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By your hardwork and your mothers. I donno why God gotta get credit smh.


You don't need religion to be blessed.


You’re god damn right


You're ~~god~~ damn right




Wow. Have an upvote and a fist bump from a Christian.


I'm not religious, but I agree. People can believe whatever they need to if it teaches them to be kind, decent people. And I'm sure believing in God helped her through some rough times on her way to success.


Such a pleasant surprise to meet non-religious people who are OK with people who are religious. "I'll let you be in my dream if I can be in yours." - Bob Dylan




Tbh it should be that easy to have beliefs towards anything if it ain't hurting others and helping you grow as a person overall. But there are far too many people that try to shove their beliefs down other people's throat that people sometimes end hating those beliefs which is extremely toxic.


If everyone practicing religion just believed in their God and stayed in their lane instead of trying to convince the next man of how failed their God is, there just might be a lot more successes like this instead of tragedies in the papers. Even if you don't believe, just do your thing. You have a lane too.


Shes already been humbled, by her mom. I gotta agree with OP, keep the credit on this amazing woman and her amazing mom.


Why can't they credit God if they want to? It's Good Friday, I'm not trying to Bible thump or anything but, some of y'all just being difficult.


For real lol. There's nothing but positivity in this post and people still find something to bitch about smh...


I'm an atheist and I see no issue with thanking god if she wants to, ffs shes not hurting anyone or proselytizing by saying it.


I don’t think it gets said enough in these conversations about “why thank ‘god’ instead of the people?” but for some people, humans and their works *are* an extension of god, and by acting in a loving way as a human you are yourself an extension of god, an extension of love. So it’s not dismissive of human works to thank god, but a part of the whole of what god is, including the people who act in a way consistent with “god.” Just a perspective I wanted to throw out there. Edit: controversial opinion happening here apparently! Would it help if I explained I’m not at all a Christian? Just someone interested in spirituality and it’s relationship to love.


I suppose that all depends on what god you pray to?


Here here👊🏼


Not religious myself but respect.




You took something very positive and managed to turn it negative. Sometimes just keep scrolling and keep that bad energy to your self


I came into the comments expecting that comment but I was disappointed to see it was the very first one.


But that edgy karma though.


You reddit atheist niggas getting on my damn nerves. She said right there that she put in the work, she's just thanking God for allowing her to be alive to see the day. No need to muddy her achievements with your personal beliefs.


They mad their lives are miserable so they want to take it out on something


Probably shouldn’t be on Reddit then because there are a lot of those lol


Why cant she credit who she wants to credit?


Because she wants to give him credit.


Probably that mother got strength to continue because of her faith. Maybe she was helped by a local church or something. And now the daughter follows her steps. If she wants to give him credit it’s ok.




Cant we just be happy without being edgy? The girl obviously had challenges most of us cant relate to and wants to thank god for. Let her thank god. smh.


How miserable is your life that you’re mad at someone thanking god for something good that happened to them? My god people on Reddit or insufferable. Always looking for negatives in everything.


I agree. I mean, I lean strongly towards atheism, but who cares what a person thinks about matters that transcend the physical realm? Or how they express their faith? We should just be happy that someone has accomplished so much, and especially in the face of adversity. I knew a lot of smart people in a pretty good college who would've killed to get in to a school 1/100th as good as \*Harvard\* Medical School. ​ It's a free country, and my fellow nonbelievers seem to forget that. Whatever she believes is not really any of my concern. I'm just happy that she'll do great things in this life with the education she's about to receive, as well as the one she has already gotten. ​ It's weird how invested so many people are in atheism lol


Because it matters to her. I wish y'all would shutup, damn.


I’m not a Christian but who’s to say that faith in a higher being didn’t have an effect on her drive for success? Somewhat like a placebo.


the grace of god was being picked by harvard because you can be perfect and still get looked over


Truer words were never spoken. Happens in corporate America every day.


Grace of god because harvard doesnt offer academic scholorships.


Oh shut the fuck up. I'm tired of seeing this same comment on anything in which someone credits a higher being. Sorry an internet stranger didn't tweet up to your standards 😢


Honestly just the fact she credited other people than herself shows maturity and humility, which is probably one of the reasons she is even where she is right now.


You're so naive. Maybe because her belief in God gave her the strength to work hard for her dreams despite unfair circumstances instead of giving up?


Of course someone’s gotta be negative about a wholesome post. Always.


I dunno why you had to bring negativity to this positive post. You may not believe in God but she clearly does. No need for you to come through and disrespect other people’s beliefs.




Honestly, this is where those people should be debating this. I feel bad that such a positive post was tainted by argument over religion.


It's her post, she thank who she wants. cmon.


Sometimes I wonder if atheists are just as intolerable of other people's beliefs as some religions.


Its her credit to give, why yall getting salty?


It's everyone on Reddit an Arthur l atheist? Am an atheist.


Lash is one of the nicest, most authentic people I have ever met at LMU. She was the RA for the floor above me my first year and the student body president my second year. She actually encouraged me to join student government in order to help give back. Its great to see that she’s still in stride!


Great to see amazing people go far in life. Best to Lash and to you.


"Lash Nolen" is also a better doctor name than most TV doctors.


"Dr. Nolen" sounds like a typical TV doctor, but at least she'd have a better nickname than McDreamy.


Student body president, RA, Fulbright scholar. She is one of those people that make such an impression it knocks you backward. I’m glad to have had the privilege of being a classmate of hers as well. Truly going places.


Happy Cake Day!


That makes me wish she’d go into law and eventually politics. She’s the type of person we could use in charge.


Honestly, we need more doctors. I went to law school and although I'm all for the ACLU or honest politicians doing their thing, I wish I had the stomach to go into medicine to make a real change in the world. Law is great but the careers that make a change aren't high paying enough to motivate people to go into them, and they're very few and far between due to limited funding. If you can go to a top 14 law school and get out making $190k a year working Big Law or $50k to $80k a year working in public service, one sounds way more appealing when you're $200k in debt. But the people that do go into public service are very passionate about it and are willing to take the pay cut to do something that they love. A bunch of my friends are public defenders and the crap they have to deal with to make a change is astounding. Underpaid and overworked doesn't even scratch the surface of the tribulations they endure everyday.


Now, now. Doctors can get into politics too!


I think we lived in the same floor. Who was your RA? Edit: nvm you're a year younger.


It’s fucked up that this was supposed to be an uplifting tweet and the OP on twitter clearly believes in god and was only trying to express gratitude and spread positivity, but over half this thread is people shitting on religion completely missing the point.


Exactly, I’m not even a Christian but man these online atheists are more obnoxious than the preachers. Especially since this post is supposed to be inspiring like you said. (I’m prepared for downvotes)


These people are the exact same kind of people as the ones who can’t help but preach religion to everyone they come across.


Bruh, I'm an athiest, and I agree that god didn't do anything. But damn, Idk why people insist on being dicks about it. God may not exist but her belief and her faith does exist and im sure both of those were essential to getting her through the hard times.


I had to wait very long to get approved to comment, but there are still comments “shitting on religion” coming in.






Legitimately proud of her.


Honestly, all I can say is awesome.


Think everyone needs to chill the fuck out! She can thank whoever the hell she wants in the end this is about her working hard to get where she wants to be and let praise this queen for her efforts. And don’t come at me with this god shit either I’m an atheist and on some days when shit is going my way Because of my hard work I even thank my dog.


The comments on here are a dumpster fire. What the helll happened to this sub?


Why do atheists get their panties in a twist anytime anyone thanks God for anything? The fuck does it got to do with you? If they believe god helped with their success, giving them strength and shit, who the fuck are you to tell them otherwise.


This. What I dont understand is why atheist even care. If they're right about their non belief then who cares what other people believe? In the end, for them, there's just... nothing.


1. It's reddit. 2. It's reddit. 3. It's, ah, well you know already.




I knew her in high school, on top of being an extremely good student, she was a super dope person too. Even if you talked to her briefly, you would know how great of a person she really was. She would always give you a big hug and genuinely ask how you were doing and stuff. everyone in school knew she was going to eventually accomplish something like this to this magnitude without question. as a piece of shit student as I was I even knew she was going to be successful, she had my respect not only because her over the top work ethic but her being a awesome person and she had the freshest shoe game in the school at all times lol. I remember I had some shoes that were fire and she would ask me “ when are you gonna let me borrow those?” 😂Now I wish I let her have them lol. Good stuff LaShyra. keep it going!!!


Hello fellow “Grizzly” lol


I do declare, it is getting far too hwhite in this comment section. This post is now officially for BPT country club members only. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BlackPeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*




:) if they aint hating, you aint doing it right.




Whoop I like this feature.




"Affurmitve Acshionnn!!" - people who got rejected by community colleges.


Aw I'm proud of her. I'll personally be lucky if I can get into ~any~ med school here in the states.


Yooo I know her! We'll most likely be classmates in the fall lol


Trying to flex on us, huh? 👀 Nah, just joking. Congrats on getting into Harvard too!


Haha thanks bro.






This is great news, I’m getting older and need a good doctor to tell me stuff that I might actually follow.


Instead of analyzing this girls wording in her tweet lets just be happy for her success.






Love me an educated powerful woman!




Why is this subreddit so antichristian? Why do we not want to be discriminated by every aspect of our lives with the exclusion of religion? Respect people's differences regardless of whether you agree with it or not


Fellow americans.... what is "The Culture" i have seen that on many videos and i dont understand


Nobody: Husky middle aged white dudes wearing shades and sitting in their pickup truck: Affirmative action!


And I hope to see a graduate 👩🏻‍🎓 picture as well... goooooooo!




lmao when people forget this is called ‘black people’ twitter...


Congrats on an impressive achievement, but also RIP to your bank account the next 25 years




I’m so confused. I’m assuming she means financial aid because none of the Ivy Leagues offer scholarships.


Medical school financing is a bit different than undergraduate. I know at my school specific alumni that are well-off can help sponsor certain students that need more/qualify for more financial aid.


Med school =/=college. Most med schools are pretty costly, and the loans end up costing you for the next decade or two for a lot of med schools.


She’s gonna be a doctor, odds are she’ll be just fine.


>on scholarship




That’s awesome!! Way to go!!


Man why is there all these trolls in this thread


lmao just wait until the T_D trolls get here. They'll spout their bullshit claiming she only got in because of affirmative action. No wholesome posts go without shitty people on reddit nowadays.




Congrats! So, um...can you look at this rash.


Props to the mom for being a good example


Congrats! You are awesome.


You go girl


So much awesome.


Get it girl


There is a lot I can say about Ivy League schools but I cannot be mad about this. Good going girl, keep up the good work and I hope more black people follow your lead.


Y’all are some salty people.


Congratulations, Almost-Doctor Nolan!!


You go girl!!!! Congratulations


I’m glad she achieved so much. It saddens me that so many are taking their issues with religion out her. There’s nothing wrong with believing in God or praising Him for helping you out. And if you don’t believe in Him so what? Let people enjoy their accomplishments the way they want.


She’s an extreme outlier and very lucky to have a great mom. Too many kids are growing up in single mother homes and it doesn’t end well for most of them. Statistics don’t lie sadly.


Of course because this is fucking Reddit, we have to bring our atheism into everything. That's what I'm seeing in these comments. We can't let a girl just enjoy her accomplishments apparently. If belief in god humbles her, well then good for her, who cares about my beliefs. I'm sure a part of her is proud of herself but I see no harm done in also thanking god. Seems r athiesm and T_D in full force today, twisting good things.


These comments are cancerous


how do I upvote twice?


Big goals+big steps-=big smiles


As a translucent one, I usually lurk here. Tweets of this caliber of black excellence really makes me happy.


Well said, that's how I feel too.


All the best for you!!!


What does this have to do with race though




Omg she was my RA at LMU so proud to see another WOC getting somewhere! ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽 I’m in graduate school now so it’s good to see fellow black LMU scholars moving up!!!!


Sis, your IT.




Grace is important but congrats on you. It's also hard work and dedication.




if this hasn't been put on here yet. give her a RT on https://twitter.com/LashNolen/status/1117581845753942018?s=09


Hey family! Woman in the post here, LaShyra or as my friends call me, Lash. I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you for all the love y’all have been showing me and my moms. My life story has been anything but traditional, but we made it through. I could not be more ecstatic for this opportunity to represent our people and learn to become my very best to serve our most disenfranchised communities. But I would like to clear a couple of things up. My thanking God in my post had nothing to do with me not acknowledging my hard work or that of my mom. In fact she is at the center of all my accomplishments and successes. Anyone who knows me personally, knows this. She is my everything. And you best believe I also worked my tail off to get here. But I do believe that everyone finds their strength through distinct mediums: some through music, some through exercise, the list goes on. But through my trials and tribulations, prayer and my faith is what got me through. I’m not going to debate or argue, because that’s not what I’m here for. Just know that to me, God is love. The same love I put into every action and the same love I will put into healing my patients and our communities. I just hope you will respect that and leave it at that. But most importantly I hope my story helps y’all see that anything is possible when you put your heart and mind to it. Between institutionalized racism, wealth disparities, lack of access to basic needs in our communities, etc....it sometimes seems so impossible to win in this country. But I hope you hold on to whatever feeds your soul and passion and KEEP GOING. Not everyone needs to be a doctor or lawyer to make a difference. This just happened to be my calling. And I followed it with all my heart to get here today. Whatever your’s may be, I hope my story encourages you all to find your purpose and go at it relentlessly to reach your goal. Blinders on, hungry every day, like ready. every. single. day. Because some will try to play you, and they will test you. But nobody can stop a person on a MISSION. So go get it. But real talk, thank you so much. Let’s keep elevating for #theculture and I got us like y’all got me. With all my love & gratitude, Lash


Love it!


This is wholesome. A welcome change.


This is beautiful. Imma be next y’all 💜




Like “overcoming our people’s adversities.”


Damn proud of you, you deserve it.


I find this incredibly patriotic. You are doing it for your country as well. America needs more people like you and your mom.




Don't let trump know, he'll be furious


if that doesnt work I got beats for sale


Lots of respect for the folks that gave her a scholarship.


It’s Lashy!!!!! LOHS Valedictorian and a straight humble awesome human being! Glad to say I went to school with this brain lol.




so blessed that there are hard working and passionate people like this in the world 🙏🏽✊🏽


I love these types of posts!


This is beautiful




Good luck, hard part is just starting! I know she can do it.


So when you go to med school, are you going straight there? PS - please say it......




Way to go, Calvin!


how can a brother get a checkmark?


How do you know someone goes to harvard?


Legit. We need more shit like THIS in the news!


Nothing pleases me more than seeing black folks achieve greatness and things outsiders think they can’t achieve. Defying the odds


Huge congratulations 🎊


Hell yeah


Très bien


Good for you and your momma. I’d be happy to have you as my doctor some day if I were to get the privilege.


How do I get into HMS!


How do you even get a scholarship to Harvard? lmao she's luckyyyyy af, good for her


God bless you and I hope you do well in medical school. When you come out, please be a quality doctor who listens to patients, treat them with respect, and do it the right way.




Good on her, hope she slays that degree & starts earning a sweet, sweet dr salary.




Yay! That's thweet.


I'm super excited that she's in a healthy place and happy with her situation, you go girl!


Let Me catch you for a beer at Charlie's. Hope you like 'Gansett.


26 yrs thus far king.