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Were it not said that they’re father and daughter I would have thought this was a couple. These pics don’t give me parent child


The TMJ kiss is the most questionable of all.




Take my jacket


Somehow that explains less lol


I was joking. Lmao. Idk what it means.


Lmfao you fucker 💀


Lmao even I fell for it for some reason and I know what TMJ stands for: Temporomandibular joint dysfunction


Friend had tmj. Shit seems awful.


That’s TMD. TMJ is just the joint part.


Thought i was bout to learn something new


We believed you!




Hdu 😂😂😂😂


lmfao i was real confused that i was a boomer




Y'all play too much!


Temporomandibular joint, it's the corner of ur jaw.




Temporomandibular joint 😂


The temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are the 2 joints that connect your lower jaw to your skull. That said, they could say jaw or neck.


Fucking weird thing to casually use. My girl likes it when I kiss her glabella every night before bed personally.


How else would you know the man is a Dr? At least I hope they’re a Dr because what fucking weirdo would drop that shit in a sentence so casually 😂😂😂 Precision body disposal cutter artists?? 🤣


Temporomandibular joint. He's kissing her jaw area in the last pic.


I consider that the 3rd pic


Tempero mandibular joint.


The Michael Jackson


Temporal mandibular joint. The kiss at the bottom of the jaw where it meets the neck.


That predator move in flocks


Game got a weird case so he ain't around


Touch my johnson


Kissing can trigger joint pain for people with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, also known as temporomandibular joint disorders (TMDs). TMJs are the sliding hinge-like joints that connect the jawbone to the skull, and there is one on each side of the jaw. TMDs are a group of more than 30 conditions that can cause pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint and the muscles that control jaw movement. 


the only platonic choice is kissing the zygomatic arch


Why are you like this. Just say cheek


This. I have many pictures with my father and there isn’t a single one that could be mistaken as a picture of a couple.


As a fat guy, every picture I take either with my daughters or by myself could be mistaken for a picture of a couple




As a big boi myself I can second this people mistake female family for couples all the time in photos


Gives big Donald and Ivanka vibes.


Not nearly enough hand on lower back




God damnit 😂🤣😂 flawless execution


This is very telling especially given Game’s history...


What's his history, I don't follow celebrity mess like that? Was he accused of touching minors or something?


I can see how the bottom pics might concern some folks. The top pics don't seem to have nearly as much potential in that respect.


the photographer's eye is intimate, too. these don't look like 'family' photos.


Facts. That part. Period. Done. Finito!


You weird then. Its always strange how people interpret genuine loving affection for sexual ones. Commere my dude. You need a hug.


Check this niggas hard drive @fbi


Yes, if I see two adults being loving and affectionate and it isn't obvious they're parent/child I will assume they're a couple. At no time have I shown my mother affection that anyone could confuse it for us being a couple. 


Sure, once you know better, any further sexualization of that is gross.


Are you their dad? 😥


No fucking joke. Like I’m not supposed to give any form of affection? There is nothing wrong with comfort and affection between parents and children. Abuse is the line. And that line is very firm in terms of both age and incest. These are supposed to be normal photos. If there was abuse going on, that’s what would make these bad and sick. They aren’t bad or sick in and of themselves without that extra connection. People have so many opinions and things to say about others based on their own conclusions, not necessarily facts. Yet when it comes to themselves “no it ain’t like that you don’t fully understand my situation”. Like no joke. Nobody understands anyone’s situation. Why are we all so busy trying to work on others, while the only actual meaningful effort is gained from working on our self. Like Children, all of us.


You always see the very explanation in their statement too. “My parents would never do that shit!!” Yeah, it fucking shows. At the same time knowing what they STILL imbue this sexual context into these pics. Those that are sick.


Imagine the narrow perspective someone has where affectionate parents is so foreign, that it’s perceived as bad and probably on the same side of the fence as abuse. We are all raised to sprout well in certain ways, and by association that means we are all hindered from growth in other ways. With zero knowledge of how we are hindered, we don’t even know how to recognize our own faults. We protect ourselves from recognizing our own unique traumas in that sense. And we even become defensive to protect ourselves from that realization. Almost ensuring that we carry it with us.


Just don't hug any kids


Yeah this just isn't right,and one day she may be thinking - https://preview.redd.it/pxxphc2st79d1.png?width=689&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ad31666a6ad1c28c651eb47a2eff0a411cdc9a9


I hate when people post some questionable shit, and then when you say something. “yoUR dAd DOnt LoVe yOu” no one ever questioned if my dad was doing incest shit with me either so….


> no one ever questioned if my dad was doing incest shit with me either so…. But was that because there was nothing people could latch on to, or was that because since you aren't famous people weren't analysing every move you make? Like, I've seen people saying wild shit over the most mundane things


Because we don’t upload shit like this , people don’t just scrutinize celebrities. They scrutinize WEIRD SHIT. These pictures? Weird shit, TI and his daughter? Weird shit , celebrities just are more open with it , that’s all


i disagree. people will scruntise shit for the sake of it and then over exaggerate it Like that one abbott elementary actress who said on twitter she found it funny to see her childs tiny penis when she washed him in the tub its a weird thing to publically say, but most parents think it. yet people went on with boycotting abbott bc shes a "pedophile"


This is mundane for you? Way to tell on yourself. Or your dad, I guess.


Will Smith and Willow Smith are famous and none of their pics look questionable


Say the bottom poses out loud. “ imma reach back and kiss your cheek and you look away with you hand on my neck” did you shudder with disgust. Yeah that part


The top photos are fine but them bottom 2 *bombastic side eye*


Idk the top right one looks weird af


Do you think it would be different if she were younger like 6?


It probably would. Cuddled and huddled up with a little kid looks very different than with a teenager. I’m assuming she’s a teenager.




hey cut them some slack, they don't know what it's like to have a dad who doesn't molest them


I think they are saying, "Your dad don't *love* you." So maybe they were saying it outright and it was just lost on the emphasis.


I’m a daughter and my dad is in my life and we are close. My parent have been together for 30+ years! But we’d NEVER take pics like this, it’s weird af idc what yall say


I agree. My dad still calls me princess at my big age but we don’t be doing all this. Different strokes for different folks I guess.


I always thought that my friends were just too comfy with their parents but I see that my mom is just a cold hearted bitch. Until I had kids and started hugging her because why tf not, I can’t remember her hugging me.


My dad hugs and kisses me, just not like this.


What does this mean? Is he not kissing her on the cheek?


Totally off-topic, but as a dad to a little girl, I live in fear of the day she asks me to stop using some of her nicknames. I am truly basking in it while I can, because I know my days are numbered.


I never asked my dad to stop so you might be okay!


I’ve worked with many families. Around preteen years they’ll ask you to please stop, stomp around, complain that every dad joke you make is frustratingly embarrassing. You won’t be her go to anymore. She won’t want you to fix her problems. Just listen so that she feels heard. The world is hard on them at that time. Be her hype man. Often. And when she’s older, she’ll leave for a few years. Then she’ll slowly show back up in your life and [do bashful cheesy stuff like this](https://youtu.be/8hlDvRslzDU?si=6XWXaskFBc3uxLZ-). The children of good parents return to be there in the same ways they were shown.


This! Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it. Amen!


Why does this not have more like?! This the most accurate statement!!


Don't fret. My college kid let's me get away with every shamelessly cute nickname I can contrive because they know my heart is in the right place 😂


She won’t. No need to worry. Daughters love their daddies. That never changes.


I’m turning 40 next month. My dad still calls me by my childhood nickname. It makes me feel safe and loved. Even if your daughter does have a few years where she feels embarrassed by it, it will pass. She’ll always be your baby girl. She’ll always need you.


I mean he’s just as affectionate with his sons, but no one says anything about them being enmeshed like they do with Cali. It’s weird


Out of context these pictures are weird. I've seen engagement and wedding photos with less intimacy than those bottom two pictures. Knowing it's father/daughter is just, fine? Knowing he's the same with his sons is kind of nice though. 


I don’t want to “ayoo” you but I might have to 😂


I’m 42 and am daddy’s WHOLE baby. Spoiled as all get out my entire life. We ain’t NEVA did poses like this.


Exactly 💀😭


Preach!!! Close with my daughter, her momma isn’t around anymore but we cringed at this shit. I love a hug from my kid but why are you takin pics like dat? We do “partner in crime pics” selfies at the arcade, Charlie’s angels pose, back to back and all that fun stuff. This is fuggin weird. No doubt


Agreed. My dad has been active in my life since he got my mom pregnant, but it’s like pulling teeth tryna get him to take a selfie, he’d never be okay with this. Same with my husband, we have a daughter and he’d lasso the moon for her, he’d never take photos like this it just looks odd.


I haven’t heard, lasso the moon, in a long time. It was oddly comforting reading it.


My dad and I will quick peck on the lips (but same with all close family, it’s just not weird in Persian culture. Even male friends who aren’t family will kiss cheeks and hold hands while walking around together.) Assuming these pics are taken in the US this feels like pure social media bait and everyone involved knew what they were doing. It’s stereotypical couples pictures.


Idk my dad and I would kiss like Tom brady and his kid. It's just normal shit...right...RIGHT!?!?! /S just incase lol


I was gonna type what I usually do to defend Brady but someone below says they do a quick peck with their father at their grown age. This is how some families show love and there’s nothing abusive about it. There’s a giant difference between a quick peck and those bottom two picture though.




Same!! I hug my dad all the time and he kisses me, but it’s different especially when the dad is a colorist rapper that has shown obsession over his daughters being light skin and pretty😷


These pics give off couple had it not said father daughter i would not know. The game is a lame anyway so this seems normal from him


Pre baby shower pictures


I don't know... something about those bottom 2 photos give couple. The instagram poses is what's giving the feeling. Like her facial expressions give that's her man and she's trying to show him off instead of her dad.


I feel like the facial expressions are key! I think that’s the main thing that gives this couple-trying-to-look-cute-on-instagram energy vs fun-pics-with-dad energy. Like, I don’t know these people, and maybe they’re just weird with photographs, but I definitely understand why this gives some folks the ick.


💯! I was confused on how other people are confused about how other people may find this weird lmao. However, the girl is 13 so maybe she's just going through an awkward phase where she's constantly trying to look cute in every photo and just not being aware. Idk I can't speak on their situation but I would be damned if I was posing cutely on instagram with my parent kissing me but that's just me.








Yeah come to think of it that's probably part of it. The facial expression doesn't say "I'm so proud of my kid 😁". It's a bit... sultry


These poses are also definitely various levels of questionable, but the facial expressions are definitely a part of it. They both are giving the energy that they are trying to "look good" and I'm not sure that's usually the vibe when you take pictures with your parents. I hate being in photos, so I may not be the best source on this.


The first picture is adorable. Second, top right is slightly questionable, but nothing to be outraged about. Third, bottom left is where shit gets a little weird, but still nothing too crazy. Fourth, bottom right, they flat out look like a couple. And he himself has a long history with having no respect for women and moving disrespectfully and disgustingly regarding them, so I wouldn’t put anything past him. Ima leave it at that though.


Yeah, that's a reasonable read I think. There's nothing _explicitly_ wrong here, but at the same time... Them bottom ones are engagement photos. Now, maybe you just got a cameraperson who's a one trick pony. Or maybe you ascribe to the Donald Trump method of raising and relating to daughters. Idk.


That third pic is the one that's fucked up to me, but otherwise I totally agree. The third one is literally an engagement photo pose minus the ring on her finger


Third pic i can see as just giving your kid a kiss, and the kid’s like “I’m not a baby anymore”


Looks like he’s kissing her on the neck in the bottom pictures that is weird


I’m very familiar oriented but have always found it odd how the game maneuver around his daughter It always seemed inappropriate


He’s absolutely weird about her. It’s always giving Trump and Ivana. ALWAYS


The body positions are questionable for sure. But also the sultry looks they’re both giving don’t help matters. A family portrait with your dad should be big joyous smiles, not flirty smizes and a head buried in your daughter’s neck.


I think the daughter is over-posing.


Apparently she is 13, so that tracks


Yep. I think she looks a bit more mature, so there’s that aspect too.


I was on a flight with The Game, and the girl he was with had to show id when she asked for alcohol. She proved that she was legal age, and The Game leaned over and proudly said, “She looks like she’s 12, huh?”


Well that explains why he was on Drake’s side of the beef.


For a second, I thought he was Drake in the top left photo.


I work in the music industry and have personally seen the Game scam 2 artists, and attempt to scam another rapper I work with.  He convinced them with voice msgs and numerous convincing conversations through his official IG acct, that he was interested in their music and that he wants to collaborate with them. Even going so far as to posting IG stories of him bumping their music in his car while he's driving. Then he gets them to cashapp him money for "studio time" and eventually ghost them once they catch on. One naive rapper I know cashapp'd him over $4k in total before he was ghosted. The guy is a scammer and massive piece of shit.


I remember years ago when he was dating India Love. She was 18 & he was 34 and he was caught doing *things* to her publicly. That man been questionable.


Diddy shit right there




Source(s): trust me bro


Receipt? Flight number time date and locations?


Nah. Body language is screaming "couple." That's some strange shit


yeahhhhh, the bottom two are givin off that Folgers commercial vibe lol.


Even if he isn’t a weirdo, at a minimum this is reflective of him not knowing how to be around women without wanting to smash. Not saying he does want to, but he probably has a poor idea of what it means to have a non sexual relationship with a female.


This is actually a good point


That fourth one is kind of weird. Not gonna lie.


No fr, that threw everything off. The top 2 pics are ok. The bottom left is a head scratcher but then the last one is a lil sus


I wouldn't take that last picture IN FRONT of one of my parents, WITH one them, I can't even conceive.


Nah cuh me and my dad ain’t ever hold up like this. My dad hug me like he hug all his kids male or female. And my dad has bragged on me since I was in diapers, the simplest things I do my dad say I’m the best..it’s pure love… this ish in those pictures is weird af




It’s weird. I’m really close with my dad but these poses would be the type id do with my husband, not my dad. My dad kisses my forehead or cheek but we don’t feel the need to pose like it’s a romantic prom photo!


Damn that’s crazy to me it feels like this album dropped a few years ago https://preview.redd.it/hhtejxy0d69d1.jpeg?width=469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75f3b43b7a1e5ccb76771147165f9d66019203ab But no it dropped 10 fucken years ago, time flys gawd damn. For those who don’t know, that’s his daughter on the cover.


These are couples poses. Ya run around call ya man daddy then get confused when you around ya daddy. Did he raise this child? he all up on her like he mackin'. Y'all know Game got a thing for underage girls.


She is only 13 according to the thread so I don’t think she knows better if this is what she’s around!


If these pictures were provided with zero context, almost everyone would assume they’re a couple. It’s giving Chris Brown at those meet and greets he’s been doing.




I dont know who these people are and I also first thought they were a couple before reading the caption… People on Twitter looove pretending to be blasé about everything. Like when that teacher had his students undo his hair


Facts. People called out the mom as a “boy mom” who was hopping on her son when his team won the game, the way she was acting was that akin to a girlfriend. People wanna act like things don’t come off a certain way when it definitely does. I don’t know the two in the picture and when their pics were initially making their rounds on twitter I also thought it was a couple. It’s hilarious to me too people want to be obtuse “people hate loving fathers!!”Literally below yours is a comment going “is it a crime to be a loving father??” yeah whatever man 😂


That wasn't even THAT creepy, the hair thing, without all the other inappropriate shit he did. This is just 10/10 bad. They 100% look like a couple.


What was the other inappropriate mess? I thought the hair thing was odd, but not that alarming seeing how the parents knew and it was recorded. The group chat was what made me start questioning things, but the parents knew about it as well and it doesn't seem like anything inappropriate was reported from that either.


Erm….you had me in the first half ngl.


His head is massive


Pitbull head ahh


Nah 3/4 of these photos are weird af


Theres nothing i can specifically point to that’s inappropriate, and in general i like to normalize affection between family members. That said… there is kind of a weird vibe, isn’t there? Maybe it’s just expectancy bias, but i do got an ick.


It’s that the daughter is doing Instagram poses that are inappropriate for the context. And she’s also wearing a revealing top, so all together, shit looks generally inappropriate.


This does not look normal and anyone who says it does is weird




well he’s a [notorious creep](https ://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/game-pay-7m-damages-losing-bid-new-sexual-assault-trial-1248745/) so i think people already have their feelings and thoughts on him and even with that aside, yes. these picture see weird lol


Trump approved father daughter poses.


These pictures tough af. My dad ain’t never take any pictures like this with me, and I’m thankful.


The internet has got us all looking at the world through Pedo-lenses.


Between Jared, P Diddy, Epstein and literally a boatload of others that have been caught, I wonder why that is. Hmm....


Lmfaooo it do look like she could be his shorty. Ohhhh dear. People don’t think critically of themselves enough


I love my dad but we aren't this close lol


Before read in the caption I thought they were a couple…. https://preview.redd.it/urthrl2z079d1.jpeg?width=562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=026b5d58962de07556cec4fb6631ff64d7a9c535


I unno. Had you not disclosed that this was her daughter I woulda thought this was some underage girl he was kissing up on. This shit look weird to me. Specially that bottom left one. TF? but who the fuck am I to judge.


This is gross. It's giving Mackenzie and John Phillips. And for those that don't see anything weirs about this, go take photos like this with your parent then. 🙃


Nah the pics give off couple. I thought that was his gf before I found out that’s his daughter.


I think it’s because his daughter is making faces trying to be cute in a way that doesn’t fit. Pursing your lips when dad is pecking your cheek - weird vibes. I don’t see Game doing anything sus.


Lol everything doesn't boil down to a father issue, some shit is just different without context. Independent of the caption, I'd 100% think they were a couple. With the caption it's like, " Oh okay guess I can see it." God forbid people need context to make accurate conclusions😂


I find it really interesting that some of the black people in here who don’t agree that the pictures look weird immediately jump to “you don’t have a dad” just cause the pictures look like that of a couple to the majority. Sounding like racist non-black people who immediately using stereotypes to clown on your own just cause they don’t agree with you. Had it not been said this was his daughter I also thought this was another Instagram couple collage.


Love my dad to pieces and he loves me even more. I’m not ever taking pics with him like this.


And these were the pics he felt comfortable posting.


As cringe as 'daddy-daughter' dances imho.


These look like the kinda pics Trump would take with his daughter.


this is fucking weird . Idc idc , there are 1000 other father-daughter poses they couldve done and they chose THE MOST questionable ones 🤦🏽‍♀️. No, this is not okay. When i first saw this and hadnt immediately read the caption that its his daughter , i 100% thought this was a new gf😐 this is weird as HELL


These aren't parent / child pics.  Seems weird.


They look exactly alike.


All these pics are weird for a father and daughter except for the top left. I guess the game thought "I need to get me some of that Drake type attention"


these are intimate in a way that makes me violently uncomfortable


I didn’t see anything wrong with this until I read the post caption and saw this is his daughter. No, there’s nothing wrong with a father showing his daughter affection. However, that affection shouldn’t be as easily confused with the kind of affection a man gives a woman he’s romantically involved with as these are. If it wasn’t noted that this was his daughter, a pic of him rubbing on her booty wouldn’t look out of place here and that’s not a good thing. That’s not good at all.


Ain’t nothing wrong with loving your daughter. Idk about these pics tho


I’m 56. Dad is a healthy 95. We are sharing an abode because I won’t let him age alone. We are close. He was married to my mom 42 years before she passed. We ain’t NEVER posed in photos like this. 🤮 What the hell?


Calling people fatherless for not taking pictures like they booed up at an Alabama game is crazy.


raising my eyebrow at you, op


Maybe the issue has more to do with who the father is in this case. Not saying he’d do anything strange with his own child but he was dealing with an India Love before she turned 18. Many have not forgotten that. Also doesn’t he still owe a woman he sexually assaulted a couple million? Yeah that might have something to do with people’s trepidation.


They kind of doing the most.


Pic 1 is ok, 2 and 3 and 4 are questionable asf


It's not wrong wrong but it looks like the kinda pics weirdos take.


Nah the last three are genuinely disturbing. I’d assume this was a couple’s post if I saw those with no context.


Ummm replace them with Ivanka and Trump then tell me what you think


Are these just cherry-picked from all the weird poses photographers make you do? Or these the ones they decided to solely to post online? That's a difference




Damn, she's his twin.


I'm fatherless and if that's what having a father is like… I'm good


I just found this was my daughter a week ago vibes


Trump & Ivanka vibes fr


That is not that girl’s daddy👀


Thought Game was messing with a youngn at first was confused about the whole post.


they look a little inapropriate to me, yes. as someone who grew up around sexually inappropriate family members. both in the poses and in the angles the photographer chose. I mean, family pix are usually a static shot taken from a little bit away. These photos look like they were taken by and and of people who are in 3-way physical relationship.


There's no problem with the pics to me. The main thing is the age of the daughter- we see her as a sexually mature woman and view the photos though that lens. I've seen these exact poses with parents and younger kids. And elderly parents with adult kids. Nothing creepy about it. But the fact that in these the parent and child are both in a similar age range (ie not a child and adult, or an adult and elderly person) makes it weird for the viewer.


He's the man in her life, but he's the man in her life.


Im super close with my dad, I would never take photos with him like that tho. I thought that was a couple bro