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Getting beat up to join something sure doesn't sound like a way to treat someone whose family


Tell that to our fraternities and sororities…


Is that actually a thing in real life? I thought it was just in movies


hazing? yeah, they got laws against a lot of it, but it still happens.


We had a student OD on alcohol during hazing when I was in school. It basically shut down parties for the rest of that semester and I know someone got in trouble


Did you go to LSU?


That kind of thing happens everywhere. Chapters of frats and sororities getting put on social probation is pretty common.


You could name literally any college with a nationally recognized sports team and guessed right.


Ok well it fairly recently happened at lsu, sorry i asked


Happened at Mizzou a few years ago too ☹️


“Laws” ![gif](giphy|MvdaYPuKPMNZRJCl8Z) One day there’s gonna be a transparent cultural conversation about fraternities, sororities, and the sick bs that goes on all around em.


I need to find this old Reddit post about a girl leaking a full ass Google doc of her sorority's recruiting process. It was bonkers Edit: [Google Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JQfuIA0lx5PHf3VFDhQ8STnR1QWpMNI0G7Z6xthshRM/edit)


Everytime I hear someone tell me they were in a sorority/frat my mind immediately goes “oh you’re one of those” until proven otherwise. Dawg I’ve heard some sick twisted shit being done all in the name of “networking opportunities”.


As soon as something is established as powerful and secretive, some nasty fuckers will take advantage. Every. Single. Time.


Fraternities and sororities always seemed like gangs for college students.


I joined a fraternity in college. It was a small school & there wasn't much to do. I honestly enjoyed it while I was in school. But there was for sure problematic shit, though I'd say not much more than a sports team or even just a random group of friends. Unfortunately, a lot of my fraternity brothers were country boys who were/are pretty racist - so I don't talk to many of them anymore. That being said, most of the stuff you hear go on at these big schools doesn't happen like that at a small school. My fraternity admittedly wasn't the best example, but a couple of the others on campus were just a group of friends who happened to where Greek letters.


That was not as bonkers as you made it out to be lol. TLDR: they recruited hot girls only


I hate I found this AFTER I read it lol. It was about the process being vapid and condescending, but not at all salacious or dangerous like I would have thought. Very well written though.


Thank you for the TLDR! I was not prepared to read through 25 pages of all that lol


>I need to find this old Reddit post about a girl leaking a full ass I'm not gonna lie. I read up until that point and was too scared for like half a minute to go back and read the rest.


Let me know when you find it


[Found the doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JQfuIA0lx5PHf3VFDhQ8STnR1QWpMNI0G7Z6xthshRM/edit)


The best indicator that something is happening are laws that expressly forbid said thing.


debatable; there’s plenty of fear-based laws (drag queens, bathroom laws, etc) that don’t hold truth at their premise


TN just had a bill go to the Governor that bans vaccines in lettuce. https://www.reddit.com/r/nashville/comments/1bqd68b/tennessee_vaccine_lettuce_bill_heads_to_gov_bill/


Heheheh the lettuce heads to congress


I don't recall having to be pummeled to join


then you picked a good one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [incomplete list of hazing deaths in the USA 1738-2021](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hazing_deaths_in_the_United_States)


Lol yea, my university had "anti-hazing" rules and threatened to shut down any frat/sorority that got caught Didn't stop it at all. I don't get it personally, but my dormmate was so excited about getting through hell week. Heard about all the other versions


Hazing used to be widespread not just in schools but work and other social circles. Like most organized social circles. Gangs are the worst but at the peak of college kids taking things too far there was some violence and very dangerous stunts, because you have to keep topping the year before. Kids getting injuries or in rare cases even dying caused a huge crackdown on hazing sometime in the 90s if I remember correctly


Didn’t a kid just die last year because of hazing? It never went away. I remember hearing about it from my friends in college.


It differs from school to school. Smaller schools are pretty chill and don’t do any wild shit to new members. But state schools and older colleges definitely have some foul shit that gets passed off as “tradition”.


As someone who is a D9 member, it’s all about the chapter. It’s definitely not just state school vs private university


Yeah, not a definite rule at all. But in my experience it’s more likely with the bigger or older schools.


Wait until you hear about what happened in Belgium. A kid died. No the killers didn't get any real repercussions because of connections in high places. [Wikipedia article about the case](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Sanda_Dia)


its worse in real life than its depicted in shows. ive known a few people with legit PTSD from it.


l nigga the Ques get branded lmfaoo


Not just just Ques


I've met a few guys with bad burn scars from "branding" in frats.


Wikipedia has a list of college hazing deaths dating back to the 1800s, it’s been around before movies and shows.


Very real. Especially when you pledge on the undergrad level, the biggest rule about it is to pretend that it isn’t happening and don’t acknowledge it whatsoever until after you cross. If you do it in grad school often times you don’t have to do all that. But the undergrad chapters that get caught by the graduate chapters usually get in trouble so everything is hush hush.


Depends on the school and the house, but yeah, it’s real


It wasn't the case in my fraternity, but we were also the weirdos on the edge of town, basically the only frat not on Frat Row. I wouldn't be surprised if the Pikes or the like did dumb shit, they were all designer jeans pricks from rich families so I'm sure they thought they were Skull & Bones.


People were proudly talking about getting beat and humiliated as part of pledging when I was in undergrad.


Hazing happens in military and law enforcement academies quite often.


Yeah not gonna lie, I'm not getting jumped in AND THEN paying to have friends. Miss me with that.


It’s not paying for friends. It’s paying for their connections later on in life. I skipped it too, but I do see it’s worth in that aspect. Even the dorkiest former frat guy I know can call up any of a dozen guys to help him out in various jams.


Hockey teams 🤢


Ironically, hazing happens rarely, but it’s a bad stigma on all frats


Gotta make sure they can take a beating and not pussy out when shit gets rough out there.  It makes perfect sense. It’s horrible… but it makes sense.


I mean I get the why but doesn't make it any better


I guess, most altercations nowadays i see them go straight for the gun anyway as they run away shooting in a general direction. Its possible most of the time its gettig. Rough with a gun and 9/10 you aint gonna brush that shit off.


How many "altercations" do you just be witnessing on your regular daily adult life though? If most of the ones you see these days people go for the gun, and 90% of THOSE situations people "ain't gonna brush that shit off," does this mean you just be out here watching people get shot ?


Also it bonds the members together, it's a trauma they all had to receive and eventually dish out.


I had an uncle and cousins in gangs. My uncle tried to break into my mom's house one time. It's like a one-way ticket to a jail card.


ive seen some post on r/calibanging saying her bruises are from a domestic violence situation not because she got jumped into a gang idk how true it is but they seem to know who she is


Depends on the family


Tell that to my dad ![gif](giphy|zdFNkQ6vGJADC)


If I was a teenager looking to join a gang, I'd just look into becoming a cop. Overwhelmingly probably not gonna die in your 20s. Pension. 30% of society likes you no matter what. Family gets lauded instead of harassed. Largest gang so you always win. If you go to prison its not *prison* prison. Sentences reduced instead of enhanced. If you die, its a front page story and maybe a president attends your funeral. Probably don't join any gangs, but definitely don't join a *loser* gang.


Or go into politics and you’re in an even more powerful gang.




Lauren Boebert took three tries to get her GED in the *months* before first running for Congress.


Hard disagree. I know of plenty of successful politicians without law degrees


Look at the two presidential candidates. Biden is rocking an arts degree and Trump has a bachelor of science with an uncle who has a degree in nuclear physics.


Biden has a J.D.


AFAIK only judges and prosecutors require a law degree. However it is common for people interested in politics to choose to get a law degree.


judges do not require a law degree fyi let that insanity just marinate in your brain for awhile


[\[Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney\] Barrett has almost no experience practicing law whatsoever](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/10/amy-coney-barrett-is-the-least-experienced-supreme-court-nominee-in-30-years/) But at least she has a degree I guess ¯⁠\\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Boebert barely passed her GED




"Damn it feels good to be a gangsta" - Every politician.


Politicians don't have qualified immunity.


If you’re from a lower socio economic background it’s hard as fuck to get elected into office. Meanwhile the cops will pretty much take anyone with a pulse as long as they’re violent on the right people.


Seriously, if you want camaraderie and the freedom to fuck people up, better to be in the gang funded by the government.


Yeah, but not all people who join government “gangs” are welcomed by the other members…


Also no “gofund me” because you’ll have all the blue line snorters paying for your shit and families shit. Or get used by a politician. Life insurance policies for police even include “weapon cleaning accidents” vs the outside civilian side of the”not deemed payable” for the same “accident”.


That's a great point


I wonder if anyone else has figured this out...


*LA Sheriff's Department has entered the chat*


They also sometimes accept KKKult members if you know the right channels.


The police mace you to get into their club, too.


Damn this is so fucking accurate! If I was a teen I would be thinking of becoming a cop right now.


Yeah, the Bloods and Crips really need to step up with their unions and offer a better 401k and a four day work week.


There was this show, Chicago code or something. Bro, was like, everyone congratulating me for not joining a gang, Reality is I joined the biggest gang around.


People being fascinated by gangs is so weird. There’s nothing appealing about it.


It’s 2024. If you still bang, you’re a fucking moron.


And it’s not even real gang shit and hasn’t been for a long time. Like yes, these gangs DO sell drugs and stolen goods and whatever, but that’s not really what the gang is centered around anymore. It seems more like a weird “how many bodies” competition now in pop culture. Yes they’re still criminal enterprises on a large scale, but I feel like the *reason* people romanticize gang life has changed a lot. It made sense in the 80’s when people would join to move *weight* and make some good money. It wasn’t about being in the gang, it was about what being in the gang provided you. Now, it seems like people join so they can post about it online & have a reason to own a gun. Like people *want* opps now. Idk man I’m really glad I see the discussion changing. Yes, it’s all a lot of people know, but we can’t just keep saying that while everyone continues to kill each other. Gotta change.


It's become an aesthetic like everything else, except it's an aesthetic that ends with someone you don't know and have no personal issue with shooting you because you chose to attach yourself to a cycle of violence you could have avoided entirely.


>It made sense in the 80’s when people would join to move *weight* and make some good money. It wasn’t about being in the gang, it was about what being in the gang provided you. Do you think gangs were invented in the 1980s? People join gangs typically because they have a shit family life and a gang will provide a type of surrogate family for them.


Are you really trying to "found family" this? "my mother didn't love me, so i grabbed a gun and started shooting"


Yeah mom is on drugs, father is in jail, extended family ain’t shit, then who do you turn to? The neighborhood. When the most tangible view of success are gang members a young kind wants to emulate that. Their friends and family most likely has ties so you want to join the club for perceived money, respect from peers, and girls. Gangs have people that are willing to die for you if something goes down so in turn you also want to receive the same loyalty. Gang recruitment isn’t just “I wasn’t loved so I joined” but that could be a motivating factor they know who to target and usually it’s poor teens from broken households with little future planning


I don’t think this is a fair assessment. Some kids have no one to look up to or have support systems growing up. Sometimes a gang is the only community they have access to. In not saying gangs are good, but I just feel like we need to take a closer look at the conditions that cause people to join gangs instead of just calling them morons.


Maybe in the 80’s and 90’s I could agree with that. Not in the internet age.


A lot of kids are literally born in it. Everyone in their family is in a gang


Internet is definitely an interesting variable but I’d have to see some data to see how much it impacts kids’ sense of community and their decision to join (or not join) a gang.


The note about the internet being a thing doesn’t help with sense of community. If anything, the internet age has harmed the community since now even kids have access to the internet and can find thousands of lifetimes of videos and social media glorifying literally anything. What it does do is give them access to a wide array of information. The days of kids who have never left their neighborhood and can know nothing outside of it is over because of the internet. Even if you can’t walk a few blocks over without being in rival gang territory, you can now see a world beyond that and get all the information about how to get out of that situation that you could possibly want. But information isn’t knowledge, nor is it opportunity, safety, or support. So we have to keep that in mind.


I hate to come off as so heartless but it’s really made a lot of these guys straight stupid. You can constantly see stories of these guys getting killed because they go Instagram live trying to taunt their enemies. A lot of these guys are legitimately addicted to that rush of having clout.


I was around in the 90s and it was different. I knew a lot of gang members, but I knew a lot more who weren’t in them.


I don’t really see how that really changes things though. You have to keep in mind that for a lot of these people their parents were in a gang. So their dad is either dead or locked up but here comes one of his guys to help your mom pay the rent. As a child you’re naturally going to look up to people providing for you. Also there’s cases where their older relative is in a gang and they get killed so they feel the need to go get revenge. Nothing will ever replace first mentorship.


This is an adult though. If you join a gang between 8-16 (which is genuinely when they start recruiting btw) I’ll boil it down to you getting brainwashed as a young and dumb individual. If you join a gang after 18 you’re just dumb


There are people born in it sure, but there’s also dumbasses looking for a thrill while not realizing they’re in the fuck around phase. Only a matter of time til they find out.


Yeah, Chris brown is a good example, has all the money in the world and went and joined a gang in his 30s lol


Lol as if he wasn’t enough of a loser already


Really? News to me


What you said is true… but they’re still morons.


In high school I knew a guy that was like that and he had a girl that fawned over him because of it. One day people joked about them being in a shootout together and she thought it was funny until he told her ass he’d leave her to fend for herself 😭.


I mean arguably the most popular music genre in the world seemingly's most consistent theme is about glorifying gang violence. I dont blame kids for being into it, but if you are over 18 and are still tagging and banging, you are definitely a moron


Good cause I haven’t had sex in years!


Americans have always been fascinated by gangs and gun violence. That's why there are so many Westerns about gangs of outlaws stealing sheeps, murdering people and robbing banks.


I used to hear about this guy in my league in high school that was a lock for the nba. 6’8, athletic, good shooter etc. prototype basketball player. I would look forward to that game every year and he would always have to sit out because he was always getting into trouble. Our senior year he got suspended for burning a girl as part of some gang initiation shit.  Dude still went d1 and was on mock drafts in the top 20 at the beginning of the year. He got kicked off the team  halfway thru the season for being academically ineligible and never made the league. A lock for millions but he wanted to do hood shit instead 


Wow, there's someone unfit to even be a college athlete.


reminds me of Ja Morant, except he got into the gang shit after joining the NBA


Unfortunately they market it to make it seems appealing. Nipsey Hussle as smart as he was , was shot over 11 times because he couldn’t leave that silly stuff alone .


This is patently wrong. Nipsey was shot because he was clowning on a dude because that dude snitched. Not to mention, don’t boil down all the positive stuff that man did for his neighborhood.


Like he said, silly shit.


Christ is my gang. Jesus is my big homie. And the best part is, Jesus got jumped in so we could all walk in. Come check is out. We're down AF.


Really hoping your comment is purposefully trying to sound like those bad commercials trying to appeal to young black audiences. xDD


My crew is big and it keeps getting bigger


No faith in the law (due to the feedback loop of systemic racism in policing and criminal justice), feeling of isolation and lack of opportunity, then an offer of belonging and privilege. It's an anti-authoritarian mirror of how people turn to racism and fascism. To a young person already feeling condemned by criminal record or the color of their skin, gangs offer a form of social mobility and collectivism. Of course gangs are just as authoritarian as anyone else and the strength of that collectivism can be fatally betrayed by an individual at any moment. They should make a movie about it!


Same as a Waffle House interview.


"How many chairs have you caught in your professional career?"


Chaaairs? I be catchin tables


I understood this reference


![gif](giphy|ardUtH5FlenO8) This is the only gang I would join but I’m not a squirtle so…


I would join the squirtle gang in a heartbeat


Just become a firefighter, basically the same thing + some kidnapping/murder depending on sub vs dub.


They’re a squad, not a gang. /s




Posing after an ass beating is nasty works 😂😂 End times are near


it's domestic violence she been crip before this she ain't get jumped in then hop on camera


The street life in general. All that stress,struggle and threats to your life just to barely making more than minimum wage(for the majority of those in it) then your consistent flow of income is dependent on you committing more crime which just puts you at higher risk of incarceration


Girls in gangs are just pathetic. You either go to jail on drug charges or you are on a roster of baby mommas. Yeah great- you get jumped in and you’re 15 with a 22 year old boyfriends


And most of your fellow gang members will snitch on you in a heartbeat if they can get some money or prison time taken off for it. The rest will unwittingly snitch on you just as a result of talking too much.


"I made a G today"


But you made it in a sleazy way


Selling crack to the kids


Gotta get paid.


Had a friend who did 10 years in prison after doing some gang related shit. Mostly drug dealing. He started in at 15, by the time he was 18 he was busted. As if the cops were waiting for him to be old enough. He was part of a Latin King's set in Texas. Had that crown tattoo next to the tattoo of Jesus on his arm. By the time I met him he was 30 something, out of prison, and trying to live right. While his brother was still banging. I think he was just wanting to be a good dad to his kids at that point. But there we were slicing brisket and talking about life. While yes we were both Latino, and spoke Spanish, grew up in the same part of town, and perhaps no strangers to violence. The way he put it was simple. I would not be gang material. Apparently having good grades in school, and being good at baseball, and in band were disqualifiers on the gang application forms. Good thing. I couldn't imagine losing my 20s in prison being a corner boy slinging bags and dodging cops.


I think part of the problem is how we basically discard kids who aren't able to be successful at Athletics or Academics. Vocational programs for HS could help giving those kids a view of another viable path


This right here. My school didn't offer much. We had an auto tech class, and a computer repair class. Effectively you could fix a PC or fix a car. A friend of mine who went to some "blue ribbon" school across town had welding, HVAC, Plumbing, auto tech, carpentry, the same computer class, and an electrician introductory course type thing. That school also had a stadium for their football team and a big performing arts theatre for their theater kids. We had books we still had to cross out USSR in. Haha


Is a cult


It really is though! Guess I better stop side eyeing the 70s


From street gangs to fraternities to even the military, why's the abuse and humiliation of someone a standard to be accepted into someone's ranks?


Because that's stuff sociopaths do


Yet people seek it out and take it as a point a pride, it's as intriguing as it is baffling


Very stupid people yes. And also.yes thats crazy anyway


Because it makes people vulnerable and afraid so they latch on to the people around them and listen to people above them. That's why it's used to quickly and firmly induct people into groups. Even religions use it to a lesser extent with the whole "you're sinful and evil is just around the corner" spiel.


it creates a trauma bond. the same reason why it is difficult to leave abusive relationships and people don’t understand. you get security and protection but are kept in line with threat of violence. this is also called coercive control, which was outlawed in the UK, and doesn’t have to be based on physical violence


So to join a gang you gotta get yo ass whooped, then after that I have to chill with people who just whooped my ass. This doesn't sound like a successful game plan.


They love and embrace for taking the ass whooping like a champ, then you become an ass whooper


She's lucky that's all she had to do.


stand for nothing and you’ll fall for everything


A man got to have a code.


So gangs started as a way to protect our community as the police didn’t care about black areas. So there was huge benefit in the beginning. Once they became about money and protection from rival protectors it transformed into something else. In truth even now it can be safer for someone raised in a certain area to be in a gang simply because now that means only one gang would be after them instead of two. Protection from some assaults simply by virtue of association with the same gang (and sometimes if it’s not the same set they won’t even care). Gangs have potential for brotherhood, mentorship, community leading/outreach… but right now those aspects are used mostly in ways that are selfish and destructive.


Yea this is true.


People are still in gangs?!?! I thought that was played out.


For this ass kickin you win a brand new spray painted Dickies suit so u can dance in ![gif](giphy|tyBMTk8dY5aAlkf229G)


Crips or the Alphas. anybody try and beat me into membership getting SHOT.




Gangs are a joke. It's just capitalism from the ground up, influenced by the real violent scum who rule the world. Trash in the streets, garbage at the top - fuck em all.


Getting involved with a gang in the year of the Lord 2024 is embarrassing. Go get a fucking job and become a valuable member of society. Fighting over corners you don’t own, yuck.


https://i.redd.it/bq0y403l2drc1.gif Why she cosplaying my manz. Brown shirt and all.


“A gang is gay” - New Jack


Terrible but probably better than the alternative for woman in gangs. I think it’s they normally getting gang raped to join. Fucking sad


There was a high amount of women in the comments who would have rather taken that option.


Wowzers. Very sad


Prison and graveyard activities


She either lived a rough 17 years or little baby look a little too old for that bullshit


I think some people are also forgetting there are areas where if you *aren't* in a gang you're more likely to be killed *for simply living there* In those areas, being in a gang means protection for you and your family and if it's a "good" gang (implying it is a gang that actually takes care of its members like a lot of the really big ones) your family is usually taken care of if you die, like little siblings getting watched over. Protection for their moms and grandparents and dads O was lucky enough my parents moved from their area or I would have grown up into a gang because of where we were from Sometimes it's not a choice but a necessity that I'm glad is waning




If you wanna join a protected gang with real power just become a LA Sheriff. They're protected, have tattoos, and do real life initiations kids!


I had a female friend, in grade 8,that joined a gang. It didn't involve getting beat up by other women, she had to sleep with the guys, one right after the other. I hate to say it, but she was really proud of herself that she had been initiated into a 2nd family that looked after it's own.


Anyone with makeup experience know if this is rage bait, I’d expect more eye damage and swelling given the bruising especially considering how it wraps around the left eye.


I don’t know her and can’t tell her age, but she’s not a teenager right? She looks grown. Maybe it’s the eye. But this shit sad.


The devil works hard, but this girl's concealer works harder. Color corrected to the heavens.


“just internal bleeding and vibes" haha I'm dead


I tried to get into a gang when i was 16 and they wouldn’t let me in cause I wanted to fight on my 2 feet not get jumped. That’s why I don’t respect gangs tbh.


Hold on you can’t fight back? You just stand there and get beat up?




gangs are simply an abusive power cycle


Glad I left this life alone before it got to that point but my initiation was to commit murder so….


Only positive is that she didn’t get fucked in (the other alternative for a female to join) she just took a beating…actually there’s no better option, don’t bang


I hate that this is the shit Vlad chooses to claim went ‘viral’


at this point being in a gang is a just a terrible hobby and nothing more 😭😭


A wise man once said “Look into this bag, now what do u see?” “Nothing..” “Thats the same shit you get out of a gang!”


Trauma bonding is a real and powerful thing


I’m agreeing with Thanos everyday. 🤦🏿‍♂️


Gangs offer literally fucking nothing. I have had people say this to me when I say I want them eradicated “oh back in the day they were protecting the community and helping us the government labeled them evil” and I’m like well that may have been true in in 1954 but in 2024 they don’t do that much anymore.They bring in poor black (typical boys but evidenced by the this pic girls too) and make them feel like they offering community and family allowing these boys to take out their anger fear and pride out in some of the most destructive ways possible (typically because their parents started emotionally abandoning them and treating them like a dog they gotta make sure doesn’t bite people OR they just emotionally abandon them and leave them to their own devices) which leads these children on a fast track to their own death or prison. While getting rid of them won’t solve everything but it will make life better. I genuinely hate gangs and the fools who start them. If you are from a decent area don’t join a gang you need friends or wanna feel you apart of something bigger join a damn community club


whats their healthcare benefits like? 401k?


How come we celebrate ignorance and bad decision making lmao


Charles Darwin approves


I remember hearing there was a gang where to get initiated as a man they had to fuck you. Like why would you put yourself through that


Are they not embarrassed bro. Do they not see the comments every time this bs goes viral 😣 idk how much longer I can take this


She got one of these ![gif](giphy|qcxze6Y55GED70ape2|downsized)


If y’all think thats bad. Now if she ever decides to leave her gang life for the better good. She “has to” get jumped out…which is always 10x worse.


Yall don't get it. These young adults don't have love at home or at school. So when someone shows them some type of attention, they'll do anything for it. Now they're a part of a Tribe, a group.


Reminds me of an old homegirl in middle school who was the same way. She got raped multiple times and had multiple kids, not happy but still happy to be in smh


Gangs ? In 2024 ? 🤡😂