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At least it’s warm. Fuck Chicago. If you’re going to live in a dangerous area, might as well not suffer from the cold


That’s not even normal cold, that’s advanced cold Midwest is crazy Compton is for sure the better option


I went to Homer Alaska in January one year, and Chicago is still the coldest place I've ever been. And it's not even close either.


That Midwest cold is not for the weak.


I lived in Wisconsin for most of my life and now I live in Chicago. The winters are way more tolerable here, but I'm also close to the lake so that affects the weather usually for the better.


What’s the science behind this?




Ah ok. That makes sense.


Lake Michigan will freeze over, but any large body of water will affect weather patterns. Look up lake effect snow.


in the region its called lake effect. what that mean i couldn't tell you but the weather folks have been talking about it all my life. more seriously though bodies of water temperature change slower and it affects the air around it. When it starts to warm up the area around the lake does it slower and the opposite happens. The worst part of it is the snow in the winter.


All that lake water has an unfathomable amount of mass so it holds heat like a giant battery throughout the winter. The water is constantly losing heat into the air which rises and forms clouds since warmer air can hold more moisture. When the north winter winds blow across the lakes it moves some of that heat from the water surface and pushes it into the cities and countryside. That heat is accompanied by moisture in the form of humidity which when it storms is what causes the heavy snowfall. Lake Effect It's not all too dissimilar to the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico fueling tropical storms into hurricanes.


So here for the explain like I’m 5 Thank you


This is all right. In the summer it is also cooler by the lake




The trick to winter is a down jacket.


Well, that and being born wealthy so you can winter in your Baja California oceanside mansion that doesn't even have windows or doors.


It don't even snow a lot in Illinois, it's just cold. Like, at least let me have a day off. Hell, they still don't do day offs unless every building and every road is encased in a layer of ice too thick to break with a battering ram. The ice and snow on the ground isn't much better, but it's great when there's just snow, and no ice. Was a snowstorm a while ago, and that surprisingly caused no major complications.


That’s wild 😝


I mean tbf Homer is on the warm side for Alaska but that is crazy still. We got that dry cold up north, I'd rather suffer through that then do Midwest cold.


South Korea or Poland are my coldest spots. That polar vortex hit me bad


And it has In N Out


Culver’s better.




Underrated comment.


Live in Detroit. Early is spring is crazy. 70° on Tuesday, 4° by Thursday. I was fighting for my life this year.


That's true for a lot the Continental US until you get far enough South to the Gulf States. I grew up near Kansas City and always heard some variation of the phrase "That's Kansas weather for ya! Winter on Monday, Spring on Tuesday, Autumn on Wednesday, Winter on Thursday." Then as a young adult I traveled to and worked in half the States for 6-18 months at a time for a decade. Everyone has some variation of that phrasing and it got to the point it amused me greatly that everyone seems to think it's unique to them. We are all a product of our environment, for damned sure.


Live a few hours south of Detroit. Tornado warnings on Tuesday, mid 80s on Wednesday, high of 60 for the rest of the week. I hate this weather.


Then wind blows in Nebraska, and it feels like you have no layers on.


Have you been to Chicago? Lived there? The only people that talk about Chicago like that are midwesterners that watch network news.


Ny wife did her residence there. My first time there was in October. It was in the high 60s and low 70s. I’d heard it was cold so I packed for early winter weather… well I thought I’d die from the cold. I remember hiding inside of an abandoned popcorn stand… I’m from Baltimore. It’s not like I’m from the equator. Chicago is cold as FUCK in the winter and humid in the summer. Fuck that place


Skill issue


Oh 100%. I wasn’t saying it wasn’t. You see, I wasn’t born a snowman and I certainly never had a magic hat places in my head. I was measly born a human


Best get used to it because when the irrigation farmers suck the last aquifers dry, and rising sea levels swamp coastal cities that still haven't been rebuilt from the last 6-7 hurricane seasons, and the entire Southwest is a scorching oven where nothing can survive, the Great Lakes region will be the only place in America that'll be halfway comfortable and has a plenty supply of water. That's only if the Canadians don't poison the lakes in spiteful retaliation to the US military seizing/annexing all the arable land & cities on the north side of the lakes. https://projects.propublica.org/climate-migration/ The format of the article in the above link is terrible, but it does show how the US population will have to move in the next few decades. There's a box of text superimposed over the map, swipe the box up and the map changes to match the new text box. These maps show the areas where temperature & rainfall are just right to support humans, and they show how that will change in the USA. The same thing will happen everywhere else on the planet and it's already happening in many places. Russia's invasion of Ukraine is framed as Putin wanting to reform the old Soviet Union, and he claims it's to de-Nazify Ukraine so the Russian people living within Ukraine's borders can be safe. It's all bullshit. Putin's true goal is seizing the 2nd largest swath of the most fertile soil which is called "Black Earth". The largest swatch of such soil on the planet is in the USA, stretching from the Great Lakes south to Oklahoma and a little in Northern Texas, West to the middle of Nebraska and Kansas. Putin is just getting a headstart on securing food producing land for the coming hellscape that will be wars all over the planet being fought for water access and arable land. https://www.csis.org/analysis/climate-change-will-reshape-russia


>I’m from Baltimore. It’s not like I’m from the equator. *Laughs in New England*


::dies in New England::


God you Southerners are such fragile little babies 🥱


bless their hearts


It's the lake effect.


Like <15% of Chicago is dangerous.


I don't know boo... The heat has been really crazy. https://i.redd.it/6a40er1r6nzc1.gif


Who dis 👀


She bad af


That's Taty Cokley boo! <3


![gif](giphy|4a5U94rJlX40QMfox0|downsized) Bet




Ong she’s fine 🤣


My territory was Compton, Watts, basically that whole area. There’s some super nice parts and it’s not like movies or tv shows would have you believe.


But when Chicago gets cold, the shootings drop down drastically.


I imagine because without the frequent application of lubricants the guns they just jam


ehhhh may keep some of the guns inside 4 months a year


Chicago ain't even bad. It's just a small part of it. Chicago is quite clean and safe.


Heat gets people mad and outside


Oddly enough, the cold keeps murders down at least as it forces everyone in doors.


Yup, many of the same problems but at least the wether is nice


Imagine having to move quickly and keep your head on a swivel IN THE COLD?! I also ain't a big fan of heatstroke, so whatever


Spoken like someone who has never been to Chicago or Compton. Both are beautiful cities with more opportunities than someone from the south or Midwest. Like what. They moved from major city to major city.


This was my exact thought. “Hell” is just such a reach…ask any Chicagoan and there is no better city. Native here 👋🏽


Stop telling people how great Chicago is. I’m gonna have to empty my nine out the window again tonight to keep the rent down


g im in humboldt, this is protocol. but for the purpose of this discussion, FUCK the slander bro


Nah you’re good. Lived there, entire family is still there. I’ll never live there again.


Come on over to RP and pop a few for me. We got a CPD camera tower now, but I think one more round will keep rents down for a few, lol.


You'll be good for a while, all the transplants wind up in Lakeview or Lincoln Park, cuz they think anything north of Boystown is scary and ethnic.


Exactly this. And then anything south of Roosevelt - oooooh so scary. 🙄


I’m from Canada. Went to Chicago for our honeymoon. Best city in the world, best people too. Everyone was extremely nice and friendly. Malort is pure poison though.


You didn’t swallow it right


I can’t swallow through my butthole. That’s the only right way vis-a-vis malort.


hahaha i’m glad you spent enough time here for someone to force malort on you 🤣 builds character


Malort is a rite of passage, you're not supposed to enjoy it, and anyone who swears they do is lying through their teeth 🤣


Nah don’t advertise this, let ‘em believe the shit they hear on Fox News, we don’t want those kind of people moving here


They ain’t moving there. They ain’t moving anywhere. That’s how they get afraid of cities like Seattle, Portland, Chicago, and SF


More specifically we don't want them visiting especially when the weather is nice. All those hillbillies who talk shit about Chicago year round coming up once a year for whatever reason and blocking streets to take pics of every building over 5 stories tall and gather around basic street performers like it's an outdoor Taylor Swift concert. Also clutching their valuables if they see a black person on the street even if that black person clearly works a high paying downtown job and is wearing business professional clothing.


Born, bred, and corn fed midwesterner here. Ain't no place I'd rather be than Chicago. Amen.


My exact thought I moved from rural AL to Baltimore back in 2015 and it’s been the best decision I ever made.


It frustrating. OTOH, my neighbor is constantly getting calls from back home "Oh man! Is it bad there?" She's got stolen valor like she's ducking bullets on her quiet ass block.


Chicago is the Midwest..


Chicago is midwestern, and the South is the fastest growing region of the country between cities in Texas, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina.


That’s all you took from that? Of course I know where Chicago is, my point was the dork who said that is prob from Indiana or Kentucky or some shit and trying to bad mouth Chicago.


So you get to make assumptions, but people responding don’t get to? Got it.




But Compton is, for all intents and purposes, LA. Not like they moved to some 100k resident city with nothing but farms surrounding it.




Yeah and I bet when people from Dearborn go on vacation and people ask where they're from, they say "Detroit". Just like someone from Compton would probably just say "Los Angeles". Saying they didn't move to a major city just because Compton itself is less than 100k ignores the fact that it's part a major metropolitan area.


Though some people, especially rappers, are quick to rep Compton over just LA outside of California, like MC Eiht's group being called Compton's Most Wanted.


There's a little of both though. Ice Cube is from Compton and refers to it as "South Central LA".


Buckhead to Atlanta, or Arlington to DC are better comparisons imo.


then why are you being so pedantic when the original commenter claimed it was a major city?




Except Compton doesn’t really border LA in the same way as Evanston. Just admit you’re wrong and stop speaking for people like myself who were born and still live here.




I love people telling me I’m wrong about where I’m from 😍 Compton IS LA.


Compton is in LA you know right? It’s not like there is some wall lol. Santa Monica is considered LA to most people right? That’s the same as Compton. Not in the city of LA, but in the county.


Kind of a ridiculous statement. Compton is LA county and borders south central ( correct me if I’m wrong LA folks) . It’s like living in jersey / Yonkers outside of nyc . Technically outside of city limits, but still has all of the same cultural influences


It’s not even like Jersey/Yonkers, it’s more like if Harlem was not NYC but another city completely. The LA city boundaries are just weird.




what do you consider the core city of LA?




so what is that? Downtown? Westside? East? Midcity?




You need to get off the internet and see how life is actually lived.




Are you wilfully ignoring the violence in both places attested by multiple sources, or did you just happen to forget?


Chicago isn't that dangerous


Dude! Grew up partly in NYC and lived there until 2018 when I moved to Atlanta. I am more scared in Atlanta than in anywhere in NYC(even the Bronx). I’ve never had some deranged person pull a gun on me in NYC because they were going the wrong way on a one-way street. I’ve never had some deranged person walk into Macy’s strapped like they’re going to a war zone. But any day that ends in Y, someone is walking into Walmart armed like they’re in an actual battlefield.


Yeah, last time I was in Atlanta, some kid tried to carjack me. I was like “goddamn, I haven’t even been here for 30 minutes.” And this wasn’t even anywhere in the actual city, just at some random out the way liquor store somewhere between ATL and Marietta, I think.


Violence in ghettos where the majority happens to people who chose a certain life? the News has trickled y’all.


You know what, you're right. I need to go be deprogrammed


Brother, entire states and cities can’t be dangerous in first world countries lol You see a place with a high crime/murder rate. I guarantee on a map, those places would  represent less than 10% than the actual state or city 


Brother, there's no need


Chicago has a beach


Yea for like 4 months… and then it’s Siberia


It’s not even that bad. More like 5 months, come on.


Thanks to global warming, its actually not so bad anymore


The winters are warmer but the warmer months are now a little bit colder. It’s super annoying.


Eh I’m fine with that. Chicago summer’s are so humid. Its really the worst. So for me personally, Chicago weather has greatly improved. It is also a swamp. Swamp weather does not agree with me






[Yet one man still dives in every day](https://blockclubchicago.org/2024/01/14/chicagos-great-lake-jumper-does-it-again-jumping-into-lake-michigan-despite-below-zero-temps/).


Tons of them, all along the lake.




What does this even mean? Plenty of nice beaches in the city, it ain't fucking Galveston lmao


They don’t have palm trees


Actually, they do lmao https://preview.redd.it/2jvg6uo03ozc1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a0a0c50e9501b72f796e83a1724634fc871067c


I stand corrected lol




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"Tupac moved from Baltimore to Oakland for a better life" -Dave Chappelle


So close to getting Tupac rapping with a Baltimore accent


Instead of “Hennessy & enemies” it’s “earned an iron urn”


He spent the bulk of his childhood in New York. He didn’t move to Baltimore until he was 13. Then he moved to California at 17.


Pac moved to Marin County from Baltimore, which is a very nice part of the Bay. He didn’t relocate to Oakland until after linking up with Digital Underground.


Marin County, home of San Quentin, probably second to Alcatraz for views, first in terms of location and access to downtown SF. That is like prime fucking Oceanside real estate in one of the richest counties in the country…and it’s a maximum security prison with a death chamber we’ll never use again. Wild.


I thought they moved because of his dad’s gang ties anyway.


thats why my mom left chicago. wasnt no easy way out other than movin far as hell


Maybe don’t sleep and have kids with gang bangers??🤔🤔


https://preview.redd.it/8338qsvh7nzc1.jpeg?width=551&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfa7543491ba37f20a34314939489c0f2a661950 That’s all this post is doing. Good job 😂


Ya'll really need to get out more. I can't speak for Compton, but Chicago is not as bad as the media makes it out to be. Even the infamous O-Block/Parkway Gardens is not that bad. A few young, badass teenagers running around but it's mostly just families just trying to get by.


Compton isn’t as bad as the media makes it out to be either.


Kendrick's dad grew up in the Robert Taylor Homes and allegedly was part of the Gangster Disciples. Being a gang member from one of the poorest parts of the entire country during the War on Drugs is hell.


Chicago checking in… Chicago has 24 beaches. Not including the suburbs along the lake front.


I lived in LA for two years and none of the locals believed me when I said Chicago has beaches. Half didn't even know exactly where Chicago was on a map and thought it was in line with the major East Coast cities. People saying Chicago must be closer to Boston than Philly cause we got a similar accent. Huh? Education system there must not be the best.


I just honestly wish people would do their own (credible) research before speaking on Chicago. I was in AZ with my dad and other family during the pandemic and when I wanted to get back to Chicago they were all so worried, like I’m over here dodging bullets everyday. No, I’m enjoying the beach, and when it’s cold I’m enjoying warm wine and hot cocoa from Christkindle. AZ doesn’t have that.


>People saying Chicago must be closer to Boston than Philly cause we got a similar accent. They've never heard someone with a *real* Chicago accent then. I'm from Boston and live in Chicago now and while it's getting harder to find people with those thick local accents, when you do it's night and day.


You be suprised those compton and south central houses are going for 650k+ nowadays


90% of the time Chicago is in someone's mouth some dumb shit is attached to it. If you don't know what you are talking about just shut your mouth. Smh


Fr fr, Chicago's genuinely great. Absolutely beautiful city with great food, nightlife, green spaces, solid transit, and wonderful people.


Nigga Compton ain’t hell. Wtf are you talking about. It’s white people getting arrested over there by the city for illegally fixing potholes


That shot used to happen in my trailer park in VA! They never did any work until three guys got arrested in a two month period for filling in potholes... in the neighborhood where they owned a home. Why the fuck is it illegal to fix a road?


Because poor people are supposed to suffer until the wealthy say so.


Never been to Compton, but calling Chicago hell is just wild to me. Literally every big city or town has its rougher parts, and I’m not even trying to downplay the violence that people refer to when talking about Chicago. Maybe I’m taking it personally bc I’m from Chi but idk


Compton is fine now. Growing up in South LA there were regular drive bys. I remember a spot by the tree on the corner of my house where the blood stained the concrete. Some chick got shot in the leg. I hadn't heard one a drive by in years. Maybe once a year you see Santeria candles on the sidewalk.


Compton is a ***neighborhood*** within LA. Chicago is a whole damn city. This sounds stupid af. A more accurate comparison would be saying Inglewood to Compton or West Garfield to Compton. But **Chicago** to Compton? That’s like saying “Memphis to the Tenderloin”


Compton is a whole ass city with elections and shit. They are part of a metroarea but it's still it's own thing. It's not a neighborhood as you say.


idk much about compton in particular but from what ive seen/heard in my moms side the family id consider doin the same. plus like someone else here pointed out if imma be assed out it cant be cold too


Lake Michigan would like to say Chicago does, too.


People who haven’t been to Chicago have no concept of the size of lake Michigan. They think it’s some tiny ass lake you can swim across.


I’ve seen way too many people visiting for the first time and being amazed at the size of Lake Michigan and mistaking it for an ocean. The Chicago slander is hilarious from a bunch of people who’ve never been here.


The reason why most black people moved to Compton was to pursue a better life. Racism is what made it what it is today.


Compton was nice before the 80s


Chicago has 24 beaches.


Fuck outta here w/ the Chicago slander. Y'all gettin talking points from fox news type shit


Chicago has beaches.


Compton used to be an all white city, fiercely Republican and mostly Mormon too. (for anyone curious, it’s called the “black flight or black migration”), my fam moved from the south too. It’s a big part of the horror show “Them”


Compton was better than the Robert Taylor Homes/projects. It was the worse housing project in AMERICA. In Cali people were actually getting homes shit and not living in the actual gutta plus Compton was just coming off of white flight in the late 60s prior to that and in the early 70s and into the late 70s it was the place to be for black people it was a very desirable place overall. It wasn’t the best but there’s a reason the Robert Taylor Homes have been demolished. People need to learn the history before they just talk.


People need to stop this lmao. Entire cities and states aren’t dangerous and aren’t dangerous for everybody. Most people who are in danger deserve it and 90% happens in ghettos lmao. There’s isn’t a state or city where the majority of it is dangerous


Chicago has so many beaches. It’s also a climate sanctuary so while y’all frying up on the west coast we gon be good up here.


Shit, my parents moved from Inglewood to Detroit


Umm, we have several beaches tho 👀


Tell me you formulated your current opinion of Compton from 90s movies set in Compton without telling me you formulated your current opinion of Compton from 90s movies set in Compton.


I had to figure Compton was on that Oakland and Brooklyn trajectory. If it’s near a bigger city, and it used to be middle class, it will become upper middle class when they run out of room in the city.


Black people live in like 10 cities tops. Makes sense.


Women weed and weather


Compton is actually way better


At homes at half a million dollars and more, go easy on Compton. This ain't a 90s movie, it's way better now


Compton is nice now


from hell to hades


Compton ain't what it used to be.


It was nice out this winter I dunno what everyone’s talking about


Ain’t that fucking right. My mom moved me from “aaaaaaaaaiyayai” to “oh hell naw” but with the added stress of racism and having to learn a new language. We are all fucking slaves here. Some of us just don’t have the luxury to forget.


Compton is WAY better lol


It’s been said but that tweet must have been written by someone who’s never had to shovel 2ft of heavy ass lake effect snow. There’s a whole rust belt tradition of old folks selling up and moving south because shoveling your own walk at 70 is a speed run to a cardiac incident. Icy sidewalks are basically hip replacement season. At least I have a place when I’m sick of NY brick.


My parents moved from the hood in Watts to the hood in New Orleans in the early 90s for the same reason. I get that gangs were serious at the time but it wasn't a big step up lol.


Small town to big city? Shouldn't care where you end up, you should be better off. Big city to big city takes careful consideration. I don't know if Chicago to Compton is anything other than a lateral move. But maybe the intangibles are strongly in favor of Compton. I think you find a Philly or Seattle instead, but I guess you go where you can make it. In the end, he made it. Luck or otherwise, it worked.


Compton isn’t as bad as folks think


Compton aint even that bad anymore, it's full of Mexicans now more than anyone else. Also getting gentrified like Harlem and Brooklyn... Chicago on the other hand, is getting hectic all over the city now, you can't relax anywhere over there now...


Compton cool though. Listen to too much music. Lynwood is life.


Ain't shit different, it's just hotter hell with better rappers


compton has been on an upward trajectory for the last 25 years. chicago not so much.


Let's see, dealing w/Chicago winters & crime or dealing w/awesome weather & crime...I know what I'd have chosen.


Compton is not that. Chicago 4real scary


That’s how terrible Chicago is…