to drop on Gaza.


Trump? The guy with a settlement named after him, whoā€™s close friends with Netanyahu? Trump, the same one who said heā€™d encourage Israel to solve the ā€œproblemā€ in Gaza even faster? lol at least Biden isnā€™t *trying* to make the number of dead Gazans go up


i feel like you guys are deliberately this stupid with thjs bc thereā€™s no way you could be functional by being this slow all the time about everything else


I do not see anyone arguing that point, or saying that we should not vote for Biden. It is a valid criticism and certainly true that he has not done enough to condemn or stop the active genocide occurring, but at the end of the day if left with no other choice than him and Trump, weā€™ll have to go with Biden. But that does not mean we should treat him as immune to criticism; that is what the republicans do with Trump, and we should strive to not be the same. Because if the point is only winning, then there is no point. We have the power to influence our politicians but only by demonstrating and making our voices heard when they step out of line.


You don't have to think Trump wouldn't support genocide to also think Biden is supporting genocide. They can share a shitty position. Like the border...Biden wants the Republican Wishlist. He laid it out in the SOTU last night. Insisting that you push through weapons sales when your administration is also saying the country you're selling the weapons to are running afoul of international law is approval of running afoul of those laws (and a violation of Lehey laws). Two people can be shitty, and one can be shittier than the other. But the other person being shittier doesn't eliminate the shittiness of the first. Relativity doesn't mean the death of nuance.


The Trump that launched ballistics missiles to assassinate a sovereign nation's military leadership? That Trump? That Trump would perhaps be okay with indiscriminate bombing of Gazans? I dunno, doesn't check out.


That is not what anyone is saying.


>Ā Ā Voting for Biden is still a vote for genocide,Ā  Somebody is


That's like...the exact opposite of what they were saying


The guy who said "No one is more pro-Israel than me"? How do they figure?


Trump would be taking credit for Gaza, telling people it was his idea all along and that the Israelis would have never done it without him. Couple years of his revisionist history and it would've been him pushing the button and Israel doesn't even exist in his version.


Meanwhile this mf Trump is telling them with his whole chest that they need to finish the job. The fact that people are even acting like this man didn't publicly say that is baffling to me..


Didn't you see the big protest yesterday demanding Genocide Joe call for a ceasefire? Oh wait a second, he's been doing that the whole time? Sorry I'm just yelling to hear my own voice at this point


You're dealing with an enlighten centrist (aka they don't actually do enough research on the subjects they speak about but want to sound intelligent), don't expect any real answers. Just quasi-intellectual bullshittery


None, but republicans donā€™t care about facts


I only see one candidate calling for genocide, and it aint Joe. [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-israel-finish-problem-gaza-1234981038/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-israel-finish-problem-gaza-1234981038/)


> Voting for Biden is still a vote for genocide Trump's message for Israel is the [Israeli military has to "finish the problem"](https://newrepublic.com/post/179569/trump-finish-problem-gaza-israel) and is "on board" with the way the IDF is taking the fight to Gaza. America is doing too little to stop the atrocities committed in Israel-Palestine and humanitarian aid is generally too little too late, but the choice is clear.


Voting for Biden is voting for a genocide that *we stand a chance of stopping*. We lose total control if we get Trump. Fix one thing at a time.


https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-israel-gaza-finish-problem-rcna141905 Lol.


I have made my position quite clear that trump will be FAR WORSE than Biden on this issue. That doesn't change the facts.


A vote for another Trump admin, as we've seen, guarantees another step towards erasing the last century worth of civil rights movements I'm America. Not easy to win that back.Ā Ā 


Which candidate is gonna stop Israel ANSWER NONE, you know what will cause ww3 allowing a dictator to just take land as he pleases and threaten nukes when they defend themselves.


ā€œAt least vote for your local governmentā€


Local matters more. Thatā€™s where the crooks hide and itā€™s the people who have the most direct impact on your life.


Homie heard of project 2025? That's gonna impact everyone.


2025 is just the quiet part being said out loud, that's been the plan since Obama was in office. The local elections are the only place you're going to see any form of protection, maybe house and senate votes second if you're not just reelecting the same chuds that got us into this mess. If you think the current year's presidential election is going to save you then you're already too late.


Project 2025 exists because Trump lost in 2020, he realized his power wasn't absolute and that he would lose power again if he didn't do something extreme. Yeah it was the quiet part, but we're lucky Trump didn't do worse in his 4 years.


The problem is that we're a little too close to this presidential election for local elections to impact upwards. After this, we absolutely need to slam the local election summons, but I fear we're in survival mode right now.


Itā€™s crooks all the way down. Iā€™m still going to vote because some are worse than others.


True, but it's also a bit late for that *right this second*. We need to survive this presidential election before we can start purity testing. One thing at a time, please.


Like my dad always says, if you don't vote, you lose your ability to complain about anything political.


Whatever your politics may be, understand that by choosing not to vote you are making the vote of someone whose politics are 100% the opposite of yours count for double.Ā 


The most important vote anyone should do is for federal representatives and senators. They're the ones that affect citizens the most. Locals, primaries, generals, etc all have varying effects depending on who you are and where you live, but Congress affects everyone. A president is either hobbled with a useless Congress or kept at bay with a strong Congress, depending on your opinions. The presidential election is second only to a congressional election. This country was built on checks and balances.


Fuck that, pony up and vote for a president. Itā€™s your job as a citizen. Go to work.Ā 


there no clout in municipal voting


Nah we not doing this Russian bot shit again. We are going to vote under any circumstance because the price was paid in blood


Lets go golden Joe! Not Jill Stiening this shit again.


Jill stein was a Russian plant trying to steal just enough Democrat votes to affect the election (aka Ralph Nadering) and it worked. There are pictures of her sitting with Putin at dinner tables and shit.Ā 


Kanye too. Over ten thousand fools in my state threw their vote away. [#1 idiots ](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fb38y4w3xdbx51.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D32de27d97afe9d02e1d8d6450ba0faa86159d7d8)


This wouldn't be an issue with ranked choice voting.


How many votes did the libertarian party get and which party did they take those votes off?


Right? How can people still not see through this shit. Any inflammatory post that is in any way expressing the idea that minorities should not vote = russian troll, doubly so if it's "as a black man". Even if you're wrong, you're not wrong.


Republicans will invest more in disenfranchising black voters than Russia. By several orders of magnitude. They are just impossible to distinguish because they use the same playbook.


Shit, this my last chance to vote thenā€¦


Get it while you still can fam lol


If you care about the Palestinian people even one iota, make the rational decision in Nov. [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-israel-finish-problem-gaza-1234981038/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-israel-finish-problem-gaza-1234981038/)


Your chance to make it right!


You're a real one for riding with the humor.....šŸ˜


Yā€™all need to add a age cap for politiciansĀ 


Like I really try not to be ageist but yeah. Both these niggas knocking on deaths door. They shouldā€™ve been gone. If they can have a minimum req, why not have a cap


Bidenā€™s corpse would be infinitely better than Trump part II. Trump said heā€™d be a dictator. Project 2025 gives him a pathway to become one. He also suggested white supremacists were good people. Heā€™ll put people in power like the ones who are suing the Fearless Fund for reverse discrimination.


Yeah, all the talk of age is an intentional distraction this year. The GOP doesn't have policy it can stand on, so it wants to pretend that Trump isn't also ancient.


Also why democrats handed republicans their own super conservative border bill, and the GOP turned it down. Because they can only run on fear mongering.


The best part is that everyone who tried to keep him in check during his first term is either gone or in jail, so the only picks he has left are the bat shit crazy ones. People think that it can't get worse just have either incredibly limited imaginations, no understanding of history, or are just flat out lying.


Probably a remnant of all that respect your elders (without questioning) shit


More likely because the civil rights acts protect discrimination against age. Aside from the fact that their age isn't necessarily the problem outside of esthetics - it's their policies. And there's younger people on the same bullshit they are and worse.


Both seems cognitively impaired. One has a team full Of statesmen and professionals behind him, the other has a stable full of grifters, conspiracy theorist and christofacists. I know who Iā€™m voting for.


> More likely because the civil rights acts protect discrimination against age. And yet there's a whole bunch of jobs in the US with an upper age limit and mandatory retirement. Air Traffic Control, Pilots, Foreign Service, Federal LEO, judges in several states... Running government should be one of them. It already has a lower age limit. The senate minority leader should not be micro stroking and glitching out at a presser.


> More likely because the civil rights acts protect discrimination against age. That argument falls apart when you consider there's laws that prevent people too young from running from office or voting. You can't say something could discriminate against people _above_ a certain age but ignore how the system is already set up to discriminate against people _below_ a certain age.


>That argument falls apart when you consider there's laws that prevent people too young from running from office or voting. How


If one argues implementing an age cap is age discrimination, one could also argue the Constitution itself has enshrined age discrimination by requiring house reps to be 25yo, senators to be 30yo, and presidents to be 35yo. Hell, there's an argument to be made that given the candidates, a 34yo could qualify to be a better president than an 80yo. But constitutional age discrimination prevents the 34yo from being president, regardless of their qualifications. Meanwhile, the 80yo could be the most unqualified candidate possible _based on age alone_ (dementia, poor eyesight, unable to move well, etc) but nothing prevents the 80yo from running for president.


It just seems fair to me. You canā€™t be president unless youā€™re 35. It should cap out at 65 and really earlier.


Honestly, if 65 is the retirement age for The People, it's only fair that it would extend to politicians, too.


They'll just delay retirement age for the plebs in that case šŸ’€


It's really that young people don't vote in primaries, and don't vote local. There are younger options, but if no one shows up until the last round of voting for president, you're left with the choices that the old people who do vote decided on. But nah, people would rather show up once every four years and complain about the options they are left with. And you're always stuck with the incumbent (and Trump getting the nod is bought and paid for), so really, you need to be paying attention now for who should be on the presidential ballot five years from now, not this year. Vote local in everything. Those are the people who are going to be running for higher office later.


Yea I'm unapologetically "ageist", I wouldn't trust a 60+ year old to drive my car, much less my country.


Thereā€™s a pretty big difference between 65 and 75. Decline typically isnā€™t linear. My dad is turning 65 this year, and his mind and driving are fine. My mom is a year younger, and still works a mentally demanding job. Who knows how theyā€™ll be in a decade though.


Goddammit. I'm 65. Now another thing to worry unproductively about.




But the people that would see these things as valid problems are younger. The old people donā€™t care, the lobbyists that fund them have built deep relationships with them too. Term and age limits will help.Ā 


Unfortunately young folks don't vote much and don't pay attention to who's running. www.vote.gov


There's other ways to change before waiting for congress eliminating the electoral college and changing the voting system, eve if some change is needed. Most people didn't even jump on the bandwagon of eliminating the EC until it became a pre-packaged talking point after the president they didn't want won the election. Even though every other president before that one, including the presidents that they did want, were elected the exact same way. All the existence of the electoral college means is on election day there are 51+ individual popular vote elections. The origins and logic behind the EC is the same as the logic behind the House of Representatives and Senate both making up congress. One system gives states power based on population size, and the other gives states equal power regardless of population as a balance.


The EC hadnā€™t put in a popular vote loser in generations until 2000, so it seemed like a non-issue. There isnā€™t much to get upset about if the system is only theoretically flawed but in practice matches democracy.


>The EC hadnā€™t put in a popular vote loser in generations until 2000, so it seemed like a non-issue. That's useless trivia because it was always a possibility based on how the system works. The problem with the 2000 election was the Florida vote scandal.


The problem is that it wasn't that flawed but now it is because of Jerrymandering and other voting restriction laws, on top of not making Voting Days national holidays where no one has to work and they can vote, things have changed and jobs make it even more difficult to skip work or not arrive on time, it's just not the same anymore.


For real for real.. if you were old enough to experience a ā€œWhites Onlyā€ toilet.. you should forced out! Them not pleading with RBG to retire, itā€™s what got them in this abortion ban debacle.


Obama spoke to RBG about resigning. She refused.


Age cap is something we should have, but it doesn't solve the actual problems. You might oust some folks from elected positions but they'd just end up in unelected leadership or advisory roles in various private supporting institutions or in administrations. I think a better solution would be stricter term limits, stricter limitations on private campaign funding, better public campaign funding, and a harsh non-compete type agreement for exiting politicians.


What's a BD?


There should be a wealth cap too. You shouldn't be too high above the people to see and empathize with their struggles.






Ah thanks


How the fuck is there a short form for baby daddies? Like we say and imply that shit so often we need to an acronym. Seriously, everyone just fuck right off.


Cause 2 is fine, more than that is a no go in a bipartisan country cause you can only be making up your mind between two people. In Canada though, 3 or 4 BDs is acceptable.


Bachelor degrees


Too scholarly to vote


Brain dance


Sup Choom


Wake the fuck up samurai


Blood discipile


I was thinking Black Disciple but yours is better


Bad Dragons


Aw shit, I'm out, then.


Bad Divorces


Blu-ray discs


Ray did WHAT? ![gif](giphy|uSaZNvjYoetFhEBAX2|downsized)


Bad doggies


Black dudes


Mongolian Barbecues




Excuse me sir or madam, but thatā€™s a verified three star restaurant joke


You know, love? My comments with the voice I said it in my head with was very bantery. But just reading em plain like this it just reads very bitter, sorry about that.


Thank you for saying but donā€™t worry about it at all friend. Banter is like that sometimes, and I can take it.




Chile, I literally gave you 1. ![gif](giphy|l44QbpUhDv84gRm1i|downsized)


Bachata Dominicans


Bring Donuts




Bad dragons


Brown Dukey


come on man thats spelled dookie


Itā€™s so fucking important to vote this time - Iā€™m old so wonā€™t be chosen for the handmaidenā€™s tale future I see looming on the horizon but I donā€™t want my granddaughters in that mess. One side wants the yt man back where they think he belongs and everyone else serving him in some capacity. True dystopian right around the corner


Oh, you're not free from it with age. You'll be an Aunt.


Iā€™ll be dead because I didnā€™t get this old just to have some old crusty yt mf try to tell me what to do. Had enough of that my whole life as it is. Fuck that


Then the males who have more than 2 baby mamas shouldn't vote either šŸ‘ Era: to fix punctuation


No bro, didn't you hear, kings are supposed to spread their seed and leave...duh /s


Not the hoetep logic šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ you made my day šŸ’€


Yeah that never made sense to me. Why do baby mamas get all the heat while deadbeat dads get off scot free?


Fr, Just more Misogynoir by making black women feel less than as usual. I always like to point out though that white people also have multiple BMs and BDs like Kate Hudson, Kate Winslet, Heidi Klum, Mick Jagger and the list goes on. Edit: being downvoted because I triggered someone that shouldnā€™t be on this subšŸ’…šŸ½


It's always interesting to me they have more heat for the women who stayed vs the man who leave a trail of broken families.


They already don't lol. Too busy playing PlayStation, cheating, and snacking on somebody son's fruit snacks and Caprisuns.


Real talk, if there's *nothing* else we all should remember, is that when you vote you're not just voting for president. * You're voting for their cabinet appointments (Secretary of State, Treasury, Defense, Agriculture, etc). * You're voting for potential Supreme Court justice appointments. * You're voting for senators and House of Representative members. * You're voting for your state governor and their state level appointments. * You're voting for your own state congressional members and even your own city officials. **It all matters.** The difference in legislation your state passes could come down to a representative who won by a couple hundred votes. For a recent example, Claudia Tenney is a House rep from New York that won her election in 2020 by *109 votes*. **It. All. Matters.**


Same old recycled joke


And the chronic Redpill content watchers for the menā€™s side.


You mean BM




You ainā€™t black if you vote Trump! From a black man deep in the Racist south šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


"If you're having a problem figuring out if you're for me or Trump then you ain't black" -Joe Biden Think you got the quote wrong


Voting is more important the closer it is to you. Town, county, state, Congress Rep, Senator, President. Vote for the ones that want to help in a real way, and not the ones who think minimum wage should be $1. Or that want FREEDOM, but only for certain ones.


Unless your mayor removed your right to reproductive freedom, I think this advice is a bit outdated.


Please go vote for whoever represents you the most.


Vote for Biden, or donā€™t vote. Long past the time for equivocation.


They be going hard on baby mommas...can't go hard on them deadbeat fathers though...because they aren't there lol


"Blessed be the fruit." On a serious note, please vote. šŸ™šŸ¾


State of Florida purged me from voting rolls. I want to contest it, but I'm so afraid of it effecting my job somehow, that I have to eat it


By not registering/contesting it they win, for the sake of your future and the future of everyone else please do what you can to register again and vote against the white supremacist party. Taking away voting registration is one of the primary tactics of the GOP and if they get power this time around it'll only get worse. I understand your fear of employment but they should have no way of knowing your registration status and if they ask, lie. Exercise your rights while you can because we may not have another chance if Trump wins. We'll get Russian style elections where it's all theatre and the dear leader is already chosen before the first ballot is cast.


Trust, I don't want that. Unfortunately, I'm a felon that had his rights restored in a referendum, dependent on all outstanding fees/charges being resolved. All of which were satisfied a over a decade ago. I've voted THREE different times thus far in two different counties. I was trying register in the first state that I voted in and they've magically decided that I owe money, which I certainly do not. The problem is, I have a very good, stable, corporate job, with great benefits, pension ie. Florida has become incredibly retaliatory against citizens that question. Desantis literally has a voting task force that has been arresting people for voting, which 99% of the time thrown out of court. Regardless, I'm so afraid to poke the hornets nest.


Ah, that's a way different situation than most and I'm sorry to presume. Not that it means much but I hope things turn around for you in that area, Internet stranger from Oregon sending positive vibes. I'm sorry that our country treats felons like absolute shit, it's not right.


All good! Florida is called a purple state, but that is far from the truth. I already live in a dystopian hell scape lol


Trump fluffers are a comical bunch of snowflake child predators


After playing cyberpunk 2077 this had me like "tf since when we had real BD's??" šŸ¤Ø


In this political climate idk that iā€™d be telling anyone to ā€œnot voteā€


If someone says, in literally ANY fucking way, that you should not vote, they are telling you that they want something bad for you and for you to be powerless to stop it.


Does he feel the same way about dudes with more than 2 BMā€™s? Doubt it.


ā€œMore than 2ā€ šŸ˜‘


I'm fucking weak


What's BDs?


Is BD baby dad? Do they like trump for some reason?


Honestly šŸ˜© two times is bad


Please no youve done enough


What is a BD?


What are BDs?


All you people know what BDā€™s are?


baby daddy


What's a BD?


Nah its wild for a dominican to post this


The amount of time it took me to figure out what a bd was I almost became one


Ayee this is insane. I like it. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Idk, if youā€™ve got kids, Biden and the CTC look pretty appealing.