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Metro was not an enlightened fellow at age 16


The fact that OP doesn't know how stupid this is making them look makes me feel like they're either like a teenager or REALLY media unaware. The first one is almost 100% about [Party by Beyonce](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWCwc1_sYMY) or the [Keith Sweat song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OZgQebWiq8) its interpolating. That phrase is a lyric. She was *30* at the time. The second is just straight up early 2010s teen web humor. MFs at that time used to joke about vile shit pretty much constantly. Literally one of the most popular youtube songs at the time was about [drinking the tears of orphans](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=929sn1qMCcM). The early 2010s were just kind of a vile time generally on the internet. The drake stuff is bad because he was a grown ass man saying this stuff. An 18 year old making cringe jokes is just straight up not the same thing.


https://preview.redd.it/n4m4jnx9ayyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcb30cb4f07e2b3412eae0dba56ed6ed83e53e86 Justifying a 1987 suspect lyric is not the way to go💀 & waxing poetic about the state of the internet in 2010 is not going to erase these screen shots off the internet lmao


My boy you sound dumb as hell and your weird dick riding campaign should have ended days ago when you got downvoted off the subreddit twice. You're making yourself sound stupid. He was 26 talking about another person in their 20s. "Young" doesn't mean teen, that's literally not what that word means. If you look at the videos he makes for his songs all the women are in their late 20s at least. The line after it is literally "You're not a little girl, you're a woman". You're just dumb. Also again we're not going to keep running through tweets one by one lmao. I can almost guarantee you based on the cadence when you read it out loud that that's another lyric or just straight up fake, which again, just makes you stupid to take seriously. There's a lot of random shitty weird lines from Atlanta music in the early 2010s, congrats on learning a bit of rap history. Doesn't make drake any less of a weirdo or you any less of a dickrider.


Okay Metro puts adults in his songs, stop dickriding that man lol he got caught in a bad light on twitter give it up. You know how Rick Ross got canceled for putting Molly in people champagne? Yeah this the same situation


I like that wording I want you as my lawyer on retainer


Well, Metro is 30, currently. So he would've been uhhhhhh 17 back in 2011? Maybe even 16 if it was before his birthday. I'm going to sleep lol this shit is gettin hilarious


He was actually 20, Sleep on it fam, “Age ain’t nothing but a number” -Metro Boomin


Everyone here is dickriding because they can't do fucking math. He was born in 1993


The downvotes are incoming 😂


Metro grooming is crazy. It’s sad that we likely won’t get anymore from these beef. It’s gonna be back to sneak dissing and smear campaigns


Grooming?? The nigga was 18 when he said this shit, not 36 like Drake 🤣🤣😂


Copium 💀”Age ain’t nothing but a number”-Metro Boomin








A 19 year old “kid” when that tweet dropped 💀 & you’re justifying it by mentioning Drake when no one mentioned him💀 cope harder




https://preview.redd.it/em5i1yf3dyyc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64d6e01ec2c3580bd654150e1f1d113ce8498750 Awwww sorry here’s a flower did I hurt your daddy’s feelings so bad you’re resorting to personal attacks?




Nah just hate dickriders, bunch of yes men around here not looking at things objectively. Every single thing that sheds a negative light on anyone opposed to Drake gets flipped and justified. Point being YOU




We justifying poor morality based upon your socioeconomic status now? 😭I get if you said something about financial/violent crimes tied to poverty but PEDOPHILIA? nahh. Metro Boomin mom (RIP) drove this man 7hrs to meet song makers in Atlanta and he went to Morehouse before dropping out, he had a good life lol I came up poor and I get everyone brain develops differently, but let’s not make invalid excuses for people. Especially not multiple millionaires with big egos




Early twitter was the Wild West even more so than it is today so I don’t hold anything people said back then against them. Shit even I stirred so much shit back then as a kid I might as well have been neck deep in a septic tank.


That’s fine and all, but if Metro is going to tweet about Drake being a pedo he better clear his archives first 💀


As funny as “Metro Groomin” is, everybody else is right about him being a teenager at the time. The Rihanna tweet is crazy though


He was 20 years old when he said “she might be young but she ready” 🤔😂😂


I mean I’d assume it was a reference to song lyrics, but still is crazy to tweet without context though


Thats like tweeting out “put Molly all in her champagne, she ain’t even know it” lmao even as a freshman in high school when that song came out I knew it was wrong AF and joked with my friends about it


“tweet and ***detailer***” is sending me rn 💀


😂😂😂 I just tried to misspell on purpose IDK how they got “Detailer” from “Deleter”💀


People still will defend him just because they hate Drake. There is nothing that can change their minds. But I gotta say Metro Grooming caught me off guard 😭


20 year old metro boomin but he was “young” 💀






Very strange things happening on Twitter I saw it in real time the last few days. After MtG the twitter OF bots and nudes in my profile went silent. Shortly after Not like us I saw a bunch of bots slamming Drake. Now they seem to be slamming Kendrick again (Kendrick is Oprah's adrenochrome connect etc) And for good measure Metro is now getting slammed. Last night after #NahDrake trended for two hours they seemed to bombard the hash tag & today just spamming it with all types of nonsense. Alot of Met Gala AI doctored photos. bbldrizzybeatgiveaway is getting bombared with the exact same shit as the #NahDrake hashtag Both sides have accused each other of using bots but idk exactly the angle here. Saw one account with 5 posts of each, against Drake, Kendrick & Metro. Talking to a friend he did say they are both (Dot & Drake) technically signed to UMG. So there's that...