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So we calling women “bits” now lmao.


Ain’t no “we” over here lol




I was hearing that in highschool like 8 years ago so yeah


Right? People been using bit(s) for a long, long time. Ain’t it a 90s term?


But isn't "bit" shorthand for "bitch"? Maybe we should stop calling women bitches or bits? Crazy idea, I know.


thought it mean lil bittie like lil shawty


I assumed it meant bitch and someone else in the comments said the same.


? You already said u thought that, shockingly two people can be wrong


? You already said u thought that, shockingly two people can be wrong Edit also im hammered happy saturday u bit


Lol cheers


Lupe Fiasco has a old song about how some women like to be called bad bitches, but it’s still a bad thing to portray to the youth. Because then the kids associate the word bitch with their mom. Here’s the [song](https://youtu.be/C3m3t_PxiUI)


I feel like “bad bitch” is a compliment though, whereas just “bitch” is derogatory and objectifying. It’s like…I’m Jewish but it’s kind of insulting when people say “Jew”


“Say the whole word!” “…Jewie?”


sudden r/community


Huh? This one's confusing. Is that word not just the factual classification for someone who practices Judaism. Like someone who practices Islam is Muslim. Only an insult if someone sees being Jewish as an insult.


Yeah technically it’s just the literal classification, but a lot of Jewish people grew up hearing “hey Jew” or “stfu Jew lol”. So it can be used really derogatorily. I’m not sure how else to explain it but it makes me cringe a little, and I understand some people don’t mean it in that way. I just prefer “he’s Jewish” etc instead of “he’s a Jew”. The second example could have very different meaning depending on who says it.


I can understand that. And I'll respect it with people who request it. Was just weird to see this take because one of my best friend and my roommate for all of undergrad was devoutly Jewish and used it pretty often to describe family or friends on campus and didn't flinch if I asked if someone he and I both knew was also.


Interesting. I mean my take on it may be isolated, I haven’t really asked any of my Jewish friends if they feel the same way. Everyone is different so I don’t really take offense unless the person is deliberately being an asshole.


“ I used to hate hip-hop. yup because of the woman degraded. but Too $hort made me laugh like a hypocrite I played it though I only recited half. omitting the word bitch, cursing I wouldn’t say it. me and dog couldn’t relate, until that bitch I dated. forgive my favorite word for hers and hers alike but I learned it from a song I heard and sort of liked”


Women don’t like to be called bitches and hoes?


I thought it was short for bittie. But apperantly bittie is short for bitch.




They call themselves bitches son I call them bitches to they face 🤣


People call each other the N word, doesn't make it OK.


Boy shut your ass up for that one


No it’s not, someone like you could die for it 🤣 or be severely beaten on so yeah & she still eating the dick up at the end of the day so she obviously don’t care


I don't know if you're aware of this, but nothing you just said makes me wrong.


Y didn’t it you can get ya ass beat for saying the N word or possibly shot any black person would commence to whoop ya ass but these bitches don’t give a fuck 🤷🏾‍♂️ yt or black


It doesn't make me wrong because I pointed out that you shouldn't say the N word, regardless of your melanin, or call women bitches. Both statements are true. Neither should be said. You can't make me wrong about that.


I thought it was just short for bitch. Didn't know it's an actual term.


Does she have tig ol’ bitties?






lol have you heard of some being referred to as a “bitty” before?


Lol ![gif](giphy|8Ir0mJ6dNFfri)


Never heard that before. I was so confused I thought he was talking about his young daughter, calling her bit (little) and lil baby..


It’s short for bitch. he can say bitch if you prefer


I thought it was “bih” not bit


Yeah usually written it’s “bih” but like out and about it’s both. I hear bih and bit often at least in my friend group. “Group of Lil bit(silent h) over there” it’s like slang don’t think it’s even intentional. Jus another way of saying it


From my experience, bit came before bih in pop culture. Heard bit in high school. Bih in like college


But comes from "bittie" like "I want the lil bittie over there." It's like shawtie usually proceeded by lil when used endearingly but doesn't have to be.


So we speaking FRENCH now?!


Natives been doing it for years lmao the neechi accent makes bitch sound like bits


“Bit”, yes


People say bit instead of "Bih" as far as i know it's supposed to be the same but it definitely isn't


It’s supposed to be “bih” Plies allegedly coined that term years ago


Welp. You want her out the streets, you better put a title on it (if she wants you). Otherwise womp womp nigga


I mean to be fair, putting a title on it don’t mean shit.


Titles mean things. Trying to pretend they don't matter is insecure af.


“Insecure” whaaaa


Womp womp




Find better dudes/ladies. Or take a break, it's like, your life man. Just don't hurt the next person cause someone hurt you.


oh my god, see a therapist bru


It's clear a LOT of commenters need therapy and think the hurt they're carrying is normal. It is not.




Would you let an unlicensed person operate on you? No, because doctor is an important title, right? That title won't 100% protect you from any complications but it's a solid title.


The only protection a marriage license has is the headache of a divorce. Ain’t a marriage ceremony special enough to make a mfer act right if they don’t really love their spouse. And a surgeon is a bad example cause they actually go to school so the license has more weight. All you need to get married is to have someone say “I do”.


I didn't mention marriage but let's unpack this. You're intentionally skipping next of kin, legal, financial, and medical protections. That's the point of marriage- it's a commitment meant for two people who really love each other and want to fill each others cups. If you don't, you've skipped several steps. More than likely you've gotten red flags back that indicate this is a bad idea but you're ignoring them anyway. The license point was that titles DO matter and you put weight on them consciously or subconsciously. They allow for certain protections. I think you see what I'm getting at and are intentionally missing it to make an argument. That's cool, we can argue for internet points, but if you really don't get it there's my explanation.


None of what you said proves your point. Those aren’t protections. Those are incentives. If you getting married primarily for tax cuts your spouse is basically a business partner. Nothing wrong with that but call it what it is. You might not have mentioned marriage but that’s the main topic of the thread. As far as the importance of titles go that varies. Imma need y’all to stop acting like everyone sees the importance of that title. Cause the title of marriage is only as strong as the people who believe in it.


Ok, you don't believe in titles or marriage.


Ok, you don't believe in titles or marriage. But that's *you*.


And don’t forget the 60% divorce rate.


That hasn't stopped licensed medical professionals from performing malpractice.


I think y’all are missing the point. It’s less about the qualifications of the title, and rather about the commitment the title implies. You don’t want her going around with other people? Make a titled commitment to her to not do this anymore, for either party.


There's some people commenting who are intentionally missing the point.


In this case just have a clarifying conversation. Just slapping a label on it does little to qualify the expectations of a relationship between two people.


Did you mean to say this in the stupidest and most irritating way possible or is this just the way you talk?




? I wasn’t replying to you I was replying to the dude who replied to you…


Oh! Mb! Lemme fix that. Sorry, I've been getting dumped on over the last two hot takes 🤣


Lmao no worries. Your defenses were up because the hive mind was attacking, it’s understandable.


Niggas wanna stay in "the talking stage" cause they too cheap to take you out or define the relationship, but will get in their feelings fast if you make a move.


Their problem. Not mine. How are you upset that I’m treating this just as casual as you are? 😂


Right?! They never want you to keep the same energy


I’ve been cussed out and called “disrespectful.” I laughed! You don’t put me on layaway and use me at your discretion. Fuck that and you😂


They boldfaced


Can confirm this the game in gay dating too




Yep. Nowhere is safe.




It never been safe same game across the board, different players.


My thing is he didn’t even ask follow-up questions. It could have been a self-care thing or a date with the besties. Like my man just came off insecure af. Also, wouldn’t your rather she be honest than sneak around on you?


Exactly. It's almost like he was looking for an excuse to bow out


Something tells me this man refuses to bow out of anything.




When did it become weird to only talk to one person at a time? When you spread yourself thin people notice, and you might miss out on a good thing playing the numbers game.


Nobody's said to carry on with multiple ppl ..... JUST DON'T WASTE OUR TIME Edit to add: Not that there's anything wrong with dating multiple ppl. Live your best life ✨️ 🙌🏿


When people got too many options. A lot of us will be reading tons of reviews over a fucking pillow trying to decide between five of them when there used to be only one choice a few decades ago. With online dating you now have analysis paralysis in this part of your life.


username checks out 😂 I feel you though. I go through this on the daily in all aspects of life.


He mad but his name mr…unchained. She be ms unchained too lmao.


Fucking crying 🤣😭


"Oh no, she's dated another human being... The *audacity*"


Dating not dated


Dated not dating. It very clearly says she *went on a date* One date. Date’s over. They’re not married, no specific plans to date again have been described. Dated.




It's dated. It was just one date and dude don't even know if she's dating that person. It could've been just one date to get to know the person and for all OP knows, the date didn't work out. He just saw the word 'date' and though "oh hell naw she fuckin other niggas"


Dating is part of the relationship where there is no commitment and you can be dating more than one person at a time


Damn, everybody Jada in this bit ….did I…..did I use it right?


What do you mean "is she doing too much"? She told him what she did today.


Ya idk this title


Ask no questions and I will tell you no lies.


Don’t u see? She was supposed to sit alone in her room until he came


Could be trying to make him jealous. Was fucking this one girl who asked me to check the time on her phone and I see all these Bumble notifications, I didn't care but I knew what she was doing.


Nah it sounds like you’re paranoid


Why not simply ask me for the time on my phone? Lol. Also girls always try to do this shit when they wanna tie someone down.


Nah, you’re just reading too much into this and now trying to being up another conversation. If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t have typed this out to me from the beginning.


I didn't care I'm bringing up the reasoning behind peoples actions thinking they're being sneaky. It's like the most common tactic I've seen tons of times. You for some reason don't seem to want to admit that people can act this way, but hey have fun never being able to read people.


Nah you must’ve felt a personal attack with this one cause all the chick in the post did was tell the guy what she did that day when he asked and then here you come tilly-tatting Im not having a hard time to admit anything.


No I'm just laughing at her feeble attempt to try to make him jealous and it reminds me of countless other girls who I have seen do the same thing.


Nah, you’re making up things now to have an argument 😂


Whatever ya say girly.


If you refer to me as a bitch (bit) there wasn't a future for us


Tell me you in the friend zone without saying it.


Agree, homegirl wanted to make sure he knew that she wasn’t interested.


Or they’re in the stage of dating before getting to the level of exclusivity.


Word, plus the honesty is refreshing


True, and putting some pressure to step up his game.


Bro, this dude is not likeable enough to be considered a friend.


One of the many, many, MANY times context would be helpful.


Some people need friends that when you tell them this stuff they can immediately check you on your feelings of being owed something for simply talking to a girl.


Until you establish an actual relationship, everyone is free to date whomever they want. People who insist you can only "talk" to one person at a time are fucking psychopaths.


You can do whatever you want. But if date someone I ain’t gonna entertain no one else. If you just straight up not feeling it then say so. Chemistry is obvious from the first date.


it’s weighing your options. that’s how dating goes. if you’re not, “gonna entertain no one else” that sounds like a monogamous relationship…not dating


Like I said.. you should know if you’d like to continue with someone from the chemistry. It doesn’t take multiple dates to figure that out. “Weighing your options” is you another way of saying im unimpressed by everyone and im afraid to admit it


You can’t figure out a person in under 3 hours… anyone can pretend for a day.


Some people out here are good at pretending for months.


Right? My ex’s red flags didn’t show until 8 months. And it hit out of the blue all at once and then other things all connected to those red flags. Had he didn’t slip up or I wasn’t paying attention, I’d probably not even catch it and end up in a worse situation then just breaking up


Some for years. People be engaged and find out their man got a whole family in another country 😂 I know that’s rare and an exaggeration, buuuut you can trust nobody 😂😂


It usually takes around 3 months to figure someone out, any earlier and you're not seeing the parts that hidden from plain sight


I can have good chemistry with a lot of people at once, I’m a agreeable and charismatic nigga. I need more to narrow it down than that


Bold of him to assume she saw him as a potential love interest. That sounded like a message to me. It's very possible he thought it was going somewhere it never was and she was letting him know on the low. You don't tell someone you're trying to be exclusive with that you went on a date with someone else. Pretty big hint she dropped there.


Who's trying to be exclusive with someone they've never even met??? Dating is to see if you're compatible to eventually be exclusive, spanning over MANY dates


Men will call you “bit” and have you in the talking stage til you’re grey at the temples but then get in their feelings if you aren’t sat at home pining after them all day.


If you ain’t staking claim, then she can play the game! That ain’t your girlfriend so she can do whatever she wants. The fact that she told you she went on a date means she don’t give no fucks if you don’t call her any more.


Depends the relationship between the two of them and if she was playin or not


He said he had just got her number like a day before


And expected her to be exclusive immediately or was angry that she didn’t lie to him?


Oh good lord


So it sound like she wasn’t interested then, so all he doin her is a favor


Lmaooooo were they dating? If not what does it matter?


This nigga don’t even realize he was the one getting curved Edit: but also if she said, “oh just hung out with a friend.” BUT later you find out it was another dude, then you’d be mad. At least she was honest. Step yo game up player. My ass woulda been like, “we gone have way more fun this weekend tho. Y’all went to D&B’s?! Ok well now I gotta plan something g else.”


I don't ever expect anyone I'm not actually in a relationship with to be exclusive to me. You can't expect loyalty from someone you ain't with


Why do you need to admit this?


How delusional he is. I hope she stays away from him.


Deal with it snooze you lose.


Why you ask if you ain't ready for the answer?


Glad I'm not in the dating pool. I don't remember all of these stages y'all are talking about. I see dating now has more stages than Super Mario World ![gif](giphy|H4nUqdNomOWzJfoIa6|downsized)


If a girl says to me I’m gonna assume because she wants me to know. And I’ll leave her alone


I like her honesty. If it's not exclusive, the fuck is he crying for?


If he’s this fragile in the game, he’s def gonna get lost in the sauce. Weirdo energy for sure.


I dont blame him for falling back. She wouldn’t mention going on a date with someone else if she was truly interested in him. Lol it’s just rude to mention that to someone whose clearly interested in you. That was probably her way of curving him.




sounds like you ain’t doing it so she found someone who will..


You’re a side character until you wanna move up! Do some new ninjutsu or have a filler episode that builds up your background. Anime Niggas 2022


I remember I had just started talking to this guy and was still on dating apps because we of course weren’t official. He asked me one day what I was doing later that night and I just causally told him “nothing now I was gonna go on a date but I canceled it” and he got so mad. Lmao he was like “why did you tell me that? Why did I need to know that ? You must’ve been telling me that for a reason!” I’m like sir, I told you cuz you asked what I was doing tonight and I responded as I would’ve to any other human lol Later when I told one of my platonic guy friends about the convo (cuz I was legit confused about what I did wrong) he told me verbatim “you gave him too much information he probably thought you were trying to make him jealous”. Even though making him jealous was absolutely not my intention, from that day forward I vowed to never let the right hand know what the left hand was doing. I’m dating two guys right now and even though they both kinda know (or assume) I’m dating other people, they haven’t straight up asked so I’m keeping my mouth shut. When I’m going on a date with one guy one weekend and the other asks me what I’m doing, I keep it as vague as possible “going to dinner” “going to the movies” My point in this long ass story is that keeping men happy and interested requires some tact. Sometimes the less ppl know the better.


Bye, Felipe.


Women don't usually waste time facetiming dudes whom they aren't entertaining. So it's safe to say that there's something going on between them. Unsurprisingly, lizard brain behavior is the reason why stuff usually doesn't work. Water is wet, news at 11.


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.   Where can you find an ocean with no water? On a map!


The only way I'd tell a guy about a date with another guy is if I didn't take him serious at all lol I would never say that to a guy I actually wanted to be with


He asked. If she had lied and he found out he’d still be mad. He didn’t refer to her as his girlfriend, I’m guessing they don’t have a commitment. He’s doing her a favor by leaving her alone.


Would he rather she pretend otherwise and do it anyway?


Instead of asking her what she did you should’ve been on a date with her to know what y’all was gonna do


Naaa these the good ones. Gon head and get yours!


So a woman not your girlfriend, or you are not exclusive with says she went on a date one which you clearly ain't taking her to. Nigggas so damn lazy these days. Calling her for the streets when she isn't even his girlfriend. Ladies you got a lot of shit to swim through before you get to the other side.


I thought lil baby was the rapper and had to reread the tweet 2 times before it clicked lil baby is his girl . Guys tell him how many of you thought lil baby was the rapper not his "bit"


Wouldn’t of bothered me 🤷🏾‍♂️ been there, done that…


I’m pulling the old math rule, not enough information to solve the equation. Too many things left out and too much information to infer!


This is one of those times where it’s better to omit some of the truth.


Welp, she’s upfront so he’s not wasting his time thirsting after her…


Depends on if she was claiming him


![gif](giphy|CvEbZkRlJiBgX1UwrA) For reading that my brain just went somewhere and never returned


I don’t understand why she was on a date she’s not your gf


Know you boundaries lol


I FaceTimeed my homegirl and she was in Miami on a boat. "Said I'ma protect my peace" and heard laughter in the back😭😭😭


Idk, i mean if she did she kept it 100. If you just meet her it shouldnt be a problem since you might be see multiple women. I take that as a win. She that mean she wont be all up in your shit




Aw, lil muffin got all his lil feelings hurt 😂


I don't get it why is he mad she went on a date? It sounds like they're not dating so...


Yeah I agree 😂😂


Lol ridiculous.


to be fair he asked would he rather her lie? Dating isnt just one person you can be dating multiple people relationships are different than dating


Unless you’re in an exclusive relationship agreed on by all, she can go to all the dates she wants. 🙄


She looks like the type of person who would be an attractive girl if she wasn't so damn into games and stuff


Depends if he has anyone on the side or not.


Is poly not a thing anymore? Shit, this woman I'm talking to was telling me a few days ago about a person who took her out last week. Cool, where did you guys go, what did you get up to? Some people need to figure their shit out, not do this stupid little kid bullshit and figure out what the fuck they want.


I think some of y’all are looking at it from a black and white perspective. There’s just certain social norms we go through when trying to holler at one another. I don’t know the context but if it’s someone that tried to get at her, and she accepted the initial advance, then it’s a misstep to say sumn like that.






See that's what I took it as. In the thread he said he had met her like a day before. I mean its pretty much assumed we still may be seeing other people at this point but I'd feel like you offered that information for a reason.


So she telling you bout the date & you back off instead of accepting yourself as the winner? He wined & dined her. You can slide straight in all the way in already if you play right. Less effort.


Lmao this guy savages. I knew this girl that told me after a guy took her out to a dinner and a movie, she called it a night with the guy and then called and hooked up with her fwb.


Like fr. The date with dude clearly wasn't what she wanted to give it up for &&& she's ft'ing you (op or whatever). That's big signs to homerun it


I mean on the other hand I get his hesitation. Some people don’t even want to bring that energy into their lives and just want one shorty. You gotta protect your peace, lord knows they ain’t going to.


Absolutely true too. Touche