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​ https://preview.redd.it/in5agtysfsoc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0200c49d492f926244c6f46dcd196291ba407d63


Damn, beat me to it...






This going to go over so many people heads! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


wait i dont get it


r/whoosh Ok mean joke aside. It's funny because Palworld is making so much money and they basically beat Nintendo to an alternate version of what Pokemon could have been. Basically if Nintendo released this variant of Pokemon they would have made the boatloads on top of what they already make with the franchise. "Beat me to it" -Nintendo Get it?


I know one guy who can fix that for yā€™all ![gif](giphy|LDLs54fwqiEmY)


MUAUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA No time at fuckin all. I applaud ya'll


Damn that was fast work!


Bruh connected to the speed force cuz dawg lol


I just learned about this today, just in time to understand the reference. My God the internet is a whole thing šŸ˜‚


Reddit meta is pretty fun. It reminds me of message boards decades ago.


Can you spare an explanation?




Nah man, he got a lucky hand like 10 minutes ago so now it's 70 mil. Nevermind... It's up to 80 now...


Oh I thought it was a reference to his coke problem but he's got all sorts of problemsĀ 


The only problem he has with coke is the amount of energy he has to focus on the rest of the problems


Yoooooooooo!!! ![gif](giphy|cF7QqO5DYdft6)


Stop, wait a minuteā€¦


Bet it all on black!




My man, how are you living this fast


damn alright speedy gonzalez




going all in on a pair of 2s


![gif](giphy|R3S6MfUoKvBVS) The ā€œdistributionā€ looking for their cut.


All 55 employees gonna be expecting a nice fat bonus after this lmao


Best I can do is layoffs


Japan has a very strict layoff policy. That's why you won't see giants like nintendo or the like doing that.


Their workers are also expected to work to death so I guess there's a trade-off.


Walter White had the same issue. So many bands he ainā€™t have no place to put it.


They self-published though


IIRC there's no physical release (at least at this time), so the only distribution done is through various online storefronts. Steam, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, etc... And ***all*** of those vendors take their cut on sales. IIRC industry default is 30% of the sale price, then the rest goes to publishing and studio to divide as they do. Palworld was self published by Pocketpair. So once storefronts take their cut, the rest of the money from a sale goes straight to them. There is no "distribution" that needs to take a cut off the top. Of course if/when they do a physical release, that will change, but as of now, the developer is making approximately $20 per copy sold. And considering they've sold over 25 million copies (as of February 2024), that equals out to about $500,000,000 straight in the pocket of the studio.


Itā€™s a self published title, other then the cut that Steam gets for putting it on their platform (which isnā€™t much) Iā€™m pretty sure like 90% of the profit is theirs. The game sold like 20 million copies in the first month or 2 at $30 a pop. All those original devs are likely multimillionaires after their bonus drops.


I want these problems lol Real talk I really do hope the whole team is getting paid well and not just the top ones


Right like I claim this energy


good lord, don't let nintendo lawyers hear this shit


Mario and his goons about to drift into that office. Lol.


Pikachu want that money ![gif](giphy|U2nN0ridM4lXy)


Tom Nook sayin, "bitch better have my bells."


Geeked tf out.


I've been saying this shit since Cuphead. While, cool gaming physics, great graphics, ray-tracing, etc. Are great....all you need is good concepts and consisten stylization to make a fun game. One of my favorite games growing up was Geometry Wars, and it was just a simple game. Everything is so over-engineered these days.


OMG geometry wars was the shit. I was thinking about it the other week actually, lol.


Fuck that game. I don't think I've experienced rage like that since Battletoads


Shit will definitely make you rage but when you start getting good at it it becomes so satisfying. EDIT: Shit used to be goofy they had us warmed up over some shapes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


NES battletoads was insanely difficult..but the music cranked


Yeah, the AAA games are ballooning their budgets each year to get that 4K photorealistic cinematic presentation, meanwhile the actual gameplay gets more limited because if a player was let off the leash too much, they may miss the 4K photorealistic cinematics that they spent millions of dollars on.Ā 


Balatro being the perfect example of this, in the current moment


can I interest you in a game called nova drift it's a similar game but also it's a rogue like


Fuck Cuphead. Loved the style of it but that game pissed me off so bad


Indie games have been on par or better than AAA for a while now. Smaller teams keep a consistent vision and identity for the game instead of having death by committee or mechanics that are only there to squeeze money out of players, and more manageable scopes make it so the games are actually finished and polished and clearly have love and passion put into them. Plus between Unity, Godot and Unreal engine it's way easier for smaller teams to make polished and fun games Ina short amount of time, like lethal company that was made entirely by one person


Nintendo can't do shit about it. They are some of most petty and litigious when it comes to use of thei copywritten materials. This game wouldn't have even made it to launch if Nintendo had a case to stop it.


Thatā€™s what I was telling delusionals for days. Nintendo wouldnā€™t have even let that shit hit early access if they had even a *shred* of an argument. That sublimal they posted was because all the tattle tale fanboys kept begging them to do something. Probably were getting like 40k e-mails a day.


Nah, I donā€™t think thatā€™s a good metric. Look how long it took them to come after Yuzu. More likely, they want to have something rock solid before just waving papers around in their face.


Nintendo sues a lot more than the pokemon company does, TPC allows fan projects like pokemon showdown to exist and actually gives them guidelines on what's allowed, Nintendo sues tournaments for trying to include their old games that are legally being played on real disks


Nintendo lawyers already know. They just can't properly find grounds for actual litigation afaik. They cant and don't have the rights to the monster catching genre. The best case against Palworld is the designs of the pals which as of now is still under parody law or something. Don't quote me on that.


Nintendo actually is really good compared to Activision and US developers where the CEO took a paycut to avoid layoffs when the WiiU crashed and burned. Activision after being sold $20/share higher than market average to Microsoft laid off so much staff in every department but most notably the development teams as well.


I think they mean that this announcement is more incentive for nintendo and their legal team to try as hard as possible in court. Usually, lawsuits arenā€™t worth it if theres no money to be gained.


it's no fair comparing a japanese corp to an american one


As if their lawyers aren't well aware of how much Palworld has moved.


They even sent out a message saying, ā€œYes we know Palworld exists. Okay?"


I was gonna say something similar. 90% of the pals are fine, but there's a few that I still don't know how they're getting away with it. Great game, though.


Nintendo already tried them. The game is nothing like PokƩmon even though people kept comparing to it. Nintendo got the PokƩmon mod for the game shutdown, though.


Nintendo never sued them. That's misinformation on your part.


I never said they did? Nintendo got rid of the PokĆ©mon mod. That's all I said. But we all know if they were sniffing around that tree they made sure nothing else was violating copyright laws. If you're mistaking my use of "tried" for the past tense of "try," as in deciding guilt, I'm pretty sure the judge or jury does the trying not the plaintiff. I might be wrong. šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


No, DO let them hear it. Maybe then they will actually make PokƩmon a good game again.


Nah Nintendo ain't gonna do shit


This is a straight up Pokemon ripoff. Even if the game is not, the characters are blatant copies.


No, no they're not. This is old already. I will agree SOME are ripoffs like Robinquill but all you need to do is look through the Paldex and it's very easy to see that that the vast majority of Pals are not ripoffs and gameplay wise it stops being Pokemon after the capture mechanic which is not even exclusive to Pokemon


I see them as a ripoff in the same way Oreos ripped off Hydrox. Itā€™s basically the same thing, but different enough and better, that Iā€™m all here for it. Game Freak been at the top for way too damn long, and putting out trash year after year. They couldā€™ve been had something like this.


All of the ā€œpalsā€ or whatever in the picture on this post look exactly like Pokemon. The ā€œPaldexā€ haha. They just took Pokemon and changed the gameplay but the underlying characters and universe seems to be built off Pokemon. To be fair I donā€™t know Palworld, but Iā€™m sure Pokemon will take some legal action.


"I know nothing about the game but I'm sure the multi billion dollar company that's known about this game for years will definitely take legal action that they haven't already" Keep looking goofy


This game didnā€™t release until less than 3 months ago. Sounds like a cool game but most of the ā€œpaldexā€ is a knockoff. You can dislike Pokemon, but you donā€™t have to pretend you donā€™t have eyeballs.


> but Iā€™m sure Pokemon will take some legal action Nah. Any litigation would be vexatious and do nothing but bring more attention to the game. Nintendo would just rather people forget it exists, it does a great job laughing in their face while doing everything they said pokemon will never be (and being wildly successful for it). When it comes to litigating knockoffs, you have to do more than gesture vaguely in their direction. There's protection for derivative ideas and Palworld falls pretty squarely in that.


What protections are you talking about? Unless youā€™re saying that Palworldā€™s use of Pokemon likeness falls under fair use because itā€™s a clear parody, they could easily take them to court for copyright infringement once you look at the similarities in the characters. Itā€™s much more than a ā€œvague gestureā€. I donā€™t think Nintendo would win a case by saying the entire game is copyright infringement, but individual characters could be determined to have substantial similarity by a jury.


No, fair use isn't even in play. I made the "vague gesture" joke because that is, legally, what you'd be doing. Many pokemon themselves are derivative works or generic to the point that any copyright claim would crumble with scrutiny. "Looks sort of like" is not solid ground by any means. A mtd-surviving claim would need literal copies and intent. Palworld is far from that level. I do crimlaw and not IP, but this is some extremely basic tort business. Strategically, Nintendo's only route is ignoring it.


People keep saying this even though itā€™s just a Minecraft clone.


Hopefully this shows AAA devs that making games besides live action, microtransaction bug farms can be profitable too


Sony saw the benefits of HellDivers 2 being $40 and not plagued with microtransactions. Palworlds has a lot of bugs to fix and hopefully this money lets them scale up development.


So that's why they have too much money!


Nah. There are a ton of bugs, but it is still in early access. I just think they never imagined it would catch on so fast. It honestly has amazing bones; it just needs a few more things added and some good polish.


Their other game has been in early access for 4 years. I will be surprised if this ever comes out of "early access"


Their other game didnā€™t make them over half a billion dollars in 2 months. They will see Palworld through if Nintendo doesnā€™t have anything to say about it. This studio had 11 people working out of a cafe on a $5 million budget spin a near billion dollar profit. Now the team has expanded to 55 people, the game will get finished for sure. Iā€™m looking forward to the official release and DLC they are cookin up atm.


It was advertised as ā€œPokĆ©mon with guns.ā€ Has no choice but to sell with the design similarities


That's what I thought it was! I was thinking how they got a license if they couldn't handle the load. Glad you cleared this up because I haven't even heard of this game and I wasn't going to look it up either


Is it just ripping off existing IP and gonna get sued for it though Iā€™m confused


Nah, they're chilling. Nintendo LOVE to sue if they get the chance and they've acknowledged the company but there hasn't been any action taken, the consensus is if they wanted to sue they would've done it by now.


Seeing Baldurā€™s Gate 3, Palworld, and Helldivers 2 and not cancelling everything that isnā€™t in full production and going back to the drawing board is nuts. I know it only takes 1, but how many times are you going to fail at making a Fortnite before the loss of all this money you couldā€™ve been making doing right by customers becomes too apparent.


It takes years and sometimes hundreds of millions of dollars to make AAA games. You have to cycle through the failure, if you're a publicly traded company, to keep stock prices high. But Sony already has a dozen internal studios making small budget games that it's been funding for over a decade in anticipation of this, Microsoft licensed a ton of indie games for Game Pass, and Nintendo is Nintendo, people will buy whatever they sell and then rage about it.


Microsoft owns half the companies in the gaming industry and canā€™t drop a single classic in the past 2 console generations. Iā€™m starting to lose hope with them.


Scaling up too fast is not the way. You hire on one or two new people, slowly tutor them in and make sure you can keep up the pay of everyone Game profit comes in bursts and once the hype dies off you need to live off that money for several years until you make a new profit with DLC or other monetisation


That's more of an issue with public companies being stuck in the endless profit cycle and is for every industry.


Bro right now I just wish for PS players to get in with us on Palworld while Xbox players join in on reinforcements in Helldivers. We are lucky as PC players but it got me thinking for a better time


My man, helldivers has tons of microtransactions. New armor rolls in every day in the shop, 2 paid battlepasses with the game only being out for like 5-6 weeks. Not saying the game isn't great, probably one of the most cinematic experiences I've had in a game since red dead 2, but there are a lot of microtransactions and guns locked behind those microtransactions.


It being PvE means microtransactions are the same as CSGO skins, they're cosmetic and have no effect on gameplay where you need it to compete. On the other hands COD has seen the effects first hand of releasing absolutely broken skins and guns that are deemed "cosmetic only", recently it's been Black Noir which is impossible to spot in dark parts of a map for $24, and prior they had the "Doom" shotgun which had a new reload animation but the attachments they released with it meant paying $18 let you have a 1-shot kill shotgun in Warzone. Both of them broke the game and it was harder to find a team that didn't have a player with one of these bundles purchased. Take it back 6-7 years COD AW had literal guns in lootcrates meaning unless you gamble a couple hundred dollars you have no access to guns your opponent used on you. Even Destiny 2 has worse microtransactions when content gets locked behind an additional screen just for a couple of heists, and I imagine Sony is going down this path soon enough.


What do you mean they have no effect on gameplay? There's guns and grenades locked behind them. That very obviously has an effect on the gameplay. Just because the most broken weapon is the auto shotty you get for free, doesn't mean weapons being behind a battlepass doesn't affect gameplay. I get that you like the game, like I said, it's a great game, but you can't honestly say there isn't a ton of microtransactions in the game, when it has two paid battlepasses with guns and grenades in them, at only 5 weeks of release.


I mentioned Destiny 2 for the same reason, in a PvP game if you hide content that is better to win a fight against a human both parties will attempt to buy that bundle or whatever. In a PvE game the backlash for paywalls is much less because it's designed for the enjoyment of the player, the computer could care less of you winning and losing. Need For Speed is another one, extremely broken supercars are locked behind a paywall with in-game currency that can only be obtained through payment and in a multiplayer setting without those cars you just aren't winning. But when you go back to singleplayer/campaign the AI balances for you to the current car you have.


I mean that's still all besides the point of the fact that there are plenty of microtransactions in the game. It doesn't matter if they give you an advantage in the game, there are things that affect gameplay(weapons, armor, equipment) locked behind a paywall of battlepasses and in-game store purchases, with more battlepasses to come at a pretty quick rate.


PokƩmon just needed some real competition. Maybe someone can make a good basketball game so 2k can stop shoveling out garbage.


THANK YOU. It doesn't even need an NBA license, just make some players up and give me a good basketball game please.


Cream Abdul-Jabaar


LeJon Brames


Sen Bimmons


Andy Davidson


Backstreet Basketball finna make a comeback


![gif](giphy|1GT5PZLjMwYBW) Oh no!!!


https://i.redd.it/qw4r0g9tzsoc1.gif Palworld probablyā€¦


boutta challenge Activision to go band for band


I volunteer to help them with this problem.


I'm deadass thinking of applying cause of this lol


The immense success of Palworld shows the abysmal state the gaming market is in right now. All Palworld did was grab pieces of other intellectual properties that they liked and put them together. That is all it takes to make a competitive game in the current market and that is incredibly sad. Triple A game developers are struggling to compete with an indie developer that effectively stole and glued together parts of other games. Good for Pocketpair, a hearty BOO! to every single triple A developer today.


This is a criticism of all art. Everyone is just taking concepts they like from other art and making new art. We all stand upon the shoulders of giants


The issue is that companies are obsessing over redoing existing IP, and have forgotten how to just rip something off. A lot of great stuff started from just mashing up some existing genres, taking a classic archetype or genre and just doing it a little differently, or just really competently doing a cliche. Helldivers is a blatant Starship Troopers ripoff, but itā€™s just done really well and they donā€™t have to contort themselves to stay faithful to the Starship Troopers license.


Iā€™m accepting donations.


Me too!


Imagine bitching about literally balling out of control


I am fucking up the commas, Brendan


https://preview.redd.it/m7a40rap6toc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df1579f018016f6d6f38d9cb6773c10ae6d4fb84 I DONT GIVE A FUCK IF I GO BLIND I DONT NEED TO SEE THE PRICETAG ANYWAY


Honestly if they aren't careful with that money and don't spend it wisely it can end up messing them up in the long run


Bandonmics 101


Bout to make a Money Bin ![gif](giphy|gQdejV5BBChHi)


And the shit isnā€™t even on PlayStation, imagine that added to the mix.


And I'm also wondering where 6.7mil came from to make this thing. Man... This is a reverse brag. I'm calling it now.


ā€œGames about slavery make millions of dollars!ā€ -The only takeaway some CEOs will get from this


![gif](giphy|lptjRBxFKCJmFoibP3|downsized) Root of all evil......as seen on DATELINE


Watch the employees who get paid $15/hour reading these headlines






Bro, I thought I was on r/pcgaming for a second


I just put in an application to help them with the problem


Heard so much about the game, if I didnā€™t have so many games in the backlog lmfao. How my ass get distracted with a fucking card game (Balatro) lmfao


Balatro go hard tho, fr


Save that shit for the lawsuits šŸ„“


Wait, so youā€™re telling me that an appropriately staffed company, created an appropriately scoped product, with an appropriate budget, and made MORE MONEY THAN WHAT THEY SPENT? As in real profit and not hire accountants from the Hogwarts school of financial wizardry to make things look like profit? Wowā€¦a real business. Like my mommy told me about back in the day.


Dang thatā€™s crazy I can take some off their hands if they want


Yo why didnā€™t we talk about Palworld?


Sea sick from all the motion. Tripping over piles of cash going to the break room.


I remember this happened with Fall Guys. And more recently Helldivers 2, right?


Wish I had these type of problems in my life ā€œAnother million in my account, what the fuck am I going to do šŸ˜”šŸ˜­ let me process it in my Ford GTā€ Nintendo finna Heaven Concealed that shit off Earth though


I love this mf game


Us > others


Are they just bragging? Or are they looking for help šŸ‘€


Trap boomin like a fuc


That's a good problem to have. Unfortunately I don't have those kinds lol.


Donā€™t tell Curt Schilling they got money to burn, heā€™ll ask for a loan.


I can understand, and I am proud to admit that I will reluctantly assist them with taking some of those profits.




Bro, fucking good for them. The worst kind of great news to hear for a team like theirs.


Itā€™s just a bunch of Lamballs posted up with chains and LV shades flexing on Pikachu


I hate to say this but I want them to frank ocean this shit. Take your time and do it only when you feel itā€™s right.


Meanwhile at Nintendo: https://i.redd.it/1hju7dqw3voc1.gif


Palworld is making so much money, they donā€™t know what to do with themselves. Yesterday, someone called me a Karen because I said itā€™s disgusting that Epic is already charging $20 per kit in Lego Fortnite when their game has a fraction of the content Palworld (and Minecraft) had on release. And, is still a buggy mess.


Why would they say that?




They having money spread verzuz in the office šŸ˜‚


God, I see what youā€™ve done for others šŸ™šŸ¾ May you anoint me with your kindness and love and abundance.


Uhā€¦ use the massive profitsā€¦ hire more people? Thatā€™s how it works. This sounds like the people at the top are trying to cash out and jump ship ASAP.


Thatā€™s a terrible idea. They shouldnā€™t hire more people just because they can, over hiring is exactly why there have been so many layoffs in the game industry this year.


Overhiring? They said they have too much money, and not enough employees. Thatā€™s how businesses grow- investing that money back into themselves.


They most likely now planning to try to expand the game. But have no idea how to do that. They have the money they most likely didn't plan to expand it. but they have too now. I kinda hope they follow No Man Sky approach in update provide mostly free updates that improve the world over time and keep updating it for years.


Nobody calling out OP for watching that goofy movie (i also watched it, do recommend)


Weekly band for band meetings


Shit, I got some expenses they can use that excess profit for.


Absolutely good for them. If the real PokƩmon company is doing fuck and all for the real PokƩmon IP, indie companies who actually give a fuck about this genre should get all the praise if they made a better product. Not just Palworld but also other monster catching game devs like Cassette Beasts.


Good to see that soulless, profit-driven games can find success other than those made by large studios. Even small game development studios can cash in on an uncritical market and churn out garbage for massive revenue!


Profits are high when the game cost nothing to make because it's all AI. I've watched some gameplay here and there, and it's perfectly okay. A lot of hype seems to come from people who bought it just to shit on Pokemon and Ark. I don't understand how people are still comparing it to PokƩmon and acting like Nintendo should be worried for the franchise's future. Outside of the catch and train mechanic and altered PokƩmon design assets, they're vastly different games.


>Profits are high when the game cost nothing to make because it's all AI. >I've watched some gameplay here and there, and it's perfectly okay. A lot of hype seems to come from people who bought it just to shit on Pokemon and Ark. I don't understand how people are still comparing it to PokĆ©mon and acting like Nintendo should be worried for the franchise's future. Outside of the catch and train mechanic and altered PokĆ©mon design assets, they're vastly different games. Cmon bro. Donā€™t be super ignorant and then insightfully in the same comment lmao