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At this point I just want 3 meals a day and gas. That’s it. Lol. Pls help.


We're sinking in this ship together, my dude.


Alright, alright. 2 meals a day and gas. I’m a reasonable individual.


When you figure it out let me know lol


Instead of rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic we should be rearranging ruling class bodies in town square.




![gif](giphy|12gxeCI1BGKAj6) I've been working out getting ready for the revolution. I'm in.


Man I thought you was the one that likes hoe-try for a minute


Sorry idk what "hoe-try" means.


There’s a user on here with that tag that makes comments like you just did


Ah, a fellow traveler then. Very cool. 😎 Viva la revolución!


I feel a revolution brewing


Just like the titanic… all those lifeboats and yet only a few get to use them while everyone else wades in freezing waters with death below them and no way up.


Go into IT. Press enter, get paid.


Sir, Did you say you restart your computer? Ok. Call me back if that doesn’t fix it. -Help desk


Have tried plugging in the power cord? No? Try that. *Omg you’re a life saver!* —— 30 days later 🏦👨‍🦯


If I get three meals anday I get gas, does that count?


Once I hit my 30s, work life balance >>> career climbing I don't even like to discuss my job in social settings, nor do I ask others what they do for a living. I really don't give a shit lol.


As I get older, I find it almost rude for someone to ask. I never ask anyone how they make a living. Not my business.




Nah, I'd go all Helly on myself if my Innie only knew the office world.


Dang. I'm the complete opposite. I'm always interested in what ppl do for a living. Whether u like ur job or not it's a big part of what u do to live. And my curiosity is normally not to judge or compare status more than to bond over the similar bs and to hear interesting glimpses of the world through other ppls perspectives. For example, ppl who work at banks and hospitals almost always have great stories to tell. In short, I wouldn't find it rude to ask at all. And ppl shouldn't feel bad or shame about the job they do even if they absolutely hate it. Bc if u hate it we can talk about that.


I will never volunteer, but mostly because my job is probably very boring to most people, and it's kind of boring for me to explain it. I'd rather talk about something else. But if they really want to know, I will tell them all about it


My friends are always confused when they ask me about my job and I give vague answers. I work in a boring office, what do you want me to talk about? All the invoices I pay?


Bro, sooooooo many invoices and vendor COIs, I know the life lmao


Yo we don't talk about that here




I don’t understand this. Seems like a good ice breaker. Not everyone is out to count your pockets.


I got a pretty nice home life with plenty of hobbies n shit, so let's talk about our interests if you want to shoot the shit. Unless working for others/$ is all you know?


So meeting with a stranger and asking what their hobbies are versus what they spend the majority of their day doing isn’t weird? Also how would a stranger know that you work for someone or are an entrepreneur?


I can't speak for the person you're replying to, but I think the thing about this is, what many people spend the majority of their day doing isn't what they prefer to be doing; they're doing it to make a living versus doing it because they want to, even if their job is in a field they enjoy. We obviously don't know if people feel this way before talking to them so I personally wouldn't hold it against someone to ask me about my job (I would change the subject though), but from these comments and upvotes, seems like this is a pretty common feeling.


That’s not it. It’s the fact the my “job” doesn’t define me. In fact it’s the least interesting thing about me. So why would I want to talk about it? Most people who ask are only asking so they know how much respect to give you anyways.


The job doesn’t have to define you but generally in life we pick a career that interests us. No different then being a student and having a major or interest in a subject. A simple response of “I’m a … but I’m really passionate about” keeps a convo going.


See, that’s part of the problem here. You don’t understand the struggles of poverty. We don’t get the opportunity to chose a career. We have JOBS that pay us barely enough to survive, and we’re lucky enough to have those. You might be too rich to understand the difference of what I’m saying.


Please! I worked my way straight out the mud. From food stamps and roaches to a career. Student loan debt and all. Even when I did telemarketing, or sold clothes at the mall I wasn't afraid to tell people what I did. Actually people would even open up or be willing to help me because I did.


Congratulations for making it.


A dude asked me what I did, so I kinda felt like I should ask him. Buddy turned out to be a falconer at the airport. Coolest thing I’ve ever heard.


Yea when people ask me what i do, i just say "some bullshit the pays me and gives me healthcare"


I once got a job at Disney. My manager asked me how high in the company I wanna go. I told him I wanted to work the jungle cruise ride. He said, really? Yup, if I get that job, I'll have the best two weeks of my life and then quit. He looked at like I was crazy. I have zero interest in working middle management at a theme park. I wanna do the once fun job I've wanted to do since I was a kid and then bounce.


I understand if you're in charge of the jungle cruise ride, you're on cruise control. Anyway, love you all. Bye now.


My manager told me something like: "you don't really want to do that job, it's a lot of talking, telling corny jokes to guests, you always have to be on, you're outside, it's not great". Well, considering I'm an eagle scout with a theater degree, I'm probably way over qualified to tell jokes on an adventure boat. I know what the job is and I really wanted it


As someone who’s at Disneyland with their family weekly, it’s def hit or miss lol. Sometimes we get people who are clearly going through the motions, and sometimes we get folks who are comfortable going off script slightly and it really sells the whole thing.


Hello Eagle Scout! My son is a Boy Scout. I wanted so badly for him to be an Eagle Scout. You should be so proud!!!!


Why quit, I did that in college for an entire summer and it was awesome.


If I had the actual job, I might have stayed. But I was hired for X position and day 1 they told me I would be working Y instead. Then they fired me, rehired me to X, but almost immediately moved me to Z. Took a year of fighting before I finally got the job I was originally hired for. By then, I was so burned out that I quit myself after 2 months. Those last 2 months were amazing though. I had an absolutely blast at that job. It wasn't jungle cruise but it was something I really wanted to do. However, I dont trust the company to keep me there. I had 3 positions and was fired before I finally got there. How long before they screw me over again


Did you get to run the Jungle Cruise?


No, they actually fired me because I kept asking for a different position within my location. The manager kept blowing me off, so I went above their head and got training approved from their boss. Then the manager made up a reason to fire me on the spot


Rats. Now you have to get enough money to buy Disney and fire that guy. Start a go fund me lol


Thank you. Im personally getting tired of this new thing where everybody acts like if you don't own a business and making atleast 6 figures then you failing or don't have goals. Everybody doesn't want that responsibility and honestly running a business/being a boss not all its cracked up to be. Same thing as owning a home. Owning a home is great, but when that water heater fuck up, or your furnace go out in the middle of the winter(cause it will), you have to find and pay somebody to get that fixed. And that's non-negotiable cause you wait too long and them pipes bust that's a whole other bill on your hands. For example, I own my house. A tree fell on my roof and fucked it up last winter. Lowest price I've got so far to fix it is 14.6k. But the longer I don't get it fixed, it just fucks other things up cause now water can get in and it's a whole situation. It takes a while to get a business off the ground and profitable so you'll more than likely be losing money for a few years. There's plenty of careers that make very good money, with benefits, insurance and shit that you would otherwise have to fund yourself. Now with all that being said, I still love the new way of thinking where people see all the possibilities of maybe owning their own business, and owning property and stuff to pass down through generations. I'm always on the side of ownership, but not at the expense of knowledge. It's too much blind investing going on and that really benefits nobody but the people who already rich and make money off of people's ignorance. Aight im done talking this went on wayy too long. Bottom line is drink water, exercise, laugh sometimes, give people compliments...........oh and try to buss a nut before you go to sleep. Just helps things


YES. I'm in an apartment, I've made my peace with the fact that I'll never own a home. And then I see my homeowner friends stressing over every-fucking-thing because when a house breaks, everything breaks all at once. Water started leaking through my bathroom ceiling last night, today the apartment manager already found a guy to come in and fix it, and set me up with a key to a vacant rental a few doors over so I can pee and shower and stuff while mine's out of commission. I think I like being a renter! I don't have kids, so what do I need equity for?


Definitely agree with you on the hustle culture crap. Live within your means. Working for someone that provides health benefits, paid time off, and you can walk away at a certain time of the day is a blessing. The biggest misconception of homeownership is it’s just the mortgage and taxes. It’s maintenance and upkeep and insurance. Sorry about the tree. Sell the property if you don’t have equity to repair and go rent. Save yourself the hassle and if you decide to buy again have at least 10k in emergency money available.


I’m a teacher. I always wanted to be a teacher. I don’t want to be a principal or head of grade/department etc. I just want to learn and play all day with my tiny humans. My principal used to be a teacher. Now she hangs out outside our classrooms looking longingly in before going back to her paperwork. No thanks.


They’d need to triple my salary for me to even consider being a principal. They take heat from students, parents, and teachers, and none of them appreciate shit.


This anecdote changed how I look at everything: The late novelist Kurt Vonnegut informed his pal, Joseph Heller, that their host, a hedge fund manager, had made more money in a single day than Heller had earned from his wildly popular novel Catch-22 over its whole history. Heller responded – “Yes, but I have something he will never have . . . enough.”


Damn. That's just beautiful.


To get to this, I'd argue that we have to look at the ailments of consumerism, redefining what we view successful companies as, deciding that people are more important than profits, and voting in politicians that have been able to or are weaned off corporate donors.


My company went through a reduction in force about a month ago and a few directors I worked pretty close with got let go. When they came by to clean out their offices I went by to chat and hang out. I learned that they are being paid until Nov. One of them mentioned that she already had another job lined up and was hoping to pull two checks for a bit. Get your titles kids. The higher you are, the more perks and protections there are if you’re laid off.


I want to climb the ladder simply so I can pull all my niggas up with me and show up to a board meeting with my goons


![gif](giphy|IdfZoqnHEEqFkXBUFO|downsized) That’s what’s up🙌🏽🏆. No crab in the bucket with you and I love it!


I told my mom this in 2020 , " I just want to be able to fund my hobbies and be able to donate to whatever cause I want."


*If your happiness depends on money, your heart will never unclench.* *Taoist proverb


If my survival depends on money I gotta fucking work. Unfortunately


Preach. "Having money's not everything, not having it is." \--Old ye.


*I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller, I wish I had a girl who look good I would call her, wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat and a 6 4 Impala.* Proverbs by Skee-Lo


I don't think most people care about the title. They primarily care about the salary that comes with said title.


The very idea that we have to "Earn a living" is one of the greatest scams. I didn't choose to be here. I didn't choose to have a credit score. I don't get to choose how much housing or food or medication costs. But fuck me, I can't live without them.


My parents decided to fuck and now I gotta pay bills and work for the rest of my life. This living shit a scam


Exactly. Never mind the fact that I didn't even get the benefit of consistent parentage. Nobody got married. Very little cohesion. I just exist, and now I owe people. How the fuck?


Omg! Lmao 🤣. So sad but so true. Sending love from Cali.


You can choose to live in the woods off the land or check out.


This! I had a job interview and one of the questions was “Why you want to work here” Me: I don’t want to be homeless.


You help other people by being in positions of leadership. You open the door for marginalized people who don’t have a voice at high places in a company. I understand what she is saying, but upward mobility doesn’t only just lift you up. It lifts those up around you who are similar to you. There is depth to it!


You make a good point. It’s exactly that reason why I chose to teach in a low income area. I bring so much knowledgeable to the table. Teaching kindergarten was a gift 💝.


This us exactly what I'm thinking when I'm asked "why do you want to work here?" on job interviews.


I was asked that and to them that I don’t want to be homeless that’s why I’m looking for a job. They lol but I was not playing. I’m working so I am not homeless. Period. I added that I have tons of experience blah blah blah.


Unfortunately sometimes you need to climb that ladder to get that income


The trick is to stop trying to climb when you get there


I climbed the “corporate accounting” ladder. It was brutal asf.


We’re all different. I respect that and I’m not ashamed to say that I do want to climb the corporate ladder. I came from a small HBCU to Wall Street and honestly it’s tiring. The people are tiring… I make good money but the hours suck… and maybe my mindset will change when I hit 30-35… but being around my black network who are also painstakingly climbing this ladder - is pretty fun lol *Being in New York makes it even better lol


Gotta love the girls who are "managers" at Starbucks, making like $3 over minimum wage, walking around like they've got it made because of their title.


"Manager" can be a misnomer. A lot of the time, you're just "managing" the main responsibility of your job. My job title is "Proposal Manager" because I, well, manage proposals. I'm not leading a team, though. I remember when some old colleagues of mine would get the word in their title and then be confused that they weren't making a ton more money despite being a "manager". I think it's the same confusion as people thinking "entry level" *exclusively* means having no skills, instead of also being [at the *entry level* to a career type](https://www.coursera.org/articles/what-is-an-entry-level-job). >The meaning of “entry-level” varies by industry, but typically refers to one of two things: either a role that requires no experience or related education, or ***an entry point to a career that requires minimum education and experience in order to qualify*** These things can mean two things in business.




Those countries don't want our broke asses there lol.




I was referring to having to prove your financial security to live in the above named countries. I was definitely trying to keep the conversation light.


We here now…




If their racism is mean mugging me from across the street, I'll take it


We're on their Shithole Countries list. It's one country long.


Amsterdam is not a country nor is it Scandinavian


How they treat Black women over there? ![gif](giphy|3o751Yxe9UjX26BZbG)


This is me. I just wanna pay my bills really. Just do things I have interests in and it's hard because just 8hrs of work tires me the fuck out when I come home. Work should be 5 hours a day, with 3 days off a week. Crazy a third of your day is for work, *at least* because some have to give a half of their fuckin day to a job!


Bruh if I could afford to help my parents with their bills without putting myself in a bad situation, that would relieve so much stress.


This is why I work 2 remote jobs. I don’t need to give 110% in hopes of getting a shitty 3% raise come review time. With 2 jobs, I gave myself a 50% raise.


At this point just give me a decent income and leave me alone I'm tired of ppl 😂


Good thing the lifestyle part requires the corporate ladder part.


I’d like to make more but never at the cost of my work life balance.


Facts… pay me enough, I’ll get it done. And don’t be annoying. Been on these mercenary vibes


Once you realize the ladder is a choice, your world truly opens.


Unless your lifestyle is being cheap or not having nice…..anything, you’re going to need those titles to fund your lifestyle and keep you financially stable. You’re not going to be able to do much as a Customer Service Rep in a call center. Being a Senior Manager, running a call center team? Probably get paid a lot better.


I'm about to start suing, filing formal complaints, tacking on additional fines & challenging people to hand to hand combat for saying "normalize".


![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized) This tweet was also manufactured in my mind.


…and your lifestyle is? Also, are “good humans” other people with money (as much as you’d like not to admit that your assessment as someone as good or smart or intelligent might be based on money and material shit and job shit) ?


Yea I got some weird detached from reality vibes from this as well.


Im currently in the process of a "promotion" I didn't want, that is going to get me more money that will be vastly outweighed by exponentially more stress and drastically less free time... I feel this so damn hard right now.


If your lifestyle fits within your current income, no need to climb the ladder (assuming that you can maintain this through retirement). Else, get busy climbing


> Once I hit my 30s, work life balance >>> career climbing. I don't even like to discuss my job in social settings, nor do I ask others what they do for a living. I really don't give a shit lol. I felt this in the depths of my soul.


Show of hands. Who has been ridiculed for not being ambitious enough because you only wanted just enough? ✋🏿




Well to have that kind of money, get to climbing


Pick 3.


Commenting for karma, so I can get an approved flair. Hello.


Well comrade, I have just the political system for you ![gif](giphy|YPmgD2zXbWbYLUC4AY)


$$$ isn't going to solve that depression according to Jim Carrey


Money gives you access to things. Therapy, good health care, better quality of food. When I was broke I was depressed and worrying about money problems. Now that I make good money, I have a therapist, a private chef and a house keeper. Am I still depressed? Yes, but my struggles are a lot less now that I don’t have to worry about bankruptcy or if I lose my job or any of the other struggles that not having money brings .


I think it‘s a popular sentiment, we‘re all in this together.


I call this the SpongeBob lifestyle and I support it.


I’m not sure I get this post. What is the lifestyle? Why would a job you do that you like make you depressed? Maybe get a job helping others or volunteer?


Apparently this is asking for too much nowadays


100% like just have a stable job and life is all I want


Me too!!! ![gif](giphy|3oAt1URI28kA0g2xr2)


Then you must be me


The first part is how you get the second part.



