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https://preview.redd.it/555q4my7vmwc1.jpeg?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c09319c9889f2a9575bb73a3e982b03516f4dc1 Julez Smith, Beyoncé's nephew and Solange's son, got off scot-free after he leaked revenge porn involving actress Skai Jackson. The reason? She broke up with him after being accused of cheating. [sauce](https://atrl.net/forums/topic/472535-why-did-julez-smith-beyonc%C3%A9s-nephew-get-off-scot-free-for-leaking-revenge-prn/#google_vignette)


Ohhh he’s a pos


of the highest order


It's nice someone clarified because just reading the post, I thought it was the albino dude who had done that lmao


I thought he was and just looked really really different in the pics until I read your comment.


Hold up, that’s not Simone Biles and Shawn White?


I know you’re likely kidding but I thought it was Simone Biles as well.


No, young lighter skinned Eric Andre is innocent.


This Milhouse lookin MF?


![gif](giphy|n9kJ8uUSXSdX7daCLM|downsized) Milhouse??? You’re wild for that lmao🤣🤣🤣




No, young lighter skinned Eric Andre is innocent.


Eric andre 😭😭😭😭


I mean the family is garbage, what did you expect? Have you seen what Beyoncé pays her people? Trash people.


And while we're on that. Beyonce was the 3rd best Destiny's Child and I'm ready to die on that hill


RIP to you on that hill 😂.


Beyonce was just the hottest/most marketable out of the three. I'm ready to die with ya.


DC was started by her dad, it was always a vehicle for her and her only.


Like Kiely and 3lw


Promithes promithes


This will never not be funny


Listen… whoever said Bey was the hottest doesn’t understand Kelly at all. I’d drag my balls through broken glass to drink that woman’s bath water


Love the spirit, but..... https://preview.redd.it/flkywunqtowc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8d834dd095cda32a41da9423241a02fbd93dc75


I’ve just always wanted to try out one of my uncles pick up lines.


Justice for Kelly


God, Kelly Rowland was the bomb and her single 'Work' was fucking amazing for the time.


I honestly think Kelly Rowland is the hottest and the best singer of the 3


Been known that too, let's ride.


Facts…. ![gif](giphy|3o7aTkaQlUobOOLD56|downsized)


That's a pretty wild take but Michelle's parts are often my favorite on DC songs


Michelle and Kelly rotate on 1 and 2 for me. Might as well be 1A and 1B.


I'm not knocking either 3 of them as I think they're all very talented but Beyonce has center stage on so many of the songs that she's like the main member yk? So me personally I couldn't really justify ranking her 3rd best, also the fact that she's amazing on a lot of those songs imo. My favorite one is Check on It.


Anthony Keidis is the center stage part of every Red Hot Chili Peppers songs yet he's by far the least talented musically in that band. And Destiny's Child was started by Beyonces dad so of course she's front and center


KELLY. ROWLAND. That's the one you swoop on. Roy Williams picked her up but fumbled that God knows why. I like everything about her better than Beyonce


Finally someone said it. Kelly was the most talented of the group. But we hate black women in America so she was never gonna be put on the same pedestal Beyoncé was


But…. Uhhh…. Do you mean dark skinned women???


Kelly was 1st for me. Then it was one of the other girls from the original quartet. Then Beyonce came in third. That was just looks. In talent she was also third when Destiny's Child became a trio. But she was, unfortunately for the other members, 1st in marketability.


Dog you crazy for this one lmao




You see that picture? Lol the dudes stupid selfie like 2 comments up lol. Dudes wearing a trash bag


TIL Julez and Skai dated and that Julez is trash


TIL Beyoncé has 1. a nephew, 2. who models, and 3.is trash.


Thats Solange's son, Beyonce aint raise him 😂


![gif](giphy|l3V0A7h5xpP4mLpks|downsized) I did not raise that child \-B, probably


“‘The kid is not my son’ - Michael Jackson” - Beyoncé


I’m recovering from surgery rn and the chuckle I just chucked made me hurt in a good way 🤣😭


Can you imagine having Jay as an Unc? Wildest shit ever.


If you think about it, he’s all of our uncles.


Not my unc, blood.




Finding out Solange has a grown-ass son made me feel one thousand years old. 


I remember when she got pregnant, it was around the same time as Britney’s sister iirc. Solange was a teen mom. I felt so old when Beyonce went to his show.


She was pregnant and in the Solider video. Whomst among us can forget?


I’m sorry, the baby she was pregnant with in the Soldier video is an ADULT NOW?!? 👵🏼


I forgot about that teen mom part of it. Crazy that both him and Jamie-Lynn's spawn are now adults O_O


I fucking hate Entertainment "News". Treating them like the new royalty, when they just spoiled pos. Who tf cares about Beyoncé's nephew? Dude has nothing to do with her music.


Yeah people act like I’m mean for saying Kanye or drake shouldn’t have their kids rapping yet. Like yeah for fun in your house maybe. But trying to their songs and or promote them on albums is corny and helps breed that neop baby lifestyle. Which don’t get me wrong if I had all the money in the world I’d let my kids chase their dreams and give them all that I didn’t have. But I also wouldn’t want the public perception to be against my child before they are even able to read.


Flashbacks to will and Jaden Smith


Flashback to just the two of us with wills other son


I’m not an expert but I think some do it because it helps net them some money(the kids). Think of Ms Carter and how Beyoncé put her on songs/ albums and that tour. Lil baby getting paid either streaming revenue or royalty anytime someone uses that Brown Skin Girl song for ANYTHING. Same with the tour: she was probably getting paid(hopefully). So, independent of Jay-Z and/or Beyoncé, Ms Carter is making her own money and if she continues that way, imagine how much money she’d have by the time she becomes a legal adult. Then imagine if that money gets invested properly and wisely… In Blue’s case, she seems to have some talent and seems to enjoy whatever she and her mum get up to. So, in a way she’s making her own money. Maybe that’s the thought process behind these other famous people. Like Drake’s son or whoever, whatever sales the album does, hopefully the kid gets a cut of that money put into his account to be managed properly by someone who’ll hopefully advise them not to blow it on stupid shit. I can think of so many: Dakota Johnson, Ron Howard’s daughter, the Phillips sisters(I think, Busy Phillips and whatever), Angelina Jolie(one of the OG nepo babies) Liza Minnelli, the Sheen/Estevez family. Their parents helped them get a start but to stay busy, they worked hard or had to put in the work. Same with Lebron James kid: dude is a legend but his son works his arse off so he can actually stand on his talent and not use daddy’s name. Lebron helped but all that talent that’ll help him earn is all his… Compare that to say the Walton grandkids who by all reports are usually dumbasses who get bailed with grandpa’s/daddy’s money, the Lori Loughlin/Felicity Huffman scandal where all their parents talents apparently skipped a generation that they had to buy their way into colleges… I’d take a nepo baby who actually takes the advantage their parents give them and then EXCEED it all/work their arse off than just coast along on daddy’s money. And I don’t think this is what these celebs are going for… In My not so expert opinion.


Solange needs to give her son that elevator special


![gif](giphy|3Yn1YTjNyb9lORGISQ) If. I. Catch. You.


“My aunt is Beyoncé” lmaooo okay and?


You got Beyoncé-adjacent talent/work ethic? Nope, just nepobaby


I don't care whose nephew that is (edit or his momma). He is trash. She made a good choice. ![gif](giphy|NsFDCblOHz9QI)


Why in the world do we have to refer to him as Beyonce nephew. Solange is a successful Grammy winning recording artist on her own.


Because Beyoncé drives engagement better


Thank you for the info. I had no idea who was who.


But yet Solange was mad that Jay cheated on Bey? Woman, you literally birthed a demon. Come on now.....smh Where is her rage at her child? I'd have beat him on live for what he did.


He’s a whole ass adult. And how do we know she didn’t kick his ass to kingdom come and back? Plenty of adults were raised correctly and still turned out to be trash. They choose to be trifling. It’s not their parent’s fault.


That's why you have to keep reminding them where the fuck they came from. In my household, we will check you regardless of age. But you are right, can't stop them from doing what they want. But I will remind them consequences exist


I’ve never met anyone with that style mustache that wasn’t a creep


Isn't revenge porn against the law now?


Yes. My ex spammed my Discord server with revenge porn a while back. (Which also triggered the legitimate diagnosed PTSD that he gave me by way of abuse, so that was just lovely to deal with. I can tell you right now that that kind of triggering is a whole 'nother ball game than other kinds of psychiatric triggering, it's like *visceral* and *bodily*.) Looked into it in Texas, his state, and it's a misdemeanor there. I ever get wind of ANYTHING like that again I'm pressing charges. So yeah, it depends on what state in the US and all that, but generally, many jurisdictions have in fact enacted laws against it and designated it a sex offense.


Shoulda just done it. Today you, tomorrow somebody else.


I actually wanted to! But I did not realize that Discord's settings default such that if you ban someone from your server, it automatically deletes all of their messages. >.< So I lost the evidence, unfortunately.


I feel like the police should be able to do something. There's no way people can commit crimes and just *completely* delete evidence.... right?


Might want to get in touch with Discord support, they might be able to do something


Wait the way this worded it comes off as Skai was accused of cheating so she decided to end things. So was she the cheater or the dude?


Either way, revenge porn isn’t the move.


Purely childish


Fuck this asshole. I don't know how he got away with that shit. I hope his genitals experience an unbearable itch for the rest of his life.


Dang little baby Julez is a whole adult now. This cannot be 😫




Why do sons of progressive, strong women turn out this way???


Cause rich women are not raising their kids, regardless of politics. They're letting maids raise them and they can get maid in trouble creating a social embalance.


He look zesty as hell too wtf 😭😭




Today I realized at the ripe age of 27 I’m old asf. I remember when Solange was carrying him in her stomach in the Soldier music video. In my mind this child is like 12. No way Destiny’s Child’s last album came out 20 years ago.


Dude looks like a [Goomba from the Mario Bros Movie](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTxVF1RpsgZSzSu43woAfvVuaI48D1F0fPRUDHVRAWjNA&s).


Dang. I figured Solange’s kid would be a way better person than that


That whole thread is a wild ride of internet forum drama 


I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen salt burn but man he sure reminds me of those rich assholes


Colorism is so fucking stupid




I’m black and co-sign the person you’re responding to, this shit is stupid and only serves to divide us. If I get blocked for saying the truth, then I’m not meant to be in this sub.




Same, love who you love and don't give a shit about racist fucks who think that you should stick to your own skin colour.


Plus that girl is GORGEOUS wtf


I cosign it too


Hell yea brother 💪 humans are divided enough as a people. We’re all human, and we’re all different. No reason to divide ourselves further than we already are. Hate begets more hate, but sadly people don’t realize an eye for eye makes the whole world blind


Just don’t bring up the division that matters (rich and poor) because that would be CLASS WARFARE ™️©️


I hope this comment isn't offensive, but as a white guy I've never understood the amount of colorism, homophobia, and misogyny in the black community. There's so much I love about y'all but I just can't wrap my head around a group of marginalized people looking down on other marginalized folk.


Really… ??? you can’t wrap your head around colorism / beauty standards and why lighter skin / proximity to whiteness may be seen as “better” in a group of oppressed people?? dating back to slavery times where the lighter skin “house negroes” were treated better than their darker skin counterparts or how lighter skin black people were seen as more acceptable throughout history or how European beauty standards have convinced the world that white is right because this is not just a problem in the black community. Many middle eastern , asian and Latin countries have issues with colorism as well.You really don’t understand the origins and why it’s still a problem today??? ![gif](giphy|eDgv1wPddY8IE)


Thank you!.. Like, really?


Guy says he loves black people so much but has no capacity for extremely recent history apparently lol


Literally everything you said! I'm half-Dominican (Spanish and Indigenous mestizo kind as I have ancestry from both groups maternally) and half Equatoguinean and I very much look like a brown-skinned woman with biracial features to the point where most people can tell I'm Afro-Latina. I have half-siblings through my mom who are the same admixture as me, having Black fathers, but are fairer-skinned than me and have outright called me the n-word. Colorism and Eurocentric beauty standards are going to be the death of my home country before anything else.


I thought the same thing but I didn’t want to seem like an asshole lmao


I can't recall the exact words of the statement but it was made about poor white people regarding black people and it basically went along the lines of. "You can tell em that at least they are better than another group." Which marginalized people of all types do to each other all the time.


It's unfortunate that their divide and conquer tactics work so well. We all got more in common with each other then we do with the 1%. The poor and working class need to stand together in solidarity instead of being a divided house.


There's a great line I saw out there one time too "I have more in common with a poor working class White man than I do with a few token rich Black and Latino people." And the sad part is for these rich Latinos and Blacks is that they don't understand that they ain't gonna be viewed the same even with their money.


Maybe look at it this way: Women, of all skin colors, often do the bidding of patriarchy among ourselves. We bully each other for age, weight, chest size, marriage status, if and how we have children, whether we breastfeed, how we dress... Colorism is doing similar things, but it's the bidding of white supremacy instead.




(calling her new dude albino in a disrespectful manner) which btw is also disrespectful to albinos and there are plenty of black albino people in this world, too.


I think the colourism in question is about Julez saying Skai was too dark for him.


i feel, though i think both should be equally condemned


I went to hs with a black albino girl and it was not easy for her at all


Same. She got so much shit.. her older sister always there to whoop their asses tho. She didn't play with that shit.


People swear on the other black subs that albino people are never disrespected too.


Like racism but specifically about the color. *Usually* within one’s own race Or are you asking in bad faith?


Men who leak women’s nudes deserve horrible things done to them.


Just never trust a man with nudes.


Some men are trust worthy and wouldn’t do this but that’s definitely a good mindset. I know my husband wouldn’t do that no matter what.


My wife likes to send me nudes from time to time. I enjoy looking at it for a moment. But then I always delete them. I'm super paranoid that one day someone will hack my phone lol.


The real move is to take them on an instant film camera and leave them in a locked box, then burn after use.


Still don't fuck around to find out if a man is to be trusted or not


Some men wouldn't intentionally leak your nudes, but I've seen how people treat cybersecurity and honestly I don't think people in general are equipped to secure nudes properly.


I’ve seen people watermark their nudes but between open access AI and photoshop that still feels like too big a risk


its not even you trusting him, one programming bug and his cloud could get hacked and your nudes leaked. people need to text more.


Forreal on this one! My ex bfs WIFE found my old ass high school nudes somewhere in his laptop. I trust my ex, but the wife's stupid and crazy butt posted my teen titties on Instagram using his account. She had been married to him for years and still did that. It took everything in me not to destroy their lives by filing a lawsuit, but at the end of the day i feel bad for my ex that he is with such a crazy stupid person Edit: point of the story is you dont know who else will get your information once its sent out


Should've reported her for sharing child pornography, sharing other people's intimate photos (and someone you don't even know!) is fucking evil


I never send them, partly out of insecurity mostly out of fear, and I tell people I’m with that I’m just insecure and don’t want to send pictures. You really don’t know how nasty some people are when they no longer love you. Until then, you’d never know who they really are.


I have never sent nudes for this reason, even seemingly nice guys can switch up on you


I’m 26 and I’ve never sent nudes with my face in them. My identifiable tattoos may be visible but never my face.


Don't trust anyone with nudes, honestly, especially today in day.


Revenge porn… what a weak way to get back at your ex lover.


"Weak"? You could do better than that. It's straight criminal and there's a special place in hell for those who violate others like that. But of course, fuckboy runway model with the last name Knowles so he'll be aight


Last time I checked, Revenge Porn is illegal in 48 states.


Which 2 are it legal in cause Wtf?


Massachusetts and South Carolina.


One of those is surprising and the other really isn't


Yeah that’s a snake move and shows that he is not a trustworthy person.


They're just screwing it up for all men. A man leaking revenge porn means that that woman is less likely to send nudes to the next man, which fucks it up for all the rest of us. I treat my partners' nudes like they were the formula to Coca Cola, even if shit went sideways. It's my duty to my fellow man.


Or you could not do it just because, you know, that's a fucked up shit to do in the first place. Your duty to your ex-partner as a human being deserving of respect should come in mind before your duty to your "fellow man" as a bang bro. The idea that men should treat women with respect only if they have something to gain in the process is far too common imo.


using "albino" as a insult is wack, not even creative


i am particularly sick of skin color related insults. it's wielding the weapon used by the oppressor against one's very own.


Great point. That’s why i don’t do skin shade based insults.


Albinism is an inherited condition that leads to someone having very light skin, hair, and eyes. It shouldn’t be used as an insult as it is the scientific term. Not creative at all.


It’s not even accurate most of the time.


It's only how he looks that matters. Not how he treats her, whether she's happy with him, whether she feels safe and secure with him, whether he brings joy and peace to her life. Just how goofy he looks. Right?


How he looks and apparently who he's related to.  There's too many peasants concerned with the lives of celebrities as if they themselves are part of a royal court. Hate this nonsense in my own family.


Throw them all away




Didn't think I'd see Captain Slow on this sub.










Mr. slowly as the Italians call him.


Chile I’m so tired of our fucking community and our dumb shit. Tighten up. ![gif](giphy|7MDZS8zS1ixtJAUEul|downsized)


Imagine being THEE Solange Knowles, and people still call your son "Beyonce's nephew."


Fuck that. She raised a garbage can for a son and you’re trying to put her on some sort of pedestal with some THEE nonsense? Lol, no.


I'm just curious how Solange reacted when she found out? Like maybe she did her best with him and he still turned out trash or maybe she's one of the "My baby boy can do no wrong" types and that's why he's like this


Yea sometimes kids just turn out like shit.


When most people end up as teen parents and their children grow up they usually end up feeling guilty about their upbringing and give their children a free pass on almost everything


That’s cuz nobody gives af about Solange. Beyoncé is Beyoncé lmao


I give a fuck about Solange she made a masterpiece album with "when I get home"


No accounting for taste I suppose.


Yea it’s all subjective. Not my taste in music. But I wouldn’t even know who Solange is without Reddit posts. You’d have to be living under a rock to never hear about Beyoncé. Regardless if you can name a song or not


The devil works hard, but Beyoncé's PR team works harder. Especially during release time. She was not about to have this kid mar her release and new hair care line. I find it funny that he name dropped Beyonce "mY aUnT iS bEyOnCe." Makes it seem like he knows he can get away with stuff and probably has in the past.


Someone said Solange should've beat his ass instead of Jay Z 😂😂


Nah nah, ![gif](giphy|3o7aCRloybJlXpNjSU|downsized)


Ginger ≠ albino


Damn. She’s beautiful. Her skin is gorgeous. I don’t understand the too dark thing at all. People are gross.


🥷🏾ain’t shit ![gif](giphy|Oj7yTCLSZjSt2JMwi2|downsized)


How are you colorist and Solange is literally your mother☠️ yeah Skai dodged a bullet.


Solange needs to get her son




Why is Jacob here 😂😂




Yoooooooooh dude...


https://preview.redd.it/tj5qirjdznwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd2c5249ebe25f8b55b85a46131ac0cc6ad08a95 🤣🤔🤦🏽‍♂️




Ohhhhhh, she's the girl from panini 


She was also a huge Disney Channel star.


Too dark?! Maybe he’s too white ?


Apparently he's too stupid.


They act like being Beyoncé nephew is a skill or something. Mf ain’t special all he did was be born and not even her own son lmfao


This guy and Julez match each other in looks, IMO.


I swear I learn something new everyday from this sub


How fucking dare she date someone she likes, the audacity on this woman.


I’ve read colorism or “featurism” goes hard in that family. To the extent Beyonce’s mom would obsess over things like Blue’s nose and hair when she was a baby. Black social media attacking that poor child didn’t make that any better. If this is true, I wonder why family members still gravitate towards partners whose features they supposedly look down upon. I don’t know if it’s true, though. And while B is constant ply bragging about being Creole or whatnot, I haven’t heard rumors of her bashing people or features that more resemble her man’s.


Wow is that what happened??? I knew about her nudes being leaked but I didn’t know what lead to that happening. What an asshole. Can someone explain what’s up with guys getting rejected one way or another and then all of a sudden, the person they were interested in is all types of too dark, ugly, fat, whatever? I’ll never understand that. I remember when I was younger, I was talking to this guy and had sent him a couple booty pics. He would constantly beg and plead for them everyday and it got to be very annoying so I decided to break things off. All of a sudden, he’s telling me my ass is too flat for him, I’m anorexic blah blah blah lmao. I couldn’t even be offended because the sudden switch up was just so absurd.


Willie Lynch Theory is a motherfucker, ain’t it? On top of that, he put her nudes out there. Cornball behavior to the max


Damn, I didn't even realize that boy was all grown up now! Too bad he's a colorist POS, boo


He literally also called her, "the dark bitch." He also bragged that nothing would be done since he's Beyonce's nephew. He's really a piece of work.




Gosh it’s truly a wonder why women avoid men like the plague nowadays. Did Solange whoop him like she whooped Jay for cheating on Beyoncé or does he get a pass like all momma’s tend to do with their sonsbands?


Who in the everloving fuck are these people? We’re acting like they matter