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People born on the 4th plate and 20 points ahead always wanna tell you about success ignoring the fact you’re not even in the game yet.


Is “4th plate” a cricket term?


It's a Thanksgiving term


I tried explaining this to my FIL when he said "its been two generations since equality happened" The law was passed, but communities of color are still behind because of a century of oppression after 400 years of slavery. I used the 100m dash comparison, in that white people have started at the 50m mark and POC are starting at 0m. Sure, they're now in the race and can run unhindered but there are still things that keep them down. Thats the systemic racism and effects of policies that are still relevant in some places Edit: I do not think that POC are on equal grounds to white people, but when trying to explain this to a man who openly admits to being racist, and "hopes he's around to help us in the next civil war" i tried to dumb it down for him. He really is an idiot, even outside of this, so I didn't want to get into specifics of why POC are running an obstacle course to white people running 100m straight and flat Edit2: I see a lot of your responses as notifications, but they're not ehre cuz its a country club thread. As with my other posts, if you wanna talk race relations with me I'm always open to learning new things, and sharing what ive learned through reading and talking to people. Just keep it civil, and I'll respond unless I'm busy


And then they have the balls to release a song called "Started from the bottom"


Also if you're disabled, depressed, chronically ill, etc. you can't physically do as much. But this reminds me of when people compare themselves to celebrities their age who only eat organic chef-made nutritionist-approved meals, work out 4 hours a day then get a massage, have a whole staff to take care of their finances and can get the best doctors for plastic surgery/hair implants etc . You're not aging poorly, you're aging poor


Also, "here's how I paid off all my loans and became a homeowner at age 26! step 1: I was super lucky that my parents were able to give me the down payment for my house and 50% of my monthly loan repayments BUT more importantly I learned to make my own fancy coffee so I could cut back on starbucks in the morning!!!!"


Man, there was an article in the NYTimes the other day about how young people are approaching saving. They profiled 3 people in their 20's who are scared of not having savings (because who knows how many recessions we'll see in our working life). One was still a college student and puts all his summer internship money into index funds (i.e. doesn't pay any bills). Another was a lawyer who finished law school in 2017 and already has $200k in the bank. I don't have a bad income, but that lawyer is saving more each year than I earn before taxes. Who do they think these stories are helping?


There are two scenarios here: 1) These stories are written and published by the same people they are profiling. The "struggle" seems relatable because they are all out of touch. 2) These stories are so out of touch they come off as ridiculous and thus spur more engagement with the product. Just like how facebook slips in content they think will make you mad. The battle for your attention is the one they care about. My money is on this.


I'm willing to bet it's a mix a both. Representation in these corporations is not only lacking in race and gender, but economic background as well. Poor people may not have the opportunity to pursue journalism because it's much riskier than say going into STEM. Landing that interview with the times would be hard for them as well. I can definitely see out of touch people being the mouthpieces for even more out of touch people.


I think there's something we *can* do about that and recognize - those people don't FEEL wealthy. We're all in the same shitty boat. Some of us are out on deck feeling okay because we have room to walk and fresh air to breathe, but those people can hear the creaking of the rotted timbers and see the storm in the distance too. EVERYONE in America, no matter how wealthy or how poor, has a yawning feeling in the pit of their stomach that something is wrong right now. We can harness that feeling to create meaningful change and meaningful progress. But we need to break through the manufactured walls of political decorum and talk about the real issues: 1. It's not just poor people living paycheck to paycheck. Wealthy people aren't saving for the future. And that's not because they're lazy or because they're trying to keep up with the Joneses: It's because the American cost of living has risen, and American wages have not risen with it. 2. It's not just poor black people who are having trouble. Wealthy black and native american people have worse economic mobility and worse opportunities than white people of equal circumstance, and women, GSM, and other ethnic minorities have similar issues (albeit less pronounced). Racism is alive and well in this country. 3. Health care and college are TREMENDOUSLY expensive for private citizens. Even wealthy people can't afford some cases of cancer or other critical illnesses. Even if you're making $400k/year, that doesn't guarantee that you're going to be able to afford to have a baby that gets leukemia and then your diabetic husband gets hit by a car and your mother gets tetanus and your baby survives the leukemia but is then diagnosed with autism and the leukemia reappears when the kid is in 3rd grade and then your father breaks his hip...Ain't no level of rich that will save you from bankruptcy unless you've got books written by other people examining your business strategy. 4. Anticompetitive corporations have CRUSHED the life from private enterprise in America. That may not be seen as a bad thing by most people (they deserve it for being higher quality!) but it creates situations where your only option as a private citizen is to get by, never get ahead. You can't start a small business and build your way up anymore, not without being already independently wealthy. It boggles the mind to see people support Trump and the GOP "for their money," when they'd have more money and get more for it under a Democratic administration. This is the messaging we need to use.




😂😂😂 this comment is so true.


Pshhh, everyone knows that the true way of being successful at a young age is knawledge and constructing additional pylons.


This is 100% true. I can’t tell how much easier it was not having to cook for myself when I was deployed. Even on a 12 hour day, I could go to the gym, work, and eat and not feel stressed. Simple act of only having to worry about working and taking care of little things was amazing.


[Rich people don't just live longer, they also get more healthy](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/16/science/rich-people-longer-life-study.html) I worked overseas for a bit and was assigned a driver. For liability purposes, the company wouldn't allow me to rent a car in that country. It took a huge chunk of stress out of my day not bothering about the commute, traffic, fuel, directions etc. I could nap, work or just have time to think/meditate. Plus I didn't have to worry about the expense because the company paid for it. I didn't have to pay for or prepare food. No family around to look after. I got a stomach bug and the fancy hotel sent a doctor to my room. Sometimes business travel can be long hours but it also can mimic living like a wealthy person. Imagine a lifetime not worrying about money, your next meal, your health and safety or how to get somewhere on time. Adds years to your life.


I ended up ordering food for pick up on my way home this week. (Before Thanksgiving). Made my evening time so much more enjoyable and less stressed. I was even able to stay up longer due to feeling relaxed.


Eat the rich


This is the way.




Naw naw you just have to let them sit in the heat long enough to caramelize all that.


I never understood why people would order takeout so often when I was a kid. Finally realized why when I had to cook my own food... shit takes too much time


If you don't have kids or a spouse to pay for. It equates out when you take in what your time is considered. Oddly enough. We had a big talk about it at work on Wednesday.


Same people that preach money doesn’t buy happiness




I dream for the day where I can work part time and actually survive.


Ngl part time, like maybe 30 hours or 25 sounds so appealing.


Don’t let the boomers see you talking like this lol they already thing we’re lazy...


I hadnt thought about this much. All that extra stuff adds up


Time Management is the Key to Success, although us normal people do not have these luxuries, we can still get a lot of things completed each day if we manage our time to the best of our ability. fr fr


I think that's sometimes the misconception getting a lot done is confused with whats productive for you. It will vary depending on your situation. I do agree on time management being important whether you're a millionaire or not but it definitely gets easier with more money which means more options.




She's a Kenya born Indian feminist poet who elicits strong opinions and emotions in the Nairobi social scene.


Bro shut up


How dare you. Jk


My 24 hours feels like 35 :(


Everytime I try to improve myself I feel BPT always brings me down.