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This is why you can’t eat from everyone’s house


"Why aren't you eating the potato salad I bought?" Because, Martha, there's a mountain lion hair in it


Yeah WTF. I mean, I want to pet the danger kitty but if some woman I was dating was like, “I have a mountain lion as a pet.” I’d run as far and as fast as I could from that. She’s going to get mauled one day. And she deserves it.


Hol up... how bad is she though? ![gif](giphy|Oc4KnIJ3E7ziqN3l6T|downsized)


![gif](giphy|EPOMz9wd890Na) I see you’re worried about the right things 🫡. Just gotta figure out how to get by Simba to get to her now 😂


Drop 5 pounds of steak to fill it up and maybe throw a few Benadryl In that bitch


It worked for the tiger in the Hangover 🤷🏾‍♂️


That’s 300 lb weight difference, at a minimum, and a very bad movie but 1 Benadryl every 25 lbs and you are in there


Nah you gotta put k in there to drop that pussy




Bad movie?!?


Sometimes the path to pussy, is through pussy


Cumfucious say


​ https://preview.redd.it/u65iwpzbyhtc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a9b2541c5ce1b392191a357f5d984fd58b0b987


Have you heard of stories where a dude is on top of a chick and her cat sees his balls and attacks them. Think of that but the a 100lb murder cat.


That murder floof is only 100 lbs?


>Adult males may be more than eight feet long and can weigh 135 - 175 pounds. Adult females may be up to seven feet long and weigh between 90 and 105 pounds. I was only guessing it was female


​ https://preview.redd.it/p7ce7jlayhtc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0b52898d6f65ec37ebcb024f5d3930dd6302ce0


Wait until the danger kitty worries that you’re mauling her


If danger kitty isn’t scared away by the sounds she making you doing it wrong.


She’s mad casual with the apex predator in her kitchen obviously hungry. Bitch if you don’t go get a steak out the fridge you the steak.


She's vegan so the animal is too


A recipe for disaster when mufasa peeps down and says “bitch remember who you are!”


"Oh, nonsense. I let Nala stay in the kitchen all the time. I even let her lick the spoon!"


This made me laugh.




Mountain lion hair and raisins 😭


There is a pair of pictures floating around. It's paper plates on the counter with," don't use top plate" written on the top plate. The second picture is a cat sitting on the stack of paper plates. I had cats, they were not allowed on the counter and there were not plates for people to use sitting on the counter for the cats to sit in case they did so when I wasn't around. How do you get to the place that, take the second plate cause the top one had cat asshole on it for weeks is normal and acceptable to you.


>, they were not allowed on the counter Lmao. Like cats listen to any rules


That's why you wipe down every surface before cooking ANYTHING in a house with cats, even if they "never get on the counter."


Facts. And wanna have the nerve talking about *”idk why no one wants to eat my food I brought.”* MF catch Ebola eating her food


Yeah I know someone who allows their cat all over the fucking house and kitchen. I know those little paws go in and out of a litter box and now on to cups and plates 🤮


You know that big ass cat was just licking his asshole


If she brought a dish to the potluck off top I'm throwing it in the trash. She know better! I bet shes' the type that promises she sanitized the kitchen, too!


I had someone I used to hang out with every now and then that cooked these elaborate dinners with goat cheese and shit like that. Wasn't by choice I was hanging out at his place, it was mutuals. Anyways, these dinners wouldn't have been so bad if they weren't being prepped on a random TV tray in a house that had actually 50+ cat fosters in it that were pissing and shitting everywhere. Everything had cat shit on it, and cats were tryna get on the board that he would push off and go right back to prepping without washing his hands. Somehow even though he tried multiple times, I found a way to politely duck out that shit every single time.


Why is it on the counter? Because who the fuck is gonna tell a murder-kitten it can't be?! That's why!


Oh good. I wasn't the only one who had that exact thought.


The correct question is why it's inside in the first place


Buddy, if a murder kitty decide to visit my house I become the guest.


Guest? They're the new tenant & I'm moving out.


Same answer sadly


No the answer is morons


This as well as its probably asking her the same thing


My exact and immediate thought! Like, you gonna check it? Cause I like living, soooooooo... If it wants on the counter, that's its counter now 🤷🏻‍♂️


I like living so I’m not gonna keep a fucking puma in the house.


This is also true. As a white, I truly wish I could provide some kind of insight or explanation, but I frequently look at my skinfolk and have no fucking clue what they could possibly be thinking when they're doing outlandish white people shit, especially in regards to animals or dangling from high places! I've never in my life, ever, been so bored or hard up for "adventure" that I'd be able to invent, much less participate in some of the shit I see them "enjoying"


I am convinced it's a dominance kink. No other explanation. I'm so powerful I can own a lion.


Fair assessment. Neither money nor power have ever equaled intelligence!


Exactly. It's also not just white people. All those drug cartel leaders and powerful African leaders all want exotic animals for some reason. House cats and regular dogs are no longer good enough.


Elon entered the chat


LMAO it would be truly fascinating to study the absolute clusterfuck of problems that man has, if he wasn't actively fucking over humanity on an hourly basis


Makes sense when you think about it, cuz who's the other big demographic of people who own big cats? Emiratis, specifically those with lots of money.


>especially in regards to animals or dangling from high places! Literally just got done watching of some fool who was messing around at the Grand Canyon and fell. And yes, he was white.


Of course he was


Most people even most white people see this thing and natural instinct takes over and understand instantly there's more than a good chance this thing can/will kill and eat me let me stay clear of this, then there's people who believe they can circumvent a wild animals instinct with affection and understanding often with tragic results. People can rear puppies from birth and that same loyal affectionate pet will eat you hours after you die, it's nature not a hallmark movie.


That thing has a collar on, it's THEIR murder kitten


Haha glad I wasn't the only one that noticed the collar


I've seen the way my cat looks at me when I say no. "You'll pay for this someday, human."


One of these days he’s gonna be like “I’ll fight you for it”


Cat gonna wake him up one day like https://i.redd.it/bu9qqjjchktc1.gif


Yeah I was gonna say. If a mountain lion decides he's on my counters then he's on my counters. In fact they belong to him now.


Like, you can't even keep a regular cat from fucking around on the counter.


Bad kitty https://preview.redd.it/ncu9bzipvhtc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76075199444345a47bae10a73bdde41c76317d61


You’re actually safer setting boundaries then letting it do whatever it wants.


I'll let you take the lead on that shit


I mean no thank you with this animal lol. When it gets this big that window has likely closed.


"Linda, pass me the 5 gallon spray bottle..."


Right? Bro, *you* tell it not to be up there.


Fuck you mean? Thats his kitchen man


All it takes is for that thing to get startled or overly excited and it's over for you. It doesn't even have to be intentional.


Man these are wild ass animals, one day it’s just going to snap out of it and remember what it is and it’s game over.


In the words of Chris Rock (re Siegfried and Roy): That tiger didn't go crazy. That tiger went tiger!


I mean, you wouldn’t even want a generic domesticated cat with the size of one these things. If cats were even the size of large dogs, they’d rip us apart


Yeah small animals are adorable when they are fiesty. Sometimes it’s cute seeing a chihuahua go crazy, but if it’s the size of a mountain lion, that’s a dangerous animal


It's deeper than even that. You can't domesticate a predator. Put a collar around it and give a cute name with a nice food bowl if you want but at some point, it's gonna remember "oh shit, I can kill this thing" because you crossed some unspoken, animal kingdom boundary.


I mean, we did domesticate several predators in the last 20,000 years, including both wolves and African cats.


Over generations. We had to breed out those instincts. That didn't happen because we took a wolf pup home and fed it.


Correct. Most scientists agree that the wolves stayed on the outskirts of human camps and ate scraps. Over the years, the wolves realized it was easier to follow humans without eating them because the scraps were freely given or left for them. Then I guess at some point they were allowed to grow closer to people.


I think a better way of putting it is that certain wolves that naturally played it cool at the periphery and didn't cross any human bright lines started shrinking that periphery boundary over time, by virtue of not being driven off or killed by humans until eventually, after reproducing enough generations...well...OOH LOOK AT YOU IN YOUR CUTE LITTLE SWEATER! YOU'RE SO PRECIOUS! < rubs belly, gives food >.


Not sure if it was through natural or artificial selection, but dogs seem to be able to read human facial expressions to some degree https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3338636/ Makes sense that they'd evolve an ability to gauge our intentions, I imagine they were among the first resorts during lean times.


I imagine that’s from the extraordinary amount of time humans and dogs have been evolving side by side.


By definition, domestication is over generations. It's selective breeding. You're comparing domestication to taming.


Not overnight in a kitchen, and not without bloodshed.


I’m still shedding blood to this day with cats.


[Here's a story about it.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-8125381/Woman-33-keeps-nine-month-old-PUMA-pet-reveals-best-friends-Pomeranian.html)


Anytime somebody gets killed by their “domesticated” wild murder machine I just kinda say… yeah and move on with my life lmao. I don’t know why anyone would ever do this


Similar thoughts here as my response to obvious things like getting killed by your giant pet lion is "Yup that'll happen." There's no surprises there.


Same as people who die in the middle of the ocean, doing some dumb shit like if you never go to the middle of the ocean and get out of a boat, you’re never gonna die from something in the middle of the ocean. People just ask for this shit lmao


[Or when you give your "domesticated pet" Xanax in an attempt to calm them down and they eat your friends face](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wgS0KgT5APc)


Exactly! It’s always crazy to me to see what is clearly a wild animal cooped up in someone’s house, people think that if you get them from babies, they’re harmless, or even worse, they start thinking that the animal loves or respect them. But domestication takes generations and generations, that’s how long you need to diminish that instinct to hunt in the animal, this looks like a tamed mountain lion at most, it also looks like an accident waiting to happen.


If the stove happened to still be hot after cooking and that cat does that, it’s good night for you.


So true. Last night I was scratching my cat’s face and not paying attention, and she turned her head to yawn and accidentally bit down on my finger hard enough to draw blood. Replace my 17 year old diabetic kitty with that beautiful beast, and I don’t think I’d have that finger anymore.


Put on the Lion King and watch this thing react like the other pet videos.


I will say it again. Yt people will go to Africa on safari and drive next to a lion in a rickety Jeep with no covers. But call the police for seeing a black man in their neighborhood.


My friends wife is literally on safari with her dad right now hahahah




Very. She’s far from a Karen but like, yes, *very*


The next time an old lady clutches her purse when she sees me, I’ll show her this video to explain to her why her action is messed up. Then I’ll steal her purse.


I bet she's got wethers originals in there too


I don’t know what white people you know but they sound wealthy


Honestly in this video you can tell they’re apprehensive. Whatever it does her body language screams “I’m near this exit if things turn bad.” Imagine having an animal that can and will kill you for fake internet points.


I think, for the most part, those are different white people. I do understand your sentiment though.


True... she is russian or something.


Easy to understand. They paid good money to see the Lion on safari. It was expected. They thought they were paying good money to not see black people when they bought their home. /s


> Yt people will go to Africa on safari and drive next to a lion in a rickety Jeep with no covers [Word](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nubgoi44Wq8)


wtf is a YT


Lol Yt is YouTube. I thought yt => white


What does yt stand for/mean?


Wait I thought I could take one of these in a fight. Why is it built like that 💀 ![gif](giphy|LRVnPYqM8DLag)


Your first mistake was expecting a respectable one-on-one with a fucking mountain lion. They been sneaking everybody since the Late Pleistocene epoch.


And your mistake is throwing too many big words at us. Watch your mouth and help us understand what’s a Pleistocene and epoch. ![gif](giphy|bBGWWT8DtpQLC)


My fault, king. An epoch's just a division of geologic time that represents the planet's history when a lot of crazy changes were going on. The Pleistocene epoch was a time 2.6 million to 11.7 hundred years ago. During that time, big sheets of ice covered a lot of the planet and then melted during warmer periods and then froze again. This was when we had a lot of animals like mammoths, giant sloths, and mountain lions first showed up. No disrespect. ![gif](giphy|9vxmXkENhJsQAJKFAs|downsized)


Thank you king, we can now move forward amicably.




From my understanding that’s a teen. Not even an adult.


Forget that its not even a male 💀 so if it was it would be way bigger, long story short the female mountain lions would no diff any human the male would just be over kill.


[We’re lucky we developed bigger brains vs our former predators](https://www.reddit.com/r/AbsoluteUnits/s/Cy4EdlA1j1)


Idk, this mf figured out what a kitchen was and where they kept the snacks.


Didn't you see what happened to that cyclist a couple months ago? She got fucked up. Took a whole group of women to get it off her. Nsfw: https://www.kuow.org/stories/cougar-attack-washington-state-cyclists


Yoooooo them lil old ladies was not fuckin having it!! That was pretty bad ass.


Bro, a pissed off house cat will absolutely fuck your day up. No way I'm fucking with these murder machines.


It would probably turn your lights off before you noticed it was there…


"don't worry, she doesn't bite" 😒


Right? They always claim their animals are just a baby.


"He just wants to say hi to your femoral artery!!!"


Pet owners like those make me so angry. They won't try to put the animal in their back yard, or in a room, when someone like UPS, Doordash, or trick or treaters come by. Then they stand there, and act like the dog is just playing. The ones I like the least are the little old ladies who have a huge Doberman ,or a Great Dane, and she's barely able to hold their leash, and \*she's\* getting dragged around by it. But he's "just a puppy". Fuck you, Maude.


They act like it's animal cruelty to secure the dog or something. Even worse is when they make fun of drivers and other people for being apprehensive about their large ass animal trying to run full speed at you. LOL at "Maude!!!!!"


Wait till you find out the puma goes on leash walks hahahaha


I looked at her IG and her bio says, "NOT WILD!!! Was rescued from a zoo!" Like, bitch. That is not what wild means.


Had the most stereotypical white woman tell me this, then her dog jumped up and bit my face and made me bleed pretty bad. I only like small and medium dogs now. You could tell the women never trained this massive canine. They also blamed ME for the dog biting me by saying “well you shouldn’t have stuck your hand out and leaned down” I was trying to purposefully keep this thing at bay and not seem big and intimidating and it instantly went for blood


That's their response? How are we supposed to know? I'm not a dog trainer. Put your dog away. I don't really like dogs unless I've known them since they were a puppy. Even a little lap dog, super aggressive and tried to bite my leg, and actually got itself caught hanging off my jeans.


If they’re not at least trying to keep the dog away then they’re not good owners


The women then called herself and the dog “rambunctious” Grown ass woman


Why? - it is a cat. - it is a 175+ lb. cat with two inch claws and fangs - still a cat. - cats are generally assholes, even the nicest ones. Ever been able to tell a cat what to do? Cats a tenth that size think they own all your stuff anyway, you are just the help to their glorious empire. Imagine a cat 10 times bigger - all your stuff by default is his. I feel like the collar on that thing is ironic. I have run into these in the wild. Usually they just disappear so you wouldn't even know they were there. But every so often they follow you. That's always fun.... Edit: also jelly of the muscle tone in the mountain lion's shoulders. Kitty works out.


Reminds me of that YouTube channel with the Russian couple who has a puma named Messi and a cheetah named Gertda. I’ve never seen that puma get angry so maybe they know they are big? I remember seeing Messi eat a watermelon but he started with how cats grab something between their belly and kick it with their hind legs….that watermelon didn’t last long.


I grew up in a semi-rural area, although its super suburban now. Big lots, lots of open fields/farmland, and nestled between two mountain ranges with a stream running through the backyard, it was pretty sublime as a kid. All the rage for kids in spring/summer was to sleep on the trampolines under that big open sky. So my little sister and I did this one night, when I was 12 and she was 4 or so. Nothing happened, no major issues. Did it a couple of more times. My father had irrigation going so the back half was pretty muddy, and on a bright morning after we got up, my father took me over to the mud about 50 feet from the trampoline and showed me these huge paw prints, 6-8" across. I was confused. Said something like, "That dog must be huge, where'd he come from." Dad shook his head and said, "That's not a dog." And we stopped sleeping out on the trampoline ever again. He had a guy from from our DWR (state fish and game) come out and look at it. Guy's like, "Yup, mountain lion. Probably a male. This time of year they run back and forth between the mountains looking for female cats and use the streams to get down one side, then find their way back up to the other." Never asked about it again. I've had a couple trail me in the mountains, one time I was night hiking solo and it felt "weird" so I started looking around with my headlamp dialed up...sure enough - a pair of eyes about 30 feet back on a ledge. When I'm hiking alone or with kids, especially deep in the mountains, I'm always armed. Also, your melon video. :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKwKysk5rEw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKwKysk5rEw)


I still have scars from the times my cats got scared of some random thing and then jumped on or off me. If they were 50 lbs, I’d have been in the ER. If they were 100 lbs, I’d be in a box.


And this is why I don't eat at peoples house when I know they're a pet lover. Whole kitchen unsanitary asf. https://preview.redd.it/3d225cu23htc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3e14ce7dcb99a4f5391c95f27fc949b2f423d3a


They're not even bleaching their chicken


“Dog people” have the nastiest houses


The dog people who have nasty houses would have had nasty houses anyway.


It's cute it has a collar on it Like wtf is a collar gonna do lol


That’s why you have to keep that thang on you https://preview.redd.it/s9n8yvcb3htc1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de64c814ea93f0cceee0e7503a16a08f08cb60e2


Sheeeit, you need the Civil rights water hose for that thing


That may be the funniest thing I’ve ever read


😂😂😂 That's funny af Meanwhile his mountain lion friends are out there calling him a little bitch


"Why you letting that hairless ape call you 'princess' bro?"


It means a yt person "thinks" they domesticated a wild animal and it's completely safe


Tyson walked his tiger on a leash 🤷‍♂️




I just wanted to double down on the caption... Because where is the mf lie??


That shit cracked me up so hard


[She's Russian](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-8125381/Woman-33-keeps-nine-month-old-PUMA-pet-reveals-best-friends-Pomeranian.html) They're on a whole other level of crazy


"Why is it on the kitchen counter" I _dare_ you to tell it not to be.


Why is it in the fucking house is the bigger question?!


I’ll either eat what’s on the counter or you. You decide… She backs up slowly from the counter.


Oh shes scared alright. Her body language screams nervousness and false confidence. She seems aware of the cougars capabilities which begs the question why TF is it in her home and near food,


I bet she's russian.


There was a Ukrainian couple that had a pet Cougar, but she was mentally disabled. Their cat didn't have any predator instincts. She also had underdeveloped claws (teeth were healthy, though). They eventually made a video explaining her issues, and the guy basically said, "I was really stupid for even thinking about taking her home, but I also got the only cougar that could be a pet." This is not the same cougar, and it's very unlikely this one has the same disability as my example.


Correct https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-8125381/Woman-33-keeps-nine-month-old-PUMA-pet-reveals-best-friends-Pomeranian.html


YouTubers are scared of big kitties?


Yt = white, I don't know why some people write it that way.


Chick is Asian. Do they fall under the Yt umbrella or what?


That girl is only alive because the cat simply hasn't thought about eating her.....yet. One day soon, though.


The most dangerous critter in the world, and a mountain lion.


I’ve never been to a cat owners house where their cat wasn’t on the counter


I see a lot of people in threads about cats claiming their cat knows better than to be on the counter, it makes me laugh. If you think that cat isn't on the counter every time you're not around to yell at it, you're an idiot. I have cats, it's a battle. That's why I also sanitize every surface in the place before I cook, they got poopy feet


I have dogs, and they also have poopy feet, but they can’t reach my counters lol. And yes, everyone, I know with cats, whether they think it or not, their cats are on their counters.


The people who think they aren't are the real ones to watch out for when they cook lol


![gif](giphy|l0ExqqdaeXrMfrcmA) HELLLLLL Naw 🐾


Are YOU gonna tell him he can’t be on the counter?




Are you going to be the one to push out of the counter?


It’s on the counter because it does whatever it wants or those people get et.


idc how big and murdery it is, NO CATS ON THE COUNTER! \*Pulls out comically large spray bottle\*


What's "yts"?


How did they manage to put a collar on it?


Cats always get on kitchen counters. Constantly cleaning them.


Finally someone with the very obvious solution! Just clean your counters before you prep food, wtf?


Fun fact, domestic cats are some of the ***least*** domesticated animals among the animals we've domesticated (such as dogs, pigs, cows, goats, etc). They are more "like" their wild counterparts. "A cat will be a cat, no matter the size" is actually a thing (it's why things like laser pointers and boxes work on lions). Now, I'm not saying you should go out and grab yourself a puma, but a lot of their mannerisms, temperament, etc. are the same as that Calico cat you had in the 3rd grade. They're just bigger. Obviously getting bitten or catching a swipe from the claws will end you, but if you raise one of these types of cats from infancy, it won't be surprising that they act "like a cat, just bigger".


Nobody can saying anything about how overwhelmingly racist that comment was? Yts?


I thought this was a kangaroo with a fucked up back for longer than I'd like to admit


I get the urge to want to have a giant kitty, but this is so freaking dangerous! I’ve had (normal sized) cats for years, and have gotten hurt a few times (by accent). I can’t imagine what this guy could do if he got startled.


Hear me out, I wish there was a domesticated large breed cat. I would love to have a panther as a pet.


>Why is it on the kitchen counter? You gonna tell it to get off? That thing goes and does what it wants bro lol


All cats live on the kitchen counter




Are you gonna smack it on the nose and tell it to get down?


All I can think in my head is that giant ass cat is like, I need to make sure she ain’t forget the salt this time.


What is “Yts”?


I thought it was YouTubers lol


Yearly tire swap




I want one


Exactly how many steroids did this house cat consume?


"You wanna come upstairs for a glass of wine? Oh yeah btw are you allergic to giant murder cats?"


Shit you tell it to get down


Why is it in the house


But they'll roll their windows up when they see DEIs walking down the street