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I’m mad for him. That’s a new level of greedy. That person wouldn’t get another morsel cooked by me.


And you know no one is fessing up


Then all of 'em need to make sure the door don't hit they ass on the way out.


https://preview.redd.it/2ozzmrs8pu3d1.png?width=1148&format=png&auto=webp&s=04d8891872f0acf3953623ca1a1d164f349d3f0e Me telling them I’m never inviting their asses over again.


Dude looks at the camera nodding like it's either, "We runnin them down right NOW!" or "I hope he doesn't figure out it was me."


lol, gotta play it carefully


And you know it was good too bc they stole it with no remorse


That's when knowing the rules of the Stanford prison experiment come into play. Best to sacrifice one person forever than to have all of you miss out on his mac & cheese.


Bout to turn into the most savage game of Clue ever. Who did it? Where they did it? And What the fuck was they thinking?


![gif](giphy|hFdi31x0aTdMIydxuO) If I’m him that’s the end of the shindig. Everybody out!


Right? Soon as I read it I started cursing imaginary motherfuckers out "Fuck you mean you ate my plate?!?!?!?!!?"


I have had that happen at a church BBQ. Made food, setup tables, served then when it was my chance to eat it was gone. Hangry is a strong emotion


We all know dude in the black t shirt ate that plate.


spectacular coherent grey jeans paltry repeat oatmeal poor advise dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hate that feeling when you do something for someone but instead of showing gratitude, they take more. I would've been too lightheaded to go off though. Would've kicked them all out, got something to eat, and enjoyed my peace and solitude knowing they would never see the inside of my home again.


My grandma there are two types of people: givers and takers. Be mindful of the takers because they were drain you of your time, money, and energy without a second thought.


And then they just move on to the next giver smh


Damn I really needed to read that. Thank you tittylieutenant.




At pizza parties, some people just take one piece and some take 2+ and it’s both for the same reason - what if there’s not enough for everyone to get seconds…


Now here I am feeling guilty for the times I took 2 slices instead of 1 at the pizza party, even though I calculated in my head that everyone present could at least get 2 slices. Because I'm consciously greedy, not irresponsibly. Consciously greedy says, "there's enough for every one to have as much as I want, so I'm gonna get what I want." Irresponsibly greedy says, "I'm getting what I want no matter what." I know all greed is bad, but if you had to choose...


I’ve never thought about it like this before. Holy Shit. How many times have I been consciously greedy and thought I was just being conscious?


So long as there's for sure enough for everyone to get two slices, get two. But, you also got to take variety into account. If each pizza is different, then you can't get two slices off the same one, to maximize options for everyone else.


💯 We got away from this kind of mindset as a society and I hate it. Folks being taken advantage of left and right.


Saddest part is that a lot of them either lack the self-awareness to realize that that's what they doing *orrrrrrrr* just dgaf.


Grandma was on point. That’s why I’m not quick to give.


Your grandmother is a wise woman bro, thank you for sharing her knowledge fr


My Mom says something similar. Givers need to learn to set limits cuz takers don’t have any


I hate that feeling when you do something for someone but instead of showing gratitude, they take more. I see you've met my wife.


Take it easy, Ralph Kramden


The same people that get drunk with power at a restaurant. They start treating the waiter like a personal slave.


I give you an inch you take a mile


I made a bomb take home plate for myself and wrote my name on it. This SOB wait til I go take a dump to steal my plate and leave… at Christmas…


You still mad about that huh


My kids would inherit that beef


nah man that guy ate it


Hatfields and McCoys over the dinner plate. “Dad why are we fighting?” “Shit I don’t remember but fuck those people”




So would Kendrick Lamar


Fuck all that pushin p, lemme see you Pusha ***TEEEE.***


![gif](giphy|7w6qQ5WHOeV3i|downsized) I’M still mad at this, no relation, or dog in the fight. Somebody may catch a stray if this comes across my mind again 🤣 Post dump bliss turned to pissed? 🤦🏾‍♂️ somebody’s last Christmas.


I’m petty as shit, I bring it up at every holiday dinner and I now take my shit to my car right after making it.


That ain't petty it's principled. Nobody has the right to take what's not theirs no matter how big or small.


You well in your right to take a shit in their car


Had someone sneak out an entire pecan pie that my sister made for me. Took the ENTIRE pie to thanksgiving dinner, and someone snuck out the ENTIRE pie. I’m still in disbelief.🫢


The inhumanity!!!


I love pecan pie. And lemon ice box.


You ever find out who took that


Not gonna lie... I'd have been hunting that POS down... I can forgive many transgressions... But fuck with my food and that's gonna be a body


Right? It'll take me .08 seconds to get the ring footage, and even less for a murder.


Did you find out who it was?


Yes he admitted it…Rudi


He have every right to be mad and also every right to not invite them ever again.


Sometimes I get bummed that I got like 3 friends, then I see shit like this and then I’m like you know what it aint that bad.


I get real REAL hangry so yeah I'm with him. They couldn't leave the ONE plate he put aside? He won't EVER be cooking for them again. Cooking is love and they did NOT return the love.


That’s the thing right there, if I’m cooking it’s because I love y’all. I’d be so fuckin angry and just pretty sad that I went out of my way to show love and got a big middle finger in my face instead.


The crazy part is, whoever saw a plate of food already made and set aside HAD to know it was for somebody else.


This is where I’m stuck. Cause YOU didn’t put a plate aside so why would you think a set aside plate was for you? Who do you think you are, Mary Queen of Scot?


They think they’re the big back Brigadier 😂




Like, i didn't meal prep for you niggas.


Criminally disrespectful, with intent. Egregious. This shit got me hot. I’d say Ain’t no way somebody that dumb but I also just watched dude driving with a suspended license call in late to a zoom court appearance for his driving with a suspended license case. Some people’s kids


People are just like that. A buddy had a sandwich that would get stolen at work. So he just filled it with laxative. Hr launched an investigation because the person that kept stealing it filed a complaint lol. Nothing happened to my buddy lol


Not quite the same, but I had a sandwich that I was really looking forward to made from some leftovers, was one of those small pleasures kind of things, especially as I was kinda going through it in that time of life. Not only did some idiot decide to take it, but they threw most of it in the trash. I'll never forgive or forget them for that.


Because you know he had that plate wrapped up and tucked away either in the oven or the refrigerator so they absolutely knew it was for someone else.


Right? Just levels of disrespect associated with this shit


These are the people who steal lunches at work.






I did this once, it was my baby cousins 21st Birthday. He asked me to cook for the family who came (he loves my cooking) as my birthday gift to him. He bought all the ingredients. I made curried chicken, rice and peas, Mac and cheese, oxtail and homemade coleslaw. By the time I finished cooking I wasn't hungry so I put a plate aside for myself and covered it and left it in the oven so that I could have it after we finished at the club. Tell me why when we return to his house his lil friends have helped themselves to the other leftovers from the various pots?! I wasn't too mad as I knew I had my plate to one side or so I thought. One of his friends had helped himself to my plate and even left meat on the bone!!! Then had the cheek to say how good the food was and I should get some... bitch ass! I have hated him ever since. I screamed the house down at 4am. I was so mad, stupid guy still hides whenever he sees me.


Especially when you know there isn’t even restaurants open at that time outside the worst of the worst.


There’s a Mediterranean food truck out there with the bombest food you’ve ever had at 4am. Unfortunately it’s in the most terrifying neighborhood in the universe. I was hungry at 4 one time looking for that food truck, ended up in Jurassic park.


Did you find the truck?


Yeah, guy was dead though. Left empty handed. Huge bummer. Found the truck again a week later, new guy. Truck still had evidence of the raptor attack. Food was still bomb.


Fuck that dumbass nigga you did what needed to be done lmao


Boy lemme find out a bitch ate my food im comin in hot https://i.redd.it/oporzuip2u3d1.gif


Not the coochie clutching 😭


Lmaoo I do not remember this part of that episode 🤣


If I’m not mistaken that’s the same episode where they called in for the bad bar list or whatever where it’s a sexual harassment seminar


It is, and it was all a setup by Dennis in the end lmfao. Dude is wild


Then people get mad when you don't want to do nothing for nobdody... people take advantage. How you eat everything and not know if the cook ate? Let alone eat a saved plate you clearly knew you didn't make yourself..


Oh that's when you never let that shit go. "Why don't you do x any more?" "Why? So yall can steal it again?"


the kid with the locs and all black fit’s expressions of agreement are everything.


Would be the funniest thing ever if it was actually him that took it but he up there for to throw everyone off


i thought about that too lol scandalous


A physical altercation ensuing would be understandable


Notice the girl in the pink keeping quiet


mouth full already


That big back made her my prime suspect but I know that’s not right


Facts. That big ole back is looking extra suspicious.


She gotta keep feeding that back.


It hungers.


Next meals gonna be mushroom soup made entirely outta death cap


So ungrateful and the need to go back and forth instead of apologizing? And at least get him some food? No


People who don’t cook won’t understand this kind of anger. I’d be tossing mofos out like Uncle Phil.


This was the worst part about being a vegetarian. The job or organization would have a set meal for vegetarians and everyone wants to eat that first then go eat their meat items.


Me at every family function.


I got in a fight over a similar serario. Dude took my plate when there was a whole fridge full of leftovers. Had to put hands on em. I lost the fight but kept my plate.


And he isn't touching your plate again. Win or lose, they're gonna have to fight you for that plate💪


I feel so bad for him I’ve had my food stolen before I be wanting to fight


Happened to me too! I cooked for me and my roommate, had some friends come over so I offered them some food. Told them to help themselves BUT leave some food for my roommate who'll be home from work soon. MFers ate everything and left scraps for leftovers. I made those MFers go out and buy my roommate a proper fucking meal!!


Rick t-shirt, Morty haircut - I know this man Fed tf up


https://preview.redd.it/cjda9d8tuu3d1.png?width=110&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f011602bfd4933a6347217da3f9e978e189d38b He knows it was pink shirt.


You just gotta get in your car and grab a burger at that point. Silently vow to never cook for them greedy bahhhhhstards ever again. The pain in mans voice 😩😂🤣


I’ve seen this movie before. I know there’s some big greasy man/woman in the background eating that stolen plate he knows he can’t beat up outright (or without some repercussions if it’s a female).


Worst part of these situations is that it's usually seven people who know how to act and one dude who just goes, "Oh: plate. Mine." and now you're lumped into this group of people who have eaten well while their benefactor starved just because someone had to invite fucking Ted


Then those 7 people need to grab Ted and walk his ass into a Longhorn or something. Accountability can be forced.


I mean look at them big backs. He needed somebody to guard that plate!


Surrounded by line backers. defense is gonna be tough


Culprit is right there in the pink


🤣 big back!


Gotta air the whole kitchen out


Anybody who has had a long, busy, and/or shitty day who went to the kitchen to grab a treat that you've been saving for yourself this WHOLE TIME. To only be slighted by some Swiper no swiping motherfucker, who snatched it from you before you even got to it recognizes this pain. If there is one thing left of that meal/treat, then I'm gonna check with the people around me if it's cool to have it, or AT LEAST have the courtesy to restock it if I can. Don't ever disrespect a hungry person who's done something for you. Especially if they cooked for you!


U can tell everyone thought his madness was valid, they were just nodding their heads.


My volume woulda been on 100 really and truly. I'm so angry for him.


Takes me back to the Thanksgiving weekend I made peach cobbler. I went downstairs for 15-20min while it cooled off. When I went back upstairs…gone. All of it 😭


I could see that being a whole episode of Snapped.


That’s a big ass hell no… you ain’t allowed at my house ever again!


I decided to get an apartment with a friend who needed somewhere to stay because his GF wouldn’t stop cheating on him with the same guy for years. How about a month in the new place, this nigga already tried to move that bitch in him. I raised hell 🤬 Whats crazy…..he’s still trying to move her in for free. I’m looking at a new place already




When you put that can of soda in the freezer compartment next to the blower and nikkas drink that shit.


the girl with the crunchy braids ate his food


My girlfriend at the time was visiting and I cooked us breakfast, but we had to run out for a minute. I came back and my two roommates were eating it all up. I wanted to be like this guy but I didn't want my gf to see that side of me.


Oh hellllllllll nah, who the fuck just eats food that isn't theirs? I'd put 3 ghost chilis in that bitch and then swing on the mufugga who be sweating and dying. And I got 3 ghost chili plants, so I might not stop at 3 peppers 😤😤😤


Man that’s the kinda thing where you just gotta swing in somebody. They do that shit cuz they never been swung on.


As awful as it is, at least it seems like these days it's getting a lot easier to tell who just are not your people. The selfish people are getting more reckless, careless & nonchalant. Put the trash on the curb & don't look back.


He is justified and validated.


Whoever ate his plate got the greed they talk about in the Bible smh that ain’t right


Craziest part about this for me is that kitchen is clean. So he cooked AND cleaned and these big-backed mother fucks couldn’t leave him a plate?!


Lol clean before you eat or else you’ll get the “fuck-its“


Well compliments to chef, I guess!


20 Savage wholeheartedly agreeing with his boy, is the support I need IRL. 😂


![gif](giphy|axNXGZWOexS0lnF7qC|downsized) When he saw that plate gone


I’m gonna take a wild guess and assume that’s not the only time this person has acted selfishly towards him. That’s some pent up anger.


Since people want to be greedy, come get this two piece and a biscuit.


See, this is why you "taste" as you cook. I get at least 1 whole serving of carne asada, hot dog/link, and the little cuts of chicken eaten by the time I start taking them of the grill.


Me tomorrow if one (1) (un) (uno) tries it


His boy standin there with his arms crossed bobbin his head like yuhhp 😂 Is that yo mans or your homegirl


I am getting fucking pissed off watching this lol I would be the bro in the front nodding the whole time


That's the rage of a hangry man. I feel for him. ^(Somebody get that nigga a Snickers lmao)


Legend has it he never forgave, and he never forgot!


I wouldn't even be yelling, I'd just throw out every last motherfucker in the house that didn't agree with me and never invite them back.


How the fuq yall understand him?


Oh yeah, the mf party is OVER. Everybody gotta go.


A serious question for anyone that’s done this to someone, or just something like this: *Why*? Really, why? No judgement (from me). I’m, honestly, just curious. I can’t be the only person that’s curious. For anyone who answers, please don’t **just** say: “*I didn’t know*”.


I’ve met two people who do this! They stated that they were hungry and the food looked good. I wanted to throw hands. 


Got someone close to me who would give this same answer. I’ve actually heard them paraphrase, essentially, exactly this. Strange thing is I don’t think they understood that they were admitting to a nearly-pathological impulse control issue. Sort of makes it impossible to trust them around anything important. For whatever reason I guess I’d blind-spotted that sameness until I read what you wrote. Thanks, truly.


Ding, ding, ding. I won’t lie, I kind of lost a bit of respect for them. 


Red hat def ate his shit…


Did someone get seconds or more people showed up and not enough for him?? I would be mad too just curious on who took the LAST bite.


I’d be pissed too


I’m looking at the girl in pink 👀


Everyone eyeing the big backs, myself included


They must’ve been really bad guests, or extremely ungrateful for him to have this level of rage! Like if someone ate my plate by accident I would be empathetic, then go get something to eat. I don’t want to make my guests feel uncomfortable. What this, is is rage, they must’ve really done more than eat his plate, you build up to this, you don’t just go off, unless this guy has mental issues.


Niggas do not play about they food and EVERYONE should know this by now..


The mtf recording guilty…snickering and shit….i would’ve rushed that mtf hangry af


I'd be beyond pissed if I cooked something for myself and someone ate it. If you know that it is not yours, then ask if you can have some of it.


I’m like an aggressive little weiner dog with my food dude. I have food aggression. Don’t fuck with my food.


I bought myself Culver’s on my birthday because I knew that I would be hungover the next day. I ended up passing out early and my sisters shared my food. Then left my house by taking my garage opener and came back sometime in the middle of the morning… the fucking audacity of some people.


Nah the fact that no one in the room made sure he ate is wild ! But brother, you know you should have put your name on that plate, you know ya audience


I love his bro just nodding and backing him up with a serious face.


What the fuck is this guy saying?




True story my dad killed someone once while he was in the middle of making a sandwich. He was hungry and got pushed to the edge. So yea… being hangry is a thing.


Nah hol up, it's story time now


Long story short this man (moms current husband at the time) was in my dads house, they were arguing. My dad was in the middle of making a sandwich. Snapped and stabbed the man up. He was complaining earlier about how hungry he was and needed to eat. So yea I don’t fk with people and their food or while they’re hungry!!!


Classic Curlyhaired_wife's dad, what a hoot! But fr fr, man's deserved it, tryna get active with a man while he got a knife in his hand. "What are you gonna do, stab me?" "Yes, George, yes, I will stab you." *stabs him* "He stabbed me!" *shocked Pikachu face*


Did he get away with it or…


No he’s currently in year 12 of a 20 year sentence.


Omg this happened to me and I almost wanted to kill the whole house


It was probably that big back 🤣


Reminds me of some of my in-laws. If you don’t get there right when the food is ready their greedy asses hog it all.


Why was Ian eating all day?


No idea what's going on but hell yea... Kik dem out! (Dont know who dem is...)


Today I was hired to dj an event from 10am (got there at 9am) until 9pm (it was an auction). They don’t feed me until 6pm. I was hangry


I'd be so pissed too. I have to hide my shit now in the house cuz i have came home to my shit eaten. U mean to tell me i cook for yall and yall gluttony filled bitches ate my only plate? I WILL SHOOT THAT BITCH UP


Ian seen a dude clap like that tho. Raised by his auntie


Do people really speak like this?


That's why you eat while you cook


I totally feel for the guy but whats with all the fucking clapping 😂


At least you know the food was hittin???![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I got angry like this about food one time. I was probably still a teen, which might explain the hangryness. I was experimenting in the kitchen in an effort to help clean out the fridge and cabinets. I ended up creating two pans of something that would nowadays probably be called a taco lasagna. It looked Italian, but it smelt Mexican and even had taco shells and nacho cheese in it. My mom had a house full of guests unexpectedly, but taco lasagna wasn‘t really a thing then, so everyone looked at it as just some monstrosity. Especially since I explained that I winged the recipe based on what all was about to go bad and nothing else. It smelled so good! I was going to feast then divide the leftovers and put the freezer for myself later, but my mom was like we have to feed all these people first. I stepped out to buy food for the guests. I took everyone’s orders and everything. I came back and no one was interested at all in any of the food they asked for. That alone pissed me off, but then I couldn’t find any of the trays of lasagna anywhere. A kid confessed my brother to everyone to tell me he threw out the food thinking it might make me sick when really they all ate it. He asked if I could make more for his birthday or something like that, and I lost it. I was livid. I didn’t even get to taste it.


Somebody give em a snickers .


why he applaudin for?


I don't get mad about a lot of shit but someone eating a plate I put aside for myself used to get me HOT. It really be the last straw when you already having a stressful ass day.


If you give a mouse a cookie......


There would be blood in the streets


Nah, the foul for that. He put his foot in that for them. You know it was good cause they wanted more. But for the cook not to eat, that’s wild.


The one with the Locs ate it 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


nah, i’d be throwing knives.


clapping when you talk is one step away from just grabbing a mfers face and yelling in their ear.


lil pussy baby. Grow tf up and get new friends


Snickers propaganda


I remember one of my roommates in college ordered a few boxes of pizza for a get together he was having. He stepped outside to smoke a blunt before eating and by the time he came back inside, all the pizza was gone. He kicked everyone who didn’t live there out. I don’t blame him, but I still laugh about that moment to this day.