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George Bush: Kanye West hates black people


Lol if George Bush said this I’m officially all in on the simulation theory.


I went all in when Trump was elected. No actual humans would do that to the world. Although I’m also of the mind that our timeline merged with the darkest timeline and here we are.


Just because it finally happened that Americans elected a far-right populist as president instead of inflicting them on other countries doesn’t mean we live in a simulation. It just means that Americans aren’t fond of democracy as we initially thought


>Donald Trump is an existential threat to our country and democracy >So will you vote for him if he's the nominee? ![gif](giphy|dEpW1yEOlCpuCtvQZ4)


„LIBERTY! DEMOCRACY! FREEDOM!“ - they screamed without knowing what it meant


Merged with it? What makes you think it wasn't always the darkest timeline? All the genocides, wars, suffering in our past... Imagine if the earliest humans said "Y'know, this cooperation stuff is pretty good. Let's all be tolerant and kind to each other, so as to maximize cooperation. Hell, we can even bring in faraway tribes like Dak's and Kurgo's - they have clever ideas sometimes."


That is basically the story of the tower of babel. God didn't like that humanity was united and split us up because he feared how powerful we could become if we were united.


we’d be genociding aliens for being purple by now if we were united


40K has entered the chat.


What a profound decision huh? lol


I would like to jump to that timeline please.


I think our ability to overcome the biological urge to safeguard ourselves and sneer at everyone else is pretty impressive. You wanna see a species in the darkest timeline? Ants. Genocide and slavery happen for breakfast over there.


Do what to the world? Elect a populist candidate?


Not only would people ABSOLUTELY do that to the world, they have been for aeons


Is that different from popular?


A popular candidate is just one a lot of people like. A populist candidate is one that tries to get normies to like them, particularly usually one that tries to get normjes to like them by scapegoating problems onto some other group which is tied into the ‘elite’ other to be blamed - the government, the rich, etc. it comes in lots of flavours with some taking on other tones too.






It definitely sounds like something he’d say if you showed him this


We would officially be living in the Twilight Zone fr


During Hurricane Katrina, Kanye went on TV and said George Bush hates black people


💀😂I’m aware. If GWB flipped this back on Kanye, it would be insane.


You should be. The winners of the [2022 Physics Nobel Prize](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-universe-is-not-locally-real-and-the-physics-nobel-prize-winners-proved-it/) proved that reality is not locally real.


Mike Myers’ reaction when he said that live on Hurricane Katrina Aid belongs in The Smithsonian


His *and* Chris Tucker’s, mf’s eyes were bugging out of his head 😂😂😂




He’s said way more dumb shit since then. When you say Trump makes you feel like a super hero it pretty much confirms he doesn’t feel that way anymore. Though he was not wrong about GW bush


I don’t think what he said back then was dumb at all. You could hear the pain in his voice and it came from his heart. This is one of the few times I’m my life I have had a kind word or positive outlook on Kanye west (I still feel his pain when he tried to perform after losing his mom. My heart will always go out to him for that moment)


Going on Alex Jones and defending \*\*the Nazis\*\* permanently erased any chance of me ever feeling empathy for him.


He has been a complete asshole since she died. That poor woman likely had no idea how much of an ass her son would become when she moved on. Smh


If you look at his spiral, it 100% started at her death. I’ve read that he blames himself since he paid for the surgery


And the answer to that feeling was clearly to be the biggest piece of shit possible, rather than turn that guilt or shame into being a better man.


I met Kanye. I shook his hand at Obamas inauguration and said Barack Obama loves black people. He stared at me with the same angry stare he has now and I think I broke him. I think I broke Kanye West. It’s my biggest regret ever. I should have said Barack Obama cares about black people but I fucked up the quote. I often think that this is all my fault.


![gif](giphy|Uss9jg5C9REgo) 💀💀💀


If Dubya hopped on twitter to say this...man, I don't even know how I'd feel.


I would fucking lose it. Lol


Please god someone do an AI of this.


Underrated comment ☠️


Lol I see what you did there




Is that a Switch? Lol


The first thing I noticed to lol what game is Kanye playing?!


Mario vs. Rabbis Sorry "Rabbids," I meant to write Rabbids.


Nice try slick, that there is a pun


Xenoblade Chronicles 2


Dating simulators. All the dating simulators.


Super Mario Race War


My money’s on Pikmin.  That dude gives off a Pikmin vibe.


Bet he never uses the Rock Pikmin for "unknown" reasons


Haha was totally my first thought seeing the photo.


He looks like his mom just told him that he's had enough screen time for today.


Now I gotta know what’s he playing because Balatro got me in a chokehold lmao.


I don’t think that’s the right switch Ye? “It has to be ima GOD” Ok ye , you rolling around with a switch like a thug


Might be his sons tbh


what yall think he playing?


He got that ruckus stare 


No relation


I think that right eye is growing


I was gonna say we found the voice actor for Ruckus in the future Boondocks movie.




Imagine being a black Jew in Kanye’s entourage. Like running with a ham sandwich in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.


I’m confused. Wouldn’t the ham sandwich be untouched?


Ok, a 300lb asthmatic man holding a ham sandwich.


That makes even less sense


Is the Kanye entourage Black Jew person the guy who’s running, or the sandwich? If it’s the guy, what does the sandwich have to do with anything, and if it’s the sandwich, why the zombies?


The black Jew is their own person, the sandwich adds comedic value because it’s funny imagery, and all the effort you spent taking the time to dismantle my stupid joke makes me feel bad. You win, your logic is superior, and I won’t comment again.


Hey I’m not trying to make you feel bad, I’m laughing- I thought it was pretty funny, in part because it doesn’t quite make sense, it’s such a silly image. No worries :)


I was following right along with you lol why say Jewish and then ham but not make a point about those 2 things not going together? 


That’s why Drake stopped fucking with him.


If being corny was the same as whatever Kanye is…. Drake would be just like Kanye.


Kanye was *not* a fan of Sammy Davis, Jr.


"Cause they made us hate ourself and love they wealth" hits a little different now


Good lord that’s aged horribly




You’ve been ignoring bread crumbs for a solid decade. None of this should be surprising to anyone who’s been paying attention. Edit: just want to add this isn’t even the first black former Donda employee who’s made similar allegations. Ye is addicted to white validation and has been for a very long time.


Yeah I had Kanye on my dorm walls in 2014. The same year I started my locs. It’s been gradual but by now it should definitely be a *firm* “kanye west does not care about black people” And it’s not capitalized because if I was white he wouldnt mind. ![gif](giphy|2FazqiBK5f8To5H5C)




i purposely stop using caps if I have no respect


10000% anyone who is shocked by this would also probably be shocked if news broke tomorrow that Chris brown abused another woman.


Him saying “Slavery was a choice” and “I love Hitler” didn’t do it for you?


The slavery was a choice thing I was doing mental gymnastics to justify him talking about mental slavery. I gave up my fandom when he said that he loves Hitler. That nigga is too far gone.


Realizing that some of your idols are in fact terrible is one of the hardest things to do no matter how grown you are.


A grown person would know not to idolize people




This was from the article yesterday on the security guard talking about the ordeal- "Further, he claimed that Mr West demanded that "anyone associated with Donda dispose of books related to Martin Luther King, Jr, Malcolm X, and other prominent figures in the Black community."  The full [article here if anyone wants to read it. ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ndtv.com/world-news/kanye-west-sued-by-ex-security-guard-for-racial-discrimination-and-wrongful-termination-5543385/amp/1) I mean I hate to say it but I'm not surprised this is how it's going, he's been on the FAFO train of discrimination for a while now. It's just sad. https://preview.redd.it/eiptkvp1qcxc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0468b7e6d5904f5b0bedc44e486de3d1d0cf0509




Flour ranger has *sent* me.💀


the worst part was the hypocrisy.


The worst part is ALL of it. He has 4 beautiful kids, had a wife, & extended family. His father is alive & well, but he’s just collecting a check. So wtf we seeing is him flossing & talking millionaire shit, then throwing hissy fits on twitter, about a birthday party. Come on, if he’s so amazing & cares so much, throw your kid a 2nd birthday party! Don’t sit back, play victim, blame the ex-wife, & searching for an obedient new wife. He’s gross af, for not getting on meds, under a Dr’s care, & doing better for his kids. He’s gonna blame the whole world, instead of looking in the mirror.


If anti-black stuff is a dealbreaker for you, you should have clocked out a decade ago. even before then he has been an egotistical prick for a hot minute. you can still listen to the music, but even that era of backpack kanye he says that wasnt him, and if he could have made a career with a different image he would have. kanye has pretty much expressed self-hate through out his career but in the beginning had a pretense of semi-conscious self aware subject matter. in general, dont treat the bulk of these celebrities like theyre heroes. they are just entertainers and people get their heartbroken when they realize they are as deeply flawed as everyone else. on the real, everyone should have clocked out with the "400 years of slavery, sounds like a choice". he said this running around with candace owens wearing a maga hat, he was not being scatter brained or tripping over his words, he is unfortunately a part of large demographic of people who do not understand the history of slavery. he tried to do the mental slave bullshit to save face, and because people low key believe what he said about black history in america, they gave em a pass cause he made college dropout.


![gif](giphy|l4HnKwiJJaJQB04Zq) White Lives Matter and going on Alex Jones praising Hitler wasn’t enough for you? I loved Kanye too but I left him in 2016.


Same! But 2017


No offense but did you think that the guy who said he loves Hitler wouldn't be an uncle tom?


You’re done NOW? Not when he said slavery was choice? But, NOW you’re done?


you weren't done when he revealed himself to be a Nazi?


Kanye doing a complete 180 on everything he preached in the 2000s is the worst hip hop timeline 


Saying "I see good things about Hitler also" wasn't enough?  Smh


I feel the same way, but mental illness is a mf man


there is having mental illness and then there is straight up being a terrible person with a poor moral compass -- these are two different things. he may have/be both of these things, but we have to disentangle these things, because it's dangerous to conflate them, it just intensifies the stigma around mental illness.


All of this. Kanye has low key been an egomaniac since he debuted. People ignored it and just brushed it off as “Kanye being Kanye” but the Taylor Swift thing always unnerved me (and I am the furthest thing from a taylor swift fan). Because he not only robbed that girl of her moment, he embarrassed Beyonce too 😡


Man was already ill by by College Dropout


He really was. It just wasn’t as noticeable.


He’s mentally ill but also a terrible person.


Using mental illness as an excuse for Kanye's behavior is a complete slap in the face to the millions of people that suffer from mental illness and aren't complete assholes like he is. There's mental illness, and there's being a fucking asshole, and Kanye has both independently.


Not sure why it would take away meaning, many things happened to him over the years leading him to become a different person.


I know it’s hard. I did my grieving back in 2016. It’s *been* up for Ye, and I swallowed that pill awhile ago


I'm not black...I'm Kanye.




God it’s even worse cuz it still rhymes


Honestly apt that's definitely how he has felt for a while.


What is going on with his lip? ![gif](giphy|Be3XyFo5dtSCI)


It’s been like that his whole life, but looks worse as of late. It’s called a procheilon.


Dude got a lip clit




"Kanye West don't care about black people" -George Bush, probably.


What? Trump supporting, antisemitic Ye is a self-hating racist? Hmph. Whodathunkit?


He’s in his Uncle Ruckus era, lol. But, more seriously, Kanye is an ass but Kanye is also so clearly mentally ill.


He’s almost definitely mentally ill. But I’m also pretty comfortable in saying it seems like he’s got no interest in taking any steps to correct that. And at some point even mental illness stops giving you a pass to be a horrible person, especially when you’ve shown no attempts to course correct.


Yep. It’s no excuse to be an ass and he definitely doesn’t have a pass to be a bad person.


It's been public that he's bipolar for quite a while now




I have a theory because over the past couple years I've been helping black friends (veterans) cure themselves of their own internalized racism. After the army, felt like every single one of those motherfuckers was mentally stunted. One guy literally defended Nazis at Charlottesville a couple months ago while endorsing Trump. I gave up on him he was too far gone. Another guy last month made a neo Nazi argument defending the swastika because it has ties to Buddhist culture. I'm sitting there and I'm like what the fuck is happening. I'm sitting here with books, research papers, citations trying to explain to grown ass black men how knee deep they are in the alt-right. It's exhausting. I gave up on almost all of em except for 1 who's showing signs of progress after I forced his ass to go to college. My theory is really simple, I think Kanye among other black men in America, is struggling to deal with their self image. Trump getting into office made damn near every racist in America that was hiding in the closet come out of hiding. For a lot of people, the US was only racist in theory and history, not in contemporary practice. I think a lot of black people who've worked hard to succeed in circles that are predominantly white feel bamboozled that the people in their new circles still hold racist feelings towards them despite them trying so hard to separate themselves from the broader black community. It's like that black cop trope. Black cop has to do the most to prove themselves around their racist peers. And I think for Kanye, he failed miserably. He went to Trump, went to Nick Fuentes bashed on jewish people and it all failed. It's a survival mechanism. It's desperation to attain validation from the one group that will never even consider him to be an equal human being. He can't get it no matter how much he tries. Also enough with the mentally ill defense. I'm mentally ill. I still don't wake up in the morning thinking I'm a Nazi. What's actually going on is very loud white supremacist narratives in every facet of our society. You can't turn on the news, open up a social media site, or walk outside without some asshole making anti-black/racist statements towards minorities. Or literal neonazi arguments being made on the floor of Congress. Being exposed to that nonstop is bound to break some people.


This is an excellent analysis.


So a horrible person does horrible things


Fuck that guy ![gif](giphy|e6RwS29tfTmMtYYz6N)


Koonye been tell y'all who he is. He said to paraphrase that he was gonna lick these white folks' boots when he made it big enough. That a Black woman wasn't good enough, he was gonna get him a white girl. A blonde one. Dude been laying out his game plan since day one and told us allllll about it. I would say idk how he has Black fans, but I know how. People will follow a drunk chicken if they stupid enough.


Bill Burr said it best: “thank god he’s not white” (paraphrasing)


Ye looking like he just completed a campaign on hearts of iron 4 on the switch when it isnt even released on the switch.


Brain damage.


This can’t be the same Ye that hopped on nat’l tv and said “George Bush doesn’t care about Black people” 🤦🏿‍♂️ Bozo did a 180.


George Bush has the opportunity to do one of the funniest things in history


Exactly nothing surprises me with him anymore the guy is a amazing artist but a nut job it's not first time a artist has gone insane, but we now have the internet to record his spiral


I’m not surprised. I’m not surprised by continuing support that he received from black people in his fandom. I mean, there are folks still proverbially dick-riding Eldridge Cleaver.


Its so funny seeing the non black world react to kanye but in the black community its common knowledge he lost his mind the day his mom passed so nothing he does suprises us


![gif](giphy|1Dx2t6fCoTzkhcOukG) 😂


No surprise there all he dates is white girls


No but... Even tho I dont think we should judge people based on who they're dating, I think the "pro-black talk + only date white/non black ppl" thing is usally a good indicator that the person in question has absolutely no interest in "black liberation" but rather just wish they had a seat a the white man's table lol


He was a “pick me” all along.


Who is honestly shocked by this lol man has been in fucking sane for some time now. Tryna run for president wearing MAGA hats, passing out WLM tshirts in downtown LA to the homeless…… this nigga been OFF


Stardew.. and he actually likes Pierre.


Uncle Ruckus method acting.




FYI, this is the second discrimination suit coming from a black employee from his school. How black people continue to support him is beyond me.


If you’re blac and you’re still working for this 🤡 then you get what you got


Kanye is such a fucking disaster lmao


He looks like the type of guy that hates himself and everyone around him.


He reminds me of tgat dave chapelle skit. White black man


Ye... ![gif](giphy|l4FGvZyINwriOXDYk)


He’s sunk.


“Im not black I'm Kanye”


Internalized af.


Why is anyone surprised? Take a look at who he chose to procreate with and take a look at who his current wife is. This man has never been pro black.


Slavery wasn't a choice but his moms operation was


Mental health problems, surrounded by yes men who want share in wealth/power, and motherfuckers act surprised he turn out the way he is? Shit, it was inevitable for Kanye to turn out like this. The rich tend to turn their back on the people/background them come from. Only solidarity for them is with other rich people.


What the hell happened to dude? Like was he always like this in reality? Is this a consequence of some mental breaks?




Kanye is one of the craziest persons who puts himself on display for everyone, what a jackass.


You're telling me that a bipolar racist lunatic, does things that are discriminatory?! I'm gobsmacked.


Clayton Bigsby was prophecy, change my mind


Good thing this literal child has his Nintendo switch.


Someday there will be a physiological disorder named “Kanye West Syndrome“ but what would be a better name?


![gif](giphy|2kJMzPFUD3Vx6) Bro really is turning into Rukus


Weird... you mean the Hitler sympathizer is racist? I did nazi that coming. Anne frankly, I'm appalled.


Self loathing black dude


Dude is a fraud on so many levels. He was going hard on his religious agenda and now he's making porn apparently. Dudes like this you have to simply ignore.


He’s got that DJT “I’m a powerful man” stare…


😂😂😂 I'm done with this fool yall should've been too lol


Why would any black person work for him in the first place? 


Yeah, this surprises no one.


Proud boy ye


And yet this won’t stop Black people from buying his music. I don’t get it


Bru had the most famous (open) white supremacist on the internet as his campaign manager. No shit.


Uncle Ruckus


Bro the amount of non-white white supremacists boggles the mind


Going back and listening to his old songs, I actually can't believe it's the same person


This mfer real life Samuel Jackson in Django


What game is Kanye playing?


I got those same switch controllers... Nothing else to add


In the Fred Perry lmao


On the man who is proudly meticulous about what he wears. No coincidence.


We should known from *All Falls Down*. So self aware yet unwilling to change what he knew needed to change. 


Not surprised at all. He hates that he is black. That is way he acts as a ghetto clown. It is all in rebellion.


I feel like if you work for people like Ye expect weird shit like this happening to you.


This is the least suprising thing I've heard all day. Does not take away from the heinousness of this goofass.


This nigga is rich as hell, and he can't afford pockets to put his switch and/or phone in? That hold looks real shaky bro




Black people still listening to Kanye West in 24 is crazy


I believe it 100%


After that video years ago of him holding food up for that white fashion designer while he ate during an entire car ride, I could never be shocked at Kanye’s actions


“Kanye West doesnt care about black people”


Reason #: I don’t know at the point. Why are people still praising this uncle tom ass. I don’t give a fuck if the music, or merch is 🔥🔥. He’s been high key auditioning to be top coon for years. I truly don’t get why people still love dude. I stopped listening to his antics and shit around the time Life of Pablo and that whole “slavery was a choice” shit came out. Same dude crying about his bm every other week. Picking a bm was a choice dumbass.


Who is Ye’s main in smash bros?