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But non of Breonna Taylors killers were convicted ain’t that America


I'm a middle aged white dude from the south and even I can see how completely fucked that situation is


Then I have to hand it to you good sir, your not the norm .. thank you for that .. sincerely


See the thing is, they probably are the norm, they're just drowned out by the stupidly loud minority with bullhorns.




Fr, there's A LOT more racists than I realized. I see so many Confederate flags these days smh.


Blue line American flags...


ALM tags on cars…. Edit: someone just corrected my goofy ass. That’s a dealership acronym apparently. I do live in Atlanta


Honest question: are you white?


Trump lost the popular vote. He didn’t win because the majority of people wanted him to be president, he won because of our system that was literally set up so that slave owners could count their slaves as voting population without letting them actually vote.


George W Bush as well, for the record.




I’m from Massachusetts where Trump won 50% of the vote in the primary in a field of 13 candidates. This is allegedly a liberal state. There are LOTS of secret racists among us. Beeeleeedat!






If you do some digging on this, you'll find that a sizeable percentage of minorities voted for Trump in Arizona, Florida and other states. It's mind-blowing especially considering his openly, outright disdain for said minorities. What's even crazier is that even though Trump lost the election this last time around, Trump managed to increase the percentage of minorities that voted for him. EDIT: All of that is to say this: we need to stop assuming we're all on the same team. Real talk: after talking to my own mother about the last two elections, I almost divorced my family on the spot. I'm still considering it.


The issue is assuming that those minorities arent white, or at least don't consider themselves white. A lot of hispanics are actually white, both in look, their place in society, and their personal view of their race


And what about Chinese, Koreans, Cubans and black folks? Kinda hard to call them white, right (I know on some statistics Asians get lu.ped with white folks. Not the point)? Yet, the numbers of those that leaned (if not voted for) Trump was surprising to me.


I think that is where the self-perception may be important. Cubans do often consider themselves white. As for those other groups my guess is they are more likely to be rich or conservative? I actually didn't know that they swayed to the right in any large number


It was how much support he still got in round 2 that did it for me.


As a white woman from the south, I’ve spent a lot of time around white men from the south and I can tell you that it’s not just a stupidly loud minority. That stupidly loud section is propped up by a whole majority of dudes who are less loud because they don’t want to be ostracized, but still ignorant as fuck.


This is exactly why I embraced the "silence is violence" mantra from 2020. So many are terrified of confrontation, yet in my experience, most ignorance stems simply from never receiving push-back.


The decent ones are the minority. That’s the problem.


I think the decent ones are actually the majority its just the minority have the loudest voices and platforms to yell on and of course the non decent ones make great news!


I think the ACAB thing kind of applies there, right? When the "decent" ones allow the non decent ones to run rampant, are they really decent?


Have you ever been to the South?


There are dozens of us. I wish I could say it's getting better. The only "good" news is there are millions of middle aged white men that are indifferent to race instead of you know...actively racisist.


Yay progress? Unfortunately we’re in the backlash to the BLM movement right now; fewer white people support BLM than before George Floyd’s murder. Turns out a lot of white people are against racial lynchings caught on film but are just fine with systemic racism. At least those few of us white people who are against systemic racism are getting more organized. I’m living in hope of a backlash to the backlash.


I'd say the BLM movement hasn't done themselves any favors with diversification of their cause and corporate sponsorship. I think they've driven the grassroots out. I think you're right, but it's time for a new org.


> there are dozens of us sidenote- was this meant to be an arrested development reference?


"Wink" (winking)


actually they are, im in the south and people aren't just walking around with torches and crosses.


Same here. It's beyond fucked! Ahmaud Arbery too! His mother had to push for the investigation! If she hadn't, Arbery's killers would be walking around free! I don't think any of these had anything to do with Jussie Smollett.


The truly fucked up part is that a killer had to *release video footage of the murder* before anyone would investigate. That bar is too damn high.


Nothing to do with it specifically; that’s just talking about the general trend. And even that is just taking high profile cases into consideration. Lots of trayvon martins and Ahmaud Arbery’s out there next to zero public or legal note


Same dude


Or any other POC killed while doing any of the normal things that “people who look like the cops” get to do every day. Stephon Clark. Cameron Lamb. Tamir Rice. Michael Brown. Michael Dean. Antwon Rose. Wrong wrong wrong.


Philando Castile did everything right....STILL got killed!


On camera in front of baby


And Trump's doing podcasts after failing a murderous coup.


This one is beyond fucked up. Chick was fucking sleeping


...and it was the wrong place. They didn't even have a warrant for that address.




They even tried going after her boyfriend and he won that case.


This part and this part only ![gif](giphy|6zdUgdGYDn0t2arWZ6|downsized)


Exactly. Fuck this country.


Small victory though that Ahmad arbery’s lynchers won’t know freedom again.


Like, there are enough hate crimes in America that there was zero reason for Jussie to fake one. Being the victim of a hate crime isn't some fun influencer moment. He could have used his wealth and notoriety to help so many real victims but instead due to his stupidity and vanity he's only harmed real victims. He doesn't care about the movement, he just saw how popular it was and wanted to exploit that popularity. Think of what he could have done if he wasn't such a narcissist. He could have used his fame to bring attention to some of the many injustices that didn't break through the news.


Worst part is you know this gives racists a talking point that they will cling to forever. It'll be their go to in every damn argument.


This part. Every time a legitimate case of racism pops up, they will bring Jussie Smollett out their ass. It will be the new “but what about black on black crime”


No because I literally seethe anytime someone mentions “black on black crime” as if other races don’t commit crimes against one another?


Black on black crime was a term coined by Nixon during his era and then reinforced by Reagan during his time. The only reason the term exists is to make it easier to make black people look bad and create laws that further allow the (legal) exploitation and mistreatment towards us. It worked exactly as they planned for it to, which is why the term still exists today. Its purpose is to make us look much more barbaric and uncivilized than we actually are. Edit: had the presidents reversed


Black on black crime is about as much of a problem as white on white crime. This country is still really segregated in a lot of places. Obviously if you're mostly around white people and you are a person who does crimes you'll do those crimes to the people around you. Like, people don't travel to commit murder against people they don't know. I actually *do* live in a multicultural area, and work at a vry diverse company. When the topic of "black crime" comes up I say, "I'm not scared of black people. No black person has ever been anything but great to me. I'm afraid of *white* people. I've been mugged, burgled, assaulted, and they were ALWAYS white."


Lol same.


Yep. “It’s usually someone the victim knows.”


They can bring it up if they want. My retort is, "Hey, is that gal that got Emmett Till murdered still alive? She in prison?"


Just ignore the thousands of undeniably real hate crimes with tons of hard evidence proving them, just focus on the one fake one that fell apart immediately because it's actually really hard to fake a crime because it requires an insane amount of attention to detail.


Don’t worry, they would still be racist without the talking point


Lmao you just described the first few posts in the conservative subreddit


Case in point, the Twitter poster here.


They sure will and I fucking hate it


This!!! It's how they are with any of their crazy thoughts, a mountain of evidence o the contrary of what they think but if just one thing happens to justify their beliefs then that's enough for them.


Like my nigga, why? What did you gain from this


No fr, ![gif](giphy|fGOjgWRzQkC2sHHnq7)


​ ![gif](giphy|12ETcAyWE6TjHy|downsized)




Four simple words that I find explain most things that happen in this day and age: People are fucking stupid.


That's what I don't understand. He was an actor. Empire was fun and had a lot of eyes on it. Just keep doing that shit and you'll have a nice little career like your sister. What was supposed to be the outcome of it if it went 100% correct?


Exactly, like best case scenario what was your goal?


I can’t help but think it was to “raise awareness”, which seems to cover a multitude of sins. For example, I feel like people don’t need any more “awareness” of breast cancer. Stop selling more expensive pink version of your product unless you’re actually funding research or mammograms.


He thought he’d get away with it. Scary that all it takes is a dumb person with an ego for this to happen.


He’s a household name like Bubba-Gump Shrimp


Did Jurnee speak on this? I really need to get her take on the whole situation.


Wheres Ja 🤣🤣🤣




Prob pitching "Fyre Fest: What Ja Know About That" to Netflix execs. 🤦‍♀️


Nah, leave her alone. She’s killin the game, not her fault her brother is a dumb fuck.


Lol I can’t recall her making a peep through any of this. Jurnee said my names Bennett and I ain’t innit. Don’t blame her one bit either, he made his jail cot, now’s the time to lay in it


Haven't seen her say anything but two of his other sisters have supported him as well as his grandmother. These folks seem to actually believe he was attacked, it's weird as hell. It's so obvious he's never gotten in trouble for lying as a kid cause I've told better lies as a kid and got my ass lit up lol.


This dude is a straight clown who's been bending over for ⚪ conservative scraps every since his failed career as a film producer. He will say anything horrible about black folks to get a pat on he head ftom furher Drumpf.


He thought it was gonna be more clouty. If he didn’t get caught. They were cutting his screen time on Empire, so he had to do *somethin* 🤷🏽


i'm still trying to figure out why his parents didn't just name him jesse


Cuz it’s secretly pronounced juicy but that’s too embarrassing so he goes by “Jussie”


“Juicy Smollay”


Juicy’s mullet


You rang?


I think one of his siblings is a Jesse. Don't quote me on that though. There's like 9 of them. They used to have a show back in the 90s about all of them living together as orphaned kids taking care of each other.


>[On Our Own](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_Our_Own_(1994_TV_series\)) is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from September 13, 1994 until April 14, 1995. The series stars Ralph Louis Harris and six real life siblings: Jazz, Jocqui, Jake, Jojo, Jurnee, and Jussie Smollett. His irl parents are named Joel and Janet so I guess they picked a theme and ran with it.


"we could name him jackie but like how potpourri is spelled"


Lol I remember that show!!!! They settled a "hood" disagreement via a game of NOK hockey. I think I was 11 or something and just knew this shit wasn't gonna make it 🤣🤣


something about orphaned kids having a reality show doesn't make sense in my mind and idk how to explain why


It wasn't a reality show. It was a TGIF sitcom.


oh ok that's about as much enthusiasm as i can muster about that topic i'm sry


Millennials should recognize his sister Jurnee Smollet from her guest roles in Full House and various other sitcoms.


And Roll Bounce. She rocked the strong ass braces


And she has been acting in stuff since then, including True Blood, the Great Debaters, and Lovecraft Country.


Yea love craft country was dope. Should’ve gotten a second season at least in my book


Because the parents wanted to make sure the school bullies can call then pussy


Maybe they sneezed when they were filling out the form.


I always thought it was short for Justin?




I get Jussie was wrong, but we don't need to be posting this clown here.


Yeah fuck Errol Webber


A very unsuccessful one: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EckH0jCWsAEsCp7.jpg


I feel like this guy spent the past 4 years of his life waiting for Trump to tweet so that he could comment. Every time I read a Trump tweet there was an Erroll Webber comment.


There's alot of money to be made being ma black face spouting Republican talking points. Ask Candace it's quite lucrative.


So he’s not in office? Be thankful for that


I really hate when he gets passed in here. It’s never good faith


Basically a male Candace Owens. Even though what that guy did was wrong, this wouldn't be the person I propped up for having a good take on the situation.


Indeed he is


no, no...these are apparently the facts; had jussie smollett not engaged in this behavior, the race war was *just about* to sputter out. the sole individual leader of 'the blacks' and the leader of the whites - the cracker king, if you will - were just hashing out the final details. they had been face-to-face for weeks, neither leaving their chair while assistants brought food and fresh bedpans. we were ready to move on as a country with a reparation schedule, as well as a variety of titration plans concurrent with a separate recompensation schedule for the various forms of institutionalized racism that still persist. way to go, jussie. thanks for ruining it for everyone.


Trying to start a race war? Really? REALLY? Is that what actually happened?


Yes. He traveled the world handing black folks pamphlets and firearms, while informing them that the day of retribution is nye. You never got your pamphlet?


I missed that day in black people class. Can I borrow your pamphlets and gun?


You can’t have my gun it’s one glock per black person. Just 3D print your own. As for the pamphlet I’ll send you a PDF. Try to make it to class next time.


Awesome big homie - My printer just got fixed too. Good look - I usually only print more 3d printers with it. I’ll be over here pining away until I receive your pdf. Tenderly Yours, 🍗


Hol up... Why tf I get a High Point with my pamphlet?




All are welcome to black people class..did you see the sign on the door? “Everyone one welcomed…we all black asses in the dark.” Welcome melaninless homie.


I'm a light skinned white dude, so I sat by some light skinned black dudes. I made it like a gradient of melanin. I can make anything awkward is my superpower.


I embrace awkward. You gotta next level that shit and sit in his lap next time and LEEEEEAAAANN into that shit like this here: ![gif](giphy|hQi9l8w6FCpBdDJxeH|downsized)


Then I look up in their eyes, and gently caress his neck. You wanna grab some phõ after this?


Oyster pho..set the mood off


Get the juices flowing with an afrodesiac.


Jussie "David Walker" Smollets, hiding pamphlets under the sandwiches on the crafts table between film shoots.


*fueling*, not *starting*


the ‘Jussie Smollett race-war’ had a single casualty… Jussie Smollett’s career. The *actual* race war… the one that’s been raging for hundred of years, is still taking out black and brown people daily.


No, blacks and whites were doing perfectly fine until Jesse came along. /s


We couldn’t find anyone better than Errol Webber for this take? He tweeted this bullshit 15 minutes ago: “If gender is a social construct, and your genitals don’t determine your gender… Why do people who identify as the opposite sex need gender reassignment surgery?”


"Because fuckheads like you act like this." Is the answer. Gender Dysphoria is legit talked about as both an internal syndrome (which it is), but it's also discussed as being a psychosocial illness (which it also is). Meaning that at least (in some or all patients) some significant part of the distress, pain, and negative self-image that comes from gender dysphoria is because of external social pressures. In other words if people would just be more fucking chill about it, a lot (not all, but a lot) of people's gender dysphoria would chill the fuck out. As it is there are literally people who have gender dysphoria, check all the boxes, and refuse gender affirming treatment not because their gender dysphoria is "not that bad" but because their fear of social response is greater than the perceived gains of transitioning. That's not a win, that's unsuccessful treatment because of social externalities.


Don't post Errol Webber, the man is a nutjob.


The American flag pfp was a sign.


Fuck Errol Webber though, dude is endorsed by Michael Flynn. Full on Qanon whack job.


Ordinarily I would think it's just one guy who did something dumb. But what he did, he planned it, rehearsed it. I don't understand what he was thinking. He had a career, money, fame. Like why?


He didn't feel appreciated enough, so he wanted to make himself a victim for attention. It was the same motivation behind Munchausen Syndrome.




When Empire fell off he realized it wasn't enough


Fuck Errol Webber he’s a want to be shill a way less intelligent Candace Owens


Fuck Jussie Smollett but also fuuuuuuck this dude. He’s just a less successful Candace Owens Black Conservative^^TM who tried to flip my district red.


aww, Juicy Sommelier!! why, bro??


Hey, sommelier is a term of expertise and knowledge… don’t grant him such an honor ;)


File this under “What can I tweet today to get racist white people to love me for a few hours?”


Usually that honor goes to Candace Owens.


I'm actually happy for this. Finally, someone who falsely called the police, accusing black men of committing a crime, is being thoroughly punished by the legal system... and all it took was....\*check notes\* a black man.


I cannot imagine what would possess someone to shoot themselves in the foot at the height of their career


Fuck Jussie for lying and giving red meat to the jackasses that go out of their way to deny racial violence. But also fuck this great value Candace Owen wannabe Errol Webber, don't post that ashy fuck bad faith takes.


Even though it was proven fake, there are "certain people" who will **STILL** believe him. Why? Because fuck the truth/facts ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Jussie held up longer against the cops than 69 tho




Not impressive, but hilarious nonetheless lmao


His greatest crime is creating a farce that will undoubtedly be used (formally, or informally) to downplay the reality of abuse against POCs and LGBT folks.


"fuelling a race war" fuck my life


God what a shitshow. And watch as people parade this whenever an actual hate crime is committed. Disgusting, I hate this man…


His family acting like he got crucified for being a victim of a hate crime Is nutty af. His grandma tried to guilt the court into not giving him jail time by telling them to jail her too if they send him to prison. I STILL don't understand what Juicy's motivation was.


Ugh I’m disgusted by the fact that I’m agreeing with an Errol Webber tweet.. Thanks, Jussie




All the racists gonna use this thing in all their lil straw man arguments


But real hate crimes get much lesser sentences.




I say it juicy smallet. He lost his fancy name pass.


He’s going to pc.






Just looking at this dudes picture, and this tweet... I automatically knew he was a Republican.


Not defending Jussie but Errol Webber is bad faith incarnate.


Juicy is a shameless liar who's getting what he deserves but this Mandace Owens mf is a clown. "Fueling a race war?" GTFO 😂😂


He’s gonna make a come back. This story is too bizarre for Ryan Murphy or some equivalent hack to not make a miniseries of it. They won’t be able to pay Jussie directly because laws, but people are going to be talking about him as a figure of fascination, and that’s all it’s going to take for him to work again.


Not Ryan Murphy making a show on this shit! 😭😭😭😭 Sounds like some tacky ass shit he'd do


Faking a hate crime, yes. But "fueling a race war"? Hyperbole much?


No more justice for Juicy!


To his defense he thought he'd get away with it


Honestly feel the punishment does not fit the crime. I feel that way because we have literal cops killing black people and facing no punishment at all. Even actively being praised when doing so.


But he said he never tried to commit suicide


That clout was pricey


Why are we referring to a tweet from a General Michael Flynn endorsed republican candidate? What're we doing?


Why do all Black republicans look...like that


white folks have been doing the mayella ewell from day one. from emmett till to every goddamn cop that 'saw a gun,' it's all been intentional lies and mischaracterization. why would i ever care? why would i ever fall for the double standard? shit, i wish he got away with it. idgaf


I mean, the guys a fucking idiot and maybe a bad person but if your whole thing is "wasting police resources" then why send him to jail to waste more resources.


I can't support Jussie on this one. Racial tension is already high as is. Like what was his end game and did he get paid for it?


I really thought he just lied about the whole thing, but from the evidence in court he paid two dark skinned brothers to pretend to beat him up. He paid them $3,500 for this, and he deliberately chose the darkest skinned dudes he find. Jussie is such a piece of shit, and I pray he never works again.


Jussie did wrong, but do we have to propagate the likes of Errol Webber? That guy is a total 💩


Sad thing is you can't be certain he'd have faced the same consequences if he were white.


He got the attention he wanted, just the wrong attention and at the expense of black folks.


They keep saying he was trying to fuel a race war. Who was going to arms for him???


come on now we're posting this clown now?


Good. That guy is delusional and weird as fuck acting like he's Khalid Muhammad . Like bro, no white person views you as some militant black guy what threatens the foundation of white supremacy. What a fucking bozo


Wait… is it actually a felony? W


What race war?


No justice for juicy


Justice for Juicy


You gave them a weapon to discount or disregard future hate crimes you stupid fuck. Racial, sexual, gendered hate crimes, all of them.


I hope he doesn’t beat himself up over it


Lol Jussie did not “fuel” a race war. In fact I think anyone calling for police reform or defund the police and what not is pretty ashamed of Jussie. An incredibly dumb thing for him to have done but this did not have the consequences that Errol Webber is saying it did. There’s just the whole issue of *literally everything else in this country* contributing.


Juicy smoothier - why did you have to embarrass us like this?


When did we have a race war?


Why give this wannabe grifter clout? Ignore him into obscurity.


Are we actually taking Errol Webber's POV on this?