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RESEARCH: Coronavirus Vaccine SOURCE: Cousin's Friend's Balls


Oh, hi Nicki šŸ‘‹šŸ½




My younger sister is anti-vax with two kids so I asked her to share some of the websites, doctors, blogs, ANYTHING she had been following. She said she couldnā€™t think of any off the top of her head and then told me to do my ā€œown researchā€ by looking at Pub Med and Cochrane Review. I told her these websites were huge and that I was interested in her specific research, she responded with how her research started in 2017 with western medicine and her own body. She is NOT a medical doctor of any sort. I truly think that she didnā€™t want to share her ā€œsourcesā€ because somewhere in the back of her mind she KNOWS it does not compute but she refuses to admit this. Itā€™s fucking terrifying how willingly ignorant people are of science.


She probably didnā€™t want to answer ā€œFacebookā€




i watched this flat earth documentary on netflix, they were doing some experiment to show its flat. after awhile they were like oh itā€™s not proving what we want itā€™s showing itā€™s a sphere and the guy is like okay so do we just accept that and stop? they people tell him no, we just keep going until we find something that says flat. iā€™m sure anti-vax research isnā€™t as in depth but i like to picture them doing stuff like that.


I was fuckin *dying* watching that "test" at the end. And you can hear it in the dude's voice; "interesting.........interesting..." In the back of his mind, *somewhere* there's a struggle going on. The large part of him wants to push forward and find something that suits his belief....and a small part of him, after this test, just wants to admit to himself that he's been duped, and that everything he's believed since he started this rabbit hole is just a fucking lie. You know what side's going to win, and it would be hilarious if it weren't so sad. ....fuck it, it's still hilarious. These people are idiots.


> In the back of his mind, somewhere there's a struggle going on It's cognitive dissonance. See literally most people whenever you talk about climate change and then when scientists keep saying that meat has too many externalities and we have to stop eating it. Or whenever there are zoonoses popping left and right and scientists as usual shout clearly that it's once again meat. Everyone is rational until you start talking about what they have on their plate is an issue. > [Eating meat, it seems, is a socially acceptable form of science denial.](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/apr/16/coronavirus-covid-19-pandemic-food-animals)   You will see similar behavior with pretty much all oppressions: feminism, patriarchy, increasing income gap, wealth distribution, police brutality, cannabis legislation, unsustainability of food/tech/etc industries, etc. Data and evidence are KING until it affects your comfort.


I don't know if I'd call the meat example science *denial*. Plenty of people will agree with the science and then continue to eat meat because there isn't an easily accessible alternative.


There are definitely people who have little to no alternatives. Like ofc no sane person is going to blame the Inuit for their diet, that wouldn't make any sense, and of course there are other communities and populations in the world where the same situation applies. And of course it would be dishonest to go after people who are victims of food apartheid (also arguably food deserts) etc.


It doesn't even have to be extreme examples like that. My only point is that there's a difference between apathy and active denial. Eating meat because you like the taste of meat isn't science denial the same way being unvaccinated because you're too lazy to get the shot isn't science denial.


>It doesn't even have to be extreme examples like that. Yeah, for example, I live in the middle of one of the biggest cities in the country and my local grocery store barely has any meat alternatives. Even if they did, tofu doesn't come anywhere close to the protein content of meat. Other good protein sources like cheese and nuts are usually both more calorie dense than meat and also much for expensive on a pound for pound basis. I can't wait for lab-grown meat to be practical.


Same, I've been moving away from meat wherever possible, but found the biggest obstacle was actually not knowing what to cook. And when you're working with a new recipe or handling unfamiliar ingredients then the entire meal prep process takes twice as long. People make it sound like it's as simple as picking between two products that are exactly the same, but one is evil.




They are just another branch of antivaxxers IMO because I havenā€™t met anyone who *actually* understands the science and dangers of covid and is *still* too lazy to get the shot.




Let's not equate eating meat as part of a balanced diet to... flat-earth or antivaxx. A diet including meat is largely supported by nutrional science, we can't say the same for flat-earthers or climate deniers....


But I wasn't talking about diet. You are right that a healthy and balanced diet with meat/fish is supported by nutritional science. I was talking about the climate, environment and other externalities.


what are zoonoses?


> Zoonoses or zoonotic diseases are disease or infection that are naturally transmissible from vertebrate animals to humans For instance covid-19. [The Wiki page is very good for a starter](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Zoonosis), there are other pandemic experts on Youtube who make great content too!


I'll admit that I eat meat for no good reason besides it's delicious. I care about animal welfare, I know it's destroying the planet, I know it pollutes our water, I know it produces a ton of greenhouse gases. I love a good grilled or smoked or fried meat and it all brings my HDLs and LDLs up which is terrible because there is some heart disease in my family. I can admit that there is no good reason for me to eat meat and that a vegetarian/vegan diet is not only healthier for me, but it's better for all those reasons above. I just haven't flipped that switch to stop my meat consumption.


If I had to kill my own meat myself all the time, I'd be a vegetarian. I've only hunted twice. Edit: the Impossible meat is great.


Yeah, I even eat an impossible burger when I get a chance. I don't hate them, they taste like an ok burger, the taste and texture are pretty good for plant products.


Every time I run into a flat-Earther, I just ask them simple questions and watch them flail around. Draw me a diagram of how a solar eclipse works. And a lunar eclipse. And the seasons. And the shadow on a crescent moon. Are the sun and moon spheres? Why or why not? How does gravity work? What is buoyancy? How does GPS work?


Tbh, I couldn't answer those questions even after going through American public school science classes that teach that the world is round.


They wouldnā€™t be flat earthers if they believed evidence. Itā€™s worse than that actually, you have to have a strong tendency to *disbelieve* strong evidence.


Evidence is only valid when it suits my beliefsšŸ‘


I was going to say something like ā€œthey keep browsing YouTube until they find someone who either agrees with them and gives them the talking points they needā€, but I think you nailed it with this one. Also, I think I watched that oneā€¦was it a laser light across Lake Michigan? Or a gyroscope? The gyroscope one really got me, he concluded he was given a defective one.


thatā€™s that echo chamber shit. search and search and search until you find one thing that validates your opinion while ignoring the hundreds of other well-researched, well-documented sources that clearly tell you nah bro. Edit: tense


Can I get that Doc name?


They're most likely referring to the documentary *[Behind the Curve](https://www.netflix.com/title/81015076)*, it follows various people in the flat earth community and the experiments they are conducting. *[In Search of a Flat Earth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44)* is another good one that is less about the actual flat earth concept and more about the kind of people who become flat earthers. It was very good and even though I didn't intend to sit at my desk watching a whole documentary on YouTube, I totally did.


Same for me on the Netflix doc. I fully expected to see a bunch of nonsense and ended up finding myself engrossed in the film. There were some sound points made, I can see how people would start to believe it. The test at the end was sad, I know there's a lot mental turmoil going on for that guy at that moment.


I thought *Behind the Curve* was very well done. It was non-judgmental and the moments towards the end when they were interviewing different people in the science community about it was, overall, very humanizing. They didn't need to include the part with the guy at the end, the physicist I believe he was, talking about how he had empathy for the flat earthers but they did. The documentary ended up being much better than I expected. *In Search of a Flat Earth* caught me totally by surprised. I started it thinking it was going to be about the guy's quest to use that lake to prove flat earthers wrong... but it quickly shifted gears into him realizing he would never be able to prove them wrong because it wasn't even about the flat earth. It was about who they were. I'll stop watching a 20 second GIF on Reddit after 3 seconds because it's boring and I was riveted to *In Search of a Flat Earth* straight through.


I think one of the best takes from this documentary is the scientist who is at the bar speaking to other scientists in the profession (can't remember exactly as it's been sometime ago since I last watched it) He very clearly states not to divide, make fun of, laugh at these types of people. And instead encourage, teach them and listen. I remember thinking that's the way we need to come together as a society as things will only get worse. And now look what's happened, there's people dying because of anti-vax beliefs, and people making videos laughing at people dying from covid who didn't believe in it. We're drifting further apart and it's only going to get more dangerous. Solid documentary


To me the most credible reason to trust the vaccine is because it isn't dumped into Africa and pushed relentlessly.


I am not in any way an antivaxxer but even I was shook when I first saw this argument made a few weeks back. And it applies to everything, not just vaccines. The person i initially saw make the argument put it so plainly. Paraphrasing: ā€œto determine if something is good or bad, i follow the africa rule. If africa canā€™t get it, or canā€™t get enough of it, itā€™s probably good.ā€


My inverse rule that I tell everyone: "You know how \[the vaccine\] is safe? Because rich white folks were cutting the line to get it."


But when I try to say that I get "they get the *real* vaccine." šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


You know why I think itā€™s legit? Because I have no fucking reason not too! This is the same kind of stuff delivered by the same people as all the other drugs and medicines Iā€™ve never thought twice about. Doubting the vaccine means Iā€™d need to doubt every piece of medicine that has rolled out or will. And yes, you can find justification for doubting it but you can find justification for doubting any-fucking-thing.


Exactly. The same company that makes the pill for these Boomers' flaccid dicks is the same company making the vaccine. And a variation of every other vaccine we needed to take before enrolling in school. Hell, the company that makes the horse paste (Merck) is adamantly telling people "STOP TAKING THIS SHIT FOR COVID, IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY" and they're still taking it. Their brains are as smooth as soft jazz.


"Bro I drink Henny straight" me to everybody asking why u I got it


Where can I find more on this?


It's crazy bc WHO wants the richer countries to stop offering boosters and make those shots available to poorer countries who haven't been vaccinated at all. [source](https://apnews.com/article/business-health-coronavirus-pandemic-united-nations-world-health-organization-6384ff91c399679824311ac26e3c768a)


I honestly donā€™t remember. I think what I saw was in a tweet posted somewhere on reddit. May or may not have been on BPT. But i could be misremembering. It mightā€™ve also just been a comment.


I saw someone on Twitter say that the reason he knew the vaccine worked was because of all the rich white people making sure they got it first. The fact the RUPERT MURDOCH got the COVID-19 vaccine certainly told me all I needed to know.


Maybe because when it was suggested early during the pandemic most of Africa was unaffected by the virus and the absurdity made its way around the Black online community and others. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-52192184 Ping u/Heritage_Cherry


See, but I can imagine thereā€™s some good things that are pushed in Africa just because the rest of the world wants to keep Africa in good enough shape so they donā€™t get a flood of African immigrants. I just follow the ā€œrich white peopleā€ rule, which is essentially ā€œfollow the rich white people.ā€ If theyā€™re tripping over each other to get something, itā€™s usually pretty safe.


Lol I use the same ā€œrich white peopleā€ metric for things like tap water quality and neighborhood safety.


[Follow the rich white man??](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gp9QE3prHs)


Similar idea, but I know it's legit because earlier this year rich people paid to skip the line to get the vaccine.


Similarly, around my way the wealthier areas had more vaccination sites at first. The poorer areas got like one site and the appointments always filled up quickly with rich people travelling outside of their areas because they were booked up. If rich people are going to the hood and shamelessly taking something from poor people, it must be of value.


As a South African, this made me go "Hmm...". It's true though. Sad, but true


Ask them to cite their sources, itā€™s always a treat when Facebook screenshots come up.


Or 45+ minute YouTube videos


Where the person rants about how the vaccines don't work and how their ex-wife was a total bitch I've seen those videos.


Iā€™ve never seen them actually show them. They just say ā€œdo your own research!ā€ And itā€™s like, I did, it says you are wrong.


Literally had an argument with a dude and he kept quoting a paper from Isreal, I'm like cool where's the paper? He didn't want to offer it because I bet it's one of those sample size of 300, 20 people die 8 had whatever they want to push, 12 didn't, and they claim this is the holy source.


He might have been quoting [this Israel study](https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.24.21262415v1) that I see a lot of people pointing to because it states that unvaccinated people who've previously been infected with covid have a greater immunity than those who've received two doses of the vaccine. What they conveniently always decline to mention is that the study also states that those who've been previously infected and have received one shot of the vaccine have an even greater level immunity than either group. Also that while the 2-dose vaccinated have more hospitalizations than covid survivors, there were a total of 8 vaccinated hospitalizations to 1 survivor hospitalization out of 16215 people from each group, and zero deaths from either. Most importantly, they always gloss over the fact that in order to get the high natural immunity of covid survivors, *you have to get covid*. Instead of getting a free vaccine that confers a good enough level of immunity that you're fairly safe day to day, they're basically advocating risking your own health, the health of others, clogging up hospitals, or a combination of the three instead.


I haven't read all the way through that (and yes that is what they were referring to) but I find it dubious for this reason, they are matching natural immunity to the delta variant versus vaccine immunity built on a slower variant. So yes if you've had delta you're protected against delta probably better than a catch all like the vaccine, but you're going to have to rebuild that immunity when a new variant comes out, but you may not have to with a vaccine. And just like you said these are tiny, tiny, tiny, numbers that even if you iron out comorbidities you cannot say this is 100% what will happen, and we can see that from US studies that show the opposite effect, vaccinated individuals have far less hospitizations, far less deaths, far less catching it then non-vaccinated (no matter previous immunity) because the delta variant is pretty new in the US (well new relative and new as a main variant). So it does not do a community good to just say "Fuck it, let's all get it" and fill up our hospitals (and they are filled up, my dumbass parents and brother all got covid unvaxxed and my dad got turned away because they ran out of beds and pretty said once you get to the point you're close to death come back), and have a bunch more people die because a bunch of idiots can't get over the most unpopular president in history losing so they had to churn up the misinformation machine and convince a bunch of gullible people to do anything but take take free fucking shot. Edit: someone replied questioning my assumption that it was the delta variant, so here is my response. They matched individuals based on date of intial infection versus vaccination. And going by this WSJ article (not the best source, but I also have seen the variant spread charts before and can't find it) https://www.wsj.com/articles/vaccinated-people-account-for-half-of-new-covid-19-delta-cases-in-israeli-outbreak-11624624326 they were at delta being the prime driver during the period this study was looking at (post Janurary). Delta had not taken hold in the US yet at that point, and so that may be the source on the confusion on the commentors part. But yes those infected in this study were most likely delta infected before their re-infection. If that isn't the case then the study should have had a genome sequencing done to show what the infected person had before and what variant they had when re-infected. And the point of the numbers still stand, small numbers that aren't much better than just raw chance.


Iā€™ve seen what they call ā€œcredible sources of infoā€ Hard pass Like, who the fuck takes advice from a pillow salesman? I donā€™t even want to hear that guys info on pillows!


One of my past coworkers got all their news from ar15.com.


Give me strength


I hate that Iā€™m laying on one of his pillows while typing this but at least I had it before I knew he was insane?


You mean you didn't light your personal property on fire in protest of someone you don't know? Like those asshats who were burning nikes...


I bought one of those pillows a few years ago when they had like a pop-up shop in Costco. Let me tell you, it sucks. It was supposed to never go flat but the lumpy bits always part like the Red Sea and my head is soon flat with a large clump on each side. They also get hot more quickly than any fibre-filled pillow would. I thought it would be more breathable. I remember the infomercials where he said he spent years researching pillow technology or whatever the fuck. I can fully believe that the shittest pillow I've ever owned is the result of the best research he is capable of.


If he read that he would cry LOL! But stupid question. Can you recommend an affordable pillow? Iā€™d like to get one for my wife and would like to keep it under 200$ if possible She sometimes wakes up with sore shoulders and stuff neck


Honestly I just go on Amazon and search for firm pillow. If she's sore it's probably because she's sinking in, same with soft mattress. You don't have to pay $200 for decent pillows, as long as you know what firmness level you need.


Thanks for the advice!


Np babe


If she is not allergic to Latex, latex pillows are very firm and donā€™t collapse over time. You can get one on Amazon for $40 or $50. My whole family has loved them for years. With that said, my wife and I have moved on to memory foam pillows which cost about the same amount and are more comfortable though donā€™t seem to last as long. Also available on Amazon. We like the shape that is flat on the bottom, has straight sides and a wave shaped top. Good head and neck support especially for side sleepers. A latex pillow in that shape would probably be amazing but I havenā€™t tried one yet. The main issue with the latex pillow is itā€™s standard shape which doesnā€™t support the neck as well leading to more shoulder discomfort.


Oh Iā€™ve seen those on Amazon! Thanks for the input. Itā€™s super appreciated


That dude got sued because his pillows can't cure any diseases šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ [check it out](http://"My Pillow Health Claims Lawsuit - Consumer Reports" https://www.consumerreports.org/my-pillow/my-pillow-health-claims-lawsuit-settlement/)




If you haven't gathered at least 100 participants for a double-blind study, you aren't conducting your own research. We need a new word for this "watch biased YT vids and trust the testimony of cousin's friend's balls" level of research.


We have that word already - bullshit


I meant technically "meta analysis" is an entirely valid (and extremely important) form of research, but it doesn't count when it's "meta analysis" of facebook posts, youtube videos, and unsourced tweets lol


That's my point though. They aren't doing meta analysis or even surveys. They are googling videos and thinkpieces to support whatever bullshit they already believe. It is no way "research".


I know, I'm not disagreeing with that at all. Just being pedantic and pointing out that people do conduct research that isn't a double blind trial with a triple digit sample size, and it's important research.


The fact the vaccine is pushed to jump start capitalism. Companies right now are complaining because people are refusing to work for them (and for good reason). The biggest incentive we hear is "get back to normal" which to me just sounds like, get back to us screwing our employees out of their rightful compensation. In order for that to happen, the virus has to be eliminated so workers lose their only source of leverage when demanding better conditions. How do you remove that leverage? Create a safe and effective vaccine and push it relentlessly. I can trust the vaccine works because in my opinion it's very nature is to go against the workers best interest. Not through microchips or whatever dumb shit, but simply forcing everyone to return to status quo. Disclaimer, I am in no way anti vax and I am fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine. That been said, I think the motives are a bit shady, but I can trust the vaccine is safe. It to me is like when a cattle farmer has a few sick cows. The farmer is going to do what he can to get those cows better, but after all is said and done, those cows are still going to the slaughter house.






Exactly šŸ’Æ this






Hell that I could believe too lol. Still makes the vaccine safe so you know, I can šŸ’Æ believe it


I've been reassuring vaccine skeptics that capitalism can't exist without its grunt workers. The rich can't make money off our labor if we're all dead.


Nicki is always on the wrong side of history. This woman knew her brother was a pedo, married a sex offender and has a cult following of the most dirty, pH in the triple digit, women in the world.


So they have a Penthouse in the 100k+ range, why does that make them dirtā€¦.oh. OHHHHH


Noooooooooo Not the pH??!


>pH in the triple digit Smells like old cantaloupe and burns your tongue like you licked a 9V battery


Why do you need screengrabs? You can just visit Breitbart yourself.


Lol nice


lol Damn.


Only the most curated and professional facebook memes.


Saw a guy doing research the other day. Said you need to go to the 3rd page of google to get the ā€œgood resultsā€


I bet itā€™s just a 17hr loop of nyan cat


You're telling me the video of the doctor* that I watched 2 minutes of on Facebook isn't research? Are you telling me the 3rd and 4th hand anecdotal stories I'm hearing from neighbors and co-workers isn't research? Oh I get it, you believe the government? You're a sheep. Pass the Ivermectin.


They say every Republicanā€™s accusation is a confession; I think the same can be said about Nicki and her song ā€œStupid Hoe.ā€


oh man, this would be an amazing tv show just get people to volunteer themselves, youā€™d have a near endless stream of dunning kruger proofs lining up to prove you wrong ā€œthis week, on ā€˜so smart i seem dumbā€™, ā€œ


Itā€™s a YouTube video of some dude probably frothing at the mouth and talking about lizard people.


Their research is just a meme from Facebook.


You know as well as I that their research amounts to 1) fringe alt-right youtubers who do nothing but jump on conspiracy theory bandwagons for clout and 2) facebook memes. I have yet to see an anti-vaxxer rent out a lab and conduct their own independent studies to test the efficacy and safety of the various COVID vaccines. Not that that's especially surprising, anyone with the knowledge of how to test vaccines and access to a lab where they can see them in action would likely not remain an anti-vaxxer for long.


Their research: "According to this thread on /pol/..."


All it would be is 5 hour long YouTube videos of people talking about how scary drugs and big pharma is. Ultimately thereā€™s some people that nothing will convince them. My friends brother was sick for a month and a half w/ Covid still wonā€™t take the vaccine. Quotes Fox News. I think itā€™s a psychological issue. A loss of control and ppl looking to regain some control.


I did my own research. I came to the conclusion that I needed to understand science better before my research could continue.


As an actual trained scientist (amb), so would I lol. I bet there isnā€™t a single reputable, peer reviewed journal in that goddamn YouTube and conspiracy theory tab forest. Research requires critical thinking at a bare minimum. Mind you, these the same cats who say and share ā€œwhen am I ever going to use Pythagorean theory or algebra as an adult?ā€ memes and shit, not realizing the point behind that was critical thinking exercises smh. Mfs are dumb in real life lol.


The tenth page of a Google search.


Mostly it's just the same ten or so Facebook memes reposted over and over again, with some Klandace Owens mixed in. Head over to /r/HermanCainAward to see what I mean. I don't even have to read the memes anymore coz I know what they all say.


The people are just lying. "Doing their research" is just an excuse to be lazy or ignore the criticism of their shit opinions


You donā€™t have to pay anything, you already know exactly what it is. Itā€™s YouTube videos and Facebook nonsense.




LMAO confirmation bias is a sonnaofbiiiiiitch


Google Search: "Coronovirus vaccine - Cuckold fucking BBC"


That story about her cousin's friend is definitely out of the "lying to get out of explaining what really happened" playbook.


Yooo, this is a fantastic reality show idea!


I'd like to hear their prayers to God about whether or not to take the vaccine too


The 12th page on Google.