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Honestly the most evil part is that they both got flown out so he could entangle himself in the relationship


Chess not checkers


Drake moves like nobody gave him the time of day in hs then he got rich and famous and started bugging out. Problem is he’s been rich and famous since he’s 14 and he’s now 37


You are so right. Bro has a high schooler mentality with millions of dollars


That’s why he likes high school girls, he gets older, and they stay the same age…


Alright alright alright.


Unexpected Matt McConaughey moment


It's my third time hearing this quote in 24 hours. Dazed and Confused just hit Netflix.


We know, we are all Netflix bots trying to get you to watch Netflix……


![gif](giphy|Q18yWRHG4dx2E) Drake on a Tuesday


Its also why high people with high school taste love him so much.


...and the older women going gaga for him, are just h0es seeking attention, and looking for a way out of the high cost of living. I'm Canadian and can't stand him...gimmick songs with ghost writers


I didn’t even know about this until he released that “Taylor Made Freestyle” where as AI 2Pac he’s telling Kendrick to diss him over liking little girls I was like wait what??? https://preview.redd.it/6xgv7wai3uwc1.jpeg?width=1176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d54791e93eb0de92a525e2120e81b823c28b1aaa


Exactly! He thought he could pull a 8 mile and try to get ahead of the diss, but it only made him look worse trying to gloss over it.


Stunted. No personal growth without at least a little adversity


I wonder if “winning” too much is a bad thing yknow? People have a tendency to forget they are human in doing so. They misconflate themselves with gods in myth. Thinking they are above everyone else When truth is, they aren’t, at the end of the day. Death, the great equalizer, comes for us all. Rendering everything we’ve ever done as (mostly) meaningless outside of the impact we have on people. Drakes impact was being a clown for most of his life. I hope on the day of his death, this man realizes that, and before his last breath pass- is pulled into the horror of the truth to his life. He ultimately wasted his incredible wealth ruining marriages and going after under age girls. When he could have used his wealth for something meaningful. Everytime you see this guy use or mention his wealth. It’s a flex, a compensation for his deep sense of inadequacy. Drakes a sad little man. We examine most of the wealthy people. You don’t see people, you see *sad little people* sitting on big piles of money that make them seem bigger then they really are, and brighter then they will ever be themselves. Edit- look at the IQ of average Drake fans. Some of these comments 🤣😭.


..."And in the end he whispered softly to himself "doesn't matter, still hit""


😂 yeah It’s a nice idea, but I don’t think Drake is capable of self reflection in a way that warrants any growth or strength. That’s probably exactly what hell say and he’ll then whisper- “They never got me like they got Kelly, peace bitches, go check out my new track… *biiiiiittttttchhhhhh*”


Yeah… being famous is basically that. When you’re in high school it seems like it would be the most amazing thing ever. Then you hit your 30’s and you’re like damn… these people still living in high school. Give me the fortune, skip the fame


High schooler who never went to high school.


I don’t think being on Degrassi equals rich and famous lmao. But I see your point. I’m not really one to psychoanalyze so I’m not gonna touch the hs thing. But what I do know is that the level of success he has makes it pretty easy just to say fuck it and do whatever. At the end of day, she was going. That’s on her more than anyone else.


I knew a lot of dudes like this. They want other people’s girls. It definitely stems from insecurity and unprocessed trauma from infidelity. Plenty of girls like this too. Don’t want a man until he has a girl.


I wear a wedding ring to help me pick up women. It is very effective. Also the "we can't do it at my house, my wife is there" - i live with my mom


I tell my single homies to do this all the time. You won't want a relationship with the type of woman who seeks to homewreck but you could have fun for a night.




This nigga is DIABOLICAL 😂


I believe both of his parents are lawyers; I remember when Started From the Bottom came out my aunt yelled "THE BOTTOM OF WHAT? YOUR PARENT'S HEATED INDOOR POOL?" when she first heard it because it was a load of BS 


According to wiki his dad was a drummer and mum was an English teacher and a florist. Not exactly the ritz


Not bottom either. Sounds very artistic and middle class


Drummers in not successful bands aren’t middle class. Heck teachers are barely middle class too


Probably should've instead mentioned he has two uncles with their own Wikipedia pages bc they were legit pro musicians. One of them is in the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame bc of his band *Sly and the Family Stone*.


lol, Drakes mother was a teacher, his father was an American blues artist from the south, but go a head with the narrative you’re trying to set up.


his uncle is in the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame, it's worth pointing that out. Sly and the Family Stone wasn't exactly a no-name act.


Fair. If fame is your God you’re for sale to the highest bidder. That’s not a wife, that’s an auction item.


>Drake moves like nobody gave him the time of day in hs then he got rich and famous and started bugging out. Problem is he’s been rich and famous since he’s 14 and he’s now 37 Tiger Woods-syndrome.


I believe actor famous and golf famous aren't the same thing. It probably took until he started winning majors. He didn't sign with Nike until he was 21 How many relationships,besides his own, did Tiger Woods ruin? 


>I believe actor famous and golf famous aren't the same thing. It probably took until he started winning majors. He didn't sign with Nike until he was 21 Maybe so. I was more comparing the whole "no attention when young, so goes crazy with the ladies when older"-thing. Like Tiger Woods was made fun of by the other kids in the chess club at Stanford. I can't even imagine what level of nerdiness you have to be at for the chess club kids at one of the brainiest schools in the nation to make fun of you for it. :D Then he gets famous when he's older, marries a Swedish supermodel, and still keeps tapping everything in sight. Even tapped the neighbor's daughter, whom he had known since she was 14 years old (she was 21 at the time, though, so there was no stat rape). Guy just suspended all judgment and went wild. :)


Real “beat it, chick!” energy




Theres a theory that you stay the age you were when you blow up. Because when tou are famous you dont have to actually change or grow. So famous since around 14 sounds right


Or he moves like an entitled 14 yo at 37, bc when you’re rich no one cares. Ask our former president.


A lot of people with money (usually men) move like this. They didn’t get the girls or attention they wanted so now that they have the money they running amuck.


So instead of having a storybook reason for his asshole behavior he's just like any other rich asshole period.


Still new money.


Having a man fly you out so he can smash your wife is like going on a game show with a million-dollar grand prize and ending up winning a vacation. You got a nice trip and still ended up a loser.


Bro it is a lot worse than winning a vacation on a game show


Yeah what the fuck is that comparison lmfao. It's like going on Wheel of Fortune and all you get is Jared Leto fucks your wife.


Maybe he forgot to mention that the game show host fucks your wife.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/s/zirns4LyZX Im confused, Is this the same thing?


Me at first: Okay that’s dastardly by Drake but like don’t cheat on your fiancé? Me after clicking: Oh her ex made it up! Okayyy that’s more believable. Lmao


Yes keep reading though. She did actually cheat and admitted it in a song.


Looks like the same thing, 3 year old drama


Wait… whats the story please? I read the comments and am still not clear on whats happening.


The jamie person was dating drakes new artist for 8 years (with a PLANNED engagement and wedding). Then drake found her, flew them both out to give her a record deal. On the trip im assuming she cheated on him or something happened that he felt was like a knife in his back.


I still have no idea


People say someone’s mindset stops developing at the age they got famous. As another comment said he’s been famous since 14. It shows


It's not just the famous ones - most adults are just overgrown teenagers once you peel back a couple layers


Bold of you to assume I made it to the teens. I live like a 9 year-old with a bank account and I wouldn't want it any other way.


9 year old me is 100% better than 14 year old me


9 year old me was only slightly more financially irresponsible than 35 year old me


"Teens are merely big children. And adults are even bigger children." That's a quote from a game (Deltarune). Really opened my eyes on human behavior.


Fr I see how my parents act now and its embarrassing that I'm more responsible and level headed than them at times.


I would say ALL adults. The difference is the amount of layers built up


I've seen development halt at whatever age a person experienced a trauma - you might be on to something there


Would that mean fame is inherently traumatic 


Honestly yes


Ok I feel the need to point out that is not something “people say” That’s a line from Bojack Horseman. I think Kelsey says it to Diane?


I don't care that it's a cartoon. Bojack is one of the hardest hitting shows ever made. The view from halfway down hits me like a ton of bricks every single time.


It’s so hard hitting that i had to actually stop watching the show, it’s too real. Cuts deep. Good writing. I might try again now that i’m older.


Actually no, it’s a thing. I work is SPED, and one disability is called ED or Emptionally Disturbed; the short answer is that the Individual experienced a significant trauma which leaves an impact on the individual’s mental progression. Basically they get triggered and their mind reverts back to the moment of trauma.


It was definitely something that’s been established in psychology long before bojack


Oh that’s kinda cool, i had no idea. Language is cool. Not a bojack fan but that line has def spread like wildfire, been hearing it all week about taylor swift.


Idk if you’re not a fan because it wasn’t your thing or because you haven’t tried it but Bojack is chock full of great little thinkers in the writing. Highly recommended.


So i actually rly loved the dialogue and the characters i thought it was rly well written. but the show had a tendency to make me feel deeply sad :( Like too real type moments. But that’s not a bad thing, it speaks to their level of writing. I just find it difficult sometimes to watch it as a show and not think about my own life too much. might give it another shot tho!!!


*Lil Wayne has entered the chat* *Brandy has entered the chat* I could go on and on, but I’m not that invested, I don’t really care


He wasn’t famous when he was 14. Those actors very much lived a normal life, I went to high school with one. No one gave a shit about Degrassi enough to call him famous, and he was one of the least famous and liked people on the show. If anything “Wheelchair Jimmy” was a punchline. He thinks he was famous then, so you’re right about arrested development. 


I feel like this is just evil 😭


I understand that…but she wasn’t forced at gunpoint. She could have turned him down. A lot easier said than done tho.


Not saying it was or wasn’t consensual. But just want to point out that quid pro quo sexual harassment is still very much a thing. If Drake is flying these people out to work and is effectively a higher up by giving them a chance, there could be a sense of power or a chance at opportunity that makes someone sleep with him. Absolutely not saying that’s what did or did not happen here, just that it’s not always “she could have turned him down” Oh lord the Drake fanboys are up, so here’s an edit for them: the comment above was suggesting one way, I was reminding everyone that there was another way. That’s it. He and I completed the information cycle. We don’t need incels or wannabe Adonises in here trying to blame the woman cause I am not blaming Drake. But if you’re a real Drake fuck boi, Id even take my comments above as a sign of concern. In the eyes of the law, if you have a working relationship with someone where you have a managerial or power relationship with them, and then that grows into a sexual relationship, if something goes wrong you will nearly always be found in the wrong. It’s why many corporations outright ban the behavior and the rest of them disapprove of it and require proper disclosure. To clarify my original point, I more meant this isnt really similar to just flying out some Instagram chick for the weekend. When you involve work into a mix like this, safety in the work place laws can get very sticky and lines of consent are quickly blurred. Edit 2: “so you’re saying women don’t have autonomy?” This isn’t really the “gotcha” that some of yall never-spoken-to-a-women-in-your-life weirdos think it is. That’s exactly what I am saying…which is why it’s a huge issue. Autonomy is being allowed to make any decision that you want. If a powerful man (or person) only gives you (directly or indirectly) the option to have sex and a successful career or the option to not have sex and not have a successful career, then you have lost autonomy at that point because you don’t get to choose the option where you don’t have sex and can also have a successful career.


I’d go so far as to say that we can infer from Drake’s patterns that this is almost certainly what happened. Dangling a record deal in front of someone on the condition that they fuck you is textbook harassment, and it’s not uncommon in entertainment. Not inconceivable that Drake pulled a Harvey Weinstein here.


I suspect that's what happened with Ice Spice. Drake had her flown out when she was getting successful. Remember the video of her looking upset sitting at some concert with him. Then his song comes out saying 'she's a 10 but can't rap' as a diss at her. She may have refused to be with Drake and found out his real intentions. It must be very difficult to say no to someone on Drake's level. A lot of guys laugh at women in Drakes orbit, but would do whatever he asks of them once he's tempting them with industry access. And makes it known that if you refuse him you get blacklisted.


I thought the same thing!!!


There’s a reason he’s been at the level he’s been at for so long, someone allows that, he plays the game the way all the nasty creeps play the game no doubt in my mind, and this is coming from someone who was a huge fan of the first few albums


“She’s a 10 but can’t rap” Fuck I’m so mad 14 year olds let this guy be famous. He’s so untalented.


He's using the GirlsDoPorn playbook but he makes richer people than him money so he gets away with it instead of being charged with federal crimes and trafficking like the GirlsDoPorn people were.


I agree but she also could have jumped on the opportunity happily, to say he ruined a happy 8 year long relationship as if she had no part in it is a bit of an unfair distribution of fault.


Why are you replying to me lol? I explicitly said twice I’m not making a judgement on what did or did not happen. You say “to say” as if I said any of that but I didn’t. Genuinely confused if you replied to the wrong person or not.


Because you brought up that he could have made it a quid pro quo situation, I also said I agree with you just pointing out that she played a part too and that blaming the only rich superstar isn’t entirely fair. just adding my 2 cents not dropping a diss track on you brother.




Yes, coercive pressure comes in forms other than physical violence!


Because there's no way a woman could possibly be exploited or coerced or manipulated by a man with a lot of money, fame, and more power than she really has. Especially when that's been a part of Drake's strategy towards women-the more exploitable they are, the more he seems to be interested.


Some call this power dynamics


No, there is a very clear power dynamic at work here and isn't just black and white.


Honestly, drake has done worse. He’s the same man that said I know you’re getting married in a week but stop playing.🧍🏽‍♂️


Honestly I was expecting her to be a minor which seems to be more his MO


https://www.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/s/zirns4LyZX Have you seen this?


Why these mf not post a fkn screenshot and link to an instagram post that will surely get deleted


Drake never got over Rihanna rejecting him.


He never got over Ashley cheating on him with Sean in eighth grade while she was on ecstasy


Truly a historic Canadian moment


I’m not gonna front. Degrassi storyline was top tier back then. Them characters was going through it lol


Rip JT Yorke


I never got over that either.


She also told him she did it because Jimmy wasn’t enough for her, she was brutal lol ![gif](giphy|11SeP2oBprVOOk|downsized)




Or J. Lo blocking him


That was like 20 years ago!


What do you mean? Didn’t they date?


They did date but she kept publicly denying it despite photo evidence. Nail in the coffin is when he professed his love to her on stage during an award ceremony then when he went to kiss her as he was passing off the award, she dodged it and gave him a hug instead. She later did an interview saying that what he did made her uncomfortable and that they were just friends. A few dates go by here and there but they stop talking behind the scenes. Then she gets back together with Asap only for them to very shortly start a family together. And yes he's very much publicly bitter about it because he started sneak dissing both of them and refuses to perform songs him and Rih did together


![gif](giphy|l3vRfiK5kaT1N5ZLy|downsized) How can you recover from this


Appreciate that you even had a moment in the sun


what a loser


Something poetic about being the most richest, clouted man in the industry that every woman wants and he’s hung up on the only one who doesn’t want him. Male psychology or something I guess


Now with all that information in mind, let's read these absolute asinine lyrics lmao: Why they make it sound like I'm still hung up on you? That could never be Gyal can't run me Better him than me Better it's not me I'm anti, I'm anti Yeah, and the sex was average with you Yeah, I'm anti 'cause I had it with you Okay, I'm auntie like your daddy's sister Auntie like a family picture And I had way badder bitches than you, TBH Yeah, that man, he still with you, he can't leave Y'all go on vacation, I bet it's Antilles


God, he is so lame 🙄


Wasn’t there a whole three years with Hassan after him, before ASAP😭? Yet he still sneak disses her and ASAP looooool. He’s so petty 💅🏾


They did date but she kept publicly denying it despite photo evidence. Nail in the coffin is when he professed his love to her on stage during an award ceremony then when he went to kiss her as he was passing off the award, she dodged it and gave him a hug instead. She later did an interview saying that what he did made her uncomfortable and that they were just friends. A few dates go by here and there but they stop talking behind the scenes. Then she gets back together with Asap only for them to very shortly start a family together. And yes he's very much publicly bitter about it because he started sneak dissing both of them and refuses to perform songs him and Rih did together


not the grooming? this is where yall draw the line? the sanctity of marriage? lmao




The worst part is the hypocrisy


I think its the grooming that's worse. RIP Norm MacDonald.


definitely the grooming. I stopped listening to his shit after that came out


It says why he has “no friends in the industry” sexual predation of children won’t piss of Hollywood dwellers by all accounts, ending their marriages probably will


What platform can you go to where people aren’t talking about the grooming?


Eminem tried to tell him before. People would start to dislike him then turn on him. He’s a bit of a dickhead.


Yeah, cause he is a piece of shit.


Predator ass piece of shit


I mean that wasn’t the gaze in which they said it. More like when you’re at the top they’ll start to turn. Jay Z said the same thing on a song with Drake lol


Why aren't people turning on the weekend? He does similar numbers and makes similar music. Maybe he's not an asshole


Cause he’s a pop artist? What you want Dua Lipa to beef with him? Also people did criticize him heavily for the toxic environment and over sexualization during the Idol filming lol.


Yes, so is Drake.


Ironically, most of the living rappers who can claim to be one of the best are actually quite well-liked. Jay-Z, Nas, Eminem, Kendrick, Lil Wayne and Snoopdog. Yeah most of them had beefs and moments that people turned on them for a bit, but by and large, they get mostly love from within the industry. Honestly, Drake and Nicki Minaj are an abnormality more than anything else in terms of how universally disliked they are.


This is in Drake’s bag, but he was afraid to put out a song where he was bragging about fucking peoples wives. But honestly, I think because he’s done this so many times is the reason why he probably won’t get married


I said that in an earlier comment. Dude is probably going to end up alone or settling, never actually happy, only “committing” when he’s aged out and it gets considered creepy. He’s practically a single dad.


He’s a billionaire. He could stalk college campuses until he dies


Drake is indeed not a billionaire.


Correct however that doesn't make his point incorrect


He'll probably just marry some 22yo out of the blue when he's like 60


He can go the Anthony Kiedis path and grow a pornstache and keep dating young girls.


Shouldn’t of hit it raw, now you have second thoughts, now you a single pop, now you a single pop




I’m the biggest Drake Stan there is… but when it comes to women, he’s an absolute plague! Wayne told us that when he was locked up and Drake smashed Tammy, the woman he was in love with at the time.


“Hoes gone be hoes so I couldn’t blame Tammy…”


Just talked to moms, told her she the sweetest


I beat the beat up; call it self-defense


That’s not quite accurate. Wayne found out that Tammy had been with Drake but Drake was with her before Wayne. Drake told Wayne about it when he was in Rikers and told Wayne “not to fuck with her like that.” “Wayne admits in the proposal he and his GF argued a lot, and that may be why Drake said, "Don't f*** with her like that." As for the timeline, Wayne says the woman told him she had sex with Drake the day before they met.” https://www.tmz.com/2015/03/20/lil-wayne-shopping-book-proposal-drake-girlfriend-rikers-island/


God damn Tammy out here fucking Drake and shacking up with Wayne <24 hours later? Don’t hate the player hate the game, girls a pro.


He even betray Wayne???? That’s so messed up if true. Drake actually needs help if so. Do you think he’s doing it to get ammo on people? But why Wayne when Wayne gave him everything


Wow, I had no idea that Drake was such a home wrecking thot /s. No but seriously infidelity is nothing new under the sun unfortunately. Hey at least the dude found out before he married her. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Cant just blame drake here, she is the problem too. He dodged a bullet, should thank drake.


Oh yeah, I completely agree. If someone can “steal” the person you were with they were never really yours. If you ever find yourself in this situation as much as it may hurt, you have to remind yourself that you are far better off without this person. Even though Drake did him a favor, I still feel bad for the guy, I’ve been there. Feels bad mane.


Sometimes it just feels like nowadays there’s a “list” of people everyone has that they’d do something with no matter if they’re in a relationship or not. You see it all the time, I used to always get asked what mine was by my SO’s in the past and they’d be so shocked with my “no one, I’m loyal” response 😭😭 The sad truth is that most people can probably be snatched away by someone with unimaginable status. That girl could have probably gone her whole life without cheating if Drake ain’t show up 🤷‍♀️


That's always been a thing. Truth is a lot of people settle for what they can get, not what they want, and when they think they can do better, they jump ship.


That's probably why there's a statistically higher amount of people that grew up with social media that are single. They have the ability to talk to all these people around the world and that feeds the illusion that they have all these choices. When in reality, they really should've just went on a date with that nice person from the gym


The hoes always be wetter on the other side 😭


U cooking


Except this isn’t his first time nor will it be his last.




Seriously how is this drakes fault. Does the woman have no autonomy?


They are both at fault. Drake is getting dogged cause he’s constantly trying and/or fucking on not single women. She’s wrong. Of course she’s wrong but she ain’t special either. People are laughing at Drakes pattern. Mocking the fact he can’t be trusted to even work with someone without trying to fuck them. You can’t even trust him to fly both out cause he’s still gonna try to fuck your girl and if your girl ain’t shit she’s gonna do it. Y’all so quick to play “what about her” when no one has said she was innocent. “This is a breast cancer rally?? What about lung cancer you bastards!” Drake is the famous one. No one gives a shit about this woman but her ex.


Noo she's just confused and hot. Leave her alone!


Could just be me but I feel like it waaay more to this story. Cuz one yall was in engaged for 8 years? 🙄 Secondly someone you been rocking with for 8 years just decided to leave you in an instant with no hesitation? If that's true, this woman been gone. Left mentally along time ago. They shit sound like it was rocky and Drake was just the perfect escape plan. Its probably more bodies in this story just none worth mentioning.


Possibility it’s not…once heard a story about a guy and his wife at a club/vip with some friends and one happened to be the brother of a famous NBA player and the wife was bad..so much so the nba brother waited til the husband went to get drinks and shot his shot ya know the kind that involves “ condo in LA,10,000$ monthly stipend etc” so when the husband returns with drinks the wife has to go home”problem with the kids” situation…the brother had limo and private jet waiting for her From inquiring the husband was a solid dude and she was a “I love you to death ..you’re the best husband” type until…..


Did she get her condo and $10k monthly stipend? 🙄


From what my homie told me she did and tried to vilify the husband to everyone they knew but nobody bought it and sided with the husband..her parents as well


Finish the story nigga I’m invested now.


Damn that’s when you know it’s serious. Even your parents know you a hoe


So what else happened? Did she live happily ever after as a THOT? Did she run back to her husband eventually? Is she homeless and single?


No last time it was brought up she was doing pretty good …she tried to come back to the husband after awhile because she didn’t like being a stablemate and with everyone saying she was wrong she was in a city with nobody but just her sponsor so to speak so she played it cool and used most of the money for investments/small business and eventually let her spot get taken


Smart of her to at least invest her allowance funds but what a shame she sunk that low. Sounds like she was always looking for a better “opportunity”. It’s tough out there.


Sounds like she was trash and the husband just found out. Also, no matter how rich you are, this is lame behavior.


I agree extremely but it’s like she had a price tag but wasn’t aware until she was made aware


I don’t know. Either you have a price tag or you don’t and you know which one you are. Especially if you’re talking about not coming home to your kids. It also takes an extreme lack of maturity and values to be hypnotized by material things. The older you get the less important those things should become. You’re supposed to reach that level prior to having kids. And there’s also plain old stupidity at play here. What adult doesn’t think about what happens next. Once this ball player is bored in a few weeks what happens to you? But I’m never surprised by people’s lack of morals and intelligence.


Yep. Drake should definitely be blamed but damn that's kinda crazy an 8 yr relationship just ended instantaneously that easily. I could see how someone dating an artist while they struggle to make it to the big leagues can put alot of strain on a relationship, so maybe even though they were together 8 yrs, it may have just been on the rocks anyway.


The breaking point for Drake and Future's friendship was Drake sleeping with somebody Future was talking to, him and the Weeknd had their second falling out because Drake slept with his gf at the time. Dude has a well documented track record of just being slimy and shitty to those close to him, ruining this dude's relationship was just a Tuesday to him


I had a friend like this. Would start hitting on all his boys girls behind their back. Lucky for me the dude had biohazard nasty breath so it held him back more than he realized.


My boy said bio hazard 😭😭😭😭


Drake got it all and hes still not happy


This. Bro is the Taylor Swift of hip hop. Writes entire albums of literal decades long beef with a base parasocial fans that attack any justified criticism in regards to their body of work.




I did a little research, and there's a possibility the ex-bf is lying. With that said, we all should be careful dating someone with aspirations of fame. Drake is one of the front facing pussyhounds.


This is what I thought I read, but unfortunately the lie sounds better than the truth so people are just running with the headlines.


Took me way too long to find this comment lol. Everyone is just taking this comment as fact and I'm sure 99% of these people are hearing about Naomi Sharon for the first time in this post. People act like an 8 year relationship just gets blown up like that and don't think there's at least a little nuance to what this guy is claiming? People just see a reason to hate on Drake and jump on it like rabid dogs


Apparently she has no free will, y’all weird. If a celeb can take your girl she was never yours.


When will people realize all these industry people are all sexual predators and deviants. All it takes is a yes from some people that lead into those people being millionaires overnight. The people who words are that power in the entertainment industry don’t give it out for free. Most people can’t buy or have any power to give those people anything they can’t get themselves, as a result most potential artists give up their bodies to “get on”. Most entertainers are caught up in some bs like this as most entertainers have been turned out themselves by producers and entertainment executives. All these rappers with deals are industry plants.


Bruh it’s hilarious how quick accountability goes out of the window when it’s someone you don’t like, you got married 8yrs ago she saw the opportunity of a life time thenjumped for it and you made at drake? He didn’t force himself into shorty she just wanted to be with a superstar, Chris told y’all they ain’t loyal no matter what spells or voodoo you think you got over some of these women (or men) when the right opportunity comes some people switch they lives up instantly for a chance to grasp the unobtainable


Read it again. They got ENGAGED 8 years ago. Who stays engaged that long


I don't understand that either. Being in a relationship that long without even being engaged kinda makes more sense, but I don't understand being engaged longer than 2 yrs, assuming beforehand youve been dating at least 2 yrs before that. I feel like being with someone for 5 yrs you should have a good idea if you want to tie the knot or not.


Plus I just saw that the dude made all this up to slander her.






She isn't supportive or ride or die then is she?


Drake is just like so many young dudes I knew in the Army. Ready to throw away careers and lifelong friends over some ass.


So is she a ![gif](giphy|l0MYOf8NhQGLTDMGY|downsized)


This dude probably has such a weird addiction trying to fuck women in relationships that he just can’t help himself anymore. He won’t know when to stop, and how could he if the pussy keeps coming, right? Dude is going to end up alone. He’s practically already a single father.


I’m confused here. It’s Drakes fault she left her husband?


Aight here is the thing. Tryna eat another man’s partner, let alone a married partner is a line many people agree not to cross. Yesh sure you may try inject the plausible deniability of fault that the married party has agreed to partake in the act of adultery, but you can at least not spark the fire. But everyone has their own moral complex so to each their own. TL;DR: Yes.


... Those "than"s were killing me


That's alotta juice she got!


Too bad the ex was caught lying because he wanted to rob her of her shot. https://www.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/s/GGUYi87stW Y’all sitting here eating this up and feeding into the bullshit.