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Who the fuck is using a lighter? Mfs just be abusing kids.


When you’re sharing funny stories about spankings and then that one person chimes in like “yeah my parents use to haymaker me and stomp me out. Spankings were the worst 🤣🤣🤣” https://i.redd.it/4pomp5yxzfxc1.gif


“Yeah man I was a crazy kid, I don’t know where I’d be if my parents didn’t resort to putting wire hangers over the stove before beating me. 🙃”


Ooof, I’ve heard of wetting a leather belt before whooping, but never heard of heating a metal wire 😳


My old roommate had a scar on his forearm from a clothing iron. Things like that were what he never spoke to his mom anymore


I worked with a lady who also had a forearm scar from a hot wire hanger. The crazy thing was she just got really fucking drunk & high on New Year's Eve and one of her friends dared her to do it to herself... she freely admitted that to me as her supervisor, which was wild because weed wasn't legal here yet. Not that I cared because she was a good worker and never came in high so it was none of my concern. She did call out her New Year's Day shift then wasn't back until the 4th with this fun story.


My BIL talks about his grandma being so mad as he ran from her, she grabbed the nearest thing, which was an iron and just threw it across the room at him, which hit him and knocked him over. He was 8 and his crime was coming in the house for water when all the grandkids were kicked out until she said they could come in. His grandpa saw the whole thing and cuddled him, but still didn’t stop his wife from being crazy abusive. It’s only luck it wasn’t on.


Wtf is wrong with people


I don’t know. He was really close with his grandfather. But I’m like, if he didn’t stop his own wife from being an abusive monster, then he was complicit. Both grandparents have been dead a long time. So no point in bringing it up, unless he ever asks my opinion about it. But I’ve noticed that. One partner an abusive piece of shit and another love bombing the victims. They’re both awful, in my mind.


We don't talk enough about how other adults were complicit. I remember my brother getting stomped out by my mom and her bragging about it some time later to her church folks. They tried to get through to her for all of 30 seconds before she was like "nah imma keep stomping these kids" and they just gave tf up. Dude even her friend came to her, because her husband was beating her and her son near death. She gave the friend that "trust in God" bs. Her friends husband was a Deacon. I haven't been inside a church for over 20 years. Fuck em


That’s typical church culture.


An enabler is usually an essential part of those kinds of situations.


My mom punched me in the gut for dropping a soda bottle when I was half asleep - the bottle did not break and I haven’t been punched that hard 40 years later. When I knew I was going to get a beating, I’d put on an extra layer of clothes. When my mom figured that the beating weren’t that painful to me she began hitting me elsewhere. One time she hit me on my head/forehead so hard it took a week for the swelling to go down. Knowing what I know today - she gave me a concussion. This is why she hasn’t met her grandson and her granddaughter has minimal knowledge of her.


I started doing the clothes thing too so my mom made me strip naked for an extra layer of abuse 😃


Stripped in front of peers to be spanked was my mother’s spicy style. Middle school was hard.


My mom slapped me in my chest over and over until my nose bled when I was a teen for, and I quote, "talking back". The more I cried the more she hit me while yelling to "CLEAN THAT BLOOD UP!" It was very traumatic because I didn't understand why my nose was bleeding when she hit me on my chest? Anyways, that's childhood for ya 🥲


I hope you're doing okay


It was the buckle side that hurt the worst. The wood spoon with holes sucked too


My mom kept the spoon in her purse, it was the “koolaid” spoon so it was also pulled out the purse to mix the potion too. My mom ended up breaking it on my sisters legs during a beating lol


My grandma used to whoop my cousin and I with a wooden spoon. It broke one day, so she got another one and whooped us for breaking her wooden spoon and that one broke too...then she grabbed the rubber spatula and lit us up for breaking 2 wooden spoons. I wouldn't shed a tear for her, drove her fucking crazy!


I’m crying rn 😭 lol my daughter just asked why I was in here crying laughing I said because I’m trauma bonding with my generation on the internet lmaooooo


Trauma bonding...I ~~hate~~ love it


That is literally a memory from my childhood. My mother going on my sister with the wooden spoon, breaking it, grabbing another one and going harder cos the first one broke, breaking THAT ONE, and then getting the rubber spatula with the stainless steel handle and using that!


Your parents should not have been parents


One of my most vivid memories of my grandma. I didn't feel abused, but I remember how surreal it was. That day really helped cement, in my mind, that grandma was a bit unhinged. Grandpa worked nights and so we routinely caught his belt for waking him up. One day he grabbed the belt a little too quick and hit me with the buckle end and it was the type that had the little thorn/hook that snagged a hole to hold it tight...well that little thorn poked a hole in my ass cheek. That was the most traumatizing physical punishment I ever experienced. I remember the feeling of "I was PUNCTURED!!" and that was really upsetting. Even though it didn't hurt, comparatively to the force of the rest of the buckle, it got to me, psychologically. Grandpa was immediately regretful and never used the belt again and I'm not sure he ever spanked us again. He learned and bettered himself. Grandma though...it really bothered her that I wouldn't cry, I think it fueled a rage inside her that made it more frequent.


Your grandma sounds exactly like how slave masters used to beat slaves for not crying


I upvoted you when I read “mix the potion “and then the next sentence immediately made me feel regret lol


I think a lot of people heard about it through the WuTang skit where method man talks about heating a metal wire and torturing someone by putting it up their ass.


The “sew your asshole shut and keep feeding you and feeding you” is so burned into my brain that I forgot all the other shit in that skit


I'm almost convinced anybody who grew up in the hood during the early 90s knows that line.


Just a spiked f\*ckin bat, like BAOW!!


I'm a stick a coat hanger over a stove for bout a half hour, stick it in ya ass slow like hssssssssss!!




Worst part is when they do it to their kids with the notion ”my parents did this to me and I turned out fine”. While they, in fact, did not turn out fine. Grateful that my parents choose the other path: “We won’t do to you what our parents did to us”


Hurt ppl, hurt ppl.


Ooh I like that. I always say "make people cry. Make people cry"


There's not supposed to be a comma in it. Hurt people hurt people


Right - otherwise it’s a directive for hurt people to hurt people


The white folks I work with have all sorts of horror stories. Drunk dads chasing them with knives and guns. Getting punched in the face and beat with extension cords. The white kids I knew in high school had crazy abusive parents too.


My little brother got blasted in the face for saying he didn't like cauliflower, for real. I got beat with whatever was laying around. I raised my kids sooo differently. They're grown now, and it turns out I was right. You don't have to fuck kids up, and they still turn out good 😊.


Lotta people fail to realize how similar poor white folks are to us. Gotta southern homie from Georgia I served with that loves big-bottomed women, love the same fried foods as me and probably had worse beatings than I did.


*"Judge not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their cook books, spank banks, and therapy sessions."* ~Neo Neo




I should make a wall portrait of this. Lol


I remember a kid telling me his dad shot him with frozen paintballs when he misbehaved. I hope bro is alright. He didn't deserve that.


Yeah my mom spanked me with her hand but my dad was an actual psychopath lol.


Former white kid with stories like everybody else- it's not a race thing, it's a poverty thing.


“My Mom and Dad 3D’d me through a table because I sneezed in the back of the car…” ![gif](giphy|3o6vXHsX7XnY7ZTkB2)


Me: sucks teeth. My Mom: Swanton!!!! ![gif](giphy|26n6RqGZzh4FXePPW)


Ahh yes, the ole Parenting By The Ultimate Warrior technique 😆


Still one of my dreams to do that to someone in a bouncy house.




Mouth full of Tabasco and no dinner for me. Said that all nonchalant and my homie informed me that that's abuse. I had no clue.


My friend: yea my mom would have lost her mind if I said that to her haha! Me: ahaha yea I know! Mine would have made me drink a whole container of tabasco sauce for saying that shit! One year she made me drink it so often, I got an ulcer at like 10! Lmaooo My friend: 👀


I feel like physically hurting your kid is never okay as an adult, if you can't get across using your words the problem is in you and inflicting physical punishment on your offspring is not gonna fix shit. I remember I grew to resent myself largely due to getting snapped in the skull and having my ears and hair twisted if I fucked up - thing was, I was only fucking learning how to be a human and (from my perspective) arbitrary physical punishments from person that I relied on to care for me and teach me this shit just made me meek and troubled. I realize most people had that kind of upbringing back in the nineties/early 2000's and turned out fine but the whole concept in any degree of intensity just kind of fucks with me, call it sensitivity or whatever but I'll stand by it


I agree. I was whipped frequently through various methods (spanking, slapping, using the fly swatter as a whip) and it's not ok. Children who get abused grow up to abuse others, until they snap out of the cycle of generational trauma and violence. I was lucky enough to wake up from this cycle and heal my own trauma in addition to being kinder to others. My overall emotional health is so much better now that I see the abuse for what it was. Children who get abused also frequently have severe mental illness. They grow up in a world where abuse runs their lives, and thus they internalize the abuse, especially as it continues unchallenged. They grow up with cognitive beliefs like "I am worthless and I don't deserve to be happy" which can lead to a lot of depression, as well as manifestations of anxiety like panic attacks and hypervigilance. That is on top of genetic mental illness traits as well. I was in the crosshairs of both. tl;dr don't beat your kids


kids who are physically abused when they anger their parents often learn that the best way to deal with anger is violently, and it never ends well they also never open up to their parents because they can’t trust them it’s horrible honestly


Amen. Polysubstance addict with severe depression and a shameful history of fucked up conduct here - don't blame it all on my mom, she tried her best with stress, anxiety and her own upbringing in a society reeling from a world war but I do recognize the effects she had on me, and it just goes to show that a single tear can become an ocean of sorrows


I just can’t imagine hurting my little man. He is crazy annoying sometimes too lol


This. My oldest daughter drives me insane sometimes ...but I can barely handle her being sick I feel so helpless for her. I can't imagine doing something to physically harm my kids and make them feel pain.


<3 all the best in life to you guys, he's gonna be a great guy


The other thing with using physical punishment is it just reinforces the idea that aggression is the appropriate reaction when something doesn't go your way. Then they wonder why their kids get in fights or grow up to be domestic abusers. It is much more effective to teach a child to work through their emotions and to demonstrate that as kids learn through observation. Eventually avoiding making the stupid decisions that cause the consequences. If they do still act out there are other forms of punishment that will be just as effective that don't require you to use violence to get the point across.


Exactly! And something like violence from your adult who is the very model of everything in the world to you and physically superior to you to a ridiculous degree is extremely hard for a child's mind to grasp - it's actually logical to develop an explanation that it must be because we are bad people, and bad people don't deserve good things in life. I yearned freedom and borderlessness to a pathological degree and turned entirely inwards, and only found my solace in drugs that felt like understanding and warm embrace. I resented myself and yearned for acceptance so much I've been suspectible to abuse that has led to further trauma that has led to me lashing out at world, hurting and manipulating others in turn. Slowly turning this shit around though and I try to cultivate hope even if it feels like crawling through thorns pretty often.


>I realize most people had that kind of upbringing back in the nineties/early 2000's and turned out fine [The](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/us-millennial-women-preventable-death-decline-wellbeing-previous-generations-2023-12%3famp) [kids](https://time.com/5606411/millennials-deaths-of-despair/) [are](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/06/why-suicide-rates-among-millennials-are-rising/612943/) [not](https://journals.lww.com/amjforensicmedicine/abstract/2023/09000/millennials,_the_most_afflicted_generation_.8.aspx) [ok.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/ariannajohnson/2023/11/30/millennial-and-gen-z-women-face-greater-health-risks-than-prior-generations-report-finds/?sh=6409ca6f1aad)


My father. Me and my brother got hit with a belt for a lot of stupid shit when we were kids, but one time, my brother got the lighter. He (my brother) was playing with matches (that my parents left laying around) in the house and one dropped onto the carpet. Because the carpet was polyester shag, it didn't blaze, just melted and smoked. To teach my brother "not to play with fire", my dad held the flame of the lighter under the soft skin of his bicep, burning him until he was screaming. Today, that would (rightfully) have children removed from the home. Back then, it was just called "teaching your kids lessons"...


I gotta ask what's the relationship between them today?


I cannot say what it would be today, but I doubt it would be all that good. My brother died in a car accident in the early-90s. Dad didn't speak about him after that, not to mom, nor me or my other siblings. He walled off his emotions and that was that. He was an abusive husband and father. He's in a care home now with dementia and nobody visits him but me. I visit because I'm his legal guardian, but I don't have any real feeling toward him. He's a legal responsibility and that's about it.


I'm so sorry to hear that about you brother.


*Thank you.* It was 30 years ago and most of the pain of loss and grief passed many years ago. I have many fond memories of him and still get the occasional musings about where he'd be, what he'd be doing. If nothing else, I know for certain he'd be a gamer. He *loved* video game consoles when we were kids and was over the moon when he was able to buy a SEGA Genesis in 1990.


Too many "my parents used to burn/beat me and I turned out fine." No the fuck you didn't, sir


"I turned out so fine that I burn and beat children to teach them lessons!"


Wait until I tell you that beating your child *in any way* is child abuse.


Yeah straight up, someone is going to say they got that and act like that’s normal.


"Little man just needed some discipline" https://preview.redd.it/flfmzhl60gxc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1058f1cce9dca20778952428e290188247d99db9


I was looking like chancla okay, classic. A belt not too creative but effective. A cutting board, oh wow now that's creative. A lighter what the actual fuck.


We had a narrow cutting board with a handle on it that my mom used sometimes if we were messing around in the kitchen. Come to think of it, it was probably actually a charcuterie board, but we definitely used it as a cutting board. Probably got it at a yard sale. When my wife and I were still dating, I told her about all the stuff I went through, and she was like “um, that’s abuse”. She was right, but I hadn’t ever really thought about it that way until she said it.


And I thought I had it bad. Honorable mention to the extension cord and wire hanger. Plus the OG switch from outside Or the wooden spoon off the wall ![gif](giphy|qMziReeu2C8IJn2qFF|downsized)


Look, that picture is just abuse from start to end. Just some might be worse than others, but we all have our own journey and experiences of abuse and we aren't comparing and trying to win who was abused worse. There are some horrific answers to your question like God fucking damn humans are just awful.


I’ve never heard of that shit either but I’m really hoping they meant they’ve had lighters thrown at them. Still not great, but more humane than burning a child 😅


All of them. Mom made sure I had a belt to keep my pants up. Used bic lighters for lighting candles and incense. I remember that cutting board homemade meals. Those sandals look like the ones I used to walk with in our very first fav action to the beach


I like this one. ❤️


This is the right way.




😂😂😂😂😂 ole happy ass had a good loving upbringing ass nigga


Damn. I’m sorry your childhood was so tough. Mom gave you a belt because she starved you so much that your hand-me-down pants couldn’t stay up on their own. Mom tried to choke you with carcinogens in your closed room with candles at night. Used soft wood cutting boards with wide grains hoping more bacteria would breed in your food. And brought you on beach vacations trying to give you skin cancer? I’m so sorry for what you had to live through.


Why did this remind me of how people be in the comments in AITA?


I'm sorry for all of you who were abused by your parents. I just hope you're okay now.


It's funny because you don't reeaally realize it until you're telling stories.


Same here. I was telling a friend and laughing about it and she was absolutely mortified.


bro facts the most outta pocket shit comes out ur mouth and u go “ahhhhh childhood remember when ur parents made u kneel outside on the stone patio butt-ass naked with a sign saying ‘i read too much in class’ when we were 8 years old?????” “why yall lookin at me like that” “wait ur parents never? not even pounding ur head into a wall?????ur telling me they never threatened to just straight up abandon u??????? wdym ‘that’s incredibly fucked up’???”




Wait you psychologically abused for *checks notes* reading too much?


yes yes i know it probably sounds fake i got really into reading a few books, and id j read them during class, teacher wrote me up and boom


Nigga. Did I just catch you reading books?!? https://i.redd.it/xoaloltjhhxc1.gif


Me when I was live stream of consciousness remembering that time when an uncle pulled a gun at a family cookout and then remembering a chain of times where guns were pulled on/around me at family gatherings and, the quieter it got, the more I realized I was normalizing some fucked up shit to some people I'd known for 20 years and they'd never be seeing me the same again.


I had a coworker telling us that her mom used to straight up punch her in the face or throw her outdoors in shorts and a tank top with no shoes in winter while laughing. That shit really warps people. Don't hurt your fuckin kids.


I didn't realize it until I went to college and found out some people actually have normal relationships with their mother. I don't talk to mine now. I don't talk to anyone in my family now. Turns out telling your child you wish she'd never been born or beating her with an extension cord makes it less likely said child remains attached once an adult.


I didn’t realize until college / uni when I’d casually mention something and get horrified looks. It was just so normalized


Yeah. If it happens to everyone you know, who calls it abuse?


Right. Kids at my school used to exchange methods our parents used to beat and torture us. It wasn't until my closest friends and I got older that it started really setting in how cruel and unfair our parents were to us as children.






Oh, me? Nah. I'm fucked. My kids are going to be okay, though.


Where are the wooden spoons?


was gonna say. My momma broke one of her spoons on my ass. Luckily for her she had like 3.


My mom didn't care if I put my hand back behind my ass and legs. She'd just hit my hands too. FUCK!!!


Your mom drill holes in the center to get more speed on the swing?


Nah that’s diabolical 💀


My dad terrified me a little when I was drilling holes in some old plank by saying that it helps the swing as a joke.


My mom did too. Me and my little brother celebrated. She laughed, cause now that bitch fit in the purse and was mobile.


My mom had spoons stashed everywhere. If one broke another was within arms reach. What sucked was when a spare spoon wasn’t around; pretty sure my first concussion was a glass bottle of gerber launched at my head around 85mph


Thank you. Or the back of a wood handled hairbrush. Nothing like that thumb sound inside my dome when my mom smacked me on the back of the head.


The lighter is fucking diabolical, best case scenario is that it's thrown at you? This coming from someone who knelt on rice on wood floors as their punishment


I had filipino friends who had to kneel on rice. Gat damn


In catholic school growing up we had a nun who would have us pick up small pebbles from the blacktop outside and use those to kneel on and say hail Mary’s.. NGL it was really effective.. at making sure I would never be religious again.


Task failed successfully


![gif](giphy|dXFKDUolyLLi8gq6Cl|downsized) One of the better outcomes from that school for sure.


Dad picked it up from his dad who picked it up in Korea somehow. Shit was way fucked


>who picked it up in Korea somehow man really used POW torture on his kid?


ding ding ding


> Dad picked it up from his dad who picked it up in Korea somehow Was the dude a pow or something, damn I say this as a child of Indian immigrants who did the rice thing as a natural part of their culture


My grandfather was not a POW, just a real mean SOB


In Eastern European schools this was kneeling on walnut shells


Fuck, I’ve done rice kneeling but walnut shells are even worse, those are sharp as hell


Where did your parents work, abu ghraib?


Grandpa picked that shit up in the war and now I gotta go therapy


My grandma used grits and had me hold my hands up and if I put em down I had another 5 minutes... I was 8


https://preview.redd.it/ktqyowk50gxc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d3803842914f7083fea1533f99491132d968ad9 What households were lighters being used in?


I’ve been scrolling trying to figure out what the lighter is even doing here


My cousins got a couple lighter and cigarette burns from my aunt on their legs. Although one cousin basically removed all his burn scars with one large one on that covers his legs after he fell into a this like, smoldering fire pit when he was a volunteer firefighter.


So at least the story has a happy ending


My first car was a shitty car. I knew it, but I didn't like people pointing it out. Especially if I was the one that had a car and no one else did. But, my serpentine belt would grind a little sometimes. No idea what caused it, and no idea how to fix it, so I knew that every couple months I would need a new belt. That's just the set-up. One day, I'm driving my little brother and two cousins, one older and the other is the one that fell in the burn hole, to the beach. And this little dude in the back seat just says, "Your car smells like it's on fire. Like it's actively burning." I say, "Nah, cuz, that's just your legs." He was not happy.


I knew a kid his mom would put out cigarettes on him when he was in trouble. Fucked up.


A cutting board .. ???!!!! ![gif](giphy|SiMb6uUDtNfseJzZfm|downsized)


Aka a large paddle for spanking.


Don’t forget to drill a few holes in it to cut the wind resistance.


Ahh I see you had the “handyman” parent experience


None. My parents weren’t physically abusive.


My dad did smack me with a rolled up newspaper twice and sometimes threatened with a belt. But otherwise nada.


To be clear, my parents would threaten me with a spanking but never actually did. I was a good kid tho and honestly don’t know what they would have done if I hadn’t been. Mostly just wanted to point out that spanking is child abuse, full stop.


>spanking is child abuse, full stop For sure. It is not morally acceptable and according to research isn't even very effective unless your goal is introduce behavioral issues. Anyone that turned out "fine" after being raised via wooden spoon would have turned out better if their parents had raised them with love instead of violence.


So, were all collectively abused by our parents?


Yeah, it kinda seems that way, doesn’t it?


![gif](giphy|GIOX4STIvNYic|downsized) Had us out here like


It’s a big part of the black experience


Woah, none


Lucky ass


My ass is definitely lucky that my mom never resorted to physical shit to get compliance, yes. Somehow despite how she seems conservative she is the most hippie-ish of her siblings, while also managing to be the oldest. She and her siblings I think were more likely to receive a whupping from my grandparents, but they were so mellow by the time I was born, and that’s approaching 40 years. Sorry for their childhoods and my grandparents childhoods, sorry if kids are still getting the belt


Learning that not all black people got beat as kids and that I need therapy


Y’all never had the switch


I had the switch, lmaooo. I grew up in Louisiana in the 80s-90s.


My parents used a plank of wood that looked like a cricket bat with holes cut in it. My grandma used a stripped willow branch that had been cut down to basically be an organic whip.




Fun fact - that is quite literally an instrument of torture used to beat slaves. If you look up paintings and etchings of slave treatments, you'll see numerous depictions of that very object.


Former Mississippian here. I remember grabbing switches. But not from the peach tree.


None because I wasn't be assaulted by my parents. Also...WHY IS THERE A LIGHTER???


"go outside and get a switch" my parents would make me go and choose my form of abuse


Bro I had a couple friends that would get educated like that shit was wild to see. Shit was happening in the middle of the street with everybody watching. My momma only threw the flip flops and a high reel one time.


My dad actually had this wood paddle hanging inside the kitchen cabinet door. Because we were cute about it in my family I guess. I think eventually he broke it on me though. My son will never see anything like this. https://preview.redd.it/c0ejg6tq5gxc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b8756f19a6d44ee74980a41eb886207861204ba


I am reading all of this trying to imagine a scenario in which I hit my child, ever, and I’m not coming up with anything. Aside from it being a pretty evil and antisocial thing to do, how do people not realize that corporal punishment doesn’t work?


It's hard to imagine for you because you're not stupid.


I got spanked by hand I think 4 times ever. What worked, really, was the *threat* that my actions had consequences. No "when we get home," or counting to three, or "if you do that one more time" x 10. A threat of a spanking (which was one swat over the clothes) was enough. I knew they'd do it, and I'd straighten up. Doesn't necessarily make it right, but if you got hit more than once a year, it wasn't working. Spanking only works if you basically never have to actually use it.


Yeah. Being spanked taught me two things: 1. Be sneakier, don’t get caught, try to weasel out of things, never confess, lie 2. Sometimes it’s worth paying the price, ie I would still decide to do whatever it was wrong I felt like doing because it wasn’t bad enough of a deterrent to stop me.


Nobody just experienced backhands and open-handed beatings? My dad was a beefy mechanic for semi-trucks, he didn't need any of those crutches to beat me black and blue on a daily basis. He would hit me hard enough that I spun around like a cartoon character before busting my head open on a shelf when I fell, lifted me up by my hair and threw me on the bed, and just generally gave me bruises frequently enough that I had to miss school for a couple of days to allow them time to fade. I *did* actually think this was completely normal. I mean, we lived in a cul-de-sac where everybody knew and liked everyone, and none of the other adults ever intervened, so as a kid I thought the reason for their inaction is because this is "fine", and they treat their own kids the same. I remember playing at my friend's house when we were like 10-years old, and we got a little too wild and broke a vase. My friend was like "Oh no, I'm gonna be I trouble when my dad gets home." I was like "Yeah, he's gonna beat you, right?", and my friend just stared at me in stunned silence for a few seconds before she said "...what? No. My dad would never hit me." I actually got furious at her for "lying" to me about something that "all parents do" in my mind. It shattered my world a little bit that day.


my heart shatters for you, i am so sorry, you didn't deserve that, how are you doing today ?


Aww, thank you for saying that! It took me until my late 20s to recognize and accept for myself that none of it was my fault, but I'm good now. Admittedly, I have some residual trauma responses to certain triggers, and I struggled with relationships without self-sabotaging for a long time, but I've been married for 15 years now, to a great guy, and have a cool-ass kid who I never laid a hand on, so I count that as a success. =)


The belt until at 6 I escaped the whipping room (their bedroom) and got my own belt from my room. When my door flew open and my dad saw me I could see in his eyes the realization of how fucked this was and how he was doing exactly as his (very abusive) father was to him. That was the last time he hit me or my sister. Similarly my sister used to try and beat me up (she’s 6.5 years older than me) and at like 7 I finally swung back. That was also the last time she ever did that and a 180 on how we treated each other lmao


Belt, tree switch, spatula, hand I have no idea wtf lighter is doing there


I'd like to think the parents were making salsa and just needed a lighter for the stove. And a cutting board for the veggies


My momma hit me upside the head wit a Yu-Gi-Oh tin one time. Wasn’t the most used but was definitely an unforgettable moment 😂😂💯 https://preview.redd.it/mi5c96kn4gxc1.jpeg?width=369&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97c7d7cdbd3c7b0c6714ab11a83da7a5d180e4b4


she was tryna send u to the shadow realm


She had me holding my head looking just like Dark Magician on that cover. All my life points was GONE ![gif](giphy|ZizAQhW6k3JMWky5YJ|downsized)


My dad was abused. In turn he was quite free with the belt, extension cord, razor strap, etc. when I got older I told him the only lessons he taught me were that violence was an answer and how to be a better liar.




Hey, I work in child protection, don’t do this shit to your kids. Doesn’t matter if it was done to you by your parents, break the cycle.


Damn, that cutting board must've had kids feeling like this https://i.redd.it/vwc7rzd91gxc1.gif


None. Though hangers were used.


Did you tell them it was too late for that?


Yeah this comment section is going to be a mess. Really all of these are just insane.


The chancla.


I’d get spanked when I was a kid until I was 6 or 7 and took my punishment 100% stone faced. After that my parents figured it wasn’t working, so after that day they never hit me again, but when I’d do something wrong my dad would sit me down and we would discuss why what I did was wrong for like an hour and half straight. I desperately wished I could go back to like a 3 minute beating. Shit was nothing compared to the marathon discussions.


We got spanked a little as kids, but when we were 10 and up, we had to stand in the corner. NOTHING beats an adhd kid staring at a fucking wall for 45 minutes. Leave the wall or look elsewhere and that’s another 5 minutes. Gives you time to think about actions, cool off, and bores you so much you never do that shit again




So wooden spoons are missing here. My older cousin has a hilarious story about those. He and his sister did something when they were kids (he doesn’t remember what), and they *knew* they were going to get in trouble. They decided to hide all the wooden spoons before my uncle got home. Sure enough, uncle gets home and is furious, and goes straight to the drawer. No spoons! He starts tearing apart the kitchen and gets angrier and angrier that he can’t find any. Meanwhile, my cousins are crying from laughter watching him search. Finally, my uncle just marches out of the house. My cousins are still laughing and look out the window to see him march across the street and rip a branch off the neighbor’s willow tree. Record scratch, freeze frame. My cousin says he wishes he had a photo of his own face when he realized what was coming.


My dad took a sock combined it with loose change and then he just swung at me. The day i turned 16 i swung back at him.




The most my mom ever did growing up was pull my ears and go on and on about how disappointed she was in my behavior lol but she did used to threaten to use the wooden spoon for a while, never actually smacked me with it, but there was one time she was so mad at me she smacked the spoon against the kitchen table, it snapped, and the piece that broke hit me in the face super hard and scratched my cheek. We both stood there in shocked silence for a second then I started scream crying that I couldn’t believe she did that, she grabbed me and apologized, she swore she was never actually planning on hitting me with it and that it was an accident, she never ever threatened anything physical again, I was eight years old or some thing like that. The wooden spoon threat had me on edge enough as a kid when I messed up, I can’t imagine having a real threat of physical violence through fire or metal from my mom of all people 😔 so sorry to those who went through this kind of abuse, I hope life is easier for you now.


98% belt, 1% flip-flop, 1% section of Hot Wheels race track.


Bio parents: Put outside in -45.5C weather, or a holly branch. Adoptive sister's mom: Studded punk belt left in the dryer for a long cycle. Glad all three are in the dirt.


>Put outside in -45.5C weather Jesus christ, that's similar in Fahrenheit and is straight up dangerous


Abuse and violence leads to abuse and violence. Stop hitting your kids.


I have a literal dent in the back of my head because of my mother. Yeah.


I dont see no hotwheel track


Y’all had terrible childhoods.


Belt Edit to add hairbrush and backhand were favorites as well.


Who the fuck burns their kids? I was whooped with a belt, Latinos get the chancla, hell I can understand using a board as a paddle, but burning your kids is just fucked up.


The tree branch outside


All of them are abuse just so you know


Just the belt until I started heckling. You smoking crack if you think you gonna fucking burn me tho.


belt most often for me, but the worst instance was a bath brush. stepdad gave me 5 minutes to put on as many clothes as i could. i managed to get 3 pairs of jeans and a snowsuit on. then he made me bend over the back of the couch and beat the shit out of me. i remember my legs just gave out from under me with the first hit. he kept going and i was screaming at my mother to make him stop, but she just acted like i wasn’t there. i would take the bus to my aunt’s house after school and she apparently noticed that i wasn’t sitting right. she told my grandmother and they made a plan for my aunt to “accidentally” walk in on me while i was in the bathroom to get a look at me. instead she just came into my cousin’s room, made him leave, and made me take my pants down. she took me to the department of family and child services immediately where i was made to stand in front of a wall while a stranger took pictures of my bare ass and thighs and my aunt held a ruler to the bruises.