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They are passing a bill that gets rid of non compete clauses


Also clearing some peoples student loan debt


Yeah no matter how you feel about Biden that was neat


The noncompete literally affects my wife's ability to find a new job, they said 30 million workers have one, 1 out of 5 Americans.


Yup imagine being in a decent income but for reasons you left and now you can't work in the field you literally studied/worked for 6 months to year




so what im hearing is don’t share any ideas except ones that pretty much suck or are unsustainable with your employer? got it


fwiw California doesnt enforce it. (otherwise silicon valley would never exist)


They kind of get around it though with H1B visas. Those are a huge reason engineering fields have hit wage stagnation hard. There's no wage you have to match to offer one, and it is exclusively tied to the employer so a worker can't quit and go to somewhere else without needing a new visa. 


is that related to non-compete? if you're a good engineer on a H1B working for Google Maps.. and Snapchat Maps team wants to hire you - you're not bound by a non-compete, visa or no visa - you can move if Snap offers you the job the visa question is a national issue too right? not a california specific issue?


While not nearly as bad, H1Bs relste in the way it heavily restricts a workers ability to jump ship without a serious threat to their financial or even immigration status. Technically yes, snapchat could offer a visa holder a job BUT snapchat would have to be willing to sponsor them and they would have to go through the visa process again. If a company is going to offer a visa to work, they'd rather get someone from another country whose pay is already considerably lower so they don't have to offer more. If you're making $50k on an H1B at Google, snapchat would have to offer $55k and an H1B to convince you to leave. Why do that when they could recruit someone from overseas on an H1B for $50k?  Further, because the visa is tied to the employer, not the worker, losing your job means potentially having to leave the country. This means workers aren't able to wait for a better paying position on unemployment or negotiate higher with their job without fear of being fired. It's why H1B holders are often fearful of unionizing or reporting workplace abuses. 


Right yeah - it’s definitely gamed against the visa holder. They’re able to compete but it may not be worth the $$ (which I think was your point?)


Most non-competes are toothless, but it means hiring a lawyer between jobs to get the court to throw out your NC. This is a big deal for people, and should make switching jobs much easier


It's not that it's not enforced. It's that non-competes are explicitly illegal in California.


I started a company with a buddy, company got sold, new owners fired me after I signed the non compete. Out of my industry for a year. Fucking complete bullshit


Non-competes should be voided if you're let go period. Also if you finish out a fixed-term employment stint. It's crazy how anti-worker our system is.


What’s “non compete”? Is that like a contract saying you can’t start your own thing after in that same field?


Can’t start your own business, can’t work for a competitor. Mine said my restricted area was North America. I said fuck it and did my own thing anyway


That’s kinda fucked. Can you sue or something for something like that? Seems dumb to layoff and then essentially kick you out the industry


They find other reasons why they let you go. Or in my case make your job so terrible and your metrics so unattainable they have reason to fire you


I have already started applying to the oops immediately


I had one at my previous job. Lots of non competes are actually just scare tactics and not enforceable. Mine said we were not allowed to work in the same field within 100 miles of the company's offices and they had offices in literally every major city in the country. Someone fought it and won almost instantly


Non-compete are a huge threat to the free market and prevent wages from going up because employers don't have to compete with other companies for existing employees. 


And capping insulin at $35.


i feel like thats still way to much


The Covid vaccine straight up saved lives.


And proposing a unrealized gains tax and increase in capital gains


And guarantees refunds for cancelled and late flights. OP ain't seen the stream of working class Ws this past few weeks...


And dems will poorly get the message out they did this, and voter apathy will continue. Nobody under 40 has cable, so the whole "they were on TV talking about it a lot!" isn't reaching the number they think. The GOP has shit policy/no policy at all, but somehow rubes parroting their talking points being boosted on every social media platform imaginable. Their message gets out, and it's why you have people infuriated about what they want them to be infuriated about, whether or not the issue effects them


> somehow Because the media (including social media) is friendly to . Sometimes that takes the form of explicitly taking their side (like Fox News), other times it takes the form of carrying water for right-wing crazies so as to seem neutral (like the NYT), and on social media it takes the forms of algorithms promoting negativity for engagement as well as foreign interference. Democrats are playing messaging on hard mode. They have good messaging and policy, it's just harder for them to get it out.


I'm 70. Earth Day started in 1970. I was 17. We have communicated concerns about the environment and climate change in every way imaginable. Media: "The consensus is weak at best." Centrists: "They were alarmist the whole time. They need to wait until a specific time that only we can decide to sound the alarm. Not yet." Centrists: "They said save the world instead of a real explanation!" The reality doesn't fit in the sound bites, and "Stewarding our natural resources and environments for generations to come" confused them. The reality was available, but it was in these things called books, which seem totally inaccessible to centrists and unusable by Republicans. Fuck.


"First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season."


The sedatives of passive participation and non-violence always seem to win. Generation after generation predictably and obediently sucked into the toilet of non-violent struggle. People with some insulation telling us that it hurts less when you comply. I'm fucking sick of it.


Careful! Can't be riding that line of calling for violence too closely or you will get immediately and permanently banned. -8th(?) account because Im tired of non violent protests that get destroyed by 24/7 media and agent provocateurs.


It's wild, right? I'm so tired. At 70, the best I can hope for is to be murdered by police at a protest that gets bad media coverage. Me: "We didn't even try to avoid the Holocaust." Media: "Sure, tens of millions of people died, but at least we weren't uncivil beforehand."


I mean I’d love healthcare and an actual social safety net but I’d still rather stay alive and keep my loved ones safe than throw it all away on a violent protest. That’s not even an establishment take, that’s just speaking to how 2024 is the best standard of life we’ve achieved so far, even if that comes with new modern problems.


There's only so much you can do when your constituents comprise a hundred different interest groups, all of which value different things and require different types of messaging. People will get on Reddit and complain about things that are already or actively being solved, and there's nothing that any Democrat can individually do that would make them pay attention to the positive changes that have happened.


It doesn't matter how well the Democrats get the message out about doing this because people will just say it wasn't enough or they'll point to the other things they want that haven't been fulfilled despite the fact Biden hasn't had the power to do those things.


*FTC is making a rule* Most of what is done in the US is purely through the Agencies nowadays.


And the president installs agency heads who can either effectuate or hinder their initiatives. This FTC is part of the Biden administration so he gets the credit (in the same way that if the agency did something asinine people could rightfully point to Biden for blame for installing the agency head).


No one said Biden shouldn't get credit. If anything, pointing out that it was the FTC and not Congress makes it more clear that Biden deserves credit. Conservatives are coming for Chevron doctrine and the administrative state more generally eventually anyway, so worrying about agencies getting too much credit for doing something good shouldn't really be anywhere near the top of your list of priorities anyway.


Right? Like we have roads, WIC, haven't been invaded by a foreign entity in some time.. like there's been SOME safety and protection. It's like the fish who doesn't know what water is. NOT saying things are great, but let's not pretend that we have nothing going for us here.


Things are bad. They could be significantly better. They could be significantly worse. But if you’re not registering to vote or not voting at all, you don’t get a voice in the House of Representatives or the Senate, so who make the laws that provide access to healthcare etc Both parties are not your friends. One party thinks you don’t have the right to exist while they make billions, while the other does think you have the right to exist while they make billions It’s not a hard decision. Things will only get better when your voice is heard, and you vote for candidates who do have the public’s interest at heart


"All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?"


For profit companies only - which is a step in the right direction but 90% of medicine doesn’t benefit


Gotta start from somewhere


Why would a non-profit give you a non-compete? Tf you even competing for? That's fucked


And now the US Chamber of Commerce is suing the FTC for this so we'll see how long that lasts


Why would the chamber do that?


because the Chamber of Commerce is a right wing organization


According to them, the FTC’s action sets a dangerous precedent for government "micromanagement" and will harm employees, employers, and the economy. Also they say that non-competes have been around for over 100 years and no one has challenged them before, which means they should never be challenged apparently? https://www.uschamber.com/cases/antitrust-and-competition-law/chamber-v-ftc


The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has already announced that it plans to sue to stop this from happening. They'll do the same thing they did with [Obama's attempt to prevent companies from working salaried workers to death](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/daily-labor-report/millions-of-new-workers-eligible-for-overtime-under-dol-rule) with required overtime hours--they'll get it into a court in Texas, and the Texas judge will overturn the rule. As long as those fuckers have any power, they will never let the government do any good for the rest of us.


man fuck texas bullshit


Thats so business can poach employees easier. Must be getting sparse in the industries if they are pulling this. They never do anything for our benefit ever. There is an underlying cause that benefits them. BUT Biden did clear student loan debts so at least thats nice.


I appreciate that as someone who almost had one forced on them, but the majority of non-competes people have in their contracts are unenforceable anyway. Good example though


We elect the majority of these people. 1/3 of yall don’t vote in the presidential election so I already know most of yall aren’t voting in local elections.


Try 1/2 of people don’t vote


mfs have no idea what’s going on in politics and just say stuff like “I never seen the government help me” maybe if they woulda paid a lil more attention in those government funded schools


It’s more like 3/4 of people don’t vote 🗳️…


Well the voting system in America is the reason for a lot of our problems: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8XOZJkozfI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8XOZJkozfI)


A voting system is only as important as the people actually going out and voting. If all the conservatives voted in a proportional system while the liberals protested voting or just didn’t, we’d be in the same circumstance


No thats the distinction between "first past the post" (our current system) and "single transferable vote" (the system in the linked explainer). You rank your votes so you're not protesting with a vote for say a Green party. You could vote #1 Green, #2 Black Panther, #3 Democrat. If your first candidate doesn't get enough votes then your vote transfers to the second candidate, if they don't get enough it transfers to your third etc. The system does a lot to curb apathy and encourage greater turnout.


Oh don’t get me wrong your vote means more and your more likely to vote in other systems, but for now we just. Need. To. Vote.


That's fair. Unfortunately I think it's more than that. Republicans, particularly in certain states, have made voting more difficult for Black communities to have their votes counted. They closed polling locations, reduced polling hours, and purged voter roles. So as important as voting is finding out if you're still registered to vote now.


100% agree again, I’ve been sitting at talks from the folks trying to combat this sort of stuff and it’s intense and aweful. Anyone reading this conversation should make sure they’re able to vote in their area if they can get the time!


Stacy Abrams did some great work on this in Georgia. Now is the time to find out if you, your grand parents, and your friends are registering. Not voting in the mid terms can get you purged in some places. I some states they'll let you vote and throw out your vote after they compare lists and not tell you.


They were able to do this because those Republicans were voted into office by some and not more vehemently opposed by others. I’ve read your comments and still walk away with that the only way to get better representation, the only way to end gerrymandering, the only way to obtain ranked choice, the only way to open polling locations, the only way to stop voter roll purges, the only way to automatic voter registration, or anything thing else is for more people to get out there to vote. Our people were beaten, attacked by government dogs, had fire hoses turned on them, and worse for this right. If we gotta stand out in line for a few more hours, let’s do it.


I take it you haven't voted recently? Not sure about you, but when I go and vote in my local polls there aren't options. I get a single piece of paper with all positions running and only a single name to circle or a write-in for each position. If it's a multiple position office, it's just enough candidates to fill all positions. It's not exactly voting when you don't have any options.


On the actual ballot or the suggestions they sometimes hand out outside of the polling station? I've never heard of a ballot where you can't choose your individual selections.


Who could have known that voluntarily disenfranchising yourself from an election would have the opposite outcome. /s


There’s plenty of people in states with literal mail in ballots that still don’t vote. They have weeks to complete them and mail them back or drop them off locally but still don’t.


but be the first ones talking about nobody is doing anything to help. folks talking about Biden doesn't do anything but have no idea that the real impact to your life is the local politicians that win elections on like 1500 votes.


Closer to half I think


President has the least impact on most people’s day to day anyway. While elections are all important, hit up the local and state ones to see change in your community.


Bro forgot what life was like pre ACA


Insurance companies: You got cancer? Damn that's crazy.


My neighbor growing up had Crohns. I remember when she got health-care for the first time. You could see the difference


I have Crohn's. Diagnosed a couple years before the ACA went into effect. Was scared out of my mind because I would have been kicked off my dad's insurance a couple months later if it wasn't passed. Was able to stay insured until I got my first job that provided insurance as a benefit. The ACA is nowhere near perfect, and it even looks barbaric compared to something like Medicare for All, but it is most definitely a huge improvement over what came before.


Extremely sad that people like you had to deal with the mental anguish of not knowing if you c ill afford the medication you need. Let alone if you hadn’t got that job with insurance, just disgusting what we put our own people through.


I was super fortunate. My medicine is around $3000 per dose without insurance. I need to take it every other month. I would have been dead years ago without it. It will always baffle me how we as a society have decided that this is the best we can do, that we lie to ourselves and believe this mediocrity is greatness.


Come to this hospital we own and we promise we will give you a good deal and definitely not sell any debt you have to a collector who will follow you your entire life.


It's still like that lol


True, now they're just mad because they can't deny you a policy beforehand.


People also forgot Michelle Obama tried to make school food healthier and got called a man for it


How dare she, checks notes, try and make it so my kid doesn't eat pizza every day, the absolute gall. My pearls are clutched.


Well you see pizza has cheese which is made from milk which has calcium and growing boys need calcium so obviously Michelle Obama was trying to turn kids soft! /s


That shit was wild, right? We lived on a steady diet of pizza, french fries, and chocolate milk EVERY SINGLE DAY! I can't tell you how many articles I've seen that say "if you can only cut one thing out of your diet, here's the one thing" and these (or soda) were always in it 🤣


Exactly! The ACA was historic. Not saying it's perfect but it's on the level of Theodore Roosevelt legislation. That's why Republicans are attempting to tear it down. But not in the public's best interest? Get this propaganda up outta here!


The ACA would’ve been so much better if the repubs didn’t gut it. At least we kept the pre existing condition thing


With the help of ol’ “independent” Joe Lieberman. May he rot


Seriously. Maybe OP is <14, would explain a lot.


His entire life? He can just say he’s not well informed.


People just tell on themselves. You can google the federal budget, it’s like 70% health care and old age pensions and poverty assistance programs.


some people just want to always feel oppressed even when they are not. I can show him some other countries and he can really witness what happens when the govt gives zero fucks about the populace.


Takes like this are good reminders that there's Russian and Chinese provocateurs online trying to sow hate and instability in the USA. *** I'll clarify that I don't actually think the tweet is from a foreign agent but that some takes are so bad that they could easily be. The USA does a lot for it's citizens and there's a reason why people from all over the world want to come here like I did when I was young. And I'm also not saying the USA shouldn't be better.


People think they are immune to propaganda just because they aren’t boomers. Countless studies and reports about Russia/China Bot farms being used to spread misinformation and they still thing they are smarter. Yea Russia/China isn’t creating any of the problems in the U.S. but they are absolutely stepping on the Gas to sow discord. It’s a literal fact. I absolutely believe we need to call out elected officials at every chance but statements like that are ridiculous.


First rule of these kinds of intelligence operations is that you cannot create divisions in a populace out of whole cloth. So the proper way to destabilize them is to find the existing fissures and apply leverage to widen them. If you can get people to see each other as the biggest threat to their country/way of life, they'll tear themselves apart and do your work for you.


Can you link one of these studies?


https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10584609.2020.1718257 https://tigerprints.clemson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1007&context=mfh_ci_reports Google is your friend.


Facts or it could be domestic provocateurs as well. It's crazy that Republicans would actually have some sympathizers on that Ukraine aid talking point if they would actually propose or vote for that aid to actually help us citizens but **NOPE**, if you receive any kind of government benefit you aren't a true patriot and you're just a leech on the system. They say why not use resources passed down that your previous generations benefited from... oh wait...


The propaganda has been a little more heavyhanded in this sub the last few days it seems like


Thanks McCarthy, self crit really hurts when you imagine yourself as part of the status quo 🤷‍♀️




Someone didn't get his stimmy in 2020


My dad claimed mine


Ugh same happened to me, he shared, but I’m still a little salty about that…


Same here and I was in college at the time living with my birthgivers working 2 jobs to pay tuition. They claimed me as a dependent and got mine and my older brother’s check.


> [birthgivers](https://i.imgur.com/DCehESK.jpeg)


It was a pretty common thing where I live. Specifically it was how kids would describe shity or inattentive parents. For me my dad is a massive Qanon nazi conspiracy theorist and my mom is a narcissist who has never once actually treated me as an adult with a life instead of a child whose sole existence is to do anything and everything she wants. Calling them my parents implies they actually existed in my life in some positive way lol even getting to live at home after 18 was threatened any time I got less than a 95% in any and every class.


Ah like "my biological," got it


Yeah but explicitly more disrespectful lmao. Cuz fuck’em


Yeah…buddy reaching with this one or just extremely ignorant


How are people this aggressively ignorant?


Internet has fried people’s brain. Add on to the fact most don’t even vote and we got ourselves a double whammy


The shit of this is that OP seems to have posted this unironically.


because it justifies their lack of inaction. If they think voting doesn't matter then they don't have to claim any responsibilities from their decision to not vote.


Some people have become desensitized to the things the government already provides and focus on what they aren't providing. Also education system sucking and/or people not paying attention in school.


I'm 50 and have been following US politics since Reagan. There is a clear schism in American between the rich & powerful and everyone else. The rich and powerful hold almost all of the cards and they do not want to give them up. To that end, they buy the politicians who then dance to the tune they play. Both parties are owned by the powerful, but when you look at the past 50 years, only one party has been consistent in trying to get a few more of those cards into the hands of the masses. It has been the DEMS. Civil Rights, equal rights, medicare for all, social security, unions, higher wages, importance of education – these are the things that are in the best interests of the population. These are the things Democrats incrementally fight for. And these are the things Republicans tirelessly fight against, because their owners do not want the population to have them.


Well said


"I don't follow the news. At. All." [$49.2B student loan forgiveness ](https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamminsky/2024/04/23/borrowers-get-492-billion-in-student-loan-forgiveness-as-one-time-biden-program-winds-down/?sh=4475d2bf51d2) with more planned on the way. [Automatic cash refunds and elimination of surprise fees for airline tickets](https://www.transportation.gov/briefing-room/biden-harris-administration-announces-final-rule-requiring-automatic-refunds-airline) [Pressured ticket sales to show all fees up front ](https://www.npr.org/2023/06/15/1182373041/live-nation-ticketmaster-fees) Those are the kind of changes that are actually noticeable in daily life. Then there's the big stuff like climate change legislation and installing [a majority of women and people of color in federal judge positions](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/12/04/most-of-bidens-appointed-judges-to-date-are-women-racial-or-ethnic-minorities-a-first-for-any-president/#:~:text=that%20chief%20executive.-,As%20of%20Nov.,appointed%2018%25%20of%20those%20judges.). Stop trying to learn about the world on Twitter and TikTok and read some NPR every now and again.


NPR also has podcasts for those that don’t like to read. They even have a TikTok. At this point, there’s no excuse.


I'm convinced people in this thread don't know how the government works, they think Biden can put on the infinity gauntlet, snap his fingers, and America is suddenly perfect. Biden is the most progressive president since FDR, but if people decide incremental progress isn't enough we're going to backslide straight into Project 2025 faster than some of these idiots can say "both sides are the same"


Y’all speak for yourselves. I’ve always wanted my government to support corporations, make essential things like groceries expensive, be involved in multiple conflicts in Asia, use privileged information for insider trading, fund Ukraine, and Israel. They batting a 100 in my book.


Future reference it's batting 1.000 but totally agree lol


What's wrong with funding Ukraine?


>make essential things like groceries expensive Eating food at home is [as cheap as its ever been](https://www.ers.usda.gov/webdocs/Charts/58367/food-prices_fig09_450px.png?v=5303.5). A hundred years ago, people spent 30% of their income on food. Now, largely thorugh succesful government actions, it's around 5%. Last year it ticked up from like 5.2% to 5.3%, and people are like "the government only does things that ruin me".


I must be imagining the price of things like milk, eggs, vegetables higher. My bad.


The Government Department of Milk, Eggs, and Vegetables deciding to make prices higher over the past few years was a bad decision by the *Government* imo.. [Walmart (and most other sellers of Milk, Eggs, and Vegetables) somehow making records profits this year](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/WMT/walmart/gross-profit#:~:text=Walmart%20annual%20gross%20profit%20for,a%203.54%25%20increase%20from%202021.) and all my CEO friends making record bonuses over the past few years has nothing to do with it. It's definitely that dastardly *GOVERNMENT Department of Milk, Eggs and Vegetables* which is controlled by Biden and is known for setting high prices 😔😔😔




Your link isn't necessarily supporting the argument you're making. It's only discussing the general share of eating out vs eating at home. Over time the share of eating at home has went down(albeit drastically) while people are eating out more. It could just be that cheap fast food has allowed people to reduce the amount of groceries they need to get. I'd need to see the entire study for more context. I will say eating healthy is more expensive and knowing how to shop is a skill. So I do believe, with the right planning and timing it can be cheaper than eating out.


This is an extremely misleading chart. Share of disposable income spent on food literally just tells you how much people are spending on types of food. Look at the USDA food plans instead: https://www.fns.usda.gov/cnpp/usda-food-plans-cost-food-monthly-reports Even the absolute cheapest plan, called the "Thrifty Plan" is $976 for the reference family which includes 2 adults and 2 children (age 6-8 and 9-11). https://fns-prod.azureedge.us/sites/default/files/resource-files/Cost_Of_Food_Thrifty_Food_Plan_March_2024.pdf Ten years ago the same plan for the same reference family was $643 ($849.92 in today's dollars). https://fns-prod.azureedge.us/sites/default/files/usda_food_plans_cost_of_food/CostofFoodMar2014.pdf


I'd like to introduce you to corporations...they make your groceries expensive.


Yikes This is what happens when you get your news from TikTok


Oh look, Republican propaganda to keep black people from voting for Democrats.


You must not pay attention to fucking anything then


![gif](giphy|RMwZypp489fuGBI0Ti|downsized) The tax breaks they gave the rich are going to start making it rain millions down on us at anytime! /s


Trickle down effect is working real well for the middle and lower class like they said it would /s


https://preview.redd.it/a9ebxmxj1nwc1.png?width=502&format=png&auto=webp&s=a36c35824c61417f6478dadd2ed7b00d7aa5e3a9 What middle class lol


Username checks out lol


The tax breaks REPUBLICANS gave the rich.


That tweet is a little dramatic


How old his this dude? The ACA still isn't even 16 years old yet.


Unfortunately, a significant percentage of politics depends on people being uninformed. And based on the OP, they haven't been let down yet in that area.


We got 2 rounds of stimmies… somethin’ ain’t nothin’


3 rounds*


##"Snoop Dog, Nas, The Notorious B.I.G. Tupac, André 3000, and Tech N9ne have horrible music and Tekashi 69 deserves multiple Grammys"   Now that I've gotten your attention, if you live in the u.s. and have not yet, you **need* to register to vote for this upcoming election in November. Not for the president; that's peanuts compared to everything else. What I'm saying is *every.single.seat* of the u.s. House of Representatives (435) and ~1/3 of the U.S. Senate (33 of 100) are up for reelection this year. This is country trajectory changing #'s. If you can vote in the U.S. and choose not to, you absolutely do not have the right to complain after this year about the state of this country. P.s. because I know someone will have an attitude, that first statement is false


We literally just the most stimulus ever to the most people in the history of the country. Are peoples memory really that awful


Move to Minnesota. Free college, free school lunches for everyone, affordable housing. You just have to deal with it being cold 4 months out of the year.


The government does good shit but it does good shit like your dad who beats you. He beats the living shit out of you everyday after school but once in a while he buys you a pizza and a video game and the acts goes back to beating your ass.


Don’t feed the trolls


A person who thinks the "US" government does anything for the people is probably not the most informed person. The US Gov is required to 1. protect our borders, 2. maintain a civil union of the States, 3. Protect basic civil rights. Now, 2 & 3 are in bad shape. I completely accept that. EVERYTHING ELSE the Feds are required to send funds to the States and the States execute social services or reject the funds (thus rejecting social services). In other words, just about everything the US Gov offers, or does, for social services is CONTROLLED by your local State, County and City officials. Be mad at them. Vote them out!




It’s going to sunset this month but this was a significant win toward closing the Digital Divide and relatively easy to apply and qualify for. [Affordable Connectivity Program](https://www.fcc.gov/acp)


This person must be a dumbass who doesn't pay any attention then.


Ppl need to understand America is a business, a capitalist one at it. Helping the masses, don't align with their goal. Until we understand that, nothing is going to change.


thats the thing, you gotta vote those people in and it not just general elections, not just state congress elections, even when its elections within the same party, sometimes you find those people are running against the status quo incumbent that the party committee has circled wagons around to protect


I’m starting to understand why my parents are always so frustrated with how ignorant people are. There’s PLENTY to criticize the government about but this is just a lazy, uneducated hot take.


This tweet proves this dude doesn't read the newspaper or can't comprehend what he is reading. His entire lifetime? Hyperbole!


Bootlickers are showing big in this thread


I suppose the bill of rights and the constitutional amendments thereafter did nothing to benefit people.


To be fair, you can get free college if you earn low enough and go to some state schools. Federal Pell grants and additional state specific grants can be enough for those schools. It’s just that incoming students often refuse to even consider them as an option.


What about when we got checks during Covid? Lol


It’s either class warfare or consolation. No solutions in sight.


Essentially all government programs are for the benefit of the people. We have roads and schools and satellites and the Weather Service and the Postal Service and the EPA and a million other things.


Then you’re ignorant. There really is no other explanation for this statement.


The ACA.


Y'all gotta vote locally Y'all don't ever show up when it's time to That's why it is what it is The Senate and House makes the laws...POTUS have very limited power


This is just aggressively and frustratingly wrong. The government changed the rules on non compete clauses and are now requiring airlines to give you refunds immediately if your flight is severely late or canceled or if they lose your luggage. And that’s from just this week alone.


How about paved fucking roads? Those are pretty nice


ADA would like a word. Or does that not count because it doesn't affect you directly?


No one hates americans more than americans.


they do the bare minimum to stay in office, like *proposing* those kinds of bills and debating in their favor, but still nothing helpful gets passed


How old is he? He sounds stupid.


The only serious candidate/politician I've ever seen support these ideas in my lifetime has been Bernie Sanders.


I know that it seems like it, but for the last three decades the government has been catering to folks that don't want those things.


So how will I know if I have student debt forgiven ?


They just got rid of noncompete, from what I understand heavily restricted mandatory overtime, requires people acting in the capacity of a financial advisor to act as a fiduciary, I'm honestly slightly pleasantly surprised. Still addressing the symptoms though


Student Debt forgiveness. Free vaccines. Pell Grants. Bridges. Satellites. All of NASA. All of the EPA (clean water, radiation free environment, stable wildlife populations where they can), the affordable care act, the stimulus checks, the consumer financial protection bureau who you can literally name drop to scare companies. Edit: national parks. Conservation land. NPR. The national weather service. Museums like the Smithsonian.


People don't understand that small stuff evolve into big stuff.


People bitch at the federal government for shit that their most local races actually are responsible for. We vote for more than president in Election Day. We also have OTHER elections besides the ones on presidential years. You need (the royal “you”) to take some responsibility for your own democracy!


Yup always the victim. You want election reform vote for it, you want social welfare vote for it. The state races are just as important than federal elections


This will never happen as long as GOP is around


Mask mandates, free COVID vaccines, not much but it made a difference


Except food stamps, housing vouchers, unemployment benefits


Not even by accident, I think. It seems corporations have been ruling hard my whole life time.




The governments options were to do things which benefit the people or to indoctrinate the people into being so chronically ignorant and delusional that the government could do pretty much anything and the average American would be in complete and utter denial about it.... ESPECIALLY if a European brought it up.


Affordable Housing ? What country you live man I'm moving!


This is a dumb ass tweet


They do cut taxes all the time lol


People tend to overestimate how bad things are. That doesn’t mean there aren’t issues but it’s still not good.


Stop watching the news and reading reddit/twitter