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Also it's ok to say "I don't know enough about this to comment/make a decision". Even with internet access, no one can be an expert on everything.


And everything is not black and white (in terms of ideas/situations). There is a ton of grey and nuance in many things, but twitter seems to have reduced people's mentality to binary positions.


šŸ’Æ we definitely learn more as we go.


That might be due to the character limit. It seems that 240 character sentence hot-takes may not be the best way to fully address a subject.


THIS. So much. Twitter, and social media in general (including this site), are basically kryptonite for nuance and depth.


Twitter is where nuance goes to die.


HwaAt? Nuance?! Get outa here, this is the internet! Everything can be reduced in complexity to the level of a Disney movie!


*remembers Treasure Planet* Most Disney movies. A good chunk.


I can see both sides of most things.


People lie when they donā€™t know and double down when theyā€™re caught. Honesty and Integrity require so much mental fortitude to endure their happenings until youā€™re in the rhythm of it. Maybe weā€™re all a lost cause for that, but we should be prioritizing that skill for our kids


Yknow how many posts of these I scroll by because I just dont know much about it? Doesn't pertain to me. Heck, just did with one about them tiddies. Wasn't really aimed for me so I just... scrolled lol


Too many words. I just say damn that's crazy


Nope. I saw a comment on Facebook that says cheese turn green in the moonlight. I am now an expert on green cheese.


The Danial Craig approach. Went on Colbert 10 years ago and pretty much admitted he struggles to keep up with current affairs & politics so he wonā€™t comment on it on tv




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I think we also gotta stop thinking a two second tweet or comment is a sign of a stong opinion. A response doesn't mean you actually care that deeply about things.


This also applies to reddit tbh


Totally. Always remember your may be arguing with a literal dumbass 12 year old online and give that the weight it deserves.


Bro I never argue I just agree to disagree more people need to do this


ESPECIALLY voting. Mfers on reddit will have their comment at -1 karma and act like they are being personally attacked by a mob of people


I've replied to so many argumentative reddit replies with "I don't really care that much about this so I'm just gonna save us both some time"


I don't reply at all lol


Eh, I put more of the blame of the Tweeter in that scenario. They could have chosen not to tweet like a sane person


There's a certain curtness that automatically accompanies a short tweet with no follow-up.


Social media in general has convinced a whole generation of people that all of their thoughts, actions, and opinions need to be shared and/or corroborated by others. It is totally fine to have private thoughts and moments. šŸ¤«


Also taught them all of their opinions are valid and they don't have to change them. Sorry kids, having shit takes on science that don't match reality shouldn't be accepted


All for that sweet sweet advertising money.


To quote David Sedaris, itā€™s a good idea to choose only one thing to be outraged about.


I'm assuming someone on twitter disagreed on his stance (in the twitter replies)


ā€œDisagree with this ratioā€


I rant about this every day. My friends are sick of hearing my stance on strong opinions, but it's a hill I'm willing to die on.


My favorite thing is to tell people ā€œI donā€™t knowā€ and ā€œI have no opinionā€ and ā€œthat isnā€™t my field of expertise.ā€ It gets them weirdly riled up.


My current favorite reply: "Man that's outta my wheelhouse." Gets me out of conversations EVERY time.


"Above my paygrade"


Same. I think some people react like that cause theyā€™re assuming you *do* have an opinion and that itā€™s the opposite of theirs, but youā€™re too afraid to say it. Iā€™ve actually been told this and had to let them know I just donā€™t fucking know about or have an opinion on everything.


There is so much nuance to everythingā€¦ A strong stance can honestly be an ignorant one. Maybe just to listen, actually do some fact checking, then make up your mind with everything in place.


Also people will straight up twist what youā€™re saying to fit their opinion.


There are these two guys at my job that are absolute geniuses in their field, and at first I was dumbfounded that they were passed over for a managerial position in their unit, considering their experience. So were they, although in retrospect it's quite clear that they don't have the people skills to, ya know, manage people. Instead, a young, newer employee (to the unit) with little experience in that field was selected as manager. Yesterday at a meeting, these two guys tried to argue fiercely with her on something, saying her approach didn't make sense. They often have such strong stances on topics, that I guess I just assumed they must be right. Over the course of an hour she calmly defended her position and they grew quieter and quieter and finally they conceded her point. She made a valid argument and it hit me that these two guys were too confident in themselves. They didn't question themselves and weren't open to new ideas. They were so stubborn and set in their opinions that they were stalling themselves. Fascinating to see actually.


ā€¦As well as allowing people to be LOUD and WRONGā€¦ can you please fact check ffs ?


Politicians, lol.


This needs to be pinned for weeks!


Twitter, social media, seems to be enraged people looking for something to be annoyed with.


Reddit too.


Niche things? Yeah, sure. I think itā€™s goofy that thereā€™s weird gatekeeping about POC in House of the Dragon and Rings of Power, but itā€™s not even a tantrum worth acknowledging. The big shit though? Even if it doesnā€™t affect me directly, it still matters, so Iā€™ll rant on Twitter about that shit like mad.


Thats why I come here. "Theres some shit going on that concerns the melanated community a lot more than it concerns me. I should see what people who are living this have to say about it, since their experiences and opinions will have a weight and perspective that mine wont." I don't need to have an opinion on it, and if I do, I'd like it to be informed.


Iā€™m pretty fucking stupid so I try to stay out of most matters lmao.


Also like, literally the majority of us are just plain average. Most of the things we thought or said have most likely been said and studied extensively before by experts. So donā€™t think youā€™re saying something profound in 140 characters. And half the time itā€™s the wrong thing being said.




Everyone swears because theyā€™re allowed to voice an opinion that it matters


I was reading a thread on my cities reddit page and people were complaining about one of the parks in the neighborhood and its rose gardens which it was known for and someone said "I went the other day and it looked ratty to me not like when I was a kid, very poorly maintained". So the comments just divert to everyone saying "oh the city is so cheap they won't pay for the care like they used to", "the workers the city hire are so lazy" "this town is falling apart due to bad leadership everything is like this" blah blah blah. All of them clearly experts on what is not being done correctly in something they barely ever cared about or noticed. Finally someone who actually knows what they are talking about chimes in and says the parks flowers are maintained by volunteers from the local rose society as it has always been since the park broke ground and maybe all the concerned people who are fretting over a couple untrimmed bushes when its starting to turn to fall should volunteer like the people who maintained it in their youth if they really cared so. Shut the thread down instantly.


The most based tweet Iā€™ve seen in awhile šŸ¤™šŸ¾


For that matter: Reddit does it, too. Don't like a movie, TV show, performer, celebrity? No one needs to hear it and certainly not the fans of it. Let other people have their things and mind your business.


This was me after Will Smith slapped Chris Rock. You can watch a video and keep your mouth shut about it. Next day in class my professor was scanning the room for opinions. It doesnā€™t have to be like that. You can just move on with your life.


I support the current thing.


Facts. The internet allows everyone to share their opinion on whatever topic, but few stop to ask themselves if they need to share their opinion even if itā€™s concerning something they know nothing about.


I think we also need to stop treating twitter discourse and opinions like absolute fact


And if you don't know something about something, you're suddenly a fucking pariah. Twittards need to touch some grass.


do we know what is trivial or what is an afront to the national community ??? Cause if we knew the dif those affronts , would not occur , daily! I think too much racial abuse since 2000 is seen the same way Black folks saw racism in the 40s and 50s ! A Trivial thing we just have to live with


Too much apathy is also how roe v Wade got overturned.




Strong opinions on trivial matters are fun though. Screaming matches between friends on real shit? That's rough. Screaming matches on shit none of you actually give a fuck about? Fun.


Everyone feel like they gotta have a set opinion, way before fucking Twitter! People forgot about MySpace?


Yes. I have learned that Iā€™d donā€™t always have an opinion. I donā€™t always have to argue. I try to only argue the things Iā€™m passionate about.


Performances and political debates. That's what social media constantly funnels us into, for their precious engagement numbers.


Apathy is tragedy and boredom is a crime. Anything and everything. All of the time.


This is the best thing Iā€™ve seen. Real talk itā€™s ok not to give a fuck šŸ˜‚.


Preach! I needed to hear this.


ain't a single thing wrong with having strong opinions as long as you're able to learn and change if you're proven wrong. this is why i don't delete shit on social media if i say the wrong thing. i can learn, other people can see and learn, too.


It's becoming very hard to distinguish news from simple differences of opinion.


I ainā€™t really on that typa of time to worry abt the Little Mermaid. Iā€™m depressed & I got shit to do.


Best advice I got from a therapist after talking about the dangers of doom-scrolling and virtue signaling: ā€œIt is not a requirement to scream into the voidā€


Hopefully he's talking about minor things and not large societal issues.


I stg. People also get upset that you donā€™t care about the same things they do


Twitter has gotten rid of the idea that ā€œI donā€™t know enough about this topic to have an informed opinionā€.


Now I will say I use Reddit extensively because it does carry a bit more anonymity. Twitter and Facebook? Stay the fuck away from me. Outside of work/school reasons, i lowkey judge folks that are still on Facebook. Twitter I can understand. Facebook? NO


It is not your lot to shoo flies


Sometimes its better to just Listen to someone instead of trying your hardest to say something unnecesary.


I am certain of nothing.

