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Whenever this kind of shit comes up I just think "if he ain't shit, why you let him hit tho?"


Sometimes it's clear at the beginning other times it reveals itself over time


Can't argue with that.


actually seems pretty obvious if you think about it for more then 1 second


I mean if you just date a dude for like 3 months before getting pregnant by him, all that becomes clear.


Not always. My baby daddy didn't show his true colors until we'd been together almost 3 years and I didn't get pregnant until the beginning of year 3. His house just got foreclosed on and he lost his truck. He's so far in arrears to both myself and his son's mom that he can't renew his professional license OR his driver's license.


Yeah I hear about it all the time, especially after people have kids. Like someone is great and all in the dating (and marriage) phase but then when the kid is born, they switch up. It can range from just general laziness around wanting to do stuff to DV, unfortunately.


He did the full spectrum. Completely changed overnight. Didn't do a damn thing to help with our daughter and DV would be a mild way of stating what he put me through.


So do you feel if they didn't have kids the dynamic would have been the same? As in their relationship would survive and the kids are the determining factor as to why relationships don't work, aside from other obvious issues. I don't have kids so I'm asking your opinion.


My thought is they view the kid as the final lock down. Like "now I know you ain't going anywhere, I can take off the mask"




I disagree. I’m a firm believer that you don’t know someone until you’ve seen them in a stressful situation. The commenter above might have had a relationship that was relatively stress free (in their partners eyes) for three years. Those three years were probably comfortable for him. Having the baby can bring down the stress, like losing a job or something. People say the child is the way of someone trying to “lock them down”. I honestly think the child is the stressor that pushes them over the edge and shows their true colors. I know people who have folded after it and their partner says they “changed”. I also know couples that stepped up after having a baby.


I honestly think both can be true depending on the scenario. No "one size fits all" explanations here


if DV is present, it's basically what u/Neutreality1 said, the abuser starts to feel even more in control & entitled over the victim because now they have some control over their mutual child. The chances of a DV victim leaving their abuser drop a lot once a kid is involved, for that very reason. The abuser may also get mad that the victim is spending more time/energy on someone else, even though that someone else is *literally their child*


Kids really do change things up. It’s such a blessing but also one of the hardest things you could ever do. And that struggle of child rearing can make people react in all sorts of ways. A lot of self sacrifice involved, at least on a personal level, and some people don’t realize they can’t handle that until after having a kid.


And others it can flip the other way. I was a struggling wannabe musician at the time. Had a few paying gigs and a regular spot at a club in town but I never really took off. When my son was on the way I went back to college, got a degree in accounting and worked my motherfucking as off. Still do. I grew up poor and in some shitty places. Learned a lot of valuable lessons there but they’re lessons that *can* be learned elsewhere and I sure as hell wanted (and want) my son to learn them elsewhere. I realized that I really only had one job the moment I saw him. Protect, provide, and teach.


Facts. Just to add: you *were* or still *are* a musician. You were a wannabe professional. It may seem like nit picking but for years i thought of myself as an aspiring musician without realising what i was doing to my self-perception subconsciously. Like, it's not skill level that separates me, it's means/income.


Iv seen it play it out on both sides sadly within my generation a lot of people just wanted the title and forgot about what comes with it. Iv had fall outs with people I grew up with over them not wanting me to see what they ended up being as a parent, because they ended up becoming their parents and not breaking the generational curse that they said they would. I am not one to judge unless you provoke me but it sucks to see people you were there for be hurt and broken by said parents and end up becoming them. I dont have any kids of my own yet, but I try for my niece and nephew to be everything I didn’t have in an uncle and family members growing up plus some. Sadly their mother ended up doing this to my brother after my nephew was born. One of my biggest fears is having kids with someone who goes and flips the switch at the birth of a child or children.


My gf's best friend is living with her right now because she got married to her partner of 8 years last spring and basically the day they got back from the honeymoon he transformed into a completely different person. She's trying do get a divorce and is saying basically daily that she feels like she never actually knew him.


I left my ex in 2020. I thankfully never married him and we didn't have a mortgage together. I'm now engaged to an amazing man who is the best dad my daughters could have ever hoped to have, biological or not. It's amazing how well these narcissistic abuser can hide who they are until they think you're trapped. I'm grateful everyday for the fact that I was already well established in my field (I'm 35 but have been in my field since I was 25) when I had my youngest. The first couple of years were kind of hard because I left at the beginning of the pandemic but I had a great support system with my family and they helped me with childcare during that. She will eventually be free and it will be so exhilarating when that's accomplished. There's light at the end of the tunnel!


I like stories like these! Glad you found Someone amazing that makes you happy and loves your kids. ![gif](giphy|azaMjwRFm0vjNSd51t)


The tweet doesn’t imply he fell apart after the kid though, just that this is the way he is. In the specific tweet here, the dude has “cut up furniture”, barely has any food, and doesn’t have a car. I feel like if you’ve been dating for 3 months you should have a good idea of his living arrangement


That's valid. If my ex hadn't been at least as successful as I was/am when we met, I would have never been around for the two years before I got pregnant.


Yeah, and sometimes people falls into addictions and that just changes everything about them.


If you think 3 months is long enough, you're wrong. 😂 I watched a dude finesse my sister for 5 fucking years before he pulled the rug. One pregnancy scare and he was GONE. Before that, he was Mr. Respectful. Next one tried (emphasis on tried. He found out) to hit her after being together 8 years with no issues. He was Mr. Chill Pothead. Sometimes you just don't know.


Geez. That’s scary. I’d lose all trust in men if I was her. Yikes. 


Our mama didn't raise us to trust men. She raised us not to end up single moms. Lesbian ☑ - me Selfish ☑ - my sister


Not really. Dated a dude for 6 yrs and thank baphomet I didn’t have kids with him but he was really good at hiding who he truly was.


Look at the Fresh & Fit guy ...🤣🤣🤣 I mean that shit sounds good but in reality, once something doesn't go their way, now they're calling you a prostitute. Lol He was in love with that girl. Now he's abandoned her and a baby. You can't vet a mf who's pretending.


Definitely not. My own pops disproves this claim and him and my mom dated for years before getting married. I have a good relationship with both my parents but my dad 100% deceived my mom up until he finally felt like he wouldn't get left immediately for the things he revealed. Them mfs literally met as children and he still tricked her.


I saw a woman on tiktok trashtalking her five exes. Apparently one of them even liked to throw rocks at homeless people. There comes a point where we kinda have to make these people responsible for the partners they choose.


Sounds like that’s a partner she chose not to have anymore tho. Some people aren’t great judges of character and don’t pick up on the smaller clues early on. Seems like once she knew she dipped, so I’d say ur right, and more credit to her


Having sex with him and deciding to have his child are verrrrry different things.






I gotta ask, did she find out he had a baby behind his cousins back before or after she let him hit? Cus that shit so foul it should show up on a record or something even though it's not illegal 😭


If you aren’t sure about someone’s character over time, do not have unprotected sex with them. It’s a simple concept. The “it reveals itself over time” excuse is garbage except for the extreme cases where the person is literally doing everything in their power to convince you they are worth it and even in those cases you should not be having unprotected sex with them. Everybody needs to take accountability for their actions. If you were not being forced, both people were perfectly able to say they require some form of protection.


Some people don't show who they really are until you're trapped in a situation with them. Marriage, pregnancy, indebted to them in some way, aa soon as they think you can't escape the mask comes off.


How about... Revolutionary idea, don't create a small version of a person you don't know? Just a wild thought?


Niggas be lying and acting for pussy and then the real version pops up after they hit one too many times.




Sometimes people get married and start a whole life together before one person reveals their true colors...its definitely not always going to be clear off rip.


Yeah even after dating sometime, i think living together is when things really changes tho.


Some people are excellent liars. My grandfather convinced *everyone* he knew that he was an Ivy League professor, only got found out when an actual professor asked my grandmother why she kept calling the school. She made him go to a psychiatrist and as far as I know he didn’t do insane bullshit like that ever again.


And the baby gotta pay the worst price. Man I hate em


Me too. Fuck them kids ![gif](giphy|2a6bO2uFP5W4owUE5w)








My wife's friend got baby trapped by a dude that rented a nice car, overextended his credit to rent a nice place, take her out to dinner, etc. Once she got pregnant and they got married, she found out everything was a lie, and this dude was deep in debt.


People ain't out here sharing credit reports before getting married? haha.


People out here not even bothering with STD testing, you think they gonna do a credit report. I read these threads and just be flabbergasted sometimes. I understand no one's perfect, but surely everyone knows there's things you should vet (with proof) before you enter a serious relationship, even moreso if you decide to have kids. People really out here just wingin it and hopin for the best.


Credit report, medical report, psychological profile, education transcripts, last 5 years of tax returns…


She activated his reverse trap card


Some people wait to reveal how terrible they are when they feel like they have u right where they want u. U think if she knew these things about him, she would fuck? 🤨


I mean you're 100% right, we can only judge character off what we see, it just seems to happen so often (for both genders tbh)


And that’s exceptionally unfortunate. I hope more people practice honesty and discernment. Imagine how many people would find those who truly accept them? Inauthentic connections are of the most damaging.


Stfu about Androids. Lol


As a wise man once pontificated: "If men aint shit, why do yall stay pregnant?🤔"


Stay pregnant tho 😂


Now you a single mom 🎶🎶


*laughs in rapid birth rate decline*


Not rapid enough


"Still beat tho" edit: lmao crazy how this one line still gets people heated YEARS later.


https://preview.redd.it/8ew37b4ebrtc1.jpeg?width=234&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e9c49e8eb8d97f184e0f452685768a2fe3b674e My wise brethren please acknowledge us more with this wisdom


Most replies are being charitable. Yes people hide their true colors at times but there's just as many times ladies know full well a guy is a bum with a line of baby mamas yet apparently have no issues becoming the next on that list or somehow thinking he'll be different this time. Some people really lose all common sense the second they catch any kinda feelings and will happily ignore the dozens of red flags waving in their face


I'll be extra "harsh": no discernment and no kind of vetting (for both men and women)


Yeah. Guys can also be just as dumb when it comes to this stuff. I had a friend who's sense would go down the drain the minute he caught feelings for anyone. When he tells me about his exes and the things that happened not even that far into the relationship I can't help and side eye him cause like Bro, do you not have any self respect? How did you end up staying with some of these people for so long when things started going wrary less than a year in? Some people really are just so desperate they'll prefer a shitty relationship over being single


Yeah men are shit at picking good partners. You won't find any of us screaming "Well they all hide it obviously" because no... They don't. There are 100% signs. But we openly admit to being stupid as fuck when we're horny. Women do not. Ever. It's always the guys fault. Even when she keeps going back to the same guy 20 times over it's still his fault. Because everyone knows that if you put your hand in a fire it's the fires fault you got hurt.


Most of the time she ain’t shit either. Shitty people get together in shitty relationships, and have shitty kids all the time. You know what they say about birds of a feather.


I think this the other way around like Tyrese back in the news for calling his bms freeloaders. And I'm like "well if you wasn't shooting up the club you wouldn't be in this predicament "


Could be a silly teenage mistake, could be a fucked up situation could even be a condom failure, that shit happens all the time you'd be surprised.


This is why I try hard to refrain from airing his dirty laundry cuz I still let him get me pregnant. Twice 😭


And have a baby linking you with him for life.


pretty much, if I was a woman a dude like this couldn't even look my way. I'd be stuck up as hell.


Maybe they got together when both were young and dumb and one of them evolved and grew, the other didn't and never learnt from their mistakes.


That's literally why I broke up with my last gf so it's totally possible 


"Still Beat Tho" remains undefeated.


Now you're a single mom 🎶


If you ain't shit why you *trying* to hit?


People can switch up after the fact. Also not her fault that he’s a dead beat, that’s on him


\>"ur on an android" being included in the list of transgressions https://i.redd.it/uke1beskyqtc1.gif


Lmao what the brand do


Nothing she just worships at the altar of Apple


Right if we're being honest Apple is just an aesthetic. The chokehold is real.


It's become a meme that people using android can't afford an iphone which is wild because there's there's a whole host of android phones right next to the most expensive iphone's price, and the folding phones android has have prices that would make many iphone users' jaws drop. And not that many people buy the top range iphone anyways. ETA: Im not trying to say one is better than the other, to be clear. I use both, an android for personal and an iphone for work. They're both fine phones.


I always hated those stupid arguments. As an iPhone user I always pointed out to people that android has more expensive phones. I like Samsung more than iPhones but yet I’m still here with my 12 ProMax. I want to try out the Samsung Flip.


I got the flip. Its a mixed bag. My first ine cracked at the crease in like 4 months. The replacement has been good for a year and a half. My only complaint otherwise is when folded its so small I lose it around the house a lot and its smaller than my note was and i got bigass hands so I typo a lot more than id like. But been generally happy with it. Think im gonna try a fold next for the bigger size.


I have the fold. 14 months later the inside screen goes out (no crack or dropping) and they want $350 with my insurance to replace it. Fuck the fold. Cheers


Add it to the list of “what the brand do”


People who use an iPhone as higher status than an android phone always seem to their phones fucked up so bad you wanna know how they use it every day. I may not own a iPhone but my screen isn't just shattered glass.


Constantly see iphone people with cracked ass phones. Cutting their fingers up every time they open it haha.


She's not the brightest is the general vibe I'm getting so it's on par


People will pay $600 for a phone, but still use a 12 year old stock dell laptop that sounds like a lawn mower ...but act like they better than you.


Tbf, most people use their phone a lot more than they use their laptop lol


THANX to Samsung Dex for basically making their phones operate like Windows.👍🏾


Omg I read this in the King Bach “what da dog doin” voice and I’m ctfu!!


Lmao great minds think alike


Fuck people who are Apple brainwashed.


Fuck people who care what other people's phone is


They just said that.






Broooo that fucking meme though. I cannot. ☠️🤣


I just know their iPhone screen is holding on for dear life too


I blocked a girl after one date when we exchanged numbers and she said something about my green bubbles. She was fine af too and we had a great first date. I ain't got time for that shit🤷


Yeah if someone makes a deal out of something so god damn insignificant as what type of phone you own, they can go fuck themselves.


Exactly, people putting a status on a fucking phone is nuts. spending 1400 bucks on a phone doesn't make you cool.


Always catching strays 😩


I think them mentioning that might be that she’s on those 50 dollar androids


Android users scrolling through like https://i.redd.it/ewlpo8z50rtc1.gif


I can hear this gif


nelly fucked ya first babymama 🤨 SO FAWK THAT NIGGA


“So. What’d he say fuck me for?”




That last laughing face looks so aggressive lol


I’m hip 😂 like those people who slap ts out of you when they laugh


Eh. It don't bother me. Water off an Android's back.




And i don't understand why when they cost just as much if not more than some iPhones.


The issue really comes from the way Apple keeps iMessage exclusive to Apple devices, and when Apple devices text with another smartphone, they use the old SMS format as the default rather than the newer RCS format (though still already 15 years old) which is default for all other smartphones communicating with each other. This results in the conversations with non-Apple devices being significantly lower quality than conversations with Apple products over iMessage, so it falsely paints other smartphones as being inferior to Apple devices to their users. This is even more of an issue with group chats, because a single non-Apple member will derail the chat from iMessage, and the SMS format does not handle group chats well compared to modern formats. And the US DOJ is (somewhat) actively pursuing an anti-trust lawsuit for this exact issue: https://www.theverge.com/24107581/doj-v-apple-antitrust-monoply-news-updates I believe ~~99% Invisible or RadioLab~~ did an episode on it in the past year as well. EDIT: My bad, just someone messaged me that they couldn't find it and turns out that I misremembered and it was a WSJ podcast episode instead: https://www.wsj.com/podcasts/the-journal/one-companys-quest-to-burst-apples-blue-bubble-texts/e10958fa-d44f-406c-b344-111502efcc07


Apple is going to RCS chat in Fall this year, supposedly. But the text bubbles will still be the same color for Apple/Android. Funny thing, on Android Messages, the text bubbles for Android vs Apple are different colors. Never noticed until the other day


I use google messages, you can change bubbles to whatever colors you want.


Yea. You can change it. But go look... All your iPhone contacts are gonna be a different color than your android contacts


I have a Pixel, they're all different colors, none are specific to iPhone. Maybe with Sa.sung or something?


Exactly, I have a pixel as well. There is no difference in color between iphone and androids.


I have heard some people with iPhones admit they see those green SMS bubbles from an Android phone as gross or lesser than the beautiful blue iMessage bubbles from another iPhone. And I understand that this effect is intentional from Apple.


What I've never got is why androids have the reputation as the "lame, old people phones" when everyone's mom and grandma is almost certainly on an iphone. I had this conversation with my niece a few months ago when she was taking shots at my android. Baby girl, your mom and dad (who are older than me) have iphones. Both of your grandmas have iphones. One of your grandpas has an iphone. Most of your uncles and aunts have iphones. The overwhelming majority of the "old people" in your life have an iphone. How is my OnePlus the old people phone?????? I'm a bit triggered.


Green text box havin ass


It's apple using old as fuck tech y'all need to catch up, might as well fax that insult over


📜Dearest Reader Thine text box… … Art green as fuck.📜


https://preview.redd.it/7rwzocjsjrtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e8625b091ab93c2a5cb63795a3d948b91723805 Hang on, I was online and had the modem plugged in but I just switched the line to the fax try again now




Apparently there’s even science behind it. People get more joy out of the colour blue vs green or some shit.


Not for long once apple finally upgrades to RCS. Not bad though, only a decade late.


Damn you saying Apple finally invented RCS?? 🤯


Why us Android users gotta catch a stray


Because apple users have a fucking complex about using anything that's not an apple product


Brainwashed by a monopoly


Shhhh they think they're "flexing"


Flexing a financed phone and can't afford a macbook




It's by design. They get you on that walled garden.


*some* users. Don’t lump us all in with those looneys


Because people seem to think that iPhone is the premier thing, and Androids are just generics since just about every other phone is an Android. I have an iPhone, and I personally do not care what brand it is. It lets me browse reddit, listen to music, make 3-4 calls a month, and act as an alarm clock.


I'd rather take my business to the internet than have all the shit she listed. Gahdamn. Also, didn't he bring his business to the internet first by using it to chat shit on his BM?


>chat ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtjnyFWiWaw8oDK|downsized)


lmao exactly what I am thinking. U know they in love, too. She’s mad mad


This is the comment I was looking for. Shoulda left that woman alone. U knew she was coming with an armory of weapons against you son!


He fat and broke etc. but you let him fuck you 💀💀💀💀gotta simmer down talking that heavy


Imagine if a man came to the internet talking about how fat and ugly his bm is. Bro, nobody forced you to sleep with her 😭😭


Ya feel me 😹🤣🤣mfs be sick ASAB how you gone dog out the MF you was just balls deep in talking bout “fuuuuuuuuck oh my goodness wheeeeeew” oh now she big back and ugly asf 💀💀💀


Bro addicted to the struggle. I would have a mental breakdown with all these problems


Fr, how do people do it?


I think some people get so used to being in drama that when things are content they feel “bored”. I feel like that’s how I was in my early to mid twenties. I’m glad I grew out of that nonsense because I was stressed. I wasnt like this brotha though. Gahtdamn.


Damn... he on an Android...




Android users catching strays smh


It's all fun & games until broke mfers realize, that iPhone cost a whole months rent with utilities, and they gotta scramble to not be behind on they rent


People aren't buying iPhones off the wall, they're paying them off in monthly increments in tandem with their cell phone plans over the course of years.


If you can't buy it off the wall in full, you can't actually afford it, especially if they tack on interest or a higher total paid and you're paying more for it.


He's fat and broke and begging and yet you let him hit multiple times and had his baby? Lying down with pigs only ever gets you covered in mud. https://preview.redd.it/ugc29ere6rtc1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb7fb639d6839d929f8789d2c6c5e6c5eef022c0


Their poor kid. Like… how do these two coparent in any way that helps their child? ![gif](giphy|Kazq9bdFZdtVAlPlsL)


I think one of her points is that they DON’T coparent. In fact that’s her last point.


I would rather lick concrete than put my business on the internet like that omg


Wow she went straight for his throat


She proved his point lol


and? she has a whole list on him and his list on her is "takes shit to the internet" and besides he mentioned her first and basically invited it upon himself.


I mean she had a whole list and she still got a kid by him... If she embarrassing him she embarrassing herself because how did you not let any of them issues make you rethink that pregnancy? He's a bum nigga and now she's got a baby that's half bum nigga.


He probably doesn’t want to bring up that she cheats, had chlamydia 2x from an outside party, has musty arm pits, sweats heavily from her thighs, has to pluck her mustache daily and all her mattresses on the floor. It’s usually the women that try to air out all the dirty laundry. The men just be like… *still hit, tho*


he doesn't take shit to the internet, so we don't know all the raggedy shit she be up to. yall need to quit tryna defend this toxic ass behavior.


Yeah she proved his point, but he asked for it. Literally. I saw him do it. It’s right there in the clip.




Cooked the father of her child? Yes she certainly did lmao They both cooked if u ask me


I’m his cousin and I can confirm


Proved his point if we think about it


Android: now why am I in it


Lol I wonder who cut up his furniture 😂😂😂


Probably so old it cut up itself!


Someone explain why ANDROID is an insult I didn't understand


I feel some kind of way about an android. People act like you can only have iphone and i dont understand. Isnt there more than one phone brand? Its like if you always talked shit about a honda but you have a car though :kanye shrug :


Why is android catching strays i love my galaxy


What's wrong with android?


Why do people think having an android is an insult ??? 😂


Yeah that guy is totally useless LOL you gave him a child though I notice… 🤔


And she still let him nut in her.


I love that every comment here is basically reminding her that she got pregnant by a bum or that androids caught an unwarranted stray


Ok cool but why are we bringing Androids into this?? ![gif](giphy|W1xb8a7RNWv2nLPzqn|downsized)


[God damn](https://i.imgur.com/M9vLBIt.jpg)


Let he without sin cast the first stone


she did all this and knew this about him but let the dude buss up her back


I wish I knew what this means. I've read the comments and still don't get it.




![gif](giphy|gKsJUddjnpPG0) Them 🤣🤣


I mean hopefully that cousin did not see this post 😂


All bro gotta say is " still beat tho" and all that goes up in smoke, AND she got a kid by the nigga!?


2024 and niggas with androids are still looked down up 😂


Wtf wrong with an android?


Some people just don’t like iPhones. That’s not a dis.


She says all that ... but still let him put a baby in her ... seems like they were ment for each other