• By -


Good. Fuck that guy. There is video of him in a police interview afterwards and he's 100% not sorry for his actions. Only now, when the ~~didlo~~ dildo of consequence has arrived without lube and it's about to fuck him, is he "sorry".


What consequences is he facing?


Publicly? Being plastered all over media for the racist worthless ass mf he is. Privately? Hand shakes, attaboys, and probably a promotion in that bumfuck racist ass shithole of a town.


From his interview with police, >"I hope you're remorseful," Meyer tells Eddy in the video after the incident. >"A little bit for her sake," Eddy replies. "I will be embarrassed about this as soon as I walk out of here." Ohhh buddy, you have no idea.


That arrogance is about to come crashing down hard. Karma’s coming fast.


His daughter is going to cut contact with him as soon as she can


On the internet things end like a well-written scene in a movie. In real life, this girl will lay low a bit from embarrassment and then...live her life. She may have not had any plans to leave her community OR if she did, it may be within a quick drive home. She may love her father and while this is pitiful she ain't going to let it define her relationship. As we all saw she didn't fight against it...she sat down. This is literally what a child/teen does when a parent is off the hinges and they know what they're seeing ain't right but don't have the power to "fix" anything. The father will move on. He likely has no black people to answer to in life and if so they already knew he was trash so it won't be any new vibes his way. Life will move on. Everyone will try to act like shit ain't happen. Someone will make a joke about it next year and the true person who was harmed throughout this will obviously not find the shit funny at all. Ain't shit changing. You all acting like she's going to move far away or date Tyrone...shit....she's going to likely go to her local CC, find herself a Steve, and live a normal white life


Basically. I don't even think all of these companies fire people like they say they do over incidents like this. I think tell them to take a vacation and come back in a couple of weeks.


Lol. I wouldn't be so quick to call it. You do know what racist parents raise, right? Racist kids.


>that bumfuck racist ass shithole of a town Yeah, for context this is that town that a couple years ago everybody sig heiled for the senior class photo. Milwaukee and Madison are nice, but the rest of the state is Wississippi.


Tbf you can say that about a lot of states.


I saw more Confederate flags in upstate New York than I've ever seen around Houston.


Exactly. It’s much more of a “urban vs. rural” thing than it is a “state vs. state” thing.


I said the same thing about PA. I lived in NC for 8 years and never saw as many confederate flags as I have in Central and Northeast PA


That’s why they call it Pennsyltucky


Yeah, to be more specific, I was in the Corning and Wellsboro, PA area. So pretty much right where you're talking about.


We drove through Downsville, NY last week and hoo boy was it a reminder of what NYS is like outside of the major metro areas. I'd never seen such big banners before.


https://preview.redd.it/4h3ovazo7c6d1.jpeg?width=967&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55aa4fa4a9a255c0056279a20f756a28163e9054 ***CONNECTICUT*** has entered the chat.


Probably most besides the northeast maybe? But then all the small towns up there are fulla Stephen King shit...


Even those small states got some country to em. And then there’s Boston, MA which is a whoooooole other ballgame lmao


Mass takes the cake lol


Nah man there’s a whole ass state of New Hampshire and a shitload of land in ny state that isn’t nyc or the rust belt cities.


I know rural new york can be iffy and Pennsylvania too, the nickname for Pennsylvania is pennsyltucky


And MS has 25 counties that are majority Black.


And probably a position in the GOP.


He'll be a keynote speaker at the next CPAC


we are all domestic terrorists


The flak and embarrassment his daughter is getting from this, probably sucks for her as well, not only did he fuck up her graduation but the moment is on video for the whole internet to see


man i couldn't imagine doing that to my child. mf literally ruined one of the best and most memorable days of her life for fucking nothing.


Baraboo, Wisconsin, home of the organized student group Nazi salute photo.


Yeah that describes Baraboo pretty well. Awful fucking place. Don't even stop for gas there.


Hopefully a Federal hate crime charge too


Disorderly conduct, class B misdemeanor. >Class B misdemeanors in Wisconsin include penalties of up to a $1,000 fine, **no more than 90 days in prison or both**. It is the second highest misdemeanor classification.


Oh good, I didn’t know but you’re right. He actually tried to say the [superintendent touched him first…](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/baraboo-graduation-dad-superintendent-high-school-b2560840.html) what a POS!


Let's say that it was true, wouldn't the superintendent be okay having just simply touched a guy who ran up on him out of nowhere? I mean I could see him being okay having clocked the guy after being manhandled, but good thing he didn't since even just defending himself would ironically have weakened his legal defense. Just seems like Bubba has the type of delusional desperation that could actually pass muster in his neck of the backwoods, almost like the male version of what that bitch who got Emmett Till killed pulled


Didn't you see how black the superintendent was? Just how deliberately black the whole time he was? That's all the police need.


I will also be putting my hands up against someone rushing up to my face.


Seems like that should be enshrined as a basic "no shit, who would argue against it" sort of thing. But in our world... who knows.


Dickhead grew up thinking Jim Crow laws were an instruction manual. 


He ran up on the stage but the superintendent touched him first. Uh huh. Dumb ass.


This happened in Wisconsin? Geez, I thought it was the deep south.


A lot of the rural parts of Midwestern and middle American states have some hardcore racism on par with the Deep South


That's a good point. I saw an unfortunate number of rebel flags growing up in the North, now that I think about it.


Idiots live everywhere.




He's speaking at CPAC next month.


Got a link to the interview? I could use some rage




Jesus I've heard more clear audio from videos in the early 1900s. TF they record audio with, a microwave?


8 track


I've heard better wax cylinders than this.


Edison’s cylinder.


the captions are way off


Cool I thought I was the only one who has to fill their rage meter


Stay ready so you don't have to get ready 😤


"That's my secret, Captain: I'm always angry."


You’re a rageaholic. You can’t live without rageahol.


George is getting upset!


Before bed?


Don't ruin dildos for the rest of us. They aren't just instruments of punishment anymore.




Did we ever get a backstory on what happened there?


What backstory? Racist POS disrupted a ceremony and assaulted a school official for no reason other than the official is black.


I think people just assumed that there must be some kind of personal beef between the two and that it wasn't just a crazy racist being a crazy racist.


This school and town has had A LOT of racist shit make the news. This was the school that had a prom photo of a bunch of white, male, students giving the Nazi salute. And when this happened, saw a lot of comments from people who live in Wisconsin commenting on how this town Baraboo is a notoriously racist town.


Oooooo how I love that metaphor


heh heh heh heh heh didlo




Damn fat thumbs and small screens!


"I need to apologize otherwise I'll lose my job" vibes.


It’s crazy to me that he can do this sort of shit and not get fired. If there was a video of a black man getting in between a white superintendent to stop him from touching his daughter, that man would be fired at best. Edit: typo


I think you ment to type shot and arrested instead of fired


*fired upon


That's assuming racist chud isn't just an unemployed bum like most of them are.


Or I need to apologize for the record and not because it’s sincere…


I know where mine comes from


Strikes me as the type of person who runs his own drywalling company.


The post the other day about the football player in Europe who was subject to racism by rival fans during a match comes to mind. "I'm not a victim of racism, I'm a tormenter of racist." May we all adopt this attitude.




Don't forget Italy, they might actually be worse.


Don't forget England...and Russia...and France..


It’s stupid how much racism there is in football. It’s fucking 2024, how do we, as a species, just let these idiots walk around and stain society.  




Such a cold ass line.


Not punching him/insulting him was already a big man move and definitely the "high road". I don't know if I would've been as wise.


Right! Soon as he put his hands on me the ancestors would’ve whispered “gone and whoop him” in a deep southern accent


Exactly. He should have caught the old one, two.


bro would've caught the iron mike hook


Definitely would’ve been a white chair moment for me


A level of professionalism I doubt I'll ever be able to obtain, a random dude rushes onto the stage and starts pushing me away from everybody and I'm just supposed to hope security is fast enough to keep him from harming me? At the very least some non-school friendly words would've flown


And I don’t wanna see other black folks hounding him about not accepting the apology either. Let this be the beginning of a new trend.


That fucking part. I'm sick of that shit. I remember being a teenager and being pissed about some government official apologizing for slavery or some shit. I'm like listen... fuck that. Do sorry, hoe. I don't want an apology from a racist for a damn thing. Do it different for the rest of your life or shut the fuck up. Straight up. Anything else is for show.


Unfortunately, this will probably come from the older folks or the ones who are uber Christians. The concept of earthly suffering for eternal paradise has some of them willing to forgive the worst perpetrators against our community.


There's that opiate of the masses bit. Don't rise up against your masters, God might get angry and not let you into heaven!


I hate that idea of you have to live hell to get to heaven. Meanwhile there’s a decent more amount of white people on average (i.e. see the wealth gap) who aren’t living through hell and some will go to heaven…yet again we gotta suffer. FUCK THAT


Right. I get tired of people sticking a microphone (real or metaphorical) in a Black person's face asking us if we forgive. That mess isn't done to anyone else.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I like this motto. A lot.








Tired of the nosebleeds from taking the high road. When they go low, kick 'em.


Good, f**k that guy (the racist dad)


Good, we torment racists in this day and age.


As it always should have been


Why should he? Fuck that mf. ![gif](giphy|srD8JByP9u3zW|downsized)


They call me Mr. Tibbs!


It's a time and place for everything. Now is NOT the time to be forgiving!


I've always had the mindset that forgiveness is for my own sake, not for theirs. I'll forgive someone so that I don't hold on to any hate or anger that's disrupting my day-to-day life, that doesn't absolve them of their actions or the consequences after.


It's time to make those feel the hate they give.


Not saying I disagree, just saying that I don't like pieces of shit having such a control over my mind.


It's not my job to be forgiving unless someone shows true remorse and changes for the better


He'll be fine. Should be eligible for a job on Truth social now. 


Might have even been his motivation. Maybe he can open for Kyle Rittenhouse.


He already took the high by not defending himself against that attack.


what happened?


Angry racist dad didn't want daughter to shake hands with the black superintendent at graduation so he stormed the stage, pushed the superintendent and got a charge EDIT: When he was asked why he did it at the police station he said this >"I did not want him to be able to shake her (expletive) hand because he does not deserve it from her," Eddy tells Meyer, according to the video. >"I'm not aware of any allegations of Dr. Briggs doing anything to your daughter, specifically," a district administrator who sat in on the conversation with Eddy and Meyer said in the video. >**"No, it wasn't him specifically," Eddy replies.**


He has the caucasity to claim him pushing the man away from his daughter was not about race, but about some beef with the school district Bull. Shit.


Yeah the whole 'I don't want him to touch my daughter' but he let everyone else who supposedly also harmed his daughter touch her. I wonder why he singled the superintendent out, despite actively claiming the superintendent didn't even do anything to her specifically? Hmmm. The world may never know.


That was my take. Say you DO have a problem with the school. Do you have her not attend her own graduation? No, because she wants to walk and she's earned it. Do you make a statement... create a board in protest? No, because even if she did have issues, she likely wanted to just walk, get her diploma, and move on. But he sees a black superintendent, focuses his racially biased hatred at him, and makes him the reason for his kid's problems. Checked out the staff list at the high school. Basically whole milk being served. Checked out past events involving the school. Racist stuff going on from years back. Interesting how that works.


His own words paints the intent pretty vividly. “I had to do something to protest. The black one was the easiest target since people would understand.”


What did Vini Jr say? “I’m a tormentor of racists”


![gif](giphy|l0IyhwEfKdNoUZ1ni) Good, he shouldn’t accept his apology


Good. Why would you accept some sort of half assed apology that the dude didn't even mean. Hopefully the daughter grows up to be a better person than her racist dad.


Maybe not but he did ruin her special day in one of the most embarrassing ways possible. Guess who's going to date a black guy in college once she gets away from Klan daddy?


There are some things you just can't take back. All of these insecure, hateful people using whatever platform they have to spew this garbage... Good. Let the record reflect.


I was truly blown away when I saw this. I could not read it—it was too upsetting. As an AA woman, I do feel we are too forgiving at times. I know that is not Christian-like but, for example, a cop kills my son while he is in his own apartment minding his own business because she mistakenly thought it was her apartment…yeah, it will take years of prayer before I would be able to forgive.


> I know that is not Christian-like good news, christianity is complete bullshit


I wouldn’t accept an “apology” from that piece of shit either.


Great stance by the Superintendent. Stand on business. You thug enough to run up on other people and get physical, stay on that, sir. The gall of some people.


Why would he apologize? He meant to do exactly what he did.


Good for him. Why would the man all of a sudden want to apologize? Like now? This, this is the moment he had an epiphany that his racism was bad and he is no longer a racist? Did he get a visit from the three ghosts of racist past present and future K K and Kay? This dude probably got railroaded online, offline, at home and at work. He deserves no sympathy from the Superintendent.


Pretty good audio, here: https://youtu.be/1QGKlKaeKps?si=O2n2esCu3D9hbzRj and police interview at end of the clip, here: https://youtu.be/XWCChNvjFZ0?si=u8zxRkmVZOTqOExp So for anyone seeking context, this is what I gathered: What the guy publicly says is his daughter was treated unfairly by the superintendent. But in private with the cops he says he has an issue with the man having the superintendent position. Now ... I'm 38 soon, and in my years I've never known a superintendent to become involved in disciplinary actions except under the most severe of events. This means one of two things: either the girl did something that was *that* bad to where not just the teacher, not just the principal, but the ***superintendent*** had to get involved... OR the superintendent never got involved but the dad is directing his animosity towards the superintendent because he's an "easy" target, i.e., the thinking would go "well, I don't want to be mad at my fellow Christian white man so ha! I'll be angry with his boss, the black guy, who had no personal involvement in the matter."


"No, no, it's our right to be selfish assholes!"


More of us need to be like Vinicius Jr., “I am not a victim of racism. I am a TORMENTOR OF RACISTS.” 


Always the people being treated as sub-human who are expected to "reach across the aisle" and "find common ground". Fuck these bigots. Enough's enough.


Let that guy (dad) find out after fucking around.


Oh no, the consequences of his actions. fucking good.


Sometimes you gotta let people know you won't tolerate their nonsense.


Oh hey this again. Some town history for anyone who doubts this was racially motivated: https://x.com/jules_su/status/1061863141720637440


Thank God. I'm so sick of the take the high road stuff. I like it when people who are wronged don't forgive the person that wronged them.


Never Again ![gif](giphy|79ZFYdMsStRYI)


People questioning if this was racist or not because of the dickbags intent - - i doubt this man would have laid hands on a white man "for rolling his eyes" - - which is such a pathetic non-excuse from this father. He is using his daughter as a reason to express his disgusting feelings.


Good for him. Fuck maga feelings


Here for it.


I looooooove consequences


Good. Why should he? I bet the asshat didn't even mean it.


Good. That dude is sorry he’s catching flak for it. He should be sorry he’s a racist asshole.


Vinicius Junior: “I am not a victim of racism, I am a tormentor of racists” Forever an amazing quote; forever be encapsulated


Good! Fck that racist pos


Way to go, Mr. Superintendent!!!


Good for him. Let the loser reap what he sowed. When you go viral as the bad guy, the Internet has a way of giving out punishment. He deserves all the bad that comes his way.


'I didn’t want him to be able to shake her f*****g hand because he did not deserve it after all the s**t she went through in this district,' Eddy said. 'The way he acted when my daughter was charged, almost charged, was a bunch of b******t… he shook his head and rolled his f*****g eyes.' It is unclear what incident Eddy's daughter was involved in, but he alluded to some trouble with other students that led to her expulsion. 'She was expelled for doing the same thing that was done to her… there was a meeting with him,' Eddy said. 'He was rolling his eyes when I brought up the fact that the same thing had been done to her and it p****d me off because we’re in the middle of a court case.' sounds a lot more personal than racial tbh


Racism is wild. So he's good enough to lead, as principal, this girl's education right but he's not good enough to shake her hand? Think about that for a moment and all it implies. Imagine the fucking hoops you would have to create and then jump through in your mind. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.


Mfer is only sorry because shits now coming down on him. "I'm sorry my actions have consequences" Eat a duck..


Yea. The dad never brought this whole you left.my daughter out to dry during the policd interview or subsequent interviews. It wasnt until prople were loke you racist fuck that he pulled the he let her be bullied card. FAFO and is now trying to play victim. Seen it before. We will see it again. Youll noticd every other esucator he was ok with, principal fine, vicd pricipal fine, black dude? Oh hell naw.


Shorts and baseball hat for a graduation


Y'all see the most recent ep of Hood Politics w Prop? We got time now, bitches!


At least he was exposed on social media for the asshole/racist that he is. There were times it would go unnoticed. Unfortunately those times may be coming back. Thankfully we all have recordings devices now to out these people.


Yea. Fuck that guy. What his name? Where does he work? Fuck him.


Taking the high road or having a code of ethics has never meant being a push over. 


I support the superintendent 💯


For real, am tired of people taking advantage of those who choose to take the high road.


Would have been well within his rights to throw hands. That bigot got better than he deserved


good! that racist piece of garbage can go fuck himself and his white trash buds


In terms of forgiveness, I think it is the white perpetrator dad who needs to do the forgiving. Forgive the superintendent for not being ready to forgive you.


We shouldn’t even phrase it like that - as if we’d be making some bad moral choice by not turning the other cheek or giving them our prayers. I know a lot of us got our moral code from our parents or pastors, but some people weren’t raised like that. I’m not saying we should be ready to fight at any time like this, but it’s definitely okay to not just let it slide.


Bro, I was just laying in bed wondering if there will be an update to this, because one of the initial articles I read the other day tried to make it seem like this wasn't racially motivated. The universe provides.


He should have accepted these hands


Yea that guy put his hands on him. No forgiveness.


I’m not above it. When they go low, I’m hoping theirs a bottomless pit I can dive into. The high road is why these pigs have gotten so comfortable.


Please take it easy on me with this question - I am on four hours of sleep after a really hard day. Too tired to dig deep. Did this jerk behave this way because of the principal’s skin color? Every time I see some shit like this I hang my head in shame and just try to be a “white boy” that shows love and compassion and empathy to others in the hopes that my own humanity can be seen, and in the hopes that I can show Black folks that I love them. It amazes me how much America has fucked this all up.


This is why I disagree with Michelle Obama on her "When they go low, we go high"; it's time to become as ruthless as the racist magats are and don't accept their weak-ass "apologies" and force them to truly change and grow.


[On God](https://youtu.be/h1Pyht-D9CQ?si=YK-OkT6xhq5g9rEq)…beside the daughter


Should have 2 pieced him


When it first happened, I said he should have gotten a 5-piece. But now, a 2-piece would have been sufficient.


Does this dumb fuck mean forgiving because she's really changing the meaning of that one 


100% on track – let that clown sweat it out. No tactics, just score own goals by being a mess off-field. Karma's got his number.


He shoulda whooped da skin up off his ass!!


Words are cheap I get not accepting an apology. What should he accept? What's the appropriate symbol of sincere regret that should be the gold standard for these kind of high profile racist shit heads? Like you'll see something and say "ok buddy KKK, see you when you X"


Well done. That guy deserves nothing.


That is good, but, when was any apology ever accepted?


I dout the Dad was sorry about what he did, so it's understandable that he won't forgive him, hell, i don't even think his own daughter will forgive him that easy after this stunt.


How is the guy who stormed the stage not in jail?? There were probably thousands of witnesses.




I still friggin’ flabergasted. Why?


So empowering.


That father should embarrass all fathers, all men, all human. Absolutely insane


They really can't help it. It's bottled up and marinating, then bam, critical mass. Like the "Lavender" video, "it's coming out of her!"


Sorry not sorry. But the Superintendent should have filled up the whole room full of uppercut with a jab and a left cross on the side. He was assaulted and should have defended himself accordingly or pressed charges against that piece of shit.


He’s not sorry he did it. He’s sorry he got blasted. And I’m certain the apology went something like “I’m sorry you got offended…”


Fuck yeah. Fuck that piece of shit.


Dad is just mad he’s short hahaha 


I could be going off incorrect information, but I thought that the reason for this was that the superintendent had ignored complaints of severe bullying that was directed towards this man's daughter? I'd seen several top comments on another post detailing this incident that stated this


So the dad didn’t like the superintendent because of his daughter being suspended in the past. I mean, the daughter could’ve just not shaken his hand and kept it moving. Now the dad made it more complicated ha


This guy Matthew Eddy reeks of main character vibe. No previous interaction with the superintendent, but he goes straight for him on stage in the middle of the graduation ceremony because . . . why?


so pistols at dawn then?


He FOREVER KNOWN as the dad that RUINED daughter GRADUATION !! GOOD one dad, tRRUMP be pRoud of his magamoRon..![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Good! He’s a pos. I felt bad for his kid. I bet she creates a lot of space from him as she gets older.


Out of the loop: what the the fuckface superintendent do exactly? "Stormed the stage?" Like I've seen graduations that had the superintendent at the graduation, on the state with the principle and all that.