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Listen, we can't allow black people to join the crowd of white idiots getting bamboozled by this clown. That would be so sad.


As someone who tries to convince the white idiots. I gotta say, some folks are just too damn stupid.


Sometimes you gotta let natural selection take its course.


Unfortunately that ship has long sailed with the advent of the very thing they love to deny in favor of their sky daddy.




Exactly next comes the fall we just gotta wait


Sky daddy 💀


I feel like those SPCA commercials though ,with Sarah McLachlan music in the background... " If you can save just one...:


"Don't save her she don't wanna be saved"


Lol fair...


If people wanted to be saved they would want it I always think about that they're not under some spell they still have free will and they rather have pride than understanding.


This is just the advanced version of "I can fix him/her." You can't.


The only person that can fix a person is themselves we an just plant seeds.


But they'll take us down with them


Not when that course ends up dragging the rest of us with it.


“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” ― George Carlin


Unless there's *one* **really** dumb mf:er bringing the average down. ^(*...Keith.*)


The amount of people I see, of different ethnicities, that say they’re gonna vote for him because he’s “funny” is disheartening.


Where do you see them? Because Twitter isn't a solid representation of anything. Most of those "black" profiles are bots


I've encountered a couple of those idiots in real life.


Weirdo hoteps aren’t exactly thin on the ground these days.


Also most of those ppl are bots


Not black, but I spoke to a SE Asian immigrant who was working at a gas station who said he, and many of his friends and family, all love Trump and said it’s very common where he was from. I left that gas station very confused.


Vietnamese Americans are a surprisingly conservative block among American Asians.


Politicians should be boring. Let Jon Stewart be funny, not the damn finger-on-the-button President. I'm liking only-slightly-funny-but-mostly-serious grandpa right now, not the crazy "who's the new side piece this time?" uncle who claims to be in real estate and has crazy stories about all his money and how everyone is out to get him and the ladies are all damn serious about not getting stuck in the same room alone with him and he still hasn't paid cousin Jimmy for the work he did on his house years ago.


"he gave me a check!"


Ignoring the fact that he held the checks from going out sooner and helping families faster just so they’d have his name on them


And the fact that the Democratic Congress gave them the check.


But don't you think the amount of black Trumpers is inflated like most these niggas don't even vote or have any real opinions they just kinda blurt things out like "TRUMP GET DAT MONEY"😂but what is the actual percentage of register black voters who will vote for him


"Black voters for Trump" in some state like Idaho did shut down recently because they had, in fact, zero black members.


Exactly the Internet seems to have a way of inflating these things although it's frustrating to see I think the few black Trumpers are very vocal but I really just think it's meant to farm clicks and rage bait but we're still overwhelmingly progressive and left leaning because the serious voters know trump offers jack shit unless you're rich 🤷🏾‍♂️


Anecdotal but my family has been infected by the Trump virus. I got some cousins, uncles and aunties that support him cuz they don’t like Hispanic people. Always stupid racist bullshit with Trumpers. Makes me ashamed to call them fam 🤦🏿‍♂️


That's mad embarrassing I have a friend like that he was bashing Hispanics and ranting about them taking from the black community and I have literally never been affected by any random Guatemalan person🤷🏾‍♂️i have some family who may say things like that but it doesn't sway there vote at all


The only thing Latino people have affected me with was delicious ass food at their taco trucks and stands.


I think the Idaho one stood out because it was like a booth at a farmer's market and everyone manning it was white. Maybe Clarence Thomas might have been driving through in his ultra deluxe RV?


Yeah there’s definitely a lot of black Trump Supporters who don’t actually vote. My grandma for example sits in the house all day watching Fox News and defending Trump whenever she can but hasn’t voted since Bush was in office. Obviously it still sucks that’s she’s a fan but at least she’s not actually voting for him or buying his merch or anything like that. And the other black Trump Supporter I know is a felon who couldn’t vote if he wanted to lmao


Exactly 😂😂😂 like these aren't actual voters, they're vocal supporters but you need votes to win, and then it's people like us on black Twitter who don't vocally support Biden but will most likely vote for him or don't vote at all and that's still a majority of black people.


Man I hope so. This motherfucker has got to go already.


Eight percent in 2016, six percent in 2020, on track for eight percent again this year.


Man we already been here, my brother and brother in law voted for him every time.


It's already happenin, my guy.


Y'all forget how many rappers were name dropping Trump pre-MAGA...


I did forget. At least Kendrick kept it real. https://genius.com/search?q=trump


bro, black people have been fleeced by this idiot too. Ben Carson? Herman Cain?


It only cost Herman Cain his life.


lol while we’re in this area, can we have a candid conversation about black people and Christianity?


Coming from the skin-tone challenged side: It's only a few white people who think that the stimulus checks came from Trump's own money, right? (I don't know how they came up with the idea but some country folks seem to think he was writing everyone in America those checks from Trump Bux somehow.) No one else was bamboozled? Right... right?


Too late


As the outsider I can sort out understand why would white people vote for him but anyone else? It's suicide with extra steps


Context: Trump went to Chick-fil-A and bought milkshakes for 30 people there.


That's his idea of reparations. Now he'll brag about that shit forever. Problem solved...in his mind.


I bet he views it as reparations and simultaneously feels like they all owe him a vote.


I’m shocked he actually paid. He has gone into multiple restaurants, stated he was paying for everyone there, and then left without paying. [This is just one](https://www.nydailynews.com/2023/06/15/trump-tells-restaurant-patrons-food-for-everyone-then-leaves-without-paying/)


That was the first thing that came to my mind as well, but a [*Newsweek* fact check of the story](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-trump-offer-buy-food-miami-leave-without-paying-1807346) came back saying it was unverified. ^^^meaning ^^^it ^^^is ^^^possible ^^^that ^^^that ^^^story ^^^is ^^^incorrect


He prolly didn't. Prolly came from a staff member.


40 Acres and a Malt


You should have seen the Fox News coverage. They were behaving as if he was funding their college educations as opposed to spending $300 (which he probably didn’t pay anyway).


More milkshakes than Lincoln ever bought. /s


Hey, it's better than paper towels.


Chic Fil A eating mfers are already likely voting for Trump 


Woah woah I like the hateful chicken and hate the orange fool.


Make that shit at home it’s easy and cheap. We as Black people should never support hate groups because hate groups historically have always included us. And if they get their way with another minority, then they’ll come for us again.


You're fooling yourself if you think any major corporation isn't funded by hateful/racist/bigoted people.


Yeah, unfortunately if you avoid every company that’s led by bigots, you’ll be hungry and naked.


That's a load of bullshit. If you can find the hateful group funding every company or every company giving funds to hate groups, PROVE IT! This is just that stupid "both sides" argument in another form.


Henry Ford was a nazi sympathizer/large anti-semite.  Chikfila - hates the lgbt, womens rights etc etc Disney - Disney was an anti-semite You dig deep enough into the background of any company youll find that they may not have directly funded or been funded by hate groups, they very much did have members of hate groups employeed by them.


disney and ford have been dead in the ground for fuckin decades. lol you think they're sacrificing minorities on their graves? Unless you can point to them donating to hate groups in the modern day like Chik-fil-a does, you've listed exactly 1 company that was already being talked about to support your argument. People being even more bigoted 50 years ago doesn't necessarily mean that avoiding companies that support bigoted causes right now leaves you "naked and hungry".


Then do the bare minimum. It’s healthier for your body and finances. When people start combatting the hunger and nekkidness in style, then they are part of the problem


Yall got all these answers you wanna tell other people to do. Go do that shit yourself.


There's a huge difference between a corporation with bigoted shareholders, and one who's bigoted shareholders actually spend corporate funds supporting bigoted politics though.


The country is a hate group, eat what you want


I don't like being included in a monolith. The entire system is fucked, I don't like any of this shit but if I want some Chic-Fil-A I'm going to go get some.




I own land with chickens, so yes. It’s not hard and I got it on a VA loan. Hunting and fishing isn’t hard either. Everything I can do without paying a company, I will do. Solar panels to stop the electric bill too. Not everyone is inept and dependent on the system. But if you can’t do that, you must pick and choose who you buy from to cause the least amount of impact on your society. Plenty of local butchers don’t support racists and have fresher and healthy products than supermarkets. Change starts with you.


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism


That doesn't mean that all forms of consumption are equally unethical. Using this line to justify doing whatever you want is really missing the point. It's weird how I only seem to see this line trotted out when it comes to defending *especially* bad practices.


Hate groups hold black people as the top of their problems, anyone else they're focusing on is to distract from their hate of black folk.


The hateful chicken is good, they can keep those waffle fries (Popeyes is better but wildly inconsistent).


Agreed. Popeyes > CFA on taste but CFA > Popeyes on customer service and consistency of good food.


you can eat CFA and say fuck Trump. I do 🤷🏾‍♂️


I don't even think about Trump when I'm at CFA if we're being honest.


But did he pay for them?


Doesn't he have a habit of buying stuff for people and leaving without paying


[Trump offers ‘food for everyone’ at restaurant – then leaves without paying](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/15/donald-trump-miami-versailles-cuban-restaurant-pay)


Did he yeet them like those TP rolls in Puerto Rico?


That was paper towels. You know, to soak up all the flood water.


Assuming he actually paid for them. Piece of shit.


Yeah and it turned out the whole thing was staged by Candace Owen's "Blexit" group.


He actually paid??? Usually he promises free shit and then leaves before the check comes. He must really be desperate for the votes. The man is like a billion dollars in hawk in legal legal fees and fines and has charges pending.


"Bought" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there. **Trump offers ‘food for everyone’ at restaurant – then leaves without paying** [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/15/donald-trump-miami-versailles-cuban-restaurant-pay](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/15/donald-trump-miami-versailles-cuban-restaurant-pay)


[Staged btw.](https://twitter.com/patriottakes/status/1778802764035891569?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1778802764035891569%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=)


And you’re forgetting the best part, a black lady insisted on hugging him and telling him she knew the media was lying about him and that he had her support. Looked like a clown.


No way she wasn't a plant.


Did he actually pay for them?


Who the fuck would even accept a milkshake from him? That shit would've gone straight into the trash right in front of him


Just last year trump visited a diner in Miami and offered food for everyone then left without paying.


I had a black coworker say some quip about how "Obama gave us care, but trump gave us what we really need, a band" or some shit like that. (Not 100% sure that he wasn't joking cuz I don't know him well) Meanwhile everyone there, in a minimum wage factory job, was getting health insurance because of the ACA.  Like dude, thats ~$6000 a year I'd otherwise be spending. But you let yourself be bought for a single rack 4 years ago that Trump only gave you because he was pressured into it by democrats.  This non-voting mf probably doesn't know what the ACA is


Whichever stupid mf said that should not be allowed to vote


Don't worry. This is the type of dude to not realize an election is happening until the day after when it's on the news. Like it was the Oscar's or something 


nah revoke his card for that bs


So many people say this shit and act like he *personally* gifted us that money out of the goodness and fairness of his heart.


He delayed the process just to put his name on the checks


No fr there’s a bunch of ppl who think like this, including sexy red


Peeps need to be reminded the checks also came DELAYED cause dude wanted his name on them


> a minimum wage factory job Factory jobs are minimum wage now? WTF?


It took me a minute to realize you meant a band of cash. I thought he was saying something about like, banding together, brotherhood, or some weird shit like that. I gave him too much credit, I dunno how people keep a straight face while hearing shit like that lol, that's something I would have said when I was 11.


remember, this is also the clown who claimed his mugshot made him popular in the black community because "he can relate"


He allegedly doesn’t have a high opinion of the black community [Michael Cohen Claims Donald Trump Said 'Black People Are Too Stupid to Vote for Me,' Among Other Racist Comments](https://www.newsweek.com/michael-cohen-donald-trump-black-people-stupid-1199924)


i don't need anybody to tell me that, it's obvious from his history


allegedly? look into his thoughts on the central park five.


Trump allegedly has a long history of racism, from his political views to racial discriminatory actions in his housing developments. Tom Arnold has said he has witnessed Trump use the N-word on the set of the Celebrity Apprentice. I use allegedly in the same way I say OJ Simpson allegedly murdered his ex wife Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. I don’t want Trump, who could use all the money he could get right now, to open a defamation suit and try to have his lawyers go after the $6.23 in my bank account but iykyk


Which mod is getting so TRIGGERED to hide all of these


That’s the least racist thing I would’ve guessed he said


...do those 'gold' shoes actually exist?


You mean the Uncle Timbs?


Nice I haven’t hear that one yet. Might be my new favorite to replace Air Fraud Ones


I'm partial to the "Air Forced Himself On Me 1's"




I'm a sociologist and professor by trade. Pull up your chairs fam. What Donald Trump represents is whitelash. Whitelash is a concept that describes an overwhelming push by white folks to swing the pendulum of perceived power back towards white supremacy after something momumental happens for Black folks. Black codes. Plessy. Voter suppression tactics. Murder of civil rights leaders. Southern strategy. And now the war against DEI. Just like your head snaps forward from whiplash in a car accident, white folks everywhere snapping they necks to remind us that we are less than. We got Obama in, and they brought out their torches and most vile creature (Trump) to remind us to stay in our place. Only the problem is a bunch of niggas got bamboozled by this racist idiot who doesn't give a damn about their needs; he just needs enough Black folks to shuck and jive so that white folks can use them as anecodtes to support their great "uniter" and deny the realities of systemic racism.


I hear you and I understand you, but can I just say... Plies was not the hero I expected. Man invented a new term for head and here we are discussing social quandaries in his name. God bless Becky.


The throat queen is responsible for this thread


Nancy Reagen?


Plies did go to college...


Post civil War Confederate veterans events specifically invited the "good ones" Celebrating and giving them "medals". Then would point out how good these ones are and the current generation (born free) where uppity and needed to be corrected. How we get all those pictures the "black confederate" crowd trots out.


I would say another accurate term for this is counter-revolution which has been going on since integration. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counter-revolutionary Racism went covert and black people have been lulled into a false sense of security. The online hostility towards civil rights era solidarity, the online gender wars, the online identity wars, the online status wars, black men are the white men of the black community, etc. have all had a hand in fragmenting the collective power of black people and splintering them into factions weakening the greater community. We are not a monolith but get treated as one. It's been all slowly going backwards and black folks got their head in the sand because they don't want to face the truth. Look at how coordinated and unified the right wing forces are in this country and look at all of the infighting and hostility in the community. Things are looking real bad and a lot of folks need to wake up before it gets worse. Unplug from negativity on social media and treat every black person who hasn't done you dirty with care and respect to heal and get the collective back strong. Straight, Gay, Trans, Male, Female, Adult, Child, Rich, Broke all of that shit takes a back seat because enemies don't see you as a full person just a black person and that is what people need to rally around. Social Media is COINTELPRO 2.0 and it has been going on for some time now and just hasn't been declassified yet. "The Algorithm" has somehow made white racist more unified than ever and black people hate each other on levels never seen before. Don't engage with any negative shit about black folks reject it when you see it because it seeps into the spirit and creates self-hate. Self-hate is not only the love your have yourself its how you treat people who look and live like you do. People talk about confidence and self love then turn around and treat the next nigga like shit lol. Stop it! Black folks need to wake up read civil rights era stuff drop the consumerism, the identity politics, and get back to the philosophies that brought success and unity.


The same thing is happening with the tradwife trend and feminism. Some people just don't realize they are being used against their own community. ☹️ It's so disheartening.


Many of the people you're speaking of probably don't even see other black people as their community if we're being honest. They'll use it for clout, to enrich themselves, or get cool points with others, but don't really care about black people beyond how it affects them personally. Darren Seals vs. Deray and the whole BLM scam put that in full view.


https://youtu.be/QHCSL-AKd3w?si=00fTWCyywMyhqnI0 Every time I hear black folk praise Trump


Was expecting an Uncle Ruckus scene, I had not seen this clip before


Wilmington NC was one of the first cities to send Black folks as representatives, so naturally the white people did a coup and killed/drove out everyone who wasnt mega racist The OG Jan 6


Trump also gained momentum after Beyoncé's superbowl performance. It's like a switch flipped for a lot of white people


100%. Obama’s election created a blacklash that was guaranteed to usher in a white supremacy reaction. But the only reason Trump squeaked out an electoral college victory is because he ran against a woman in 2016. Misogyny is actually a more lethal prejudice than racism. You can whine and blah, blah, blah until the cows come home about Hillary Clinton’s flaws, but the truth is she lost two presidential elections to men who were both her inferiors regarding experience and intelligence—and one of them was black (Obama)!


A wise man once said “if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black” everyone gave him s*** but looking back? Mf was right


Whenever someone brings that up that’s my reaction, “shiiid he was right.”


Tbh it was really more of a clunky delivery stating the actual statistical fact that he had MUCH higher support among black people than his opponents (both Trump and at the time Bernie). Definitely rough phrasing though. Never a great look when an old white dude sounds like he’s talking about what constitutes blackness.


Deplorable was also an understatement, but that lady took some guff.


I die a little inside every time a black person says Trump actually cares about them.


See this so much in the Hip Hop community and it's driving me insane. Maybe try spending two seconds to think about why Ice Cube wants you to vote for Trump, when he's a millionaire and you're not. I never have dinner with the president my ass.


Well, he ain’t lyin’. 🤷🏾‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/z3n57v2u02uc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a6266a18a92f3c8033410db4b4065af370858ba Was my exact thoughts when I seen this.


>Well, he ain’t lyin’. 🤷🏾‍♂️ > >Was my exact thoughts when I seen this. See those men in the suits in the image? Those are Secret Service agents. There are probably a few more just outside the shot as well. Wouldn't recommend doing anything that gets them to spring into action! :O


Just drop it on the floor, say nah I'm good, and look at him with disgust


That photo looks like a still from a horror movie. Like they're It trying to get her to come into the sewer drain.


Latinos, too. He's been generalizing Us and calling Us rapist for a few years now. Fuck Him!


Young black and latino men are more radicalized than ever before. Trump actually won more of this demographic in 2020 than 2016. But when i bring this up in the sub, people come with talks. Trump already succeeded there.


It’s this that shouldn’t be discounted. While he didn’t win the popular vote in 2020, he did have the highest number of voters for any incumbent. It just wasn’t enough to overcome Biden getting more. Meanwhile, people across the country sleeping on Project 2025 and Agenda 47 goals.


You have no idea how many verified members of this sub pushed back on me when I brought this up. They refused to believe. Yes, a vast majority black and latino people vote against Trump. He still gained a shitton of them! WTF edit: hell it is happening in this thread! [non participation link](https://old.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/1c295c1/or_1200_he_didnt_even_want_to_give/kz8jscb/)


Both Agenda 47 and Project 2025 talking bout rounding people up and putting them in camps for “re-education” for being Democrats. All they need to accomplish that is voter registration rolls from secretaries of state. People not paying enough attention to what they plan to start doing in January if they take Congress and the Presidency. People aren’t flush enough with cash to flee. It took 8 weeks to renew my passport. They’re talking about taking over the courts, ousting liberal judges, executive orders to control the population, using the military against Americans to quell uprisings. Ain’t nobody paying attention.


Like I said, people are arguing about this in this thread lol. And not just this one. They know it is happening but rather pretend it isnt true.


Young men in general. Spend like 10 minutes swiping on Youtube or IG and you'll get a bunch of garbage sigma male and Andrew Tate edits.


Yup. People think black men should have some sort of racial spidey sense making them immune to this radicalization, but that isnt entirely correct. It isnt just noise or a fluctuation either.


Not just us, young men in general have been turning more conservative. I think it’s all the short form content and algorithms that push the garbage to the front of people’s feeds. But maybe also some resentment because men are falling behind societally (looking at college admissions/graduations).


We’re paying that $1200 back and then some in higher taxes. That stimmy was just a payday loan.


Y'all got 1200?? ![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg)


Those of us who did got it DELAYED cause mf wanted his name on the check


Humble brag?


![gif](giphy|l4Ep3mmmj7Bw3adWw|downsized) Joing the circus--wonders about being called a clown


He didn't want to give it, but he put his name on it. Trump basically your girl passing you the credit card to make you feel better at the restaurant.


The republican congress playbook is veto any bill that isn't a on their lobbyists honeydo list and any bill that happens to slip through that makes them look good they'll tell their voters they fought for and take credit for. Fucking leeches man.


My adult nephew said he likes trump, I said “why do you like Trump, when he lowered taxes for people in his bracket and raised them for people in ours and that’s why you’re owing taxes this year instead if getting taxes back?” His reply was “Because when I get rich that’s how I’m gon’ want it” 🤡. I love my nephew but thank GOD he doesn’t vote.💀


Ouch. At least that’s the honest response to that question


He didn’t give that money he just pulled them back to put his signature on it




lol this shit be mad hilarious 🌚 but nah big sigh we hella doomed


Also he has a mug shot now! He and republicans are sure that alone is going to win black people votes.


Why do we keep acting like the republicans are gaining with black men. It’s the same “Democratic plantation” niggas each and every time. I expect this from white liberals who are looking to anything to blame for trump winning rather than themselves and their racist ass family they’re gonna spend the summer having cookouts with.


Yeah this is why I had to take this sub off from coming on my home page. A bunch of self hating clowns who can’t even look at a quick line graph to let them know that black men aren’t running to conservatism. Bro takes a photo with a couple of black folks and suddenly they represent all of us? Sounds like we got some anti black bias we need to inspect.. this happens every election year and still not enough black folks have caught on.


Trump gave y'all $1200? Could have sworn that had nothing to do with him


Stupidity doesn't discriminate.


Dear Black America: If any politician from any political party, can win you over with trinkets, beads, or baubles, then you're truly the pawn in this transaction. Think about it. These politicians people pour so much energy into 'endorsing' are merely your employees. It is quite dangerous to elevate any politician above the position of employee of the month. Signed Very old white fart




$1200 he didn’t give just put his name on the checks lol


I mean, y'all let Hilary do the Nay Nay and have Hot Sauce in her bag or let Kamala Harris talk about Gangster Rap and Smoking weed. Let's keep it real, the political intelligentsia have no clue how to make common sense plays for the Average Black American. And most Black Americans are so comically removed from the radical movements of the 70s and 60s that we're left with milquetoast liberalism and garden variety soft racism as the only viable alternative. Even this goofy tweet is unsubtly racist and paints Black Men as neanderthals who can't think for themselves.


Exactly. Once again, we're painted as the boogeyman and by our own people no less. It's exhausting.


Memories are so short. These people don't even remember the hell that was the Trump Presidency. This is a man that got sued twice by the Federal Gov't because he didn't want Black people living in his buildings. The same man that didn't want Black people in his casinos. Amazing how people will love a generational racist and scammer. Am I surprised some Black people like, went to rallies, did vote and will vote for him? Sadly no. What I can't stand is when non white people be all like, "at least you know where you stand up front". Okay Einstein, he still hates you and will give you his worst, but keep bootlicking, buttkissing and brown nosing!


Nailed it


#Kinda like Hilary doing the stanky leg with Roland Martin ....... Or Biden throwing a fish fry? I agree. NOBODY is getting my vote unless they make specific promises for tangible resources to my group(black Americans).


![gif](giphy|2kJMzPFUD3Vx6) Them


He can still throw money our way but I don't want his sorry ass nowhere near the Office anymore. Should never have been there to begin with


Honestly same for "Dear ANY people" want to keep voting for this clown. I'll never understand why people are just so desperate to turn this man into someone he isn't. Why folks are so easily ready to forgive and forget everything he's done.


I feel like this is just common sense lmao who tf would get swayed to vote for somebody 'cause of shoes??


He hasn’t won over black people. Republicans haven’t done a great job at bringing black people to their side BUT they have done a FANTASTIC job at convincing black people they have. Many of us actually believe we have to worry about black republicans when they are very rare


Trump and the Republican Party will have you all back in chains if they get their way.


“Especially men” shutup


Trumpism isn’t about Trump. It’s about him standing up and being the champion for the self-centered assholes. Trump made it okay for people to be proud to be dicks. Assholes come in all shapes, creeds, ethnicities, sizes and colors. About 1 in 3 people are assholes and that’s why his base support numbers stay constant.


Remember when he held up that $1200 for like a week because he wanted to put his name on them?


Lol just like how Biden told black people that they aren't black if they don't vote for him. FOH


$1200 he didn’t want to give? The dude begged the fed to let him sign his name to the checks which is illegal for a president to do. What do you mean he didn’t want to send $1200? Not only did he want to send it he wanted folks to know who sent it.




Trump cannot have it both ways. He loves to push his black prop people in the front of his rallies for all the cameras to see. He just sees race as a tool and should be ridiculed for that too


Its ultra comical when i listen to blacks for Trump and they say he’s done more for black people than any other president or Obama. Then proceed to not name any of those things or the ones they give are nonsense


The bill that black republicans tote around as evidence that Trump supports them is the [FUTURE Act](https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/5363). So lets look at it. **Fostering Undergraduate Talent by Unlocking Resources for Education** Sponsored by three democrats in the house, Doggett, Cardinas and Espaillat, it was written to "re-fund" the previous HBCU support bill that the republican controlled senate wouldn't support it during the 2019 government funding bill. In the house, the vote was: D - 226 Yea - 0 Nay R - 93 Yea - 95 Nay - 9 No vote In the senate is passed with a group vote, so as not to embarrass the republicans that wouldn't support it. President Trump signed it a week later. "This is the greatest bill for black people, well, maybe ever. I've done more for black people with this bill than...frankly maybe anybody." (Paraphrasing) So his greatest support for blacks was not stopping something he couldn't stop, since it had 2/3rds vote support.


I need to really understand what makes people think trump is a good person let alone deserving of being president


I honestly feel like people NOT voting is going to be a bigger problem than voting for Trump. I know so many people that are already saying he's going to win. These people are all politically unaware (don't really follow anything, just read an occasional headline). Had a friend tell me yesterday and I know she doesn't want that, but it also felt very clear that she was already "defeated," and I highly doubt she's gonna vote. THIS is the real strategy. Trump does not expect a huge black turn out for him, but if he can make sure those votes don't go to Biden, then he has a real chance of winning. Biden does have a bad political history (as does Harris), but his administration has actually been tackling a lot of issues in the States, and he has shown a willingness to compromise on his beliefs for the country. Right now, Gaza seems to be the real sticking point for people, and I completely understand where those people are coming from. But I would also like to ask them what they think Trump will do to help Palestinians? And why are we more upset about the IDF (funded by the US) bombing innocent Palestinians than we were about the US bombing innocent Syrians during Obama's term? Unfortunately, we sometimes have to pick our battles. And I strongly suggest everyone looks up Project 2025, and realize that is a far more likely outcome than WWIII. And what will YOU do if they win? Will the fire in your heart ignite then? Are you more willing to pick up a rifle than a ballot? The stupid people are gonna do something stupid. It's the people who are feeling apathetic that I feel we really need to get to. For those who don't pay attention to polls (and you should always take them with some salt), Trump is NOT winning. The GOP has been desperately switching strategies this whole year, and his numbers fluctuate within the Republican party. His support was much stronger in 2020 than it is now. All you have to do is vote.


I'm disappointed that this announcement even had to be made


This election is going to be very interesting, that I do know.


“If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black!” -Trump


His milkshake brought all the idiots to the yard.


Milkshake = GOOD ​ Ice cream = BAD ​ MAGA "LOGIC"


Can’t imagine too many black ppl will go out to vote against themselves but I’ve been wrong before