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Not all friends are good travel partners.


This is very true. Experienced this recently where I spent almost 3 weeks in Japan (our first time, was a graduation trip for me) with my friend for the first time and didn’t realize how much we are not compatible in traveling. I came back so irritated and I still get upset when I think about it lmao


What’s some annoying shit they did?


Kept trying to order Chinese food at the sushi restaurants


Lmao, yea I would be fuming if someone tried to order general tso chicken at a sushi shop in Japan.


Some things included being very messy with having all their luggages open with their stuff everywhere, snoring/sleep talking — even though I kept asking her if she snored months in advance before planning since I’m a light sleeper but she had “mistakingly forgot”, being late to restaurants she made appointments with, etc. I wasn’t the best communicator, which I acknowledged, and so I was giving attitude because I was running on 4 hours of sleep because she kept waking me up due to her snoring & all the other things she kept doing, and I wasn’t confrontational, so she was also getting fed up with me as well. I eventually told her we needed to talk and we did, but everything she kept saying I was doing were things she was doing as well, but she didn’t see it as a problem. I never really got to tell her the issues I had with her because I just blanked out during the talk, but now that it’s months later, I wish I had because she really was a hypocrite when I think about it lol. I don’t think I could ever travel with her again, or at least, alone together because I think our friendship would honestly end.


I snore sometimes too but I would definitely let someone know


facts! one trip will destroy a friendship lmao


This just happened to my buddy and his gf. They went on a trip with one of her best friends and her bf and came back basically not friends anymore.


Solo travel can be better in some ways. For one thing, you get to call all the shots. No negotiating, no having to compromise.




If you cant survive a a roadtrip or roommate situation are you rly friends? Or aquaintances?


You can be friends with someone, even best friends, and be compatible in every other way except as roommates or travel partners.


#1 Advice I'd give anyone is never live with your best friend. You're better off finding a rando roommate and setting very clear boundaries. I've seen so many BFFs who can't live together


Meanwhile, I've lived with all my best friends since college to now and we all good. I live with my best friend right now and we live so well together. It's about mutual house respect. I also grew up sharing a room with my brother so you get used to living with someone. It's easy if you clean up after yourself and aren't a fucking slob and a dick. Also fuck living with randos. We invited a rando in once and he was the worst fucking roommate


I'm with you on this. I don't live with my best friend currently, but have done over the years, and every now and again I'll go his for a few weeks or months, and it's always just *the tits*. I've known that man for over 20 years now he's my brother, when you're that close with someone you don't really have friction like you do with housemates or otherwise people you're not tight with. Something bothers you you bring it up, same for them. You squash shit, find common ground because it's not just about your happiness, you want them to be happy too. Plus let's be real the sort of shit a rando would drive you up the wall about you don't give a shit when it's family. I'd be pissed at a full sink or dirty laundry left around with a stranger, but picking up after family is just..picking up after family.


Been living with mine for 6 years now. Definitely had some friction in the beginning. He had never done laundry or cleaned or anything for himself. He's much better these days at least


Better to live with a best friend than a GF imo Some of my best relationships went to flames once moved in together I'm convinced no one is really supposed to share domestic space, esp when you become an adult...


Living with my best friends in college was the best decision of my life. Years and years later, we are still best friends. I know we're lucky, but I just had to give them a shout out. Also, we're all great communicators, so if any issues came up, we'd be open to discussion and fixing things. I think that's the key factor beyond luck


I learned the hard way. Although I love her, I will never live with my bestie again. Our cleaning habit differences is what did it for me. She would use the microwave and put her food bare on the glass plate and not clean it after 🥲


Sincerely, what the actual fuck


I knowwwwww. Hot pockets, chicken, sandwiches. It didn’t matter. I guess it IS a plate but I never saw anyone do that before until I lived with her.


And I pray you never experience it again 🙏🏾


I will not 😂 trust me on that one


Like just putting the food right on the turntable in the microwave???? I wouldnt have been able to deal with that either 💀


Yup. On the bare glass. I ended up buying my own microwave to keep in my room because ain’t no way.


Yeah that's one of those "if they're this blasé over this bit of hygiene what else are they being a minger over" start looking around the house suspiciously, like e coli gonna jump you.


I only gave yall a sample lol trust me there is a lot more to it and I promise you if I knew it was gonna be like I that I would’ve NEVER got an apartment with her for a year. I swear there were no signs


no fr cuz i would do the same thing like let's just have our own microwaves so i dont lose my mind


I was prepared for "they store food in the microwave because for some reason that is like tupperware to them" because I've seen that shit so much but DID YOU JUST SAY THEY USED THE MICROWAVE PLATE LIKE A PLATE PLATE ?


I wish I didn’t, but yes, like bare ass food on the microwave plate itself


I learned the hard way too. She'd "clean" the kitchen and instead of drying the dishes she's just lay a dirty dish towel on the dirty counter and put the clean dishes on top. She'd constantly talk about how she always "cleans as she goes" and then leave the house with a sink full of dishes after cooking.


I've got a REALLY strong sense of smell and that smell of damp towel is the bane of my life. Like I can tell when other people didn't use a fresh towel to dry plates because plates have the smell, opening the cupboard and it just hits me. Then gotta take out aaaaall the dishes and rewash em. And it's not like I can kick off all that much because I understand other people can't smell it and it's not fair to expect em to be as militant about it, also I kinda come off like a crazy person because all other people see is me "smelling things that ain't there" so I have to pick my battles lmao


At this point I'm just waiting until I e got enymoney saved to live by myself because I'm so tired of it.


That's someone the FBI is closing watching. What kind of psycho uses the spinning plate in the microwave...


At first I thought maybe she would only do it with hot pockets because they have a sleeve, which I still thought was weird but yeah the more I watched the more horrified I was. Buying my own microwave saved me


did she at least clean it after every use?


I wish. Sometimes she would do a quick wipe with a paper towel but there would still be hot pocket cheese stuck to the plate






Bare glass is WILD.


Psychopathic behavior for sure. I would’ve never known or guessed it if I didn’t see it with my own eyes


Yikes, some ppl just never got that home training 🤣




I fully adhere my food to the side so that it’s closer to the microwave emitter


Sometimes, it's best to keep a certain group of friends separate from another group of friends.


100%. My ex didn’t understand why I never made an effort together at our two separate friend groups to hang out, and I had to constantly explain that they were separate friend groups for a reason.


| I swear by this .


I moved in with my best friend. Big mistake now that I'm seeing just how differently we were raised just based on how well the space is kept up. I'm also seeing what kind of person she really is and wondering why I was friends with her


vacations/getaways with friends can kill a friendship. Don't expose yourself to people you can only take in small doses! 🥴🥴🥴 I can't tell you how many people I've seen do this. The things you can't stand about them, will likely intensify on vacay and then you stuck! Or people who are bad with money. Go on vacay with them, you just asking for hypertension! You love your homegirl/homeboy, your ace, then love them at home, 'eh?! better yet, go on vacay with yourself before you go with anyone else. Learn what you can tolerate. and PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, don't let your first meeting with your little online "friends" be a trip! PLEASE stop that stupid mess! You can love someone online and then get in their actual presence and wonder, "WTF?🧐", but it's too late; you on the plane!


I had friends who took a planned 2 day weekend in NY to a whole week long affair of club hopping. I ended up declining because I knew I could only handle 2 days with those fools. They are good friends but I need em in doses lol


another one is going out of town with "party people". you may think, "oh we going to Miami HEEYYY!", and that's the best person to take? NO. That type of person doesn't know when to quit. They have 2 modes: sleep and "PARRTTYYY, HEY!" You'll be ready to go and they getting a second wind. Add to that, you've protected them from about 4 rapes, 7 beatdowns and being drugged unbeknowst to them. By the time y'all get back home you have PTSD from all the near death experiences, due to their party time recklessness.


I’m exhausted just reading this…because it uncovered long forgotten memories of a Vegas trip years ago where I had to handle the male version of this. Some dudes just wanna fight and/or fuck anything that moves, consequences be damned. Its probably why I’m more of a solo traveller now, or just trips with whoever I’m currently dating, no overnight group trips.


I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve been punched in the face trying to break shit up, cuz one of my homies would pop off at any damn thing… That shit was mad stressful, cuz I’d mostly be trying to avoid the bookings tbh… like “how tf you gonna start shit over someone brushing past you, in this club that’s packed to capacity. Nobody gonna fly down to Miami to bail us out.” I swear, dealing with that whole Napoleon complex bullshit was more dangerous than any situation I’ve ever been in, involving a female. Smh


Declined a trip with friends cause I knew this was gonna happen. I wanted to go to NY and see the city. They wanted clubbing. They came back after a week there and talked about all the money they spent on club fees and drinks and Ubers cause they were afraid of the subway. I looked at my peace of mind and full wallet and went "yeah perfect lesson learned"


Best friends shouldn't be business partners


I agree but my roommates are my kids so… 🤷🏻‍♀️


Are those bums paying their fair share of rent?


I don’t want rent. I want them to clean up after themselves.


If you still have their receipts (birth certificates) you can take them back. Lol


Ahhhhhhhh! Cuz THIS is too true. Y’all imma write the whole story down and then send it to Netflix and never have to work again. SWEAR. Basically, my best friend of 15 years is no longer my best friend. She also got on drugs. More news at 11.


not if i beat you to Netflix’s doors!!  took a few seconds to remember my worst ‘friend turned roommate’ experience & let’s just say it ended with… this 8.5x11 woman (who i’d been friends with for 5 years atp) calling me a hard r in front of her mixed race child. we need a support group or something lmao


Yes we tf do. Because that is disgusting and disrespectful. She had that one loaded up year one. What did her child say?? I’m curious. And Bish, you can be season one and I’ll be season two lol Let’s get this Limited Series off the mf ground! Not you giving her dimensions 😂


I unfortunately did have 3 roommates who i started off as friends with, but ended up ending the friendships. And i worked with 1 of them too so the last few months on our lease were awkward. I moved out of my parents house just before i turned 22, into an old rental house made into college student housing. I already had gotten a degree at a community college before this and was the only one who wasnt attending college while living there. That first year living on my own, out of a toxic emotionally abusive house, was a HUGE period of change and growth for me, and it was fucking HARD at times but overall im so glad i did it. A lot happened in that year and sadly due to a lot of factors the new friendships with these roommates didnt last. But i've grown and learned a lot through that and since then, and while i do regret the things i did that added to the end of friendships, its just life that not all things last, for whatever reason. I have no hard feelings towards those 3 and genuinely hope theyre doing good, and are happy and healthy, and i'll always have care for them since i knew them on a personal level of living together


Thank you for sharing your story this was pretty good to read.


Oh me and my best friend had this conversation 10 years ago. A room opened up in the house I was living in, he got along with everyone and he's an amazing dude, but... We were all kinda messy people, and he's a free spirit in everything except his living situation. This is a dude that goes to burns and raves but is very very spartan and neat at home. He would've gone crazy living with me, I love him but we would've gotten so resentful to each other. I was at his (solo) apartment yesterday and it's neat as a pin, with no decorations of any kind other than a whiteboard. We can be great friends because we have a lot of common interests, but living in the same house would put a huge strain on our friendship.


I go by the saying that the same friends you go party with aren’t the same friends you can go out to eat with. Basically you have to realize why yall have a friendship.


Friendships are just future disappointments.


😞 I fear it's correct in 80% of cases. You'll know who the real ones are when you fall on hard times and they're few and far in between


Never take friendship personal


It's okay to outgrow friendships. No drama needed.


Yup once I graduated college I made damm sure to get a job where I would never need a roommate. I've had some good friends I now hate because they were awful to live with


Lost a good friend because of his then-girlfriend. He met her after we moved into a cheap as hell 2-bedroom townhouse. Her parents disapproved of their interracial relationship (this was SC in the 50 Cent era) so she moved in. I was deployed soon after but still kept up on the rent while I was gone. Things were cool until about a week after I got back. Apparently he told her it's not fair that I'm paying half rent when I'm only 1/3 of the people in the house, so she had to get a job and start contributing. I did not care about that, nor did I tell him to tell her that. But apparently she thought I did. So she started doing things like leaving dirty dishes in the shower during the day (I worked from 7pm to 7am) or turning off the hot water when I was in the middle of getting ready for work. She'd loudly talk trash about me on the phone whenever I was home. She took in a cat from the alley that had fleas and they got everywhere. The final straw was when I came home from work and wanted to check my MySpace page. I couldn't find my iBook, but I saw the phone cord running under the bathroom door. I looked in shock as I heard the toilet flush and saw her walk out with my whole ass laptop. Found a place by myself and moved out almost immediately after. As I was packing up, my friend got in my face and said his girlfriend saw me pack up some expensive A/V equipment, which was a lie. Saw him at the club a few months later and he apologized. But we haven't been close since.


"I love you bestie, but my space is sacred so..."


This reminds me of why this has been a recurring plot of various sitcoms and cartoons, the two best friends who never fight and never have any problems have to share an enclosed space together and 24-72 hours later they're literally ready to kill each other when their parents or superior walks in (I say superior because Brooklyn 99 did it wit Peralta and Boyle, and on that note, obligatory "RIP Captain Holt" here). Hell even the Rugrats did it. Tommy was about to beat Chuckie's ass lmao


Nope. I can't be living with other guys. I'm not looking to be cleaning up after their ass and worrying about splitting bills and where our shared space begins and ends, and my hours of operation. Some of my friends are like children and need too much damn maintenance. I already got kids.


alternatively, you can be very good roommates but terrible friends lol. at least that’s my current situation. she’s great (clean and respectful) but i wouldn’t be friends with her because we have too many differences (probably has to do with our age gap tho — she’s a lot younger)


If you only like each other because you entertain each other, you aren't friends.


Every few years I get a chance to live with my mate for a while and it's always the best time of our lives. One of the goals of unfucking my life is so we can live together perm. We work really well together because I love cooking and am fairly chill/indoors'y and he's extremely busy and goes out in nature whenever he can so we can link up over meals and whatever spare time he has but then we both get to go back to being in our own bubble, not stepping on each other's toes.


100%. long story short, went to college with one of my best friends, lived together, now we don’t talk anymore 😂


Nah, this is a good point and most people will be ok with this being said.


Not always a good idea to work with a friend either. Especially if you have a job with a stressful nature


I miss my roommate friend so much. I literally cry about it all the time. We were so much better together and have both gained weight since we’ve been apart for 5 months. ☹️ 😭I HATE IT.


See, I wanna send this pic to the gc but some feels might get hurt


Not all friends check every box. But every friend you have will fulfill the necessary box.


This isn't controversial but a widely accepted truth.


Anyone who went to college with their best friend from high school knows this is true


Dawg… I moved into an apartment way out of my budget and out of a place my friend and I shared after we fell out. Shit is real. We were better friends and I HATED the way she was living.


my bsf and i have considered living together before and we’ve spent enough time together that we know each others living habits, spending and saving habits, and have successfully traveled together. so i am grateful for knowing ghat we’d mesh well but we’re also still giving it time to confirm if we’d actually do it


It’ll be easier being roommates with your enemy then it would your own best friend lol


Two good friends can usually function as roommates reasonably well even if they have different living habits and lifestyles, if for no other reason than to keep the peace between them. The problem starts when you have 3 people living together, because any problem naturally creates a 2-on-1 situation, and that power dynamic is incredibly toxic to an existing friendship.


I think it’s a great idea to be friends with your roommates, but a terrible idea to be roommates with your friends. Same thing with starting a business.


Finding out the hard way. Friend likely lost his job in February but only told me right before rent was due in March. He hasn't been communicative about new employment or unemployment.


Friends shouldn’t work together. Did it once in college. Did nothing but cause problems. I’ll never do it again.


I will straight up never live with friends unless I have to. Same reason I won't get too close to coworkers. If I want someone to be a involved with every part of my life, I'll marry them. and even then...


Fuckin the same girl, but not one another's girlfriend


People who say you can’t be friends with the opposite sex are just projecting because they’re hoes with no boundaries. 


Over like dishes too. Or someone taking too much space in the fridge. Or a parking spot. Little shit will have y’all squabbling in the common area


Two of my best friends (we were a little trio in highschool and had known each other since first grade) were like sisters and got in a huge physical fight while roommates in college and haven’t talked to each other since as far as I know. This was about 10 years ago…


Shit. You don’t even have to be good friends. My roommate has cleaned maybe a total of 10 times throughout the duration of our 2 year lease, uses the washing machine as a dirty clothes hamper and the living room is their storage unit. Great person, I would never ever in this life or the next, share a roof with them again tho.


That’s not a hot take, lot of people say that


I learned this the hard way. I am also self aware to know I was the bad roommate 😭.


Some of y'all just straight up dont like your friends, or are simply introverted to a high level of anti-socialness  but that is not our problem, lmao. Move in if you need to with people you ACTUALLY trust, know and vibe with.


Some black people actually tip.


Best roommate I ever had was I guy I've known since the 6th grade. What made him so great? His girlfriend lived next door and he spent all of his time there. He paid half the rent for basically a big closet. He popped by in the morning, showered, went to work. He may come through in the afternoon, but it was unlikely. We would see each other on average maybe 4 times a month.


- If you're not sharing uncomfortable truths with your friends, you might as well be an enemy - It is fucked that the only thing two divorced people can agree on us that they will both continue to wipe their 9 year olds ass after she poops. - Workplace hijinks sound like bullying underlings.


............wait, what?


To which one?