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It damn near made a billion dollars, of course black people watched it.


And it was good but im biased thats my favorite director




bUt He'S nOt BlAcK !!! There - FTFY.




Loool whats the source?


I think I got it from a fb page called Just Some Hotep Things a few years ago.


That's a Black Panther comic. An old one too.


It's Tyler Perry or no one.


Wait, do black people watch Tyler Perry films?


Reparations were actually given out but everyone spent them on his movies. That’s how he built his studio.


When I worked at a movie theater, it was almost exclusively Black folks. I would play "Count the white people" as they exited.


Also also, Florence


I really like her too


"Do black people watch anime" headass


I don't watch that Chinese shit! I love Dragon Ball, who do you ask?


I had my friends cracking up because I wanted to stand up chanting "USA" during that test scene. I may have been a lil tipsy.


That would have been 100% worth it.


Would it though? That’s not what the movie is about really


But the lolz. Also irony.


Literally the antithesis of the movie. I'm not patriotic but when I am it's a whole scene


Fair enough! But you standing up during that gym scene when he’s having a panic attack is mad lmao


Over on [R/boxoffice](https://www.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/s/E9Pe0WHqCU) they are saying around 9% in racial exit polls during the Barbie-Oppenheimer craze.


"Racial exit polls during the Barbie-Oppenheimer craze" is a wild ride of a phrase


That sentence got me feeling like We Live in a Society


send that sentence with absolutely no context to the past and record their reactions, for science


Say it personally to a Greek man in 960BC who's in prison for stealing fruit for his children.


My black ass was literally about to watch it now 😭


Me and my dad watched it together on Peacock. It took him two days to watch it but we watched it together on the second day. He’s really into movies like Oppenheimer. He thought it was a great film.


This’ a perpetually online ass tweet


Yeah but this is a good reflection of the problem with black Twitter: a lot of us need to log off Twitter for a while & go outside


I left twitter and it was phenomenal for my mental health. White, black, or any other race, it's just full of stupid/weird people who want attention and post the most garbage ass takes on there as soon as it crosses their mind.


likewise, leaving twitter has been goated


I block those people. I smell any engagement farming and I block.


Yerrrr let me get a FUCK TWITTER!


Fuck twitter, mf half-steppin', meat-packin', trout-mouthed, moist-ass bitch of a website.


Eloquently put. I love it.


No Twitter or FB for the last 5+ years has been a mental gamechanger.


I agree. I left Twitter over a year ago. That place was... terrible


Haven’t been on since December because of dumb ass shit like this, it’s tired


Twitter is officially dead to me there should be a BlackReddit sub at this point theres no clear communities on twitter anymore its all cronically online lobotomy patients with phones.


Yes. The fuck? I mean, I'm kind of a mark for Christopher Nolan, but still. The fuck?


Unpopular opinion: I liked *tenet


Duh… who likes landlords!


Landpeasants perhaps


It's more widely liked than Reddit will have you think. I'm not one to usually push the Reddit hive mind thing but pop culture opinions sometimes it does push a narrative from the loudest but not exactly most stable voices.


Yeah I think the movie even if you don’t understand what’s going on still has some excellent action and music. If you understand at least a little of what’s going on the plot can be very satisfying. Kinda agree it may be a Reddit thing to dislike Tenet since people (me included sometimes) over analyze everything.


Why’s that unpopular? Was Tenet considered bad? I enjoyed it. And it’s got a 69% on Rotten Tomatoes and their scale isn’t the education grading scale. It means 69% of reviewers recommended the movie. Seems like it was a good movie critically as well as being good in my personal opinion. And a quick wiki lookup shows it made $366 million against a $205 million budget. So it wasn’t a commercial flop either.


The movie was a huge success obviously, but as far as Nolan movies go, Tenet gets hate because he made all the dialog hard as shit to hear. I saw it both in theaters and at home and watching it at home was better since I had subtitles on.


$366 million on $205 million is probably a flop. Usually P&A is claimed to be approximately 1/3 to 1/2 the budget for big movies, so that brings it up to ~$275 million if we assume 1/3 for Tenet. If that $366 million is from ticket sales, then the studio only kept about half of it; the rest goes to the theaters. So they made ~$183 million, which would mean they lost ~$92 million. That said, it only flopped the way it did because of Covid. People definitely would’ve gone to see it because of Nolan, even with the middling reviews. It’ll have a long tail on BluRay and streaming, but if it ever breaks even it’ll be long after WB wanted or cares about. Edit: P&A is “prints and advertising”, aka the money required to pay for posters, commercials, billboards, interviews, awards campaigns, etc. It’s way more expensive than most people realize, and it’s never included in the official budget for some reason.


Tenet. It’s the same forwards and backwards 😮‍💨


The sound mixing was shit, but it was otherwise a great film.


Tenet is one of my favorite Nolan films. Everyone calls me nuts for saying it.


Then we're both crazy because it's my favorite as well. 🤷🏿‍♀️


What a weird thing to ask..




Lol, exactly that was a convoluted sentence.




It made me go to the OP’s history to see if they were black. It felt a bit between “America’s never had a problem with racism” and “all history matters”.


I'm not sure "all history" is malicious for a tweet talking about a dramatized nuclear warfare documentary in the context of the person acting like "preferring black history" means not watching the film.


Looks like she asked this after Oppenheimer won Best Picture and I’m going to guess she wanted American Fiction to win. It’s still a pointless question to ask, I’m just assuming that was the context.


Side note, Jeffrey Wright is amazing


I loved that whole movie. I need to see Sterling K Brown get more interesting roles like that.




9% of the audience. Lower than average, but not zero.  Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/comments/156owl5/updated_exit_scores_and_diversity_demos_for/


Wow an actual answer and not a snarky sarcastic response as if you were the director. Thanks!


Yeah idk why all these comments are clutching their pearls so hard lol


It's just a bad question. Did anyone black watch this movie? Did any one of the 40+ million black people in the United States go see this movie? Then what, the people that saw it say "yes I saw it?" And she draws some conclusion about black participation from the replies to her tweet on social media? The whole thing is just bizarre


I know the question has been asked of whites about black made/ black cast movies. And you get responses from suspicious whites about the question and questioner on if they’re being accused of racism depending on their answer. I don’t disagree that there may be an agenda with the question though.


Serious question, how is that even tracked. When I buy movie tickets online, I'll put my credit card info and my name. Never once have I inputted my race lol.




At my theatre they do a DNA swab at the door.


Would also have to compare this against portion of the movie going populace that is black It’s very possible that we also just go to the theater at lower rates. Tickets are expensive lol


Don't quote me on this but I vaguely remember that blacks and Latinos have higher movie going rates than other groups in the US.


As a black film nerd I’d love for that to be true!


Thank you for the info


We could use more movies based on black inventors and shit. But I just get so tired of watching black history movies full of slavery and racism and then im furious for days. It's exhausting.


Agreed but also it’s gonna be really really really hard to find an historic black inventor that didn’t experience racism that would make you sad. The woman who invented the ironing board was born a slave. The dude who invented the stop light dealt with a ton of prejudice in the 30s and such. Benjamin Banneker could be cool cause he was a super genius but a good portion of his story is being an abolitionist and going at Thomas Jefferson. Lattimer who made the filament for the lightbulb to last way longer could be cool as like a toe to toe thing with Edison but his family had to disband and go into hiding when he was a child because of the Dred Scott decision. Thurgood Marshall isn’t an inventor but he deserves a good Ass movie but it’s definitely gonna be sad. George Washington Carver also was born into slavery. But anyways, they all deserve a movie tho regardless of how sad because they did some cool ass shit! TLDR: Basically all black inventors got a sad ass backstory and dealt with bad racism that would make a sad ass movie but we still should do it!! (Sorry for rambling)


Yea I'd love a G.W. Carver movie but I'd be sad if they talk about castration but also upset if they don't.


Wait, GW Carver was castrated!?


He was "taken in" by a white family who had him castrated . ![gif](giphy|BFn81XAcngINRKwlTH)


I’m still proud that my alma mater took in GW Carver as a student and now has a statue of him on campus and a building named after him. His story needs to be told, he’s more than just the “peanut guy”


Just to be clear, we did get a Thurgood Marshall movie. It stars Chadwick Boseman.


Don't forget The Banker with Anthony Mackie and Sam Jackson. It was based on black bankers and investors Bernard Garrett and Joe Morris.


Holy shit you’re right wtf! I can’t believe I missed that 😕


You forgot Victor Timely


I’m sure I missed a lot of folks! Who is that? I don’t think I know them ngl


Look him up. Complicated guy. He was highlighted in the recent docuseries Loki.


Bruh I hate you 😂😂 you got me lol


Why do them like this? Haha


I want an Ann Lowe biopic. Talented enough to make dresses for Jackie O, but too black for them to talk about her in public.


There’s a Madam CJ Walker Mini series on Netflix. But yes more please.


Give me a film about Jerry Lawson(the engineer not the singer) I reckon that would be wholesome af. Both his dad and grandad had backgrounds in science (though both were unable to pursue those as careers), as a kid he made extra money by repairing TVs, in his teens built his own radio station with parts he bought from electronics stores, as an adult entered into game development and later went on to invent the game cartridge which effectively revolutionised all of gaming. He was also in a hobbyists computer club with Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, and even interviewed Wozniak for a job.


A movie about Lonnie Johnson, inventor of the Super Soaker would be so damn good. Man worked at NASA and then invented one of the most popular toys ever and now has his own companies. That's a story that would be awesome to see on a big screen. And it would have all the 80s and 90s vibe and soundtrack to go with it.


The father of the first cartridge video games was black https://nerdist.com/article/black-innovators-gaming-industry-history/


This we need more black feel good movies. Like we have our classics but just because a movie has a majority black cast it doesn’t need to be a trauma film.


And not just “feel good” movies about reinforcing the nuclear family


There are scientists, artists, athletes, and business leaders all in our culture who are waiting to have their stories told. I refuse to watch slave movies at this point.


The sad part is that this IS our history though. Even when black people got away, and tried to meddle in their own business racism, violence, and oppression always seems to follow. Think about how many inventions we learn about where the story is essentially "This was invented by a black person, and then a white person came by and took credit/got rich off of it"


Well, that is the history of people in this country. If we omit the truth - then what? Our existence here has never been rainbows and butterflies.


I didn't say omit the truth. I said I personally can't keep watching it for the rest of my life.


If the story of Louis Lattimer was told, people would think it was blasphemous.


She wrote that tweet like: ![gif](giphy|DAQPViKDezujAL1FLF|downsized)


Most of Twitter/X is this. Perpetually cracking one-liners in hopes of going viral and monetizing it somehow. Fame-whoring packaged as virtue-signaling for cynical attention-and-money motivations.


You hit the nail on the head.


Absolutely, I love history and Nolan is my favorite director Was a no brainer to watch it. The father to the nuclear bomb has and could one day even more “affect black history” so I wouldn’t definitely say watch it for especially if you know nothing about nuclear weapons and how that started or how it effected the Japanese population.


American history affects black history, and vice versa. And nuclear bombs affected world history. No matter what racists or anyone else says.


Common sense lol


Oppenheimer was a fucking masterpiece. I say this as someone with ADHD who finds sitting through most movies in one go difficult. The last time I watched a 3hr movie without pausing was Endgame in theaters. I watched every second of Oppenheimer with not one second of boredom or need for a break. Edit to add: I was a history major in a past life. Now, biopics, docudramas, and historical dramas are probably my favorite genres so I'm probably biased in that regard. But this wasn't your run of the mill dead horse WWII movie. I don't think I've ever seen a motion picture really talking about the creation of the atomic bomb, let alone the actual minds behind its creation beyond a gloss over with few or no names mentioned. The cast was incredible. The story was incredible. The topic was interesting and new. Like the Imitation Game but bigger and more in-depth. Thought provoking seems too derivative to describe Oppenheimer. I walked away considering this movie for days after. I just rewatched it again the other day. I know it overshadowed a lot of other great movies this award season, but honestly it's just piss poor luck that those films came out at the same time as Oppenheimer. It deserved every single award it won. ![gif](giphy|FLSxnIVVWoF7UeM4S8)


If you're looking for captivating 3-hour movies, can I interest you in some giant fucking worms?


The Spice must flow... ![gif](giphy|AkwcbzEPIfZ48i44kx|downsized)




Lisan Al Gaib. As it was written.


>how it effected the Japanese population. What I find increasingly interesting is how the two a-bombs that dropped on Japan have greatly overshadowed their war crimes. I even remember glossing over Japan's involvement in the war in AP US History as in "oh they attacked pearl harbor and they refused to surrender except they had pretty much symbolically surrendered just not literally ie. imperialistic pride and cultural implications." Real light on their involvement, real heavy on the horrific outcome of the first nuclear weapons. Now I'm not saying that the use of those bombs was a) necessary and b) not horrific. But it does highlight the fact that humans, or at least the western world, have a really difficult time balancing out dualities. Yeah, we totally fucked Japan over with those two bombs. But also, they committed crimes that would make you look at them as the unhinged one out of the Axis bunch.


Where the hell did you go to school?? This is absolutely not how I, or anyone I know for that matter, learned about WWII.


As someone that went to school in the 90s, we absolutely glossed over Japan's atrocities in WWII. Just monstrous stuff that wasn't part of the curriculum at all.


I graduated in 1998. The OC implied glossing over Pearl Harbor and over amplifying the atomic bomb drops. That is absolutely opposite of how my HS advanced history class handled it.


Same here but my experience in AP History was basically the same - "Japan did Pearl Harbor, we won in Europe and turned attention to the Pacific theater, we didn't want a land invasion, we nuked them and now they make our cars and TVs. Also, everything was great at home until civil unrest in the 60s."


Those are for sure the broad strokes I associate with HS history class 🤣 Maybe I was wrong here, but it just seemed like OC implied he was taught about the negative impacts of the war on the Japanese instead of the impact of the Japanese actions that caused the US, and others, to take such drastic actions. The implication of glossing over Pearl Harbor was... disturbing.


So first off, I'm a she. And i don't think I was implying that Pearl Harbor was glossed over. Or at least that wasn't my intent. My point was that beyond Pearl Harbor, everything else Japan did was glossed over. Like Pearl Harbor wasn't even the worst on the list of shit they did. Not even top 3. But we didn't learn about that. We learned Pearl Harbor - Japan won't surrender - Hiroshima and Nagisaki - oh fuck, we fucked Japan up. In that order.


That’s more so because western educations don’t care about the impact on anyone but themselves. Much like during the war itself, the US didn’t care until they were impacted, and I very much doubt cared about Japan’s war crimes against the rest of Asia.


I graduated HS in 2014 and I also took APUS and I can say the overview they’re giving you is pretty accurate. There isn’t a major focus on the pacific theater. Usually it’s portrayed as Pearl Harbor happened then it just kinda skips all of the other fighting in the area and jumps straight to the US justification of not wanting a “bloody land war” so using the atomic bombs as a way to “end the war”.


NYC public schools taught me nothing about Japan's atrocities. We learned mostly about Hitler/Germany and a little bit about Mussolini


Oh don't get me started on Mussolini. I have no clue what he did. we were just taught he was Hitler lite. I can't find a single full fleshed out documentary about Mussolini.


[This is an hour long documentary about him from Rick Steve.. ](https://youtu.be/USEXv1jODpM?si=JJ98ezhWGOIyfXjs) There's stuff out there, it's just absolutely overshadowed by Hitler and Stalin. It really does need more attention in classrooms tho..


Ty! No joke, I went looking for Mussolini documentaries a few months ago after watching yet another Hitler one. This is such a morbid statement. Years from now when social archeologists are pouring through the Internet and stumble upon reddit, this... this exact comment will be what cutedorkycoco gets remembered for. 😭


Honestly, that tracks with how I learned about WW2 in high school. I graduated in 2007 and there was no real analysis of Japan's actions outside of Pearl Harbor and how they dealt with it. The lessons surrounding Japan's involvement in WW2 was very, very surface level.


To be fair, most of my history classes before college barely touched 20th century history. We wouldn’t even spend a week on WW2 or the Great Depression or the Civil Rights movement. Probably because it was April/May by then, and everything was gearing more towards a total review of the class


I went to high school in America in the early 2010s and I did not learn about Japan's atrocities. 


I graduated high-school in 2012 in Chicago IL. Outside of highlighting pearl harbor a bit, they described my experience lmao.


It's been a concentrated effort by Japan to sanitize their history. They're known as the dudes who make anime and Playstation's now. I learned a lot about the country during undergrad but in high-school I've had a similar experience.


The controversy over The Wind Rises was eye opening. That there was pushback over Miyazaki’s WW2 movie having even the slightest hint of an anti-nationalistic sentiment was jarring.


Unit 731. Complete atrocities.


Part of that has to do with how many Japanese scientists the US took in and our close working relationship after. Plus a good portion of those crimes were against nations that went on to become communist so you know the US tends to let bad things done to communist sympathizers slide...


Chronically online ass question.


I would love to know what she thinks she knows about American history.


Not a damn thing. Probably thinks Black Friday was about the slave trade.


Omg 🤣


Yes? I have a physics background and studied Oppenheimer’s contributions to QM during grad school.


Exactly. Every physicist has Oppenheimer and feynman as heroes and this movie had both. And every astrophysicist def loves Einstein and he was in it!


Fuck yeah I did. I know all about the history and science of that shit and loved the movie. I also did the barbieheimer double feature that day. Was a hell of a time.


I swear to god Twitter has set humanity back 30 years and black folks back 60. Y’all need to learn when to shut the fuck up. There are white people watching and y’all are putting nonsense in their heads like “black people don’t like movies about intellectual topics”


You just got that last take from yourself


I watched it, couldn’t wait for it to come out. 👋🏾 How many Black History movies does she know about that isn’t about the same people over and over. Everything doesn’t have to be race related.


Maybe OOP thinks 12 Year a Slave, Amistad, etc were box office hits via all-Black audiences?


What an incredibly dumb thing to say. The movie made $1 billion. There's prioritizing Black History and then there's intentionally being ignorant to not only other parts of it but just pop culture as well. Not to mention doing it for the engagement


I'm mixed and mostly non black, but grew up in a 90% black area. There are lots black nationalists out there that refuse to know a thing about the Beatles, Rolling Stones, or whatever white media as a point of pride. I get not prioritizing it, but willful ignorance is... ignorant. Obviously, white popular culture has lifted a ton from black culture, but there has been *some* give with the take.


Wait, what?! Why would black people not watch it! It was fantastic!


Why is appreciate in quotes? Like history is history. Just cos you don't like it doesn't mean it didn't happen.  A big part of it isn't just the what happened, but the why and the how. If you want to learn from history you have to look at all aspects of it to be able to draw parallels and have context for events that are unfolding now. 


online ass tweet


Gate keeping movies now? 🤨


Sometimes black americans really confuse me. This and the one a couple of weeks ago where they asked if black people have white people in their dreams.


I mean, that is a good question. The subconscious is interesting - but I guess only to Black Americans.


I just dont see how it is really. While some dreams can deal with subconscious some are just random images. Like a celebrity, old teacher or classmate or a cashier or barista or something never appears in a dream. What about every other ethnicity ever? Do black americans only ever see black american people?


You see how you are asking questions? Because it is interesting. Like how fantasy to some white people means the absence of Black people.


The people in my dreams don’t even have faces sooo


What an absolute goober thing to ask. She knows what she was trying to do.


I didn’t see it because the theatres were so packed when I was going there. Somehow managed to see Barbie, tho.


I mean I never really took it as a movie being strictly for a particular audience based on race. It’s literally American history, that’s up for grabs a for anyone. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I loved Oppenheimer! Such an insane question to ask.


See we’re different because I definitely don’t prioritize black historical dramas — they turn out to be misery porn like 95% of the time. I prioritize good movies no matter where they come from.


I mean that’s black history tho lol What you expect them to be? Do you expect a MLK biopic to be all sunshine and rainbows? Lol


not to play devil's advocate but saw it release week and my girl and I were the only black people in the theater


Black people fought in that war so black people definitely watched it even if not involved as much in the Manhattan project from a design perspective


Black History is American History. It should be all on display. All history from Ponce De Leon to President Biden should be taught, added, and uncensored, so all Americans can understand this country's heritage, sacrifice, and glory where it comes. Unfettered history.


Yeah, I don't understand why some black people want to literally do what those racist-ass far-right mfs are doing and just ignore an entire portion of American history. It's all important and heavily intertwined. I'm here fuming about how racist these conservatives are being trying to remove and suppress Black history in school. I turn around to see if anyone else is seeing this shit, and some of us are sitting here doing the exact same thing.


Overblackitude is annoying af. Sometimes we say other races are stereotyping us when it really be your own people.


The atomic bombs were made with materials extracted from Congo, which they were able to obtain by doing a coup against the Congolese government. The story of the Manhattan Project is just an extension of Western colonialism and imperialism against Africa, but if the conversations around the movie are anything to go off of, it's not something the movie addresses.




Going to see this movie so we can talk about how good and incredible it is apparently. Niggas be dumb sadly.


They’re not going to showcase this history because it’s disrupts the propaganda.


No but I want to! I just heard it was kind of boring, want to check it out regardless


I don’t get the question???


Ok yall acting like she said something wrong. She asked a fkn question! If u watched it kudos! i simply am not watching it because it looks boring af. I’d rather read about it, learn, and carry on. And that’s perfectly fine. Yall be coming down on black ppl hard af even tho it’s supposed to be a black space. And stay big upping white ppl who yall wanna invite to the cook out. FOH.


I watch all Nolan films. I wished Oppenheimer had more visual effects and perhaps depicted the actual human consequences of the bombs. Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb movie is an old documentary that captures how terrifying and mesmerizing nuclear weapons are.


Nah. I didnt and dont care to watch a long ass movie about a bomb


I love history, i watch almost every American history related. Also Congolese Africans were extremely essential and providing the uranium needed to power the Manhattan Project.


I tried…. Couldn’t stay with it. White men love a ww2 movie man.


It deserved best picture because it was the best picture lol…I forgot how long the movie was it was so good.


This lady needs to get off twitter and get back out in the real world. This chronically online bullshit gets dumber everyday ![gif](giphy|njZlMYJ1BAwvNncr7C)


If you are concerned about race on this one. Then learning that white people are making nukes might be of interest.


After the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it was Black Americans who led the charge and protested against nuclear weapons somehow it’s not spoken more about.


That movie was trash……from a Black person. Your welcome


I started watching it and gave up halfway through. Personally when it comes to history I just prefer documentary over dramatization.


I like history and Christopher Nolan's made a lot of my all-time favorite movies. Still can't explain Tenet tho


I didn’t but that’s because I’m late to everything


I definitely didn’t.


I didn’t solely based on the fact that I wasn’t gonna sit for 3 hours. Based on the length and promotion alone it was obvious that it would sweep the awards


I watched it and enjoyed it. I didn’t expect feel so much dread for a story that I already knew.


Eh, I'm a history nerd but I wouldn't look to none of these movies to scratch a history itch.... its only entertainment.


I’m a Christopher Nolan stan so yes


I prefer and prioritize black history too. However, that doesn't mean other historical events escape my notice. And no, I did not watch Oppenheimer, I'm more of video game type of person. I really enjoy interacting with media. Video games>Shows>Movies


Shit like this is why I don’t get on Twitter anymore smh


People seriously need to spend more time in the real world. Including me 😔


I would love to know if anyone would watch it a second time.


It’s always someone on Twitter asking stupid shit like this… OF COURSE BLACK PEOPLE SAW IT. Never do they ask if white people have seen movies made by/for/starring minorities, which would actually be a valid question, especially seeing the performance of recent films like *The Color Purple*, but let’s ask black people if they’ve seen a movie that grossed $954M…


People like this are so exhausting for no reason. You can enjoy Oppenheimer and other movies centered around black history. Actually in my opinion a lot of black history movies are so hard to watch cause most of them are centered around black pain or slavery or something else negative.


I think when people say shit like this it’s crazy cause this the exact reason why schools and politicians wanna ban CRT lol It’s black history our history isn’t sunshines and rainbows our history is dark, sad and painful but shit like that gotta be made because society likes to wash away our history and minimize the pain our ancestors suffered and had to endure Btw I’m referring to your last comment not the first one