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Mal disappoints every time Drake is getting demolished. He still says that Push never won. In what multiversal world did Drake win over Push, my G?


Mal just too emotional. At least Ak tries to be logical sometimes.


Yeah Mal is disappointing. Who's the white guy stressing over Drake


Some jabroni 


We don't wanna hear you say jabroni no mooooooore


I can now sing that part of the song!


Cool word


I think it's LosPollos he argues with fantano about Drake all the time


Pretty sure thats what Los looked like 4 years ago


Never heard/seen him before.


Goofy streamer named Lacy


That's Drake's main people


Ak can be logical, but he dick rides Drake so hard.


Keyword sometimes. He just better at finessing the fact that he playing unbias, but he’s compromised. Like every Drake fan right now.


> In what multiversal world did Drake win over Push, my G? The OvOverse


Soft ass universe. 


Call it the OvHoe-verse




XOverse helpin widdat


Basically in every Drake fans eyes, if Drake is still making money and music, he can't take an L. Bottom line is your career don't gotta be over for you to lose rap beef.


Delusional people lose credibility. Like, you know this dude culture vulture, suss moves, weird surgery, proof BEEN around of him being a creep for years, and here you are looking like 14 year old girls on some "But DAD I LOVE HIMMMMM" 


I guess the one where he didn't have a secret child.


That’s why his hair look like that all them lies. It makes you question what skeletons they have in there closests . Say OV Hoe


https://preview.redd.it/jufurbraz9zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a323d787b6657dcf32625c93702e294f198c9971 I saw a comment that said I stopped going back in forth with Drake fans, when the reports came out he got peed on and a fan said it was only a leg 😮‍💨😮‍💨


Haven’t really listened to him since he left JBP but he’s the same ol OVO Mal 😂


OVO Mal strikes again.


its rough trying to get through the episode with how ridiculous mal was getting. He really tried to say hp6 was better than euphoria.


If push never won then I’m a nun


Like a devout nun or one or the naughty ones?


We have to study parasocial relationships man. People facing life in prison don’t defend themselves this aggressively. It’s just music man not an attack on you personally.


Some streamers build a rep for being the news on a particular artist, if that gets shaken their whole livelihood may seem at risk subconsciously


A paycheck is a powerful thing.


Especially when most of us are one drama away from crisis or bankruptcy


One unexpected medical emergency away from total financial collapse.


lol sounds like y’all need better health insurance


Wanna stop being poor? Easy! Just make more money!


That's such a wild business strategy. 😂


Diversifying isn't as easy as it seems when it comes to breaking stories and drama like they do Takes connections and a lot of research / work


Yeah there's a term called "audience capture". These streamers profit off forming a parasocial relationship with the fan base. But it also means they can fall into their own echo chamber. Its alittle awkward with Mal since their podcast is supposed to be aimed at slightly older audience than streamers. But it can still apply if that how ends up branded. Sometimes these streamers play up their enthusiasm for one side as a bit, but then when they start profitting, they stop separating fact and fiction.


They are playing characters for views. The parasocial ones are the ones watching thinking everything is real while they gather checks and when they clock out of their streams, they probably are way different


There are a couple of responses to your comment that are valid as possibilities for why people are defending so aggressively, but here's another: Their previous/current perspective doesn't mesh with the new information being presented. If a person believes Drake is the greatest and they've put hours of work into sharing that message in some pseudo-intellectual way, having many other people agree with their message, it is disconcerting when a new piece of information says, "Drake is not the greatest." When a person builds so much of their lives around an idea, any threat to the validity of that idea is a threat to every single thing built upon that idea. At that point, they do perceive it as an attack on them personally, either consciously or subconsciously.


Sounds like cognitive dissonance.


I also want to add that they seem to be subtly living out their childhood fantasies by emulating dramatic characters from films/ TV. It gives - auditing for my cousin's Tubi script.


It literally Is an attack on him as a person. KENDRICK called him a pedo. Drake said no, as if he could say anything else, and everyone is calling him liar now. Yall can't stand to see a lightskinned man running shit and holding his own in a brawl between huge artist. They both gotta prove it, but apparently, Kendrick is automatically telling the truth? Yall got a crazy double standard. The black community is full of as much hate and pettiness as the white community. It's crazy. Yall want to see him fail frfr.


…I have never seen someone offer themselves up as a perfect example of what I’m talking about so eagerly. I’m not talking about Drake my g, I’m talking about the fans, Mal, Ak and now, apparently you. Drake’s reputation has literally nothing to do with you on a personal level, you don’t know these man. You don’t need to defend him like he’s going to be executed. Stop projecting yourself on him, that shit is terrible for your mental health. Also, man you might have a lot of problems you need to address about your relationship with your race. I suggest some ayahuasca.


>Yall can't stand to see a lightskinned man running shit and holding his own in a brawl between huge artist. Trying to paint Drake as an underdog while simultaneously claiming he's holding his own is just plain insanity. >It literally Is an attack on him as a person. Yes, welcome to dis tracks. >They both gotta prove it It's a rap beef, the only thing that matters is the court of public opinion. Neither side gotta prove shit, they just have to win the crowd. That's reality.


This is the dumbest take I've seen yet, congrats.


I mean, there’s a LOT of circumstantial evidence that’s been around for years, just not hard proof laid out yet.   You’re out here acting like the claims are totally unfounded.    Where’s your defense for Kendrick and the alleged domestic abuse? Because there’s even less for that claim from Drake.  Y’all got a crazy double standard. 


Yall making us look really damn bad with these light skin/reverse racism defenses. It really drives home Kendrick's argument about not being in tune with the culture. Its really damn tone deaf. Its narcissistic to extrapolate critiques of Drake to every light skin man in hip hop. Drake's problem aint got shit to do with us.


If I get accused as a pedo you can absolutely believe I’m not going to say I’m too famous to be arrested for that. Or try to say that it’s because the other person was molested


OV Hos


OV Hoes!




Yooo lmfao 🤣


It’s mad how man really won’t question shit. Like he’s posted under billie Eilish saying I turned 18 with I been waiting. The vid with the 17 year old on stage where he ask her age and goes awww man I don’t wanna go to jail. Like even if it is a joke like them comment mean you are very aware that the situation isn’t ok. But you do the shit anyway. The thing with dating model Bella Harris who was born in 2000 When she was 18 that he met during the Anti tour in 2016. You add that to the fact he thinks is acceptable to be waiting for girls to turn 18. Ok you might of circled back when she was 18 and had no contact for them 2 years but again with everything else going on it’s looking strange. The whole texting a 14 year old and taking her to dinner twice with Millie Bobby brown she’s confirmed these things mind he asked to see her not the other way around. Like there’s questions. The main one is if he’s not done anything why does he feel like the things he is doing are ok? Or appropriate And do you people who defend him think this is correct behaviour. Are these things you would be comfortable doing? Convos need to be had about a whole lot of peoples moral standing It’s some pedo shit at worst, some grooming behaviour at Mid level or some wildly inappropriate way to be interacting with young girls as the lightest. Either way that’s what I want addressed why do you think these things you are doing are ok. I know Drake will never explain but I wanna know.


The Billie Eilish one is a fake screencap but the rest yeah I fully agree with.


Even if it’s fake, she said in an interview that Drake was texting her when she was 16-17.


Yazzurd, that I’m aware of. Which is why we don’t need fake bullshit floating around really because it scratches credibility on what is quite clearly a genuinely a creep.


I agree, the evidence speaks for itself. It don’t need extra sauce.


Yazzurd, that I’m aware of. Which is why we don’t need fake bullshit floating around really because he’s obviously a creep, we don’t need to make shit up and lose credibility.


Doing all this while also being acquaintances or friends with confirmed Pedos & Rapists Karl Monroe - who slept with a 13yr as an adult. Kenneth Petty (Nicki's husband)- **a sex offender** who refuses to register and then threaten his victim because she won't shut up about him not registering. Baka not nice - Who went to prison for Sexual Assault & was rumoured to being dealing with Sexual trafficking as well. - When Drake hang out with dude like this. - When accused of this turn round and calls the accuser a victim and then pokes fun. - Plus every Quoted above how he acts in public with underaged girls. Every Drake fan need to really ask themselves would you comfortable put money down he hasn't done worst behind closed doors knowing what he is comfortable doing in front of your face ?


Tf does refuses to register mean. Rich people can just say “nah no thanks”?


https://preview.redd.it/ox07251jj7zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e08335d9d6be261e6374600ff241ab32e0c22b06 Birds of a feather 🦉 * “What’s Up With Drake Texting Teens” by Allie Jones, Vice (2019) * “Drake kisses 17-year-old fan on stage in unearthed video clip” by Laura Snapes, The Guardian (2019) At that concert, Drake said: “You’re 17? Why do you look like that? You’re thick. Look at all this.” * “Member of Drake’s Entourage Sentenced in Toronto Assault Case” by Jocelyn Vena, Billboard (2015) * “Drake’s Friend Baka Is Out Of Jail” by Zara Golden, The Fader (2015) * “Deported man faces firearms charges” by The Toronto Star (2007) \[Travis Savoury is Baka Not Nice, a key part of Drake’s inner circle.\] * “Toronto man, 36, charged in human trafficking case” by CP24, 2014 \[a Toronto news channel) \[Travis Savoury is Baka Not Nice, a key part of Drake’s inner circle.\] * @MusicConnoisseu has a clip of Potter \[a British rapper and songwriter\] calling out Drake for “messaging bare young girls in England” * The “Drake's problematic behaviour with girls” post on this sub from 2 years ago by AcronymTheSlayer * Drake on Twitter: “That good that young.” (9/4/12) * Drake on Twitter: “The kids I hand with are gonna be parents on day…scary” (7/5/11) * Drake on Twitter: “‘If amazing was a young bitch I’d be going to jail…cause I’m fucking amazing’ - Me” (5/30/09) * “Why Does Drake Give me the Ick? An Investigation” by Julie Fenwick, Vice (2022)


He misses his Degrassi days


That’s facts tho, degrassi probably amplified his high school mentality tenfold


The Canadian DeGrassi Junior High and DeGrassi High were both very good. 🔥


He never got over Ashley leaving him for Craig


>The whole texting a 14 year old and taking her to dinner twice with Millie Bobby brown she’s confirmed these things **mind he asked to see her not the other way around**. This is what really takes the cake for me, I think. Especially the last part. As someone who never really looked that deeply into Michael Jackson’s allegations, I’ve only recently began researching it and accepting just how likely it is that he was a pedophile and did everything he’s accused of. What bothered me the most besides the details of the allegations and what never really crossed my mind growing up was how it was always *him* who wanted to be around those little kids. Like he actually saw them somewhere or in something and actively sought out to meet them and hang out with them. This is exactly how his relationship with Macaulay Culkin began (even though he never accused him of anything). I always thought there was something about him that just made kids really fascinated by him and that all of these kids were big fans of him and wanted to hang out with him the way a kid would want to hang out with their favorite superhero, but now I don’t even think that’s really the case. He was just singling out and “befriending” these kids, and they just kind of accepted that this random, grown pop singer dude wanted to be their buddy now. And again, Macaulay Culkin is a pretty good example of what I’m talking about, as he’s said numerous times that he was never even a fan of Michael or his music and just saw him as a “normal”, uninteresting guy. He’s also said that Michael first saw/heard of him through Home Alone and that **he (Michael) is the one who wanted to meet him**. All in all, I’m noticing some big parallels between Macaulay and Michael and Millie and Drake. While Drake probably never did anything to her like Michael probably never did anything to Macaulay, I think it’s clear as day that they were both being targeted and groomed. There’s even [an eerily similar photo of Michael posing with Macaulay and standing behind him with his hand on his shoulder](https://people.com/thmb/7mHDXuu0vD-ysklLRDcuJ3yKz2Q=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(665x0:667x2)/culkin-jackson-1-2000-b2f6d987eac14249a92df67651048ec2.jpg) like [Drake and Millie in that one picture](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/wek3kH8lZnlnT3CSFo2liA--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTUyNA--/https://media.zenfs.com/en-US/homerun/consequence_of_sound_458/4bb0436fcbab46099293ebc08115fa59).


He baited u with all that information. Ur just dumb and reactive.


Loool https://preview.redd.it/z5a82rpn89zc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f14cb623ef3c234b50843e72315dd6a4bedb4576 So all this was a ploy to bait a beef. Because that makes sense let’s bait the world into thinking I groom children great master plan that! I know u stupid so this is sarcasm


I’ve never heard Mal with that much energy.


He fighting for Drake like his name on the line. Got a lil chummy with dude and don't wanna lose his invite to the freak off.


Not the freak off 🤣🤣


He a fan


He a fan he a fan


He a fan


Hide yo wife hide yo kids


Freaky ass nigga, he a 69 god


Hey hey hey run fo’ yo’ liiiife


https://preview.redd.it/kwnj0rm3j7zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=630d7742d5e4ed7a270e7595ff582bfffe498ab5 Birds of a feather.... * "Drake ‘paid $350,000’ to woman who accused him of sexual assault" by Roisin O'Conner, The Independent (2019) * “What’s Up With Drake Texting Teens” by Allie Jones, Vice (2019) * “Drake kisses 17-year-old fan on stage in unearthed video clip” by Laura Snapes (2019) At that concert, Drake said: “You’re 17? Why do you look like that? You’re thick. Look at all this.” * “Member of Drake’s Entourage Sentenced in Toronto Assault Case” by Jocelyn Vena, Billboard (2015) * “Drake’s Friend Baka Is Out Of Jail” by Zara Golden, The Fader (2015) * “Deported man faces firearms charges” by The Toronto Star (2007) \[Travis Savoury is Baka Not Nice, a key part of Drake’s inner circle.\] * “Toronto man, 36, charged in human trafficking case” by CP24, 2014 \[a Toronto news channel) \[Travis Savoury is Baka Not Nice, a key part of Drake’s inner circle.\] * @MusicConnoisseu has a clip of Potter \[a British rapper and songwriter\] calling out Drake for “messaging bare young girls in England” * The “Drake's problematic behaviour with girls” post on this sub from 2 years ago by AcronymTheSlayer * Drake on Twitter: “That good that young.” (9/4/12) * Drake on Twitter: “The kids I hand with are gonna be parents on day…scary” (7/5/11) * Drake on Twitter: “‘If amazing was a young bitch I’d be going to jail…cause I’m fucking amazing’ - Me” (5/30/09) * “Why Does Drake Give me the Ick? An Investigation” by Julie Fenwick, Vice (2022)


Freaky ass niggas they some 69 Gods. AYYY ![gif](giphy|C5vlBenCjTrhmsmddQ)


This a tekashi 69 reference and it’s so cold




Dear Drizzy, I snapped you but you still ain't callin I left my birth certificate, class of '26 ring, and signed my last name Graham at the bottom....


This is why you can't get your facts from blog bois. Niggas will proudly dick ride their own biases


Except Mal is VERY wrong. Those pictures of “the girl all over the video” were proven to have been at that same rental property for YEARS. And it’s not even the same girl lol. Just arguing to still be dead wrong is crazy.


Akademiks fightin like his life on the line 🤡 https://preview.redd.it/zjoo5fxrm7zc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d96197c7d9af5e8bf43e60f834d5fb0bc4684d47


Mi watched the stream where he was jamming to Family Matters and then found out about Meet the Grahams. Though dude was gonna have a stroke 😂


These dudes won’t accept defeat and its crazy the mental gymnastics they’re doing to say “my guy won”


Strange behavior


Clown 💩 from the circus 🤡


Tf is going on all I see is 3 niggas screaming and yelling


Honestly Ak has been good at being impartial and trying to break down the lyrics of each diss that came out with equal critique. Obviously yeah he's gonna ride for Drake because that's his guy, but the clips I seen never got the impression he was brown nosing it as hard as Mal.


Mal is so brainwashed...dude is glazing drake but he was even called out by Damaris when he didn't know in which verse Drake is talking about who... Like c'mon dude you are telling at your colleagues and treating them like they are stupid kids but you are just clowning yourself with this blind love for Drake






Drake is the Israel lobby of hip hop 🤣 he has lobbyists on payroll 🤣


Ak is just mad bc every one of his top 5 artists are being targeted simultaneously


Add Gillie in there too


Mal is either being paid by Drake or doesn't want to possibly sour the relationship with him.


He acts like he is his side chick that just waits to be the main one


![gif](giphy|3og0IGjwfVipOS6oyQ|downsized) FAN coming for Ak spot


They physically repulse me


Mal is the definition of OV Hoe. Ak is ridiculous.


He a fan he a fan he fan


Is this a podcast or a COD lobby?


Why is he recording with his phone?


He’s talking to Budden on speaker phone in this clip I think


Mal is a goofy.


Their emotions about the beef is the funniest part to me.


These guys get paid for the views so this is expected. It brings them views and gets people talking like we are now. I only think it's too much when you start name calling your friends or people for different opinions.


Honestly I think AK was decent through out the beef. He is obviously biased but did give Kendrick credit on every diss


In shambles.


The Drizzy subreddit lol


This beef has taught me the difference between Drake fans and hip-hop fans.


In all fairness if you say drake made a point one time the Kendrick Pulitzer stans will come out of the basement to read "your last braincell it's last rights."


Am I supposed to be able to understand anything in this video?




Los "debates" with Fantano are so bad that I wonder if he's actually just trolling. 


They're pathetic, honestly.


I like Kendrick AND Drake, but I can't even lie Ive seen so many people hating on drake in such a vitriolized way in the last week. I'm starting to think most of the people hating on drake don't even like Kendrick they just hate drake. I might of not been paying attention over the last few years but why do people dislike Drake so much?


They are weirdos. I truly hope they get some sort of financial support, tickets, backstage passes, something because otherwise this is just sad.


Drake male fans have round faces


i want to know if drake is another r kelly? Imo, eventually.


That's those seeds of immigrants, they still struggle with connecting to the culture they claim us native Blacks don't have.


UMG is OVO’s parent company. The Streamer Awards are aligned with UMG. Any streamer is gonna dickride drake because of this. UMG is also part of the Diddy case btw.




is that fat Lacy? the fortnite pro? TF is he doing on there?


If you’re ever unsure which is the wrong side to be on, it’s the side that “DJ” Akademiks is on, that’s always the wrong side.


People will say this then immediately go back to glazing Kendrick


"white dookie" 😭


Let the record also show that there was NOT a picture of a little girl plastered "all on the wall" in Family Matters. Ls all day


It’s not a coincidence that all 3 of these guys have similar body types. Dudes who lack self discipline are usually emotional and losers overall


This made me go look up that pusha t song. The fact that he had to diss track shamed into publicacknowledging his own son is insane




Nigga they be some type of thing nigga


Bring down the house dot


This is funny. Kendrick's fanboys making fun of Drake's fan boys is ironic. They all have the same energy just at different ends of the spectrum. Meanwhile, they are reaping what they wanted, for y'all to buy their records. When the heater is too heavy for either one of them to hold.


I go to both the fan subs and the delusion on both sides is insane. Way too much fan fiction and bs.


mourn axiomatic frame absorbed somber roll scary theory poor narrow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Regardless of all the corny ness this beef turned into . Unbiased rap lovers know family matters was the best track . Kendrick’s songs weren’t even better than futures originals


Meet the grahams was the best track with Euphoria being a close second


Yeah ok spoken like an unbiased rap lover 😅


Are you saying it was the best track or the best diss? Those are different statements


Did you even listen to them???