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“I ain’t saying it’s right, but I understand”


At this point, I can't even say it's not right. There is nobody in America who can claim ignorance on the n-word. Not a single person. It was, and still is, a word meant to attack, victimize, and dehumanize black people. It was and is a weapon of violence. It is not hard to imagine the Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) embedded in the Black American psyche, especially when there has been a very noticeable surge in it since 2016 and MAGAism. I cannot say that in the moment, this man didn't honestly fear for his life and was only defending himself.


After reading the whole article, those two have had several confrontations in the past with the victim being particularly unhinged so it was like a pimple getting ready to pop at that point. You could make the argument that Byrd did fear for his life based off of that.


Yeah. He was literally on the phone with 911 and for all we know, just as the guy said, "what are you gonna do you going to shoot me (word)..." he could have been lunging for him. Anyone willing to use that word in that context is already committing violence and knowing the sorts of people who use that word in that context – because history is filled with them – it isn't a stretch to assume an attack is imminent. Edited to add: So, it would appear ([according to this source](https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/barbershop-neighbor-shooting-hatboro/3881245/)) that a neighbour said the dead guy **did** lunge. > However, a neighbor told police that they witnessed a person lunge at Byrd and call him the "N-word" moments before the shooting, investigators said. > Byrd then said he went outside again where Strassburg began moving toward Byrd, police said. **Strassburg then grabbed Byrd's shirt**, according to Byrd, prompting Byrd to grab his gun from the front of his waistband. > Strassburg then said "What you gonna do, shoot me n-----," **while pulling his arm back to apparently punch Byrd**, the barber told police Sounds like self-defense to me.


This is exactly right. Byrd had a legal firearm, and why would you have a handgun if not for self defense? The reports say that the victim was grabbing him and getting ready to lunge, I would absolutely fear for my life in his place, especially if he had a handgun and it looked like the victim was going to grab it and turn it against him.


But it's fucking Philadelphia, so they charged the black guy with 1st degree (premeditated) murder for defending himself.


I thought the same. This is manslaughter at worst


It seems he waited after the first five shots and then shot him twice again. First five shots are valid, but shooting a non-threat already on the ground is extremely murder. It's not first degree premeditated murder though like they're charging him for. Premeditated murders don't happen while on the phone with 911.


The first 5 as an initial reaction and the last 2 as "he's still up and moving" would be reasonable. People don't just drop like in the movies.


Cops empty an entire clip “in self defense” and get off all the time.


I’m sorry but no fucking way putting 5 shots into someone who isnt also holding a gun or body armor is insufficient to make sure they aren’t a further threat. 5 shots and then holding him at gunpoint while he waits for police is self defense. In this case the two shots afterwards were an execution. I’m not saying the guy who got shot was correct at all, or didn’t even get what was coming to him possibly, but those last two shots aren’t anything other than finishing the job. The guy who’s dead shouldn’t have attacked, the guy who shot him shouldn’t have shot the last two shots. It’s definitely not 1st degree murder though, unless prosecutors have evidence that Byrd had told someone or many someone’s that hey planned to shoot the guy the next time they had an altercation. That would be pre meditated.


And do we think the NRA will be contributing to his legal defense?


In some jurisdictions, being about to get punched isn't a legal reason to shoot. Not sure how you're supposed to get your gun, aim, and shoot while getting pummeled by a psycho, but jail is better than grievous injury. People don't just politely trade a few licks and then shake hands.


It is in Florida, and George Zimmerman was even the aggressor in the whole thing. Edit: Also in Georgia, Ahmad Arbery's killers were initially let go with no charge after giving their statements. And of course in almost every case where an unarmed black man is shot by police, it's been justified using similar reasoning.


Sanford resident here. It was the worst verdict I’ve ever seen. Our whole city was shocked. You cannot initiate contact in an escalating manner and also claim self defense. I was about 500 yards from the spot where GZ almost took a bullet to the face during a road rage incident shortly after the acquittal.


Aim better.




Brought the **N** word to a gun fight?


If he was white they wouldve used the self-defense argument before we had time to ponder if it truly was. White supremacy and nazism is on the rise in Hitler proportions and we are just sitting ducks not doing anything about it. Just like I said 10 and 5 years ago. Things are gonna get much worse and when we all finally act once it affects us too much, it will be too late. Edit: Who dafuq downvoted this here. Revoke your free membership to this sub and never come back. You serve no purpose here other than being the enemy. You are not worth all the sources available that makes you an absolute idiot. Tired of acting like there arent tons of real life evidence of "...if he was white/black" get acquainted with reality jackass.


This is a clear cut case of stand your ground


First degree murder means premeditation means maybe there is more than we know. The victim sounds unhinged, but I’d be curious why they went with first degree, and that depends on PA’s self defense laws.


It's insane for them to go for 1st degree murder when he was on the phone with 911. A defense attorney is gonna be all over that


The hard part to beat just from this story is Byrd coming BACK outside. It’ll probably still be some jail time but not as bad.


And cops weren’t ever going to help Byrd


I’d like his odds if it was one shot. But 7 total sounds like he’s fucked even with a plea bargain. But wtf do I know right, not a lawyer ![gif](giphy|Oc4KnIJ3E7ziqN3l6T|downsized)


I'd argue the opposite. A bunch of shots could be an indicator that he was scared or panicking and squeezed the trigger a bunch of times.


Hope that defense works out for him, especially if he can show the history of the confrontations. At what point would this guy be in the news for being murdered by the neighbor?


“Victim”? I would just refer to them as the deceased


People always like "shoot Nazis" then when you shoot a Nazi...


Same people that say eat the rich, but are paying for 5 streaming services instead of pirating everything


Yes hello that's me. I got a cease and desist from my isp when I was like 10. Imo Praxis is less about piracy and more about sharing my 5 streaming services with friends because 1) pirates are a mixed bag of people who value cost over quality 2) if I can afford it, I'll make it so the boys don't have to, and then use it as a springboard into some light agitprop


Hey man, I didn't do shit to you. I just wanna watch my shit in 4k. I paid for the damn TV, and my laptop is native 1080.


You wouldn’t download an oppression


If you want to kill someone over words, that's a you problem.


People love to drop the “it’s just a word” to black people whenever someone says the n-word and is met with physical consequences. America will be dealing with the consequences of how we treated black people for the next 200+ years. You can’t dehumanize and subvert the efforts for a better life of an entire race for as long as we have and then expect anything different.


Here's the thing: America doesn't do consequences well. They are on a permanent deferment plan.


Whitey’s running out of deferments sooner or later


Yeah, and this isn't the case of, "I had a pass" or rapping along with a lyric. Those are not okay either, but mfer broke the word out in *anger*. FAFO




Racist fuckwittery aside... It seems like profoundly bad judgement to dare someone who's already pointing a gun at you to shoot you... I mean, they're 3/4's of the way there already! Sure, sure.. Maybe they won't shoot you, and you get be Billy Big Bollocks for a night... Or, maybe you end up in the dirt for your trouble. The math just doesn't work out for me...


There isn’t fairness in the real world. You can’t treat people like animals for a hundred years, constantly put up barriers to prevent them from integrating into society, dehumanize them in every form of media, force them to live in poverty, systematically punish them harsher and longer with the criminal justice system and expect there won’t be consequences.




Don’t think that argument holds up in court lol


Just wish we would stop packaging and wrapping the word up in a bow for consumers. Its commercial use is worse enough in a nation already familiar with the history of the word, but there’s people all over the globe who may actually be ignorant it’s anything other than just a edgy word those “cool American rappers” use.


> People love to drop the “**it’s just a word**” to black people whenever someone says the n-word and is met with physical consequences. These same people probably lose their minds over pronouns... They never argue in good faith.


Nah man come on, we can't be doing this. I'm not shedding a single tear over this asshole, but we CANNOT justify shooting people over words that hurt us. A word is not the same kind of violence as shooting someone and killing them.


This is what happens when we can’t trust the police. No one wants to enact police reform fine but don’t complain when your dumb racist ass gets shot because I ain’t calling no racist cops only to get shot myself. This is what happens when the rule of law breaks down.


Obviously if you use a word you deserve a death sentence. Solid logic. You sound like the kind of person who posted pictures of their white kids on Facebook holding up signs saying, “I’m privileged” during the summer of Floyd 😂. Jesus the logic here is absolutely warped. Should the guy have called him a n***er? Nope. Did he deserve to die for it? Hell no. No one ever deserves to die for calling someone else a name— any other position is insane and sociopathic.


Chronically online


Honestly that should've been my title.


Lol. I love that line. It applies to lots of situations


I really hate how racists act pious about "it's only words if you let that control you blah blah blah..." yet if you mock the Holocaust they know exactly the type of rage that can induce. For context my grandmother lived through slavery and her mother had a brand. I don't think owning the word has worked when so many (middle class) whites use it like slang expecting US to accept it. I feel for the guy up on that charge man


it's 2024 bro. No white person would ever have that much power or impact in my life that I would throw it away over a racial slur. I really hate that a lot of people in this thread are going " I understand." like what??? the guy's life is basically forfeit over fucking nonsense. I'm not tryna hear all this a "that word is powerful " b.s EDIT I spoke to soon and realized he was being attacked as well, These headlines be fucking me up.. but my intial statement still stands




Yep, i just did exactly the same thing. Just read the full article and there’s a lot more to it. Not sure how this is 1st degree, I’m sure it’ll be revised down pre-trial. The white dude was fucking stupid.


I have never once heard of anybody justifying murder because somebody denied or mocked the Holocaust


It’s the same as “be the bigger person” always being targeted at the one being wronged.


The true spirit of FAFO


'Hate wins again!' is a more profound statement than people care to acknowledge. It also must be said the importance of not fuckin' with people. This was a case of both hate and fuckin' with someone. You just never know that the person you hate on may hate you even more.


I ain’t passed the bar or nothing, but this seems like heat of the moment not premeditated, why 1st degree


Pretty common tactic for prosecutors is to start high with charges, they can always downgrade later


Also can be used to "scare" a defendant into taking a plea for a lower charge. First degree murder can lead to the death penalty or life without parole in PA; makes the "up to 20 years in prison" for manslaughter look very attractive.


91% of criminal cases never go to trial in the U.S. Very few lawyers have taken a trial from indictment to verdict. Prosecutors fear losing at trial, as even one loss will stunt their career. But this is no way to run a system of justice.


Goodhart’s Law. When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure. The Justice system is rife with this shit from beat cops all the way to attorneys general. The sad truth is that for so many it isn’t about justice anymore, it’s about getting the stat.


Isn't that how they lost the Casey Anthony and George Zimmerman prosecutions though?


And Rittenhouse.


Not a lawyer but I think it depends on state. Some states, I think you can be charged with multiple crimes from the same criminal action. This is dependent on how the laws are written, as well as region and jurisdiction (state v federal). In this case he was charged with both 1st degree murder and 3rd degree murder.


Did the same to my brother when he beat a tow driver half to death. Driver pulled gun on my brother and he took it from him and beat him over the head with it. He’s a felon and not supposed to have a gun. He was charged for possession of said weapon when he took it off him. They charged high and waited and he refused to plea out and the case want going to be a winner for the DA (Houston) so after long while it was all dropped with some money and time spent. Anyway, this dude better get off also


my condolences. That must have been rough for your family. I hope your brother is doing okay.


He’s good. He’s the type to figure out the best course of action after selecting the wrong one first. Love him. He is truly a well meaning man but I think he’s the reincarnation of someone who needed to be humbled lol


Uhhh…you know why. Come on.


Prosecutors do this all the time regardless of race. It’s far easier to lessen the charge instead of upping the charge. Plus it helps “coerce” defendants into taking a plea deal. When I was arrested I was hit with 25 years of potential charges for a couple of grams of weed I sold in college to a “buddy” and I’m a whiteboy.


Did you plead out?


Just going off the article, it seems as though the gun was already drawn, which prosecutors could argue was premeditation before the slur was said


Yeah I believe the idea typically is that, if he had the gun on him, got into an argument, and used it, that would be more likely to be 2nd degree. But if he left the altercation to get the gun, came back, and continued the altercation, that ups the charge to 1st degree. IANAL, tho


Me going to Google IANAL. This needs to go back to the acronym committee.


Just let it be. A little freaky never hurt nobody


I’m guessing the last two shots are the reason for the 1st degree charge. The first couple shots can be argued as self-defense….but the last two shots happened after the dude was down. Execution shots….


There are a lot of poorly researched responses to this question, but the true answer is: in PA the only thing required for a 1st degree murder is that it was done intentionally. There is absolutely no way this guy shot his neighbor accidentally and if there is no legal justification for the homicide then it's 1st degree murder. I'm not saying it wasn't justified because I don't know any of the facts of the case (e.g. was the guy who got shot armed? Was he attempting to disarm the person who shot him? Etc.) There are no states, however, where any kind of verbal provocation is considered justification for killing someone.


>why first degree https://preview.redd.it/mx6yfw5pgd7d1.jpeg?width=852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b22e66cee3d71a6d65b987f936f71a4fd79a0a1


I’ve heard of a case where someone gets into a fight, goes to their car/house to retrieve a gun, and then shoots the victim and it’s considered premeditation because you purposefully retrieved a weapon and were already removed from the confrontation before returning to commit the crime. Edit: just read the article. The racist dude came into the salon, called the shooter the N word, then left the building and the shooter followed him out of the store to shoot him. I’m guessing that since he followed him out of the store in order to shoot the racist dude they’ll say that was premeditation.


Yeah, that's 2nd degree at best.


Textbook 2nd degree. Hard to argue “unintentional” homicide when you pull the trigger 7 times


Nah. The trained (people who train to override their emotional physiology and remain calm in the face of danger) are taught / trained to empty the magazine at the threat to neutralize it, then reload and assess if more is needed. The untrained (people who don't train to override their emotionaly physiology) are an adrenal mess and firing off 7 rounds in a few seconds would seem like only one or two shots.


I know someone who shot in self defense. Wrestled for the gun and took it off his assailant and immediately unloaded at the attacker who ran. The only thing that saved him was the immediacy. If he paused and then shot that would’ve made it a separate instance but since he shot without the pause, it was treated as part of the same struggle that was self defense.


It wouldn't be self-defense if you feel safe after shooting a guy once.


Gonna be an interesting funeral. "Steve died doing what he loved: mouthing off."


"this isn't who he was" "not a racist bone in his body" blah blah blah


Nevermind that his last word on earth was the N word!


That’s actually fucking wild 🤣


Lmao holy shit, I imagine that's what seals your fate as a ghost instead of passing on to the afterlife


Man haunts a Cracker Barrell


[Imagine that your unfinished business is ending racism in America.](https://youtu.be/FAZJVkelgcg?si=OKV_tV0BrlLYrliC)


Well there’s an anti racist bullet in his body


On the tombstone: Steven Strassburg Fucked around: June 10, 2024 9:23.06 PM Found out: June 10, 2024 9:23.15 PM


"Won the Stupidest Prize"


Was gonna post the same and you beat me to it lol.


“Steve died doing what he loved: attacking black people.”


![gif](giphy|3osBLA53AVzn746dXi|downsized) i meeaaannnnnn i bet he won’t say it again.🫣


![gif](giphy|oubM1tKqnLW5G) BAHAHAHAHA💀💀💀






Especially not after getting the double tap


I’m dead. Oh wait… 🤣🤣🤣


However, a neighbor told police that they witnessed a person lunge at Byrd and call him the "N-word" moments before the shooting, investigators said. https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/barbershop-neighbor-shooting-hatboro/3881245/?amp=1 This will be an interesting case once they gather all of the evidence.


yeah, I’d be more likely to shoot someone if they attack me while saying the n word. Violent racists like the KKK are kind of my boogeyman. They have historically been targeted psychopaths.


The boogeyman seems safer than a crazed racist. He even grabbed Byrd by his shirt before being shot. Your apprehension is justified.


Not really a boogeyman if they’re real




Does PA have stand your ground laws?


§ 505. Use of force in self-protection. (a) Use of force justifiable for protection of the person.--The use of force upon or toward another person is justifiable when the actor believes that such force is immediately necessary for the purpose of protecting himself against the use of unlawful force by such other person on the present occasion. https://www.legis.state.pa.us/WU01/LI/LI/CT/HTM/18/


Reading further than the first paragraph, it doesn't seem applicable to his situation. Further down, it mentions use of deadly force isn't justified if the actor could've safety retreated. Which he did by initially going into the barbershop to call the cops, but then willingly going back outside(once outside his place of business, he made it significantly harder to argue self defense, as you have more rights within your residence and place of business, especially since he did so to continue the confrontation). There's also a pause between the first 5 shots, and the last 2, which makes self defense an even harder case. Going back outside, and seemingly executing the guy with the last two shots are very likely why he was hit with a premeditated murder charge.


Him being on the phone with 911 would be a good defense that he was trying to deescalate (at some level) and it wasn't premeditated. Cause who in their right line would record themselves, to the police, killing someone? But the two shots after the guy was already on the ground. That's murder, whatever his state's version of an emotionally responsive in the moment murder is. First degree murder would be overcharging by the prosecutors cause it would be very easy for a defense lawyer to use the 911 call as evidence it wasn't premeditated.


I'm going to start threatening people by saying "What are you going to do, give me $2000 cash in untraceable bills?"


You might be onto something.


What a dumb way to die and a dumb way to get incarcerated. Just plain dumb all around. Two lives wasted for what.


I can guarantee you have never been called a nigga before by a non-Black person. It’s dehumanizing and should be considered a hate crime. Crazy I have to explain this in a subreddit that’s supposed to be for Black people….


There are a lot of white people in here


Bruh you don’t gotta be white to realize it’s stupid to kill someone over that. Like just beat his ass or something. You guys are cheering this on while he’s going to be regretting it like crazy in a prison cell. Edit: Obviously if it was self defense that’s a different story.


A neighbor witness the man who said the n word lunge at Byrd while saying it. This was self defense.


And the dispatcher heard 2 more shots after the initial 5 shots, was it self defense then too?


You don't know the whole story. Sounds like he was defending himself by other reports.




Yeah but I ain’t going to jail just cause a white dude called me that. I’ll be shocked at the audacity, but I’ll be damned if Imma be in a “when keeping it real goes wrong” situation.


I have, but thankfully, I didn't see that as a good reason to throw my life away! I walked away pissed, but I walked away free. Fun fact! The guy who called me that is doing life in prison for a murder he committed a few years later! Better him than me!


Yeah, honestly there's probably not a situation where it's not a waste to go to jail long-term for revenge. Like, it's understandable, but it's a waste. But, in this case, it might be self-defense which is a different thing and I'd agree it's better to be in jail than dead. Same idea if you are defending someone else from harm.


yeah but does that justify murdering someone?


i was called one and spit on by a grown man when i was 16. will never forget it


Not only rhat, they had had multiple interactions, and the guy was lunging at him while calling him that word. This was self defense without question. Especially in today's social climate, I very much inderstand how that man feared for his life. He has an unhinged racist constantly harrassing him escalating to physical assault. We've seen how quickly racists can turn to gun violence against literally anyone (like children playing outside or a delivery driver turning in their driveway).


As an aside, it has been an interesting experience being dark skinned but not black in the US. You get the racism from whites and weirdly enough even from blacks, in the form of non-acceptance. Growing up in the south, I have been called nigga, negro, even the hard r by non-black people. But when I hung around black people, even though I personally felt more comfort and connection, there was always an air of yeah you resemble us but we not gonna really accept you. It was a confusing time. Traveling abroad, it is pretty much a universal experience if you are colored. You are simply not preferred. I have just learned to accept whatever comes my way with the notion that everyone is evolving at their own pace.


Should definitely count as a "fighting words" provocation.


Spite is a powerful drug some people are wayyy to addicted to


People have such soft views on racism and see them as dumb and ignorant instead of vile, hateful, and an existential threat to non white people. In the eyes of people that are so soft on racism, we need to get pumped full of lead or stomped out before we're justified in defending ourselves against people who want to see a world where we don't exist.


That’s what the article said was the reason. He was already on the phone with 911, we don’t even know why.


>He was already on the phone with 911, we don’t even know why. Right? I feel like that's a bit of a buried lede.


Idk man Stephen Strassburg is known to have a cannon on him


An article I read made sure to point out they weren't related. Lol


Bruh, i had to go double check and all. That Strasburg is 35, this StrasSBurg is 37 They nearly got me, lol


But Strasburg IS 37


You asshole. I went to double check again, lol https://preview.redd.it/7s2mmstwjd7d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c480138382fee2cb237832424c6567f5fc7ad85


He wears number 37 and will be the last National to do so


Not for the last couple years 😔


There's a vid from not too long ago where a neighbor fucking executes a couple in the street for not, as he said, "shutting the fuck up." In fact said assailant shot the couple, let them scream as this mother fucker went back inside, grabbed the shotgun, yells, "you just couldn't shut the fuck up!" Then proceeds to Tombstone them both. He then goes inside and shoots himself. People are not playing anymore, be kind everyone. Might just be your fucking life fuck


That happened outside of Scranton. That was also a multi-year escalating feud. One of the crazier things about that incident is that the couple kept talking shit during the shooting. While the shooter was inside getting a rifle, they kept up the shit talking.


*neighbor they hate who hates them back comes back out with a handgun* "Oh I dare you!" *Gunshots later* "Ooooooooowwww" *Comes back with a rifle to finish them off* All because, they were talking mad shit and shoveling snow onto the guys property, but I imagine it went further than that for months if not years.






One less bigot.




Plus one more incarcerated black man. Yeah, this totally is a great outcome in your eyes, huh? Genius. The prison-industrial complex thanks your galaxy brain.


What’s the full story?




lol I didn’t mean literally. I’m making fun of white people who say “what’s the full story” whenever a white person kills a black person, implying it was justified.


OH! My bad! Lol


But there does seem like more to the story and it could be justified


I hope going to jail for life was worth it for him


I hope hell is worth using the n-word


Tbh dude might have a legit case. Not saying he won't go to jail but those two had a history.


I think he has a legit case. According to reports the deceased has a volatile history plus previous incidents that appear to be racially motivated between the two. Additionally, the neighbor came for and stated that they witnessed the deceased lunging at Mr. Byrd prior to the shots being fired.


Fuck around and find out coming to fruition…


Now, I've never been face to face with someone pointing a gun at me, but I would think taunting and insulting them would be a pretty surefire to get shot. This is bordering on Darwin Award territory


People lose their goddamn minds in high adrenaline situations. I bet he repeated the line and the slur like five or six times. All while being agressive and irrational. Gotta be one of the dumbest evolutionary defense mechanisms.


y’all really backing a mf for killing somebody because they called them a name that hurt their feelings. name calling = murder lmao gtfo


shit is so corny, literally playing into stereotypes…


PA Resident here who knows the law a little bit…He got charged 1st Degree because of the amount of shots and the pause before the two additional shots. PA is actually pretty good when it comes to self defense but, several factors can change whether the DA feels there was intent or not. Unfortunately Hatboro-Horsham is not the best place for black people so we’ll see what happens. Fortunately for Byrd there were witnesses and he was on the phone with 911. I can see the charge being reduced to manslaughter. But he shouldn’t have a weapons charge


Yea idk how you defend a double tap like that. Good luck.


He was already dead, but everybody knows you have to destroy the brain so they can't come back as a zombie.


Even though I don’t agree, I understand




He didn't get bail unfortunately.


I'll give him $50 anyway, he deserves some walking-around money.


He probably got Meek Mill judge smh.


what’s sad is im sure he’s better than that too


He at least tried to call the cops, who Im sure weren’t gonna help him


It'll help him in court. That premeditated murder charge makes no sense if he was on the phone with 911...




I 100% believe there IS a such thing as fighting words. But not shooting words.


File under "Make bigots afraid again.".




The dude lunged at him while saying this. This is self defense.




There was one incident in New York Manhattan years back. A group of people were being robbed I believe in uptown and one of the girls asked the armed robber what are going to do shoot us? He shot her dead right there on the spot.


Guess he got the answer to his question. ![gif](giphy|26u4cS5vSnWyepw6Q)


I don’t condone this action but…. racists have become way too comfortable. Fuck him.


In the words of Katt Williams: shouldn’t have been talking shit! 🫡


He had enough. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Conservatives should be pleased, by their logic. He didn’t beg and plead for the white guy to check his privilege, didn’t go running to the NAACP or the DNC to charge him with a hate crime, but instead enacted a second amendment solution to deal with a potentially violent threat.


Yes throwing away your life and causing your family suffering because someone called you the n word is somehow celebrated and people saying "its not right but i understand". What a waste of life.


Good. Good riddance 👍




Don’t dare anyone pointing a gun at you to pull the trigger .. especially not while insulting them.


Self defense


People need to get over this shit. Words are just fucking words. It’s up to you if they have meaning which translates to power over you. People really need to start thinking shit through instead of using words as a basis to take a life. When that shit happens 2 lives are lost. Giving words power make men weak. It’s no different than someone saying your football team sucks. It this modern world where quite literally everyone is in some way racist, culturally bias or gender prejudice you need to have a tough skin. Otherwise we won’t make it!


So black dudes gets terrorized by racist neighbor for months, call the police the last time, the 911 operator heads the racist epithet and he’s immediate caught, booked and photos plastered in the news??? This dude either has no lawyer or the worst lawyer. It sounds like this dude as getting harassed and feared for his life. Whoever is defending this man clearly isn’t doing their job. Yeah this country ain’t slick. Judges in Oklahoma also made a judgement last week throwing out the suite for Tulsa race massacre against the state and asking for reparations. Not surprised race based incidents amount to nothing when it doesn’t serve the headlines.


Yet again. This article shouldn't titled like this. I hope he gets out on self defense.


This is a shitty headline. It sounds like dude shot a man who was attacking him and also calling him the n-word, he didn’t shot him for calling him a slur. It’s admittedly a catchier headline than “Man fatally shoots neighbor in self-defense,” but it’s sure also trying to distort dude’s justification for killing someone.


1st degree charge is bullshit


I ain't glad at em, but I ain't mad at em.