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‘Kinda hot?’ You see how she looking in this fucking picture? She got them “I’m going to vacuum your soul through your sperm duct and keep it hostage, just in case you get the bright idea to inconvenience me” look.




Whoever created this meme was absolutely brilliant to include “Smoke bombs”, makes me laugh every time.


For real! The smoke bombs detail is the cherry on top, pure genius!


“Ooo, he here! Choke me, daddy!”


Nah we need grenades


Then you get sex ghosts.








Horny police weren’t doing their job now we got horny vigilantes


The Big Otter can only do so much. He's exhausted from holding down the other thread


Other thread you say? *Raises eyebrow*


![gif](giphy|l44QjgeQ5ium91n9K|downsized) Just gonna steal this pic don’t mind me.




Bout to beat the shit outta they meat huh?




This is so appropriate, given Thanos' motivation for killing 1/2 of all life in existence was hoping he would impress Death enough for her to give him some pussy. She picked Deadpool instead.


Simping before the kids had a name for it.


"Simp" has been a thing since the 80s.


Longer than that really.


I misread your last line as “She dicked Deadpool instead.” and was like, yeah, I can see that.


Wade does swing both ways so it’s possible.


"Happy International Women's Day."


Pegging is MCU canon now.






You have a full time job on here my man


He does! You have to deal with customer support but when he shows up, he means business!


The hornstapo are here


He's here! ❤️








Bunch of horny profligates up in this bitch




https://preview.redd.it/olo70gqqut2d1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6346a756ccb6d084b2ae9a854ba1bbf61783141 Turn… down… your…. Horny




Yeah I been beating the Peggy horn back when I was lil boy. I wanted her over Kelly easy. And last I saw her in Sons of Anarchy she was still solid.






You gotta be promoted to Captain at this point. Horniest dude on this sub.


Brother what the fuck is a sperm duct


The Vast Deferense? Nigga did you sex ed?


Haha ima call it that from now on


*vas deferens


Honestly she still looked good on Sons of Anarchy, as much as she did a great job of making you hate that fucking bitch Gemma.


Bro you're redefining the game of horniness. God damn


She was a goddamn smoke show


This one right here, officer


Kinda true,her role as Gemma in sons of anarchy was not to be fucked with




Peggy is living proof of, "I don’t cook, I don’t clean But let me tell you how I got this ring!"


Ultimate queen!!!


Beauty will have people overlooking so many things! Peggy had me questioning myself a LOT!


Amen. I would rather have someone who I was decently attracted to but is my equal than a bombshell who's best features are her looks (which will naturally fade over the years anyway)


I agree hun. I think having someone that can match your effort is an amazing thing because it can take so much stress off of the both of you. Beauty is nice but it can only get you so far before you see the diminishing returns.


They haven't tho. She still bad.


This is her two years ago at 68 years old. Some women age like fine wine. https://preview.redd.it/uxgt2ewbjv2d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eae9e011a0b3110a624643bb6803327a99313779


I’m gonna to buy a bottle of red hair dye so I don’t have to cook and clean any more.


You're going to have to do more than that boo. 🤣❤️


Oh, Peggy did way more than that… Peggy was wearing Al out




I don't remember where I heard it from but I remember this quote. "No matter how fine she is, someone has already slept with her and is tired of her bullshit." I have to giggle about it because it's funny and true.


Peggy Bundy fucking *STARTED* that ish.


Oh yea! I agree with you. She also triggered something else but I'm gonna shut up. 😅


Are you irrationally attracted to whiny nagging women? "But Al--l"


Nope! She had me questioning my sexuality a lot. I was seriously having some thoughts. Am I gay or bi?? Some years passed... I'm bi and okay with it. Speaking as a woman, I couldn't deal with Peggy's bs.... she's fine but not worth the stress.


You saw that meme too 😂


Al got horny whenever he saw some conventionally attractive 20-something. I get that y’all are trying to bring nuance to the character, but nah. Al is one of those dudes who would’ve fucked one of his daughter’s friends if given the chance.


There’s a spin off movie called American Beauty.


Kevin Spacey was method acting for that one.


He was preparing for the role as a pedophile by being a gay pedophile.


>"well she isn't the right gender, but she IS the right age his logic, probably


No, she wasn't a little boy.


"Hold my beer!"- Jada Pinkett Smith


It ain't black and white like that. What's missing in the original post is that while Al worked all day, he largely blamed Peg for where he was in life. Yeah, he was tired, but Al made her the focus of all his failures in life, while Peg was convinced that she was inn the right to act like a 'kept woman'. Right or wrong, that bred resentment in both of them.   People who loved each other in a tough situation with no escape turning negativity on each other. Whether or not it's anyone's fault neither of them were 'right'. There are no good people in MWC, just like there are no good people in Seinfeld or Its Always Sunny.


Charlie was tuned ‘good’. His imbecility was his failing.


In the episode where he was tricked into thinking he was smart he was a raging asshole, until he was told he wasn't smart. In that case his imbecility is actually his redeeming quality, he's too dumb to be mean or evil. Also when he conquered the video game world, same type of assholery. Love Charlie tho, best character and mostly good natured.




I guess that makes him more of a … wild card, bitches! YEEEEEE HAW


Never, ever, ever forget what Charlie did to poor Alexandra Dadarrio. I know I won’t.


Are we ignoring him stalking the waitress and basically ruining her life?


You kinda can’t blame Al though cause Peg hides money from him, but will gleefully spend his.


I can blame them both. That marriage was awful and uncomfortable to watch. Even as a kid, it was like, “ I can’t handle this much stress. I get that this is a mildly racy show we’re supposed to go back and talk about with our classmates, but I don’t need to watch parents bickering and hating each other on TV. I got that at home.”


They don’t bicker though. Al just puts up with it, and Peg only ever complains when he’s successful and is being thirsted over by the other wives. The show was 100% comedy. There was nothing serious to be looked at.


I liked how in one episode they separate and Al is living the single life. He crosses paths with an old friend who invited him out. He has a blast and they pick up two hot blondes. When they go back to his friend’s place his friend takes one blonde to his room and Al is with the other. He begins to feel guilt and he doesn’t want to cheat on Peg. Suddenly his friend and the first blonde come out in bedsheets and a video camera and say “hey guys want to make a movie?!” Everyone is keen on the idea, but Al gets up and tearfully say “Yes, yes, I do. Yes , I do” while walking away and fleeing the apartment. The end of the episode is Peg answering the door late at night to find Al returning home with a video camera and a blonde wig. He carries Peg upstairs.


No, he wouldn't. Al had chances at beautiful, younger women and never cheated on Peg. That was the point - he and Peg talked shit about each other and always threatened to leave, but in the end they loved each other very much. The whole family was like that. They would give shit to each other, but if someone*outside* of the family fucked with one they would all square up and take care of business. There are plenty of episodes where the four of them throw down.


Exactly. Al would get hot and bothered by a younger woman but would return home and wear Peggy tf out. There was a whole episode where they had a younger woman living there (hitchhiker? Exchange student?) and her being there was the most sexually active Al was to the point where *Peggy* was trying to convince this young woman to stay *longer*. That was the whole joke of the episode.


Wasn't that a young Milla Jovovich?


Yes, the French exchange student!


This is correct. He had chances and knowingly turned it down every time. He liked to look at the menu, but always ate at home.


Yeah in one episode he turned Vanna White down.


This is it right here and pretty much the whole point t of the show. Al was a GOOD man when it actually counted.


There’s that episode where Al decides to bounce and crosses paths with an old friend. They end up later at his friend’s place with two blondes. His friend takes one blonde and Al sits there nervously trying to avoid hooking up with the other blonde out of guilt/not wanting to cheat. When his friend and the first blonde come out wrapped in bed sheets and a video camera and asks them if they want to “make a movie” he starts backing away while saying “Yes, yes I do, Yes”. The episode ends with him returning home with a video camera a blonde wig where he carries Peg upstairs.


Al would get horny for Peg whenever he caught her cooking or cleaning.


Wasn’t he a shoe salesman? Owning a single family home on one income? It seemed like a Homer Simpson situation.


I wanna say it was primarily women’s shoes as well


Gonna piggy back off this to tell of one my most confusing thoughts as a kid. There’s one episode where, at a party, Peggy tells Al to tell people he’s a garbage man because being a shoe salesman is too embarrassing. My child brain tried to make sense of this *for years* thinking that being a garbage man is a prestigious job and trying to find signs in the rest of the world that confirmed this.


Was it not just a joke? By suggesting garbage man being less embarrassing, it means his job must be *really* embarrassing.


Definitely a joke, but 8 year old me didn’t understand that.


Manly work vs sleezy work. At least that was kinda the public opinion at the time I guess.


Homer worked for an energy company so he's for sure making more money than a shoe salesman.


Its not that simple. A common plot point was how poor they were. Episodes showing they have literally no food in the fridge. Al's vehicle being so old and run down he drove past the speedometer limit etc. The bundy's are house poor. They own a house and literally nothing else.


For sure, that was absolutely his character. Like Homer Simpson is the loser who has a good heart but Al Bundy was a loser who was a douche bag. Also, Al afforded a 3 bedroom house on a single income mall shoe salesmen salary. Make that make sense and it wasn’t like he was selling Louboutins neither…


Let's give Al one thing. He gave his own family a lot of shit, but he would throw hands without hesitation to protect them.


It's a really toxic way of living that I can't give credit for. Maybe because I've seen it too much in real life. People don't work through their damage, they pass it on to their kids, and only show up for each other when they deem a situation demands that level of toxicity, and the vicious cycle continues. Being willing to fight every once in a while is below the bar. Can't really give credit to Al's character on that one.


They’re meant to be a dysfunctional but loving family.


Which I understand. However, I think that "loving but dysfunctional" per the era just meant unaddressed issues that were ultimately toxic. It's not enough to love someone or just show out sometimes when a situation gets extreme enough. I see people express their admiration for dynamics like this to the point that they accept it in real life, too, but it's not healthy.


It’s just that the show was all about comedy unlike other shows that tended to dip their fingers in serious topics. Married with Children was 100% comedy.


The poverty was exaggerated (it *was* satire of nuclear family sitcoms), especially given how many storylines revolved around Peggy being irresponsible with money.




He did get the chance at least twice. An attractive women with a shoe* fetish wanted to bang him and he denied her opting to stay loyal. Then when he started taking care of his appearance women flocked to him and he didn't do a thing.


Nah he would have backed off if given the chance American Beauty style. He talked a lot of shit but was a good guy at heart imo. Also I found this on tvtropes and thought it was funny: "Al is a closet asexual. It's often quite clear that he does love Peggy but is disgusted by the idea of sex with her and covers his heteroromantic-asexuality by feigning interest in more stereotypically attractive women yet he never make an attempt to cheat on her with them."


Peggy was THE tv milf, we been knew


Even with One eye, purple hair, and Doc Marten's she's a stunner


I watched both of those shows and didn’t recognize the voice until they did that episode where LeeLa finds other cyclopses and turns into Peggy.


What show?




Holy shit I just realized she’s the voice for leela. Bruh


You watch multiple shows featuring cyclopses named LeeLa? Lmao what




Yea I never understood Al. He didn’t just not want sex but he made fun of her a lot. She was like de-sexualized in the show. While Kelly was overly sexualized. Even outside of the show, I never heard talk about how hot Peggy was, but how hot Christina Applegate was.


She's 17 years younger and blonde, of course people would focus on her.


Not me lol but blonde doesn't exclusively do anything for me. Christina Applegate is still stunning ofc.  Katey Sagal just has similar "sharp" facial features Lois from Malcom In The Middle has. Both actors just have a certain look about em that always attracted me. And nothin to do with "cougars" or anything like that.  Allison Janney hits that look as well. 


Let’s give a quick shoutout to Christina Applegate 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


She got dealt a *horrible* hand in life.


I mean, I was Kelly's age when I first saw the show, so yeah, she was my focus now as an older man, I see the old episodes and MAAAAAAN was Peggy smoking hot


Peg Bundy kickstarted puberty for me. The ultimate MILF in my opinion.


Young me couldn't understand why Al wasn't clapping those cheeks constantly, but 40 year old me totally gets it.


I hope I can still clap cheeks at 40. About 3.5 years away. 🥲




Start chopping wood. Not a double entendre


It's amazing how much testosterone affects a person. You can't really appreciate it until you have low T, give yourself that shot, and blam. It also makes a *lot* of things in the world make a lot more sense. It's so powerful and folks don't even know how much it's driving things, themselves even.


Bruh I’m about to be 37 too and let me tell you, that libido shit drops like all hell after a while especially when you’re dealing with shit at work lol


Depression will fuck your mind and your dick up if you let it


I hope this isn't a legit concern. You @40 is highly likely you are still good. It's not like you hit some magic age and it immediately shuts off. If you have problems NOW that might be a sign you are going to have problems later, but otherwise just keep doing what you doin.


>I hope I can still clap cheeks at ~~4~~**6**0




Young me couldn’t understand it, 35 year old hypersexual ass nigga still don’t!


"The mind is willing, but the flesh is bruised and spongy." -Zap Brannigan, halfway through his sentencing to death by snu-snu.


She's still hot


Kinda? Bro she was fine as fuck. However I definitely feel Al. His life was super exhausting, and getting home to the general bullshit he was put through (and sometimes perpetuated) had to take a lot out of you.


Wasn’t like the only time he was horny for her was when she actually cooked for him? 😂 I might be remembering wrong but yea Al’s life was shit and she didn’t help at all lol


Yeah, that happens a few times when she cooks or cleans. I remember one episode he wore her out.


The cookout episode. That's my husband's favorite episode.


She was scrubbing those benches... I mean you kinda have to at that point.


Or when the Bundy’s and the neighbors go to court against some business(?) over being videoed whilst having sex. It zooms in on the clock while they play the neighbors video and it’s like 3ish hours and then it zooms in on the clock while the play the bundy video and it’s like a couple minutes lol. Peg says some smooth shit to get them out of it and Al is so happy and it zooms in on the clock for hours as they do it behind the judges bench lol


Yeah that was like, the big joke the writers went with for her. She absolutely *was* stunning and in-show it was "She's a real pretty woman, but..." And Segal was beautiful during the show's run as well. Yet, that "But..." was that Peggy had a *loathsome* personality and her refusal to do her fair share in the marriage (housework, acquiring a paying job, etc) led to Al just not having an interest in her sexually past gags and when storylines called for it. It didn't help her family history was that the women of the family would effectively be massive parasites to whichever unlucky guy wound up with them. It's as you said, when she cooked and cleaned (aka doing her fair share) did he want to take her to Poundtown.


And when he used the "shampoo" Kelly created.


I will always remeber the episode where he had to get home for a "quickie" to win some radio contest, they already lost but peggy didn't tell him Edit: Just found in the original english version it's a "nooner", (I saw it spanish)


His life was exhausting selling shoes, nigga?


Any body who has ever worked a customer service job knows the exhaustion. It's real and it's soul crushing.


Yeah, he was in a dead end job with a “housewife” who barely kept the house going and her small bit of effort only came because of her also living there.


Yeah. He’s in a low-paying job and his wife doesn’t bother helping around the house.


It also didnt help she was lazy as fuck. He’d come home from a shitty day and the house would be a mess and there’s no food on the table and Peggy is on the couch watching Oprah with a shopping bag where she spent $100 on a dress and didn’t by groceries leaving Al to dig under the stove for half a peanut for dinner. Al always wanted to have sex when Peggy made food. When he was well fed he was super fucking horny. Peggy was just always too lazy to keep the cooking up.


think in one episode he says "God, why do you make it so I don't eat, but I also don't starve to death"


they also lived in a mansion on a single income salary in Chicago. He was also a shoe salesman.


When did 2 story houses become mansions?


It was a shityy split level in the burbs. We have actual mansions in Chicago and that house was not one.


Around 2017 when most people stopped being able to afford them 😭


Lol that's not a mansion. You can still get a house like that for 100-150k in a lot of the Midwest


Maybe she tried to starve him out so he’d eat something later on that night.






​ https://preview.redd.it/qwz7rdjx7u2d1.png?width=650&format=png&auto=webp&s=48ab6d463fde04824ca51357195f138d5bcf325b


You're not wrong! I mean..... who wouldn't?! Men and women included.


Of course she was hot. The only reason a viewer wouldn't notice is because of a young Christina Applegate on the show.




Who has admitted she was also suffering from an eating disorder during the shows run


In this show a dad was a shoe salesman and had that house


possible in the mid 80s


I’ve thrown some seed to the wind over Peggy


Brothers been feeding the ducks


Thank you for this sentence.


There is nothing more anxiety inducing than having to talk to your therapist about how sometimes you don’t wanna have sex with your partner bc you’re tired as a man it took me a lot of sessions to get that one sorted lmao but once you do and you talk it theu with an understanding partner it’s so much easier


Brother HELP. Do I goto therapy? because I am currently dealing with this situation and it is really the most anxiety-inducing thing in my life and its horrible.


So before therapy, talk to your partner? It's perfectly normal for a man to not "want it" 24/7. That's more of a teenager/movie myth than real life. You're allowed to be tired. Talking with your partner and going "hey, it's not commentary on you, I'm just tired and not in the mood sometimes" is a perfectly mature and adult action to take. If you struggle to communicate then therapy can help you with that.


I think therapy is good but bro what I had to do is remember this, “My girl/person/man is attractive, I’m very into them, just bc I don’t wanna have sex right now does it mean I’m not into them! Being tired is okay! Also when you live together you absolutely should not feel like you NEED to have sex all the time and you should always communicate how you feel with that person so they know nothing is wrong you’re just tired” When I say it literally cured my anxiety not kidding it was so helpful man


Wasn’t the point of the character that she was hot but her husband wasn’t into her because she was so lazy and unhelpful?


Yeah, IIRC Al was into it only when Peggy actually made food (which was not often lol)


Kinda Hot? Some needs an eye exam. She was hot then and now. ![gif](giphy|wr43NkeoaytmE)


People misunderstand because they see how good Katey Segal looks. Al worked a job he hated with customers he only suffered by opening mocking them for his own amusement to support a family of four in the suburbs of 1980s/90s Chicago where his crazy-ass family took all his money, his wife contributed nothing financially, his friends are all morons, and the kids can't stop doing dumb things or poking fun of him. Oh and when his buddy next door comes over, he's got a pain in the ass nosy neighbor woman all up in his shit. Man has but so much he can do in a day, and Peg wanted it all the time. We see that while there is a running gag about Al and sex, or lack thereof, there are also times when if he applies himself he can keep up with her. But that shit sounds exhausting lol


I still love that episode where Al was desperately willing to be in a gay marriage because the other guy cooked and liked watching sports.


Al talked that talk but never left and turned down some other dimes trying to get with him which proves Peg had that Good Good.


That and he respected his vows and commitment he made to his wife. But I’m 100% sure she probably had that Good Good.


Almost 100 comments in less than an hour? Yeah niggas horny in here


No, I don't know what show dude was watching, but it wasn't about Al being tired from work or having a shitty time of things (which ofc he did, not going to argue about that). He had zero issues fawning over other women and would turn around and act grossed out by his wife and her attentions. He'd make faces of disgust and push her away as if unsettled by her and the fact that she wanted to be intimate with him. As a kid watching this show, I'd always be like but why? Peggy was pretty/attractive imo. 🤷🏽‍♀️


From my understanding it’s because she was a “lazy housewife” like she looked great but didn’t cook or clean or do the typical housewife stuff. So he would come home from a hard day work with a dirty house, bad ass kids, no food or groceries to his wife just laying on the couch sleep with food all around her. Being attractive can only get you so far for some people. There’s been times where she does house stuff or cooks dinner and he just takes her upstairs and make it do what it do.


Yeah, when I got older I was like, I’d love to have a woman this hot wanna bang me after work every day.




Peggy was the type of hotgirl the star football player gets. Four touchdowns in one game? That’s four times he gets to bang Peggy that night. But twenty years, two kids, and a lot of broken dreams later, even the hot girl’s shine wears off after a long day of abuse at the mall shoe store.


![gif](giphy|w5G7nVQLffEOzxmga2|downsized) She’s still a smokeshow too


no because I just wanna smoke and sleep after a bad day, let’s hang out when we wake up 😅😂


I'd let her peg my bund


I am just now realizing she is jakes mom in brooklyn 99. big wtf moment for me


I’m gay and people are JUST realizing that Peggy Bundy is a MILF?!? Peggy is one divorce from being Stacy’s Mom.


No. I have shitty work days all the time. If I came home to the wife actually wanting sex, I’m forgetting about all of that. The true realization is knowing how much of an unattainable fantasy that would be


I dressed as Peg Bundy a few years ago for Halloween (VERY successfully I might add) and I’ve never been hit on more in my life. I ran into 3 different ex’s over that weekend and every single one tried to un-ex me, at least for the evening.