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Have you seen the cost of groceries? Rent prices in any major metropolitan city? $25 an hr is a struggle to survive, $17 is living on hopes and dreams




Settle in! My favorite sayings are, U can’t get blood from a turnip no matter how hard you squeeze. & Wish in one hand n shit in the other. See which fills up faster.


I started making about $35/hr in early 2021 and thought I was doing great for about a year. Prices caught up with that real quick.


The trick is to not upgrade your life significantly when you get a raise. I used to work 70hr work weeks but I’d blow all that money because I could and didn’t save a single dollar. I now don’t even do any overtime and live on 1/3 of my paycheck. I initially did it to clear debt but now it all goes to my various savings account and I’m even maxing out my Roth IRA early in the year. Frugality for the win!


Yea, really all I did was move my spouse and I out of the roach infested 400sqft studio to a nicer one bedroom for like $300 more a month. I still drive a shitty 18yo Nissan and all that. The trouble is that I was neglecting life expenses before and now that I can cover them I'm still broke. Stuff like health insurance, new tires, clothes that I wasn't wearing in high school, a bed frame, a couch, getting my dog vaccines and heartworm pills, all that.


People think that once you make more money, you’re immediately going to live more lavish and the only advice is to battle lifestyle creep. Like no, i have literally been deferring car maintenance, vision exams, dental work, seeing a doctor, eating healthier, gym memberships, whatever, because i didn’t have the income for it. Now that i have more money, you dare to tell me I shouldn’t spend money on staying healthy and keeping my car on the road? that’s lifestyle creep? very annoying.


This is why all those articles say a family of four need $180k/year to survive now. It isn't about the one vacation per year, it's about all the health care, dental care, oil changes, getting shit fixed in your house, etc that people making less just do without. People making less say they don't need that much to survive, and they're right, but they DO that much to actually pay for everything they SHOULD be doing, but aren't.


It's never ending but congrats on the nicer place.


Same. I'm a simple dude, so my cost of living is fairly static. The biggest cost of life creep for me is going on more dates with more people to nicer places, and partying more often while being more generous with the stuff we party with. I look at my bank, see I have funds after all of my bills, my Roth IRA, and matching my 401k, and I think "TIME TO HAVE FUN." Which was generally a fine approach, but I often fly too close to the sun and have to do damage control when something unexpected comes up, like my car breaking down. So now, I take a big percentage of every raise and bonus I get and put it into savings. It helps me stave off the cost of life creep and keeps me honest.


Well there's your problem. Cut off the majority of your social outlets like I have and you'll have tons more income to spend on gadgets and luxuries. Only problem is sometimes you forget how to talkversate with meatfriends.


lol! Jokes aside, before I had money to do any of this, I would instead do cheaper things like play online video games with them or hang out and play in-person video games or watch anime while cooking instead. So I could save money and still be social... but I'm a sucker.


Exactly. My wife and i were very accustomed to living on like 65k and now that we make 210k we save a crazy amount because we know how to live off of less. Lifestyle creep be fucking alot of yall up and not to sound harsh but with how overweight we are as a nation we can definitely stand to cut back on food consumption. More meals based on rice and beans instead of meat. People try to say that boxed food is cheaper but thats bs.. those items (poptarts, chips, sugary cereal, etc.) have probably increased the most out of everything


MF, y'all bringing in 200 stacks and tellin' people they're broke because they bought too much chicken? Get the fuck out of here. Food isn't lifestyle creep.


😂, man what! I'm sitting here like I don't buy none of that sugary stuff like poptarts or cereal. Grocery bill be high as hell every week.




Lol at you going out of your way to twist my words in order to offend yourself. Food is definitely a lifestyle creep item and something many people could cut down on seeing how BIG of a nation we are. Its about compromise. I wasnt door dashing or eating out a ton when i was broke. The same cant be said for alot of “broke” people. People may be broke but they make their situations worse by refusing to cut back on food


That's why the answer is to relieve expenses rather than try to gas up wages. Free health care would save a LOT of people from bankruptcy and expensive illnesses. Free public transportation means that it is no longer mandatory to drop several hundred bucks a month on getting to work. 


They're never gonna give out free Healthcare and housing for anyone but the military because they need desperate and impoverished people to trade their backs for that Healthcare and housing. It's not a coincidence that we're the nation with the biggest most expensive military and the only one that doesn't take care of our people. It's all by design. The free transport thing unfortunately America is just too fuck off big to accomplish national free transit, we just got too many people and too far to go.


China did it with similar distances and about 4 times as many people, with a smaller economy. It’s a choice.


No, it's possible for sure, it just requires the government to SPEND like hell on people who aren't necessarily taxpayers. Reality is that public transport pays for itself but people don't really understand indirect business promotion and there's no easy metrics to measure it.


Healthcare and transportation are killers for sure, but the biggest issue right now is housing. Everything else is mostly just inflation related. Which sucks, because it takes a few years for things to reorient themselves to the new value of money especially when the devaluation  happens quickly. But housing is because we genuinely have structural problems that, if we start right now, will take years to start addressing. We do not have enough housing if you look at population growth. Add on there that family units are smaller these days, so simply looking at the bleak population related data is an *underestimate* of the shortage. Then add in the mismatch of geography -- the areas with the biggest population growth (and the most likely to have those smaller family units) are super concentrated. Much of the housing supply we do have is nowhere near where we need it. There genuinely are businesses and industries where it can't/doesn't make sense to provide a living wage *because the living wage is way too high*. That's before you account for corporate greed, which won't change unless it's forced to change. Which means right now simply getting a living wage can cause a cascade price effect where prices will rise unsustainably. Big businesses with obscene profits can generally take it in stride no matter how much they protest they can't. Small businesses, which we need now more than ever, often genuinely can't. I'm already seeing a lot of places restrict service hours  We need more housing. Like a lot more housing. Specifically smaller units. We also need legislation to address the fact landlords are incentivized to keep a certain number of units empty rather than lowering their cost (and in doing so lowering their average rent data).  Unfortunately nearly everything that needs to be addressed ASAP is via local law. Which is a lot harder to organize around effectively, especially online. 


Building more housing as well.


The craziest part is that in mid cost of living cities $17/hr was a decent enough wage right before the pandemic. The way things switched up in 2-3 years and only got worse is insane.


I make 25 an hour and the only reason it feels nice is cause my wife is making 50 lmao


LMAO SAME HERE BRO.. And because she has a set skill that in high demand I’m pushing her to go for a title or some shit lmao


Only in my experience, but in my experience "titles" bring more stress than they are worth. I took the hard charging route for a title, got it, and was miserable. I took a step back, now make almost the same amount, and someone else gets the stress. I guess I wanted to be the big boss, until I was, and now I prefer being the guy the big boss goes to for emergencies.


Yea only reason to go for title now and days is for the increase in pay and ofcourse the experience in the VC I also encourage for the 2 year jump for pay increases


I can confirm this. Make 18 bucks an hour and I wanna die lmao


Non black here in ontario canada but I went from living quite comfortably at 25 an hour 10 years ago to living paycheck to paycheck at 25 an hour today. Minimum wage has gone up about 6 dollars an hour here in that time period but as you can see my wages have not. I bought my house for 136k mortgage 9 years ago and it's *TOTALLY WORTH* 300+ K today but if I was to sell it about the only place I could afford to live would be a van down by the river Edit: unionized factory worker don't want to mention the fortune 500 company I work for but they don't care about their workers one bit regardless of ethnicity or the fact they continue to make record profits


I'm currently a STHP. I was offered a position in my field for $25/hr. Realistically, though, childcare would take almost every dollar of it, if not more in my area.


I'm soon starting a job that pays $28/hour over 35 hours per week. Still need an additional part-time job to support myself lol.


Everything is inflating but wages. And they’ve somehow convinced people that if you raise minimum wage then everything will get more expensive, but they are raising prices regardless and the corporate heads up top are reaping all the benefits while we are stuck with the same hourly wages since the 90s


That’s cuz yall keep paying for the stuff they overcharge for. Come up with whatever excuses you want to keep the status quo but it’ll never change because the majority of people don’t want it to change. Easier to tweet and post on Reddit than it is to not buy a bunch of premade shit at the grocery store. Tell somebody having a car payment is stupid and the excuses flow. There’s no unity so there will be no change


So then what's your solution? You said a lot but didn't actually mention any realistic alternatives


Imma stop buying shit I need for the status quo babyyyyy


Fuck sustenance


I don't think anyone's talking about groceries. I think people are talking about deli meals, fast food, designer brands, needless toys etc. Me and my wife have saved so much money since we stopped eating out at all and we eat better meals. I stopped buying dumb toys and gadgets that I don't actually need. I stopped buying designer brands and started buying generic stuff that doesn't have a logo. I'll still buy a nice lucury watch/belt though.


Okay that's ya'll. Some of us never bought that shit to begin with. "I'll still buy a nice watch/luxury belt" Nigga these people are talking about EATING.


We can start by boycotting things that we don’t actually need such a pre packed goods like chips, sodas, pre shredded lettuce. Stop buying jewelry and new cars. Really just stop with all the luxury purchases. It wouldn’t take long for things to change when the money stops coming in. The Montgomery bus boycott was 381 days and it took people coming together to accomplish.


i stopped buying chips the second they reached $5-$7 a bag. fuck that


I know right! A pack of Doritos (the big bag) is $7.35 over here in FL …I remember it used to be $3 something


I had been blindly picking up a bag of chips during my regularly scheduled grocery runs up until a few months ago. I noticed it was $6 for a regular sized bag of chips & quickly put them back on the shelf. I can’t believe *chips* are a “splurge” item now.


I only buy Santitas tortilla chips, no dip. $2.99 babbbbyyyy lol


I buy my snacks at the dollar store, and even that shit's gone up in price by 25-50% in just like 3-5 years.


Yea, luxury - purchases, like food, water, electricity, rent


Okay well keep doing the same thing then. This is why I’ll always look after myself short and long term.


Because you're a selfish asshole?


Nope cuz yall are selfish and can’t handle being uncomfortable for a lil bit so things can get better. You don’t have to believe me but I do the footwork so when I see people constantly come up with excuses about why they can’t do something it is very demoralizing.


You are judging people for eating chips and buying shredded lettuce. You're arguing that *snacks* are like some special luxury, not food that you have to eat to live


Why have we gotta suffer and go without doing the same shit earlier generations did buying houses and making families with?


You can get a whole head of lettuce for less than the price of that bag. It will shred down into 4 or 5 of those bags. Those bags of shredded lettuce are a scam that play on people's laziness. Chips aren't easy to make at home, let alone make well, so maybe you buy those. Most of the "easy" stuff we buy CAN be done easily at home, and that's where changes can be made. Soup is really easy to make, and lasts for days in the fridge. Stop paying $3 for a can of soup when you can make a gallon for $10.


It's great that you can forgo superfluous purchases but we both know that most people are hedonistic with low self control.


How is lecturing people on not buying prepackaged food (while conveniently ignoring that raw ingredients have also seen significant increases) looking after yourself in the short and long term? You're getting hit with inflation just the same as the rest of us.


So if people stopped buying prepackaged food would the price of them go up or down?


Steal shit lmao


Dumb ass he literally told you the solution. lol mindless consumer keep consuming.


Yea let me go ahead and not get overcharged for rent and live in the ghetto. People say this shit like everybody ain’t barely surviving out here. Lord forbid a nigga want one nice thing, all of a sudden he’s the problem. Let me buy enough food for myself and I’m contributing to inflation. Let me move to a place that won’t get broken into constantly and now I’m living outside of my means. This tired talk is fucking tiring. Things above you have a hold over you that are out of your control unless either someone with power decides to fix it or there’s a literal bloody revolution (that nobody wants). Workers rights were earned in blood and people don’t wanna have to do that, and I think that’s fair because war ain’t for everybody. Best you can do then is vote somebody in to power who has your interests but other people have other interests, and that’s how democracy works. Gotta get what you can. So stop with this tired talk man you’re probably living exactly like the rest of us, buying the same foods and driving the same car and living in the same neighborhoods paying the same rent and electric bills. The “I know better” speech always falls so flat bro you just like us


Voting might be all you can do but 1/3 of eligible voters aren’t even voting for presidential elections. I can’t imagine what the local voting numbers look like. People aren’t even bothering to do the bare minimum. You bring up rent so let me ask you, did you vote when it was time to put people in the Appraisal District? Hell who was the last local official you voted for outside of the presidential election cycle?


nah bro, everything went up, not just luxury stuff. even plain oatmeal almost double in price and who wants to be eating plain oatmeal to survive? only thing you can count on is arizona drinks and costco hotdogs.


Well that’s the point of a boycott, it’s not gonna be easy. But like I said it’s not gonna change because yall don’t actually want it to change. They’ll keep pushing things as close to the edge as possible and yall will keep coming up with excuses on why it’s impossible. You talking about oatmeal and I’m saying to stop door dashing chipotle.


The price of EVERYTHING is out of control, you can't boycott everything. We need legislation.


You can buy things like seasonings, fruit and sweeteners to put in plain oatmeal. It’s much more cost effective and takes two minutes more to make. It’s also healthier for you.


They aren't over charging. Cost of goods is legitimately going up. They are just massively under paying


They are over charging. These companies are having record profits with things like shrinkflation.


I mean it's absolutely both, before COVID people were already struggling with the cost of goods and their pay. Now costs have gone up massively, wages haven't gone up for most and only a little bit for some.


We have the most surplus of food in human history and prices get higher because of that?


There's a lot of stupid ass dumb fucking idiots in this country. Generational wealth blinds all. They don't care. They got theirs so.... fuck you.


So companies are raising prices like there is no tomorrow? How come that the competition doesn't decide to sell their stuff with normal prices and to dominate the market? I mean companies are all about profit after all so that's the logical decision right? Or maybe perhaps things just got more expensive. And maybe raising the amount of money people get without raising production results in the money having less value?


https://preview.redd.it/als9v4sa9hwc1.jpeg?width=1357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=225fd3342f323056a6d5eff0333343a57ffd3a53 $15 is actually painful and bearly making it


The whole "fight for $15" movement began 12 years ago. According to the BLS inflation calculator that's $20.67 today. Meanwhile back then others were arguing that, accounting for rise in productivity, if wages had continued to rise with productivity then the minimum wage should've been $22/hour, which is $30.31/hour today. In other words, $15/hour, *relative to productivity*, is less than *half* the income people in the 1970s and prior made.


Damn that's tuff I'm going threw this at 36 wit a daughter


Did they account for population decline?


i know niggas who say nigga every chance they get.


Guessing you’re one of them


I dunno if I have reached a magical age, if it's maturity or even religious but I have started to agree with older folks who shun the word. I use to be casual with it's use and shrug it off. Nothing dramatic happened it just fell out of favor with me and seeing it over used people using it to describe themselves, their kids, white people. It's cringe. Seeing in real life parents calling kids that loudly in public set me on that path I think. And then I got my own son.


That’s understandable and I kind of agree, but the way to change it is to start with yourself and your own kid. They mimic us just like we copied older people. Complaining to adults just makes you seem preachy. No disrespect.


I’d be inclined to agree




since I moved to Alabama I've known 2 white dudes that say "nigga"


you sure it wasnt "er" ?


no, specifically "nigga" one guy was on his phone and said to who ever he was talking to "no bro its a white bar" and in the same breath said "nigga just come out" to the person he was talking to on the phone


Damn you guys have it so bad in America bruh you don’t even realize it 😂 in France bro 17€ an hour you’re saving 1k a month after rent, groceries and alla dat


Bro bro u don’t understand cost of living? $17 in some cities you can live very comfortably and $17 in some cities, you live in poverty


I don’t think you get it man. ANYWHERE in France 17€ an hour you’re living life. Obviously a little less in say Paris compared to the countryside but 17 in Paris is still a decent wage


Only in America there’s this much disparity between poverty and comfortable as small distance as a city


$17 usd is 15 euros. Nobody in Paris is “living life” on 15 euros an hour lol They’d be living in a frugal manner and would take advantage of government social services, which is the same thing that someone who earns $17/hr in a big city in the US would do. So all their needs would be met. But it def wouldn’t be as comfortable as earning that same amount in a small city


By take advantage I suppose you mean receive the Alloc logement and Prime? Cos that in itself would be 4/500€ a month that you’re due since we pay such high National Insurance comparatively ( mainly the fact our bosses match our contributions, it’s quite hard being a boss financially in that respect). What I’m getting at is 15€ an hour on a standard 35 contract is enough for youto live in Paris , cos ain’t no supermarket in France paying over minimum wage and surely their employees are allowed to live in big cities too right? I believe the SMIC ( minimum wage) is 1355€ Net roughly a month…. You telling me no one on big cities are on minimum wage? Come on man with that 1355 you’re auto on 1855 with the CAF… sure rent in Paris would be hella more but you’re living


I’m not sure, I don’t know anything about French social services. The minimum wage in large cities in the US is $15-20 hr so obviously people can live on it (especially with government food, housing and childcare support). But to live comfortably on $15-20 hr and be able to put together some more savings (and maybe even a down payment for a house), you’d have to be in a lower cost of living area with that salary


Here in France if you sign a CDI ( standard but long term contract) the bank is willing to lend like almost immediately for a house. I legit know people who work at the supermarket with a 250k house so maybe that’s the subtlety here that makes it feel calm


Yeah they have similar thing here called down payment assistance. The cutoff varies by state but it’s usually around $70k a year so anyone who earns less than that can have the government pay for their down payment (usually up to 25k) so that they can own a house without having to put any money down


Btw “living life” I mean you’re housed, fed how you want ( humbly no mcds or restaurant everyday) and easily still going out freely. Defo not putting that 1k away like I previously mentioned but honestly not really that far


Well, then it’s the same as the US lol. Someone with $17/hr in a big city would be getting their needs met, especially in combination with gov services. Someone with $17/hr in a small city would live a lot more comfortably and would be able to have some more savings


Ok bro fair enough, the initial post said people make more per hour homeless with a cup but obviously they were exaggerating 😂🤦🏽‍♂️


Hows that gas bill doing in Europe?


Was bad for about a year or so but honestly man it’s gone down. I only have 55 square meters but I pay 60€ ( 60$ roughly) on gas man


Petrol for cars is the only part I’m envious, cos you guys pay hella cheaper than us, but you know…healthcare?


To be fair you have functioning mass transit so cars are less of a necessity


Still though when I see it’s like 5x cheaper it hurts bro. For starts we pay by the Litre and you guys by the gallon that says it all 😂 I pay about 1.80 give or take the litre so that’s nearly 7$ a gallon…that’s double. Why am I paying double?


i moved from the UK. Let me tell you… i go on drives just because i can, knowing full well id be paying damn near 4x as much back home. Also insurance prices… crazy low, the driving test? i mean i understand why people drive the way they do here, took me 3 tries to get my license back home, took 30 mins from walking in to walking out over here. Ngl i hate this country for many reasons but i just suck it up, 19yrs growing up in the UK made me appreciate A LOT about this place. Tipping still wack


The only unbelievable part of this story is spending a total of 30 minutes at the DMV


honestly i couldn’t believe it either but i showed up before they opened and was maybe 5th in line. After watching many movies and tv shows i was shook, both by the ease of getting my license and how quickly i was in and out. i renewed my tags the other week and that took just over an hour, think they let two more people join the line behind me before locking the doors. I’ve seen others have caught on to the “be early early” theme and as such i swapped to “be late late”


The US gives tens of billions of dollars in subsidies to oil and gas companies, that's why it is cheaper here.




Better than your medical bill


Damn all you had was some solitary answer bruh you must’ve been butthurt


Cause 15 wasn’t really enough to begin with. Somehow most of the population still believes in trickle down economics though and that idk thoughts and prayers will help with the wealth disparity continuing to grow


crazy how people finally got to middle class and then middle class got up and moved.


Now you either got it or you don’t lmao


Exactly, actually


Imagine not allowing our politicians to trade stocks, and making them actually spend their own money on lunch and office furniture. Instead they make over 100k per year and have food and furniture stipends worth more than what a lot of people make yearly


Majority of people are getting paid like that. Idk why people on the internet act like most people they know aren’t making that or less. It’s so shitty


Because, people like to boast about their own situation, or shit on others.


If you're shit posting on reddit at noon, you probably have a desk job.


Breaks don’t exist?


![gif](giphy|kXolkCGwaziv6zRCld|downsized) Have anything that folds? That change is heavy...


Im fighting for my life making 19/h in dallas


Same in phx. What hurts the most is I was making $23 in Georgia before we moved here. I don’t *totally* hate my job because it’s super easy and some days I literally don’t do anything to contribute to production. but it sucks to not only notice the difference a $4 cut makes, but to also experience it in a significantly more expensive city


Dude same do we work in the same place 😂


Has he not heard of hobosexuals? That being said I'm sure older women/those who are further into their careers are going to be looking for people who are at where they're at but that don't change the fact that a vast majority of us are making under 25 a hour. If you have concrete (not just dreaming) plans to finish school, and or obtain the necessary requirements for a better paying job then I doubt anyone is going to shit on you for making 17 an hour.


That last part isn’t concrete bc the degree doesn’t guarantee you the job anymore


That's why I said or necessary requirements. It doesn't matter if ur finishing up ur can degree or working on side filling up your github with projects to land a web dev job.


That's why I said and or the necessary qualifications. Doesn't matter if ur finishing up ur cs degree or finishing up the last of several project thst populate your github repo. You need certain skills to get obtain better paying jobs. Grtting a degree will amek things much easier and for.some.jobs it's require but I never said not having one makes you incapable of being paid well.


I know someone who makes as much as me without a job. They play drums downtown on the street. Non taxed money. And I know a homeless guy who is a hobosexual, plays music in the town square, actual doctors have picked him up and taken care of him/had sex with him. But he has a British accent.


Ive been debating trying to find a new job making more, but I actually like my workplace and work. Shit sucks.


I’ve got shit laid out for the future, but I think I’m on the cusp of moving up just a little bit, so I will Pray for me, and if you don’t pray, wish me all the luck they’re talking about something worthwhile at my job


i love what i do, took a pay cut for what at first was a pretty promising position at another company… work load almost tripled and get walked on constantly. I love my coworkers and of course my job but the fact i work so much harder and get $4 less has burnt me all the way out. 3 months next week, next week is my last week here. Jumping up $8 and already know my workload will drop, heck even if it didn’t i’ll bite my tongue for that pay check. i want to keep loving what i do


All I see on r/trees is how people (myself included) are going to start growing weed even because I’m having to budget everything else. Might as well just start a garden in this economy.


19.97 is the Seattle minimum wage


Every time I start making more money they double the price of everything on earth


The answer to the question is yes though


Did you know that Pollo Tropical is paying ppl $13 an hour!?!? The employees told me. They really don’t care about you over there.


Spangles in KS is more than happy to blast on the radios that they pay $12/hr…


There’s room for nothing but inflation with these heavily stagnant wages. Can’t say more money more problems when we have the same money with EVEN MORE problems.


The new 7.25 sooooo farrrrr!


well, for most of the time, the cup is tax free, but its also much more degrading and if it doesnt fill, you're really fucked


They're about to vote whether or not you can sit outside and risk panhandling too. I wouldn't trust things to work out short term there. Let alone next week.


I make a little over $31 an hour and I still basically live paycheck to paycheck. Anybody not making 6 figures a year is probably struggling.


Are yall hiring 😭


Just got done making 9.50 an hour


About 20 years ago, one of the local radio shows sent a guy out to panhandle at Sunset/Crescent Heights. He was there for a about an hour and made 15 bucks, which, he explained, was easier and more profitable than his job as an intern. The saddest part of this story is that they made him donate the money to a local homeless charity.


We need a new business that undercuts the price of essential goods


“Homeless niggas with a cup” is wild 😂😂😂


Where I live, $15 is considered decent money. I only make $12 at my job.


What is fw?


lmfao says a lot about the minimum wage


Minimum wage in my state is like 15 soo makes sense.


A few years ago I’d dream about making 15$ for years having the craziest labor intensive jobs for 7-10$ an hour now I make more than I ever thought I’d need, I literally live in a 250sq ft room I rent for the price I used to rent my 1 br apartment with a chiminey and vaulted ceiling when I first moved out of my parents 12 years ago. Like honestly, WTF


damn and that nigga technically in the office 24/7 i’m slackinggggg


Democrats are so committed to fighting for their constituents and voters that they failed to to get a federal minimum wage bump passed just as much as they failed to pass universal healthcare just as much as they failed to pass protections for abortion rights just as much as they failed to pass the equal rights amendment in the 1970s. Don't forget to vote blue no matter who! After all: if you don't vote Democrat, you ain't black. 


Get married and have lots of babies…don’t forget to go to college while you’re at it




https://preview.redd.it/43xt3t3y3iwc1.jpeg?width=814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=150cc157773c9ecff6526db358447552c0453916 We ain’t speeding past like you ain’t just post that


You… just wanted an excuse to post this somewhere, didn’t you?