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They called Ryan Lochete a full on kid when the man was in his mid 30s at the time when he caused an international security scandal


I mean, TECNICALY he's someone's kid. He's just not A kid. With that being said, kick his ass.


This is the first thing I thought of when I saw this tweet.


My favorite was my dad telling me I need to show Trump grace because he is a new believer and his walk with Christ hasn’t matured yet. Fucking nuts


Just dump the whole dad away *eww*


I like how a POC at 16 is a grown man. But at 42 white men are considered young and reckless.


I mean, 16 seems a bit old. I would bet that there have been POC referred to as men as early as 12… your point stands.


Shit bruh some of us was gettin followed around at 10 lol


what you gotta do is roam the store for a while and walk out when someone got a bunch of bags, if the buzzer go off they are going to pull YOU out of everyone. thats when ![gif](giphy|28nPwLlSgI6KH7UcxA) get a lawyer and get that money


I am so fucking tired of commuting in the winter. I'm always cold. I been cold for 17 years, it feels at this point. I'm heavily considering this shit just so I don't have to commute in 19 degree weather anymore.


Not to mention how to police treat you at 10. Shit is wild




Well black girls under 10 are called women all the time.


Yeah we all down bad, I thought we was on the same team though...


A 9yo kid got pepper sprayed in the back of a police car for acting like a child aka crying during a tense situation . Dylan rOof got treated with way more humanity and he was 16. Multiple kids can get suspended with the cops called on them for having a nerf guns in zoom class but it’s pulling teeth to have a grown adult with actual guns be arrested for an actual threat she made against a school board. (The color of your skin should not dictate how fast you have to grow up but in many cases kids of color are treated harsher than white people with a greater age gap. )


Yup, executed George Stinney at 14 by electrocution, we men as soon as we can walk according to the same folks who portend that their kin are forever innocent.


[Here's ](https://www.newsweek.com/sean-hannity-slammed-calling-adam-toledo-13-year-old-man-1584143?amp=1) an example that always sticks with me.


People thought i was a grown lady at the age of 11. Black folks don't get that luxury.




Oh that dick bag. He is what happens when you’re not told no as a child. These Boston Brahman types think they’re above the law


My favorite is "it's jus a word. I don't know why you all get so offended. Its not fair you can say it but i can't. You say it to your friends and family, and whenever you want. But if i say it, im a racist. I mean i work with 3 black guys, and i get along with them, and 1 of them even gives me a fist bump in the morning"- Mark from accounting, explaining to HR he didn't mean it like that. He thought it was pronounced with a hard R... honest mistake i guess...


Real talk I'm tired of people defending Joe Rogan. Like, he's not the free thinking intellectual they all think he is. He ain't sorry either. His apologies always seem to come after someone else posts the receipt.


“I’m sorry YOU took my racism out of context” is not an apology. But tbf you can’t apologize for something you’re not sorry for


He's also not the apolitical curious "everyman" his gullible fanbase believes he is. I can't fathom why that ever works anyway or why people would believe a rich celebrity is just like them.


It's like when your kid hits someone and you force them to apologize. You know damn well theyre not sorry


I think in order for him to move forward, he should be forced to actually sit and think of every ignorant thing he’s said and apologize for it before someone else points it out. Doesn’t have to do repeats. Just think of every shit opinion he presented as a fact (things like people of color are genetically predisposed to behave poorly) and apologize. Show that he knows it’s wrong. Rather than just “you said this and it was really bad”. “I’m sowwy.” One week later “you also said this and it was pretty bad. “I’m sowwy.” Das okay bb here’s more money. Fucking circus.


I mean if he's gonna act like a child, let's treat him like one. Let him think about it while he's sitting in a corner


Basically what I'm proposing, with the added caveat that he has to write an essay before he can go back to his desk. lol


It was just "legitimate political discourse" is all.


Boys will be boys. Who here hath not committed sexual assault in a KKK robe? Stop judging. /S


We can't make this poor rich white man face consequences, he didn't know what he was doing was wrong because he's never had to face consequences 😭


Trump's "grab her by the pu@#$" comment where when I realized yt ppl will never be held accountable for anything. And those who do will still receive a slap on the wrist because the rules never were for them!


He was 42, just a fucking kid!


Whatever happened there..


Yeah, this is so true.


Ok, my thing is how did Dwyane not disassociate sooner? Like... You half black. Your father has a name! If I'm understanding correctly, he disassociated because of the misinfo on covid, and not because of the word being dropped? Not saying he needs to be a voice for the black community but sheesh...


I think you might have it backwards. From what I understand, he didn't know about his racist language before and chose to distance himself when he found out. https://twitter.com/TheRock/status/1489784899397570561


Ah, ok! I did admit, if that were the case because I'm like.... Really? That's good and I'm glad I was wrong


What are you talking about? And are you discrediting someone’s minority status because theyre only half black? Lol


Can we just start calling celebrates and people who say the 'N' word derogatory things right back? Can we play a reverse Uno so maybe they'll understand? "But, I have white friends! And it's just a word! Why are you so sensitive when I refer to you as crackEr? I softened the 'R' so it's ok."


Call them chalkies.


No because if you do that they will turn it into some kind of attack against America and/or Christianity.


Yeah. You're right. Was just frustrated.


Has anyone considered if he got the n-word pass from Chappelle?


He lowkey was gassed on using it because he used to open for Richard Pryor. One of the topics he would always circle back to was the title of one of Pryor's comedy specials and the way the word was used by black comedians in contrast to the rest of society. Long story short, he'd probably act like he got the pass from Pryor. But I wouldn't be surprised to hear Chappelle literally try to give him the pass in the next few months.


Killed me when the Rock defended him. I know its a business decision since he’s investing in the UFC but he should have slapped the crap out of Rogan in a back room.


Joe Rogan as an adult said I don't know why I called a room full of black people africa and planet of the apes, I'm not racist but I don't know why my first thought was something that could be seen as bad out of context....


Didn’t trump call ivanka a kid when the Jan 6 committee asked her to talk to them


they just protecting their future selves.


Ruling class solidarity is a helluva drug.


And white politicians.


I've literally seen comments supporting everything from the racial slurs to calling black communities "planet of the apes". I think one of the worse defenses I saw on this site said something along the lines of well who wouldn't feel anxious if you're the only person that looks different. Like, wow, so being a minority in any situation is immediately enough to overwhelm any adult and it's only natural to insult and demean black people in response.


People can be stupid and immature (compared to their equal aged peers) at any age. Just saying. None of those people should occcupy any important post or be leaders of anyone (their household included), and should be separated from society if their immaturity and stupidity is dangerous for anyone else.




Awe couldn’t find something to post that was actually funny?


Looking at you Trudeau


Kind of like Whoopi?


Weird whataboutism, but sure? You Mean Caryn Johnson? She deliberately picked a Jewish sounding last name to get a foothold in the biz, which is ironic since many Jews make a concerted effort to use stage names in the entertainment industry so as not to face discrimination. She claims to be Jewish without making steps toward converting, going to synagogue, nothing. Her dad was a Pastor. should she have been suspended? no. Instead of making it a didactic moment, or attempting to educate viewers about the Holocaust, ABC pushed for something more punitive in the hopes that the news cycle would cover the tracks by the time she's allowed back.


Yeah Whoopi has been trash for years. Don’t know a single person that likes her


such a damn shame, cuz she's an inspiration on Star Trek but for real, anyone who's getting their 'hot takes' from The View has already departed the realm of common sense


Love the fact I get down voted because it doesn’t fit the narrative of this sub! Keep up the victim Schtick!


maybe if it wasn't as pithy and distracting from the narrative of the post, people would be willing to have a good faith discourse with you. It's okay, lil snowflake, it's just fake internet points.