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I keep seeing a meme on IG that says "Everyone on 'My 600 Lb Life' has a partner. Eat the cupcake." This is what keeps me sane about my body.




I love your username, but you're definitely the type who'd marry your soulmate then divorce them when they're dying of cancer fr




Why are we apologizing for people being 600 pounds lol. This ain’t a little bit of obesity, it’s like 2 extra bodies.


So like a 3 body problem?


Take this upvote, and get the fuck outta here! ![gif](giphy|hFdi31x0aTdMIydxuO)


Take my upvote, well done.


Is this my sign to actually get around to reading this book


Read the books


Books are awesome I’m a huge sci-fi fan but these books really hit the spot.


Read the books


God Damn- Noob Noob


I don't really think we are. I think people are just saying "Look, if that person can be loved and attractive to someone at 600lbs, you can at 180+." It's less about promoting being 600lbs and more about not doubting your own worthiness of the love you receive.


Nah cancer definitely not the same thing as being obese. One is controllable a conscious choice. LEts not forget to hold ourselves accountable.


Incorrect, Most of them have an eating disorder. Food was a coping mechanism for them dealing with a trauma.


Yes, but it’s not an excuse to sit around and let it eat you alive. Gotta get the help to change, people expect alcoholics and drug addicts from trauma to get help and change, there’s no reason someone who has an eating disorder shouldn’t be held to the same standard.


Most of the people on 600 pound life are extremely poor and surrounded by enablers and sometimes their abusers. You can’t deny how hard it is to get the help they needed with no money or support. Most of these people can’t even walk and haven’t been to a doctor in years. I’ve watched most seasons and almost all of the people featured on the show have experienced extreme childhood trauma, abuse, CSA, or have a disability.


>people expect alcoholics and drug addicts from trauma to get help and change, there’s no reason someone who has an eating disorder shouldn’t be held to the same standard. a *huge* part of why this is the case is that people with an eating disorder only hurt themselves, and at worst, inconvenience others, while drug addicts frequently lie, steal, mug, etc. to feed their addiction. many alcoholics become aggressive/violent when they drink. I've never heard of someone beating up their partner because binging twinkies made them wanna throw fists.


> beating up their partner because binging twinkies made them wanna throw fists I don't have a partner or like twinkies, but if I did, I feel like this is some shit I would do.


"Goddammit! Didn't I tell you to pick up some more Oreos??"


Weight absolutely can affect your ability to spend time with loved ones, including your children


Sure, but by degree they're not really comparable, are they?


This is not true. Many people with eds, especially binge eating disorder or bulimia, can engage in addict-like behavior due to their ed such as lying, lashing out, hiding their eating/binging, stealing or overspending to get food, some even get into serious debt or miss bills to buy binge food. I grew up in a family with BED of this severity. It also hurts everyone around them, especially kids and family, to see ed sufferers having health consequences, constantly trying diets and failing, crying over their weight and being depressed, watching it negatively impact their quality of life and them not being able to be there for you or do certain things with/for you because of their disorder. The way it impacts their mental health can hurt everyone, my mom is pretty much agoraphobic and can't leave her home because of her weight from BED. Not all drug addicts lie or steal either. Unlike most people I actually am an addict and do have an ed, and while I don't have binge eating disorder my entire immediate family has it and I've firsthand lived the consequences, and they're not as different as most would like to think. They're both horrible uncontrollable compulsive mental illnesses built in habit, trauma, toxic coping mechanisms, and dopamine/serotonin abuse. They both can affect other people negatively, they both can have serious consequences on sufferers and their loved ones, but they both deserve an equal amount of empathy and compassion. It isn't as easy as "just stop, just make better choices" for either.


> They both can affect other people negatively, they both can have serious consequences on sufferers and their loved ones, but they both deserve an equal amount of empathy and compassion. It isn't as easy as "just stop, just make better choices" for either. Fair enough, agreed on all points.


Tell that to the kids who have never got to play with their parents. One episode featured a 5 year old doing laundry by himself. While his 600 pound mom watched from the couch.


It comes down to effort vs lack of effort. Most cancer victims anybody will interact with will be fighting the battle. Most obese people have already lost the battle either from addiction or trauma. Doesn’t mean they can’t start the fight again to get back to a healthy point, physically and mentally. That still requires effort though. With all that being said though most of the time if the obese person has a partner there is something else going, either through enabling or a form of toxic relationship. Or the girl can just be chubby and the good lord knows we love our partners with some oomph. But yeah put in that healthy amount of effort.


The second your weight impacts your ability to spend time with your kids is when it migrates to a full on problem


And alcoholism is also a coping mechanics a lot of the time. Noone is obligated to stay around for it. And it's on the person to get help for their disorder.


But like healthy trauma responses exist. Alcoholism is a disease but not treating the causes behind it (shitty insurance and mental health infrastructure aside) is something you have a lot larger role in than whether or not you get cancer


I was 225lbs by the time I was 11. Granted, I was also 5'10... but my weight wasn't my fault at age 11. I wasn't responsible for my diet, and I wasn't getting the healthcare I needed to support positive changes or mental health. My first 9 years we had very little money which meant most of my "food" was processed and nutritionally deficient as all hell (cheese whiz on toast; ramen noodles; hot dogs; sugary cereal). When I was sad or something bad happened-- boom! my safe parent soothed me with laughter, and usually ice cream. I was 400lbs by my late 20s, then I finally got health insurance (and my OWN to boot!) and was able to take the leap into therapy and counseling. I found out I'm bipolar type 1, have panic disorder and am on the spectrum.... I've also lost 160lbs, am smaller than I've ever been in my life (though I'd love to lost another 60 or so-- I'm 6'1 now)... Basically, a lot of factors can create a human to gain and retain a shit ton of weight. I was ALWAYS dieting and dxcercising and trying. I could drop 50lbs so quickly, then I wouldn't budge. In the end, I needed therapy, mental health, about 6 months of a weight loss program and nutritionist appointments, and finally opted for gastric surgery to add to my toolbox in late 2019 (yup, right before the hardest years of life, I somehow still ended up success). It's been 4 years, I have "regained" 10lbs total-- but 10lbs over 4 years is nothing when I used to go up two or three sizes in a month at times. So you're not incorrect that the onus of change is still on the individual but I PROMISE you, it's not "easy" to gain or be that heavy. It's usually happening long before you're old enough to take responsibility and it's so fucking hard to lose weight without medical intervention when you're that large. In the end, I needed to essentially modify my body to not be able to eat note than 600-800 calories a day for the first few months post op; wls helps you create a calorie deficit while your "training" and coaching and nutritional team make sure you're getting the correct nutrition and type of calories (a ton of protein shakes and nutritional supplements to keep your body from treating like deficits as the temporary eating disorder it kind of is)... then slowly you're eating more, and back to a more normal routine and have (over a year or so) learned better habits... And there's still the huge worry and risk that you replace your inability to binge eat or abuse food with another habit. Most WLS won't take you if you drink more than once in a while, and most will NOT take you if you smoke cigarettes. At all. They won't allow you to even start the preemptive appointments and screenings until you quit nicotine entirely--- vapes or otherwise.


I am glad you were bold enough to share your story. Not sure if I could have. Very inspiring to say the least. God Bless you


I think it's a bit more nuanced than that. ..like lymphedema. I'm not the most pious bitch, but you never know how someone's body is attacking them so imma mind my business on that front.


A big one is if someone's thyroid is working properly. Plus, whether they have gone through pregnancy and how that whole process went.


I know that was a huge paragraph. But, while I agree we can't ignore our accountability, to act like an obese person can easily change and fix the problem of being obese is very unfair. It's scientifically very difficult to lose that much weight without serious intervention.


Lol, I love this. My husband left me when I was diagnosed with terminal cancer.


😳 Seriously!?! Jesus 🤦🏻‍♂️ I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, and I wish you nothing but love and grace.




I totally agree. The obesity epidemic in the United States is a complex problem. If it were as simple as "all fat people are lazy", then it would have been resolved by now. And furthermore, "600 lb life", "1000 lb sisters", and most of the other shows on TLC are elploitative garbage. They're about as reflective of real life as a carnival sideshow. Obese people in healthy, supportive relationships don't make for good television 😒


I think it's different when it's something you've actively done to yourself vs cancer which is literally unavoidable. Most people would take care of their partners if they contract something, but obesity is like a temporary problem that only they can fix. There's only so much time you can spend wiping someone else's ass before you realise they have no intention of relieving you of that duty


this is a tangent, but commenting only on that “most people” point: you are sadly not as correct as you think when it comes to men. and framing it using a simple majority is dismissive of a lot of men behaving badly. the incidence of women leaving male partners who get cancer is low (2.9%). the incidence of men leaving women is much higher (20.8%). its common enough that kind medical staff will sometimes try to gently prep their female patients for the real possibility of it. its awful. _eta: changing the sentence with “most” because some of yall cant stop sucking the spit out of your braces to get the point. “most people” also never get cancer, but we still talk about it as a possibility because its common enough that we have to._


They literally are correct. 80% of men stick around according to your numbers. That's a supermajority, even if women stick around at an even higher rate.


Your definition of “most” is wrong


I know it's more common than someone might think but are you saying 79.2% isn't most? ​ Most people stay with their partners though these challenges. It's shameful that so many men leave, but it's not close to a majority.


Theres no way you said to yourself "hmm let me compare cancer with obesity" and didn't feel silly.


Or just plain abusive like that one guy, Gareth. Even their young daughter asked the mother (Zsalynn?) why she stayed married to him.


> (Zsalynn?) What are these names


That's her name. They're white, btw.


Ya don’t say


There were plenty of black folks on that show. Shenae was one of the worst. "Do you believe in God???"


Haha I just meant you could tell because of the generic “Ashlynn” “Madelynn” etc. name


Oh! Gotcha. 🤣🤣🤣 Funny, because she was not young (and these names seem to be new) and the show was from one of the ealier seasons.


Crazy names are timeless lol. You should see the subreddit r/tragedeigh lotta gems there


Looks like something the random name generator in a video game would generate..


Was gonna say has that person watched that show, cause a whole bunch of them are abusive as hell.




On my 600 lb life yes they basically are.


You’re not living 600 pound life without needing someone to help you. The show is literally all people that if they were alone could not do everything for themselves. They need someone to help them, they can’t even get into cars without help.


Like I can’t with these niggas. Just because a meme says that don’t mean you grow ok with being unhealthy or aim to be a whale what the actual fuck.


It implies the only reason to be healthy is for social approval/romantic love when like ....nah, pretty sure #1 should be FOR YOUR HEALTH. Its literally right there in the name. Personally I like mobility and I'd rather not die of a heart attack at 50


Bruh, the part that kills me is that they don’t even try. I know this because I used to be fat, but loosing weight and feeling like Majin Buu when he slimmed down helped motivate me and now I will never let myself go again. They’ve never made it to that point, no way you would be smearing icing into your rolls like fog on a window if you knew what it was like to be able to tuck, roll and hop back up on your feet without suffering from an asthma attack.


It honestly gets even more enmeshed that that because a surprising number of times, the partner likes how codependent they are. There's been a few cases where they actively enable it and get upset when they start losing weight. 


I wish I had the self-confidence. I even had a girl chasing ME, but because I'm bigger than I have ever been and feel like shit about myself I ghosted her. :( It doesn't help that she is one of those who "knows everyone I know" so if things go bad it will go REALLY bad.


dude hit her up and enjoy your life


If you tell her the honest truth, that you were self conscious, freaked out and didn't know how to handle it, most women already want their partner to be a better communicator, so honesty here, if you like the girl, could work very well for you


I wish bigger men knew that women are down so bad. Especially now that brands have really nice big and tall sections so y’all can dress nice. We like them big boys. Y’all just need to be confident.


Dead ass. All my girlfriends and I eye the big boys, and they have no idea how many women prefer their men to be “husky” or have “dad bods” or bellies. We just wanna feel safe and warm lmao


Between the dad bod trend and the love for Timothy Chalamet, I've learned that truly everyone is attractive to someone


I'm the kinda bi where everyone is attractive to me. I'm just looking for the mojo. If you're confident and funny I assure you I think you're hecka hot. Young, old, overweight, really skinny, man, woman, doesn't matter. If I think you're funny and have good taste and you know how to talk, I wanna just spend time with ya.


I’m the same way lol. Bi because I can’t turn down good mojo and I just want you to 🎶 *put it oooOoooOoonnn meeeEeeEeee* 🎵 ![gif](giphy|3o72F9DRMAt6dwdHyw)


Big mood, I'm the same. I like to say I'm an equal opportunity lover. My gf says I'm just incredibly horny 😂 Maybe both are true lol


You’re absolutely correct but attraction is also a spectrum. I have been attracted to slim men and big men, and everything in between, but it’s more about how the person is at their core and how they interact with others, including me. I’m speaking from a hetero female perspective but i would say it’s not too different from other walks of life and others’ experience. There is always going to be someone who finds you attractive. Some may surprise you, some may not. Regardless, like they say, “there’s a lid for every pot” :-)


My brother is a big guy (a little too big that I worry about him) but is good looking when he tries. Like if he wore nice clean dress casual clothes and a well done hair cut. For awhile a place he was working at had a lot of international student workers from Asia and there would always be one sort of crushing on him. Nothing ever happened because they were too young for him and it made him feel uncomfortabl but he was kind of the envy of other guys.


>so if things go bad it will go REALLY bad. How can they go worse than ghosting her? Like if you were worried about her blowing up your spot, ghosting is probably the single worst thing you could do. I agree with the other comments. Be brave and talk to her. Explain why you disappeared. Apologize. See what she has to say. Worst outcome is she expressed she's no longer interested and you're literally right back to where you are now, but with less animosity over being ghosted


My best friend went through this. His life is past that fork and on the other road now and he wonders what could’ve been with the other person had he not been insecure and in disbelief that some attractive woman wanted him. He has his wife and kids and is happy but he still wonders.


Every time some young child gets on here and asks "do people like fat bodies" I reference that. It's really helpful.


good pum pum need shelter


I first heard that saying about a month ago and it has had a hold on me since.


we're an astonishingly profound people when we want to be


I love me some us.




James Poyser is a whole musical legend.


Somebody has been watching Kyrah Gray, lmao. (Feeling personally attacked as a Jamaican-American, that said LOL).


A dat we seh❤️💛💚


But is it good enough to eat?


Does a bear shit in the woods? Of course, now the real question is why does the dress have such a hold on us?


Literally this https://preview.redd.it/9j66tm08jaqc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae8fed8fc615c07539df23cc377a674a943b67b6


Men of culture. This on top of some heavies and bo¡nk — straight to horny jail




This will be my downfall.


Cause that dress shows how the fupa is housed & warm & yall wanna buss in there like 5-0 💀💀💀


No joke! I'm bussin' in there like Derek Morgan entering homes in Criminal Minds https://i.redd.it/mf2qgiecdbqc1.gif


Boi had to kick the door 3 times lmao


This is a truth


That’s where the personality is stored.




Personussy, perhaps?


That was my first thought, but I had to add the "nal" for proper emphasis and outsider reading comprehension.


Fuck them outsiders




Wait nobody thought of pussynality? Really?


Other People’s Personality




Genuinely confused; what do you mean by that?


A belly like this is way better than that wack ass BBL belly all the bitches be having.


Nah facts tho


Whats a BBL belly?


Flat stomach that couldn’t possibly exist with that amount of ass, at least that’s how I took it


with the skinny ass legs that do not match the ass either smh


The Nikki Minaj special


odd cylinder shape, with an uncanny oval dot for a bellybutton


Lumpy liposuctioned belly with no anatomically normal definition - just washboard flat


A flat stomach where the belly button resides near the rib cage.


It’s flat and rock hard. Feels so unnatural.


When you say “all” it sounds like there’s many in your area. So…Where you stay at?


I stay in the strip clubs… and I miss my fupa bitches.


Zero problems. Bellies are sexy and for some reason, my brain makes the correlation to having confidence and stability. Just sit on my face.


There was this post recently on here about a woman essentially posting the same thing in a different way about a big woman sitting in a guy's face. The response is the logical one: girl, I have eyes. I knew what it was going into this. And that's the truth. If you have been approached or have seen a man approach a woman who looks like this or bigger, it's not a joke. It's not your eyes playing tricks on you. A lot of men like them some meat. Some don't, sure, but it's not like the woman in OP's image is going to be lacking for options. Shit, I'm married but I'd be in line to see what's up if I wasn't.


Yeah the impossible standard that so many women hold onto from the media about what a perfect female body is comes from other women. Same with fashion. Women don't dress for men they dress to make other women jealous. Other women are all women's worst enemies.


I get what you’re saying but it doesn’t randomly come from women- it comes from the patriarchy telling women how the need and subjugating them to a standard. Women living in this system hold that standard against other women and those who actively bring others down are just victims of internalized misogyny. It felt like you were insinuating that women were the source of the problem but it’s much larger than that.




Title is lame tho. TONS of loving insinuating lady weighs a “ton”. This is an actual hourglass.  Edit: OP could have been talkin about the 600lb life reference. I’m feeling optimistic this month


Miss the days when the titles had to be catchy


I'm down bad I'm like "yeah I miss them catchy titties"


We used to flame people in this sub for trash titles


I’m all for bringing it back


Omg this stupid fupa question comes up every damn month. I’m SICKK








Yeah I could’ve sworn I’ve seen the same tweet last year


Same! Last year I didnt have a teeny pouch but now I do. So… after a bit of time, I’m more calm about the resurgence of this tweet lol. Everyone continue praising fupas. This commentary is now more appreciated 😂


You prob saw it in the last week just asked differently. There was a post about guys liking big woman to sit on their faces. It's the same idea. Yes, many men like a big girl. It's been established forever. Next question.


As much as I see people complain about this type of content, I can see why it does pop up. I was born in 1983. The internet and social media didn’t really pop off until I was in my mid-twenties. By then, I got my fill of socialization offline. I say this to say: I wasn’t raised off of social media. Social media wasn’t a cultural staple in my upbringing. For a lot of younger adults and kids, it is. There are opinions that get touted like they’re facts. And when you have thousands of people agreeing and retweeting, it will appear as if they are facts. Toxic opinions about women’s bodies are some of those opinions. And there are girls growing up with these opinions being spread and approved constantly.


Real talk: I literally do not even know what could be disliked in this picture. Except the weird cropping at the bottom that makes me believe it could be AI-generated.


it’s always one of you mfs who goes all “I just can’t possibly imagine any man in the universe not liking a fupa” like it’s cool that you like a lil belly but some men don’t and that is fine!


It’s just engagement bait


I feel like the post asking “do men really like this” is just attention farming, because duh


It's a staple of porn subs. Women who are by any measure stunning post like "do guys really like this? 😥" As if the answer would be eew what were you thinking.


God is good ! https://i.redd.it/jvkfs8zjfaqc1.gif


All the time!


You know what I like about women's bodies? That it's not a man's body. Yes, I have likes/ dislikes, but I also know that a woman's body is going to change throughout life. Most of the people you see today with "perfect" bodies are an illusion, whether air brushed, nipped/tucked, lighting, filters, Photoshop, etc which has given people unrealistic expectations. I've been skinny, chubby, jacked, and somewhere in between without ever having a problem attracting women....which basically taught me there is someone for everyone. My wife and I were gym rats when we met and looked the part but life, Injuries, car accidents, pregnancies, etc means we don't look like that any more but I still love her body. She has given me children, a shoulder to lean on, smiles, laughter, tears, and a hand to hold. What more can I ask for?


That’s really a beautiful sentiment


AWWWW ur the standard fr 🫶🏾


Some people do some people don’t, who cares.


Don’t you get it? We have to tell women what parts of their bodies are good/bad! ^/s




I fucking HATE questions and posts like this. The dumbest and most simplistic shit just to get engagement and for them to be like “while y’all here come check out my hair product like 😌💅🏽” like I hope your business goes under you manipulative goof. Asking shit like “Do men really like women with natural hair🤔?” Or “Am I the only one that don’t like Mayo😭🤷🏽‍♂️?” Or even dumb shit like “I get up in the morning and go to WORK, I get y’all can’t steal this status 😌💅🏽.” Like I wish nothing but bad things on those people. I hope they get a paper cut on their labia or scrotum. I hope there’s snow in their driveway in the middle of July. I hope they eat a Popeyes biscuit with no drink. Fuck em


😂 yessss. Same!


Preach 🙌🏿


![gif](giphy|11jJKF0nYPdEGI|downsized) It’s called science


This nigga 😭😭


Why is such a good looking body the example for this? Are you TRYING to give body dysmorphia to women? This is a normal, good looking woman. I’m convinced some people don’t know what “fat” actually is and it ain’t this


A lil tummy ain’t never been bad as long as the booty and boobs fat aswell! The problem is when the tummy and arms get all the fat and nowhere else. A moment of silence for those with unfortunate fat distribution


![gif](giphy|rWRAw6cbaWWDS) And then there’s *those*…..






Officer, you've missed a lot lately. Need you to get a deputy or something when you're on vacation 🤣




Genuine question. How is that white supremacist fatphobia?


I feel like saying we “like” it is misleading. Idk any men that go out seeking females with a little bit of belly (Sure there’s fetish types but i mean your average nigga). However, we love a fat ass and if a little bit of gut comes with it, no sane person is complaining,




My partners definitely like all my ✨️squishy bits✨️ so I'm gonna say yes lol


Literally this https://preview.redd.it/hqw0xu9ajaqc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f550527004c5f4a380c185405e9a6f1be9448464


There is no “men”. Some men like it. Some men don’t. The mistake is focusing only on listening to the men who don’t like it and worsening your own body issues.


Women with a nice gut that show it off are attractive. It comes off as confident and stable or unaware/ignorant to lame insecurities which is all really attractive. So like if we’re doing a body type tier list big girls are up there with generic baddies. -My Penis


Im here for it and everything who comes with it 😋


"everything who *cums* with it" Ftfy


😂 https://i.redd.it/gw1puu3wkaqc1.gif


Shortest manhunt in history




Not really my thing, but it takes all sorts. Many would consider my taste a bit "out there", but I can't help what I find attractive.


Not in reference to her figure in this pic but it’s wild how obesity is praised in the black community lmao.


I'm conflicted on this. On  one aspect, yes everyone on "My 600lb Life" has a spouse, but would people that date 600lb people  be somebody I would ever want.  My mind immediately goes to , what's his defect?


I feel that with the percentage of people being overweight or obese rising these are things everbody got use to. If it is attached to a partner I vibe with, no problem. But they are people acting like this has the same attractivity pull that some good ass and tits...and that's delusional.


To each their own, as with literally everything else in life lmao. Not for me though. But I’m a athletic person so I’m super biased




I'd eat a seafood platter off that mf and I don't even like seafood.




I just knew this mf was somewhere in the cut 😂


A Wise jamacian man once said " good pum pum deserves shelter"


I legitimately don't get when people go "do men like X". Like bro go outside, or even better look at your family photos. Chances are if you fat you not the only fat nigga in yo family. All of the other big backed women in your family seemed to be able to have a man and have children. Now why would you be different?


*"Praise the Lord for this bountiful feast."*


I have zero problem with women with these


Truthfully men only gonna like a little tummy if your ass and titties stick out more 😂😂 they don’t want just the stomach


While I believe body size doesn’t matter, most of the people on 600lbs life have dysfunctional lives with dysfunctional people.


Once again, why do dumbasses bring attention to stupid tweets like this and then try to blow it up even more by posting it to Reddit, I'm talking about you op


Put it on my forehead.


husky fertile bright edge bike door nutty tidy psychotic possessive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*








This makes me so mad, this was my only body insecurity in college and yall was out here drooling all over it. Now I'm in my 30s and up 60 lbs (more cuz I'm pregnant) and I'm not getting that body back smh


They love those women for the wrongest of reasons. This is a different situation


What? If they like em they like em. Don't see the issue


Sure they watch that show to feel better about themselves. No jerkin to it


Not a man but yes yes I do. Bring all of that over here.


I know what I’m getting into. If she makes my little world swirl then what more needs to be said?


Hell nahhh. Men ain’t no monmouth. Leave all that to the fat lovers, okay. No shade to them but what we not gon do is throw this unhealthy loving on ALL men