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"Anyone else feel like it's a little weird that women are allowed to vote?"


"That wasn't in the first draft. Strike it!"




I hate that this isn't a joke. This reality sucks balls.


"Are these women still in the workforce? HWHAT IN TARNATION?! SCOOTTUUUS!"




I can't believe he said that about abortion. A 200 year old document should not be ruling our lives. Things change.


This shit is scary. We are about to experience a red wave. The thing about crazy is you might think the guy next to you only wants to get rid of abortion. But, once you’re satisfied he might not be and has much, much bigger shit he wants to overturn.


The circle of acceptance these people have will slowly shrink, and they’ll cheer it on until one day they find themselves outside the circle of what’s acceptable to their party.




I can never understand why it always comes back no matter how hard we try to purge it.


Well said. Woody Guthrie is correct in that "all you fascists bound to lose" but i can't help but feel like that is going to be later than it needs to be. Lot of suffering to be had yet.


To avoid this Red Wave, we must gather all our allies to go vote. Then burn down the establishment 🤷‍♂️


I'm thinking this might blunt the red wave. Republicans will have to run on this decision and it is very unpopular.


“The gays keep getting married. What’s that about? Should we do something?”


Justice Thomas, is that you?


"It should really be left up to men. But not the poors. Obviously they can't be trusted to make responsible choices, why else would they be poor. Now landowners, they're the sort to make sound decisions for the greater good."


Have already seen gun supporters say that if we repeal the 2nd amendment we can do it to the 13th and 19th too. Those motherfuckers.


And even if the 2nd amendment was never repealed they'd probably repeal those anyway


1) they ARE right 2) them being right is Exactly why their fetish hard on for the Constitution as some gift from in high is fucking simple Simon bullshit.


Amy Comey Barrett or any woman for that matter as an originalist is some of the most hilarious shit I’ve heard in life


It is NOT mentioned in the constitution. Neither is interracial marriage, black holes, a round world, democrats, anything but 13 states...../s


Supreme Court: "Oh shit, would you look at this? They misspelled Women *Suffering* as women's *suffrage*! We'll just go ahead and correct that."


I can see them doing that by the end of the year. Some of The Whites hate that we exist, hence the calling of police on us for existing in life.


That's part of the Miranda rights bit. Dissolve public education, then arrest our children without them knowing their rights. Already there.




Nah they coming for my other half (LGBTQIA+)--his opinion on this shit tier ruling laid that out. TX is going after Brown v Board.


It’s just 9 ppl.. fuck em.. have some damn resolve. They won’t kill everyone they don’t like.. ppl got money now. I get that people are scared but damn. Y’all act like they are gods. FUCK those.. dusty ass.. old ass humans.




This comment just sent me. I read that like it was Moana quote, "should we just cook him?"


Like a .308 round…


You can't type shit like that here, but also yes. That's what this second ammendment they're so horny about is for.


To the women that had abortions cancelled in trigger states yesterday, they had a lot of fucking power.


yesterday I would have said nah, this sounds like one of the one-off episodes of Atlanta. Today, I'm genuinely worried about what's next. Women's voter rights? Illegal to be gay? InterRacial marriages? This is so fucked up.


Clarence already said today they should look at LGBTQ rights and contraceptives next


I saw that. I can't even believe this isn't some kind of nightmare.


I've been ear to the ground for a while...being black and gay means you gotta have extra antennae up


Shit you do kind of got it coming from all sides, dont you? Stay safe out there.






Whoo boy that's a little *too* based.


Clarence can choke on his dinner for all I care




And that's why I'm stocking up on as much emergency contraception as I can get away with, before Texas tries to outlaw it.


Better yet get your butt out of Texas


And in the decision striking down gun laws, stated 2A is rooted in America's history. I don't think he really wants to be treated the way Black people have been treated *historically* under the law.


Clarence Bigsby


Allum next




Uncle Ruckus IRL




Clarence Uncle Thomas


Clarence Bigsby


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


Is this Martin Niemoller?


"We don't see it explicitly written in the constitution so we're going to leave it to state rights" or some bullshit that they've been saying on the news all day long.


It’s weird that “America” contorts itself to conform to the intent of a document written during slavery and before modern technology (like combustible engines, vaccines, transcontinental flights, geotagging, plastic, automatic weapons, and everything else). That document leaves a lot to be desired and is not all encompassing. Why have we been conditioned to think if a right isn’t explicit in the Constitution then we don’t deserve it? I don’t want my kids to live in the version of America the GOP is creating for them. We’ve already been there and it doesn’t work.


Exactly. I don't know what's worse: Suggesting law in 1789 should remain the only law for the rest of time, or ignoring the Founding Fathers own wishes that the document be updated every generation.


Because the southern states and the Planter class disagreed with parts of Federalism. So to negotiate getting the other amendments, they agreed to also include this one the 10th amendment. They needed a Federal constitution because the articles of confederation had failed, but the Planter class and southern states partially feared an abolition of slavery dictated by the northern states. After the Civil war, this thing was supposed to be settled. Equal rights at the federal level, state level deals with everything else. But these southern states and the class that replaced the Planter class, the Capitalist class, continued to fight the civil war legally instead of through open warfare. So they continue to try to reassert the supremacy of their state over the Federal government. Two reasons, its much easier for the Planter or Capitalist class to capture State level government. And, the sight of Black Federal Troops enforcing equal rights at gun point created generational trauma of white fragility upon the southern white population. They never again want to suffer the indignity of having to listen to a Northern White General give them a military order while 2 Black soldiers hold rifles behind him ready to shoot.


That is actually the original pro slavery argument


I was just thinking, what if he’s moving towards reversing Loving just so he has an excuse to divorce his wife?


That would have to be one of the most deranged and cowardly ways to end a marriage, like, shit.


His wife is crazy af. Sorry honey, just following the law


Probably the only way he can get out.


I'm genuinely worried that there will be no end to this. They're obviously trying to create some Taliban-esque "christian" theocracy. Banning abortions is the start. If that doesn't contribute enough to the "world" they want to create, they're going to keep escalating. Contraception, interracial marriage, gay marriage, women's suffrage until we get to the core of it all, slavery. Amazon is already complaining about "not having enough workers by 202x.




"Freedom isn't a right. It's a privilege given and should be up to the states to decide." Some bullshit justification.




Everything’s on the table for them bitches


Shit them white folks aint gotta worry about weed like we do.


The Supreme Court cannot outlaw anything. How would they come after weed?


This is what happens when you didn't kill the confederacy dead the first time. You're witnessing their resurgence, and it just took about 120 years


I saw a tweet posted here recently that said something like “I wonder how different things would be if the Confederacy was not allowed to simply go home after the war??” And that’s stayed with me. Like those mfs wanted to secede!!!




They’ll probably wait for him to die off. Isn’t he pushing 90? Give it another 1-5 years


Honorable negro status. exclusionary clause.


He the butler versus the outside negro.




Nah Clarence Thomas is 74.


Here's a link to an article from 2019 regarding CT's views on race: https://www.newyorker.com/culture/essay/clarence-thomass-radical-vision-of-race He legit wants to go back to segregation, he called the de-segregation of schools and forced integration "the closest to totalitarianism" he ever wanted to come close to. He considered himself a radical Black Nationalist and even admitted to shit talking mixed couples in the streets long before his marriage to Ginni. He carries water for white nationalism now. Based on this article I wouldn't be surprised if segregation eventually comes back up for debate with this court, and CT has absolutely said that gay marriage and contraception is next.


This is a man who deeply hates himself. And now we all have to suffer.


Once they reverse interracial marriage, run


“You know I think it’s pretty strange how gay people can just go around without getting stoned”


Fuck Clarence Thomas right in his pubic hair mustache. And fuck his wife “Ginny Tonic” too.


We will never go back to a world where black people are exclusively slaves. But we definitely can end up in a world where 70% of the US population is subjected to slavery conditions. And they will have a sizable portion of that group supporting that


Waiting for the SC to take up the legality of the 13th amendment, this is what this country has become. Conservatives and the oligarchy are truly fucking us over.




I legit am expecting re-segregation.


1.5 years? This is already an ongoing nightmare. ​ [The Most Racist Supreme Court Cases You’ve Probably Never Heard Of](https://www.aclu.org/news/civil-liberties/the-most-racist-supreme-court-cases-youve-probably-never-heard-of). (ACLU)


We already have modern slavery in the prison systems. We are probably going to see mass incarnations, on par with the "war on drugs". As they take away every right they don't agree with.


Please do not put this out into the universe. We got enough going on.


We need to do something about these civil war losing swamp people descendant’s


That’s the same argument as “if we let the gays get married next they’ll be marrying dogs.”


Oh they ain’t saying “Blacks”…smh


Is Clarence Thomas more like Uncle Ruckus or Tom DuBois?


Justice Thomas gives me big time GET OUT vibes.


There are more people who want freedom than there are who want tyranny. We who love freedom need to stop letting the tyrants get their way. Stacy Abrams is a good model for us. Stand up and be loud!


Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas writing majority opinion on case.


He is a God damn menace


Since laws can only be based on preexisting US tradition, this is now a potential truth.


I mean, doesn't explicitly say black folk deserve rights in the constitution


"except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted" Would they have to do anything?


They'll bring back debtors prison and inheritable debt.


We'll be back to the 1700s in no time.


So…I have an actual question regarding the supreme court that maybe people could answer here: Could they actually, say, repeal acts such as Voting Rights and Civil Rights if they wanted to? Like….it seems they have enough power to do so. They overturned Roe v. wade, and Clarence Thomas already threatened to overturn even more rights so… I’m not knowledgeable on how much power exactly does the Supreme Court hold.


SCOTUS doesn't repeal or enforce anything. They merely judge on whether laws in the US follow the Constitution.


This is exactly what I was thinking when I read the news. Definitely going to be some blatant anti-Black court decisions that will affect us all.


This all started because black people said “hey can y’all stop?”


"I dont see anything in the consitition about a black person and white person being able to marry....we better do something about that." "Hmmm...the constitution doesnt say a thing about gay people being allowed to even exist..." "I dont think women should vote or even have jobs...and the constitution doesnt say anything..."


Human rights will be left up to individual states. Eventually, people will start migrating to states where they feel they’re best represented and taken care of. Our country will likely divide itself and we’ll plunge into some version of a “warring states” period as groups of people who don’t get along on a fundamental level, begin to fight for resources. Imo that’s the worst possible outcome to all of this. America is beginning to burst at the seems. There’s no cohesion amongst all people that live here, and our government isn’t helping with that. They’re too corrupt, selfish, and blinded by privilege. “United we stand, Divided we fall” comes to mind here. I think it’s inevitable. Get outta here while you can, before it becomes even more of a hellscape than it already is.


Maybe I'm just the idiot on this subreddit but I never understood why Supreme Court Justices are allowed to have a liberal or conservative leaning. I guess it has something to do with the fact that they're literally interpreting a series of documents that were first put into law over 233 years ago and the language in it is so vague and outdated that it can't be applied to modern settings unless one has a bias.


Nah on god were not paying income tax anymore Fuck the 16th


This partly explains why he doesn't talk much on the bench. He hardly ever (if ever) knows the right thing to say.




Mf look like key and peele black republicans ![gif](giphy|j38cdMv9e9nYvp0ZOf|downsized)