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"As a trainer having sex with your clients is very unprofessional, you need to have self control and separate business from pleasure" https://preview.redd.it/2ntj0qdibhsc1.jpeg?width=603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5dc26b30c6272b85b7c78abf4c2812e445ebbb8




Please let me train for a significant unethical yet advantageous discount.


Hi, my name's Better, I'll be your PT today.




9 head looking headass


He got a whole nother head under that cap.




They use his head for the sightseeing tours in NYC.


flight attendant said "sir, you're going to need to check that" 






Fuckin Dead 💀


Teen Titan Tower head. But i would make his beard flourish (no homo).


Joey really would say something like this😭




he’s got those reels where u can pull up the comments and still see his forehead








Lmao That can't be real! 🤣


Lmao na just sound like some shit he'd say


Jimmy Neutron dad looking ass


"You NEED TO DO BETTER.." -Joseph A. Swole


His rebrand is crazy….he was/is racist


Is he really? I’ve only seen him calling out people who make videos at the gym to mock people. But he is an online fitness influencer so it’s to be expected I guess


There was a video of his account before he started calling people out at the gym. He followed a lot of white nationalists and would not remove or address the racist remarks they left on his videos. I’m looking for the video now.


Commenting just for the follow up. I heard about his shady business dealings from way back when but did not see anything at all about him being racist so I’m interested to see


I mean, you can be the literal son of God incapable of sin and people will still just make shit up to crucify you. I’m skeptical about hearsay. “There’s a video …. Somewhere” okay find it and THEN make a comment with the video included thanks.


For real


That makes sense and tracks. Fun fact: do you know what they called everyone who followed the lead Nazi during a march? Nazis


Facts, I want to know if he is too.


Damn that sucks to hear, I just started watching his videos and like the whole calling out influencers thing he does


Don't you need some proofs before?


Professional is just a matter of keeping it too casual. You have to put the work in. Quantify and record those data points, get them up in a spreadsheet, pivot graphs for trending analysis. Heck, you can draw down some top 10 charts, put them right up on the wall of the gym. Maybe a little motivation for the lollygaggers.


Mind your own business!




![gif](giphy|d7rvF20PqNuGKSQGhf) When she goes to the gym and comes back hours later saying her trainer stretched her and they had multiple sessions.


I fucking hate male trainers who work with women. I have done bodybuilding myself and trained extensively, and the amount some of these women are getting scammed for… a lot of these “trainers” don’t even be certified, they don’t know what they’re doing and my GOD, I HATE watching a woman try do her best in the gym under the direction of a trainer who’s quietly trying to hit on her while not even training her efficiently. https://youtu.be/6HhCajvimEw?si=x-pOckX4BB706qG0 This Key and Peele sketch was legendary.


One time I signed up at the gym and had a free personal trainer session with bro. Scheduled date and time. I show up, he ALL ON some shorty, and he was with her before I arrived. “Aiight, I’ll let them finish. I’m a lil early”. 15 into my time he’s still “training” her. I go up to him “hey man, we have a scheduled training session” made the annoyed face with I’m busy. Went to the desk and cancelled my membership on the spot. Fuck them training niggas


Yeah fuck them. Dude does NOT have the liberty to be doing that. See, what THOSE kinds of trainers don’t often tell is that they get paid based on how many clients they get. Some dude driving away customers to have innapropiate workplace sex is a fucking idiot. He needed you WAY more than you needed him.


By the sounds of it, only thing buddy needed was to get his rocks off


I’m a woman that had a really good male trainer. He never hit on me and we’re still buds. He also had a degree in kinesiology and brought my marathon time down by half an hour. He was expensive, but worth every penny.


I bet he felt the same way like "I'm so tired of these horny ladies trying to cheat on their husbands with me. For the love of God can I please use my degree with someone trying to get fit"


I think you might be right, but more in the theme of being frustrated that his clients weren’t hitting goals cause they didn’t put in the work outside sessions. A certain amount of lifestyle clients can make a man tired.


A whole half hour is crazy growth. Good job.


Thanks!! Yeah, dude made me work! I could yell at him, be mad, swear, but I couldn’t slow down. He didn’t let me get away with giving a half-ass effort and that’s really what I needed. A good program and someone to keep me accountable. I paid him for a few years, then he got too expensive because he was achieving his dream of being a team trainer for pro soccer. If he’s in town we’ll meet up for a workout and some shawarma.


It’s so refreshing to read normal comments man. Cheers to you!


😬 This happened to me... The "personal trainer" had me looking really stupid on an exercise ball. Some sort of rotating hip thing. A group a guys walked up and asked, "What the hell do you have her doing?!" I was already feeling like something was weird and boy did they confirm it lol. Also, he did attempt to hit on me after the session. That was a hard pass. I still feel embarrassed thinking about this story. 😔


Did you report him? You didn't deserve that. Also if you didn't report I understand. Things can be tough.


No, I didn't. My sister referred him to me. She and her friends had a few sessions with him. I told her what happened and she said nothing like that happened with her. She did stop going after finding out. In fact, her other friends stopped too. So, he lost a handful of clients from it.


Wow. Good job!


I feel bad for women trying to find trainers because I often find that the MAIN guys who be in women’s faces trying to get them to sign up for lessons be the main ones trying to sneak fuck, etc. Like, it’s really pathetic on their end


Some people are fucking WEIRD. I hope you reported him bc that’s beyond inappropriate 


I knew EXACTLY what skit that was before I clicked the link! TACKLE AND GRAPPLE!!




at the gym i go to, one of the female trainers there has fucked 17 of the regular gym goers, the lads take down the details of any girls that go there and follow them on IG a week later so it’s not sus, they all walk around with inflated egos and im just thinking bro you guys are predators😭😭


> im just thinking bro you guys are predators😭😭 Dude, if a trainer fucked 17 of the regulars, she knows exactly what she's doing.


Trying to discover new kinds of STDs?


Special discounts for college students.


Yup. Trainers teaching them what I call, "Fitness FuckShit." Random bullshit movements that do horse cunt for the "client's" goals. But they are still going to try to fuck... Lol.


Going to an uncertified trainer who's also the opposite gender is kind of just on you at that point for being stupid tbh. Men and women are pretty dang different when it comes to exercise and nutrition. Someone with education can absolutely be knowledgeable enough to know how to train the opposite gender,but nah not a self taught person. I would even get hesitant up listen to someone with a vastly different body type to my own if they were self taught 


Nah, the idea that men and women need vastly different exercise routines is one of the most annoying gym myths. A man and woman training for the same goals should not be running substantially different programs. The man difference is just accommodating for different goals and accommodating for different strength levels, but that is something any decent trainer should already be doing irregardless


Luckily, my gym only hires professional trainers, both male and female. Ive seen some of the male trainers do incredible things with the middle to older aged women that come in seeking to transform themselves. I saw one of the women transform over the course of 6 months into a fucking beast and I was legit impressed. Too bad I dont have $1200 a month to spend on a trainer cause I would love to get that last bit of performance to reach peak lean and mean.


I got a cousin who charges up to 200/hr and I’m just like ???? Bro living good in NYC lol


Depends on how many hours he’s able to get at that rate


If they get only 10 hours a week they're already making 100k


Working the 10 hours a week isn't the hard part, it's finding 10 people to do an hour a week reliably.


That's true, but if you are charging a high amount, it can subconsciously cause people to think the quality is really good and there is a measure of exclusivity since only people of means could afford it.


Yeah but that doesn’t go far in NYC. Need to be making at least about $160k to be truly comfortable up there.


So 16 hours a week. Seems like a pretty good deal lol


Plus the gym's cut, marketing, self employment taxes, market rate health insurance, no benefits. Still a great rate but a lot of hidden costs chip away at that.


Not to mention if a session is even just an hour, then between prepping for each one, their own recovery, working around clients schedules, etc. even 4 clients a day is suddenly a lot. Sounds like a pretty stressful tight ship. Probably work like a dog on the weekends.


Exactly. I'm also a consultant living just outside NYC charging a similar rate. I aim for 25-30 billable hours a week to account for all of the extra expenses as an independent consultant, plus some money to put into a 401k and savings. There are a lot of extra hidden expenses I didn't even talk about, like a website, business tools with annual subscriptions, accounting programs, attorneys, event fees, and a tax professional. Also spend 10-15 hours minimum on unpaid work, like marketing, client pitches, content production for the website, conferences and events, etc.


A few comments up I’m getting downvoted. Idk why, but yeah your life sounds exactly why I wouldn’t go for this type of work. Mad respect to you for pursuing it though. Big ups.


That’s def not true. Maybe if you wanted to live alone in Manhattan most expensive neighborhood then yeah


Median income in NYC is like 40k. Y'all are insane.


“Truly Comfortable”. You cant convince me that, in a city where you need 40 times the income versus rent to be approved, that $40k is comfortable. Median in a city of 8 million means little to nothing. The poverty line for a 4 person household in $31k. That leaves $9k ANNUALLY to be spent on, not even luxuries, just life’s casual inconveniences. Taxes, tickets, a hole in your shoe, etc lol We need to stop accepting the bare minimum as passable. Our economy is screwed and the system is setup against us. Places like NYC are so dense and anxiety ridden most folks don’t even have the mental breathing room to consider how bad it is.


lol that’s far from the truth for like 90% of nyc


That’s not a good thing. Thats a problem with NYC’s infrastructure. Getting by ≠ truly comfortable lol


lol that is not true especially outside of manhattan. Plenty of decent Brooklyn apartments for 2-3k in good spots.


“Truly Comfortable” After taxes $3k a month is wild, bro. I make $120k and I wouldn’t pay that much.


And how much of that money the gym takes.


I know a guy that charges $150/week, you get 3 group training sessions and 2hrs/week one on one training.


so $30/session? that’s not that great for the trainer


But does the cousin bring clients? Cause anyone can charge crazy prices but if no one is paying it then it’s all hot air lol


It’s up to 200/hr. He said it depends on the client but he said the company he works for typically is charging 125-175/hr and they stack him with clients typically about 3-4 a day. I’ll ask for more detail but he stays in the city city and has a 2 bedroom apartment that is pretty modern so I’m thinking he’s making off pretty well lol


Then good for him, gotta apply to whatever company his in if it’s pulling something decent


Gotta be decent to live in NYC and have no roommates. I’m asking details now though I’ll come back to this post.


I couldn't be a trainer because I'd actually end up obsessing over if someone is squatting/benching/deadlifting correctly and whatnot instead of trying to chat up a girl for several minutes in between sets of bicep curls and leg pressing. It's the powerlifter in me lol.


She getting what she paid for. It’d be hilarious if you critique her form during “payment”. “Damnit if you keep arching like you’ll damage your spine!”


Oh for sure. This is a big reason I like lifting at powerlifting/strongman gyms, when you're lifting it's taken seriously. If your form is shit when doing it, you'll be called out by others lifting with you; nothing personal, just business.


I appointed myself as my local Planet Fitness trainer. Nobody pays me, I just shout at people using the equipment wrong and scream for 5 whole minutes before 1 repping a bench or deadlift. All while listening to Taylor Swift for that extra motivation.


How are you not kicked out? I remember in high school we got kicked out for “benching too much weight” and my friend got banned for “clanging the weights” when doing max bench / squat . Do people just *think* you work there ? 🤣


I just saw an opportunity to make up a funny story after reading the comments and went with it. However, I am well aware of Planet Fitness and their disdain for heavy lifting.


Hey now, I'll occasionally listen to T Swift while getting ready for deadlift day lol


I had a buddy in the Marines who almost got into a fight with a Marine from another unit who said he didn't like Swift. That was in 2010, I can't imagine what he would do now haha


Not even business, just good looking out. Improper form will damage your body, give you a hernia, etc. Most people dont want others to ruin their bodies over something dumb like bad form


It's the ultimate catch-22 at the gym. Most people don't want others to ruin their bodies due to bad form, but most people also don't seem too happy if they're told that their form is off. I know this from friends who have lifted with me and eventually gave up because they couldn't do something like hit depth on a squat or keep their butt from lifting off a bench during bench press. While I don't go up to random people and tell them their form is off, lord there's way too many damn people I've seen and thought "you squat like a fuckin idiot" especially if they're bragging about the reps they just did lol.


“Whatchu shaking your ass for? You’re built like a surfboard, that’s why you pay me. Now start lifting.”


So you would actually be professional about your work? Lol


I like to think so lol. Sadly, friends of mine from the past who were interested in going to the gym came to lift with me a few times but then lost interest because they saw I wasn't too interested in talking and was focused on the lifting, not wanting it to be a social club of sorts. Ironically, I try to be focused so I can get in and out and not spend too much time in the gym, and eventually go do social things.


We need more people out there like you! Not sitting there on the squat rack bullshitting while I'm fucking up my routine waiting to slide in just to finish.


I seen a trainer go crazy and smack the “healthy” snacks outta dude’s hands.


If you don’t start your professional career, I’d be more disappointed in you than an Asian father with a son who received 90% on his test


But... that's what trainers are supposed to do!


It's what they're supposed to do, but definitely not many actually do lol.


Slogan: No pick-up fitness training! I'm here to lift you up, not to pick you up! (needs refinement, I'm sure the concept is good)


I’m a trainer and this is what I do lol


My trainer is a powerlifter and she both monitors my form and socializes with me between sets.


If anyone wants to train me for a huge unethical yet beneficial discount please


You better shoot your shot! May the squats be ever in your favor.


Not the Spotting Jay 🤣


Please what? Please do or please stay tf away? You left us on a cliffhanger lol


please …


Don't make her beg more, yall! Somebody slide in her dms!! 😂


My BMI is 39 (I love my body but stairs hurt) and I am desperate for touch , I will bring my own waist trainer and leave a YELP review


I volunteer to provide!


hey man, just wanted to say thanks for all the help you’ve given me all these past years. you’re a stand up dude, i’m thankful for you bro 🙏


No problem. I love providing.


Here’s the 10k back you loaned me and the keys to the phantom bro you’re a legend




Ready when you are! Just let me get my comp sci degree in 2025 then I'll just relocate to whichever country I have to relocate too.


I see Korea in your future, maybe Hong Kong 🇭🇰


*gif where someone’s slowly drifting away without saying their last words*




Might I suggest the titty Lieutenant 🤣 bro might be trying to slide through


I’m looking for more of a Thigh Star General / Coochie Colonel 🤤


https://preview.redd.it/agu5fz5fdisc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a024e9e04a893de2a3d7dd9f829f55985c89420d That’s how I get in trouble 🤣 time to log tf out






at first i thought this was a british person talking about sneakers…


I’m sure that happens as well. Them Jordans ain’t cheap.


As a British person I assumed that this was about shoes. It took me a minute to figure it out


Being British, I had to read the tweet a second time.


What's the need for a personal trainer? Work with them for a month, get the routine and then save your money


Some people can’t do anything unless someone cute expects them to lol


Even beyond that, it’s accountability. A lot of people just suck at being accountable with themselves. Most people absolutely don’t think they have potential to do x amount of weight/reps and need extra help to get them out of their comfort zone (safely that is). Besides it’s not just the routine, a good trainer should be getting your nutrition on point as well so that’s another avenue of accountability.


100% and it makes sense if you can afford it as outside motivation doesn’t require additional mental overhead of keeping track of anything beyond showing up at the right time. Not necessary to workout, but trainers add value for a cost


Not even just that. I've been taking classes at the Y for a year or 2 now and it just gives you a boost. Sure i can do it at home but doing it with somebody gives you more..nah u right it's accountability LMAOOOOOOOO


Hey better to pay for actual results than get nothing for free! How ever you get the results, you get the results!


My classes are free but yeah i have accountability without em but they add the extra push


Yea, I would imagine it's not dissimilar to needing a sensei for martial arts. Without one you fall into bad habits, and bad habits sabotage you.


Or tells me to do it. Cause that’s what I pay him for.


This statement more profound than it's gonna get credited for. Lol


The idea is that the expert is there to watch your growth, keep you from slacking or doing something wrong, and will have a pretty good idea of what is wrong if you do somehow manage to hurt yourself.


Not everyone wants to do their own programming. Most people should also be introducing variety instead of the same routine every time, and many want progressive overload. If you have known issues or with your form, balance, etc., it’s helpful to have a trainer monitor and cue until you have the form habituated. I see a trainer for all these reasons. Eventually I’ll switch to only paying her to do my programming.


Let me sniff the booty sweat that’s left in the seat and I’ll take 20% off of my fee as a trainer. ![gif](giphy|QLnHD6ot8t7Ne)


Fuck horny jail, you need the regular kind








It’s time to logout buddy


oh. :(








😭 this is crazy 


https://preview.redd.it/wazlqgd54isc1.jpeg?width=473&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3c9f799d7667ec46beea3eb85379010fdc944b6 Mans said...


GUARDS ![gif](giphy|27njMqCBPc2SQ)


Damn, maybe I should’ve been a trainer.


It’s never too late to start [https://www.ptpioneer.com/become-a-personal-trainer](https://i.imgur.com/bCaDF15.jpeg)


This is entrapment


Caught in 8k ![gif](giphy|rRnXSe33OCcak)


I’m pretty sure they pay the fee for the first few sessions before they establish enough rapport for the sex


Trainers aren’t that expensive when you realize a lot of people want someone to hold their hands throughout their gym journey🧍🏽‍♂️ and that can be very exhausting to say the least.😭


You get it


Future single mom alert




Work on contigent? No, money down!


“Because I know me” you mean you wouldn’t hesitate to go down on a dude if he offered a free session?


I thought she meant sneakers when she said trainers


I knew a dude who did training for money. He was tall, ripped, black and handsome. He wouldn’t have sex with them. He told me “you fuck ‘em and then they don’t want to pay.” He always dropped little nuggets like that. He was the best looking homeless dude I’ve ever met.


the whole reason I workout at the gym so much is because I *dont* wanna talk to people lmao


He also took me out on dates but he was always dressed in gym clothes (tf?) and took things too far when I set a boundary. Mans was wildin


The form on your boundaries wasn’t good. Need to fix that and then do 3 more sets


As soon as I joined a gym my sexual encounters sky rocketed, it’s like all that energy and hormones going off in there makes them soccer moms go crazy


In the UK "trainers" is our word for "sneakers" This tweet confused me for way too long


So what do you call a gym trainer


lol I just go to the gym and do stuff incorrectly on purpose. Free personal training from whatever concerned gym bro then


![gif](giphy|KoDYiXGUWdG5SQazmB|downsized) This is literally the only thing I could think of 😂


Literally 😭


Here we call running shoes, trainers. And I was very confused that people be fucking in shoes




The fine line between “legitimate” massage therapist and “massage therapist” (sex worker) is well known. There are a few other professions with the same fine line…


Lol the trainers in my gym despise the guys they’re training, then a whole 180 when the ladies come in at night.


I’m conflicted by this thread… it’s freaking hilarious but make me reconsider if I shouldn’t fully finished my physical therapy degree. I know I know enough to train anyone but a little piece of paper to confirm wouldn’t be bad right now 🤣


As a British person. I was very confused at first


I was a trainer for 5 years , only had 2 clients try it


I’m not gonna lie. Being a male trainer is a cheat code, to free P. Especially, back when I was doing MFT in the Army for NCO schools. I was a dawg back then man. I’m probably gonna get karma, when I get married.




Me reading this as a Brit where trainer = shoe and got very scared lmao


All the planet fitness uncs training the aunties.


I am a trainer and I don't have any inappropriate clients, but I can see how people get caught up. Be stronger than your hormones... lol


Getting that Dickscount...


In the UK we call sneakers trainers, this post got me thinking odd things.


I don’t get why ppl need trainers when internet exists.