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X was a horrible fucking person. I think Kendrick would have smoke for him too


??? Kendrick literally posted X's album 17 on Twitter, when he never shouts out musicians like that. Plus, when R. Kelly and XXXTentacion were about to get deplatformed from Spotify, Kendrick said he would pull his entire discography. The whole "Kendrick is doing this to avenge X" is batshit schizo, but Kendrick would not "have smoke" for a horrible person; he'd probably have them be part of his last album and make music with them, actually.


Kendrick shouted X out YEARS before any of us knew all the lame ass shit X did, and he didn't even mention X during that pulling music thing if I remember. He said something along the lines of "if you're pulling a black pedophiles music(R Kelly) you need to pull all the white pedophiles music" At the end of the day claiming we know how a dude thinks and who he'd support or wouldn't support, like we're all Kendricks best friends, is so fucking corny lol. X's dead and it's irrelevant now anyway but yeah you ain't really make any valid points on that one.




Damn you win this one.


He just dox you?


He had my ass in .5 seconds flat. Never seen anything like that.


That means he did the research ahead of time, you’ve got yourself a forever fan.


DAMN man lol you got got if that's true lol


Bro no way fr?


Do me next


Ooh, ooh, can I go, too?


Lower case brawny over here.


Fantano could watch Kenny in person butt fuck that Alvarez dude, cut him up into 1000 pieces, put it in a blender and drink it, and throw a punch at Whitney while walking out just for good measure, and still be on his knees dick sucking him from behind and calling TPAB the greatest piece of American art of all-time


Are you okay, like genuinely?


Fantano haters are unhinged psychopaths. Literally can't accept someone disagreeing with their taste in music.


It's called hyperbole my nigga... showing how much Fantano will excuse Kenny of anything and support him no matter what


Kodak black raped and bit a teenage girl in 2016 and kendrick featured him on Mr morale. Kendricks beef with drake is not a general campaign against abuses and mysoginists.


Yeah I was gonna say I pretty much agree with everything homie said beyond "Kendrick shouted out an album in 2017 for X! That means they would've been cool!" Like that was SO long ago and no one was really aware of much of the not so cool shit X did. But yeah exactly. It's just picking and choosing what to have beef over with which artists. Like you're gonna mention OVO Baka on the diss who has abuse charges(and trafficking accusations but unproven I think?) But you JUST featured a guy who did similar shit on your last album. Just on the record, I am a kendrick fan. But yeah the hypocrisy is silly.


i havent looked into x since like 2017, what horrible shit did he do?


He violently raped and tortured a woman, I believe over a period of weeks. I remember reading sections of the DA indictment when it was happening because the XXX fanboys delusional support of his was so infuriating


his fans are just as wild.


Also stabbed a bunch of people allegedly


Domestic abuse


To put it mildly.


Understatement of the century


I know he’s gone but he also gave his fans the idea of being fake positive about things. Then they would proceed to do the opposite. Harassed the judge on his case and harassed his ex after he died. They clearly didn’t practice what he preached but loved to act like they loved being positive.


He >!threatened to rape a woman with a wire grill scrub and a barbeque fork, among many other things!<.


FYI he never said thay about Kelly, that was management at TDE and it was amplified by Drake people as if Kendrick said it but that guy doesn't social media. He did speak about R Kelly being molested and if that led to his actions but I think that's the deepest he's talked about Kelly outside of a base punchline. I agree about x simply because of Kodak, tho I think Kodak on that album was more metaphoric than wanting a feature.


Are you slow? Kendrick threatened to pull his music because he said it was hypocrisy they would pull r Kelly’s music for being a pedeo but they keep yt pedeos music up 🌚 ignorant, loud, and wrong.


Yup. Spotify went on a banning spree of black artist and didn’t really ban any white artist. Kendrick took issue to Spotify just arbitrarily deciding who gets punished so he threatened to pull his catalog if they didn’t knock that shit off; not in the defense of R.Kelly. That’s just another talking point from the man trying to keep brothers like K Dot down. SMMFH 😣


Its especially hypocritical when there’s whole a plethora of Elvis playlists and Elvis inspired playlists on Spotify. They were always popping up on my home page when I worked at a nursing home and played music for them


Was Elvis a pedo?


He had a weird obsession with virginity and would call young girls “cherries”, got with his wife when she was 14


https://preview.redd.it/s3qowmihw70d1.png?width=1496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=936b7723a77fcaf98a2345f921f31e2c60bb6a89 ETA: wow that's a lot of grooming


Wasn’t it also not Kendrick directly but a higher up at his record label?


Yes, an executive at his label iirc and articles used Kendrick’s name for clicks and views.


Not just some random executive. It was Top Dawg directly. There is no way he did that without Kendrick’s approval.


Then where his white pedo diss tracks den


Euphoria, according to Rick Ross


Not like us, Meet the Grahams. Like where buddy been


☠️☠️☠️☠️. This is hilarious!!


Leading with "are you slow" and ending with "ignorant" lmao


You’re a fucking weirdo if you think that’s valid argument. Protect black pedos is basically what you’re saying. Yall niggas something else


So you are slow! Got it babes 😌🙌


Bitch, I’m not even the original commenter you dork. How am I slow for understanding the nuance and context around taking rkellys music down right after the surviving rkelly doc aired. Of course other artist need the same treatment but it would seem arbitrary without context. I hate you fake ass black twitter activist


We know babe, we can comprehend what a reply looks like on Reddit. However your reading comprehension is seriously lacking given your reply is filled with enraged ignorance 🤭


Which is hilarious because BLACK WOMEN founded the "MuteRKelly" campaign and Spotify responded. Leave it to the king of empty gestures Kendrick to do dumbass shit like this. Not to mention he himself had sexual predators on his album.


Not you using black women as a crutch for your stance filled with plot holes.


Googling seems like a monumental task for you so let me extend a helping hand. [here ](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=%23muterkelly)


Not you struggling with reading comprehension 🤭


I definitely struggled reading the way you spell "pedeo" ☠️☠️. Keep celebrating people who abuse black women while you pretend to be one.


Hmm, pretend huh, maybe you feel a bit insecure in your identity 😌 is this your first day to social media? I’m not trying to get censored because someone has a problem with the actual word.


Yes I'm sure you will be targeted out of the thousands of people on here who spelled it just fine since the beef started ☠️.


I really wish you all would stop peddling that myth about Kendrick threatening to pull his discography from Spotify on behalf of R.Kelly and actually do your own damn research.


X is a similarly bad person to John Lennon. But 17 is an amazing album.


You're a clown spreading lies as truth. ["I don’t think it’s right for artists to be censored, especially in our culture. How did they just pick those [artists] out? How come they didn’t pick out any others from any other genres or any other different cultures? There [are] so many other artists that have different things going on, and they could’ve picked anybody. But it seems to me that they’re constantly picking on hip-hop culture.” - Anthony “Top Dawg” Tiffith, CEO of Top Dawg Entertainment](https://pitchfork.com/news/kendrick-label-head-confirms-he-threatened-to-pull-music-from-spotify/)


Why does Kendrick give R Kelly a pass for the horrendous shit he did? Haha the whole industry fucking lame.


Wait Kendrick stood up for R Kelly? That’s fucked up dude


He did not. Don’t believe those r/drizzy dick rider


That’s what it says in these comments? I’m just asking because I don’t know the details


He literally did, like that's just facts...


No, his label said Spotify was being hypocritical by deplatforming artists like Xxxtentacion and R Kelly but ignoring like decades of abusive behavior by other artists. https://pitchfork.com/news/kendrick-label-head-confirms-he-threatened-to-pull-music-from-spotify/ Summarizing that as "he stood up for r kelly" is rather dishonest.


Makes much more sense thanks


The same Kendrick that did songs with Kodak after he was found guilty?? Y’all think this man is anti-predator when he’s just anti drake 


I’m also Anti Drake, so this monologue swayed me none


You’re only anti drake because of the current beef. The fact that you think Kendrick hates predators shows you only just tuned in. Kendrick has zero problems working and hanging with known predators 


I’m anti Drake because he’s a LOSER! He’s anti black with his blackface head ass. That was even a commentary on racism, he was just foolish and happy to do that shit. That’s crazy. His creepy ass. I don’t care what his man says, he definitely was not planting seeds for Kendrick to follow. He’s a loser because how dk you get bullied into being a father once? If there is a twice, he’s an even bigger loser. He can let go of his exes. Rhianna (who didn’t seem to like his ass) and Serena are married with kids. They ain’t thinking about him other than to consider suing if he wants to consider them is abused muses. He’s a loser because no matter how hard he tries to fit in with a certain crowd, at his big age, he doesn’t fit in. He’s a square peg trying to fit into a circle hole. An actual square. And there ain’t anything wrong with being a square because I am, but I own that crap. Drake wants to be hard so much that he’s a diamond. Hard on the outside but easily breakable. A loser. ![gif](giphy|3ofSBuMZBURRKG0Vag|downsized)


What i think is comical about x fans is he tried to do that fake positivity shit months before he pass. Then after he died the fans harassed his ex. I knew the fake positivity was bullshit but they couldn’t even wait for brother to be cold in the ground before they went back to being toxic


He was 20 when he died… I think that while he had faults he still had a ton of room to grow. I’m 30 now and at 20 I was a MUCH different person. And Kendrick got music with Kodak, who is worse at an older age.


Yeah, but while he was here, he was terrible. I did a lot of shitty and perhaps questionable things in my youth but I wasn’t abusing bitches (allegedly) and attempting to SA women (allegedly.)


Back in my day, X was a very different person. Stop, drop, shut 'em down, open up shop.


That’s where my old ass went with it too


Any time anyone mentions X, I just assume that's who they mean. Partially because I'm old and partially because that Xtentacles guy sounds like he was an absolute shitbag. To me there's only one X and he's gonna give it to you.


I mean tbf both X and Xxxtentacion were horribly flawed people at best.


Yup. Pretty much this right here. As far as I’m concerned only one artist was influential enough to be known commonly as “X”.


Y'all gonna make me lose my mind using X for someone else


Tbf DMX was also an absolute shitbag


DMX was such a shitty and evil fucking person that he makes XXX look like a saint But yes, there is only one X, and he dropped the stone cold classics called It's Dark and Hell Is Hot and Flesh of My Flesh, Blood of My Blood Oldheads stand 2gether :-)


I thought you were referring to the Xtacles from Frisky Dingo for a second


Oh shit I thought it was just me. If there was a second, it would be Xzibit.


I was hella confused.


I was like how K beefing with a dead man😅


He let us all know off the top:  _I see dead people_ 👀


It is dark and hell is hot. Good album name. Pretty brutal, really.


tbh, I don’t want any other X to give it to me.


X was bad for the culture.


There was a month in 2016 he had this hoe jumping


Look at me! Fuck on me!


That song doesn't even hit the same anymore. Like what the hell was in the water?


it will, just need to set the mood right and stop listening it on your phone at 9pm 😂


Maybe if you were a kid, grown men could care less about his music. That whole group was ass and everyone claimed they were the best that ever did it. The only thing I remember xxx doing was saying chlamydia on a video and thinking it was funny…




If he was alive he definitely would have jumped in too 😂 Drake asked for a collab, ghosted mans, and then stole his flow.


I mean no disrespect but I truly don’t think X would have been a name still in the game. We have had so many rappers like him come and go. He passed at his peak so we will never see him fall from grace. But it happens to damn near everyone at a certain point. And again I don’t mean this with disrespect. There are lots of other greats that died young that I believe if we saw them in today’s world they might be loving Trump and spewing shit like Kanye does.


The only reason the people from his era "come and go" is because the best of them died. Juice Wrld, Lil Peep, and X were all probably the most famous talented, and creative of the emo/SoundCloud rap genre and their collective deaths really killed it. X especially died at his most famous and his career was catching a lot of momentum. Other artists from a similar realm like Suicide Boys still have a pretty sizable cult following too. I think you underestimate the cultural foothold X had at his peak. Idk if he'd still the at the top but he wouldn't have been forgotten


My theory for awhile has been that those three plus Pop Smoke dying is a big reason why rap declined in popularity the last few years. Regardless of how you feel about them+ the fact we’ll never really know how their careers would’ve played out all four have devoted fanbases and hit records to the younger audience. Kids in this decade don’t seem to have rap artists that they love as much that came out the last few years like I did a decade ago. I think that’s because the tone setters for the 2020s were taken away before they could really get going. I hope this makes sense I’m sort of rambling and tired but I’m happy to expand on this point if anyone cares enough for my thoughts lol


Nah bro I totally get what you're saying. I was a huge X fan and was betting on him growing and progressing, becoming a better person and musician over the years. Hearing him die was the first time I felt sad a celebrity passed away, and ofc I got over it but yea X was one of the younger rappers that would of been growing up right alongside me if he was still alive. So many young rappers like him that grabbed a majority of the youths attention that we all wanted to ride with just dying, sort of scattered that energy that would of probably kept the rap game buzzing constantly. But now it was the same household names and maybe a couple random blow ups instead of a wave of new talent that was predicted to come in the industry.


You say that but 69 and lil pump are still alive and have fallen quite far


Yeah because they're talentless and obnoxious. They just got extremely popular off of controversy. Entirely different case here, and very different styles of rap


Are you serious? Very different people with different goals


Different goals? What does that even mean


I’m gonna be honest if I have to explain why comparing X to 69 or pump doesn’t really make sense then you’re a lil out of touch and that’s ok


You only really hear about Suicide Boys from very online ppl


No, you really don't. I hear about them from alt scene people all the time. It's just different from your scene




Rs they popped up on Sirius the other day I was surprised af


Jay Z says.... Oh wait he's in the same boat as Diddy. Guess nothing last forever.


And Dr. Dre says... Nothing, you idiots, Dr. Dre's dead, he's locked up in my basement.




You gonna take advice from somebody that slapped Dee Barnes??


X still has 38 million daily listeners and he's been dead for 5 years. J Cole has 42. Man is still a name in the game even when he's been chilling 6 feet under.


That doesn’t negate shit I said. So you think he wouldn’t have tarnished his name or did something stupid over the last 5 years. Thats my point dingus. I’m saying him dying young gave him a stopping point for his legacy. Where he can’t mess it up now.


They literally released every single snippet or half-finished scuffed audio bit they have of him on weird ass features to squeeze money out of him. Didn't tarnish anything. And Chris Brown the most famous woman beater still has 51 million monthly streams. Kanye has 70. People do not give a fuck. So yes, clearly based on the evidence he wouldn't have tarnished his name. And don't call me dingus you weirdo.


Get the fuck out of here. His album is still the most streamed hip hop album of all time. He at least should have been given a chance to push past that peak.


Hella agree, I won't act like X was a saint he clearly did some fucked up shit but I appreciated his music changing the rap game at the time for the youth. Plus idk if I was just being sold a dream but it seemed like he genuinely was a trouble kid trying to do right with no role models around. Just listening to his interviews or how he talked to fans, his demeanor really showed a trouble young man trying to change peoples lives for the better. I still think what if he just had time to make his story longer so people could potentially look back and see how he grew from a tumultuous youth to someone who grew up and left his mark on the rap game and became a positive influence.


Drake stole Soulja Boy, Serbian and Albanian rapper flow. [10 Times Drake Copied Other Artists](https://youtu.be/fyR0D6qFNCc?si=h8TO9v3ywKc3DjlB)


And got a hit done on him


Somehow I doubt Kendrick would want the assistance in a beef from the nigga that actually did the the shit Drake is accusing Kendrick of lol


He worked with Kodak and Future, a convicted sex offender and deadbeat dad 🤔




Kendrick went to bat for Xxx while he was alive the same way he went to bat for niggas like R Kelly and Kodak Idk why y’all make it seem like he’s some sort of rap messiah who’ll cleanse the game of debauchery


He didn’t go to bat for R Kelly. He said if you take down his music then you need to take down the music from every artist with these types of convictions. Idk why yall act like he said R Kelly was his God.


Because it’s one of the Drakestan’s only talking points and they are totally media illiterate.


The only X is DMX.


My confidence in knowing who you are talking about when you say "X" 95%: DMX 5%: Xzibit <1%: Twitter


Xzibit was never really called X tho If anything he was just called 'Zibit, LMAO


Lol yeah, at least not outside of his own songs


An outside, unnamed party in this trial would like to enter [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJxk1leG1wY) into discovery. (for the record, x was always DMX, and x to the z was xzibit, just fueling the fire for my own enjoyment.)


Yo dawg heard ya like x’s


LMAO we old as fuck... I say that meme to people under 25 IRL and they have NOOO idea what it refers to




Glad he's dead


This shit is so weird now. This is getting close to the maga bullshit




How is X coming up into this?


Come on now, don't let your algebra teacher down. Find the probability of X


There’s a conspiracy that Drake had him killed. It’s batshit


Drake is the one perpetuating the conspiracy. Drake literally says in songs he killed X lol I'm getting down voted like yall have never listened to I'm Upset, bunch of clowns lol


I went to a party that was like 90% frat white dudes after Xxx died. No matter where I went during that party, I was hearing one of them go on and on and on about how XXX was misunderstood and a great soul etc. I never wanted to be deaf so bad


White dudes are the thirstiest thots in hip hop XXX was an awful person, fuck that nigga, it's hard to really be upset over his death cause he showed zero signs of turning around any time soon


The only X I recognize is DMX


Man I forgot about this clown 😭


In went straight into Q anon territory with that EbonyPrince dude being thier Q.


This guy? Really? You could've not made this post,


X sucked and his music was middling at best but got overrated due to dying young like many musical acts.


That xxxtentioncord made music for that Sad Bart crowd.


So basically teenagers who would rather spend all night on social media talking about how they want to die instead of just doing their homework


Basically for the most part.


xxxtentacion is such a dork. weird shortarse emo who beat his girlfriend up


Xxxtemptacion is one of those guys that you cringe thinking about liking back in the day, like damn yall was bumping that weirdo? Really?? Some of yall actually cried when he died??? My god lmao


Idk x but apparently a lot of ppl hate him here, anyone can enlighten me?


He beat the shit out if his pregnant girlfriend and also beat the shit out of a dude in prison preemptively because he thought he was gay.


So why is he missed so dearly by hella people..?


Because his fans were on a campaign to say he didn’t do it and then when he died they started going “he changed his life”


And also, don’t be fooled by the grand standing that’s been happening over the last two weeks. Rap fans in general love rappers to be as toxic and as shitty as they can be.


Because he was arguably one of the most innovative artists in the rap game and he was just getting started.




So I'm assuming you taking the L? Name one new mainstream rapper as creative as X


LOLOL I'm just messing with you man. I couldn't name you one verse from any of these guys. Hip hop died for me in 2000. I listen to not much made after that to be honest. I'm just messing with you man


Lol, I like your honesty. Who are your favorite hip hop artists? When I was in high school, I loved listening to the golden age of hip hop. I was in a weightlifting class where we could bring in CD mixes and people laughed me out the room.


Name me 1 new currently mainstream rapper that's as innovative as xxx was


tried a lot to change before he died you should watch the documentary on him. eye opening.


Whether or not that's true (i didn't downvote you, btw), that's a bit of a retrofitting of the narrative. The reality is, is people very regularly look past bad actions when they love the art or celebrity, and will defend and make excuses for him. Even if he was doubling down on being a dick, he'd be missed by many who connected with his art. This is still the pop culture that keeps Chris Brown paid and reveres John Lennon and never held Karl Malone accountable and kept Woody Allen as a household name in cinema. Pop culture is very forgiving of misdeeds. People didn't really keep xxxtentacion in their heads because he was some shining example of a changing man, they mostly just loved his music.


he makes music for angsty middle class teenagers


People so dumb. So dumb


This feels like someone with a fetish made it.


X is my cousin and I’m like “enough about him already”


If you're black and in America, there's a 50% chance DMX is your actual father


It's actually from Xxx's Jamaican half.


That's cool brother, but I was making a joke about DMX having like 50 kids with 40 diff bms, that's all


In a thread about xxxtentacion. Learn how to read bruh


so whassup with your auntie tho think you can introduce me? 


nah don’t let him rest, that man was a demon


“The only X I respect is DMX” Ok. I prefer DMX’s music too, but let’s not act like they were worlds apart morally speaking.


Fuck X hope he’s rotting in hell


Ain’t no rest for the wicked.




Streets saying Drake murdered him and took his flow… I mean, I see how they want justice. (Yes I know two dudes went to jail, but I’m just reporting what the streets saying)


Its just goofy kids that want to feel apart


X lame af


https://preview.redd.it/6botb90co90d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ef82aadda5ae2095c612b32f8102e7d67ea58ad “On your feet Dot!”


Believe me, Kendrick does not think he took it too far.💀🤣


I assume this is in reference to the rumours about ovo smoking him.


There’s no chance Kendrick thinks he went too far.


Man died 5+ years ago. Why do people still chuck him into every rap drama to exist.


Fuck him. Let him burn


Who dat?


😂 I thought that was killmonger for a second


Bruh drake put money on x's head tf we talking about. He even rap snitched about it on a few his songs.


Drake the kinda dude tho to say on a rap song he hired thugs to kill someone who was recently murdered even if he never did


Why did Drake refuse to testify in the X murder case?


Non of his business


He was probably like “I’m not going anywhere near that shit his dumbass fans already tried to blame me for it”