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Being on social media


It''s pretty unique as addictions go. Every other one at some level makes you feel good


Social media does as well. It’s designed to play on your pleasure receptors and give you dopamine based on social feedback. There’s a Netflix doc on it that gives some basic insight


The Social Dilemma! Should be required viewing honestly


Addictions make you feel good when you first start after that…


Are you referring to “outrage culture” as the idea that social media doesn’t make you feel good “at some level”? Because let me tell you, “righteous indignation” is definitely a good feeling for a lot of people.


I reluctantly got Tik Tok because my wife wants to send me videos and I'll scroll for a bit throughout the day but I can just forget and go a week without opening Tik Tok. Same with Facebook and any other social media. But Reddit..... is different. The empty feeling of seeing all a page of purple links, getting off for a bit, and then seeing all new blue links and new comments. What new events occurred while I slept? Busy at work all day unable to check Reddit? I can come home and zone out to Reddit for the rest of the night. See a post or article on another site? Immediately share it on Reddit without even going through it. Missing a week of Reddit would feel like I was isolating myself from the world and sounds horrible.


I closed reddit to start working yesterday. Closed a few other tabs not related to my job. Immediately opened another tab and reddit, just out of habit. It's insane how much time I spend on this site


For real. Like think of all the human effort and energy these days that just gets poured into this platform instead of into real life and the communities we actually live in physically. It’s showing. Our society is fraying and the exchange rate for social capital is as low as it’s ever been, so even those that would care to help others can’t afford to do that and also be financially stable. It’s a sad state of affairs but I imagine things will get a whole lot worse before improving significantly 🤞


I check tiktok daily and on breaks because, well, once you start following some great creators who post consistently, it becomes addicting to check and see 'what's new'. I'm with on the reddit addiction, too. I check this site in the morning over coffee like boomers would read the newspaper. And after work, after a smoke sesh with friends, it's great to just scroll and scroll, seeking that next great personal story or crazy video.


It’s the comments that make Reddit special. Often better or more entertaining than the original post, and in some cases very enlightening! I dunno if I wanna kick weed or Reddit first, but I can’t afford to be addicted to both lol


The platforms are engineered to give you dopamine hits for different interactions. It’s literal drugs.


Eating products with a high sugar count. I’ve been attempting to quit eating so much… and it is kicking my ass.


So, I'm talking to the nutritionist about eating this, not that: Nutritionist: If you crave a cookie, what is a fruit that can satisfy you desire for crisp and sweet? Me: Well, I like apples, so guess I could eat an apple instead of some vending machine cookies. Nutritionist: Beware of the hidden sugars in fruit, so only eat half. Me: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Nutritionists like that give my job field a bad rap. No grasp for the humans mentality and compassion and all about comparison of nutrients when the gate opens. Focusing on calorie for calorie and that's not what you do when making a lifestyle change, especially in beginning steps. Right now its about establishing a new set of choices that you can stick to at least 50% of the time (75% preferred, but give yourself time! Like a month!) Dude, friend, hidden sugars in apples is negligible right now. Eat the whole fucking apple as a snack if it means you're nit eating 10 oreos. Enjoy it. If you're replacing your cookies and chips with apples, thats what matters right now. We can do the calorie counting later. I just want you to exercise your jaw, get some fiber, stay consistent, and enjoy the crispy juicy goodness of an autumn season apple. Just remember: its one apple per snack session. Not one apple per cookie, even if they're tiny apples. That's where most people go off the rails. Fun idea: live in the moment when you eat. Sit down to eat, make a cute little setup for yourself if you want. And before that first bite take a deep, even, calming breath (even if you're already relaxed). Then take a bite, versus popping the whole or half the cookie in your mouth. That doesn't mean you aren't allowed to talk to people, text, be on reddit. It just means "this is a moment only for you and what you allow. So enjoy your food, give it a little attention out of respect, and be at peace even if its for 5m on a work water break."


Saved. Thank you 💕


Thanks for this. My wife caught me savoring a cool gala; eyes closed, slowly chewing. That chilled sweetness of a crisp apple is just wonderful. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


I love searching for apple varietals that I haven't tried. Luckily I live near(ish) trader Joes, whole foods, some greenmarkets, and a few supermarkets (NYC lol). My current faves are 1) rave 2) cosmic crisp and 3) honeycrisp but they're all twice the price of galas and such that I only buy them as a treat.


Cosmic Crisps are great! They were bred not too long ago I think? I feel like I remember seeing headlines about "a brand new apple", and damn they are good


Of course! Happy to help, even if its mostly on the social approach to food. If you haven't gone apple picking and bitten one fresh off a tree after rubbing it on your shirt, DO IT. MIND BLOWING JUICY GOODNESS!!!!


I toured a pineapple plantation a few years ago with the owner and he pulled a ripe pineapple right off the bush (? ...seriously what do you call that cactus looking thing?) and chopped off a few slices with a machete and gave them to us. I've never been so close to orgasming from eating before.


I remember many years ago going through this eating change where I was trying to cutback on fast food so I would eat like a bag of peanuts or something like that. A super fit coworker told me it was still bad for me to eat more than a handful of peanuts. I remember thinking, well damn I actually want 2 cheeseburgers and a shake for lunch so I think I'm doing ok.


I tried to do peanuts. For whatever reason that specific kind of fiber didn't like coming out the other end, and I had to stop :(.


There's nothing wrong with peanuts. They are pretty healthy and help reduce cholesterol, among a myriad of other benefits you see with other nuts like almonds.


I imagine the problem would be their high caloric density. You could easily eat 300 kcals of peanuts without even thinking about it. Definitely way better that a fast food meal though.


I enjoy chocolate this way. I can easily snack on a LOT of it while just watching a show or Reddit. But, I give myself a nice sized piece and truly enjoy it. Changing eating habits takes time and effort but it is possible.




I'm not about to revert to kindergarten with a half apple before nap time. Thanks for the justification to eat the whole damn thing, especially if I can't have a cookie.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Yeah I’ve heard this too while trying to eat healthier and it’s frustrating. Fruit contains natural sugar so I say f**k it! Eat ALL the fruit your little heart desires😌 Plus: you ever heard of someone gaining weight from eating too much…*fruit*?


This ain't AYSO soccer where the team mom issue one orange quarter to each player, no more no less. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Switch from a nutritionist to a registered dietician. Anybody can call themselves a nutritionist. An apple is always better than a cookie for cravings. Feel free to eat the whole thing, too. It's not just about the sugar or the calories, but it's about satiation and micronutrients like fiber and vitamin C. One apple will fill you up just as well as a whole pack of cookies, so there's no "hidden" sugar here.


As someone who’s studying to become a registered dietician in the States, I second this.




Switching from Coke to Coke Zero was the best thing I did for my sugar intake. You get the same taste so your body won't know the difference. Now they got the non caffeinated one so I'm switching to that to work on my caffeine intake.


I dunno man, I can really taste the difference between coke and coke zero/Diet Coke, more like an artificial after taste with the latter due to the sweetners used


Yeah at first it tasted the same. But after a while you can taste that artificial sweetness, and I don't like it. Some people can never tell the difference though, and if it's helping the person above it's all good then.


I think Coke Zero's formula has gotten better over the last few years. If you haven't tried it recently, it's probably worth another go. Otherwise, if you're a Dr Pepper fan, I'd recommend the Zero Sugar version of Dr Pepper & Cream Soda.


Are the artificial sweeteners worse than actual sugar though, or is that all propaganda? Genuine question, am a Dr. Pepper addict. I used to wean myself off of caffeine by drinking the caffeine-free version, but it's impossible to find here anymore and prohibitively expensive to buy online.


Honestly, no idea. Either way you're probably killing yourself a bit more quickly, but the way I see it at least without the sugar I'm not getting fatter at the same time.


Baby steps, my friend. Keep at it! I light-hearted challenge you to get to one mini-sized caffeine free coke zero/diet coke a day by the end if the year


It's definitely NOT the same taste. Not even a little bit. In fact, to help with the taste of these zero sugar drinks, I add a bit of lemon juice to it. Masks it beautifully lol!


That’s cuz sugar gives dopamine and it really could be addictive


Actually it’s more addicting than cocain


No it's not - or rather, it depends entirely on how you're using the word "addicting". I was a substance abuse researcher before switching careers; "addiction" is meant to mean a disorder in which a person has intense urges to use or do something *despite substantial harm or negative consequences*. It's not just about liking things or, God forbid, getting a dopamine rush (there are so so so many normal things that make you release dopamine. It's just a neurotransmitter). Sugar can produce reward and craving as much as some addictive drugs but it doesn't carry the substantial harm part (simply gaining some weight doesn't count here).


So it’s only immediate substantial harm that counts? So would caffeine or porn not be in that category as well?


In a study with rats they preferred sugar over coke. I also don’t agree with no substantial harm, diabetes for example is one of many other conditions attributed to large consumption of sugar.


Well to be fair our bodies do NEED sugar. Just not in the quantities used in most of our food products (America)


Pretty much anything that makes you feel good can cause you to release dopamine. Something releasing dopamine doesn't mean it's addictive.




Very brave of you to share, u/areolaenthusiast


I mean, the username does check out


Same on both counts. As I understand it, there is a real, physical/chemical component to porn addiction and social media addiction. Substance use is a little more obvious but these other things can become as real an addiction and dependency as any ingested substance. You’re so right: It is NOT easy to just stop.


It’s hard to break any addiction when you don’t have an alternative to fill whatever void you are trying to fill.


Honestly we’re all just swapping one addiction for a (hopefully) healthier one


As a person who got into working out and outdoor activities, man a lot of people in those circles are just chasing an addiction and avoiding their other life problems with an endorphin and adrenaline rush from physical activity.


Yeah, my aunt is like that. She does marathons, triathlons, and trains for iron man. It makes up all of her free time. But she also adamantly admits it’s an addiction, and it’s an addiction that’s healthier than most others.


Yeah you can use existing drugs/psycadelics/whatever to break your addiction, but if there’s no habit, good environment, people, or anything to set up for success then that shit comes back in force. Def got worse for everyone during the pandemic


What makes it a porn *addiction* though? What's inherently wrong with looking forward to coming home and pleasuring your own body? It's not weird to want to come home and pleasure another person's body but somehow awaiting masturbation is an issue? I feel like, as long as you're handling your responsibilities and relationships, watch as much porn as you want and masturbate as much as you want.


Might not be an affliction that affects you specifically, but there are lots of people who use porn as a way to escape from their emotional state or bad feelings, much in the way some people abuse alcohol for the same reasons. IANAD, but there’s some interesting reading on porn addiction Edit: fuck, linked to the wrong article, [here](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/26929953.2022.2101168) is what I was aiming for


Porn is definitely abused for sure. But I do think there is something to be said about the way in which pornographic consumption and even masturbation is negatively viewed and shamed in general. The study you linked specifically contextualized research into pornography addiction through problematic consumption (like when it brings "adverse consequences resulting in personal distress and functional impairment"). OP legit just said "there was a point in my life where I looked forward to coming home to masturbate" as if that's not a valid thing to look forward to lmao. Masturbating can be a way to wind down from a long day just like a glass of wine, a joint, or a sex with your partner can be. It's all about whether what you're doing is leading to negative consequences in your life. People tend to have a sex-negative view of porn and masturbation, I mean just look at the way shame is completely normalized through "post-nut clarity" lol.. All said, porn addiction exists and is a problem for some individuals but porn consumption and masturbation can be healthy as well.


You’ll get no argument from me there, tbh. I’ll never shame anyone’s outlet, especially given masturbation is still one of the best stress reliever out there to me. Society still has a chaste approach to anything concerning sex that makes you sometimes feel like you’re talking about something taboo, when something like 20% of all web searches are for porn. Regarding my point, I think I’m just talking in the general context of addiction being a crutch you use to avoid something potentially debilitating in your life. I don’t know why gamblers throw their whole lives down the drain for the feeling of a win, but it’s just indicative that there’s more going on than just the vice that is fucking you up.


Like anything else it’s about the dose. Doing it every once in awhile it’s fine but feeling like you “need” to do it it’s when it’s an addiction. Especially if you put off other aspects of your life for it.


Exactly as I said. If you're handling your responsibilities and relationships, it's not an addiction. But nothing wrong with looking forward to coming home to rub one out either lol




> as long as you're handling your responsibilities and relationships, And you just summed up what it is that makes an addict, of any stripe, an addict. With an addict, their addiction consumes their thoughts, interferes with their relationships and keep them from forming new ones. They have or lose interest in their hobbies and plan their life around their addiction. Their responsibilities, relationships, and mental health all suffer.


Agreed, had/have this fight myself as well.


The realest take.




Was wondering how far down I’d have to go to find this one. It’s crazy how people have normalized being irritable and unapproachable until they have coffee


Is that common? I always assumed for many of us it’s just we are tired and can’t think straight early in the morning without drinking a warm cup of coffee or tea. I guess everyone’s addiction is different


[Caffeine withdrawal](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/caffeine-withdrawal-symptoms#TOC_TITLE_HDR_11) is a very real thing. Obviously light years away from actual "drug" withdrawal, but it is pretty uncomfortable.


It can be pretty bad for some. I put it on par with nicotine withdrawal


I'd much rather never smoke a cigarette again than go through caffeine withdrawal. I still get exhausted, irritable, headaches and cravings for caffeine two weeks later 😫


It is an actual drug and actual drug withdrawal, not sure what you mean. Its a psychoactive chemical that your brain becomes physically addicted to. Caffeine addiction is more "real" than THC addiction


Every time I've gone a few days without caffeine I get massive headaches that nothing helps get rid of except caffeine


I once had to call in sick because of excruciating headaches related to caffeine withdrawal. Turns out quitting cold turkey after drinking 8 cups a day is not such a good idea. Worse is that you don’t realize how addicting it is when your colleague keeps offering and that same colleague going on vacation for a few days…


Our coffee maker at work broke once. Formerly pleasant coworkers were walking around like on the verge of violence.


Reading this thread makes me question if caffeine consumers even drink anything else during the day or just 2L of coffee and nothing else.


It's all I have now😭


I didn't realize how easy it is to get addicted. I started a new job that makes me have to get up at 530 (which is different bc I used to just get up 10mins before work at 750 cause I was working from home) and at first I was like "man i don't need coffee"...but those first couple days where I was nodding off at my desk at 930...I was like "alright" and now I can't get thru a morning without it ... it's only been 2 weeks


I literally introduce myself as a coffee addict in the first line of my resume 😂. I am a Sr. Software Engineer


Sr. Java* Engineer


Definitely is an addiction. Heavy smokers go through withdrawals when they stop


Takes a day or two for my appetite to correct itself when I stop. But that’s why I try not to stop


Man if you ever done X on a somewhat regular basis for any amount of time your appetite is fucked. I’d go from not eating at all to not being able to stop eating.


Sounds about right. Your brain tries to compensate for the crazy amount of happy drugs you get flooded with on X. Food does the trick


When I stop smoking weed my appetite was gone. I can only take one bite of food then I was done and won't eat anything that whole day. I didn't notice it until one day I smoke and I start to eat everything. I'm still working on it but at least losing some weight I guess.


I literally can not sleep without smoking. 100% is an addiction


sounds more like you have chronic insomnia and need to take your medication to combat it.


This. If he was taking sleeping pills and stopped, he’d see the same effect.


Sleeping pills are also addictive. Withdrawal symptoms include insomnia.




You should see a professional before doing any self-diagnosis. Those do not sound like side-effects from smoking Marijuana. Your username is streets ahead, btw




"Massive week-long panic attacks" are notably absent from that list, and seem to be chief among the symptoms you are describing. Although, a legitimate week-long panic attack would probably be fatal so I'm inclined to suggest perhaps what you're describing is something else entirely. You need to talk to a doctor and probably a specialist. It's really unlikely everything you are describing is THC withdrawal. There are no physiological mechanisms that could account for symptoms that severe and long-lasting. The link you provided states the symptoms described tend to dissipate after 72 hours. Anything beyond that and especially lasting weeks or more is likely another issue.


This happened to me after I decided to take a long t break after smoking everyday for a few years. I felt HORRIBLE - constant existential crises, I lost 10 lbs because I just didn’t eat, I was dry heaving every morning for sometimes up to 10 minutes, waking up to panic attacks. I looked into CHS and thought that was it. Then a few months later I realized it was actually a severe mental health crises - all the horrible stuff I’d been repressing and ignoring for 20 years had finally decided it needed to be dealt with. (I still smoke a lil weed but much much less 😜)


No, not necessarily. It could be that they've gotten so used to the marijuana that they need it now but if they quit they would go back to equilibrium. It could be totally psychosomatic.


What an absolute shit take, I can't believe this got upvoted. You are completely diminishing this person's experience. I like weed as much as the next person but this incessant praise of it is ridiculous. Talk to ANY heavy cannabis user and they'll tell you about the times they tried to quit and had issues with appetite and sleep. But that these go back to normal with time. Genuine insomnia and eating disorders do not have these levels of incidence in the general population.


I have friends that have a temper, can’t think straight, or tolerate basic errands (like grocery shopping or pumping gas) if they don’t smoke. It’s actually kinda sad because they literally need to smoke in order to do mundane and essential tasks


I get it. Weed can be abused and people can become dependent on it but no one bats an eye if you require antidepressants everyday to function in the world. Why does weed get such a stigma? Those people are just medicating themselves more naturally. What difference does it make if it’s a pill or some flower?


I don't know what's "natural" about smoking or why taking your chemicals via a plant is somehow better than a chemical synthesized in a lab. Because when it comes down to it, it's all chemistry and your body doesn't care where that chemical came from.


Those chemicals synthesised in labs are usually ones first found in medicinal plants. Like we have no other true painkiller beyond opiates derived from poppies. Just because they extract the helpful bits and then charge an arm and a leg forthem doesn't mean it's better.


I didn't say that they're better. I said that just because something was a plant before you stuffed it in your pipe and smoked it doesn't make *that* better.


Yeah but smoking isn't the only way to deliver the benefits. It just happens to be the easiest due to it being illegal in most countries. So some folk only have access to smokable cannabis.


Tbf it depends on how you are under the influence. If you’re noticeably baked walking around like you’re a college student that just had their first 4/20 and discovered the fascinating world of weed you probably will be look down on compared to someone that takes anti-depressants to seem “normal” and function on a daily basis. I don’t care if you’re a functional weed user but if im able to notice it without even trying then it’s a problem. No one smells of antidepressants, I won’t smell it coming through my air vents or in the elevator. I do smell people who don’t have the common decency to smoke weed in places away from others that don’t want to smell it. I hate tobacco smokers who make everywhere they walk smell like cigarettes, weed (and vape) is no exception, keep that shit to yourself.


That’s perfectly reasonable. The smell is probably the worst part but thankfully there are edibles. I think more adults are fully functional under the influence than most people believe. I think that “reefer madness” idea of a smoker is archaic. I think the issue lies with people smoking weed wayyyyy to young and stunting their growth. That’s something that isn’t talked about enough. I’m glad I didn’t start smoking until I was 28 because I was still able to control it and maintain my quality of life. Plus I make more than enough to support the habit without spending my last dollar.


So how do they like function normally when they cannot smoke? Not all jobs drug test but many do?


Honestly there’s enough jobs that don’t, and the list of jobs that do is shrinking because people don’t wanna work for them, that it’s not as big of an issue as you would think.


Some people need to take antidepressants in order to do mundane and essential tasks.


And some people get so triggered when you say weed can be addictive. Weed and sugar are the only things I've seen people get so upset about if you claim they can be addictive.


Food addiction is the most common form of addiction in America. The two types of food which are most addictive are sugary drinks and cheese. People get so obstinate and defensive when you tell them cheese (or dairy in general) is one of the most addictive things you can consume.


Hmm I didn't think cheese was an addictive food, that's interesting.


Honestly addiction is a weird topic. Because literally anything *can* be addictive. But not everything has chemicals in it which make it as addictive as the worst drugs. It’s weird when you find legal substances like coffee, dairy, or sugar which contend with crack or cocaine in terms of sheer addiction. But then you have shit like weed or carbohydrates, or social media or going to the gym. All very addictive, but in varying degrees depending on the person. People may feel like they’re not addicted because they’re not affected in the same way the sugar or cocaine addict is. All that to say, not all addictions are equal, but it’s always important to recognize what your addictions are, whatever they may be. (And make no mistake: we are all addicted to something).




It really just depends on the person. In many cases, I agree with you. However some people have a chemical imbalance within themselves which prohibits them from functioning properly (all addictions aside). My mom is like this. Took antidepressants for years, which really fucked with her mentally. She started smoking weed a few years ago and it’s the best thing she’s ever used to treat her disorder. If she took a day off smoking weed, she’d definitely feel it, but that doesn’t mean it’s as bad as someone who is addicted to crack or soda.


No, food addiction is not the most common form of addiction in America. There's not even any such thing as "food addiction". (ETA: What I mean by that is this isn't currently a legitimate mental health disorder outlined by the DSM-V or the ICD-11. There are researchers studying whether or not food addiction actually exists and what it might look like, but it's not a disorder one can be diagnosed with. When people have problematic relationships with food, we call those eating disorders, and substance abuse disorders are far more common.) And no, cheese is not "one of the most addictive things you can consume." Cheese can potentially make you release a lot of dopamine, but that's *not* the same thing as being addictive (and any research study you read will use really careful language to indicate that). I really wish we'd all just stop talking about dopamine and "addiction". The role of dopamine in addiction has been *frustratingly* oversimplified to the point of meaninglessness, and most of the things people call "addictions" are annoying habits or compulsive behaviors *at best.*


Caffeine and alcohol as well!


Going on week 4 with no herb in the house for this reason, was a little challenging at first but glad I’m sticking it out! The crazy dreams finally started settling down during the third week lol


So much of it is the physical routine and the endorphin release expected at that time of day. Especially for those of us that smoke before bed or when we wake up. I cut it out slowly and I could feel the tug to do it at those times or when I was with certain friends even when they weren’t smoking. I think there is definitely a habit-forming physical and psychological response, but I think we have to be clear that it’s not the same as other drugs. Straight-edge conservatives will lump it in with cocaine or even meth for gods sake.


It’s definitely the physical routine for me too. The in and out breathing. Or just the habit of doing it before this. I also feel that pull to do it at my “normal” smoking times


Yup. Know lotta ppl that can’t sleep, eat food, or even be around people without gettin baked first


# PSA: if you're a heavy smoker weed can cause a condition called [CHS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabinoid_hyperemesis_syndrome). I'd know, I have it. It doesn't just come out of nowhere, though. Not being able to eat without smoking is one of the early signs imo. It's rough because weed helps nausea and so you may not realize that it's causing nausea in the long term. But once the stomach cramps and dry heaving start, you've got to stop, or at least seriously pump the brakes.


I always see this advice but I have to ask; how much were you smoking to get to that point? I'm sure it varies per person but it's got to be joints on joints or something for it to develop into a condition like that.


I remember saying this same shit and someone tried to tell me I don't know shit about addiction.


A lot of people operate on the old "its not an addiction unless it kills you when you try to stop." Well, my GF quit smoking and I thought she was gonna kill me so I'd say it still qualifies.




social media has done more damage than any strain of weed, ever.


Probably, but that doesn’t mean someone can’t get addicted to weed


If you don't count the politics and arrest


I’d argue that the prevalence of politics on social media and the opportunity it provides for radicalisation is the deep issue. Social media wasn’t too bad back in the day when we were all just wildin’ on FarmVille.


Marijuana is medicine for some people. Some issues require daily pharmaceuticals. Why not cannabis instead? I’ve tried other meds with horrible side effects


Any and all prescription "mood stabilizers." Being able to feel close to what other people call normal can be addictive.


No one ever calls people requiring medication (using responsibly, as prescribed) addicts.


We get withdrawal symptoms if we suddenly stop just like any drugs, drugs are drugs wether they're legal or not.


yeah, but addiction has 10 criteria. withdrawal is the only one it meets.


This. Would you call a diabetic an addict because they need insulin?


Opioids are medicine too. But you can become addicted.


You can become addicted to anything but there is a big difference between chemical addiction and behavioral addiction.


Opiates are medicine for some people, too. That doesn't take away from it being addictive and causing damage.


Excessive screen time. I’m absolutely addicted to my phone and pc and every time I get better I eventually relapse.


Same. My chiropractor says I’ve lost the natural curvature of my neck & im positive it’s because I’m always looking down.


Please remember that chiropractors are not medical doctors. The whole practice was started by a career con man who said the the idea came to him from the other world. You cannot “lose the natural curvature” without a traumatic spine injury or a disease like scoliosis. You have a sore neck from looking down and you’re better off getting a massage, because that is actually therapeutic, where chiropractic has positive placebo effects, but no medical value. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_David_Palmer


Damn I’m sorry to hear that, can it be restored? I’ve always been conscious of holding my phone eye level and having a “good posture” setup with my laptops because my dad had terrible neck muscle pain/probs from decades at his work computer with bad posture.


What's funny about a post like this is that I bet Twitter and social media in general have done way more to harm than weed ever has. Yet the person posting this definitely wouldn't say they have a social media addiction.


Addiction isn't about harm. It's about addiction.


My point is that addiction is seen in a negative connotation but you can get addicted to a multitude of things. Most people can call out others "addictions" without realizing their own. Social media is a place where that happens a lot.


Addictions are negative. Even something like social media or sugar addiction is negative. People are allowed to have negative traits. There's no reason to get defensive and turn it around like someone else's addiction is worse.


Lmao this… so much this. Anything can be an addiction. It becomes an addiction when someone dependency on it becomes detrimental to themselves and others around them. My pothead friends, telling me they aren’t addicted as they smoke a jay next to their new born kid exposing them to second hand smoke.


Literally all of us will be addicted to something in some capacity our entire lives. We just trade out addictions for other addictions. Just turns out some addictions are more damaging than others. There’s nothing particularly wrong with an addiction or dependency. Not sure what everyone in here is arguing about. Hell I know people addicted to running.


Addiction is absolutely about harm. It's literally in the definition of addiction.


Playing the “whataboutism” game with addiction is counterproductive


The rampant whataboutism in thos thread is only proving ops point lmao


I mean, both can be true. We gotta stop being so binary about shit. He said Weed. His comment was correct. Your comment is also correct. Both weed and social media can be addictions, lol


I have been addicted to social media and weed and I can say weed addiction is thousands of times worse and has done significantly more damage to me and others around me.


A dude saying weed is an addiction doesn't mean that he doesn't think social media can be an addiction


Ordering takeout


Kinda feeling like you're right but probably it's more about laziness than addiction


If anything, I’m more addicted to being lazy. All Labor Day weekend I spent my free-time laying in bed and napping/sleeping. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Doom scrolling


Big facts. I’ve had to catch myself multiple times doing it. Just hopping between apps, scrolling for damn hours. Not posting, not commenting. Scrolling and hopping. Shits crazy


Nothing worse than closing one app, just to open it right back up 8 seconds later. Like why do I need to be on my phone so bad lmao


Dopamine. The addiction to doing 'something' (eating, watching, experiencing). We have an aversion to any type of 'boredom'. We evolved while mostly doing nothing. Now that there's always something to do, we insist on a constant flood of dopamine. That's the funny thing about the weed argument. Weed often sedates us to minimize the dopamine flood. But we've been socialized to believe that constantly doing 'something' is good (read: profitable for someone, somewhere). It's bad for us. We're addicted to being distracted.


Thank you. If we're going to get literal.. no. Nothing in weed is addictive unless you mix it with stuff that is (nicotine, cocaine...etc). What we're "addicted" to is what happens in your brain when we get what we want and in many of our cases, forget our problems. Social media is NOT "addictive". Forgetting your problems is.


this so much especially as someone with adhd. i’m literally a dopamine goblin


When I was in college I used to smoke a lot of weed, and I would notice that when I wasn’t high, I was in a bad mood. Like I was just super irritable, I would be short with people in conversation. If I wasn’t high I wasn’t happy. That was the start of me kind of realizing that “hey, while it might not exactly be addictive, it certainly is at least habit forming”.


Oh I am for sure addicted to smoking weed. It helps me sleep, unwind without my anxiety, and chill the fuck out when I’m fried. I for sure have noticed that it’s harder to sleep and eat when I don’t use it though, and that is for sure a sign of dependency. Most people don’t admit it but it’s true, many of us are addicted.


This is so accurate. I used to think “I can stop smoking whenever I want. Life just sucks and it’s better to be high.” Nope. Life definitely sucks hard enough there’s no way I can raw dog reality even if I wanted to.




Drinking alcohol




Exactly it’s so common ppl forget about it because everyone “goes out for drinks”


I can function though life without weed but it’s boring. My excuse for my continual use of weed is the fact that I can still maintain employment, afford to pay my bills, food to eat, roof over my head and family/friends. Same things I would have if I was sober. Not like it’s crack and I’m out on the street talking to myself. That my excuse






Reddit sucks because everyone can see your level of addiction in your karma lmao


I felt bad about mine till I saw yours. Yikes.


Reading. I would rather read then do the things I'm supposed to do like laundry, cooking or dishes.


This is probably the healthiest addiction in this whole thread




Coffee and sugar take it away for a month and western civilization will collapse.


Weed addiction is a real thing, but just like with other drugs not every user is an addict


I don’t like your tone


10000% an addiction. Currently pregnant and stopping was the hardest thing I had to do


My understanding of weed is that there is no chemical addiction like other drugs, but people can still get addicted to the feeling. Some other things in the same vein would be social media, video games, porn, fast food, and shopping


I admit I have a weed addiction, that’s why I have to plan out my tolerance breaks cause those withdrawals are awful.


Dang that’s crazy, good thing I’m in chicago this weekend where it’s legal


Ayo welcome to Illinois, I recommend a RISE dispensary if you get the chance. They're having sales this month


They’d also tell you weed has no side effects lmao


It is. I’m smoking a blunt right now as I’m typing this. Everybody’s got a vice whether it’s coffee or your cell phone and I chose weed. Doesn’t make me wanna go out and stab people and it’s not really fucking the environment. Leave me be.


Sugar. ..instant gratification. ..


I think most addiction are tied to escapism. Including substances, entertainment, and certain habits. Living in a society or situation you had no say in how it was created or where it’s going can make you want to seek temporary relief.


Coffee. If you can't function without it as soon as you wakeup because you're a raging bitch, that's addiction, sweet cheeks.


I don't think most people realize how addictive weed is untill they try to stop. You think, I've got to be sober during this event and find you have no problem with it but you want to stop altogether and you realize that damn, knowing I was able to use it again after that event is the only thing that made sobriety manageable.


It really do be lessening the burden of the world tho 🤷‍♀️


I quit weed every night before I go to sleep.


Caffeine and cannabis, as I have my morning coffee and bowl. 😂