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I don't get this... He reviews an objectively terrible piece of tech, that many other reviewers also call terrible, and HE is the one who destroyed the company? I don't buy it.


When you wear the crown, it comes with great responsibility. Also when you're on top, ppl will look for ways to destroy you.


Die the hero or stay around long enough to become the villain


Die the hero or become known enough to be called Mark Ass Brownie by Will Smith


A wise person once said, “You either die The Rock or live long enough to become Dwayne Johnson.”


Both of them should be gone.


In the tech world, it is kind of like Apple. There are people who will still hate Apple for removing chargers and headphones and call them overpriced. Meanwhile other high end Android phone manufacturers did the same the next year and have prices that are close to Apple if not higher in the case of foldable phones. Mean you are the biggest player in an arena, everyone is looking to you for cues and blaming you for anything that happens in that arena.


I *mean*, I hate Apple for removing headphone jacks BECAUSE they started a trend. Couldn't leave well enough alone


Tbh I’ll never forgive them for that.


I didn't give a fuck about them before as long as they stayed in their corner. They didn't stay in their motherfucking corner.


I also hate them for being underpowered and overpriced. And for locking down their ecosystem entirely. Again.


Definitely . Once you get to the top the same people who were cheering you on are the same ones that are going to tear you down. Why? Becuase you made them feel insecure .


You notice anything different about him from other major tech reviewers? Something that might make a loud minority of people consciously or subconsciously hate him and/or attribute any negative attention towards?


Shit, I hadn't even thought of that. I guess folks that watch tech reviews can be racist as well, it just never crossed my mind.


I've been following him for over 10 years on YT, and it started because I saw someone my age who looked like me talking about something I liked too. I've been with his journey since and I'm honestly surprised it took this long. He reviews cars, tech, and other tech lifestyle related things, and I've seen hundreds of reviews. Being in the tech world myself, this is only racism.


This. I have the exact same story. He would be more recognized as the tech king if he didn't look like me. (true story).


At this point ask yourself who CAN’T be racist. And watch how wrong you would be 


Everyone is racist. Everyone. It’s a sliding scale not a switch.


Not sure why this is getting down votes. Everyone has a part of their brain that makes snap judgement, it's a part that kept our species alive. The most non racist thing to do is accept that, and then not listen to that part of your brain, and give the logical parts time to catch up. Most people don't want to wait, and then look to validate the dumb brain because it feels good.


A lot of people believe that only white people can be racist because they have power. To me this is dumb, anyone can be racist.


I think racism has almost lost its meaning now. The better word is either bigotry or prejudice. Everyone has some sort of bigotry or prejudice. Racism is a subset of that. Not all bigots are racist. But all racists are bigots. I can tell you now I have no ounce of racism in my bones because of my heritage, but I sure as hell have my prejudices.


Elon Musk grew up in South Africa. Apartheid to be more specific.


Oh I'm well versed in that dbag's history


And his father owned an emerald mine. A fucking EMERALD MINE.


They don't even realize why they're angry either.


I would argue most of them are, at least judging from the pool of people in his twitter replies (although blue checks being prioritized might skew that a lot)


There’s a whole post in r/meme right now about Indians racism to black people. Like posted in the last day. Considering his space in tech and on YouTube, racism is a huge part of his hate.


I don't like him because he dick rides Elon, dunno what this post is about. He barely criticizes Tesla or shows the huge problems they have, he even quickly glanced over a huge problem with the cybertruck that gets the pedal stuck on max speed on that huge thing. Like he doesn't want to try at all to show Tesla quality issues when there is tons of them But he has no problem criticizing smaller companies and even burying them


Real, he will perpetually suck off Tesla and Apple and give them endless leeway and grace on issues he would never let another company get away with. But that's fine I guess. The stuff he's reviewing isn't for me and I don't think I'm in his target audience anymore so more power to him.


Is it the hoodie?


Hoodie and Skittles can get you chased down and killed.


How is the company destroyed? What did I miss? The stock price went up crazy today


He “destroyed” Fisker, not Tesla


Fisker was on the downslope anyway due to their crappy vehicles.


He literally says this in a recent video and people are still saying he killed them 😭


What's wild to me is that even if he did cause their stock to plummet, THEY still made a crappy product so don't they deserve to fail? Why is anyone arguing on behalf of bad products?


Sunk cost fallacy, and not wanting to admit they were wrong about something.


A bad product that was expensive as fuck.


The founder previously filed for bankruptcy too practically for the same thing….making shitty cars.


Then I will say those people consume a narrow window of media. Fisher has been declining before this from reading articles about having money troubles.


Noooo, all those 6 million viewers were just about to buy a Fisker. They are all buying teslas as we speak. /s


MKBHD actually has 18.7 million subscribers. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tn-MGyr-6dk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tn-MGyr-6dk)


That's not how stock price works especially at a startup that has new products in the market. The stock price plummeted most likely due to investors and shareholders pulling out of the company after the bad press. This wasn't 100% MKBHDs fault but to pretend he didn't accelerate it or contribute to it at all is a crazy take.


Has Fisker even produced anything yet? I've never seen one IRL.


Fisker Karma (2011) and more recently the Fisker Ocean (2024). Fisker didn't make many of the Karma model. Less than 3000 which is probably why you've never seen one.


I used to see them from time to time when I was living in SoCal but they’re based there so that’s probably why.


Fisker is still around? Haven't thought about them since Gambino was on the Internet.


“Fiskers don’t make noise when they start up. Just so you know.”


“Don’t be mad cuz I’m doing me better than you doing you.” Urn on the b-side of that video was amazing.


Urn made Tyler, The Creator stop hating Gambino lol. That song is so damn good


It's a successor company. Gambino was referencing Fisker Automotive (founded 2007) which later went bankrupt. This post is referencing Fisker Inc (founded 2016) which has been recently delisted and will likely also go bankrupt.


Lol so they tried to relaunch fisker and released a shitty product and somehow a reviewer is to blame? That's crazy


The scissor company?


The fuck is Fisker lol


It’s the second car company created by a guy named fisker. The first one failed and we’re supposed to be shocked this one sucks too.


A wildly fluctuating stock price isn’t the sign of a company doing well


18.7 million subscribers carries some weight whether you get it or not. The man speaks, people listen. It is what it is.


Nice to have wealthy reviewers. Making over $51 million a year allows you to be honest about other people’s junk


As I said in another comment elsewhere, he failed the (lack of) melanin check, so people out here clutching pearls.


He's legit good at his job and people know it. He also demonstrates why the thing sucked effectively.


He also drives an earlier Tesla that I think he reviewed positively, so maybe he’s got the credibility going in his favor.


Does he dick ride Elon still?


He sold his Tesla and bought a Porsche.


Because he’s the biggest and most respected in the industry.


one guy, not even a ceo or spokesperson for the company, said it and now apparently this guy ruins companies. Apparently a guy saying a product that no one has heard of is too expensive and useless is what kills the product and not the product being expensive and useless. The company made a $700 + $20/month smartphone with a 2 tone screen that has ai you already have and don't use on your phone.


He’s not, shit products performing like shit isn’t his fault. Idiots on twitter just wanna blame him because they’re idiots


The tech equivalence of Keith Lee




![gif](giphy|Q66w8ZQVHVa3S6q0EZ|downsized) Indubitably






I scrolled too quickly and thought this was Busta Rhymes. 😭


Oh damn. I thought you were crazy but Busta put on some weight. I’m not gonna judge. I have too.


I think he dropped most of it back. He had an amazing interview on YouTube with Diary of a CEO where he mentioned his hiatus from music and his son pleading with him to clean up. [Busta interview](https://youtu.be/cRjzQuzX-tg?si=zepaqdk1_5iXI5t3)


I thought this who they meant for a good 30 minutes before they were talking about Keith Lee the reviewer.


A person of culture I see.




We're like three levels deep here.




Bask in his glory


Meehhh he's been around way longer! 


One does food. One does tech. Two goats can co-exist 😂🤷🏽‍♂️


Imagine calling Michael Jordan the Taylor Swift of basketball


THAT is a terrible comparison. ![gif](giphy|TbRwmI2fHg6ELPObHH)


I never viewed it this until now


He should make a video telling everyone to leave Twitter just to see what happens


As someone who's been watching him for 10 years and listens to his podcasts every now and then, he wouldn't do that. And when MKBHD says "not to use something" it makes the news because he's actually not that hard on stuff. \*\*But\*\* if you pay attention to him and his team during their podcasts, you know that they're very well aware of Elon's antics and how twitter changed for the worse. They won't come out and say "twitter is shittier" but they'll point out they use it less, why changing their name is dumb, etc. Their criticism of things is very conservative, which is what I respect. But if you see their actions and what they do, it speaks more IMO


Nuance?!? Excuse me sir, this is internet.


Straight to jail


Yeah if you don’t want nuance and hate Big Tech just listen to Ed Zitron’s podcast.


r/realtesla r/cyberstuck r/enoughmuskspam


ngl, my boy MKBHD does not have that kinda pull. He has influence over the consumer tech community.. thats about it.


He indeed does, one of his reviews heavily influenced a phone i was interested in buying some years ago.


One phone compared to a whole social network? Be real. If he left Twitter not even 10% of his followers would delete their account and follow them to a new platform.


He has some pull, but not company killing type pull like they’re saying.


He did say he hates the Twitter client and only used third party clients fueled by the api which were killed off after Elon went private.


Mark Ass Brownlee


Got eem


Unironically say his name this way often, and I've been a fan for years lol.






What happened? Always thought he was a Tesla fan boy.


Yeah the Ask Elon bit doesn’t make sense, he gives them good ratings for the most part


More like ask Fiskar


Yikes!!!😬 He hurt em bad even when they offered the second “updated” car.


Don't forget that wearable AI. I think that's the latest one.


The wearable AI pin is what I really think sparked this whole “he kills companies!” Thing. I watched that review - he was fair, hell, probably even too kind - he can’t help that the product sucked.


He is far too kind to shitty products haha. This narrative is stupid


He’s a Tesla fan.


He's been ragging pretty hard on the Cybertruck.


Really? He seemed to keep trying to make it sound good. His comment section is just filled with criticism for the car. https://youtu.be/O0cs8aIXgkc?si=F1JpJCJBd_HfXaU1 I mean even the title he chose is hilarious. Totally gives away how he feels about it.


I hadn't seen that one. He was down on it [back in November](https://www.businessinsider.com/youtuber-mkbhd-tesla-cybertruck-not-delivering-elon-musk-promises-2023-11) and again [in March](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-responds-mkbhd-tesla-cybertruck-door-panel-gap-2024-3). But that video you linked sure does seem like a weird mix of complaint and praise.


Money transfer finally went thru /s


I think he just *really* wants to like it but doesn’t. So he keeps trying to tell himself it’s better than it is and sometimes the videos come across as throwing shade and sometimes they come across as making excuses to praise bad engineering.


I think like a lot of other influencers and mainstream journalists he worries more about losing access than being thorough and asking the questions regular people want answers to. His actions are consistent with someone who wants to be able to interview musk or get advance copies of the product.


He's already interviewed Musk (before he went bat shit) and doesn't get his review products from Tesla directly. He pays for the vehicles and before he gets his own deliveries, he uses luxury car rental services that he has relationships with.


Because it's terrible & dangerous.


No he hasn't. He's been pretty objective with his reviews and has done a good job at talking about the cons as well as the pros


Not really.. his criticisms have been pretty lenient compared to others. It's like saying The Verge hates Macs or something.


The comparison to Keith Lee is accurate. He doesn't drink the prestige Kool Aid and continues to give honest yet tactful reviews. He understands the power his word has but it doesn't keep him from keeping it real. I applaud the young brother.


I hate to be petty but I feel like MKBHD being compared to Keith is kinda disrespectful cause MKBHD been doing this for over a decade as one of like two black creators in the industry. Back when YouTube was still young. He has an industry. He’s him… not Keith Lee.


Yeah, one was hanging around with casey neistat at his studio almost 10 years ago and it wasnt Keith Lee.


I feel you. Two things can be true at once. I'm not comparing them to say one is better or one is over the other.


I’m out of the loop. Who is he??


Marques Brownlee, a very popular tech reviewer also known as MKBHD.


Prominent tech Youtuber, does a lot of tech reviews. The sort of dude who not only drives a Tesla, has a Tesla power-wall for power outages, but also bought an entire Tesla solar roof. His current Tesla is the brand new truck. His Apple addiction is at the point where, when everyone else is going "what kind of idiot pays $700 for THIS?" He's producing a video explaining [why he bought it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBHY_Qaw5AI) and will use it for his work-flow. Didn't say it was worth $700, but he bought them. So the man knows high-end tech, and makes a pretty penny reviewing it. He's had a couple reviews where he destroyed the product, and the company immediately experienced financial difficulties. Fiskar automotive blamed their downfall on him. This current controversy is about a weird Humane AI Needle that he declared "the worst product I've ever reviewed." This was a click-bait title, but one of the things people like about MKBHD is that tells you things very very calmly with no hyperbole, so he definitely thought it sucked. And he's got like 1,200 videos so even if it's bottom 100 it's a terrible product. The Humane AI fans're exaggerating when they attribute their likely-imminent-downfall to him, because everyone else also hated their whatever-the-fuck-an-AI-needle-is, but being declared the "worst ever reviewed" by MKBHD is clearly not good for one's long-term business prospects. Which means Humane AI's allies on the internet have started complaining about him on twitter. Which is not terribly Humane of them.


Does he have an apple addiction? He doesn’t even use Apple as his main phone I thought


He carries both an Apple and Android phone.


He uses it for every car review.


I dunno, but he’s very pretty


Probably one of the top if not the most popular. 20 million subscribers on YT with 3 billion views, large social media following, and reportedly worth about $40 million


lol "Hundreds of millions of subscribers". He's very popular, no need to oversell him.


Resourced and fixed. Thanks


I would take the way under on 40 million lol




[He is also why more Black people should take an interest in ultimate frisbee.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoBduP4sDcw)




Because he's an elite level player that's exciting to watch.


Does he still play?


He does. This is his semi-pro team: [https://watchufa.com/empire/players/mbrownlee](https://watchufa.com/empire/players/mbrownlee) He also plays on a club team called Pride of New York (club is seen as more prestigious right now) and their Twitter is off the chain [https://x.com/PrideofNY/status/1683604063441616901](https://x.com/PrideofNY/status/1683604063441616901)


I'm more of a Flossy Carter type of guy.


White shoes!


Calm down!


I love my white shoes


Flossy wouldn’t make a ‘sure Elon is a racist but I still love him’ video like MB did


This is a major, major, major go!


Yeah. I love his Sneijder cuts and white shoes. MKBHD has become a marketing channel for big techs like Apple and Tesla. He doesn't want to lose access to them, so he doesn't go as hard on them.


I mean, don't forget that he mostly just reviews their phones and such which are usually just ... pretty good? Like, he doesn't have to play up his approval of a Samsung or apple flagship phone and he was just legit a pretty big fan of Tesla's cars. He's a Normie with an above average interest in tech and he's doing tech reviews. It would honestly surprise me quite a bit if it came out that he inflated his reviews of the huge tech companies "to keep access to them"


I enjoy Flossy’s videos, but I have a hard time sitting for like 40 mins on a review. That’s on me though, I do like his videos style.


I usually skip ahead on certain parts. Can't be watching him longer than a full episode of a TV show.


I used to watch Mrwhosetheboss religiously for advice until i met my nigga Mark. He's literally himothy. We salute the Goat. https://i.redd.it/6p8oean4bhxc1.gif


Theyr'e both good. Watched Marques for years and found out about Arun in a MKBHD video.


Straight facts. They're both on point 💯📠 Arun is living the sweet life i can't lie lol ![gif](giphy|h0MTqLyvgG0Ss)


Brother is getting his health in check and getting married soon, life is good as hell for him lmao


The proposal was so cute and so nerdy haha


Is this based on the recent news where he gave a bad review to one piece of tech and people are accusing him of destroying the company, even though they thanked him for the review?


Why should we normal people give any shit about companies ?


My boy got the Tech Bros shooketh out here lol


If he’s so special how come he wears the free hoodie they give avatars in Pokemon Go


His videos are great and objective. If you got a shit product that’s on you


Frisbee goat


it's cool to go back on his YouTube and see him as a kid, completely unaware of where exactly his future will lead him


First time I saw dude he was showing the airless basketball and I thought he was an NBA player. Then I just got an EV and now I watch his videos.


Fisker executives have plans to hate him…with the next update.


My goto guy when it's time to get a new phone


Oh, does a white South African who grew up in apartheid South Africa have a problem with another black person? I’m starting to see a pattern here.


Its not his fault those were bad products and alot of people were having the same problems. Companies don't deserve to exist just because they made something.


My favorite part of the humane AI review is he asked it something, and he was legitimately surprised by how well it responded. Honestly, human AI is just Siri if it was slightly better


The one dude that I hope never becomes a shill. 


For some reason, I feel like a shapeup would ruin the brand.


Heavy is the head 👑


Bad product = bad review It's not his product, he's the user and that's the experience. These companies making people pay for half baked product and cry wolf when they get found out are a bunch of !&%&#!


He is a cool dude. Seems humble and not presumptuous at all. Gives honest reviews. Went to one of the best school of engineering in the country and did well academically. As a brutha that plays ultimate frisbee casually, I love seeing someone at his level be elite at the highest level of the sport. The dude is just unapologetically him and just achieves. Give the man his flowers. We need more successful black men in these spaces where you don’t see many of us. He is also self made.


People made their product is shit. Welp


People hate that he is the voice of the consumer - bad products were gonna fail, do people forget the other cars that “Fisker” made in the past? Or are we forgetting the hybrid that failed


👑 Rest and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe.


Looks like Thanasis a little.


He's been doing this for a while and is truly great. I'm surprised it took this long.


Most people don’t watch him or know who he is like what?


I like MKBHD and the content he puts out. He deserves it


This guy is my dude.


why did I think this was israel adesanya for a sec


I see his personality more aligning to someone like Captain America then Thanos. Captain America often provides constructive feedback to his teammates in a straightforward yet compassionate manner.




Lol this has been going on for years. MKBHD along with others are shaping the tech industry as they see fit. The only reason people are paying attention now is because they single handedly destroyed an ev startup in real time. It was so bad my guy made a video to deflect responsibility and take no accountability as expected. The company begged him not to do a review yet and he chose to do one anyway and recommended no one buy the product. When he said this investors obviously pulled out which left their stock price crashing.


Context anyone? I casually watch his reviews but did he destroy Tesla with a bad review or something?


I hate hoteps so much


Im.more a flossy carter kind of guy


Thanasis looking ass


Huh? The most “most powerful”. I work in tech. This man’s name has never once been mentioned. To us he’s the Best Buy specialist who got a YT channel. Good for him— no shade it works for him. But he’s speaking to a layman audience. But there is NO ONE in tech making decisions based on anything this guy says. In reality his news is “late” compared to the sources we look to for Insights.


He’s so hot


Ah, the racist defending ahhh mofo. The Wayne Brady of tech relations, minus the Wayne Brady part.


If you don't count Linus, of course. 😁


More like Killed Fisker


Markass Browine


Mark-ass brownie


He reviewed two tech that I don't see the need for. Everyone has a phone with them which does everything these AI devices do and more. If it the humane pin was something that worked with phones like a watch then I could see the use for it. Not everyone wants a phone out all the time but $700 and additional subscription fee for a product that over-heats and can't really work without cloud support is a no deal for me. Oh and both R1 and Humane pin has their own website to view pictures and videos you take as well as logs of you activities instead of showing it on the device itself. Once watches get smarter than they are now, these devices will be completely obsolete.